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1、UNIT 8Business Start-upOutlineListeningListeningWatchingWatchingSpeakingSpeakingSupplementary MaterialFurther ListeningFurther WatchingFun TimeLead in1.Watch the video and talk about what you know about starting up business.2.Have you ever thought about start up your own business?If you are to start

2、 a business, how will you choose your business and name your company?Teaching PlanIn ClassPeriod 1: Listening 1 Speaking 1 (Task 1-2) Period 2: Watching 1 Speaking 1 (Task 3-4) Period 3: Listening 2 Speaking 2 (Task 1-2) Period 4: Watching 2 Speaking 2 (Task 3-4)After ClassUnit File + Supplementary

3、Listening + ProjectLearning FocusKnowledge:v To build up the vocabulary about starting up a business.v To learn to get a general idea of the typical situations encountered when starting up a business & learn about structure of a start-up.Skills:v To be able to get a general idea of the typical situa

4、tions encountered when starting up a business & learn about structure of a start-up.Pains Lots of hard work _ _ _Gains Becoming rich _ _ _Listening 1TASK 1 Making Decisions Warming-upNo pains, no gains.Discuss with your partner and list the “pains” and “gains” of starting a business.Lack of money an

5、d experienceLots of pressureYoure on your ownCan make your own decisionsFree work timeMore opportunitiesListening 1TASK 1 Making DecisionsNew Words & Expressions1.quit v. 离开(工作职位、学校等)He quit his job as an office boy in Athens.他辞去了在雅典当办公室勤杂工的工作。2.post n. 职位;(尤指)要职Ask him whether he would accept the p

6、ost.问问他是否愿意就任该职。3.switch n. 转移;改变,转变We had to make a switch in our arrangements.我们不得不对我们的安排作些变动。4.rust v. (使)生锈There was an old rusting bolt on the door.门上有一个生锈的旧门闩。Listening 1TASK 1 Making DecisionsNew Words & Expressions5.scary a. 恐怖的;吓人的Theres something very scary about him.他身上有某种东西让人不寒而栗。6.unpre

7、dictable a. 不可预测的;难以预料的He is utterly unpredictable. 他是个高深莫测的人。7.self-employed a. 个体经营的;自雇的There are no paid holidays or sick leave if you are self-employed. 8.如果你是个体户,就没有带薪休假或病假。9.start up 发起,创办;开始从事They have decided to start up a nursery in the factory.他们已决定要在工厂里开办一个托儿所。Listening 1TASK 1 Making Dec

8、isions Extensive ListeningListen to a conversation between Jenny and Andrew. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.1.Andrew doesnt like the idea of starting up a business.2.Jenny persuades Andrew to be her business partner.Wh

9、y dont you start up your own business?Thats exactly where the fun lies.Andrew said, “Why dont we do it together?”FalseFalseScriptListening 1TASK 1 Making Decisions Intensive ListeningListen to the conversation again and tick () the correct answer to each question.1.Jenny wants to quit her job becaus

10、e _. A. she cannot run the machine well B. she does not get along well with Frank C. she is bored with her current position2. What do we know about Frank? A. He has worked at TAF for over 10 years. B. He will take Jennys position next month. C. He has left the Sales & Marketing Department.3. Accordi

11、ng to Andrew, whats fun about starting up a business? A. To expand his business interests. B. To meet challenges and solve problems. C. To find a business partner and not to be alone.ScriptScriptListening 1TASK 1 Making Decisions Language SummaryRead the following idioms and figure out their meaning

12、s. Then translate them into Chinese.1. Its easier said than done. _2. Well begun is half done. _3. Where there is a will there is a way. _4. Action speaks louder than words. _说起来容易做起来难。好的开始是成功的一半。有志者事竟成。事实胜于雄辩。Listening 1TASK 2 Choosing a Business Warming-upIf you are to start a business, what line

13、of business will you choose? Brainstorm some products or services that are easy for college students to sell if they want to start up a business on campus. Providing tutoring services _ _ _ _Fixing computers on campusFast food delivery serviceSetting up an online storeOpening up a design workshopLis

