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1、SpokenSpoken: Lunch Lunch Revision partOverall Designs21345 Teaching aims Teaching methods and aids Teaching procedures6Something about SsKey points and difficult pointsAnalysis of teaching materialAnalysis of the Teaching MaterialPart 1A trip along the Changjiang river, including the three gorges.

2、Part 2. Analysis of the StudentsPictures show the truthMy studentsClass 25Lovely SsClass 23Full of energyClass 24Full of imagination Their opinions about a good teacherTeach cultureShould be active & patientI am adjusting myself to be a better one Their test It made me incredible, but at the same ti

3、me, I think he is so creative. Facing these Ss, how Should I teach? That is what I must research.梦神,求梦神,求给我我答案答案WhatWhat can I do ? can I do ?HowHow can I do ? can I do ?WhenWhen can I do ? can I do ?whoamI What I get form above survey and analysisAdjust my teaching methods wherever they need. Set m

4、y teaching aims carefully!Part 3. Teaching AimsKnowledgeaim: Make the students have a better understanding of the Three Gorges. After study, stimulate the students love for our motherland(own hometown) and their environmental protection.1.Make the students master some important words.2.Encourage the

5、 students to know how to introduce a place.3.Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the writers travel route and what he did in each placeCollect some material about tourism, places of interest and the Three Gorges. Through the study, try to improve the students English. At the same ti

6、me, train the students writing abilities.Part 4.Key Points and Difficult PointsHow to use their own methods to finish exercisesHow to finish the exercises by themselves better and describe a place using different adjectivesand sentence patternsthe key phrases and sentence patterns and grammarKey poi

7、nts:Difficult points:Module 5话题A Trip Along the Three Gorges(一次三峡之旅)功能Talking about obligation,permission and prohibition(谈论义务、允许和禁止)语法Revision of modal verbs(复习情态动词)重点词汇及拓展1.colleague n同事2downstream adv.向下游;随波而下3trade vi.做生意4detour n迂路;绕行之路5forbid vt.禁止6.mountainous adj.多山的7immense adj.极大的8.fertile

8、 adj.肥沃的9remote adj.遥远的10.scenery n景色;风景11surround vt.围绕;环绕surrounding adj.周围的;附近的surroundings n环境12.narrow vi.变狭窄narrowly adv.勉强地;仅仅narrowminded adj.心胸狭隘的Module 5重点词汇及拓展13distant adj.遥远的distance n距离,间距14exploit vt.开发exploitation n利用,开发15varied adj.多变化的variety n变化various adj.各种各样的vary v变化16naturally

9、 adv.自然地natural adj.自然的nature n自然重点短语1.at the edge of在的边缘2be surrounded by.被所包围3be heavy with有大量的4in the distance在远处5.at least至少6sail into驶入;顺利地前行7rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈8get a kick out of (俚语)从中得到乐趣重点句型1.He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.他和一位同事将在

10、一所教师培训院校教两年的英语。2Nearly 100 million people live here,most of them in the east.将近1亿人住在这儿,多数住在东部。How to deal with key points and difficult points.添加标添加标Individual work methodInterestinglead-ins methodP-R-P methodTeaching methodsPart 5Teaching aidsThe exercise papera projector the blackboard multimedia详

11、见习习题Part6. Teaching procedures Step 1. Greetings Step 2. Challenge New Words(挑战新词)(挑战新词) Step 3. Lead-ins and preparations for revision Step 4. Revision (grammar+words+writing) Step 5. Check Ssexercise paper Step 6. Self-examination and correction(自查自纠)自查自纠) Step 7. Thought Zone(反思空间)(反思空间) Step 8.

