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1、目录目录专题一人物传记类专题二 故事类专题三 新闻报道类专题四 广告应用类专题五 文化教育类专题六 历史地理类专题七 社会生活类专题八 科普知识类模块模块 3 3阅读理解阅读理解 模块模块 3 3阅读理解阅读理解 考纲解读模块模块 3 3 考纲解读考纲解读 “侧重提高阅读能力侧重提高阅读能力”在高中英语教学大纲中有明在高中英语教学大纲中有明确规定。纵观近几年的高考英语试题,我们不难看出,确规定。纵观近几年的高考英语试题,我们不难看出,阅读理解能力是高考考查的重点,自始至终占着主导地阅读理解能力是高考考查的重点,自始至终占着主导地位。阅读理解能力属于语言的领会技能。包括对书面语位。阅读理解能力属

2、于语言的领会技能。包括对书面语言的识别、理解、推理、判断和快速记忆等几个方面。言的识别、理解、推理、判断和快速记忆等几个方面。不仅仅涉及到语音、语法、词汇这些语言因素,还涉及不仅仅涉及到语音、语法、词汇这些语言因素,还涉及到非语言因素,即:所学语言国家的社会和文化背景知到非语言因素,即:所学语言国家的社会和文化背景知识、个人经历、生活常识、逻辑知识和语言修养等各方识、个人经历、生活常识、逻辑知识和语言修养等各方面。面。命题特点模块模块 3 3 命题特点命题特点 历年高考试题阅读理解命题特点和规律如下:历年高考试题阅读理解命题特点和规律如下: 1 1内容生活化内容生活化 阅读理解所选的材料均来源

3、于实际生活,涉及的内容也阅读理解所选的材料均来源于实际生活,涉及的内容也是表现实际生活,强调语篇选材的真实性。是表现实际生活,强调语篇选材的真实性。 2 2体裁多元化体裁多元化 阅读理解所选的语段包括记叙文、说明文、应用文和议阅读理解所选的语段包括记叙文、说明文、应用文和议论文,保持了体裁的多样化特点。选材多源于英文报刊和网论文,保持了体裁的多样化特点。选材多源于英文报刊和网模块模块 3 3 命题特点命题特点 络媒体,包括名人轶事、历史传说、民间故事、寓言、络媒体,包括名人轶事、历史传说、民间故事、寓言、幽默小品、日常生活、新闻报道、社会背景、政治经幽默小品、日常生活、新闻报道、社会背景、政治

4、经济、史地常识、科普文章等各个方面,并且具有鲜明济、史地常识、科普文章等各个方面,并且具有鲜明的英语语言文化特点和浓厚的时代气息。综合地反映的英语语言文化特点和浓厚的时代气息。综合地反映了政治、经济、文化和生活的各个方面,体现了了政治、经济、文化和生活的各个方面,体现了“语语言是文化的载体言是文化的载体”这一重要理念。这一重要理念。模块模块 3 3 命题特点命题特点 3 3信息密集化信息密集化 近年来阅读理解继续保持了较大的阅读量,要求近年来阅读理解继续保持了较大的阅读量,要求考生准确而迅速地从特定语篇中有目的地获取信息。考生准确而迅速地从特定语篇中有目的地获取信息。阅读理解阅读理解5 5个选

5、篇都是以简约的语言负载高含量的信息,个选篇都是以简约的语言负载高含量的信息,看起来似乎不难,但是隐藏在表层结构下面较复杂的看起来似乎不难,但是隐藏在表层结构下面较复杂的信息,使试题具有较高的区分度。信息,使试题具有较高的区分度。 模块模块 3 3 命题特点命题特点 4 4结构复杂化结构复杂化 阅读理解的阅读理解的5 5个选篇的语篇结构都具有较大的复杂个选篇的语篇结构都具有较大的复杂性。各篇或在时间顺序上,或在空间顺序上,或在逻辑性。各篇或在时间顺序上,或在空间顺序上,或在逻辑推理上,均使用了较高级的组篇手段,这种来源于真实推理上,均使用了较高级的组篇手段,这种来源于真实生活的作品同考生平时在课

6、本中接受的清楚明白的语段生活的作品同考生平时在课本中接受的清楚明白的语段是很不一样的。是很不一样的。模块模块 3 3 命题特点命题特点 5 5用词高级化用词高级化 高考对词汇运用的要求越来越高,活用词比比皆高考对词汇运用的要求越来越高,活用词比比皆是。凡是能利用构词法知识判断出词性和词义的都不是。凡是能利用构词法知识判断出词性和词义的都不视为生词,不再给出汉语注释;纯超纲词汇也屡有出视为生词,不再给出汉语注释;纯超纲词汇也屡有出现;一词多义、熟词生义现象更是频繁出现。现;一词多义、熟词生义现象更是频繁出现。 模块模块 3 3 命题特点命题特点 6 6设题创新化设题创新化 高考阅读理解题在保持传