14、tening 1TASK 2 Choosing a BusinessNew Words & Expressions1.moderate a. 适中的While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.适度的压力是有好处的,但是压力太大会把人压垮。2.fashion n. 时尚,时兴Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England. 玛丽女王开启了青花瓷在英格兰的流行风尚。3. toiletry

15、n. 化妆品She travels in toiletries. 她出外推销化妆品。4. device n. 装置;仪器;设备The company has come up with a new acoustic - optical device. 这家公司已制造出一种新的声光装置。Listening 1TASK 2 Choosing a BusinessNew Words & Expressions5.media n. (medium的复数)新闻媒介;传播媒介It is hard work and not a glamorous job as portrayed by the media.

16、这是份苦差,并非像媒体描绘的那般令人向往6. head start 先起步的优势;有利的开端A good education gives your child a head start in life.良好的教育会让你的孩子在人生的起跑线上比别人领先一步。JennyAndrew Mobile phones Cosmetics and toiletries Fashion Cameras ComputersListening 1TASK 2 Choosing a Business Extensive ListeningJenny and Andrew are talking about the

17、business areas that they are interested in.Listen to the conversation and figure out their interests by matching the two columns.JennyAndrew Mobile phones Cosmetics and toiletries Fashion Cameras ComputersScript Intensive ListeningListen to the conversation again and decide whether the following sta

18、tements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.1.Andrew wants to start a business that they are both familiar with and interested in.2.Andrew is an expert in electronic devices.3.They finally decide to start a business in the electronics industry.TrueListening 1TASK

19、 2 Choosing a BusinessWell , something that were interested in and familiar withIn truth, Im no expert!FalseThen what about toiletries and cosmetics? That makes a lot of sense.FalseScriptListening 1TASK 2 Choosing a Business Language SummaryRead aloud the following sentences, paying special attentio

20、n to the italicized parts.1. Im interested in a lot of areas, such as2. But I know nothing about3. Im not really interested in them.4. In truth, Im no expert !Watching 1TASK 1 Structure of a Start-up Warming-upIf you are to start up a business, will you do it alone or with a partner? You may list so

21、me reasons to explain your decision.Alone_With a Partner_ You control everything. You take all the profits. Have someone to discuss the problems with. Have someone to share the pressures with.Watching 1TASK 1 Structure of a Start-upNew Words & Expressions1.structure n. 结构;构造The chemical structure of

22、 this particular molecule is very unusual.这个特殊分子的化学结构很不寻常。2.start-up n. 新创办的公司For now the only bright spots in the labor market are small businesses and high-tech start-ups.目前劳动力市场上唯一的亮点是小企业和新兴高科技公司。3.cafeteria n. 自助餐厅;自助食堂This is a cafeteria. 这是自助餐厅。4.proprietorship n. 所有权The simplest form business

23、 is called an individual proprietorship. 最简单的商务形式就是独资经营。Watching 1TASK 1 Structure of a Start-upNew Words & Expressions5.liability n. 责任,义务The judge exempted them from all liability in these matters.法官免除了他们在这些事上的所有责任和义务。6.limited liability company (LLC) 有限责任公司It is a limited liability company. 它是一间有

24、限责任公司。Watching 1TASK 1 Structure of a Start-up Extensive WatchingJenny and Frank are talking about the structure of a start-up. Watch the video clip and tick () the items that are covered in the conversation.1. The area of business2. The company name3. The companys products4. The form of the company

25、5. The importance of choosing a partner1. The area of business2. The company name3. The companys products4. The form of the company5. The importance of choosing a partnerScriptWatching 1TASK 1 Structure of a Start-up Intensive WatchingWatch the video clip again and tick () the correct answer to each

26、 question.1. What is the advantage of a sole proprietorship? A. It has unlimited liabilities. B. It helps to raise more money. C. It is the quickest and easiest form for a start-up.2. Why doesnt Jenny start a limited liability company? A. Because she needs a partner. B. Because her business is small

