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1、(2009年陕西卷)假定你是李华。在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到一个名叫Grownup的中学生发帖(post)寻求帮助。请根据帖子内容、写作要点和要求回帖。写作要点:1.告诉Grownup要理解母亲;2给Grownup提出解决问题的具体建议。注意:1.短文需写在答题卡的指定区域;2短文词数不少于80(不含已写好的部分);3内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯;4书写须清晰、工整。Hi,Grownup,As a student of your age,I understand your situation._ Hi,Grownup,As a student of your age,I understand

2、 your situation.The problem you are facing is common among our teenagers.However,it should be wise not to do anything that may hurt her feelings.Here are a few suggestions.First,its advisable to talk more with your mom.Hearttoheart talks help you understand each other better.They are also opportunit

3、ies to let her know your ideas and attitudes toward many things.Second,you should learn to do your own things well,proving to your mom that you are already a “grownup” Its even better if you could share more of the housework,such as cleaning,washing and cooking.Hope my ideas will work.Yours,Li Hua U

4、nit 13Healthy eating.重要单词聚焦1 n. 发烧;狂热2n. 充足;大量;富裕3 n. 日常饮食4 vi. 起作用;动转n. 功能;作用5adj. 健康的;适合的6 vt. 增加;获得feverplentydietfunctionfitgain7 n. 混合;混合物8 vt. 检查9 n. 精力;能量10n. 产品;产物11n. 化学制品;化学药品12vt.& vi.& n. 平衡13 vt. 消化(食物);领会14 adj. 瞌睡的;困乏的mixtureexamineenergyproductchemicalbalancedigestsleepy.重点短语扫描1 跟上;赶

5、上2 时而;不时;偶尔3 建立在的基础上4适用于;应用于5强身健体6 许多;大量的7 做出选择8 保持健康9 对有害10 合理饮食keep up withnow and thenbase ongo forbuild ones bodyplenty ofmake a choicekeep fitbe harmful toa balanced diet.课文原句突破1Our eating habits have changed,as has our way of life,and the fuel we need for our bodies is also different.信息提取as正如,

6、正像。例句仿写正如预料的一样,他被北京大学录取了。_ _ _,he had been admitted to Beijing University.【答案】As was expected2Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life.信息提取only位于句首且放在所修饰的状语(副词、介词短语或从句)前时,其后要用倒装语序。例句仿写只有用这种方法你才能解出这道题。Only in this way_ _ _ _ _ _.【答案】can you work out this problem3

7、Other nutrients,such as fibre and minerals,help keep our body functioning well.信息提取keep sb./sth.doing使某人做某事。例句仿写快点!别让他们等久了。Hurry up!Dont_ _ _ _ _.【答案】keep them waiting for long4Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just_the_way_they_areall we have to do is clean or peel them.信息提取clean前

8、省略了to。当主语是all sb.does或what sb.does或everything sb.does等一类的短语作主语时,作表语用的不定式常省略to。例句仿写比赛完后她所做的就是走到教练那里向她表示感谢,感谢她给予的帮助。What she did after the game was_ _ _ _ _ _ _her for all her help.【答案】go up to her trainer and thankexamine vt.(1)检查,审查My eyesight is beginning to fall.I will have my eyes examined tomorr

9、ow.我的视力开始下降。明天我得去检查一下。The customs officers examined the passengers and their luggage at the entrance to the airport.在机场的入口处,海关人员仔细地检查乘客和他们的行李。(2)考试,考核The teachers often examine the students in English.教师们常测试学生的英语。examination n.take an examination参加考试pass/fail an examination考试及格/不及格under examination在

10、检查中,在调查中When will the physical examination be held?什么时候进行体检?【examine与check】(1)examine强调“对身体或某物的检查”,看是否有毛病;也指“对物品的检查”,看是否有违禁的东西。Ill go to the hospital to have my eyes examined.我要去医院检查一下我的眼睛。(2)check查证,核实,看是否正确、属实。Youd better check your answers before you hand your paper in.交卷前你最好再检查一遍答案。1_(一年检测两次),wh

11、ether it is a car or a bus or a truck,is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.(examine) 【答案】Being examined twice a year2There was something wrong with my eyes,so yesterday I went to the hospital to have my eyes_.Asearched BlookedCexamined Dsought【答案】Cdiet(1)C 日常饮食;食物The doctor advised h

12、im to go on a diet to lose weight.医生建议他节食减肥。A balanced diet and regular exercise are both important for health.均衡的饮食和有规律的运动对健康都是很重要的。(2)vi.实行节食No sugar in my coffee,please,Im dieting.请不要给我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。3Would you like some more chicken?No,thanks.Im on a_and Im trying to lose weight.Aholiday Ctrip Cstri

