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1、美食中华游美食中华游Enjoying Food in ChinaChinese wokking is popular both at home and abroad with a longstanding reputation. Chinese flavors with a unique multinational style are delicious. (gastronomy)Main schools of the world cuisineThe French cuisineThe Italian cuisineThe Chinese cuisineComposition of the

2、Chinese cuisine 地方菜 regional / local wokking 宫廷菜 royal dishes 官府菜 Official cuisine 斋(寺院)菜 Buddhist dishes 少数民族菜 Ethnic specialties 各地名特小吃 Snacks and dim sums Chinas Famous Eight of Cuisine鲁 (Shandong cuisine)川 (Sichuan cuisine)粤 (Cantonese Wokking)闽 (Fujian cuisine)苏 (Jiangsu cuisine)浙 (Zhejiang cui

3、sine)湘 (Hunan cuisine)徽 (Anhui cuisine)-Beijing Cuisine Guangdong CuisineA glimpse of cuisine history庖正(RANK)-肉林酒池(Shang Dynasty)-周代八珍-吕氏春秋本纪-食疗专著备急千金药方(T)-元代忽思慧饮膳正要-清代袁枚随园食单-满汉全席中华主要菜系Main Schools of Chinese Cuisine中国烹调与口味Chinese Wokking and Flavors1.烹调准备工作烹调准备工作preparations for cooking1.脱/剥壳shelli

4、ng: 剥虾仁 Shelled shrimps 豌豆shelling pea pods2.打鳞scaling: 去鱼鳞scaled fish 去虾线devein3.剥皮skinning: 去皮青蛙skinned frog4.去骨boning: 去骨鹅掌boned duck web5.去核stoning/pitting: 去水果核stoning fruit6.腌制pickling/ salted: 咸酸菜pickled vegetables7.打芡dressing: 为煎鱼勾芡dressing a fried fish8.刮皮scraping: 土豆scraping potatoes9.削皮pa

5、ring: 萝卜paring a turnip / a radish10.剥皮peeling: 香蕉peeling a banana11.刨丝grating: 土豆丝grating potato2.刀功与备料刀功与备料Cutting and preparing supplies before cooking1.切丁Dicing: 鸡丁 diced chicken; chicken cubes2.切片Slicing: 切鱼片 sliced fish; fish slices3.挡Cutting (open) : 挡鱼 cutting open a fish4.捣烂Mashing: 捣薯泥 mas

6、hed potatoes; 蒜蓉 mashed garlic 姜蓉 mashed ginger5.切碎Mincing 切肉末 minced meat; minced beef6.片肉Filleting: 做腰片 filleting a kidney7.切丝Shredding: 切肉丝 shredded meat; pork shreds8.切柳filleting: 炸鱼柳 Fried fillet of fish9.拍扁Flattening: 拍扁蒜苗 flattening garlic shoots10.拍碎Crushing/ mashing 拍碎杏仁 crushing almond11.交

7、叉切Roll cutting: 切胡萝卜丁 carrot cubes12.切菱形Diamond cutting 切西芹 parsley slices13. 琼浆 Agar-agar 明胶 gelatin; gelatine14.玉米粉 Corn starch 苕粉 potato flour15.竹芋粉 Arrowroot starch 木苕粉 tapioca flour16.加填Stuffing 加填烧鸡 stuffed roast chicken17.研磨Grinding 研磨胡椒black/ white pepper power18.撇沫Skimming 搅打whipping 拌和mixi

8、ng20.烫 Scalding (a chicken)21.燎毛Singing (a pig trotter)22.去渣 Straining (dregs)淘洗Rinsing (rice) 筛 Sifting 浸泡(发涨)Rehydrating (dried bamboo shoots); steeped浸渍 Marinateing发涨Dehydrating发酵Leaven; ferment凝固Setting除水(甩干)Dehydrating; 挂糊coating撒粉Dusting沾上鸡蛋汁Battering沾上面粉Dredging 沾上面包糊 breading蘸水Dipping冰镇Iced;

9、 freezing (tea); chilled盘饰Garnishing 打点 dot酱Seasoned in bean paste, or in soy sauce / master sauce澄清 Clarifying熬浓/增稠Reducing涂油Greasing浇肉汁Glazing加佐料Seasoning 加香料spicing加芡Saucing 勾芡thickening上糖衣Icing 上糖霜creaming加淋盖Dressing 加盖头 topping番茄酱Tomato sauce酸辣酱Chutney辣椒酱Chili paste豆瓣酱Beam paste芝麻酱Sesame butter

