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1、2009暑假班 雅思基础语法苏州新东方学校 张众本课程主要内容基本原则句法及其应用词法及其应用教材练习讲解雅思语法的黄金规则规则一:一个句子有且只有一个谓语。I go to school.规则二:逗号不能连接两个句子。He hurts me, I forgive him.()规则三:介词后面必有宾语。look down upon the colored规则四:如果句子有连词连接,则两个分句有各自的谓语。Although he hurts me, I forgive him.开篇思考:意志的表达1. 助动词Tomorrow will be a holiday.Tomorrow shall be

2、a holiday.shall: 由ought to演变而来。表示义务、不可抗力、客观上。will: 由wish演变而来。表示主观意愿、主观期望、愿意。发号施令,即“我希望”、“你必须”:I will / you shall / he shallHe shall be the first in the examination.表示客气,即“你不必勉强”、“请自愿”:you will / he will / she willHe will be the fist in the examination.我怕我会失败,但我希望你会成功你会成功。“我失败”:客观力量导致,所以才“怕”;“你成功你成功”

3、:我的主观希望。I fear, but I hopeI fear I shall fail, but I hope you will succeed.因此,助动词的组合,分为两种:单纯未来:I shall, you will, he will没有说话人的主观意志,自己是“义务的”,别人是“自愿的”。个人意志:I will, you shall, he shall受说话人主观意志的影响,自己是“愿意的”,别人是“有义务的”。2. 单纯未来I shall, you will, he will(单)(单)we shall, you will, they will(复)(复)只要不不加入自己或他人的意

4、志,都可以用“单纯未来”的表达。具体可分为8种情况。(1)Natural DevelopmentI shall be very old after 50 years.If you are diligent, you will learn well.(2)External NecessityYou must keep the pills, because you will need them by and by.(3)Emotional ChangesI shall be glad to hear from you.He will be sorry for it afterwards.(4)Co

5、ming up of PerceptionsYou will find what I say is true.I shall feel the want of your assistance.(5)General ExpectationIf he does not give up gambling, he will go bankrupt.I fear I shall fail.(6)Common DutyAfter firing the servant, you will take upon yourself all the household work.(7)Pre-Arrangement

6、I shall be in Japan during the summer vacation.He will not be at home, for he has to attend a meeting.(8)Positions of PassivityIf he does not amend, he will be dismissed.3. 个人意志I will, you shall, he shallWe will, you shall, they shall我“要”(主观)你“应当”(义务)表示发言者本人的期望,以及对方的义务、责任。I will have somebody help m

7、e.I will have the work done in one hour.所谓“意志”,包含了“意”和“志”。意意愿(willingness),心甘情愿。I will always love you.志心志(determination),决心。I will conquer the difficulties I meet with.就“意愿”来说,主要有4种情形。(1)ConsentI will take any step at your request.(2)PromiseI will tell you on some future occasion.(3)RefusalI will n

8、ever do this for him.(4)OfferIf you need anything, I will lend it to you.就“决心”来说,也有4种情形。(1)ResolutionI will be revenged on you.(2)ChoiceI will go or stay, as I think proper.(3)InsistenceI will know your reason.(4)ThreatIf you wont leave the house, I will call 110.刚才说的是自己的意志自己的意志,而如果把自己的意志强加给别人强加给别人,

9、也有4种情形。(1)Permission (= I will let)You shall have your own way.(2)CompulsionHe shall do this, whether he wants it or not.(3)ProhibitionYou shall not set foot here again.(4)ThreatYou shall smart for this.因此,you shall / he shall可以坦率的表示自己对别人的许可或禁止。基本知识:句子的构成主部 述部主部:是述部:是My father / is a teacher.主语(S)是主

10、部的中心,谓语动词(V)是述部的中心。谓语动词可以是动词的组合。We must wear uniforms.宾语(O)动词或介词动作的施行对象。My father / bought a new car.宾语可能不止一个,这时每个宾语都要用宾格形式。My sister / bought me this pendant.一定要有宾语的动词,叫做及物动词;否则叫做不及物动词。补语(C)用来说明主语和宾语“什么样”,“什么状态”。The news / made us sad.(C)He / bought me a present.(O而非C)补语主要说明宾语。如果说明主语,往往把这种补语称为表语。Hi

11、s mother / is a government official.修饰语补充修饰主语、谓语、宾语、补语。The tall boy carried a box full of chocolates.去掉修饰语后,句子仍成立。The boy carried a box.修饰语分为形容词(修饰名词)和副词(修饰动词)。tall boy / box full of / happily carried同一个词,可以被多个修饰语修饰。He sometimes study before breakfast.进阶:句子的种类句子的四个大类陈述句:肯定句、否定句。疑问句:Yes / No疑问句、Wh-疑问

