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1、Foreign Trade correspondence-丁琪CHAPTER ONEESTABLISHING BUSINESS RELATIONSLesson 1 self-introductionI.About the letter:The China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation obtain the nameand address of the Swedish firm as prospective buyers of textiles. So aletter is sent with a view to establishi

2、ng business relations with the Firmand explaining in brief, chinas foreign trade policy.Lesson 1 self-introductionAdditional notes:1.Owe v. 把. 归功于(后面常接to)We owe your name and address to 承蒙 告知你公司的名称和地址类似的表达方式有:We are indebted to for your name and address.We come to know the name and address of your f

3、irm through Through the courtesy of we come to know your name and address.We have obtained your name and address from 2.inform v. 通知,可与advise 换用,常用于下列结构:1)inform/advise sb. of sth.2) inform/advise sb. + that/what/which3)Please be informed/advised that在下列句子结构中,inform 不可与advise换用:1)当间接宾语省略时:Please adv

4、ise the name of steamer.We wish to advise that business has been done at our price.Please advise what quantity you can sell a year.2)用作不及物动词时:If interested, please advise.3)当指的是和对方关系较大的事时:We wish to advise that business has been done at $110 per ton.如和对方关系不大,只是让对方知道或了解一下时,则用inform较好:We wish to infor

5、m you that we have moved to the following address.3.approach v. 联系,与 接洽(和contact同义,但用被动语态时比contact普遍)You may approach our agents for your requirements.关于你们的需求,可同我们的代理人接洽。We had approached the shipping company for booking the space.我们已同船公司联系订舱事宜。4)handle v. 经营(某种或某类商品)(表示“经营”的说法很多,最常见的还有deal in, trad

6、e in, be in the line 等)This shop handles paper and stationery.This shop trades in paper and stationery.This shop deals in paper and stationery.This shop is in the line of paper and stationery.5)Acquint v. 使熟悉,使了解, 使认识常用下列结构: 1) Acquaint sb. with sth. We want to acquaint ourselves with the supply pos

7、ition of steel products.我们想熟悉一下钢材的供应情况。2) be/get acquaint withWe are not acquainted with these articles.我们对这些商品不太熟悉。6)enclose v. 封入表示附在某封信内,用介词with或in:We are enclosing in our letter our sales contract in two copies. 兹随函附去我方销售合同两份。过去分词enclosed 作表语时,常倒装于句首;作宾语补语时,亦常倒装于句首或置谓语动词之后:过去分词enclosed可作名词用,前面加定

8、冠词。7) Requirement n.1)需要(常用单数,后接介词of)2)需要之物(表示货物或需要量时,常用复数,后接介词for/of) Good quality is the major requirement.质量好是主要的要求。Buyers have placed their requirements elsewhere.买主已向别处订购所需之货。Please let us know your annual requirements for/of Walnuts.请告知你方对核桃的年需。8. trade n. 贸易, 行业 v. 从事贸易,做生意,经营to trade with sb

9、. 同某人做贸易to trade in sth. 经营某项商品9. look forward to ph.v. 期待这里“to”是介词,后接名词或动名词:We look forward to hearing from you.We look forward to your compliance.我们盼望你方能答复我们的要求。 III.Chinese version of the letter:敬启者:敬启者: 我们从瑞典驻北京大使馆得知你公司行名和地址,承他们告知你公司要我们从瑞典驻北京大使馆得知你公司行名和地址,承他们告知你公司要购买纺织品。购买纺织品。 借此机会我公司愿与你们联系,以期与你

10、公司建立业务关系。借此机会我公司愿与你们联系,以期与你公司建立业务关系。 我们是国营公司,经营纺织品进出口业务。为使你公司对我们经营的商我们是国营公司,经营纺织品进出口业务。为使你公司对我们经营的商品有所了解,随函附上我公司目前可供的主要商品的出口明细单一份。品有所了解,随函附上我公司目前可供的主要商品的出口明细单一份。 如果你们对其中任何商品感兴趣,请告知。一俟收到你方所需商品的详如果你们对其中任何商品感兴趣,请告知。一俟收到你方所需商品的详细要求,当立即向你方报我方最低价。细要求,当立即向你方报我方最低价。 在同各国商人的贸易中,我们一贯坚持平等互利的原则。我们希望通过在同各国商人的贸易中

11、,我们一贯坚持平等互利的原则。我们希望通过双方共同努力,能促进对彼此互利的业务和友谊。双方共同努力,能促进对彼此互利的业务和友谊。 期望早日收到你方询价。期望早日收到你方询价。 谨启谨启IV.Key to exercises:plete the sentences in English:1)you are a state operated corporation handling chemical products.2)in the hope of establishing mutually beneficial business relations with you.3)we are at

12、present in a position to supply you with various kinds of mens leather shoes.4)We have established business relations with the firms of more than 100 countries in the world.5)a large number of overseas merchants are anxious to do business with us. 6)Please let us have all the necessary information.7

13、)we have greatly promoted by our joint efforts both trade and friendship.8)whether you are interested in our mens leather shoes.2. Translate the following into English:We are indebted to the Commercial Counsellors office of the Australian Embassy in Beijing for the name and address of your firm.It i

14、s for the export of our chemical products that we approach you.We are enclosing you the latest catalogue and three samples so as to acquaint you with our export products availble at present.2. Translate the following into English:It is for the export of our chemical products that we approach you.We

15、hope you will do your best to promote friendship as well as business.One of our customers is interested in your new products.A customer of ours is in the market for Chinese Black Tea. Please let us know in which lines you are interested at present.It requires mutual efforts to promote trade.As you k

16、now, it is our foreign trade policy to do business with peoples of all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.We are sending you one copy each of our catalogue and pricelist of our chemical products.Our customers are not interested in your chemical products for the time being. 3. Fill

17、 in appropriate word or words from the list and then translate the sentences into Chinese.1) buy 星期日你准备买一支自来水笔吗?2) inform, are in the market for我们愿意告知你方,我们的许多客户想要买中国核桃仁。3) advise请告知按什么价格你方客户将向我方订购。4)appreciate it如承航寄目录本,不胜感激。3. Fill in appropriate word or words from the list and then translate the s

18、entences into Chinese.5)mutually我们深盼建立互利的贸易关系。6)meet, requirements我们将尽力满足你们的需要。7)trade in, basis我们对外贸易政策是在平等互利的基础上与外国进行贸易。8)handles我公司独家经营轻工业品的进出口业务。9)cover另邮寄去我们化工产品的目录本两本和价目单一份。10)appreciate我们感谢你方给我们一个核桃仁的特别报盘。Lesson 2(A) Request for the Establishment of Business Relations(B) A Reply to the Above

19、I.About the letter:(A)An importer obtained the name and address of the China National Arts & Crafts Import & Export Corporation through another firm. They send a letter to the above corporation in the hope of establishing business relations and indicating their interest in various kinds of Chinese A

20、rts & Crafts.Lesson 2(A) Request for the Establishment of Business Relations(B) A Reply to the Above I.About the letter:(B)In this letter the writer expressed in the beginning their desire for establishing business relations with the addressee, and to comply with the latters request, the writer sent

21、 the price-list covering their exports, while stating the terms of payment.Lesson 2(A) Request for the Establishment of Business Relations(B) A Reply to the Above II.Additional notes:1.reply n. v. 答复 后接介词to在商业信函中,说“答复”一般用reply,很少用answer。对某事作答复,reply n. v. 都加to,answer n.加to,v.不加。2. trust v. 相信The wor

22、d “trust” sounds less emphatic than “believe” so far as sureness is concerned.We trust you will find our offer acceptable.(希望并相信)We believe you will find our offer acceptable.(认为并深信)3. important business can materializematerialize v.实现We hope the business will eventually materialize.类似的表达方式还有:Busine

23、ss can be concluded/can be closed.Business can be put through/can be finalized.4. Brochure n. 小册子This is a French word, equivalent to the English word “pamphlet”.Also: catalogue, illustrative leaflet, sample books, commodity listIII.Chinese version of the letters:(A)敬启者: 我公司从鹿特丹市安德森公司处得知你公司行名和地址,今特写

24、信给你方建立业务联系。 我公司作为工艺品进出口商已有多年。目前,我们对中国各种工艺品感兴趣。请寄来报价单及样品为感。 如果你方价格可行,我们相信可以达成大笔交易。 盼速复 谨启III.Chinese version of the letters:(B)敬启者: 本月三日来函收悉,此谢。很愿意与你公司建立业务关系。 应你方要求,兹另邮寄去我公司最近的商品目录本及价目表。付款条件为不可撤销的、保兑的信用证。 如认为有可能做成业务,请来电索盘。 谨启IV.Key to exercises:1.Translate the following phrases into English and fill

25、them in the blanks1) a. various kinds of paper. b. model No.202 Tractors. c. all kinds of Chinese bicycles.2) a. we are not interested in your offer. b. we can hardly sell your products. c. we are afraid that no business can materialize.IV.Key to exercises:1.Translate the following phrases into Engl

26、ish and fill them in the blanks3) a. in which lines you are most interested at present. b. whether you would like us to furnish any further information to you. c. when youll be able to supply such goods.4) a. meeting your representative again at the Fair. b. receiving your shipping advice. c. receiv

27、ing the samples and pricelist stated in your letter.2. Translate the following into English1) We have been handling the export of sheep wool for more than 20 years.2) If you could make us an offer in time, we believe we would be able to persuade our customer to accept.2. Translate the following into