27、. C. Because she wants to be in charge.3. According to Jenny, what is the most important thing in choosing a partner? A. Mutual trust. B. Common goals. C. Similar work habits.ScriptWatching 1TASK 1 Structure of a Start-up Language SummaryUse the suffix “-ship” to form new nouns after the example and

28、 then figure out their meanings.proprietor proprietorshippartner _owner _Sponsor _partnershipownershipsponsorshipWatching 1TASK 2 Naming the Company Warming-upList at least three famous companies in each of the following industries. Personal Care _ _ Mobile Communications _ _ Automobile _ _P&G, Unil

29、ever, Nice GroupNokia, Apple, HTCFord, Toyota, VolkswagenWatching 1TASK 2 Naming the CompanyNew Words & Expressions1.evoke v. 引起,唤起(感情、记忆或形象)A sense of period was evoked by complementing pictures with appropriate furniture. 给照片配上一些合适的家具,唤起了一种年代感。2.Latin a. 拉丁语的The enthusiasm for Latin music is world

30、wide.全球掀起拉丁音乐热潮。3.exotic a. 异乎寻常的;异国情调的She flits from one exotic location to another.她辗转于异国他乡。e up with 想出,提出(主意、计划等)Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own. 有几位成员提出了自己的建议。Watching 1TASK 2 Naming the Company Extensive WatchingJenny and Andrew are talking about how to name t

31、heir company. Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.1.They have different opinions in choosing the company name.2.They will ask more people for advice before deciding which name to use.-OK, lets write

32、 them down. -Good! -Thats a good idea. -Perfect!We need to talk to more peoplebefore deciding which one to use.FalseTrueScriptWatching 1TASK 2 Naming the Company Intensive WatchingWatch the video clip again and answer the following questions.1.How does Jenny want people to feel about their company n

33、ame and their products?2. How do they find the words that evoke the feelings they want?3. Why do they look for the Greek or Latin translation of the words?Jenny wants people to feel clean, comfortable, elegant and confident.They find the words by looking at the names of flowers, colors or plants.Bec

34、ause a Greek or Latin word would make the company sound exotic and unique.Scriptelegant eleganceconfident _important _ dependent _elegant eleganceconfident _important _ dependent _elegant eleganceconfident _important _ dependent _Watching 1TASK 2 Naming the Company Language SummaryFill in the blanks

35、 with the noun forms of the words given after the example.confidenceimportancedependenceSpeaking 1 Work in pairs. Complete and practice the following conversation with your partner in turn.A: Whats your plan after our graduation this July?B: _.A: Great! To start up a business is a good option.B: But

36、 its difficult too. I need to _ .A: What kind of preparations?B: Such as looking for a location,_ _.A: Yes, it involves a lot of work._ .B: No, Im looking for a partner. Do you want to join me?A: _.Im thinking of starting up my own business.make a lot of preparationschoosing a business, namingthe co

37、mpanyAre you going to do it aloneWell, thanks for inviting me. I need to think about itSpeaking 1 Work in groups. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of starting the following businesses and decide on the best choice.BusinessAdvantagesDisadvantagesRestaurantOnline storeShoe factorySpeaking 1

38、Sample:A: A restaurant is always a good idea. What do you think?B: You are right. However, to open a restaurant, you need a lot of money. Where can you get the money from?C: There are so many restaurants. There will be a lot of competition.D: Then what about a shoe factory? I know some friends who a

39、re involved in this industry. They say its very profitable.A: It might be profitable, but again, we need a lot of money to start with. Whats more, if we do not have the latest technology in the shoemaking industry, we wont have any advantage.B: You are right. I think we should open an online store.