12、句。祈使句:肯定祈使句、否定祈使句。感叹句:How感叹句、What感叹句。选择疑问句一般疑问一般疑问:“Did you come here by bicycle or on foot? ” “By bicycle.”特殊疑问特殊疑问:用which开头。Which do you like better, cats or dogs?回答时,只要回答or左边或右边的某个词就可以了。反意疑问句前肯定则后否定,前否定则后肯定。Its very hot today, isnt it? Yes.She doesnt like coffee, does she? No.加强语气则降调,询问对方则升调。回答的依

13、据:客观事实。I am a student, arent I?(第一人称)There is a boat, isnt there?(there be)He will save me, wont he?(情态动词)祈使句的扩展礼貌礼貌的祈使句:pleaseOpen the door, please.表示请求请求的祈使句:反意疑问反意疑问Please sit down, wont you?表示提议提议的祈使句:Lets (+ 反意疑问)Lets not talk about it, (shall we?)练习你不会参加会议的,对吗?Tom想和Helen结婚,对吗?咱们去看电影,好吗?You won

14、t go to the meeting, will you?Tom wants to marry Helen, doesnt he?Lets go to the movie, shall we?深入探讨:动词和句型常见的四种句型S+V+CS+V+OS+V+O+CS+V+O+OS + V + C(1) She kept calm during the earthquake.(2) I get nervous before exams.(3) Silk feels smooth.(4) She looks happy.哪些动词适用于SVC句型呢?(1)表示“是是/状态状态”的动词。be, keep

15、, remain, stayHis death remains a mystery.(2)表示“变成变成”的动词。become, get, grow, turn, bloom intoThe sky turned grey.Her dream came true.(3)表示“感觉感觉”的动词。feel, smell, tasteThe milk tastes sour.(4)表示“好像,似乎好像,似乎”的动词。seem, look, appear, soundShe seemed shy at first.That sounds a good idea.S + V + O主语和宾语是同一人(物

16、)时,怎么办?反身代词反身代词:myself, yourself, himselfWe enjoyed ourselves at the party.Mike hurt himself in the baseball game.S + V + O + OI lent him ten dollars.He cooked me a nice meal.大部分SVOO的句型,如果两个宾语位置颠倒,则要加to(给)或for(为)。I lent ten dollars to himHe cooked a nice meal for me.哪些动词能接双宾语双宾语呢?(1)give系列:表示“给(人)”g

17、ive, lend, show, hand, offer, pass, pay, sell, send, teach, tellI tell my daughter a fairytale every night.宾语颠倒时,要加介词to(方向)。I tell a fairytale to my daughter every night.(2)buy系列:表示“(为某人)做(为某人)做”buy, find, cook, make, choose, get, leave, play, singI cook my girlfriend meals when she is busy.宾语颠倒时,要加

18、介词for(目的)。I cook meals for my girlfriend when she is busy.(3)ask:宾语颠倒时要用of。May I ask you a favor?May I ask a favor of you?(4)双宾语不能颠倒不能颠倒的动词:cost, take, save等表示“耗费”的动词。This journey took us three days.This watch cost me 1000 dollars.不能加双宾语:表示“信息传递信息传递”的动词。say, explain, introduce, suggestI explained th

19、e rules of chess to Cindy.I explained Cindy the rules()He suggested a different travel plan to us.He suggested us a different.()S + V + O + CShe keeps her desk clean.We call him Teddy.Youll find his brother cool.其中,宾语宾语和补语补语的位置不能颠倒不能颠倒。有3类动词,适用于SVOC句型。(1)make系列:“使O成为C状态状态”make, get, keep, leave, pai

20、nt, bake, cutMike painted it black.(2)call系列:“把O描述为C”call, elect, nameThey elected Obama president.(3)think系列:“把O想成C”think, believe, find, considerI find it hard when I truly get a hand on.特殊用法:S + V + O + as + Cregard, view(视为)We regard Mount Tai as the first mountain of the Five Great Mountains.Mo

21、st students view computer games as the mainstream of university.最容易出错的地方:时态有哪些时态?按时间:现在,过去,将来,过去将来按状态:一般,进行,完成,完成进行预备知识(1)怎样表达“现在正在做现在正在做”?“通常通常”或或“总是总是”:一般现在时:一般现在时He sleeps in bed.“暂时暂时”或或“尚未完成尚未完成”:现在进行时:现在进行时He is sleeping in bed.理解一:平时不这样,只有今天才睡床。理解二:酣睡中,还没起床。(2)表示“一直有状态一直有状态”的动词,通常不用进行时。I know