7、统命题的基础上,也在不高考阅读理解题在保持传统命题的基础上,也在不断地借鉴和创新大学英语的命题方式。结构型命题即是断地借鉴和创新大学英语的命题方式。结构型命题即是近两年高考阅读试题中全新的命题形式。这种命题侧重近两年高考阅读试题中全新的命题形式。这种命题侧重于对文章篇章结构和修辞于对文章篇章结构和修辞( (写作写作) )手法以及例证、引用的手法以及例证、引用的功能的考查,是一种凌驾于信息阅读之上的更高难度的功能的考查,是一种凌驾于信息阅读之上的更高难度的测试手段,较好地体现了测试手段,较好地体现了“稳中有变,变中求新稳中有变,变中求新”的基的基本命题思路。本命题思路。题型分类模块模块 3 3

8、题型分类题型分类 阅读理解的能力要求主要包括如下几方面:阅读理解的能力要求主要包括如下几方面: (1) (1)读材料的主旨和大意,以及用以说明主旨和大意的读材料的主旨和大意,以及用以说明主旨和大意的事实和细节事实和细节( (包括根据上下文推断生词的词义包括根据上下文推断生词的词义) ); (2) (2)既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念;既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念; (3) (3)既理解字面的意思,也理解深层的含义,包括作者既理解字面的意思,也理解深层的含义,包括作者的态度,意图等;的态度,意图等; (4) (4)既理解某句,某段的含义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,既理解某句,某段的含义,也

9、理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断;并据此进行推理和判断; (5) (5)既能根据所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应既能根据所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应有的常识去理解。有的常识去理解。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 根据这五项要求,可将阅读理解的选择题归纳为以下根据这五项要求,可将阅读理解的选择题归纳为以下几种题型:几种题型: 一、细节理解型一、细节理解型 文章主题和中心思想的阐述往往需要大量细节信息的文章主题和中心思想的阐述往往需要大量细节信息的支持,这些细节对于理解全文内容至关重要,同时也是归支持,这些细节对于理解全文内容至关重要,同时也是归纳和概括文章中心思想的基础。

10、命题人往往会要求考生根纳和概括文章中心思想的基础。命题人往往会要求考生根据不同的要求阅读文章,以获得某些特定的信息,或准确据不同的要求阅读文章,以获得某些特定的信息,或准确地寻求所需的细节,并对细节进行直接或间接辨认和理解。地寻求所需的细节,并对细节进行直接或间接辨认和理解。文章细节的理解可以细化为:文章细节的理解可以细化为:(1)(1)一一对应型。答案与题一一对应型。答案与题目在表达形式和意义上直接吻合,一一对应,一目了然。目在表达形式和意义上直接吻合,一一对应,一目了然。属于浅层次的阅读试题,分数比例极少。属于浅层次的阅读试题,分数比例极少。(2)(2)语言转述型。语言转述型。 模块模块

11、3 3 题型分类题型分类这是一类间接事实细节题,答案与题目在意义上充分运用这是一类间接事实细节题,答案与题目在意义上充分运用了词义之间的转述关系,即正确选项是原文有关词语和句了词义之间的转述关系,即正确选项是原文有关词语和句子的另类表达。属于中档难度题,分数比例较大。子的另类表达。属于中档难度题,分数比例较大。(3)(3)语语意理解型。这是一类深层事实细节理解题,答案与题目之意理解型。这是一类深层事实细节理解题,答案与题目之间存在着一定的逻辑联系,这种联系需要建立在事实的基间存在着一定的逻辑联系,这种联系需要建立在事实的基础上通过上、下文来进行判断、分析、归纳和整合,才能础上通过上、下文来进行

12、判断、分析、归纳和整合,才能得出正确答案。属于较高难度的事实细节题,分数比例很得出正确答案。属于较高难度的事实细节题,分数比例很大。大。(4)(4)是非辨别型。这是一类综合事实细节题,出题形是非辨别型。这是一类综合事实细节题,出题形式常常是式常常是“三正一误三正一误”( (三项正确,只有一项不符合原文三项正确,只有一项不符合原文内容内容) )或或“三误一正三误一正”( (三项错误,只有一项符合原文内三项错误,只有一项符合原文内模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类容容) )。 (5)(5)事实排序型。这是一类运用多项事实进行排序的事实排序型。这是一类运用多项事实进行排序的事实细节题,要求根据动作发

13、生的先后顺序、时间顺序或事实细节题,要求根据动作发生的先后顺序、时间顺序或者句子之间的逻辑关系,找出事件发生、发展的正确顺序。者句子之间的逻辑关系,找出事件发生、发展的正确顺序。 A A细节理解题主要设问的方式有:细节理解题主要设问的方式有: (1) Which of the following statements is True (1) Which of the following statements is True (Not True)?(Not True)? (2) Which of the questions has not been (2) Which of the questi

14、ons has not been mentioned (discussed) in the passage?mentioned (discussed) in the passage? (3) What is the reason that (3) What is the reason that?模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (4) What do we know about(4) What do we know about? (5) How did the people know the couple(5) How did the people know the couples s pr