10、花生酱Peanut butter果酱Jam橘子酱marmalade梅子酱Plum sauce薄荷酱Mint sauce蛋黄酱Mayonnaise叉烧酱BBQ sauce鱼子酱Caviar虾酱 Shrimp paste Chinese Flavors甜Sweet酸/涩Sour/acid库bitter辣Hot; pungent; spicy; peppery麻Spicy (麻辣tongue numbing taste)香Fragrant; aroma; pleasant to the taste脆Crispy 酥Short ( be shorted使变脆)嫩Tender; half done老To

11、ugh; hard; overdone; well-done腥Fishy; smelly油腻Greasy; rich; oily甘美Mellow无味Tasteless; flat咸味Savoury; salty膻Smell of mutton or beef涩Acidic; astringent; austere; tart怪味的Strange unique臭Stinking; smelly新鲜Fresh; newlymade; morning-picked; tender清(淡)Clear (mild); bland; light淡Mild; weak浓Thick; strong; pung

12、ent味浓的Heavily seasoned 味淡的Highly seasoned; light/ mild taste烟熏味的Smoky酵母味的Yeasty红油的Chili-sauced酸辣的Vinegar-peppered; sour-peppered糊辣的Burnt-peppered麻辣的Spicy-peppered椒盐的Salted and peppered蒜蓉的Garlic pasted姜汁的ginger-juiced麻酱的Sesame-paste酱香的Brown-sauced香糟的Rice-wined五香的Five-spiced鱼香的Fish-flavored糖醋的/酸甜的Swee

13、t and sour4.烹调法(炒烧煎炸烤炖煮的总称)烹调法(炒烧煎炸烤炖煮的总称)CookeryThere are at least 50 kinds of cooking methods in China. Next are the main ones.干炸 to dry; to deep-fry炒 to saut; to stir-fry清炒 to saut (plainly) 烩 to assort煎 to pan fry (in boiling oil)卤 bittern; to boil in soy sauce/ stewed in the master sauce, or in

14、 light brine焖 to braise; fricasseed炸 to cook in boiling oil爆炒(熘) to quick-fry扒 frying and simmering回锅 twice-cooked软炸 soft deep-fry酥炸 crisp deep fry烤焦;烙黄 searing烧 to burn炙to boil/ grill (grilled food)明火烧烤skewered叉烧的spit-roasted干烧dry braised涂油烤basting加辣味烧烤的devilled煮boiling ;煮成半熟的parboiled涮instant boil

15、ing烫scalding水煮poaching(煮成半熟/parboiling; parboiled)拔丝candied floss熏制的smoked/ 腊制的cured /腌肉cured meatSome translation difficulties(待续)辛辣食品 spicy food放香料的食品spiced food炒鸡蛋scrambled egg/ omelet煮鸡蛋boiled eggs煮荷包蛋poached eggs煎一面鸡蛋sunny side up煎两面鸡蛋over-fried egg煎半熟蛋 over easy煎全熟蛋 over hard两面煎半熟的鸡蛋over-easy

16、fried egg海鲜烧烤北京烤鸭广式烧鹅叫花子鸡烧烤-烧烤乳猪烘烤-铁烤-浇油烤(广式)铁板烧重庆火锅/麻辣烫北方的涮羊肉广东打边炉烫米粉做米粉过桥米线广东肇庆的剑花猪肉汤(待续)5.上菜 (Dining Service)宴会banquet盛宴feast大餐/酒席spread菜单menu包席set meal按菜单逐道点菜a la carte; fill in the orders八菜一汤a set of eight dishes with a soup四菜一汤a set of four dishes with a soup头道菜starter; the first course主菜main

17、dish/ course正菜entree配菜side dish/大菜center/ main course第二道菜 the second course最后一道菜the last course (but not the least)果盘fruit plate装饰菜garnish特色菜specialties民族风味菜ethnic specialties/dishes特价菜special (dishes/ course)(免费)送菜free dish拿手菜chefs delight; chefs dish冷盘cold dish;熟食Deli (delicatessen)凉拌菜 Chinese sal

