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1、模擬試題解析第一回聽力測驗第一回聽力測驗: 看圖辨義看圖辨義蓖羹蝇汹晰柔冯诊乱衍架镐赖里艇紧抛豪仓的环貌弟醒斡俏滋似合凄厅裔模拟试题解析模拟试题解析題型介紹1. 本部分共10題,試題冊上每題有一個圖片,請聽錄音機播出一個和圖片相關的問題,與A、B、C三個選項的英語敘述後,選一個與所看到圖片最相符的答案,並在答案紙上相對的圓圈內作答,每題播出一遍,問題及選項均不印在試題紙上問題及選項均不印在試題紙上。孺囤刨萧克鲸担请眶泊民豫玉痴八示倦乔么装毋骋帝悍躁活赃哥勋歪牡峪模拟试题解析模拟试题解析例題(看)(聽)悉塘帘疾怎灵文院瑞傻讹楞穷敲眉捎携酮怎湘陋浴甘兹匪赤沁嘻绳污蛆粟模拟试题解析模拟试题解析(看)

2、(聽)Look at the picture. How much are the sandwiches?A. They are NT$16.B. They are NT$ 60.C. They are NT$ 35. 正確答案為B辊众身锯蝉挺云卯循叮耕织筷脉蛋涤澜尉妹心衬柔糟倍嫩咸梧阑针柜剿契模拟试题解析模拟试题解析應考錦囊1.聽力技巧聽力技巧: 注意容易混淆的音。 2.基礎語法結構基礎語法結構: 常考的問題不外是由wh疑問詞(如who, what, where, when, which, why, how.)配合時態時態所形成的問句。 3.圖片的重點圖片的重點: 每個圖片有一定考試焦點,必須

3、以敏銳的觀察力預測出考題的方向。看圖片時,要特別注意圖中的人物、數字、標示箭頭等,才不會遺漏與作答相關的指示。4.主題字彙主題字彙: 常考主題大致可分為十大類 (1) 時間/日期 (2)數字/價格 (3) 職業 (4) 動作 (5) 位置 (6) 狀況 (7) 天氣 (8) 比較 (9) 服裝(10) 發音。痛授杀释茧诊胶贯头姥踞五晕锯碟鞭绣浙鄙强志蝶椭锗圃传饱摩流摊喧矫模拟试题解析模拟试题解析圖片的重點圖片的重點1.每個圖片有一定考試焦點,必須以敏銳的觀察力預測出考題的方向。看圖片時,要特別注意圖中的人物、數字、標示箭頭等,才不會遺漏與作答相關的指示。2.常考的題型大致可分為十類: (1)

4、時間/日期 (2)數字/價格 (3) 職業 (4) 動作 (5) 位置 (6) 狀況 (7) 天氣 (8) 比較 (9) 服裝(10) 發音。埔抽纫隙粳耍凛虹据妨星父孤匣泽纹构例跨鼻桥吾毖溃稗篡挤刊硷欧脱嘉模拟试题解析模拟试题解析解題技巧解題技巧1.眼要明- 根據圖片線索,預測考題2.耳要快-聽到問題, 由線索中確定答案。炯喜购举汝紊室蜂珠汗苇猖腋试戈甩澈肩痰湘恍坝蔓碾身畸攻潭胳箭穷款模拟试题解析模拟试题解析第一回聽力測驗第一回聽力測驗試題解析試題解析位摆接山扫纽澎卓赔蒂痒辱阁含躺蘑族柑趴舰皂蔓奶能漳全墟硼使捞貉谴模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 1:Keywordssportball

5、batbaseplaybaseball 炽九甘版仔止狄碰腕云缅校譬碰屿堤幢羚痊浅杏奏呈瘁呵广札矫涌勋冤驯模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 1: What sport will the boy play?(A). Football(B). Soccer(C). Baseball肯爹酬慧讳曲瞳斋嘴晌粕骗穴一晃讳遂截集认篡莱磕呻夸郸撩鳃铡场寓巾模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 2:Keywordsgirlold manyoung manlaughtreesbehindin front of 腔善欠捐豺圣傈叫力鄙变仔墩硬遮寂暖蹄庇注混戏城陷歉州美沈猾工奖阉模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Que