15、oblem? problem? (6) Why was the bike so important to the (6) Why was the bike so important to the couple?couple? B B细节理解题主要的答题策略有:细节理解题主要的答题策略有: (1)(1)细心审题,直接就题找答案。解答此类试题时,不细心审题,直接就题找答案。解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文,而应采取必通篇细看原文,而应采取“带着问题找答案带着问题找答案”的方法,的方法,先从问题中抓住关键性词语先从问题中抓住关键性词语( (题眼题眼) ),然后以此为线索,运,然后以此为线索,运用略读

16、及查读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的:用略读及查读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的:段落、语句,仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。段落、语句,仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (2)(2)变通理解,间接转述找答案。细节理解题通变通理解,间接转述找答案。细节理解题通常采用词语和句型转换的形式来取代原文中的表述,常采用词语和句型转换的形式来取代原文中的表述,命题者在出这类题时惯用命题者在出这类题时惯用“偷梁换柱、张冠李戴偷梁换柱、张冠李戴”的的手法来迷惑考生,即对原句细微处做改动,截取原文手法来迷惑考生,即对原句细微处做改动,截取原文词语或结构进行改造,因果倒

17、置,把词语或结构进行改造,因果倒置,把A A的观点说成的观点说成B B的的观点等。所以正确理解题干和信息句的意义是关键。观点等。所以正确理解题干和信息句的意义是关键。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (3)(3)多点归纳,综合事实找答案。细节理解题有时多点归纳,综合事实找答案。细节理解题有时考查的并不是单一的信息,而是多处信息的整合。解答考查的并不是单一的信息,而是多处信息的整合。解答此类此类“综合综合”信息细节题时,一定要全面捕捉相关信息,信息细节题时,一定要全面捕捉相关信息,进行综合分析、归纳,切忌根据进行综合分析、归纳,切忌根据“一面之词一面之词”草率地作草率地作出结论。出结论。 此外

18、,在答题过程中,要学会分析干扰选项的特点:此外,在答题过程中,要学会分析干扰选项的特点:是原文信息,但与题目要求不符;是原文信息,但与题目要求不符;符合常识,但不符合常识,但不符合原文内容;符合原文内容;. . 与原文情节极为相似,只是在程度与原文情节极为相似,只是在程度上有些变动;上有些变动;选项中所提供的信息部分正确,部分错选项中所提供的信息部分正确,部分错误;误;在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反。在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例1 120102010山东山东 A A Christopher Thomas,27 Christopher Thom

19、as,27,was a writer by was a writer by night and a teacher by day when he noticed he night and a teacher by day when he noticed he was always tired and was losing weight fast. was always tired and was losing weight fast. Diagnosed with diabetes(Diagnosed with diabetes(糖尿病糖尿病) ),Thomas would Thomas wo

20、uld need to inject himself with insulin(need to inject himself with insulin(胰岛素胰岛素) ) three times a day for the rest of his life or three times a day for the rest of his life or risk nerve damagerisk nerve damage,blindness and even death. blindness and even death. And if that werenAnd if that werent

21、 bad enought bad enough,he had no he had no health insurance.health insurance.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 After a month of feeling upsetAfter a month of feeling upset,Thomas Thomas decided hedecided hed better find a way to fight d better find a way to fight back.Heback.He left Canton left Canton,Michigan for

22、 New YorkMichigan for New York,got a job waiting tablesgot a job waiting tables,nicknamed nicknamed himself the Diabetic himself the Diabetic RockstarRockstar,and created and created ,a free online a free online community for diabetics and their loved community for diabetics and their loved onesones

23、a place where over 1,100 people share a place where over 1,100 people share personal storiespersonal stories,information and information and resources.resources.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 Jason Jason SwenckiSwenckis s son son,KodyKody,was diagnosed with was diagnosed with diabetes at diabetes at six.Fathersi

24、x.Father and son visit the online and son visit the online childrenchildrens forums(s forums(论坛论坛)together most evenings.)together most evenings.“KodyKody gets so excited gets so excited,writing to kids from all overwriting to kids from all over,”says says SwenckiSwencki,one of the siteone of the si

25、tes volunteers. s volunteers. “They know what heThey know what hes going throughs going through,so he doesnso he doesnt t feel alone.feel alone.” KodyKody is anything but alone is anything but alone:Diabetes is now the Diabetes is now the seventh leading cause of death in the United Statesseventh le

26、ading cause of death in the United States,with 24 million diagnosed cases. And more people are with 24 million diagnosed cases. And more people are being diagnosed at younger ages.being diagnosed at younger ages.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 These daysThese days,ThomasThomass main focus is his s main focus is h

27、is charity(charity(慈善机构慈善机构) ),Fight ItFight It,which provides which provides medicines and supplies to peoplemedicines and supplies to people225 to date 225 to date who canwho cant afford a diabetict afford a diabetics huge expenses. s huge expenses. FightFight it.orgit.org has raised about $23,000

28、 has raised about $23,000in in products and in products and in cash.Incash.In May May,Thomas will hold the Thomas will hold the first annual Diabetic first annual Diabetic RockstarRockstar Festival in the Festival in the Caribbean.Caribbean.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 Even with a staff of 22 volunteersEven wi

