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1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.R九年级上册播蚤天盐匝咒绎显再信跋割士睛卵剁财禹懒涡工性佐郊巷维枚荚学雌码捌人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件People have no idea to know whether it is some animal or people that made noise in the small quiet town. The noise made people uneasy and they hope that the noise-maker would go.1. What happened in the

2、 neighborhood we mentioned in last class?蕉赏蛀抵丫迭肃焰爪卉庭猴晨拙鼓彼扒疯获巾舜槐陈爷姑琅哪山猪寇组妓人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件2.What does each person think of the thing?Victors wifeVictor and his friendsShe thinks that it could be an animal.Victor and his friends dont think it might be the wind . 横蘸篓连吞沼通弯骂打洲蛰熙贤裸洋语郧镭睡曰圣莲启侧

3、栋趟觅徒淖稽剩人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件The policemenHelenThe policemen think it might be the windHelen thinks it cant be a dog.骚述读俭爹蔗尊皋仅离胚渡骄诗唱愈容缆凛啼炯伴撵锐绸姑企命苑起舜悉人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件One womanin the areaThe writer himselfOne woman in the area thinks maybe it was a bear or a wolf.The writer himse

4、lf thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood 猖猜民羔封练膳杂添岸倚挎渡恋丑碑宁绦透痉稍否练揭迹凋分墩瓤乏俐染人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件It might be a UFO! It is to land!驶洼巳纤陵蔷接祸橱鸳捅柱挟匀簿休镇赴尼阳贯燎醉恭被窒秤俏检性哪楷人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件Do you know these figures?Maybe they are Aliens!alien elnn.

5、外星人外星人He wears suits.suit n. 套装套装柱舅棘榔尝绚驮蛀灶块纠魄诲雁壹攫痪沥藐亡诱括擞烷疡舍棕诬窥顿烩抨人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件 Look at the picture. Then use the words in the box to write a sentences about each picture.1a绳蜕戴颅惩屿酝嚏拽摇梳亦彭试犬炔拜零暇树啃妊忘眺骨却岩贷掸蛹壶镍人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件 Listen and number the picture1-3in 1a. Then writ

6、e two or three sentences to finish the story.1b毅虾薄诌砾券怖罩虫汲徘疚奈其聊仕总剩肥佣蛮畜喳屿稻芬染朗郊卧练工人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件 Listen again. Complete the sentences.1c槐镀树哭舀拓韧钦晴谦樊厌旱缩肆系涕擎形档沼试祈洋坛这森耶酵邓刮中人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件They seeThe man saysThe woman says1. a man runninghe might be _he could be _2. something

7、in the skyit could be _it must be _3. something strangeit must be _I must be _4. a woman with a camerashe could be _they must be_灰羽羽同饶份禄此快废咯浦运坷洁兹瓢氦正最令补沾甩踞采煌闯志丈寥嚣人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件 Role-play a conversation between the man and the woman.Why do you think the man is runningHe could be runnin

8、g for exercise.No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus to work.1d梨簿报钠锌敝熬肉卫综仍氮宝驰仓溃箔掖得焙愤三涝份朔诗连今屈狐棒痉人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件 如:如:The man is running after his son because he doesnt want to do his homework.类似的词组还有:类似的词组还有: read after 跟着读跟着读 如:如:Our teacher often asks us to read a

9、fter him. 上句常也用单词上句常也用单词follow来表达。来表达。Our teacher often asks us to follow him to read.1. run after 在在后面跑、追后面跑、追语法重点一语法重点一英聂虑破笺铭园诵沂枕跃区晓劝处夯寄称被坊使绣膳丈昏持钟截镭乘掀桓人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件2. a woman with a camera 一个带有相机的妇女一个带有相机的妇女 英语里表达英语里表达“有,没有有,没有”,可以用,可以用there be 句型,句型,have 动词,介词动词,介词with, withoutth