12、HomeworkWelcome to my class Ss work: Challenge New Words to begin my classSuch as :High-end &high-grade高端大气上档次的高端大气上档次的Hazy weather 雾霾天气雾霾天气A black sheep 败家子败家子Gelivable 给力的给力的I can manage it.雾霾笼罩中雾霾笼罩中(in hazy weather),网友调,网友调侃:侃:“世界上最远的距离,不是生与死,而世界上最远的距离,不是生与死,而是我牵着你的手,却看不见你的脸。是我牵着你的手,却看不见你的脸。” Th

13、e furthest distance in the world, is not between life and death, but when I hold your hand, but cant see your face.step1Grammar RevisionGuess the meanings of allegorical sayingYou never know what you can do till you try.The best friends must part.You cannot catch old birds with chaff.不是怎知你不行。天下无不散的宴

14、席。姜还是老的辣。Revision of modal verbs表格+用法讲解+练习巩固Grammar- Conclusion词义Modals can, could, be able tocan, will, may, could, would, shall, mightmust, may, might, can, couldmustnt, shouldnt, had better notshould, must, have to能力能力, ,能够能够许可许可, ,征询意见征询意见猜测,可能性猜测,可能性禁止禁止义务义务, ,应该应该Practice makes perfect课堂针对训练:课

15、堂针对训练: 1.We have plenty of time. We _ run so fast.A. mustnt B. neednt C. have to D. must2.Where _ my sister wait for you? In the classroom?A. need B. shall C. may D. can3._ you please tell me the way to the library?A. Would B. Should C. Must D. Need 4.-Do you have to leave now?-Im sorry, but I reall

16、y_. A. cant B. have C. should D. must5.The classroom is empty. They _ be reading there now. A. mustnt B. cant C. must D. should6.We _ not to make so much noise in the lab.A. need B. dareC. can D. ought7.You _ have come here yesterday, _ you? A. mustnt , did B. couldnt, has C. must, havent D. must, d

17、idnt8.Whenever I was not at home, my child _watch TV. A. will B. would C. were to D. were going tonBBADB DDBEnjoyment who is he?Please enjoy a song related to my name, but you should learn some words firstPan changjiangStep 2 Revision of words and phraseWords expressionn1surround vt.(使使)包围,环绕;围绕包围,环

18、绕;围绕n归纳拓展归纳拓展n(1)surround sb./sth. with sb./sth.使某人使某人(某物某物)包围某人包围某人(某物某物)n be surrounded by/with sth./sb.被某物被某物/某人所包围某人所包围n(2)surrounding adj.(作定语作定语)周围的;附近的周围的;附近的n surroundings n(pl.)环境环境(同同environment)n in the surrounding area在周围地区在周围地区nThe house_big trees_an old man,who is proud of it.nAsurroun

19、ded by;belongs to Bsurrounded with;belonging tonCis surrounded by;belongs to Dis surrounded with;belong ton2narrow v(使变使变)狭窄;使缩小狭窄;使缩小 adj.勉强的;险胜的;窄的勉强的;险胜的;窄的n归纳拓展归纳拓展n(1)narrow down减少,限制,缩小,变窄减少,限制,缩小,变窄n narrow.to.把把局限在局限在之内之内n(2)a narrow escape死里逃生,险些遇险死里逃生,险些遇险n narrow majority/victory/defeat微弱

20、多数微弱多数/险胜险胜/勉强击败勉强击败n(3)narrowly adv.仅仅;勉强地;差一点儿儿仅仅;勉强地;差一点儿儿n narrows n海峡,江峡;海峡,江峡;(江、河、湖等的江、河、湖等的)狭窄狭窄3forbid vt. (forbade/forbad,forbidden,forbidding) 禁止,不许;阻止;使避免发生禁止,不许;阻止;使避免发生归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1) 禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事 forbid sb. to do sth 禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事 forbid (doing) sth. (2)forbidden adj. 被禁止的被禁止的 The For

21、bidden City紫禁城紫禁城有类似用法的还有:有类似用法的还有:allow,advise,permit,encourage等等e.g They forbid walking in the field. 他们不允许在田地里他们不允许在田地里走。走。 He was forbidden to leave the base as a punishment.作为作为惩罚,他被禁止离开基地。惩罚,他被禁止离开基地。短语精讲短语精讲 1. get a kick out of从从中得到乐趣中得到乐趣 归纳拓展归纳拓展 do sth. for kicks为了刺激做为了刺激做 give sb./sth. a

