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1、创新新设计2017英英语二二轮复复习(浙江浙江专用用)课件第二部分基件第二部分基础语法法巧学巧巧学巧练专题十二十二专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破怎么考此专题是语法填空及短文改错的冷考点,侧重考查倒装、强调及主谓一致。怎么学在平时的阅读练习中,注意体会倒装句、强调句、省略句的用法。怎么解1.掌握基本句型,以不变应万变;2.拓宽思维,注意变式与特殊形式;3.辨别考查的综合性和情景性。专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破.体验考向单句语法填空1.(2015全国卷)This cycle_(go) day after day.2.(2015全国卷)Yangshuo _ (be) r

2、eally beautiful.3.(2015湖南卷)It was when we were returning home _ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破4.(2015重庆卷)Bach died in 1750,but it was not until the early 19th century _ his musical gift was fully recognized.5.(2014全国卷)It_(be) unimaginab

3、le that it could ever be cleaned up.6.(2014湖南卷)Only when you can find peace in your heart _ you keep good relationships with others.7.(2014陕西卷)No sooner_ Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破答案1.goes主语是this cycle,且此处表示目前的情况,所以用goes。2.is阳朔

4、真的很漂亮。此处是客观陈述,故应该使用一般现在时。3.that考查强调句。句意:正是当我们回家的时候,我意识到帮助那些困难中的人是多么好的感受。4.that考查强调句型。句意:巴赫死于1750年,但直到19世纪初他的音乐才能才得到完全认可。强调句式its.that.,此处强调的是时间状语not until the early 19th century。专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破5.was叙述的是过去发生的事情,因此用一般过去时,由于主语是It,因此此处谓语用was。6.will考查倒装。句意:只有当你能找到内心的安宁时,你才能与他人保持良好的关系。题干为only状语(从句)位

5、于句首所引起的倒装,主句应用部分倒装结构,且根据语境,此处表将来的情况,故应用将来时态。7.had考查倒装。句意:莫言一登上舞台,观众就报以雷鸣般的掌声。no sooner.than.一就,no sooner所在的句子用过去完成时,位于句首时要把had提前构成部分倒装。 专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破.考点集训集训完成句子1.(2014大纲全国卷)Not only _(护士想) a pay increase,they want reduced hours as well.2.(2014湖南卷)Its not doing the things we like,but liking

6、the things we have to do _(让生活快乐).3.(2014福 建 卷 )The climate here is quite pleasant, the temperature rarely,_(如果有),reaching 30 in summer.专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破4.(2013天津卷)_(直到将近信的结尾) she mentioned her own plan.5.(2013浙 江 卷 )There are some health problems that,_(如果不及时处理),can become bigger ones later on

7、.6.(2013江西卷)_(如果有人要求) look after luggage for someone else,inform the police at once.专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破7.When we _(的确犯错误),we must correct it fully,openly and as quickly as possible.8.At the top of the hill _(有个古老的小屋) which has a wonderful view of the whole city.答案1.do the nurses want2.that makes

8、life happy3.if ever4.It was not until near the end of the letter that 5.when not treated in time 6.If asked to 7.do make a mistake8.lies an old cottage专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破集训根据提示,完成下列短文,然后朗读或背诵短文,体会特殊句式的用法。Every man and every woman here _1_ (have) a good reason to be proud of the work done by Mrs.G

9、reen.Every day after she went home,_2_ (如果不累) from work,she always helped in the kitchen.But today it seemed different.She was shut in._3_ (尽管努力) she might,she didnt open the door.She _4_ (的确希望) that someone could help her.She shouted for专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破help as if _5_ (cry).For a moment nothin

10、g happened.Then _6_ (声音传来) all singing together.The door was opened,_7_ (跑进来) his son.After that,she saw a big birthday cake on the table.Only then _8_ (她意识到) that it was her families _9_ shut the door on purpose in order to give her a surprising birthday party._10_ (多么令人难忘的生日) it was!专专 题题 探探 究究考考

11、点点 突突 破破答案1.has主谓一致。every.and every.的谓语用单数第三人称。2.if not tired省略。if she was not tired。3.Try asas引导的让步状语从句,应采取倒装结构。4.did hope强调句式。do,does,did谓语动词原形。5.crying省略。she was crying。专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破6.came voices倒装。表示时间、地点或方位的副词放在句首,且主语是名词时,全部倒装。7.in ran同第6题。8.did she realize倒装。only修饰副词、介词短语或状语时,应部分倒装。9.