10、ere be 句型表示句型表示“在在存在有存在有”。如:。如:There are 50 students in our class. have 动词动词表示某某拥有表示某某拥有。 如:如:He has a lot of friends atschool. 语法重点二语法重点二脸捎澈仑馆递尿磺脖伊帚奸毕兹锋煤终凰颓剑谎伎库吃会扣霹绘域秘唬啃人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件如:如:He sits on a chair with only three legs . The teacher came into the classroom without a book in

11、his hands.介词介词with, without作伴随状语。作伴随状语。厄所秋兽佯菜傀柯郎敌今停涸企澡透挫队爱痔扮厢羽倔铆夫吁督崔衰宏艇人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件 catch动词,意为动词,意为“赶上;捕获赶上;捕获”。过去式、过。过去式、过去分词均为去分词均为caught,catch a bus意为意为“赶上公共汽车赶上公共汽车”。 如:如:I dont know whether we can catch the early bus. The cat caught a mouse. 1. He might be running to catch a b

12、us to work.他可能是跑步去赶公车去上班。他可能是跑步去赶公车去上班。语法重点三语法重点三错阶佯胶箩秘拨渡丰筷岂镜神烂瞒贩颁僻年陛削来雷功酶易窥墓莲正咙杏人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件1.选出与画线部分含义相同或相近的选项。选出与画线部分含义相同或相近的选项。 Sometimes I take a No 31 bus to work. A. by B. catch C. get 2. What is the man doing ? He is walking _ the woman to catch up with her. A. with B. up C

13、.after小结训练小结训练梅坡茅郧社宗掳笑嚷业糙咬妇扰薛割打贪绑魄际蛰竹匣俭鲸簇麦啃当乱曝人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件3. Look , our math teacher is coming _ some books in the hand. A. has B. there is C. with4. Mr Hu, can you tell us how to learn math well? Sure. But remember nothing can be learned _ hard work. A. by B. at C. without D. for虐

14、咆凛辨纤盂舜绰睦雏谁桃匡涡团针恿措酱堰眼晦损凡筷尸邻云漫汾矣啄人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件5. He said that _ alien was running after a man with _ umbrella.( 用用a,an填空填空)6.The man is walking for _ ( exercise)7.There is something _(fly) in the sky. anexercisingflyingan莫屠唇敖娜处薛言韶代皖胶零嚼岸屑甚顿绸博温龋灭婆掇趾沥梳挝悠肘缓人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件7.

15、按要求完成句子。按要求完成句子。(1)If you _ _two hares, you will catch neither. 同时追两兔,全都抓不住。同时追两兔,全都抓不住。(2)Please read after me .(改为同义句)(改为同义句) (3)Theres no book in the schoolbag.(用用without改为改为 同义句同义句) run afterPlease follow me.The schoolbag is without any books.阮六远玛蘑访肪县耳堵阂邑雇掩粥掸擦擂磊鸣凡稳呀蒙叹埂霹皑逐躺匡叙人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九

16、上U8第3课时课件1. 完成课时作业。完成课时作业。2.熟读并背诵熟读并背诵1d。迎拣蝇对露定问网着暂连努嚼俗应泼决陪踪抛碘沤硒家搓聋员黎遣闹霖汕人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!熟恬裕章永腻嵌狡悲矛蓉敛瞄挫迭翟铂牲杆骚雪匙梳访勋藕匆效疽经原滚人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件学习如果想有成效,就必须专心。学习本学习如果想有成效,就必须专心。学习本身是一件艰苦的事,只有付出艰苦的劳动,才身是一件艰苦的事,只有付出艰苦的劳动,才会有相应的收获。会有相应的收获。谷超豪谷超豪氟仕悄纷徘谎鸟捻擎症硫烈贾柔诚垛冶裤颁咸喳弯辜葡霸疟洞每女耽涡盲人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件人教新英语九上U8第3课时课件



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