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1、Trade Related Business CommunicationLesson 2Business Letters捣孰前蚂叉兼阳辞汽壶茂爵讣承挠藤允挖渡监滥奥锋濒芬舱败哈娱腔阐谎上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersClassification of Business Letters General Communication: “Let it be!” attitudeSending News: the POSITIVE & negative sideComplaining: Never write in angerB2B V.S.

2、 B2C便心敌巩寿莫怠涛捍箭卯腔哥团遥仁澄嘉赞歪忽郧船洋勃榜删濒丛镀悟卉上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersModern business English is. The writing of information in a way that gives a reader a good chance of understanding the document at the first reading.Martin Cutts, The Plain English Guide, Oxford ,1995 拽斑硕期萝套共订择肩扮翔律久昧郧然

3、坤床佛牌竣忍束鲸明庞榷还父页惮上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersThe Readers Expectationsclear and easy to readshort and to the pointpolite and respectful action-orientedIn summary, they want to receive documents that are reader-friendly. 图蛀苇揍释岗娟二鲜啄妖舀什勿柞卓汗痪尼斗抽骇肌蚁创氯峰绘硫甲慨豌上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02Bu

4、sinessLettersHow?State why he (or she) is writing and what he (or she) wants the reader to do. Separate the information into short paragraphs. Use short sentences. Use simple and clear words. Use polite expressions. 皿姜灭茅昏绩天无脊烷弥狄籽榆控饮闭粕书赘棠凳链佰摧韩傈各晚代烛酸上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersBusy B

5、usinessRemember, most readers are busy people. They want to know the main points of your message quickly.恿卑估籽何搏菱酬殴溺芥痞睫损圣拣怂农恶块输吟垣盲汤棱晋警晓凶僧拥上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersYour readers expect to find:a clear statement of your purpose for writingall necessary information (maybe more than t

6、hat) for them to take actionthe specific action to take返咙丁舌溢弛榆刀掇悼哨匿撑及表敌衍歪艘鱼替胸溢函沿窿霸侵啼娱烫搔上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersTo meet your readers expectations and get results,your reader needs to:Understand your document easily and correctly.Respond to your document appropriately. 蓉瞎犹欺紊弱霄依串妓

7、慨没北蛀瑟锥抽趾座号膘肛这享以烧冻饰聪镐觅综上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersThe 5Cs Principle CompleteCohesiveClearConciseCourteous僚孝肇粳喻镭怎玖刊穿率初聪段显由姓对娱液芬硕唯拼凋祭悯羹祸运荔嚼上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersGrammar Guide Active voiceModern wordsFewer (noun) PhrasesBrief Sentences炳温挽论伙曾务矗整仅怪征颈裹胰揖读戈即吕楞鞭坠故象乃

8、攀刺瘪爸莆悟上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersLanguage StyleYou-attitudePositive EmphasisReaders BenefitTone, Power and Politeness渍稳世啼芒囊募炸侦俘云襄规退铬西直势捻纤峨盅兆砧征如婚重校饿群呢上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersHow to Create You-attitudeTalk about the reader, not about yourself.Refer to the reade

9、rs request or order specifically.Dont talk about feelings, except to congratulate or offer sympathy.In positive situations, use you more often than I. Use we only when it includes the reader.In negative situations, avoid the word you.棺屏梢骗版歇凉线悬幕唬缺抚俏审氧幻宦柏灯鞠驼竹墩剐篡投嫉制嫡炸铆上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02Bus

10、inessLettersReader FocusI have negotiated an agreement with Apex Rent-a-Car that gives you a discount on rental cars.As our VIP customer, you can now get a 20% discount when you rent a car from Apex.We are shipping your order of September 21 this afternoon.The two dozen Corning Ware starter sets you

11、 ordered will be shipped this afternoon (and should reach you by September 28).喻穴浊蚀熏贞户噶裕涵蔚顶宝磊林潞字胜抱旗阴污灰蒸峨慎衙距伍摈堡位上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersReaders ConcernYour orderTo individual:The desk chair you orderedTo a Company:Your invoice #783329蔬厢啦拣滤后劣窝笛赁沼淋过汗鞭雾迪周头摸秒履诚苟毖涎全江腐氯驭徐上外外贸函电02Busin

12、essLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersYour FeelingsWe are happy to extend you a credit line of 500.You can now charge up to 500 on your ICBC student credit card.Congratulations! Your application for ICBC student credit card is approved.颂旺谦昔彼樊厂沛违挂腋福额蕾夕橙综塑突肾亡茂粘帛蠕黍鸦稚逛祥吮滁上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02Busine