12、that/who强调句。it was.that/who(人)。10.What an unforgettable birthday感叹句。what(a/an)adj.n.主语谓语!专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破知识胸有成竹一、强调的2种方式1.强调句型强调句型由“Itis/was被强调部分that/who.”构成,可以用来强调句子的主语、宾语、状语;被强调部分是指人的名词或代词时用who和that均可,其他情况一律用that。2.使用助动词do(does,did)强调强调句子谓语动词时,将助动词do(does,did)置于动词原形之前,用来加强语气。专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点

13、 突突 破破二、倒装的两种形式1.部分倒装(1)表示否定意义的词或短语置于句首时句子用部分倒装。(2)not only.but (also).连接两个分句,not only.置于句首时,前一个分句用部分倒装。(3)在no sooner.than.,hardly(scarcely).when.结构中,no sooner/hardly(scarcely)置于句首时,主句部分用部分倒装,且用过去完成时,than/when后的句子用一般过去时。专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破(4)在not.until.结构中,当not until.置于句首时,主句用部分倒装。(5)only强调状语置于句首

14、时,主句用部分倒装。(6)so,neither,nor置于句首表示前面的情况也适用于另一人或物时。(7)在so/such.that.句型中,so/such.置于句首时,主句用部分倒装。(8)虚拟条件句中如果有were/had/should,省略连词if时,were/had/should要提到主语之前,构成部分倒装。专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破2.完全倒装(1)表示地点、方位的词(短语),或there,here,now,then等置于句首,且主语是名词时用完全倒装结构。(2)主系表结构中的表语置于句首时。Present at the meeting were Professor

15、Zhang and many other guests.专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破三、省略的2个原则1.复合句中的省略在as if,if,though,when,where,while,no matter what,until等引导的从句中,若谓语部分含be动词,而主语又与主句的主语一致或从句主语是it时,从句的主语和谓语中的be动词可以一起省略。2.动词不定式符号to的省略及不定式的省略在主动语态中,感官动词或使役动词后接不定式作补足语时,往往将不定式符号to省略;在同一句话或同一情景对话中,当同一动作再次出现在后面的不定式位置上时,通常省略该动作而保留不定式符号to。专专

16、 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破四、主谓一致3原则1.语法一致原则主语后跟有with,together with,as well as,like,but,except,along with,rather than,including,in addition to等引起的短语时,谓语动词的数要与前面的主语保持一致。2.就近一致原则由or,either.or.,neither.nor.,not only.but also.等连接的并列主语,谓语动词的数常与最近的主语保持一致。专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破3.意义一致原则由连词and连接的并列成分指的是同一概念,兼具身份或匹配

17、出现(不可分割的整体)时,谓语动词用单数。The iron and steel industry is very important to our life.钢铁工业对我们的生活很重要。专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破集训改写句子1.I found it so difficult to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.(倒装句)So difficult _ to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.2.I underst

18、ood the question only after the teacher explained it to me a second time.(倒装句)Only after the teacher explained it to me a second time _ the question.专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破3.In the dark corner of the room,the cat jumped up and caught the mouse.(倒装句)In the dark corner of the room,up _ and caught the m

19、ouse.4.I didnt realize it was already too late for us to return home until it grew dark.(倒装句)(强调句)Not until it grew dark _ it was already too late for us to return home._ I realized that it was already too late for us to return home.专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破5.He speaks French fluently,and his wife also