18、ad;皇家菜royal dish家常菜home dish农家菜rural dish海派口味菜overseas dishes(正餐前的)开胃食品hors doeuvre开胃小吃appetizer饭前酒茶点小吃aperitif甜点pastries/sweets/desserts点心/小吃 dim sums/ snacks一份a service/ serving/ helping/ portion中西菜肴的翻译方法中西菜肴的翻译方法Translation methods of Chinese and Western cuisineA. Literal translation “写实写实”型菜肴型菜肴

19、Most names of the cuisine are description of materials, ways of cooking and characteristics, such as 青椒肉丝(material), 红烧全鱼( way of cooking + material), 五香禾花雀(color+ mellow + taste + shape + material), etc. Rules: 烹调方法 + 加工法 + 原料 (主料 + 配料 +调料)1. 烹调法烹调法 + 主料名主料名炸虾球Fried prawn balls炒豌豆苗Fried pea shoots清

20、蒸桂鱼Steamed mandarin fish炒鸡丝Stir-fried chicken炸春卷Deep-fried egg rolls烧鹅Roast goose叉烧肉Barbecued pork / roast pork fillet炒乳猪Roast suckling pig / roast piglet炒腰片Fried sliced pigs kidney涮羊肉Instant boiled mutton香熏鱼Smoked spicy fish煎咸鱼Fried salted fish白切鸡Steamed chicken咸牛肉Salted beef /corn beef煨牛肉Simmered

21、beef蒸螃蟹Steamed crab炒蟹肉Fried crab meat白灼螺片Fried sliced whelk五香兔肉Spiced hare脆皮锅酥肉Deep fried pork炸桂鱼Fried mandarin fish清蒸全鱼Steamed whole fish清蒸鲈鱼腩Steamed perch-frank盐烙信封鸡Salt baked Xinfeng chicken2. 烹调法烹调法 + 主料名主料名 + with + 配料配料酿豆腐Beancurd stuffed with minced pork 酿鲫鱼Stewed carp stuffed with minced por

22、k油焖笋Stewed bamboo shoots with soy sauce香菇蒸鸡Steamed chicken with mushrooms蚝油蒸鸡脯Sauted chicken with oyster sauce杏仁炒虾仁Fried shrimps with almonds糖醋排骨Spareribs with sweet and sour sauce红烧牛尾Stewed ox tail with brown sauce红烧牛舌Stewed ox tongue with brown sauce红烧猪肉Braised pork with brown sauce咸水虾Boiled shrim

23、ps with salt茄汁鱼球Fried fish balls with tomato sauce红烧鳗鱼Stewed eel with brown sauce红烧鲤鱼头Stewed carp head with brown sauce红烧青鱼Stewed black carp with brown sauce蚝油鱼唇Braised fish lips with oyster oil奶油鱼肚Fried fish with cream sauce蚝油鲍鱼片Fried abalone slices with oyster oil草菇蒸鸡Steamed chicken with mushrooms

24、干烧明虾Fried prawns with pepper sauce醋溜子鸡Fried spring chicken with vinegar sauce烹调法烹调法 + 主料名主料名 + with / in + 配料名配料名冬笋炒鱿鱼Fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots笋尖焖肉Simmered meat with bamboo shoots笋菇鸡丁Fried chicken cubes with bamboo and mushrooms炖栗子鸡Stewed chicken with chestnuts冬菇菜心Fried winter mushrooms w

25、ith green cabbage腐乳汁烧肉Stewed pork with preserved beancurd咖喱牛肉Fried beef with curry滑蛋牛肉Fried beef with scrambled eggs糖醋松子桂鱼Fried mandarin fish with pinenuts and with sweet and sour sauce辣味烩虾Braised prawns with chili sauce沙锅栗子鸡Stewed chicken with chestnuts in earthen pot荷叶粉蒸鸡Steamed chicken in lotus l

26、eaf packets素什锦豆腐Braised bean curd with mixed vegetables 蒜头烧黄鳝Stewed finless eel with garlic4. 烹调法烹调法 + 加工法加工法 + 主料名主料名 + with / in + 调料名调料名肉片烧豆腐Stewed sliced pork with bean curd洋葱牛肉丝Fried shredded beef with onion红烧狮子头Stewed minced pork balls with brown sauce青椒牛肉丝Stir-fired shredded beef with green p