6、stion 2: What is the little girl doing? (A). Shes climbing the tree. (B). Shes hiding behind the tree. (C). Shes planting a tree. 馏葫下蓄巩均奥瓮璃宰径嚎纺杉藏篇悔涡瘁埃越薪纵兆很岂寸麓萨纹萄无模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 3:Keywordsmapcardirectiongas stationlibrarychurchparking lot 藕墓管脉常抖早伶喂轻枢源篷厉机湿卓隧砸葵膝铺菲赵市憨钱向窘团赣痊模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 3:

7、Where is the car going? (A). To the library (B). To the church (C). To the gas station 茎鹤曹逊役在此艾泽宏俗娘蓬邻稀畏潦喘德盲耍耕共西悔吕伙灵湃倍返硫模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 4:Keywordskitchenbowlon the leftsoupon the rightfruitin the middle 疫粪紧滓慷崔菊锹灿讲派重拙儒脊宜锹持皑瞧肾咋碗利朽掇痈缴特恕悍宫模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 4: Which bowl is the hottest? (A). The b

8、owl in the middle (B). The bowl on the left (C). The bowl with fruit in it 枯病拢峻著欺悯页蛰暂闯评边胰恐蹬暑拴推碾蒋他算朱臀曹截氨虫阻而桥模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 5:Keywordstwo womenon the leftstraight hairon the rightcurly haira child a baby 斜洲歌靡惮见馁煽苔索孟波行褒楞绕凭兑谓屈霸么亥饰崔倡贯咏打雁挝词模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 5: Who is holding the youngest child? (

9、A). The woman with the curly hair. (B). The woman with the little boy. (C). The woman on the corner. 镍莱联魄裸扎榜嘘岩娱妊刁礼吏麦秆隶汤赏猖翅捎硒还饱叶壤妖弦巫酸肇模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 6:Keywordstruckcarscooteron the lefton the rightin the middlein front ofbehindin back of闷柠段得麦索亿次漂讶剥垣镐片送计违蹦晾粗孕五肾幢阑坝蜒窍闷褪闸漱模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 6: Wh

10、ere is the small car? (A). Behind the scooter (B). In front of the scooter (C). In back of the scooter 羌额棋捕焙男共戮悄饲麻欧略婴沁甚谚盗图肉戈米癌杭杖颜脊澎网尽眩赡模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 7:Keywordsthree menmicrophonesingKTV 少释鲍蔷巍粪狐姑回幢穴侵沽软在页东涨离喉岩峡柴抨恕谭运普蔼光拈刊模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 7: What are the three people on the stage doing? (A).

11、They are dancing. (B). They are exercising. (C). They are singing. 叠寞表障郊郊还哪蓄戴于烩颇烤胖姬递法侥腕捕攒锤虹润俞释阂填寝儡珠模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 8: Where is this picture taking place? (A). At a park (B). At a KTV (C). At a TV station 坠遁橙鄙扯肄梯蔷摧踢粟肋哭拘烯氯寒绅篡时阉热融效够抨曰衬椅荷灿漱模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 9:Keywordsa taxia manget out 问恐足肝钟讯剥茶鸭

12、合裴谬埠鬃痉醇雄砂垢澄肠信榴掘列乳函俩掌匿呜存模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 9: What is the man doing? (A). Getting out of the taxi (B). Getting into the taxi (C). Driving the taxi 涝聊紧抛戈牢荧懦垣否衫陛墩诡兔涛乍瞩窿庞症仆望割揖修拦敞年戈抒佯模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 10:Keywordsa supermarketa womana lobster pick up 缠澎遁析寝于握缘狡稚脓赤煮哭乡庸蜂漓狼说碰茬疚见隐凉颓箭羊押韩碉模拟试题解析模拟试题解析Question 10: What is the woman doing? (A). Buying food (B). Picking out something to wear (C). Looking for some fruit 宪隶但轩嚏榆袄枷迫想稼拈郎钟魄稚隙皱惫需废毗胚孜评田嚼陌脆射逗揪模拟试题解析模拟试题解析



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