28、 English3) If your prices are reasonable, we are sure we can conclude substantial business with you.4) If you can reduce your price by 5%(or If you can make a reduction of 5% in your price), we trust business is possible(or we trust there is every possibility of business.)2. Translate the following

29、into English5) Complying with your request, we have advised our bankers to open the L/C within a few days.6) As requested in your cable of October 3, we are sending you a catalogue for your reference.7) If you find the prices agreeable, please cable us immediately.2. Translate the following into Eng

30、lish8) If you find our quotation workable, Please write us so that we can make you a firm offer.9) Payment should be made by an irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight.10) We are very interested in importing chemicals from youIV.Key to exercises:1.Translate the following phrases into English and f

31、ill them in the blanks1) a. various kinds of paper. b. model No.202 Tractors. c. all kinds of Chinese bicycles.2) a. we are not interested in your offer. b. we can hardly sell your products. c. we are afraid that no business can materialize.IV.Key to exercises:1.Translate the following phrases into

32、English and fill them in the blanks3) a. in which lines you are most interested at present. b. whether you would like us to furnish any further information to you. c. when youll be able to supply such goods.4) a. meeting your representative again at the Fair. b. receiving your shipping advice. c. re

33、ceiving the samples and pricelist stated in your letter.Lesson 3Transferring Business RelationsI.About the letter:This letter is in reply to a client in Alexandria, Egypt who enquired for Enamelled Copper Wire. As this item falls within the scope of the writers business activities, the Enquiry Note

34、has been passed on to the writer by her sister corporation in Shanghai. Also the writer stated the reason why the transaction can not be concluded with them directly and referred the customer to their representative in Egypt.Lesson 3Transferring Business RelationsII.Additional notes:1. address v. 写信

35、给This is a letter addressed to MessrsYour letter of May 10th addressed to our Head Office has been passed on to us for attention and reply.2. lie within the scope of business be within/fall within/come under the scope of our trade activities. be within/lie within/fall within our business scope属于我们的经

36、营范围3. be in a position to能够(指处于能做某事的地位)We are not in a position to promise you that we will manufacture it in the near future.我们无法答复在近期生产该产品。be in a position to 通常不宜与条件从句连用,下面的句子用can或shall be able to 较好: If you can reduce the price by 5%, we shall be able to order 200 pieces.If you open L/C immediat

37、ely, we shall be able to ship the goods this month.4. supply v. 供应, 提供1)to supply sb. With sth.We shall be pleased to supply you with any information you may require concerning these products.2) supply sth. (to sb.)We supply all kinds of leather shoes to you.3) 做vt. 或vi.We believe we can supply any

38、reasonable quantity you require.We are glad to have been able to supply your needs to the full.We cannot supply at present but will probably be able to do so shortly.5. direct adj./adv.直接的/直接地There is no direct steamer this month. (adj.)Please get in touch with them for your requirements. (adj.)We w

39、ent direct to the park. (adv.)May we send the remittance direct to you instead of through the bank? (adv.)The samples are to be sent to our London Office direct. (adv.)6. recommend v. 推荐, 劝告, 建议1)Recommend sb. sth. /recommend sth. to sb. (推荐)They request you to recommend them some materials that sui

40、t their market.他们请你方推荐一些适合他们市场的商品。以下意思为建议:2)recommend + n.We recommend your immediate acceptance.3) recommend + gerundWe recommend buying a small quantity for trial.4) recommend + that (用虚拟语气:should + v原形)We recommend that you make a trial of these goods.5) recommend sb. to do sth.We recommend you t

41、o buy a small quantity for trial.7. Be only too pleased to 十分乐于We are only too pleased to accept your quotations.III.Chinese version of the letter:敬启者敬启者: 漆包线漆包线 你方八月一日致我上海分公司函已转交我公司办理并作答复,你方八月一日致我上海分公司函已转交我公司办理并作答复,因标题商因标题商品属于我公司经营的范围。品属于我公司经营的范围。 但很抱歉地告知你方,此类商品已委托埃及亚力山大但很抱歉地告知你方,此类商品已委托埃及亚力山大ABC公公

42、司(司(Broad street 144号)代理。因此,我们不能供应你方此类商品。但号)代理。因此,我们不能供应你方此类商品。但愿意建议你方愿意建议你方与该公司直接联系以应你方需要。与该公司直接联系以应你方需要。 如对其他商品感兴趣,请告知。我方当乐于报盘。如对其他商品感兴趣,请告知。我方当乐于报盘。 谨启谨启抄送:埃及亚力山大抄送:埃及亚力山大ABC公司公司IV.Key to exercises:1. Supply the missing words1)order 2)cable 3)offer 4)without 5)quantity 6)idea 7)for 8)advise 9)pos

43、ition, fresh 10)Upon/On, specific, quotation 11)competitive, place,With 12)send, firm offer 13)learned, from in 14)atIV.Key to exercises:2. Translate the following sentences into English:1) Your letter of October 5 addressed to our Head Office has been passed on to us for attention and reply as the

44、article you need lies within our business scope.2) As soon as you are in a position to accept new orders, please cable us.3) As regards canned goods, we recommend you to approach(or contact) Tianjin Foodstuffs Import & Export Corporation direct.IV.Key to exercises:2. Translate the following sentence

45、s into English:4) We have passed on your letter of August 8 to the Peoples Insurance Company of China in Beijing for attention.5) Concerning the sale of Chinese bicycles in your district, we have appointed ABC Trade Co. as our agents and we, therefore, very much regret that we cannot make you offers

46、 direct.6) Your letter of March 25 addressed to our Shanghai Branch Office for the supply of 500 cases of window glass has been passed on to us for attention and reply as such goods are within(or fall withinlie within) the scope of our business activities.7) If you can guarantee regular supplies, we

47、 shall no longer buy them from other sources.8) We note with regret that you are not interested in the offer.9) Do you think the market price in Europe tends to increase further?10) As soon as we are in a position to make offers again, we shall contact you by cable.CHAPTER TWOENQUIRIES AND OFFERSInt

48、roductionEnquiriesWhen making an eanquiry, begin with a question or questions you want to ask. Your reader then knows at once what your enquiry is about. Keep your enquiry short and to the point; say what needs to be said and then stop.IntroductionA satisfactory offer will include the following:1. a

49、n expression of thanks for the enquiry, if any;2. names of commodities, quality, quantity and specifications;3. details of prices, discounts and terms of payment;4. a statement or clear indication of what the prices cover (e.g. packing, freight and insurance);5. packing and date of delivery;6. the p

50、eriod for which the offer is valid.Lesson 4An Enquiry for Chinese Cotton Piece GoodsI.About the letterThis is in reply to a letter written by the exporter who is willing to enter into direct business relations with the writer. In this letter, the importer expressed the same desire and showed interes

51、t in Printed Shirting. As a prospective buyer, the writer asked for all necessary information regarding these goods.Lesson 4An Enquiry for Chinese Cotton Piece GoodsII.Additional notes:1.note vt. 注意到(often followed by an object clause)相当于汉语里的”得悉”,一般可以与learn或understand通用,在意义上接近于know,用在书信中显得郑重,在口语中常用k

52、now。Eg: You will be pleased to note that we are importers of bed sheets and other home textile products.2. Cotton Piece Goods 棉布,棉织品There are a great variety of cotton piece goods, such as: Sheeting(粗布)Shirting(细布);and classified in colors, such as grey(本色);bleached(漂白);dyed(染色);printed(印花).They are

53、 usually cut into small pieces and put into sample books.3. Happen v.碰巧Pattern: happen + inf.This happens to coincide with our wishes.Your quotation happens to be exactly the same as what we have received from Japan.4. Printed shirting 印花细布5. sample book 样品本 (a book consists of all kinds of sample c

54、uttings with respective numbers and specification. Other materials are illustrated catalogues, pamphlets, leaflets, commodity lists, etc.)6. catalogue 目录(本)目录本适用于一般商品,列明详细规格及商品号码等。有绘画、照片或图片者称为illustrated catalogues,单页的商品说明书称为leaflet。 7. Information n. 消息,报道,情报不可数名词,后常接介词on或 about,也可接concerning或regar

55、ding。We need all necessary information about Tianjin carpet. all necessary information 一切必要的情况8. Supply n.供应,供应的商品表示抽象的概念以及用于一些习语时,常用单数;表示具体的概念时,用单、复数皆可。We expected to receive from you a regular supply of leather shoes.As supply and demand vary from time to time, we are unable to give you a detailed

56、 market report.We expect a fresh supply of black tea next week.They require further supply/supplies of Walnutmeat.The goods are out of supply. Present supply/supplies is /are sufficient. 9. quote v. 报价Pattern 1: to quote a pricePlease quote your lowest price CIF Lagos.Pattern 2: to quote sb. a price

57、Please quote us your lowest price CIF Lagos.Pattern 3: to quote sb. for sth.Please quote us for Printed Shirting CIF Lagos.Pattern 4: to quote sb. a price for sth.Please quote us the price for Printed Shirting.10. Commission n. 佣金关于佣金的一些习惯说法:1)百分之几佣金可说:a commission of%或% commission2)你方/我方百分之几佣金可说:yo

58、ur/our commission of % 或your/our % commission 3)两笔佣金或几笔佣金不可说:two or several commissions应该说:two or several items of commissions4)一切佣金或各项佣金可以说:all commissionsThe salesman receives a commission of 5% on sales.III.Chinese version of the letter:敬启者敬启者: 从你九月一日函得悉你公司作为中国棉布出口商原与我公司从你九月一日函得悉你公司作为中国棉布出口商原与我公司