22、 him.I am knowing him. () 1. 状态动词 vs 动作动词状态动词:过去、现在、将来一直保持。love动作动词:一次完成的动作visit状态动词只能用一般时态,只有状态动词只能用一般时态,只有动作动动作动词词才能用才能用进行进行时态。时态。状态动词主要包括3类:心理状态心理状态:like, love, hate, hope, want, believe, know, understand, remember, forgetDo you remember our first dating?知觉、感觉知觉、感觉:see, hear, feel, smell, tasteWh

23、at do you feel?see / look at; hear / listen to其他表示状态的动词其他表示状态的动词:be, remain, have, own, belong to, contain, exist, resembleThis book belongs to me.2. 一般现在时经常性的习惯反复发生的动作永久性的状态广为接受的真理提供指导或指示讲述故事、电影或戏剧3. 现在进行时现在的情况或状态说话间正在发生的动作趋势或正在变化的情况对经常发生的动作,表达羡慕、批评等情绪练习I am having my lunch _A.at one oclock every d

24、ay.B.early today as I have an appointmentWhat are you doing_A.to your sister when she behaves badly?B.to your sister? Leave her alone!4. 现在完成时到现在(today, this week)为止仍未结束过去发生,但不需要指出发生时间起源于过去,延续到现在(for, since)过去发生,与现在有联系5. 现在完成进行时(1)强调动作“持续了多久,过程如何”。I have been reading for the past two weeks.(2)单纯的完成时

25、只强调“动作本身”。I have read three articles.(3)状态动词状态动词没有进行时进行时,因此也没有完成完成进行时进行时。I have known him since childhood.I have been knowing him()练习A: How long _ (you, live) here?B: I _ (live) in London for the past three years. I _ (work) in a college here since I arrived.6. 一般过去时过去已经完成按顺序描述一系列动作过去习惯性的动作过去长时间保持、现

26、在已发生改变的状态7. 过去进行时为某一动作提供场景强调过去动作本身,而不关注是否完成注意:状态动词没有现在进行时,当然也没有过去进行时。8. 过去完成时过去完成时不表示过去完成时不表示“过去完成的动作过去完成的动作”!表示过去某时间之前发生(过去的过去)由时间状语引出,说明事件的顺序。过去某个时间点之前的不明确时间间接引语中陈述过去的事情9. 过去完成进行时和现在完成进行时一样,关注的是某一动作持续时间的长短。练习The lecture _ by the time they got there.Scientists announced the launch of the new drug l

27、ast week. They _ for five years.I looked terrible when I saw Joe last night because I _ (for over an hour) and I was exhausted.表示“将来”的方法很多,写作时可以替换使用。现在时现在时表将来:只限于已经准备好、百分之百确定、个人无法改变的情况。We leave for Hawaii tomorrow.现在进行时现在进行时表将来:已经确定的、正在着手准备的情况。We are leaving for Hawaii tomorrow.10. 将来时态be going to 表

28、示将来:心情上已经准备好,或者已经准备好。We are going to leave for Hawaii tomorrow.will表示将来:不一定准备好,甚至可能是“突然想去做”。We will leave for Hawaii tomorrow.其他表示将来的结构正式写作中,通常使用一些短语短语表将来。be likely to, be predicted to, be estimated to, be certain toThe population is likely to increase to 22 million in 2011.be about to表示即将发生的事情,且马上马

29、上发生。Im about to go to Rome for a conference.其否定否定形式表示“没有意图做没有意图做”Im not about to cancel my trip.= I have no intention of cancelling my trip.练习By the year 2021 the population of Australia _ (reach) to around 15 million.What _ (you, do) this time next year?和时态同样重要:语态被动语态的构成be + 过去分词过去分词Cloned men may

30、be discriminated against.The rights of individuals and minorities must be respected.何时用被动语态?不知道谁是执行者,或没有必要说出谁是执行者。Press freedom is wildly safeguarded.强调或突出动作的承受者Guns may be easily sold to criminals due to loose gun control.主动语态表被动含义Cell phones are selling well.This tough steak doesnt cut easily.Your

31、 paper reads like a novel.This door wont lock.表示“属性属性”或“感官感官”,往往用主动语态表被动含义。练习Up until now students _ (allow) to wear what they want, but the new headteacher has decided to introduce a uniform.I went on holiday because I really need _(take) a break.表达感情的核心:情态动词1. 表示能力can / be able to(1)can表示现在的能力(2)c

32、an表示可能性(3)be able to用在将来时could / was able to(1)过去的能力(2)过去做过的事2. 请求和许可canYou can enter if you have a ticket.You cant park your car here.mayMay I use your bathroom?You may not eat in class.3. 表示义务musthave tomust notdont have toshouldought to4. 表示忠告had betterYou had better report the accident to the po