22、 kick踢踢一脚一脚 2. at the edge of在在的的边缘 3. be heavy with有大量的有大量的 4.in the distance在在远处Do exercises on their paper ,exercise 1&2.Enjoy time A Map of china大中国Changjiang River &Yellow RiverWhere are we ?Step 3. Revision of writingOur hometownCliff CoffinRock-block fieldBamboo SeaWuliangyeDescribe our homet

23、own with your partners 1. Yibin is located in the south of Sichuan Province, in the intersection(交汇处) of Jinsha River and Min River, which is the first port city along the Yangtze River . 2.The city covers an area of 3,034 sq km and has a population of 5.3 million . 3.It is one of the most famous Na

24、tional Historical and Cultural Cities. it is very convenient to get there.4.Yibin is known as the Liquor Capital of China because there are a lot of liquor producers in the city. The famous Wuliangye liquor has won a series of honors . 5.Yibin is rich in historical and cultural relics as well as bea

25、utiful natural scenery. Attractive landscapes include the Bamboo Sea in Southern city, Stone Sea and Lizhuan Ancient Town You can describe Yibin like this.How to describe a place开头段开头段 地理位置locationlocationlocationlocation中间段地貌特征,景物,风景描写地貌特征,景物,风景描写featuresfeaturesfeaturesfeatures结尾段结尾段简单进行总结简单进行总结co

26、nclusionconclusionconclusionconclusionconclusion 南溪南溪,素有素有“万里长江第一县万里长江第一县”美誉美誉, 地处四川省南部,位于宜宾、泸州、自地处四川省南部,位于宜宾、泸州、自贡三市中心;贡三市中心; 全区面积全区面积704平方公里,人口平方公里,人口42万;万; 南溪历史悠久,被誉为中国豆腐干文化之乡,最著名的景点文明门拥有南溪历史悠久,被誉为中国豆腐干文化之乡,最著名的景点文明门拥有1400多年的历史,多部电影在此拍摄;多年的历史,多部电影在此拍摄; 南溪人民热情好客,正努力建设美好新南溪南溪人民热情好客,正努力建设美好新南溪 writi

27、ngPlaces of interest in NanxiStep 4. Check Ss exercise paperCheck out their exercise paper. (复习套题part 1、2、3)Step 5 .Self-examination and correction (自查自纠复习题)Solve the problemsCheck the answersDiscuss the answersTeam work Step 6.Thought Zone (反思空间)(反思空间) According to this process, Ss can learn more .

28、they can learn to study in their own ways.HomeworkWriting about NanxiPart 4: Blackboard design 板书设计板书设计If necessary ,I will write down some words which Ss do not understand.n. 1. forbidden 2. surrounding 3. peak 4. colleagues 5. legendsn 6. downstream 7. mountainous 8. spot 9. Naturally 10. Plateau

29、nII1. in the distance 2. is against the rules 3. got a kick out of n 4. went through 5. forbid/forbade; to playn1-5 CADBB 6-10 BACBA 11-14 BADAn1. Urbanization Puts Pressure on Cities 2. forcing people to leaven3. 政府开始意识到环境质量的恶化并不是经济增长的自然代价。相反,环政府开始意识到环境质量的恶化并不是经济增长的自然代价。相反,环境退化大大挫伤了经济发展的可能性。境退化大大挫伤

30、了经济发展的可能性。n4. However, many experts worry about this process of urbanization. It is having a huge effect on human health and the quality of the environment. n5. It leads to fewer workers in rural areas and an excess of workers in cities. Therefore, the production of food is decreasing, while crime and unemployment is becoming more common.n.单句改错单句改错 n1. third前加前加the 2. furnituresfurniture 3. taketaken 4. acrossthrough 5. fewersmallern6. forwith 7. whenthat 8. offon 9. mustntcant 10. requiring required 11. as-for 12. appreciate 后加后加it 13. inviting-invited 14. graduating-graduation 15. to-of



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