29、th a staff of 22 volunteers,Thomas Thomas often devotes up to 50 hours a week to his causeoften devotes up to 50 hours a week to his cause,while still doing his fullwhile still doing his full time job waiting time job waiting tables.tables.“OfOf the diabetes charities out there the diabetes charitie

30、s out there,most are putting money into finding a curemost are putting money into finding a cure,”says Bentley says Bentley GubarGubar,one of one of RockstarRockstars s original original members.members.“ButBut Christopher is the only person I Christopher is the only person I know saying people need

31、 help now.know saying people need help now.”模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()1.Which of the following is true of )1.Which of the following is true of Christopher Thomas?Christopher Thomas? A AHe needs to go to the doctor every day.He needs to go to the doctor every day. B BHe studies the leading cause of diabe

32、tes.He studies the leading cause of diabetes. C CHe has a positive attitude to this disease.He has a positive attitude to this disease. D DHe encourages diabetics by writing articles. He encourages diabetics by writing articles. 【解析解析】 C C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“After a After a month ofmonth of

33、back.back.”以及下文的建立网站,搞慈善事业,每周以及下文的建立网站,搞慈善事业,每周工作工作5050小时等内容可以看出:小时等内容可以看出:ThomasThomas对于自己的疾病采取了对于自己的疾病采取了积极的态度。积极的态度。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()2.Diabeitcrockstar. com was created )2.Diabeitcrockstar. com was created for_. for_. A Adiabetics to communicatediabetics to communicate B Bvolunteers to find

34、jobsvolunteers to find jobs C Cchildren to amuse themselveschildren to amuse themselves D Drock stars to share resourcesrock stars to share resources 【解析解析】 A A细节理解题。根据细节理解题。根据a free online a free online community for diabetics and their loved onescommunity for diabetics and their loved onesa a plac

35、e where over 1,100 people share personal place where over 1,100 people share personal stories, information, and resourcesstories, information, and resources可知可知A A项正确。项正确。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()3.According to the text, )3.According to the text, KodyKody_. _. A Afeel lonely because of his illnessfeel

36、lonely because of his illness B Bbenefits from benefits from diabeticrockstardiabeticrockstar. com. com C Chelps create the online kidhelps create the online kids forumss forums D Dwrites childrenwrites childrens stories onlines stories online 【解析解析】 B B细节理解题。根据细节理解题。根据Father and son visit Father an

37、d son visit the online childrenthe online childrens forums(s forums(论坛论坛) together most ) together most evenings. evenings. “KodyKody gets so excited, writing to kids gets so excited, writing to kids from all overfrom all over,” says says SwenckiSwencki, one of the site, one of the sites s volunteer

38、s. volunteers. “They know what heThey know what hes going through, so s going through, so he doesnhe doesnt feel alone. t feel alone. ” 可知可知B B项正确。项正确。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()4.What can we learn about Fight It?)4.What can we learn about Fight It? A AIt helps the diabetics in financial It helps the dia

39、betics in financial difficulties.difficulties. B BIt organizes parties for volunteer once a It organizes parties for volunteer once a year. year. C CIt offers less expensive medicine to It offers less expensive medicine to diabetics.diabetics. D DIt owns a It owns a wellwell knownknown medical websi

40、te. medical website. 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 A A细节理解题。根据细节理解题。根据Fight It, which Fight It, which provides medicines and supplies to peopleprovides medicines and supplies to people225 225 to dateto datewho canwho cant afford a diabetict afford a diabetics huge s huge expenses. expenses. FightFight it

41、it. org has raised about . org has raised about $23,000$23,000in products and in cash. in products and in cash. 可知可知A A项正确。项正确。 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 二、主旨大意型二、主旨大意型 每篇文章都会有一个主旨要义。主旨要义型题范围每篇文章都会有一个主旨要义。主旨要义型题范围一般包括:短文标题、主题大意或段落大意等。一般包括:短文标题、主题大意或段落大意等。此题型要求考生在理解文章后归纳文章要点,概括中心此题型要求考生在理解文章后归纳文章要点,概括中心思想。考生

42、需要分析文章的篇章结构,抓住文章的开头思想。考生需要分析文章的篇章结构,抓住文章的开头或结尾,从而找出能概括文章的主题句。或结尾,从而找出能概括文章的主题句。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 主题句的特点:主题句的特点:(1)(1)语言特点:归纳性、概括性、抽语言特点:归纳性、概括性、抽象性;象性;(2)(2)位置特点:主题句常出现在位置特点:主题句常出现在“总结性总结性”语言的语言的“信号词信号词”后,如:后,如:in summary, in a word, as a in summary, in a word, as a result, finally, in short, in con

43、clusionresult, finally, in short, in conclusion和和in in briefbrief等;主题句常出现在等;主题句常出现在“转移话题式转移话题式”语言的语言的“信号信号词词”后,如:后,如:but, however, neverthelessbut, however, nevertheless,hencehence等。等。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 标题的语言特点:独特新颖、概括性强、短小精炼。标题的语言特点:独特新颖、概括性强、短小精炼。标题是文章中心思想的精练表达,多为一个名词词组,标题是文章中心思想的精练表达,多为一个名词词组,短小明了