59、建立直接业建立直接业务关系,这恰巧与我们的愿望一致。务关系,这恰巧与我们的愿望一致。 目前我们对印花细布感兴趣。请航寄商品目录、样品本以及目前我们对印花细布感兴趣。请航寄商品目录、样品本以及有关此项商有关此项商品的一切必要资料,以便我方能对你方所供商品的质量和工艺品的一切必要资料,以便我方能对你方所供商品的质量和工艺有所了解。有所了解。同时请报给我们同时请报给我们CIF温哥华包括我方温哥华包括我方5%佣金的最低价,并注明佣金的最低价,并注明最早交货最早交货期。期。 如你方价格具有竞争性而且交货期可为我方接受,我们拟向如你方价格具有竞争性而且交货期可为我方接受,我们拟向你方大量订你方大量订购。购

60、。 谅能早日答复。谅能早日答复。 谨启谨启IV.Key to exercises:1. Complete the following sentences in English:1) a. We shall quote you our keenest price CIF Lagos. b. We shall quote our price CIF Marseilles including 3% commission for “Ever-lasting” Brand bicycle. c. We shall quote you our lowest price.2)IV.Key to exerci

61、ses:1. Complete the following sentences in English:2) a. We are forwarding you 3 sets of samples by airmail. b. We are sending you 5 copies of our sample bookS. c. We have airmailed three copies of catalogue to you.IV.Key to exercises:1. Complete the following sentences in English:3) a. We are prepa

62、red to place an order with you for 300 “Butterfly” Brand Sewing Machines. b. We shall place large orders for mens shirts. c. We have confidence in ordering Printed Shirting in large quantities.2. Translate the following letter into English: Dear sirs,Sewing Machines We write to introduce ourselves a

63、s one of the largest importers of Sewing Machines in Lagos and have been handling all kinds of such machines for more than twenty years. We are eager to enter into business relations with you in the hope of developing the trade between our two countries. 2. Translate the following letter into Englis

64、h: Sewing Machines We are enclosing our Enquiry Sheet No.303 and will appreciate your quotation CIF Lagos including our commission of 5% together with your indication of quantities available and the earliest delivery date. You are also requested to airmail us two copies of your catalogue so as to en

65、able us to have a better knowledge of your products. 2. Translate the following letter into English: Sewing Machines If your price is competitive, we are prepared to place an order for 500 sets of the sewing machine. Your early reply will be much appreciated. Yours faithfully,Encl. Lesson 7A Firm Of

66、fer I.About the letter:Firm offers are usually made by cable as market fluctuations demand the most effective and rapid means of communication. Immediately after cabling a firm offer, the exporter would send a letter not only for confirmation but also for explanation of the cable. The letter given i

67、n this lesson serves as an example, with the purpose of recommending acceptance. The letter should carry to the buyer some convincing force of a good salesmans talk.II.Additional Notes:1. firm adj. 确定的, 有效的This offer is firm for a week.此句的表语形容词firm不可改用其他形容词。作“确定,有效”解的firm的副词有两种形式,即firm和firmly。在商业信函中

68、,它修饰动词offer, counter-offer, bid等时,用firm。This is a firm offer.We offer you firm as follows.firm offer 实盘A Non-firm offer虚盘通常以下列短语表示:Subject to our final confirmation(以我方最后确认为准)Subject to prior sale(以先售为条件)Subject to the goods being unsold(以货物未经售出为有效)2. European Main Ports 欧洲主要口岸常缩写为EMP。按照航运公会统一规定,EMP

69、 包括:Genoa 热那亚(意大利)Marseilles 马塞(法国)Antwerp 安特卫普(比利时)Rotterdam 鹿特丹(荷兰)London 伦敦(英国)Hamburg 汉堡(德国)Copenhagen 哥本哈根(丹麦)3. as regards=regarding=with/in regard to 关于4. The few parcels we have at present are under offer elsewhere.我们目前仅有的少数几笔货正向别处报盘。Here the preposition “under” indicates the course or proce

70、ss; also:under discussion=just being discussedunder offer=just being offeredunder repair=just being repaired5. bid n./v. 递价,出价=buyers offer 名词bid常与动词make连用,基本结构是:make sb. a bid (at a price) (for sth.)动词的常用结构为:bid a price for sth.6.There is a possibility of 1)Possibility of + gerundIs there any possi

71、bility of your placing additional quantities? 2) possibility of + nounThere is a possibility of business done.The possibility of a fall in price is rather remote.3) possibility + that clauseThere is a possibility that you may obtain them.7. growing demand = increasing demand 日益增长的需求Note that “demand

72、” is followed by the prep. “for”.There is a large demand for this article.The market is rising. = Prices are rising.8. The market is strengthening. 行市正在上涨other examples:The market strengthens.=Market becomes stronger.The market is advancing = Price are rising.The market advances. = Prices rise.The m

73、arket is stiffening. = Prices are becoming higher.The market is soaring. = Prices are rising sharply.The market is rising. = Prices are rising.III.Chinese version of the letter:敬启者:关于花生米及核桃仁 兹确认你方九月二日来电,要求我方报供花生米及核桃仁CFR哥本哈根确盘,我方已于今晨复电报给你方手捡、去壳不分级的花生250公吨,每公吨净价人民币1800元CFR哥本哈根或任何其他主要欧洲口岸,1985年十月/十一月装船

74、。此报价为确盘,以你方在九月二十五日前复到为有效。 III.Chinese version of the letter:敬启者:关于花生米及核桃仁请注意此乃我方所能报供的最优惠价格,任何还盘皆难予以接受。 III.Chinese version of the letter:敬启者:关于核桃仁,兹告知你方,我们目前仅有的几笔货已向别处报盘。但是如果你方能给我方一个可以接受的递盘,则你方有可能获得此货。 如你所知,近来上述商品需求量很大。这种日益增长的需求已然导致了价格的上涨。然而,如果你方立即作复,则此上涨市况正好是你方可利用的一个有利机会。 谨启IV.Key to exercises1. Co

75、mplete the following sentences, using participial phrases as an attributive:1) enclosing a copy of your catalogue.2) confirming your purchase from us of 100 bicycles.3) accepting our offer the soonest possible.4) asking for the supply of 2000 bicycles in one shipment. 5) enclosing an order for 50 to

76、ns Iron Nails.6) informing us of the development of market at your end7) covering 20 tons Walnuts under Contract No.1234.8) covering the items of their immediate requirement.9) listing a wide range of electric goods.10) Showing the various products now available for export.2. Translate the following

77、 sentences into English1) We would like to point out that owing to limited stock, your prompt acceptance by cable is invited.2. Translate the following sentences into English2) We confirm our cable of this morning offering 50 metric tons of groundnuts subject to your reply reaching us within a week.

78、2. Translate the following sentences into English3) We confirm having cabled you an offer for 20 metric tons of Walnutmeat at USD2500 per M/T CIF European main port for shipment in October.2. Translate the following sentences into English4) As we are interested in “Dongfanghong” Brand tractors, plea

79、se make us a firm offer for 50 sets.2. Translate the following sentences into English5) If you could make us a bid, we believe there would be a possibility of concluding business.6) The recent increase in the price of iron and steel is likely to bring about a corresponding increase of the price of t

80、ractors.7) The parcel of 50 metric tons of walnuts is at present under offer elsewhere but if you act promptly there is still a possibility of concluding the business.8) The market is strengthening, but we are prepared to give you favourable terms if you confirm the purchase at once.6) The recent in

81、crease in the price of iron and steel is likely to bring about a corresponding increase of the price of tractors.7) The parcel of 50 metric tons of walnuts is at present under offer elsewhere but if you act promptly there is still a possibility of concluding the business.8) The market is strengtheni

82、ng, but we are prepared to give you favourable terms if you confirm the purchase at once.9) We should like to add that owing to heavy demand we can only keep the offer open till October 15, beyond which date we are no longer be able to reserve goods for you.10) We must point out that as we are at pr

83、esent heavily committed, we can only accept orders for delivery in November.3. Write a reply to the letter in this lesson with the following particulars:Dear Sirs, We confirm receipt of your letter of September 11 and the exchange of cables between us.Groundnuts, Hand-picked, Shelled and Ungraded We

84、 regret to say that your price of RMB1800 per M/T CFR European main port is indeed too high to be acceptable. For your information, recently groundnuts from U.S.A are readily available in large quantities at a price only to the equivalent of RMB1700 per M/T CFR EMP. You are requested to reduce your

85、price to the corresponding level for shipment during October.Walnutmeat Our bid for this article is USD2500 per metric ton. If you find our price agreeable, please cable us your confirmation, indicating the time of shipment and details of packing. We look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully,Dear

86、 Sirs, We confirm receipt of your letter of September 11 and the exchange of cables between us.Groundnuts, Hand-picked, Shelled and Ungraded We regret to say that your price of RMB1800 per M/T CFR European main port is indeed too high to be acceptable.Lesson 9A Special OfferI.About the letter: Expor

87、ters should, as a rule, make offers in reply to enquiries from the importers. For certain goods which enjoy fast sales, the exporter may make special offers. This letter is written by the China National Textiles Import & Export Corp. to an importer in Vancouver, Canada, making a special offer on Pri