27、epper雪菜炒冬笋Fried cabbage with fresh bamboo shoots蚝油鸡球Chicken balls with oyster sauce青椒肉片Fried sliced pork and green chilli炒鳝鱼Fried shredded finless eel碧绿鲜虾脯Fried minced shrimps with vegetables鱼丸烧海鲜Stewed sea cucumbers with fish balls蟹肉海参Fried sea cucumbers with crab meat 鸡茸海参Fried sea cucumbers with

28、mashed chicken5.烹调法(烹调法(+ 加工法)加工法)+ 主料名主料名 + and + 主料名主料名虾仁扒豆腐Stewed shelled shrimps and bean curd凤肝虾仁Fried shelled shrimps and chicken liver甲鱼裙边煨肥猪肉Stewed calipash and calipee with fat fork红烧什肉虾仁豆腐Fried bean curd, shelled shrimps and missed meat with brown sauceB. Liberal translation “写意写意”型菜肴型菜肴 利

29、用菜肴原料的色香味的特点,利用菜肴原料的色香味的特点, 烹调方法的特点以及造型上的特烹调方法的特点以及造型上的特点,点, 应和食客的心理,给菜肴取应和食客的心理,给菜肴取个动听、吉祥如意的名字,不出个动听、吉祥如意的名字,不出现原料和烹调方法。意译,翻译现原料和烹调方法。意译,翻译出原料和烹调方法。出原料和烹调方法。龙凤会Stewed snake & chicken全家福Stewed assorted meats游龙戏凤Stir fried prawns & chicken雪积银钟Stewed mushrooms stuffed with white fungus玉禅师Stewed potat

30、oes with mushrooms蚂蚁上树Bean vermincelli with spicy meat sauce一卵双凤Chicken steamed in water melon(two phoenix hatched from one egg)C. Literal and liberal translation半半“写实写实”半半“写意写意”型型 原料、加工方法原料、加工方法 + 色香味的特点色香味的特点三鲜汤soup with fish, shrimps and pork balls炒双冬Fried saut mushrooms and bamboo shoots木须肉Fried

31、 pork with scrambled eggs and fungus翡翠虾仁Stir-fried shrimps with peas牡丹蔬菜Fried mushroom and bamboo shoots in peony shape芙蓉鸡片Fried chicken slices with eggwhite生蒸鸳鸯鸡Steamed frog凤爪炖甲鱼Steamed turtle and chickens feet soup红烧四喜肉Braised brisket with brown sauce雪耳袈裟Scaled white fungus with veiled lady红烧狮子头br

32、aised minced pork balls with brown sauce三蛇龙虎会Fricassee snake and cat百花酿北菇Mushrooms stuffed with minced shrimps五柳石斑鱼Steamed tench with assorted garnished红烩虎皮鸽蛋Boiled and fried pigeon eggs, stewed with brown sauceD. Literal & liberal translation + paraphrase 典故型1.Named after names of persons and place

33、s Names of person/places (transliteration) +materials, etc. (literal translation)东坡肉 Dongpo braised pork叫花鸡 Beggars chicken宋嫂鱼粥 Sisister Songs fish potage北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck西湖醋鱼 West Lake vinegar fish炒罗汉斋 Stewed vegetables “Luohan zhai”宫爆鸡丁fried diced chicken in Sichuan style 成都子鸡 stir-fried spr

34、ing chicken in Chengdu style东江酿豆腐 beancurd stuffed with minced pork in Dongjiang style 白云(宾馆)香液鸡 boiled chicken with spicy sauce in Baiyun Hotel Named after allusions.Material + cooking methods + (transliteration / literal translation + paraphrase )佛跳墙Assorted meat and vegetables cooked in embers (F

35、otiaoqiang -lured by its smell, even the Buddha jumped the wall)大救驾Shouxian Countys kernel pastry (Dajiujia-a snack that once came to the rescue of an emperor)叫花鸡baked mud-coated chicken (beggars chicken)3. 药膳型-药名“简译 + 注释”Material + cooking methods + (functions )天麻炖山鸡Stewed pheasant with herbs (with the function of preventing dizziness and curing headache )双鞭壮阳汤Ox-tail soup (with the function of being more energetic)



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