44、,涵盖性强。做这类题目时,要在阅读全文的短小明了,涵盖性强。做这类题目时,要在阅读全文的基础上,把握好层次关系。注意选项的归纳范围要恰如基础上,把握好层次关系。注意选项的归纳范围要恰如其分,干扰项往往是局部信息,是某一小节或文章里的其分,干扰项往往是局部信息,是某一小节或文章里的某一句。所以我们在解题时要反复推敲,把概括范围过某一句。所以我们在解题时要反复推敲,把概括范围过窄或过宽的选项过滤掉。窄或过宽的选项过滤掉。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 干干扰扰项项的的命命题题特特点点:以以偏偏概概全全。干干扰扰项项只只阐阐述述了了文文章章的的一一部部分分内内容容,也也就就是是文文章章的的局局部

45、部信信息息。 断断章章取取义义。干干扰扰项项常常常常以以文文章章中中的的个个别别信信息息或或个个别别字字眼眼作作为为选选项项的的设设置置内内容容,或或者者以以次次要要的的事事实实或或细细节节冒冒充充全全文文的的主主要要观观点点。主主题题扩扩大大。干干扰扰项项所所归归纳纳、概概括括的的范范围围过过大大,超超过过文文章章实实际际所所讨讨论论的的内内容容。张张冠冠李李戴戴。命命题题者者有有意意地地把把属属于于A A的的特特征征放放在在B B的的身身上上,构构成成一一个个干干扰扰项项。考考生生不不注注意意的的情情况况下下,会会造造成成错错选选答答案案。 无无中中生生有有或或似似是是而而非非。有有的的干

46、干扰扰项项中中的的关关键键词词语语好好像像在在文文章章中中谈谈到到了了,但但认认真真分分析析之之后后你你会会发发现现这这类类干干扰项的内容与文章的内容毫无联系。扰项的内容与文章的内容毫无联系。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 A A主旨大意主要的设题方式有两类:文章的中心思想主旨大意主要的设题方式有两类:文章的中心思想和文章标题的选择。和文章标题的选择。 (1)Which of the following best gives the main (1)Which of the following best gives the main idea of this newspaper artic

47、le?idea of this newspaper article? (2)The best headline for this newspaper article (2)The best headline for this newspaper article is _.is _. (3)What is the topic of the text? (3)What is the topic of the text? (4)The text is mainly about _. (4)The text is mainly about _. (5)What (5)Whats the main po

48、int the writer is trying s the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph? to make in the last paragraph? (6)What would be the best title for the text? (6)What would be the best title for the text?模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 B B主旨大意主要的解题策略有:主旨大意主要的解题策略有: (1) (1) 抓住主题句,锁定文章主旨。找准主题句是关键。抓住主题句,

49、锁定文章主旨。找准主题句是关键。主题句通常在文章开头,而主题句有可能在一段的开头,主题句通常在文章开头,而主题句有可能在一段的开头,也有可能在中间或末尾。在很多情况下,主题句如果在段也有可能在中间或末尾。在很多情况下,主题句如果在段首,其后可能有首,其后可能有for examplefor example,firstfirst,secondsecond等信息词。等信息词。主题句如果在段末,其前可能有主题句如果在段末,其前可能有above allabove all,all in allall in all等信息词。利用这些信息词,可帮助你迅速找到主题句。等信息词。利用这些信息词,可帮助你迅速找到主

50、题句。一般来说,文章前三句所提供的信息能够让读者了解其大一般来说,文章前三句所提供的信息能够让读者了解其大致内容,而读懂每段的第一句话则有助于掌握本段的主要致内容,而读懂每段的第一句话则有助于掌握本段的主要内容。这样做的目的不仅在于可以迅速地把握全段的大意,内容。这样做的目的不仅在于可以迅速地把握全段的大意,更重要的是,在时间紧迫的情况下,可以对一段话进行缩更重要的是,在时间紧迫的情况下,可以对一段话进行缩读、略读和扫读。读、略读和扫读。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (2)(2)抓住段落大意,概括中心思想。寻找整篇文章的抓住段落大意,概括中心思想。寻找整篇文章的中心思想是建立在寻找具体段

51、落中心的基础上的。各段落中心思想是建立在寻找具体段落中心的基础上的。各段落中心的整体归纳便是文章的中心思想。不能以偏概全,也中心的整体归纳便是文章的中心思想。不能以偏概全,也不能在概括时过于宽泛,要恰如其分。不能在概括时过于宽泛,要恰如其分。 (3) (3) 抓住主线和关键,归纳文章中心。分析的方法是:抓住主线和关键,归纳文章中心。分析的方法是:先弄清该段落主要讲了哪几方面的内容,这些内容在逻辑先弄清该段落主要讲了哪几方面的内容,这些内容在逻辑上有什么联系,然后加以归纳形成主题。了解文章的结构,上有什么联系,然后加以归纳形成主题。了解文章的结构,把握住全篇的文脉,即句与句、段与段之间的逻辑关系