88、nted Shirting.II.Additional notes:1. as requested 按照要求(或请求)商业书信按对方要求办某事后,在通知对方时,常用as requested 于句首。在语法上可理解为as it is requested 的省略(as是从属连词),也可以理解为 as is requested的省略(as是关系代词)。 request 作名词用时,后接 for 或以 that 引起的同位语从句(虚拟语气)。 We note you request for samples.得悉你方要求寄样。We note your request that we (should) s

89、end you generous samples.得悉你方要求我们寄大量样品。1) on/upon request 一经要求 ,承索即寄 Catalogues and brochure will be sent on/upon request .目录本及说明书承索即寄。2)at the request of/at sbs request 应某人的要求At your request we make you an offer as follows:应你方要求兹报盘如下:3) Request 作动词用时,宾语可以是名词或动名词,或以动词不定式为宾语补足语的复合宾语,或以that 引起的从句(虚拟语气

90、)。We request your prompt consideration.我们要求你方速予考虑。We request your attending to this matter immediately.我们要求你方立即办理此事。We request you to take this matter into prompt consideration.我们要求你方对此事速予以考虑。We request that you (should/would) carefully consider our proposal.我方请求你们仔细考虑我们的建议。2. 课文中的商品规格:30 X 36 指经纬线的

91、用纱支数72 X 69指经纬线的寸密35“/36” 指布幅宽度42 yds. 指每匹长度Note:“ = inch = foot yd(s) = yards M = metermm = millimeter cm = centimeterlb. = pound MT = metric ton3. await v. 等候await 与wait for 同义,但注意以下区别:await 可用动名词作宾语,不可用不定式wait (vi.) 可用不定式作宾语We await hearing from you.We are waiting to hear from you.2) wait for可用“名

92、词或代词+不定式”作复合宾语,而 await 则不可。误:We are awaiting the market to recover.正:We are wait for the market to recover.我们正在等候市场恢复活跃。 Chinese version of the letter:特殊报盘特殊报盘敬启者敬启者: : 三月二十一日函悉。按你方要求,另封航邮我方三月二十一日函悉。按你方要求,另封航邮我方印花细布印花细布商品目录一份及样品册两本,谅能及时到达你处以供商品目录一份及样品册两本,谅能及时到达你处以供你方挑你方挑选。选。 为了开展我们之间的业务,特向你方作如下报盘,以为

93、了开展我们之间的业务,特向你方作如下报盘,以我方最后确认为准:我方最后确认为准: 货货 号:号: 8100081000印花布印花布 花样号:花样号: 72435-2A72435-2A 规规 格:格: 30X36X72X69 3530X36X72X69 35”X36X36”X42X42码码 数数 量:量: 1260012600码码 包包 装:装: 布包或木箱装,由卖方选定布包或木箱装,由卖方选定 价价 格:格: 每码每码 美元美元CIFC5%CIFC5%温哥华温哥华 装船期:装船期: 自自19XX19XX年六月份起分三批每月等量装运年六月份起分三批每月等量装运 付款方式:保兑的、不可撤销的即期信

94、用证,须在装船前付款方式:保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证,须在装船前3030天开立天开立 我们相信上述报盘对你方是可以接受的。殷切期待你方的我们相信上述报盘对你方是可以接受的。殷切期待你方的试订定单。试订定单。 谨启谨启IV.Key to exercises:1. Complete the following sentences in English:1) As the prices quoted by us is reasonable, we trust it will be acceptable to you.2) We wish to advise that samples and cat

95、alogues have been sent by separate mail.3) We shall appreciate it if you will offer us 200 “Flying Pigeon” Brand Bicycles for shipment during March/April.4) We make you this offer, subject to your reply reaching us within 5 days.5) The earliest shipment possible is December, and we hope this will be

96、 acceptable to you.2. Translate the following into English:1) We have received your enquiry of 25th March for our walnutmeat.2) As requested, we offer you 300 “Flying Pigeon” Brand Bicycles as follows:3) The above offer is subject to our final confirmation.4) Under separate cover, we have sent you s

97、amples and three brochures/pamphlets.5) We hope the price will be acceptable to you.6) As one of our clients is interested in “Butterfly” Brand Sewing Machines, you are requested to cable us an offer for 100 sets for September shipment.7) We look forward to your confirmation at an early date.8) Rega

98、rding the terms of payment, we require an irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight.9) You have the option of accepting all or part of the quantity.10) We should be much obliged if you would cable us an offer for 900 pieces of Electric Fans CIF Dares Salaam.3. Translate the following letter into Eng

99、lish: Dear sirs, we thank you for your enquiry of June 25 and offer as follows, subject to your reply reaching us within 10 days. 1000 doz. Mens Shirts, specifications as per attached sheet at Stg. per doz. CIF Singapore, for shipment in August/September. Payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevoca

100、ble L/C against sight draft. We trust the above offer will be acceptable to you and are awaiting your favorable reply with keen interest. Yours faithfully,Encl.Lesson 12Concession on PriceI.About the letter:This letter is from the seller to the buyer refusing the buyers request of making a substanti

101、al reduction in the price offered. The tactics used are to emphasize the superior quality and that products are really worth the price. However, the seller did make a small concession in order to bring the business to a successful conclusion.II.Additional notes:1. be of the opinion 认为 In our opinion

102、Our opinion is thatIt is our opinion thatWe are strongly of the opinion that price is not the only determinant of business.2. Desirous as we are to expand 尽管我们渴望扩大- Although we are desirous to expand- Much as we desire to expand- While we are desirous to Other expressions:1)However desirous/anxious

103、we may be of commencing/opening up business with you.2)Although we are desirous of starting business with you, we are regretful that we are unable to allow the reduction as requested.3)Though we have the desire of expanding business with you, we are regretful that we are not in a position to accept

104、the counter-offer you made.3. to meet you half way 与你各让一半,折衷处理to meet each other half wayto both go half way (to meet each other)to go fifty-fifty and close the gapIII.Chinese version of the letter价格让步价格让步敬启者:敬启者:“海鸥海鸥”牌钢笔牌钢笔 承你方在十月二十二日函中告知,我方所报上述商品的价格太高以至无承你方在十月二十二日函中告知,我方所报上述商品的价格太高以至无法进行。这是因为你方所得


106、到你方答复。 谨启谨启IV.Key to exercises:1. Fill in the missing words and then translate into Chinese:1) in 如你方能把数量增至五千件,我们将在价格上予以减让。2)to, to我愿提请你注意该货质量优于其他产品。3)till/untill我方准备保留该报盘至本月二十五日有效。4)to兹谈及你方三月十六日报盘。5)for我方许多客户要求我方向你方联系报盘。6) of, in, in如你方能减价百分之一,我方有把握为你方获得大量订单。7)from, in如我方在此期间不见你方来信,我们就撤回该报盘。8)to上述报

107、盘以我方最后确认为准确。2. Complete the following sentences:1) that your price is too high to work on.2) If you are in a position to make offers,3) We are of the opinion that4) the quality of other makes does not measure up to that of our “Sea Gull” Brand products.5) We feel regretful6) The best we can do7) man

108、y of our clients are desirous to expand their business with you.8) If you can make a reduction of 2%3. Translate the following sentences into English:1) We find that your counter-offer is hardly acceptable.2) We cannot make any further reduction in the price quoted.3) You can hardly imagine how desi

109、rous we are to expand business with you.4) If we can meet each other half way, business is likely to result.5) We have never doubted about the quality of your products.6) We have to point out that the quality of the goods ex s.s. “Red Star” does not measure up to the contracted standard.7) We feel r

110、egretful that you failed to direct the attention of your users to the quality of the product.8) If you can make a further reduction of 2%, your price will be competitive enough.CHAPTER THREEMAKING COUNTER OFFERS AND DECLINING ORDERSLesson 13 Counter-offer on Groundnut KernelsI.About the letter: The

111、word “counter-offer” more often implies an alteration in the price or other terms and conditions. At any rate, a counter-offer can be made either by an exporter or by an importer. The letter given in this lesson is a counter-offer made by the importer. As a matter of fact, there is seldom a case in

112、which an offer is accepted straight-forwardedly without price haggling or further exchange of letters and cables after an offer is made. In making a counter-offer the writer would have to explain why the offer is un-acceptable and at what price or on what terms business can be done.II.Additional not

113、es:1. on the usual terms 按照惯常条款- under/according to the usual termsterms 作“条款” 解,用复数形式2. regret v. 抱歉;惋惜;引为遗憾1) regret + nounWe regret our inability to do as requested.2) regret + (to say) + that clauseWe regret (to say) that we cannot accept your price.We regret (to say) that we cannot make you an

114、offer at present.3) When modified by “very much”, the verb “regret” usually comes after the modifier.e.g.We very much regret our inability to accept your price.We very much regret to say that we cannot make you an offer at present.4) regret + gerundWe regret being unable to meet your request.3. find

115、 vt. taking a complex object1) find + noun + adj.=find + adj. + complementWe find your price too high.We find your quotation too high to workable.We find your offer very interesting and shall give you a definite reply in a few days.2) find + noun + prepositional phrase we find your price out of line

116、 with the prevailing market level.3) find + (anticipatory) it + adj. + inf.We find it difficult to work on your quotation.We find it necessary to ask you for an extension of the L/C.4. indicate vt. 指出Please indicate your idea of price.Please indicate the earliest possible shipment.indication (sign o

117、r suggestion) n. 迹象,征兆Please give us indication of price at which you can accept our order.Indications show that the market will advance further.From present indications, the market will continue to be weak.5. deny v.否认,拒绝1)to deny + that clauseWe do not deny that the quality of Chinese kernels is s

