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1、 M2U1 Tales of the unexplainedPre-reading UFO(unidentified flying object) AlienLead-in (puzzling pictures),naidentifaid 不明的1.stepup2.disappear3.witness4.assume5.showup6.aboard7.possibility8.takechargeofa.onorontoaship,plane,busortrainb.getcontrolofc.arriveorappeard.becomelostorimpossibletofinde.thin

2、kthatsomethingistruewithouthavingthefactsf.thefactthatsomethingmightbetrueg.increasetheamountorspeedofsth.h.someonewhohasseensomethinghappenWords-matchingPre-readingBoy missing, police puzzledBoy missing, police puzzledA boy is missing, and the police are puzzled.Title:Features of a news titlebrief

3、attractive exact direct incomplete(不完整的不完整的)(特征特征)Newstitle:新闻标题中常省略冠词新闻标题中常省略冠词 、系动词、助动词、系动词、助动词等,为使表达简洁等,为使表达简洁 节省版面节省版面。imagineWhat happened to themissing boy?Boy missing, police puzzledTitle:Pre-readingImagination:Where or how was the missing boy?leaving homekidnapping(绑架)(绑架)murder (谋杀谋杀)drowni

4、ng (溺水)(溺水)being taken away by aliens1.Whatisthearticleabout?2.WhenwasJustinlastseen?Fridaynight.Thearticleisaboutamissingboy.3.Whoisinchargeofthecase?DetectiveSamPeterson.Pre-readingReading strategy for news articlesReading strategy for news articles: :the structure of a news storythe1stpara/thelea

5、d:Themainideaandmostimportantfactsthe2ndpara:Theimportantfactstherest:Newbutlessimportantbackgroundinformation倒金字塔倒金字塔who/what/when/where/why/howPre-readingthetitle:giveageneralideaofthenews Title: Boy missing, police puzzled Paragraph _: Brief introduction to the caseParagraph _: Supporting details

6、 to the caseParagraph _: Detective Sam Petersons description to the case. While-reading12-89Reading timeFinish the tasks on your paperParagraph1:BriefintroductiontothecaseThree days ago.Dover, New Hampshire.15-year-old.The boy went missing.Due to reports of strange lights and of alien visits.Main el

7、ements of a story Title:Boymissing,policepuzzled Its about _ a missing boyWhile-readingold was the boy? happened to the boy? was the boy found missing? did these events occur?did people show interest in his disappearance? 1) How2) What3) When4) Where5)WhyParagraph2-8:Supportingdetailstothecase At 8

8、p.m.At 10:45 p.m.At 11 p.mJustin FosterAfter 11 p.m.,The next daywenttoplaybaseballwithtwofriendswalkedtowardshishouseshoutedreturnedhomewentmissingWhile-readingWhile-reading1)NoonesawJustinafterheplayedbaseballwithhisfriends.2)JustinssisterwassurethatJustinwastakenawaybythealiensintheUFO.3)Justinsm

9、otherthoughtthathersonwasspendingthenightwithhisfriends.4)Justinsfatherwasworkingonhisroadconstuctionjobthatnight.5)MrsMavisWoodwasoncetakenawaybyaliens.FTTTTWhile-readingParagraph 9: Detective Sam Petersons description to the case.We can know that the police _A. have known the cause of the boys dis

10、appearanceB. havent found hard evidence about the boys disappearanceC. will stop looking into the evidence of the boys disappearanceD. have ruled out the possibility that the boy was taken by aliensBThe purpose of the passage is to _ A. tell a news story B. discuss whether aliens exist C. describe a

11、 UFO D. introduce a schoolboyATask-based readingWhile-readingThisnewsstoryisaboutaboysstrange(1)_.Thoughalotofeffortshavebeenmadetolookintothecase,itstill(2)_unexplained.MainpointsSupportingdetailsJustinFoster(3)_missing.MrsFosterthoughthewasspendingthenightwitha(4)_.JustinFosterdidnot(5)_atthefamil



14、 Plans to launch Mars immigrants Any earth people can submit application to apply.mars-one. com. Once selected, only need to pay $38 (about 235 yuan). But this task for one way, that is to say, the astronauts will settle down in a permanent human Mars outpost, there will be no opportunity to return

15、to the earth. PS: At least 18 years oldPOSTERPost-reading If you have the opportunity, do you want to go?1.Ifeellikethisisarealityshow2.nocarbondioxide3.notsuitableforhumansurvivalenvironment4.althoughweplantedcropsinthespacestation,butthestationiscontrolled5.howtotransportsupplies6.howtodealwithgar

16、bage1.evendeathonMars2.theearthistooboring3.thefutureofmankindintheuniverse4.willbeahero5.willgodowninhistoryYesNo The world we live in is full of mysteries. Everyone of us should have inspiration (激情) to explore it. The world we live in is also full of beauty. Weshould close our eyes to feel the be

17、auty . Im sure every one of you have a dream-a dream to explore the mysterious world. We should study hard to equip ourselves with allkinds of skills and knowledge to explore the world andfeel its beauty?Mybestwishestoallofyoufromthebottomofmyheart: 1.Weveknowntypicalwritingfeaturesinnewsarticles.2.Wevelearnedhowtoreadanewspaperarticleandhowtogettheimportantinformationinit.3.Weveenhancedlanguagelearningabilities.Whathavewelearnedtoday?Homework:1. Try to write the end of Justin Fosters story down, and tell it to the others.2. Please read an article, using the reading strategy of a news story.



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