20、 speaks French fluently.(倒装句)He speaks French fluently,_ his wife.6.The silence came then,each waiting for the other to let the cat out of the bag.(倒装句)Then_,each waiting for the other to let the cat out of the bag.7.The parents didnt tolerate their kids rudeness at the party; they didnt allow thems

21、elves to be disobeyed,either.(倒装句)The parents didnt tolerate their kids rudeness at the party; nor_ themselves to be disobeyed.专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破8.The villagers found some strange creatures that they hadnt seen before in the lake.(强调句)It was_ the villagers found some strange creatures that they

22、hadnt seen before.答案1.did I find it2.did I understand3.jumped the cat4.did I realize;It was not until it grew dark that5.so does6.came the silence7.did they allow8.in the lake that专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破集训奔向高考 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A beggar found a leather purse that someone_1_(drop) in

23、 the marketplace._2_(open) it,he discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. Then he heard a merchant shouting,“A reward! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse!”Being_3_honest man, the beggar came forward. He handed the purse to the merchant saying,“Here is your purse. May I have the r

24、eward now?”专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破 “Reward? ” scoffed the merchant, _4_(greedy) counting his gold. “Why?The purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You have already stolen_5_(much) than the reward!You are a thief. Go away quickly_6_Ill call the police.”“Please believe in my_7_(honest) ,” said t

25、he beggar definitely. “If not,lets take this matter to the court.”专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破In court the judge patiently listened to both_8_(side) of the story and said, “I believe you_9_.Justice is possible! Merchant,you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. But the purse this be

26、ggar found had only 100 pieces of gold._10_,it couldnt be the one you lost.” And,with that,the judge gave the purse and all the gold to the beggar.专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破【语篇解读】本文通过讲述一位乞丐捡到商人钱包后所发生的一系列事情,阐述了要诚实做人的道理。1.had dropped考查动词的时态。根据常识可知,应该是钱包先掉在地上,然后才有人发现。句中found运用了一般过去时,那么drop这一动作发生在过去的过去,故应用过

27、去完成时。2.Opening考查非谓语动词。所给动词open和句子主语he之间为主谓关系,应用现在分词形式。在本句中,Opening it作时间状语,相当于When he opened it。专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破3.an考查冠词。对于纯空格类的语法填空题,如果空格出现在名词前面、系动词后面,很可能会填冠词。句中空格前面为Being,空格后面为单数名词,根据语境可知此处表示泛指概念,故应用不定冠词;又因为honest的发音以元音音素开头,故应用an。4.greedily考查词形转换。句中counting为动词,应用副词修饰。所给单词greedy为形容词,表示“贪婪的”,以

28、字母y结尾的形容词转化为副词时往往将y变为i再加ly。专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破5.more考查形容词比较级。要想正确解答此题,注意空格后面的than,因为than是比较级的标志词,much的比较级是more。此处表示你偷的钱比酬金多。6.or考查固定句型中的连词。“祈使句and/or陈述句”是一个固定句型,其中祈使句相当于条件句,后面的陈述句相当于主句。此处表示快滚开,否则我就要叫警察了,故填or。7.honesty考查词形转换。对于纯空格类的语法填空题,如果空格出现在及物动词、介词以及物主代词后,极有可能填名词。文中所给单词honest为形容词,其名词形式为honesty。此处表示请相信我的诚实。 专专 题题 探探 究究考考 点点 突突 破破8.sides考查名词的单复数。解答此题的关键是空格前面的both“两者都”,由此可知,后面的名词应用复数形式。9.both考查代词的指代。上文表示在法庭上,法官耐心地听取了双方的陈述。那么根据常识可知,此处表示我相信你们双方的话,故填both。10.Therefore考查副词以及对上下文逻辑意义的理解。空格前面提到双方对钱包里面钱的金额的陈述不一致,后面提到乞丐捡到的钱包不可能是那位商人的,由此可看出空格前后之间为因果关系,故填Therefore。谢谢!



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