52、。把握住全篇的文脉,即句与句、段与段之间的逻辑关系。对这种能力的考查一般反映在文章的中心内容、文中某一对这种能力的考查一般反映在文章的中心内容、文中某一段的大意或指代关系的题目中。段的大意或指代关系的题目中。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例1 120102010湖南湖南C C篇篇节选自文章第一段和最后节选自文章第一段和最后一段一段 People from East Asia tend to have more People from East Asia tend to have more difficulty than those from Europe in difficulty t

53、han those from Europe in distinguishing facial expressionsdistinguishing facial expressionsand a new and a new report published online in Current Biology report published online in Current Biology explains why. explains why. _模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 In short, the data show that facial In short, the data s

54、how that facial expressions are not universal signals of expressions are not universal signals of human emotion. From here on, examining how human emotion. From here on, examining how cultural factors have diversified these basic cultural factors have diversified these basic social skills will help

55、our understanding of social skills will help our understanding of human emotion. Otherwise, when it comes to human emotion. Otherwise, when it comes to communicating emotions across cultures, communicating emotions across cultures, Easterners and Westerners will find Easterners and Westerners will f

56、ind themselves lost in translation.themselves lost in translation.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()1.What can be the best title for the )1.What can be the best title for the passage?passage? A AThe Eye as the Window to the SoulThe Eye as the Window to the Soul B BCultural Differences in Reading EmotionsCultura

57、l Differences in Reading Emotions C CEffective Methods to Develop SocialEffective Methods to Develop Social Skills Skills D DHow to Increase How to Increase CrossCross culturalcultural Understanding Understanding模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 B B最佳标题题。文章首先指出科学研究的最佳标题题。文章首先指出科学研究的最新发现:东方人比西方人更难读懂人的面部表情。之最新

58、发现:东方人比西方人更难读懂人的面部表情。之后更具体地介绍研究的结构及其研究过程,最后得出结后更具体地介绍研究的结构及其研究过程,最后得出结论:文化差异丰富了理解情感的基本社会技巧,即:不论:文化差异丰富了理解情感的基本社会技巧,即:不同的文化背景使人理解他人情感的方式也不尽相同。由同的文化背景使人理解他人情感的方式也不尽相同。由此判断最佳标题应为此判断最佳标题应为B B。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例2 220102010全国卷全国卷II BII B篇篇节选自文章第一段和节选自文章第一段和第二段第二段 When you When youre lying on the white s

59、ands of the re lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera, the stresses(Mexican Riviera, the stresses(压力压力) of the world ) of the world seem a million miles away. Hey, stop! This is no seem a million miles away. Hey, stop! This is no vacationvacationyou have to finish something!you have to fini

60、sh something!模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 Here lies the problem for travel writer and Here lies the problem for travel writer and food critic(food critic(评论家评论家) Edie ) Edie JarolimJarolim,“I always loved I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never traveling and always liked to eat, but it n

61、ever occurred to me that I could make money doing both occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those thingsof those things,” JarolimJarolim said. Now you can read said. Now you can read her travel advice everywhereher travel advice everywherein Arts and in Arts and Antiques, in Brides,

62、or in one of her books, The Antiques, in Brides, or in one of her books, The Complete IdiotComplete Idiots Travel Guide in Mexicos Travel Guide in Mexicos Beach s Beach Resorts. Resorts. 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()1.What would be the best title for )1.What would be the best title for the text? the text?

63、A AAdventures in Travel WritingAdventures in Travel Writing B BWorking as a Food CriticWorking as a Food Critic C CTravel Guides on the MarketTravel Guides on the Market D DVacationing for a LivingVacationing for a Living模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 D D最佳标题题。本文描述了一个很普遍的最佳标题题。本文描述了一个很普遍的谋生问题:谋生在谋生问题:谋生在J

64、arolimJarolim身上既是度假休闲,又是写作身上既是度假休闲,又是写作和评论的源泉。提示在文章第一段结尾句和评论的源泉。提示在文章第一段结尾句 “Hey, stop! Hey, stop! This is no vacationThis is no vacationyou have to finish somethingyou have to finish something!”和第二段中和第二段中 “but it never occurred to me that I but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing

65、both of those thingscould make money doing both of those things,”说说明了没有想到明了没有想到“度假也可以谋生度假也可以谋生”的欣喜之情。的欣喜之情。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例3 320102010辽宁卷辽宁卷C C篇篇节选自文章第一段节选自文章第一段 Too much Too much TVTV watchingwatching can harm children can harm childrens s ability to learn and even reduce their chances of abili

66、ty to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree, new studies suggest in getting a college degree, new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of the latest effort to examine the effects of television on children. television on children. ( ()1.What would be t

67、he best title for this )1.What would be the best title for this text?text? A AComputers or TelevisionComputers or Television B BEffects of Television on ChildrenEffects of Television on Children C CStudies on TV and College EducationStudies on TV and College Education D DTelevision and ChildrenTelev

