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1、 现在分词的一般式现在分词的一般式doing和完成式和完成式having done在做状语时的区别在做状语时的区别(2007 陕西卷)_ that she didnt do a good job, I dont think I am abler than her. A.To have said B.Having saidC.To say D.Saying【典型问题典型问题】1. Walking in the street the other day, I came across an old friend of mine.那天在街上那天在街上散步散步的时候,我的时候,我碰见碰见了一了一位老朋友

2、。位老朋友。2. Having been there many times, he offered to be our guide.因为他因为他到过那里到过那里许多次,所以主动许多次,所以主动提提出出当我们的向导。当我们的向导。【例句观察例句观察】先于先于同时于同时于【规律总结规律总结】现现在在分分词词作作状状语语一般式一般式doing:表示分词动作表示分词动作/状态状态同时于谓语同时于谓语动作发生动作发生完成式完成式having done:表示分词动作表示分词动作/状态状态先于谓语先于谓语动作发生动作发生与主语均为主谓关系_ that she didnt do a good job, I d

3、ont think I am abler than her. A.To have said B.Having saidC.To say D.SayingBB.B.虽然我虽然我说过说过她干得不好,但她干得不好,但后来后来我认为我认为我自己也不比她能干。我自己也不比她能干。D.D.虽然我虽然我边说边说她干得不好,但她干得不好,但同时同时我认为我认为我自己也不比她能干。我自己也不比她能干。【问题解答问题解答】不合情理不合情理 【拓展训练拓展训练】1._(search) the room very carefully, she found the ring she lost the day befor

4、e.2._(live) in Nanjing for many years, he knows the place very well.Having livedSearching3. _(arrive) at the airport, they found their flight had taken off. 4. _(see) that she held a doll while sleeping many times, I asked if shed like that little doll on her bed tonight.Having seenArriving【拓展训练拓展训练

5、】短短暂暂动动词词延延续续动动词词doing:having done:表示分词动作在谓语动作前多次发生,或有时间间隔(如4)表示分词动作与谓语动作先后发生,无时间间隔(如3)表示分词动作在谓语动作前发生并持续了一段时间(如2)doing:having done:往往表示分词动作在发生过程中谓语动作发生了(如1)【注意事项注意事项】现现在在分分词词作作状状语语1. _ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead. A. Failing B. Having failed C. FailedD. Being failed2. _ in t

6、he queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left his money in the car. A. Having waited B. Waiting C. Having been waited D. Being waited【及时巩固及时巩固】BA3. _ the joke, we burst out laughing. A. Having heard B. Having been heard C. Hearing D. Being heard4. A bomb exploded outside a hotel near the town square yesterday, _ at least 12 people. A. to injure B. injured C. having injured D. injuringCD【及时巩固及时巩固】5. _ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog up. A. Having bitten B. Having been bitten C. Biting D. Being bitten B【及时巩固及时巩固】



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