118、lightly better.They denied that their agents were to blame.2) to deny + gerundThey denied having done so.They denied their agents having made a mistake.3) to deny sth. + to be sth. elseWe deny this to be the case.4) It cannot be denied + that clauseIt cannot denied that your L/C arrived late.It cann

119、ot denied that your agents made a mistake.6. in no case 决不-under no circumstances-by no means-definitely notWe will, in no case, depart from the principle.Your offer should, in no case, be made on FOB basis.7. market is declining 市场正在下跌Here “market” means “market price”Market is advancingMarket is s

120、trong. (rising steadily)十分坚挺,持续上涨III.Chinese version of the letter关于花生仁的还盘敬启者:花生仁良好平均品质2006年收成 收到你方八月二十二日来信,按照惯常条款报来标题商品50公吨,每公吨美金1300元。 为复你方来信,我们抱歉地告知,我们在鹿特丹的买主认为你们的价格太高。有消息表明,有几批印度货已按比你方低大约10%的价格出售。 我们并不否认中国花生仁的品质略佳,但无论如何价格的差距不应大到10%,为促进贸易,我们特还盘如下,以你方在九月十四日或以前复到我方为准。50公吨花生仁良好平均品质2006年收成每公吨美金1220元,

121、CIF鹿特丹,其他条款按你方八月二十二日来信所述. 由于市况下跌,建议你方立即接受。 谨启IV.Key to exercises:1. Fill in the missing words:1) quote, at on, for 2)2) of, at, per, on/under3) in, into, with5) do, make, in2. Complete the following in English:1) a. your price should in no case exceed RMB1600per ton. b. shipment of the goods should

122、in no case be later than June this year. c. your packing must be improved and should in no case remain as it is.2) a. we regret having to decline your counter-offer. b. we very much regret to say that your quotation is really too high. c. we are very sorry that we have nothing available for the time

123、 being. d. we must deny the charges against us as alleged in your letter.3. Translate the following into English:1)We regret that your customers have not accepted our offer for canned fruits.1)We regret being unable to supply at the price indicated in your letter No. HG123.1)We do not deny that our

124、groundnut price is slightly higher than that of Indian origin but there is such a wide difference in quality that the comparison between the two is entirely out of the question.4) Your L/C must reach us on or before the 25th this month, otherwise we shall not be able to catch the steamer “Dongfeng”.

125、4) to, reply, reaching, atAs the market of groundnuts is declining, there is no possibility of business unless you can reduce your price by 5%.We regret to inform you that our customers here find your price too high.Information indicates that quite a few of our customers here are inclined to place o

126、rders with other suppliers.We do not deny that the quality of your products is superior to that of Japanese make but the difference in price should in no case be as big as 20%.5)As the find your price too high.market of groundnuts is declining, there is no possibility of business unless you can redu

127、ce your price by 5%.6) We regret to inform you that our customers here8) Information indicates that quite a few of our customers here are inclined to place orders with other supplies.4. Fill in the appropriate word or words from the following list: received, understood, intended, hoped, expected, li

128、es, draw, To convey, rely, get, take, try, using, Put, imagining, sense, arouse, set up Students Activity: Role PlayUseful Expressions:1.Your price is on the high side.2.Our quoted price is quite realistic.3.We have received a lot of orders from various sources at our level.4.We would ask you to act

129、 quickly.5.We assure you that any further enquiries from you will receive our prompt attention.Take A as a substitute (of B)Synthetic/natural rubberReplace A with BA be replaced by BCHAPTER FOURCONCLUSION OF BUSINESSLesson 20(A) Sending a Sales Contract(B) Sending a Sales ConfirmationI.About the let

130、ters: If the exchange of letters or cables or telexes leads to the conclusion of business, both parties should confirm the deal. Such letters are usually accompanied by a Purchase Confirmation/Purchase Contract or a Sales Confirmation/Sales Contract. The letter given in this lesson is one from the s

131、eller confirming the sales of 30 metric tons of Groundnut Kernels. A letter confirming an order or a sale should be very simple as the relative Confirmation or Contract is almost always enclosed.In our corporations, a printed form is usually used and only a few words have to be filled in. But someti

132、mes, instead of a printed form, a covering letter is used to draw his counterparts special attention to certain terms and conditions, such as payment, shipment, etc. The first letter severs as an instance of this kind. Note that the seller requests the buyer to open the relative L/C at an early date

133、. The second letter is from the seller to the buyer, sending Sales Confirmations for the buyers counter-signature, as a result of cables exchanged.II.Additional notes:1. exchange v. 交换,对换We look forward to exchanging views with you at the Mini-Fair.我们期望在小交会上和你们交换意见。They are inclined to exchange thei

134、r dollars for pounds.他们倾向于把(他们的)美元换成英镑。2. In duplicate 一式两份Also: in triplicate, in quadruplicate, in quintuplicate, in sextuplicate, in septuplicate, in octuplicate一式四份以上也可以说:in four copies/fold, in five copies/fold, in six copies/fold3. book your order for 卖给你方(接订你方订单) We have booked the following

135、order as per your letter of and ours of and wish to assure you that, upon receipt of the relevant credit, we shall not fail to effect shipment in time. we have booked your order for 30000 yards of Article No. 60. Please send us colour assortment immediately and open the covering L/C according to the

136、 terms contracted. Your order is booked and will be handled with great care. Please open the relevant L/C, which must reach here one month prior to the date of shipment.book with you 向你方买进 we are glad that we have booked with you 150 bicycles. 我们很高兴向你方买了150辆自行车。 The business was booked on the basis

137、of sample. 这笔交易是凭样成交的。4. assure vt. 使确信assure sb. of sth.assure sb. that be (rest) assured of sth.be (rest) assured that We wish to assure you of the punctual shipment of your order.我们向你方保证按时装运你方订货。We assure you that we shall revert to your enquiry as soon as fresh supplies come in.请确信一俟新货到来我们会重谈你方的

138、寻盘。Please be assured of our readiness to cooperate with you.请相信我方愿随时与你方合作。Chinese version of the letters:III.(A)寄送销售合同 敬启者: 根据最近交换的电报,兹确认与你方达成了一笔三十公吨花生米的交易。现随函附上我方销售合同第354号一式二份。请会签并退回一份以便我方存档,谅你方必会早日开出有关信用证。 谨启III.(B)寄送销售确认书 敬启者: 我方已接受你方关于500台“蝴蝶”牌缝纫机的第237号订单,今寄去售货确认书第BP103号一式三份。请签退一份以备存档。 不言而喻你方会立即

139、开给我方有关上述货物的信用证。同时请放心,一俟收到信用证,我们将立即发运。 请你方合作并盼你方继续订货。 谨启Key to exercises:1. Put in the missing words:1) otherwise, might 2) in, each, by 3) to 4) do 5) from, of, at, per, including 6) on, accept 7) on, execute, to, of, with 8) with, concerning 9) in, for 10) to be, by, payable 11) from 12) in 13) res

140、ults 14) result 15) with 16) in 17) with 18) in 19) through 20) to2. Translate the following into English:The recent exchange of cables between us has resulted in a transaction of 50 cases of Bristles.We are pleased to inform you that our end-users have decided to order the following goods at your p

141、rices.Please write to us in reply accepting our offer and confirm the above mentioned terms.Please note that the L/C clauses should be in strict accordance with the stipulations of our S/C so as to avoid the trouble of subsequent cable amendments.5) In reply to your letter of 23rd October, we regret

142、 we are unable to accept your price of the machine but if you can see your way to reduce your price by 5%, we believe there will be a possibility of business.6) After long and friendly discussions we have now concluded a transaction of 50,000 pieces of Bed Sheets.7) Enclosed please find our Sales Co

143、nfirmation No. HN768 in duplicate. If you find everything in order, please sign and return one copy for our files.8) It is our belief that the current small business will lead to a series of larger dealings in the near future.9) We have received your letter of September 20,19. Together with an order

144、 for 1,000 Sewing Machines.10) You may rest assured that we will arrange for despatch by the first available steamer with the least possible delay upon receipt of your L/C.3. Write a letterDear sirs, We refer to your letter of March 20 offering us “Gold Deer” Bicycles. As we find your price quite ag

145、reeable, we are prepared to place a trial order for 100 units to start with. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that our future business depends much upon the result of the first shipment. So this trial order of ours should be dealt with most carefully. We are awaiting your confirmatio

146、n by cable and will open the necessary L/C upon receipt of your favourable reply. We look forward to your further cooperation in promoting this line. Yours truly,4. Complete the following sentences:1)having booked your order2)It is estimated3)It is understood4)one copy of which is to be5)has develop

147、ed most satisfactorily.CHAPTER SIXPAYMENLesson 29(A) Proposing to Pay by 30 Days L/C(B) ReplyI. About the letter:(A) In this letter the buyers, owing to moderate means at hand, propose to pay by 30 days L/C for their order of 1,000 casks of Iron Nails. From thisletter you can see how the writer make

148、s his request by saying something good. (B) The main point of this letter is that in accordance with the proposal of the buyers, the sellers, after careful study, accept payment to be made by L/C at30 days sight, owing to long friendlyBusiness relations between them and the willingness to help the A

149、frican friends in getting the transaction through.Enclosed the sellers send the Sales Confirmation No. 105 against the order from the buyers.II. Additional notes:1. pay vt. 付(款项、费用等);给予(注意等);进行(访问等) vi. 付款;值得;合算If this change is effected, we will have to pay rather heave expenses.Please pay special