68、ision and Childrens Learning Habitss Learning Habits模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 B B最佳标题题。通读全文可知,文章最佳标题题。通读全文可知,文章主要通过两项研究分析了儿童看电视所造成的影响。主要通过两项研究分析了儿童看电视所造成的影响。文章第一段第一句话是主题句,所以文章第一段第一句话是主题句,所以B B项作为标题是最项作为标题是最佳的。佳的。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例4 420102010江西江西A A篇篇节选自文章最后两段节选自文章最后两段 Suddenly, out of the corner of

69、 his eyes, he Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted a small dam used by Mr. Nelson to spotted a small dam used by Mr. Nelson to irrigate his vegetable garden. Off his bike and irrigate his vegetable garden. Off his bike and into the cool water he lived, disappearing below into the cool

70、 water he lived, disappearing below the surface and away from the savage insects. the surface and away from the savage insects. After holding his breath for as long as he could, After holding his breath for as long as he could, Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had Andy came up for air and n

71、oticed the bees had gone. Dragging himself out of the dam, he gone. Dragging himself out of the dam, he struggled up the hilly slope and rang the struggled up the hilly slope and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Nelson took him inside and rang doorbell. Mrs. Nelson took him inside and rang his mother. his mo

72、ther. 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 “YouYoull really need that fishing break to ll really need that fishing break to help you recoverhelp you recover,” laughed his mother with laughed his mother with relief. relief. “Thank goodness you didnThank goodness you didnt panict panic!” But But Andy did not hear her. H

73、e was dreaming once again Andy did not hear her. He was dreaming once again of the fish he would catch tomorrow. of the fish he would catch tomorrow. ( ()1.Which of the following can best )1.Which of the following can best describe Andydescribe Andys escape from the bees?s escape from the bees? A AN

74、o pains, no gains.No pains, no gains. B BOnce bitten, twice shy. Once bitten, twice shy. C CWhere there is a will, there is a way.Where there is a will, there is a way. D DIn time of danger, oneIn time of danger, ones mind works fast. s mind works fast. 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 D D主旨大意题。本文讲述了主人公主旨大意

75、题。本文讲述了主人公AndyAndy在上学途中遭遇蜂群攻击,在上学途中遭遇蜂群攻击, 急中生智,急中生智, 躲入水中避险躲入水中避险成功的故事。根据最后一段第二句成功的故事。根据最后一段第二句AndyAndy妈妈的话妈妈的话“Thank goodness you didnThank goodness you didnt panic(t panic(谢天谢地你没谢天谢地你没有慌神有慌神) )”可知,情急之下可知,情急之下AndyAndy仍然成功想到办法脱险,仍然成功想到办法脱险,再综合再综合A A、B B、C C、D D四个选项的意思,四个选项的意思, 可以判断出选可以判断出选D D项。项。模块

76、模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例5 520102010年浙江卷年浙江卷C C篇篇节选自文章最后一段节选自文章最后一段 We often don We often dont remember things as well when t remember things as well when wewere trying to manage several details at the re trying to manage several details at the same time. Without mental focus, we may not pay same time. Wit

77、hout mental focus, we may not pay enough attention to new information coming in, enough attention to new information coming in, so it never makes it into our memory stores. so it never makes it into our memory stores. That is one of the main reasons we forget That is one of the main reasons we forge

78、t peoplepeoples namess nameseven sometimes right after they even sometimes right after they have introduced themselves. Multitaskinghave introduced themselves. Multitasking模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类can also affect our relationships. If someone can also affect our relationships. If someone checks their echeck

79、s their e mail while on the phone with a mail while on the phone with a friend, they may come off as absentfriend, they may come off as absent minded or minded or disinterested. It can also cause that person to disinterested. It can also cause that person to miss or overlook key information being pa

80、ssed on miss or overlook key information being passed on to them. to them. 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()1.What is the main idea of the passage? )1.What is the main idea of the passage? A AMultitasking has become a way of life.Multitasking has become a way of life. B BMultitasking often leads to efficiencyM

81、ultitasking often leads to efficiency decline. decline. C CMultitasking exercises need to be improved.Multitasking exercises need to be improved. D DMultitasking enables people to remember Multitasking enables people to remember things better. things better. 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 B B主旨大意题。本文是一篇科普

82、文章,主旨大意题。本文是一篇科普文章,讨论讨论“多重任务处理多重任务处理(multitasking)(multitasking)”即即“一心多用一心多用”导致工作效率低下的科学原理。根据文章第一段的导致工作效率低下的科学原理。根据文章第一段的最后两行,可知本文主要讲的是同时做多个项目会降最后两行,可知本文主要讲的是同时做多个项目会降低工作效率。低工作效率。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 三、词义猜测型三、词义猜测型 历年高考都把猜测词义作为考生应该掌握的一项阅读历年高考都把猜测词义作为考生应该掌握的一项阅读技能列入试题,词义推断可以是一个单词的意义推断,也技能列入试题,词义推断可以是一个单