40、Its easier to start with.C: And its promising too. I think online businesses will be growing rapidly in the next decade.D: Thats an good idea. Even if we fail, we dont have much to lose.Speaking 1 Work in pairs. Match the following forms of company structure with their descriptions and tell your par

41、tner the differences.A. Sole proprietorshipB. PartnershipC. Limited liability company (LLC)1.Two or more persons join to run a trade or business. Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and expects to share in the profits and losses of the business. ( )2.The company is owned by one

42、person. He/She enjoys all the profits and also assumes complete responsibilities for any of its liabilities or debts. ( )3.The owners have limited personal liabilities for the debts and actions of the company. ( )BACSpeaking 1 Work in groups. The following are some company names. Write down their Ch

43、inese names in brackets and tell your group members how you like these names. Then search online and find out how these names came out.Coca-Cola ( ) Pizza Hut ( )Benz ( ) Canon ( )BMW ( ) HP ( )可口可乐奔驰宝马必胜客佳能惠普Speaking 1SampleI like the Chinese name of Coca-Cola because it gives an impression that th

44、e drink has a good taste.I like the Chinese name for Pizza Hut because it has the meaning of winning. So the customers might think if they come to Pizza Hut,they might win in all aspects of life. I like the Chinese name of Benz because it indicates the high speed of the car.I like the Chinese name o

45、f Canon because it means “good performance”.I like the Chinese name of BMW as it is associated with horses, which are symbols for speed and power in the Chinese culture.I like the Chinese name of HP because it means “benefit the public”.Listening 2TASK 1 Funding Warming-upIf you are to start up a co

46、mpany, where could you get the seed money? List at least three ways that you could get it for your start-up business.get the money from a bankget the money from an angel investorborrow the money from friends or relativesListening 2TASK 1 FundingNew Words & Expressions1.funding n. 提供资金;提供基金They hope

47、for government funding for the scheme.他们希望政府为这个计划提供资金。2.loan n. 贷款;借款The country has no access to foreign loans or financial aid.该国得不到任何外国贷款或经济援助。3.repay v. 归还;偿还It will take 30 years to repay the loan. 还清贷款需要30年的时间。4.in-depth a. 深入的;彻底的;全面的This is a new subject and needs to be explored in-depth. 这是

48、个新课题, 需要深入的研究。Listening 2TASK 1 FundingNew Words & Expressions5.address v. 对付,处理;满足(需求)Mr. King sought to address those fears when he spoke at the meeting.金先生在会上讲话时试图消除那些恐惧。6.justify v. 证明正确Ministers agreed that this decision was fully justified by economic conditions. 部长们一致同意,这个决定完全符合经济情况。7.angel i

49、nvestor 天使投资人He is a angel investor. 他是一个天使投资人。8.seed money 本钱;本金Seed money is money that is given to someone to help them start a new business or project. 本钱帮助人们开始新的生意或者项目。Listening 2TASK 1 Funding Extensive ListeningFrank is giving Jenny some advice on funding.Listen to the conversation and decide

50、 whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.1. A good business plan will ensure Jenny to get a bank loan.2. Frank might be able to help Jenny to get the seed money.Then you have to make your budget estimates as detailed as possible.False

51、TrueI can introduce you to my friend Antonio; maybe he can help you.ScriptListening 2TASK 1 Funding Intensive ListeningListen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks with proper words.Yes, but to tell you the truth, its 1_difficult to get a bank loan for a startup business. You see theres n

52、o business2_ for the bank to look at so that they can evaluate yourability to 3_ the loan. Then you have to make your budget estimates as 4_ as possible and justify how much you need for each 5_ . If you or any of your management team has experience in the 6_, share your experience with the bank in

53、your business plan.extremelyhistoryrepaydetailedpurchaseindustryScriptListening 2TASK 1 Funding Language SummaryRewrite the sentences after the given example, paying special attention to the italicized parts.Example: Then you have to make detailed budget estimates. Then you have to make your budget

54、estimates as detailed as possible.1. I need you to give a quick reply. _2. You have to be very careful when handling this issue. _I need you to give a reply as quickly as possible.You have to be as careful as possible when handling this issue.Listening 2TASK 2 Choosing a Location Warming-upWhere do

55、you usually go for shopping and why? Write down at least three places and the reasons. _ _ _ _Listening 2TASK 2 Choosing a LocationNew Words & Expressions1.location n. 地点;位置The first thing he looked at was his offices location.他首先看的是自己办公室的位置。2.premise n. (s)生产场所;经营场址There is a kitchen on the premise