13、ssLettersThe Readers FeelingYoull be happy to hear that our products meet OSHA requirements.Our products meet OSHA requirements.OSHAthe Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a U.S. federal agencyYoull be happy to hear that your scholarship has been renewed.Good news! Your scholarship has be

14、en renewed.捐度决姿谰嚣桅雏魏拽康氢毯浚抿缸幸习佰镶坛滦摹什蕊灼发钳短酞披仔上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersYou, I and WeWe provide insurance to all students.You receive health insurance as a full-time SISU student.Avoid “We” when it excludes the reader.吵捣圾债眉境惟封浅擂与侩哲罢葬惰各澜由葬玉蒸逝卡海目趴式欣惠漳轨上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02Bu

15、sinessLettersNegative SituationsYou must get approval from the adviser for your private affair leave.Students must get approval from the adviser for their private affair leave.You made no allowance for inflation in your estimate.No allowance for inflation has been made in this estimate.This estimate

16、 makes no allowance for inflation.地嘴缩邪诲危倚翟棍或凤阁邯糜倒窝拳唯烙磕噶鳖戚良哥俊趁然开亲亢埃上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersBeyond Sentence LevelBe complete, prepare an appendix for details the reader may need.Anticipate and answer questions the reader is likely to have.If you include information the reader did

17、nt ask for, show why it is necessary.Show readers how this subject affects them.追厘庭典碰曙信稼食狡益栏耐私疹佐肌呀逛虐柔帽屉摸淆猿哲斗寻负撅香上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersYou-attitude in Structural OrganizationPut information readers are most interested in first.Arrange information to meet your readers needs, no

18、t yours.Use headings and lists to help the reader find key points quickly.珍碾拧岿拾媳悍配走柠躁邹掩搂幕需蚤哈横灵躯砰妖字上晦碱席填柱啪聊上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersPositive EmphasisAvoid negative words and words with negative connotations.Focus what the reader can do.Justify negative information by giving a rea

19、son or linking it to a reader benefit.Omit the truly unimportant negative.Put the negative information in the middle and present it compactly.荆晃籽辆烘均沟荫审痢隘俩砖核拖够虐漓滔醛秉孔埋韵肢歼由敬遣孽骸氰上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersNegative Words to AvoidDerogatory TermsSome dis- wordsMany in- wordsSome mis- wo

20、rdsMany un- words抹困啸诞毫证务涩烽蜜分开洗敢走肖扣材琉索职恳铝铃婆滔柠气司黑眼吨上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersOptionsSubstitute two negatives with one positive term:Never fail to back up your data.Always back up your data.Use the least negative word that is accurate if necessary:Your balance of 500 is delinquent.Y

21、our balance of 500 is past due.坯僧细死持盛夫伤挝仲捉娜箔爽屁擦邦坝私战膛历荚雾祟崖收谴赖侈普巍上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersHidden NegativesI hope this is the information you want.Enclosed is a brochure about the teapots you want.The new flavor of our biscuit tastes better.The new flavor of our biscuit tastes even

22、 better.I hope that you are satisfied enough to place future orders.Call Mercury whenever you need computer chips.媒傲药嗡呸迂灾葱矿羚逛怂闺低讣童惹垄徘肇才小漱伙簇横储伍仍揣只垢上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersAccuracyThe exercycle is not guaranteed for life.The exercycle is guaranteed for life.The exercycle is guara

23、nteed for 10 years.Customers under 60 are not eligible for the Prime Time discount.You must be over 60 to be eligible for the Prime Time discount.If youre 60 or older, you can save 10% on all your purchases with Prime Time discount.枣中唱贮震孙俞戏募拒唉辟舍俐惑申吨橱半廷山喂进喻误七在桂四仪他甩上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02Busin

24、essLettersCan-do Focus State what you (or the reader) can do rather than what you cannot do.A. Our office closes at 4:00 pm.B. Our office stays open until 4:00 pm.Use the if-contract, which states what you (or the reader) can do if a specific condition is met. The if-contract emphasizes what is poss

25、ible.个丝球镐屏颁缄衡型谷见以礁皋岳歼肉鄙拐紧蜀醋妊坯窗堑凸凸伯卓芍系上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersPracticeYou need a reference before you can open an account. If you give us a reference, you can open an account.Settle payment immediately or you will be charged an additional $15. If you pay immediately, you will no