150、attention to this point.The writer contemplates paying a visit to your city sometime in September.pay for ph. v. 付出代价,为了得到 而付款Of course we have to pay for all we buy.payable adj. 可付的,应付的bills payable 应付票据a cheque payable at sight 见票即付的支票amount payable 应付金额account payable 应付帐款payment n. (不可数)支付;(可数)支

151、付的款monthly payments of RMB30,000 每月付款人民币三万元1)付某种费用的款,如发票、费用、佣金等,常用“in payment of”We are enclosing our Cheque No. B123 issued by the Barclays bank, London for stg.2560 in payment of your Invoice No. 53.兹寄去伦敦巴克莱银行所开的第B123号支票一纸,金额计2560英镑,系付你方第53号发票之款。2)付某种具体实物的款,如商品、广告、样品等,常用:in payment for”We airmaile

152、d you yesterday a series of “Hua Sheng” Brand Electric Fans as samples and are looking forward to your cheque for USD230 in payment for the above.我方于昨日空邮去“华生”牌电风扇系列样品,并盼望收到你方金额计230美元的支票以偿付上述样品。2. letter of credit1)信用证是可数的普通名词,单数为(a) letter of credit,复数为 letters of credit,但在商业书信中常作大写,单数为Letter of Cre

153、dit,复数为Letters of Credit,且常用大写缩写,单数为(an) L/C,复数为Ls/C。此外,商业书信有时也用credit一个词表示信用证,复数为credits。2)即期信用证的几种说法:a. letter of credit available by draft at sightb. letter of credit payable against draft at sightc. letter of credit available by sight draftd. letter of credit payable against sight draft 在商业书信中常简

154、称“sight L/C”3) 远期信用证的说法:usance L/C; time L/C; term L/C以见票30天议付的信用证为例,介绍下面几种常见的说法:a. L/C available by draft at 30 days after sightb. (usance/time/term) L/C at 30 days after sightc. (usance/time/term) L/C at 30 days d. 30 days (usance/time/term) L/C4) 有关信用证的部分常见词汇:confirmed L/C 保兑信用证irrevocable L/C 不可

155、撤消的信用证documentary L/C 跟单信用证transferable and divisible L/C 可转让与可分割的信用证revolving L/C 循环信用证back to back L/C 背对背信用证reciprocal L/C 对开信用证to open an L/C 开证to establish an L/C 开证to issue an L/C 开证to amend an L/C 改证to extend and L/C 展证3. means n.资财;手段,方法;工具moderate means 资金有限(不大)means of production 生产资料means

156、 of transport (or: transportation) 运输工具4. at hand 在手边,临近The selling season is at hand.5. tie-up of funds 占压资金tie-up n.束缚;停顿tie-up in negotiations 谈判僵局tie-up v. 占压,占用The request for easier payment terms is compelled by their funds being tied up in numberous commitments.6. extend v. 给予1) We extend our

157、 thanks to you for your cooperation.2) We would extend our invitation to your manager to attend the Miniature Garments Fair to be held in Shanghai next month.3) Please have your letter of credit extended to July 20.(延展)4) We agree to extend the area of sole agency to cover Vancouver in additional to

158、 Montreal.(扩大)7. accommodation n. 照顾;通融We extend to you this accommodation in view of our friendly relations.Accommodate v. 照顾;通融We hope you will accommodate us by allowing 3% commission.Accommodating adj. 照顾的;通融的We hope you will be accommodating enough to grant our request.III. Chinese version of t

159、he letters:(A)建议以30天期信用证付款 敬启者: 兹愿按你方的价格订购1,000桶铁钉,每桶150.00美元,拉格斯成本加运费价加5%佣金,七月/八月船期。 对这一订单,我们愿意用30天期的信用证付款。这一订单金额达150,000.00美元,是一个较大的订单。 由于手头资金有限,占压资金长达三四个月之久,让我们确实吃不消。 无需说,我们对你方过去给予我们的支持非常感谢。如果这次你方能对我们特别优惠,请寄来合同,收到后,我们会立即开出有关信用证。 谨启(B)答复 敬启者: 谢谢你方五月五日寄来的铁钉订单。 我们认真研究了你方提出的以30天期信用证付款的建议。我们通常不接受远期信用证

160、。但是,鉴于我们长期令人愉快的合作关系以及我们支持非洲朋友的愿望,这次我们同意你方的建议。但是我们要讲清楚,这一照顾仅限于此笔交易,决不能援以为例。 随函附去上述订货的第105号销售合同,请按通常手续办理。 谨启 附件:如文IV. Key to exercises:1. Complete the following in English:1) a. to pay by L/C at 90 days. b. to pay by usance L/C c. to pay in Pounds Sterling2) a. your support in the past (the support th

161、at you have extended us in the past). b. your accommodation in this transaction (the accommodation you have extended us in this transaction / deal).3) a. your L/C should reach us before the end of this month so as to enable us to ship the goods per s.s. “Dongfeng” sailing for your port on or about t

162、he 15th of next month. b. owing to the continuous devaluation of the pounds sterling, we have insisted on payment by L/C in RMB from the outset of our negotiations.2. Translate the following letter into English: We thank you for your letter of May 5 ordering 1,000 kegs Iron Nails. We regret to infor

163、m you that your proposal of payment by letter of credit at 30 days is not acceptable to us, as we have to stick to our usual practice of payment by L/C at sight. If it is agreeable to you, please let us know by cable so that we may send you our Sales Contract. Please do not think us unaccommodating.

164、 4. In each blank space write a word that fits naturally: method, international, letter, ideal, for, trade, gives, starts, issue (open, establish), amount, and, instructions, transaction, sends, correspondent, On, correspondent, credit, usual (normal), confirm, undertakes, due, forth (out) with, kno

165、wing, money, secure, behalf, carried5. Translate the following into English:1)Please note that payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C allowing partial shipment(s) and transhipment, available by draft at sight.2)Your request for payment by D/P has been taken into consideration. In view o

166、f the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to effect shipment on this (D/P) basis.3)In compliance with your request, we will make an exception to our rules and accept delivery against 30 days L/C, but this should not be regarded as a precedent.4) It would be advisable for you to establi

167、sh the covering letter of credit as early as possible so as to enable us to arrange shipment in due time.5) According to the stipulations in our Sales Confirmation No.222, you should send us your letter of credit one-month proceeding the date of shipment.CHAPTER SEVENESTABLISHMENT OF AND AMENDMENT T

168、O L/CLesson 37 (A) A Specimen of an L/CB/L 提单一、提单的性质和作用1、定义:提单是由船长或船公司或其代理人签发的,证明已收到特定货物,允诺将货物运至特定目的地,并交付给收货人的凭证。2、性质和作用:(一)提单是承运人或代理人签发的货物收据。它证明已按提单所列内容收到货物。(二)提单是一种货物所有权凭证。提单的合法持有人凭提单可以在目的港向船公司提取货物。也可以通过转让提单而转移货物所有权。(三)提单是托运人和船公司间所订运输契约的证明。双方的权利和义务都列明在提单之内,因此提单是处理承运人与托运人在运输中权利和义务的依据二、提单的种类1、根据提单有无

169、批注条款可分为“清洁提单(clean B/L )和“不清洁提单”(unclean B/L)。清洁提单是指货物在装船时表面状况良好,船公司在提单上未加任何有关货物受损或包装不良等批注的提单。不清洁提单是指船公司在提单上加注有货物受损或包装不良等批注的提单。例如:2 packages in damaged condition-2 件损坏;ironstrap loose or missing-铁条松失 2、根据货物是否已装船分“已装船提单”(on board B/L)和“备运提单”(received for shipment B/L)。 “已装船提单”是指轮船公司已将货物装上指定轮船后所签发的提单。

170、“备运提单”是指轮船公司已收到托运货物等待装运期间所签发的提单。 3、根据提单是否可以流通分“记名提单”(straight B/L)和“指示提单”(order B/L)。记名提单是指提单上的抬头人(即收货人)栏内填明特定的收货人名称,只能有特定的收货人提货,不能以背书的方式转让给第三者,因此记名提单不能流通。指示提单是指提单上的抬头人一栏仅填“凭指定”(to order)或“凭某某人指定”(to sbs order 或to the order of sb)字样,这种提单经过背书后可转让给他人提货。背书的方法,有“空白背书”和“记名背书”,前者指仅由背书人在提单的背面签字,而不注明被背书人的名称

171、;后者是指背书人除在提单的背面签字外,还列明被背书人名称I. About the letter:In this letter, we have a specimen of L/C in which there are terms and conditions which we should learn carefully, because it will help us to learn how to write an L/C.II.Chinese version of the letter:信用证样张北意银行第3586号不可撤消的信用证 米兰,1985年12月27日致:中国五金矿产进出口公司

172、天津分公司中国,天津通过伦敦米德兰银行送达敬启者:我方以此为米兰市,米兰街53号,Italiano cement Inc. 开立金额为不超过总数25,755(贰万伍千七百五十五英镑整),以你方为受益人的一份不可撤消信用证,凭你方开具以我方为付款人的金额为发票价值的100%的即期汇票付款,并须附有下列单据: 签署的商业发票一式三份,注明合同号码AB108; 包装单及重量单一式三份; 全套清洁已装船海洋提单,空白抬头,空白背书,注明”运费已付”字样,通知开证申请人; 保险单或保险凭证,保险金额为发票金额110%,空白背 书,投保水渍险及战争险,赔付地点为米兰; 由商品检验局出具的品质及重量检验证书