13、ke Ddiet【解析】on a diet节食,符合题意。【答案】Denergy nU 精力,活力,能量;(pl.)工作能力,活动力I didnt have the energy to argue with her.我没有精力与她争吵。The suns energy will last for millions of years.太阳能将维持数百万年。Ill devote all my energies to the work.我要全力以赴做好这项工作。【energy,power与strength】(1)energy指生理上的“精力”,物理学定义中的“能”。He is full of ener

14、gy.他精力充沛。In the future,we will make full use of nuclear energy.在将来,我们会充分利用核能。(2)power指能力、权力,着重行动所根据的能力、本领或职权;还指人开发出的动力,如“电源;推力”。It is said that a power station will be built in the city.据说将在这个城市里建立一个发电站。Sorry,I cant do that for you because its beyond my power.对不起,我为你办不了那事,因为它超出了我的能力。(3)strength指人或物所

15、固有的力量和能量,侧重于表示人的“气力;意志;毅力”。He does weight training to build up his physical strength.他练举重以增强体力。4(2007年福建卷)You are always full of_.Can you tell me the secret?Taking plenty of exercise every day.Apower BstrengthCforce Denergy【解析】句意为:“你总是精力充沛。能告诉我其中的秘密吗?”每天进行大量的锻炼。”full of energy充满活力,精力充沛。power(身体的、心智的

16、)某种能力,体力,智力;strength体力,力气,力量;force权力,武力;energy精力,活力。【答案】D5You can stick to your own point of view,but in my opinion its not worth the_you will make.Astrength BenergyCeffort Duse【答案】Cfit(1)adj.健康的,合适的The employer concluded that he was fit for the job after the practical training.实习期过后老板下结论说他能胜任这项工作。P

17、roper exercise every day keeps us fit.每天适当的运动使我们保持健康。The weather is not fit to go out.这种天气不宜外出。(2)vt.适合This pair of shoes doesnt fit me.这双鞋我穿不合脚。(3)n.适合,合身I thought theyd be too big,but these shelves are a perfect fit.我原以为这些书架会太大,可是它们却正好合适。 【fit,suit与match】(1)fit vt.(做)合适(多指衣服尺寸、大小合适)This coat doesn

18、t fit meits so big.这件上衣不适合我穿太大了。Your clothes fit well.你的衣服很合身。(2)suit vt.(发式,衣服款式等)相配;适合(职业;年龄等)The new dress suited her very well.那套新服装和她很相配。The climate here suits me very well.这里的气候非常适合我。(3)match vt.& vi.(go with)匹配,表示大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。Her clothes dont match her age.她的服装和年龄不配。No one can match her

19、in knowledge of classical music.在古典音乐知识方面没有人能和她相比。6(2008年天津卷)Her shoes_her dress;they look very well together.Asuit BfitCcompare Dmatch【解析】句意为:她的鞋和她的裙子很匹配,搭配得很好。本题考查一组近义词辨析。suit是指颜色、花样或款式等相配,fit是大小、尺寸等正合适;compare比较;match指两个东西相称、匹配。【答案】D7This doesnt_me.Do you have a larger one?Sorry,but the color is

20、different.Does it_you?Afit;suit Bsuit;fitCfit;fit Dsuit;suit【解析】“大小,尺寸适合某人”应用fit;“色彩适合某人”应用suit。【答案】A8How about seven oclock outside the park?That_me fine.Asatisfies BsuitsCmeets Dfits【解析】suit me fine相当于suit me very well对我很合适。【答案】Bkeep up with跟上,不落在后面John has to work hard to keep up with his classma

21、tes.要想跟上同学们,约翰必须努力学习。The girl tries to keep up with the changes in fashion.那个女孩努力跟上时尚的变化。Dont runI cant keep up with you.别跑了,我赶不上你了。catch up with赶上Youll have to work harder to catch up with the top students in your class.要赶上班上最优秀的同学你得更加用功才行。You start first,walk on and Ill catch up with you later.你们先

22、动身,往前走,我等一会儿会赶上你们的。9Julie Annie is one of those women who always_the latest fashions.Akeeps up Bkeep upCkeep up with Dkeeps up with【解析】keep up with the latest fashions赶时尚。【答案】Cnow and then有时,时而,偶尔I dont think about my old home very much,only now and then.我不是非常想念我的老家,只是偶尔想起。They write to each other n

23、ow and then.他们时常互相通信。Although he is busy,he emails to me now and again.虽然他很忙,但他偶尔还是会给我发邮件。We havent seen each other for years,but we chat online a little now and a little then.我们已有多年未见过面了,但是我们有时会上网聊一聊。 10We all write_,even when theres not much to say.Anow and then Bby and byCstep by step Dmore or le