56、s. 该处有一个厨房。3.residential a. 适合居住的;住宅的Font Bonne is a liberal arts college, located in a residential suburb of St. Louis. 芳邦大学是一所文科大学,位于圣路易斯市郊的居民区。Listening 2TASK 2 Choosing a Location Extensive ListeningJenny and Andrew are talking about choosing a location for their business.Listen to the conversat

57、ion and tick () the factors they considered.1. The rent2. The transport links3. The height of the building4. The facilities nearby5. The size of the roomScriptListening 2TASK 2 Choosing a Location Intensive ListeningListen to the conversation again and fill in the following form with the correct inf

58、ormation.AdvantagesDisadvantagesPlace 1 close to CBD 1_ perfect view 2 _Place 2 affordable rent 3 _ room too far from the city centerPlace 3 4 _ rent good transport links 5 _ _Convenient transport linksA bit expensiveBigReasonableRestaurants, banks andsupermarkets nearbyScriptListening 2TASK 2 Choos

59、ing a Location Language SummaryWhat are the following acronyms short for? Fill in the blanks after the given example. CEO Chief Executive OfficerCBD _VIP _MBA _Central Business DistrictVery Important PersonMaster of Business AdministrationWatching 2TASK 1 Recruiting Employees Warming-upIf you are a

60、boss, what qualities do you want from an employee? Responsibility_ _ _CreativityImaginationLoyaltyEnthusiasmTeamwork spiritHonestyWatching 2TASK 1 Recruiting EmployeesNew Words & Expressions1.candidate n. 申请人;候选人He is a candidate for the office of Governor. 他是州长候选人之一。2.passionate a. 热情的;感情强烈的Im a pa

61、ssionate believer in public art. 我是公共艺术的狂热信徒。3.line up 组织;(使)排成行;排队The gym teachers lined us up against the cement walls.体育老师让我们靠着水泥墙排好。Watching 2TASK 1 Recruiting Employees Extensive WatchingAndrew and Jenny are making their recruitment decision. Watch the video clip and decide whether the followin

62、gstatements are true or false. The write down the key words to support your answers.1.Jenny is satisfied with the first candidate.2.Jenny and Andrew will continue to interview some other candidates that afternoon.I dont think hes right for the position.We still have some other interviews lined up fo

63、r this afternoon.FalseTrueScriptWatching 2TASK 1 Recruiting Employees Intensive WatchingWatch the video clip again and tick () the correct answer to each question.1. What is the advantage of the first candidate? A. He is confident. B. He is ambitious. C. He is experienced.2. Zhang Lin needs to be mo

64、re _ to get the job. A. confident B. passionate C. outgoing3. Which candidate is good at English and likes to communicate with people? A. The first candidate. B. Zhang Lin. C. Miss Chen.ScriptWatching 2TASK 1 Recruiting Employees Language SummaryRead aloud the following sentences describing candidat

65、es, paying special attention to the italicized parts.1. But he definitely needs to improve his English.2. I dont think hes right for the position.3. I agree she lacks confidence.4. But she doesnt have much experience.Watching 2TASK 2 Company Launch Warming-upSuppose you are going to attend a company

66、 launch ceremony.Which of the following items can serve as the appropriate gifts? Cross () the improper ones and explain the reasons.( )( )( )( )Watching 2TASK 2 Company LaunchReasons:1.“Clock” in Chinese has the same sound as “end”. If you send a clock, it means you are putting an end to someone or

67、 something. So it is improper to send a clock as a gift for a company launch.2.Chocolate cakes are often used to show the affection between lovers or help to sweeten up your relationship.Watching 2TASK 2 Company LaunchNew Words & Expressions1.accountant n. 会计;会计师He is an accountant. 他是一个会计师。2.occasi