173、一式三份; 产地证书一式三份;证明装运: 1000长吨鹦鹉牌白水泥每长吨25.75,CIF 热那亚,按装 运净重计价从中国运往热那亚不迟于1986年1月31日许可分批装运,不许转运本证在天津直至1986年2月15日有效所有开出的汇票必须注明“在米兰,北意银行1985年12月27日所开出的不可撤消信用证下出具”字样。我行保证照付所有根据上述信用证条款开具的汇票。每笔议付的金额和日期必须由议付行在本证的背面批注,并将全套议付单据分两次用航邮寄交我行。议付行可以开出即期汇票向保兑行索偿,保兑行在以汇票借记我行帐户时,应随附该行的声明,声明本证的全部条款已被符合,所需单据已航寄我行。 北意银行谨上 (

174、签署)盖章:我行即此加保 我行参考号29806 米德兰银行 1985年12月29日Lesson 39 (A) Asking for Extension of L/C(B) ReplyI. About the letter:This is a follow-up letter. Immediately after dispatching a cable the exporter would send a letter not only for confirmation but also for explanation of the cable. The letter given in this

175、lesson serves as an example, with the purpose of urging the importer to extend the relative L/CIn this letter, the buyer stated their difficulties in extending the L/C, as the present situation was beyond their control, they had no alternative but to ask for the sellers cooperation in effecting the

176、shipment as scheduled.II. Additional notes:1. Provided conj. 假若;倘使(和 that 连用,也可以省略 that,等于providing,此词意义和 if 相似,但强调“以 为条件”)The goods will be delivered next week provided the drivers are not on strike.如果司机们不罢工的话,下星期将可交货。We accept your offer provided (that) shipment is made in November.如能在十一月装船,我们即接受你

177、方报盘。2. apply v. 申请(后接介词for);适用,与 有关(后接介词to)1)We have already applied for the import licence.我们已申请了进口许可证。2)The new rate of commission does not apply to business already done.新的佣金率不适应于过去已达成的交易。3)apply to sb. for sth. 向 申请 We have applied to the authorities for the business licence.我们已向当局申请了营业执照。3. gra

178、nt v. 给予,准许给予;答应1 ) Please cable us your firm order as soon as permission to import is granted.一俟进口许可证批准,请来电订购。2) If it is at all possible, please grant our request.如有可能,就请答应我们的要求。3) granting that granted that 即使,就算Granting that (Granted that) the market is turning better, it would be a temporarily.

179、就算市况好转,那也只是暂时的恢复。grant n. 赠与之物(指由政府授予的金钱或土地)The government has allocated grants towards the costs of the scheme.政府已拨款用于此方案所需开支。III. Chinese version of the letter:(A)要求展证敬启者: 第NSW6108号信用证 兹确认我公司昨日发出的电报,其电文如下: 马口铁信用证NSW-6108号今天才收到。不可能在7月份装运。请把装运期和有效期分别展至8月31日和9月15日。 销售确认书89STX-5491号规定,如你公司的信用证到达我方不迟于1

180、5日,可在7月份装运。然而,我们昨天才收到你公司的来证,因此我们绝不可能在7月份装运货物。 在此种情况下,我们抱歉不得不要求你公司把上述信用证的装运期和议付期分别展至8月31日和9月15日。修改书必须在7月15日到达我处,否则装运日期将再次延期。 盼早日收到有关修改书并顺致谢意。 谨启(B)复函 敬启者: 你方6月30日要求把上述信用证的装运期和议付期分别展至8月31日和9月15日的来函已收悉。 我方知道销售确认书89XTS5491号订明的条款即所购货物在7月份装运,有关信用证最迟在6月15日到达你处。然而,由于我方须办理申请进口许可证的必要手续,我们不能再早开证。该进口许可证在6月17日才领

181、到,并且有效期到7月31日。 凡是能与你方合作的事,我们都愿意去做,但由于目前进口规章规定许可证不准延期,我们遗憾无法满足你方要求将上述信用证展期。请尽最大努力把货物装出。谢谢你方的合作。 谨启IV. Key to exercises:1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:1) of, by, on, about 2) for, for, by 3)under, for 4) of, to 5) from, within, for, of 6) of, of, to 7) of, before, for, to 8) befor

182、e, within 9) under, 10) by2. Put the following into English:As your L/C stipulates the same deadline for shipment and validity, we shall have little time to negotiate the documents after shipment. It is, therefore, requested that you extend its validity for 15 days according to the usual practice.Ow

183、ing to port congestion, please extend the shipment of your L/C No. 1357 to June 1 and negotiation to June 15.Please amend L/C No. 2345 to read (1)”metric ton”, as was contracted, instead of “long ton”, (2) shipments and transhipment allowed.The amendment to L/C No. 3560 has not yet arrived. Please h

184、ave it cabled to us so that we can arrange early shipment. Please cable reply. 5) It would be greatly appreciated if you could extend the shipment and validity of L/C No. 1234 to October 15 and October 30 respectively.6) We are very sorry that on account of our oversight, we made a mistake in the es

185、tablishment of the L/C.7) We have instructed our bank this morning to cable the necessary amendment to L/C No. 3345.8) The s.s. “Peace” is scheduled to sail for Europe on the 20th this month. We are afraid we shall not be able to catch the steamer because your L/C amendment has not yet arrived.CHAPT

186、ER EIGHTSHIPMENTLesson 41 Packing RequirementI. About the letter: In shipment, proper packing is necessary, because it not only protecs the goods from damage but prevents the goods from pilferage as well. Moreover, in ocean transportation, strong packing is needed to withstand rough handling. In mos

187、t cases, damages have been caused by improper packing. We have to pay more attention to packing so as to avoid damage that occurred during transit. This letter is from the sellers to the buyers, giving the information about different methods of packing of screws. II. Additional notes:1. packing n. 包

188、装pakcing charges 包装费用packing instructions 包装要求,包装须知packing list 装箱单export packing 出口包装inner packing 内包装outer packing 外包装neutral packing 中性包装seaworthy packing 适于海运的包装When you make us offers, please indicate packing.你方报盘时,请说明包装。We prefer packing in smaller cases.我们喜欢较小箱子包装。部分常用的出口包装容器名称:bag 袋,包 gunny

189、bag 麻袋 polybag 塑料袋bale 包,布包 barrel 琵琶桶 box 盒,箱bundle 捆 carton 纸板箱 case 箱wooden case 木箱 cask 木桶 crate 板条箱drum 铁皮圆桶 tin(英)=can(美)听,罐2. pack v. 包装The goods are packed in seaworthy wooden cases.货物用适于海运的木箱包装。部分常用的包装表示法:1)in用某种容器包装Walnuts are packed in double gunny bags.核桃用双层麻袋包装。2) in of each 用某种容器包装,每件若

190、干重量。Mens Shirts are packed in wooden cases of 10 dozen each.男式衬衫用木箱装,每箱十打。3)in each containing用某种容器包装,每件内装若干。Nylon Socks are packed in wooden cases, each containing 50 dozen. 尼龙袜用木箱包装,每箱装五十打。4)to 装于一件某种容器Folding Chairs are packed 2 pieces to a carton.折叠椅两把装一个纸板箱。5)eachinandto每单位装某种容器,若干单位装另一种较大容器Eac

191、h pair of Nylon Socks is packed in a polybag and 12 pairs to a box.每双尼龙袜装一个塑料袋,十二双装一盒。6)toand to 若干单位装某种容器,若干此种容器装另一较大容器。Pens are packed 12 pieces to a box and 200 boxes to a wooden case.钢笔十二支装一盒,二百盒装一木箱。3. repack v. 重新包装,改装To repack the goods would involve a delay of about two weeks in shipment.改装此

192、货将使装运期延迟大约两星期。package n. 包件(指包、捆、束、箱等)The packages are intact.包件完整无损。packing(=mode of packing) n. 包装方法It is necessary to improve the packing.有必要改进包装方法。packet (= a small package) n. 小包4. container n. 容器;集装箱FCL: Full Container Load 一整集装箱LCL: Less Than Container Load 拼箱货containerization n. 集装箱化Containe

193、rization is regarded as a mode for more efficient shipment.集装箱化被认为是一种效率高的运货方式。containerize v. 用集装箱运We note your request for containerizing future shipment.我们注意到你方关于今后用集装箱发运的要求。III. Chinese version of the letter:包装要求 敬启者:事由:第90SP-24975号销售合同 附有上述合同一式两份的你方本月三日来函收悉,但经过详阅之后我方发现其中的包装条款不够明确。有关条款的写法如下: 包装:符

194、合海运的出口包装,适合于长途海洋运输 为了避免以后可能出现的麻烦,我们愿事先说明我们的包装要求如下: 上述合同项下的茶叶必须装在国际标准的茶叶箱内,每托盘24箱,10托盘装入一整集装箱。包装外面把我公司的字头SCC刷在一个菱形里面,在此下面刷上目的港和我公司的订单号码。此外,还要标明警告性标记,例如“保持干燥”,“勿用手钩”等字样。 我们已按此意在合同上加上注脚,并经我方会签后将之寄回一份。希望你方会认为妥当无误并对包装予以特别注意。 盼收到你方装船通知,顺致谢意。 谨启IV. Key to exercises:1. Supply the appropriate word in the sen

195、tences below:1)packing 2) packed 3) pack 4) packing 5) packing 6) packed,packing 7) repacked 8) packed 9) packing 10) packing2. Fill in each blank with a suitable expression from the list below:1) take effect from 2) go into effect 3) in effect 4) to this effect5) to the effect that 6) effected 7) a