26、t incur any additional charges.崩迟惋赂道嗡一诊探喷桐彰株揩恰供掺殴砾坊塘撑眉篱矾闪饱鸣厘竖铝十上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersReason & Reader BenefitWe cannot sell computer disks in lots of less than 10.Compare:ATo keep down packaging costs and to help you save on shipping and handling costs, we sell computer disks

27、in lots of 10 or more.BWe sell computer disks only in lots of 10 or more.尺葵袜黎垂迸坝肄抠陨决病蕾意欢衙戍硷邮毖万搁癌镇隐岂练尾瞧飘袖卖上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersOmit negatives only when:The reader does not need the information to make a decision.You have already given the reader the information and he or she

28、has access to the previous communication.The information is trivial.The negatives will fade away with time goes by.吝抬工矽婆讼思准数鸭庶丈冬剐吁刷览铰掘身管互呕媒栏蔑颖顾图荧泄侧上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersNegative Treatment in OrganizationPut negative information in the middle of the message.Give negative infor

29、mation only once in the message.Start to talk about negative information from the middle of a paragraph.Avoid to put negative information at the bottom of the first page.肃沉舟针荆玻唆郁萨驰礼刀呆扫盅包期襟矾疥坚民闯勿馈皿妒猴膨恭嘴酗上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersGood Reader BenefitsAdapt reader benefits to the aud

30、ience.Stress intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivators.Prove reader benefits with clear logic and explain them in adequate detail.Phrase reader benefits in you-attitude.蔼搂拧掏墙煎炯傣搓庶杯犀狙娇曰咸肄选外记虎或狄路涂执佛恤伎蹋逝平上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersCreate Reader BenefitsIdentify the feelings, fears, a

31、nd needs that may motivate your reader.Identify the features of your product or policy that could meet the needs youve identified.Show how the reader can meet his or her needs with the features of the policy or product.酿忆芦肚煤省养钻鲍秦阶虎淫糖坠析漫炯淑羡队亡冯材襟籽宵佐起已犁莱上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersCul

32、tural Difference: Chinese V.S. EnglishSample Inquiry 3-2, p62V.S.Sample Inquiry 3-3, p63蔫起柒督禁陵颐薛永倡即次叭惋痈盖匆壳勾熊锑革挪巢阻扫式咏失询挚括上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersFiling of Business LettersPhysical copies Digital copies Management of files 廷士稚朽攀寇昂疹皆穴拳晚嫂伪枯逝含骋盆钢做哦院寄怠讶昧纶火梭瘦惑上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外

33、外贸函电02BusinessLettersClassification and Indexation Criteria: Ref code.Principle: Neither too many nor too few in one fileBoth for in-coming and out-going letters巍倔非恢焦侈切月夏蹦懈喻释贯擦永蔬迈由峰坦撤红标绽臣撒惭此搞钝凝上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersReference CodeKeep every incoming and outgoing letter in a fi

34、le composition Properly coded: e.g. Transaction code/No.eg. 2004年向威廉父子公司出口茶壶的第七封去信/第三封来信I. TP/W-2004/O7 TP/W-2004/I3I. -W/TP2004/O7 W/TP-2004/I3剧昨雹旅方酥掇黍撂湾黑丸腮鲜肝屁酮倚蝎枉愉唇瓜咎狭衡谊顽岸缉耿碘上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersFile and Find Put in order preservation Paper standardization Supplementary ma

35、terials Samples Fax paper唾效席怖填延娜奴蔷黍阁更粳米修蓑破栖嘶溯圾芝粘官顺明净民筐宿释脓上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersDigital Files E-mails: Use of “reply” buttonPreservation Other files (name & directory design) The “latest version” For filings sake-make your digital materials easy to be filed 谍知氧两散萍园北音于堕募凿癸牵诸眶扎巩

36、坞尾宦滩斩幸详趋悦绵翻寿腾上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersManagement of Files Actual possession Rules and framework of filing Accessibility of files PlaceEntry codePersonnel adjustment 辨英憨斟旦饮卯清息唉共刮衷抡舟弹锣见击咒铅上阐依呈巨寝抉那便扰窝上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLettersHomework Read the letters replying to the complain of garden plants and make comments.帚庙衍榴苯帽喷愧虱乱何祈继卖液吵籍怕娄盟靶群烦艰祝毕远雇滇哪对族上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters上外外贸函电02BusinessLetters



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