68、on n. 场合;重大活动,盛会It will be a unique family occasion. 这将是一次特别的家庭聚会。3.supportive a. 支持的;维持的;赞助的They were always supportive of each other. 他们一直互相帮助。4.input n. 投入;输入We listen to our employees and value their input. 我们听取员工的想法,重视他们的意见和建议。Watching 2TASK 2 Company Launch Extensive WatchingJenny is celebrati

69、ng the company launch with some guests. Watch the video clip and match the people with their work role or title.MaryRobMandyJennyCEOAccountantIn charge of salesIn charge of online businessScript Intensive WatchingWatch the video clip again and answer the following questions.1. How did Frank help Jen

70、ny and Andrew?2. Who does Jenny express her thanks to?Watching 2TASK 2 Company LaunchFrank introduced his friend to help them get the seed money to start the business.She expresses her thanks to her family, her friends and her business partner Andrew.ScriptWatching 2TASK 2 Company Launch Language Su

71、mmaryRead aloud the following sentences for expressing thanks, paying special attention to the italicized parts.1. First, thank you for coming.2. On this special occasion, Id like to express my gratitude to3. Id like to especially thank4. Without his input and experience, launching this company woul

72、d have been impossible.5. Thank you for your support.Speaking 2 Work in pairs. Complete and practice the following conversation with your partner in turn.A: _?B: Its going pretty well except that we are short of money.A: Can you get _?B: No, a bank loan is almost impossible for a start-up company li

73、ke ours.A: _?B: Hopefully we might be lucky enough to get some money from an angel investor.A: An angel investor?B: Yes, an angel investor is _ _.A: OK, I see. Good Luck with that.B: _.How is it going with your new companysome money from the bankThen what are you going to dosomeone who provides star

74、ting orgrowth capital for promising venturesThank youLocation A: In the CBD areaTarget customers: _Price ranges: _Number of tables: _Types of coffee served: _Main features: _ _ _Speaking 2 Work in groups. You are to open a coffee shop. Here are two location options. Work out two business plans for d

75、ifferent locations and explain why.white-collar workers20-35 Yuan20-3020variety of tastes, good environment, short waiting timeSpeaking 2Sample:A: If we open up a coffee shop in the CBD area, we are targeting business people.B: Yes, since most of them are well paid, we can set a price range of 20-35

76、 Yuan. For them, the prices are reasonable.C: Business people like coffee shops; they even talk about business in coffee shops. So we need to prepare enough tables for them. I think 20-30 tables will be enough.D: I agree. And what about the types of coffee? How many types should we have?A: A regular

77、 coffee shop will have 10-15 types of coffee. I think there should be more types in our shop. How about 20 types of coffee?B: I think that will be enough. However, there are several coffee shops in this area. How do you think ours should stand out?C: Well, I guess a variety of beverages, good interi

78、or design, and fast efficient service will help us.Location B: In a universityTarget customers: _ Price ranges: _ Number of tables: _ Types of coffee served: _ Main features: _ _Speaking 2 Work in groups. You are to open a coffee shop. Here are two location options. Work out two business plans for d

79、ifferent locations and explain why.university students and teachers8-205-105-10good tastes, favorable pricesSpeaking 2Sample:A: If we open a coffee shop in a university, our target customers are university students and teachers. So we need to set prices in their range.B: I agree. I think the prices

80、should be within the range of 8 to 20 Yuan.C: What about the number of tables? Since we dont have much space, I assume 5-10 tables will be enough.D: Yes, most students will take the drinks away. So its unnecessary to prepare a lot of tables in our coffee shop.A: How many types of coffee should we of

81、fer?B: Most students take coffee as a way to refresh themselves. The slight differences of tastes dont really matter to them. So I think 5-10 of the most popular types will be enough.C: Right. The main features of our coffee shop should be quality coffee and value for money.Speaking 2 The following

82、are some “Dos” and “Donts” for an interviewee. Add more to the list and discuss how you should behave during an interview.Dos Be on time Be confident_ _Donts Be nervous Talk too much_ _Have eye contactDress properlyKnow about thecompany beforehandSpeak too fastAnswer a phone callInterrupt theintervi