196、 favorable effect 8) effect3. Translate the following into English:1) Please see to it that the sea under our Contract No. NT203 should be packed in international standard tea boxes, 24 boxes on a pallet, 10 pallets in an FCL container.2) Cartons as a kind of packing container, have been widely (ext

197、ensively) used in international trade. Therefore we need not worry about their seaworthiness.3) The packing of our Mens shirts is each in a polybag, 5 dozen to a carton lined with waterproof paper and bound with two iron straps outside (or: reinforced with two iron straps).4) It is necessary to make

198、 transhipment at Hamburg for goods to be shipped to our port. Therefore your packing must be seaworthy and can stand rough handling during transit.5) We suggest that you change your packing into smaller ones, say or 1 lb. each, so as to facilitate our sales.CHAPTER NINEINSURANCELesson 47 Asking for

199、CFR TermsI. About the letter:This is a letter from the buyer to the seller wishing to make a change in trade terms because they have taken out an open policy with the Lloyds Insurance Company, London. It used to be the practice of our foreign trade corporations to have both their imports and exports

200、 insured with the PICC so as to earn more hard currency for our country. Nowadays we should never force the buyer to accept CIF terms if they wish to do business on CFR or FOB basis. They can take out insurance with any insurance companies as they like.II. Additional notes:1. insurance n. 保险More exp

201、ressions:Insurance amount 保额insurance claim 保险索赔insurance coverage 保险范围marine insurance 水险,海运险ocean marine cargo insurance 海洋运输保险overland (transportation) insurance 陆运保险parcel post insurance 邮包保险air transportation insurance 航空运输保险to cover insurance投保,洽办保险Also: to arrange insurance on + goodsto effec

202、t insurance against + risksto provide insurance for + insurance amountto take out insurance at + premium or rate of premium2. insure v.保险1)to insure + goods + against a risk2) to insure + a risk3) to insure + against a risk (as an vi.)insured: past v. as attr.insured amount 保额insured cargo/goods 投保的

203、货物the insured n. 被保险人insurer = insurance company/underwriter3. cover n. & v. (保险业)保险1)to provide cover against breakage2) to cover + goods + against a risk3) to cover + a risk4) to cover + insurance5) to cover + sb. + against a risk4. 注意平安险和水渍险两个险别,在表示投保时,前面不再用介词against,比较下列各组句子:Please insure agains

204、t all risks.Please insure FPA ( or WPA).We have insured the goods against all risks.We have insured the goods free from particular average (or with particular average).(The word “average”, when used with insurance means “loss”.) III. Chinese version of the letter:要求CFR条件 敬启者:保险 感谢你方五月十日函按CIF条件报来100公

205、吨羊毛。然而很抱歉,我们宁愿你方按CFR条款给我方报价或报盘。 兹奉告,我方已向伦敦劳埃德保险公司办理了预约保险。货物装船后,我们只需将细节通知他们即可。此外,我们和该公司关系良好。通常每搁一段时间,我们就从该保险商那里收到一笔可观的保险回扣。 同时,如蒙提供有关中国人民保险公司办理的保险范围供我方参考,不胜感谢。 盼复 谨启IV. Key to exercises:1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words given below:1)cover 2) covers 3) cover 4) covered 5) covering

206、6)covering7)covered(or:effected) 8)insure 9)coverage(or: insurance) 10)effected (or: covered) 11) insurance 12)coverage2. Translate the following letter into Chinese: 敬启者: 你方六月十五日函收到。欣悉你方愿将一批从天津装海轮运往热那亚的瓷器交给我们承保。 兹告知,根据我方海运货物保险条款和海运货物战争险条款,承保上述货物一切险包括战争险的现行费率为千分之五。现附去上述条款供参阅。 如你方认为上述费率可以接受,请告知该批货物细节

207、,以便我方据此出具保险单。 盼早复 谨启CHAPTER TENCOMPLAINTS AND CLAIMSLesson 52Claims for Poor PackingI. About the letter:This is a good short letter asking for a compensation of C usd650 for the expense of repacking the packages. Firstly, the buyer gives a detailed statement about the order number, the name of the c

208、ommodity and the name of the carrying vessel. Secondly, he gives the reason which has caused the damage, i.e. due to improper packing. Lastly, the most important of all, he expresses his good will that the seller should take special care to improve packing to avoid the misjudgement of the prospectiv

209、e customers.II. Additional notes:1. claim n. 索赔,赔偿要求表示索赔的原因,一般接介词for,如claim for damage表示索赔的金额,一般接介词for,如claim for USD10,000表示对某批货物索赔,一般接介词on,如claim on the goods表示向某人索赔,一般接介词against,如claim against the underwriter为某事向某人提出索赔的常用句型是:lodge a claim against (间用with或on或upon) sb. for sth.lodge a claim on/upon

210、 (goods, cargo, shipment) for (damage or loss; shortage, quality and amount, value)说”提出”索赔,除lodge外,较常用的动词还有raise, file和put in,此外,还可以用make, issue, lay, register, render, enter, bring up, set up等。We shall lodge a claim against the Insurance Company for the goods damaged during transit.对于货物在运输途中的损坏,我们将

211、向保险公司提出索赔。We file a claim against you for the short delivery of 145 lbs.我们向你方提出短交145磅的索赔。下面是claim和其他动词搭配的部分常见短语。accept a claim 同意索赔admit a claim 同意索赔entertain a claim 受理索赔dismiss a claim 驳回索赔reject a claim 拒绝索赔relinquish a claim 撤回索赔settle a claim 解决索赔waive a claim 放弃索赔withdraw a claim 撤回索赔claim v.

212、索赔,要求赔偿通常作及物动词,宾语为索赔的金额或compensation, amount等名词,间或作不及物动词。以下是部分常用短语,注意介词的一般用法。to claim USD10,000 索赔一万美元to claim a compensation of USD10,000 要求赔偿美元一万元to claim USD10,000 for damage 因损坏而索赔美元一万元to claim USD10,000 on the goods 对该货物索赔美元一万元to claim USD10,000 from the underwriters 向保险公司索赔美元一万元为某事向某人索赔若干金额的常用

213、句型是:to claim (a compensation of ) from sb for sth.Our clients claim an allowance of at least 50 cents per yard. Failing this, they will reship the goods back to us.客户要求每码折价50美分,否则他们便会将货运回我处。2. attribute v. 把归因于(和介词to连用)We attribute the damaged cases to rough handling in transit.The wrong delivery sh

214、ould be attributed to carelessness.3. recourse n. 求助(后接介词to);追索权have recourse to 求助于;向某人行使追索权In this case, it may be necessary for us to have recourse to arbitration.Our only recourse is legal action against them.If the issuing bank does not pay the draft, the negotiation bank has recourse to the be

215、neficiary.开证行如不付款,议付行可向受益人追索权4. compensation n.补偿,赔偿Buyers claimed a compensation of USD250 for the damaged pensate for 补偿,赔偿compensate sb. for sth. 因 向某人补偿或赔偿If we were at fault, we should be very glad to compensate for your losses.如果责任在我方,我们当乐于赔偿你方损失。The sellers will have to compensate the buyers

216、for the damaged goods owing to inferior quality.5. misjudge v. 判断错He is a prospective buyer, and you misjudge him if you thin he isnt.Appearance is apt to lead one to misjudge the substance.表面现象使人对实质判断错误。III. Chinese version of the letter:敬启者:对粗劣包装材料的索赔 我们遗憾地通知你方,由“和平”轮装来我方第6013号订单项下的棉制布匹到达时情况非常令人不满

217、,我们不得不向你方提出索赔。在检验时发现接近百分之二十的包装已然破碎,这显然是由于包装不当造成的。我们只有在把货物交付客户之前重新包装。这样,我们不可避免地交付了650加元的额外花费。我们希望你方赔偿这笔费用。就此我们向你方提出建议,即你方在今后发货时对包装要特别加以注意,因为未来的顾客容易因有缺陷的包装而对你方货物的品质作出错误的判断。 谨启IV. Key to exercises:3. Translate the following sentences into English:1)There is no doubt that the breakage happened en route.

218、2)An examination revealed that the damage was due to careless handling at the docks.3)Upon examination, it was found that many of the goods were severely damaged, though the cases themselves show no trace of damage.4)In our opinion, the export cases used were not sufficiently strong to protect these

219、 instruments. The wood should have been at least 7/8 thick.5)The damage was caused by improper packing. A machine of this size and weight should have been blocked in position inside the export case.6)Most of the crates are in perfect condition, but in the third, a large number of breakages have been

220、 noticed.7) With reference to our Order No. 315 executed by you, we have to inform you that owing to negligent packing, several cameras were seriously damaged.8) Enclosed are the Surveyors report and a copy of the ships log on the 25 bales of Wheat damaged by sea water.4. Translate the following let

221、ter into English: Dear sirs, The carpet you supplied to our Order No. C395 of 3rd July was delivered by the railway company this morning. We noticed that one of the outer edges of the wrapping had been worn through presumably as a result of friction in transit. This is the second time in three weeks

222、 we have had cause to write to you about the same matter and we find it hard to understand why precautions could not be taken to prevent a repetition of the earlier damage. The present carpet is usable, but because of its condition we cannot offer it for sale at the normal price. We therefore suggest that you make us an allowance of 20% on invoiced cost. If you cannot dothis, then we are afraid we shall have to return the carpet for replacement. Yours faithfully,



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