33、lice.had better not动词原形5. 表示可能性、推测can / couldmay / mightmust / cantwill / wouldshould / ought to6. 表示意志willwouldshall连接句子的工具:分词分词的含义(1)伴随伴随进行的事进行的事Some girls are walking down the road talking to each other.(2)“正在正在做时做时”Walking along the beach, I found a beautiful shell.(3)动作的)动作的连续连续,即接连发生的动作。,即接连发生

34、的动作。Taking out a key from his bag, he opened the box.He took out a key from his bag and opened the box.(4)原因原因和事由和事由Written in simple English, this book is very easy to understand.Living on a small island, we need a boat.如果是“being + 过去分词过去分词”,则通常表示原因和事由。Being written in haste, the report had many mi

35、stakes.独立结构(with) + 主语主语 + 分词分词天气变化,我们加了一些衣服。漫步在五月份的九寨沟,溪水潺潺,小鸟欢鸣,微风拂面,令人恍若置身天堂。句子的连接方式连词连接连词连接and / but / while分词连接分词连接主句分词独立结构句式多样化的方法:从句名词性从句主语从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句定语从句(1)关系代词关系代词引导的定语从句引导的定语从句which / thatwho / whom / whoseas(2)关系副词关系副词引导的定语从句引导的定语从句when / where / why限定性、非限定性定语从句A man who maltreats ani

36、mals is merciless.Man, who is the guardian of animals, cannot abuse them or make them suffer.(1)形式上的不同(2)含义上的不同状语从句时间地点原因结果目的条件让步方式比较突出对象的方法:强调强调的两种方法(1)添加特定词语Believe me! I did see the monster!(2)将句子全部重组It was the scenery that made me relaxed.添加特定词语用do强调动词I did call you this morning.用very / all强调名词T

37、hey very thought of traveling makes me happy.用副词副词强调词语、短语、分句Its a really hot day, isnt it?on earthnotat allby any meansin the leastwhatevera bit重复相同的词语He tells the same jokes again and again.He tells the same jokes over and over (again).The child cried and cried during dinner.使用分裂句It was Tom that ca

38、ught a turtle in his pond yesterday.that的省略强调代词时,主格和宾格分裂句的否定分裂句的疑问使用关系词whatallfirst其他最高级形式改变词序的情况:倒装倒装的分类将否定副词置于句首将表示方向、场所的副词置于句首将宾语置于句首将补语置于句首当表达超越事实:虚拟语气什么时候用虚拟语气?例1:如果你变成大人,你就会了解了。例2:如果你是小孩子的话,还能够得到原谅。(1)一定要是假设假设的情况;(2)该假设不可能实现不可能实现。与现在事实相反If + 过去式would / should / could / might + 动词原形与过去事实相反If +

39、had + 过去分词would / should / could / might + have + 过去分词与将来事实可能相反If + were to / should + 动词原形would / should / could / might + 动词原形虚拟语气的特殊形式倒装形式的虚拟语气wish:“真希望(当时)”as if:“(当时)宛如”but for / withoutotherwiseits timeif only虚拟语气的礼貌用法(1)wouldIt would be nice if you could help me with my luggage.(2)I wonder if

40、I was wondering if I could use your phone.为有源头活水来:词法概要名词的概念可数名词与不可数名词集合名词物质名词抽象名词专有名词名词的变化名词的复数名词的所有格冠词冠词的种类和来源特制和泛指专有名词前的冠词抽象名词前的冠词不定冠词表示“一个”或“某一个”数量表示一类事物表示一个单位定冠词修饰一个单数名词修饰一个集合名词修饰形容词修饰独一无二的事物代词反身代词相互代词不定代词特殊的代词:it真正的主语形式主语形式宾语强调结构形容词形容词的顺序:“现描大长高行令塞国材途”形容词的词缀辨析-ic / -ical-able / -ful形容词的比较级基本型:A

41、 + 动词 + 形容词或副词的比较级 + than + B扩展型:一致性同级比较:A + 动词 + as many/much/well + 名词或形容词 + as + B倍数比较:twice as / three times as副词副词的顺序:时间、地点、方式all the moreknow better than (to) dothink better ofhad best / had betterthe more the more相似副词的比较most / verymuch too / too muchalmost / nearlyjust / just nowsome time / s

42、ome times / sometime / sometimes数词基数词的特殊用法序数词的特殊用法数词在写作中的扩展介词介词的形式和功能at / in / onfor / during / inafter / beforealong / across / through / aroundinto / out of / onto / offover / under / above / below 我们每一个人,都应该像树一样的成长,即使我们现在什么都不是,但是只要你有树的种子,即使你被踩到泥土中间,你依然能够吸收泥土的养分,自己成长起来。当你长成参天大树以后,遥远的地方,人们就能看到你;走近你,你能给人一片绿色。活着是美丽的风景,死了依然是栋梁之才,活着死了都有用。这就是我们每一个同学做人的标准和成长的标准。 俞敏洪



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