24、ss【解析】本题考查具体语言环境中短语的使用。句子的意思是“即使没有很多要说的,我们也时不时写封信”。now and then表示频率,与时间有关,呼应了when引导的时间状语从句。by and by意思是“不久”;step by step意思是“一步步地”;more or less的意思是“或多或少”“差不多,接近”。【答案】Aplenty of许多的,大量的They are in great need of plenty of books/money.他们急需大量的书/金钱。A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.建这座桥花了很多钱。

25、A great many books have been published this year.今年出版了许多书。There are lots of eggs in the basket.篮子里有许多鸡蛋。There is a lot of milk in the glass.杯子里有许多牛奶。Quantities of food were on the table.桌上食物丰盛。A large quantity of water is wasted in daily life.日常生活中大量的水被浪费了。11(2006年浙江卷)We always keep_spare paper,in c

26、ase we run out.Atoo much Ba number ofCplenty of Da good many【解析】本题考查表数量的短语的用法。too much意为“太多的”,修饰不可数名词;a number of许多,大量,修饰可数名词;plenty of丰富的,大量的,修饰可数与不可数名词;a good many 许多,修饰可数名词。句意为:“我们总是存有大量的备用纸,以防用完了。”【答案】C12Why does the lake smell terrible?Because large quantities of water_(已被污染)(pollute)【答案】have b

27、een polluted(P4)Only_in_that_way_will_we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life.只有这样我们才能保证自己对生活中的挑战和机遇有充分的准备。only引导的介词短语或状语从句放在句首,主句须用倒装语序。Only in this way can we learn a foreign language well.只有这样我们才能学好外语。Only when he returned home did he realize what had happened.当他回到家时,才知道出了什么事。Onl

28、y when school was over could he get back home.直到放学时,他才能够回家。若only修饰的是主语而非状语,则不用倒装。Only China can help this country solve its internal crisis.只有中国能够帮助这个国家解决国内危机。Only his mother was invited.只有他的妈妈受到邀请。13It was announced that only when the fire was under control_(才允许他们) to return to their homes.(permit)

29、【答案】would they be permitted14Only when I left my parents for Italy_(我才意识到) how much I loved them.(realize)【答案】did I realize15Only then_(她才意识到) how much damage had been caused.(realize)【答案】did she realize(P6)Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just_the_way_they_areall we have to do is

30、 clean or peel them.大多数水果是甜的,我们拿来就可以吃。我们唯一所做的就是把它们洗干净、去皮。(1)just the way they are是just in the way in which they are的省略。way常与介词in连用,有时in可省略;way后接定语从句时,常用in which或that引导,且引导词可省略。They didnt do it (in) the way (that) we do now.他们以前做这事不用我们现在的方式。He doesnt speak the way I do.他讲话的方式与我不同。I dont like the way

31、(that/in which) you laughed at her.我不喜欢你嘲笑她的方式。People liked the way he wrote and so he went on writing.人们喜欢他的写作方式,于是他继续写了下去。the way引导定语从句,且在从句中作主语或宾语时,应用which或that引导定语从句。The way he thought of to solve the problem was very good.他想出的解决问题的方法非常好。He called on people to solve the problem in a way which wa

32、s peaceful.他号召人们用和平的方法解决问题。(2)clean前省略了to。当主语是all sb.does或what sb.does或everything sb.does等一类的短语作主语时,作表语用的不定式常省略to。All we can do is wait with patience.我们所能做的就是耐心地等待。What I want to do now is stay alone for a while.现在我想做的事情是独自一人呆一会儿。16What surprised me was not what he said but_he said it.Athe way Bin t

33、he way thatCin the way Dthe way which【解析】句意为:让我感到吃惊的不是他所说的话而是他说话的方式。这里the way与what he said并列作表语,其后面he said it是省略了关系词的定语从句,关系词还可用that或in which。【答案】A17What surprised me was not what he said but_(他说的方式) it.(way)【答案】the way he said.单词拼写1You have to_(比较,权衡) the advantages of living in a big city against

34、the disadvantages.【答案】balance2Jim looks at Mary with a _(混合) of horror,envy,and awe.【答案】mixture3She stayed in the job for five years,_(获得) valuable experience.【答案】gaining4Harry has been saving his _(精力) for next weeks race in Japan.【答案】energy5I was very fat two years ago and all my friends advised m

35、e to lose some_(体重)【答案】weightII.语法专练1(2009年皖南八校三模)I find it astonishing that John_(竟然对我那么无礼)(rude)Not astonishing at all.He is always rude to others.【答案】should be so rude to me2You_(不应该迟到) for yesterdays meeting,as it was so important.(ought)【答案】ought not to have been late3You had_(最好不熬夜),for it har

36、ms your health.(stay)【答案】better not stay up 4(2010届烟台检测)Jenny_(本应该遵守诺言)I wonder why she changed her mind.(should)【答案】should have kept her word 5(2010届淄博检测)The public transport in Beijing is very convenient now,so there_(按理不应该有困难) in travelling around the city.(difficulty)【答案】shouldnt be any difficulty



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