83、ewersSpeaking 2 Work in groups. Suppose you have won an “Star Student Award”. At the award-giving ceremony, you are to make a thank-you speech. Make preparations and take turns to deliver your speech to all the group members. Your speech should include the following points. Describe your feelings Ex

84、press thanks Tell how the prize will affect your future workSpeaking 2Sample:First, thank you for giving me this award. I feel so honored. On thisspecial occasion, Id like to express my gratitude to my family and allmy friends who have been so supportive. Id like to especially thank my teachers. Wit

85、hout their help, it would be impossible for me to get this award. Today is a new start. The award only proves the past, andI want to prove the future. Ill take this award as an encouragement and keep working hard for the future.The range consists of a variety of scissors from children scissors to sc

86、issors for tailors, hairdressers etc. We also have a large range of kitchen ware.Further ListeningListen to the conversation and answer to each question.1.Where the idea for the business first came from ?2.How did he then go about actually setting up the business? 3.whats the range of your stock?A r

87、etired printer by the name of Grubby being left-handed himself, thought of the idea to try to promote a few products for left-handers.He looked for any left-handed products that might already be on the market which were very few, and then contacted the manufactures with the idea of having products p

88、roduced for him, mainly in the scissors range to start with.ScriptWatch the video “Business Attorney for start-up” and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.1.Although a business attorney can do many things, hiring a business

89、 attorney at the outside of your adventure cant help you avoid costly mistakes later.2.However, the legal fees for starting-up are generally pretty high, not every starting-up can accept the price.Further WatchingFalseFalseHiring a business attorney at the outside of your adventure can help you avoi

90、d costly mistakes later.The legal fees for starting up are generally pretty reasonable.ScriptFun Time Watch the video “Interview with a One-Year-Old” and make comment on the One-Year-Old s interview performance.Listening ScriptListening 1TASK 1 Making DecisionsListening 1TASK 2 Choosing a BusinessLi

91、stening 2TASK 1 FundingListening 2TASK 2 Choosing a LocationFurther ListeningW: Now, could you tell me where the idea for the business first came from?M: Well, the original shop was opened by a retired printer by the name of Grubby. Mr. Grubby being left-handed himself, thought of the idea to try to

92、 promote a few products for left-handers.W: And how did he then go about actually setting up the business?M: Well, he looked for any left-handed products that might already be on the market which were very few. And then contacted the manufactures with the idea of having products produced for him, ma

93、inly in the scissors range to start with.W: Right. So you do commission some part of your stock.M: Yes, very much so. About 75 percent of our stock is specially made for us.W: And the rest of it?M: Hmm, the rest of it now, some 25, 30 years after Mr. Grubs initial efforts, there are more left-handed

94、 product actually on the market. Manufactures are now beginning to see that there is a market for left-handed products.W: And whats the range of your stock?Further ListeningM: The range consists of a variety of scissors from children scissors to scissors for tailors, hairdressers etc. We also have a

95、 large range of kitchen ware.W: Whats the competition like? Do you have quite a lot of competition?M: There are other people in the business now in specialists, but only as mail-order outlets. But we have a shop here in central London plus a mail-order outlet. And we are without any doubt the larges

96、t supplier of the left-handed items.Video ScriptWatching 1TASK 1 Structure of a Start-upWatching 1TASK 2 Naming the CompanyWatching 2TASK 1 Recruiting EmployeesWatching 2TASK 2 Company LaunchFurther Watching Business Attorney for Start-upA business attorney can provide a wide range of services. They

97、 are important to a successful launch of your company. A business attorney can do everything. Properly forming your business as a legal entity, filing all the required paperwork with appropriateagencies, helping you with your business plan, assisting you andattaining investors with private capital,

98、counseling you on employeeand policy, and generally setting up good business practices that will keep you in compliance with the law. Hiring a business attorney at the outside of your adventure can help you avoid costly mistakes later. The legal fees for starting up are generally pretty reasonable. You will probably be surprised. For more information about starting up your new business, contact the journey of lawfro area today.谢 谢!放映结束 感谢各位批评指导!让我们共同进步



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