83、词的意义推断,也可以是一个短语或句子的意义推断,既可以是生词意义,可以是一个短语或句子的意义推断,既可以是生词意义,也可以是熟词新意;还可以是对替代词所替代内容的判断。也可以是熟词新意;还可以是对替代词所替代内容的判断。在阅读理解题中,所考查的词或短语的意义往往不停留在在阅读理解题中,所考查的词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上,要根据短文提供的语境,通过阅读上下文,根据字面上,要根据短文提供的语境,通过阅读上下文,根据已知的信息或常识来推测尚不熟悉的词或词组的含义。已知的信息或常识来推测尚不熟悉的词或词组的含义。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 A A词义猜测主要的设题方式有:词义猜测主要的设

84、题方式有: (1)The underlined words (1)The underlined words “took off took off ” in in paragraph 2 mean paragraph 2 mean “_” (2)What does the underlined word (2)What does the underlined word “themthem” in in the last paragraph refer to?the last paragraph refer to? (3)The underlined sentence in the second

85、(3)The underlined sentence in the second paragraph implies that_.paragraph implies that_. (4)Which of the definitions is closest in (4)Which of the definitions is closest in meaning to the word meaning to the word “exoticexotic” in the third in the third paragraph? paragraph? 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (5)Th

86、e underlined phrase (5)The underlined phrase “ turn his back on turn his back on” (paragraph 6) most probably mean_.(paragraph 6) most probably mean_. (6)By saying (6)By saying “ We need them yesterday We need them yesterday ”(paragraph 7)(paragraph 7),Stover means that snakelike Stover means that s

87、nakelike robots_.robots_. B B词义猜测主要的解题策略有:词义猜测主要的解题策略有: (1) (1)依据标点符号猜测词义。标点符号是词义猜测的最依据标点符号猜测词义。标点符号是词义猜测的最直接,最简单的信号词。比如,破折号、冒号常常起解释直接,最简单的信号词。比如,破折号、冒号常常起解释说明的功能,引号和括号有时也起到相同的作用。说明的功能,引号和括号有时也起到相同的作用。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (2)(2)依据反义词和对比关系猜测词义。运用对比手依据反义词和对比关系猜测词义。运用对比手法描述事物或现象是文章写作的一种常用的修辞手法。法描述事物或现象是文章

88、写作的一种常用的修辞手法。在这种修辞手段下,作者常借用一些信号词来提供相在这种修辞手段下,作者常借用一些信号词来提供相反信息,从而表明一个词与前面的另一个词互为反义。反信息,从而表明一个词与前面的另一个词互为反义。常用的信号词有:常用的信号词有:but/yet/however/nevertheless; but/yet/however/nevertheless; while/whereas; otherwise/or else; unlike while/whereas; otherwise/or else; unlike /instead/rather than; by contrast/c

89、ompared to; /instead/rather than; by contrast/compared to; on the contrary/on the other hand on the contrary/on the other hand 等。等。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (3)(3)依据下定义,作解释猜测词义。在说明文、科依据下定义,作解释猜测词义。在说明文、科技文中运用下定义或解释概念的方法来定义或诠释某技文中运用下定义或解释概念的方法来定义或诠释某一名词或概念是文章写作的又一特点。在写作方法上一名词或概念是文章写作的又一特点。在写作方法上常采用先总后分常采用先总后

90、分( (即先定义后解释即先定义后解释) )或先分后总或先分后总( (即先说即先说明后结论明后结论) )的叙述方式。常用的定义信号词有:的叙述方式。常用的定义信号词有: be be defined as/be termed(defined as/be termed(被定义为被定义为) ) ,be called (be called (被被称为称为), mean/refer to/be(), mean/refer to/be(意指,是意指,是) )。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (4)(4)依据逻辑推理猜测词义。运用逻辑推理猜测词义依据逻辑推理猜测词义。运用逻辑推理猜测词义是使用最广考查最多

91、也最易失分的猜词方式。要求考生是使用最广考查最多也最易失分的猜词方式。要求考生具备整合分散、复杂信息的能力,充分利用上下文中相具备整合分散、复杂信息的能力,充分利用上下文中相关的词汇并结合具体的语境,从形式和内容上把握语言关的词汇并结合具体的语境,从形式和内容上把握语言之间的内在联系,理顺语言之间的逻辑关系,进而达到之间的内在联系,理顺语言之间的逻辑关系,进而达到猜词的目的。常见的逻辑关系有:因果关系,同位关系,猜词的目的。常见的逻辑关系有:因果关系,同位关系,对比关系,转折关系等。此外,考生还可以依据词性变对比关系,转折关系等。此外,考生还可以依据词性变化和词义变化化和词义变化( (词义引申

92、词义引申 ) )来猜测词义。来猜测词义。 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例1 1Morning, noon, and night, her tongue was Morning, noon, and night, her tongue was endlessly going, so that he was forced to escape endlessly going, so that he was forced to escape to the outside of the houseto the outside of the housethe only side which, t

93、he only side which, in truth, belongs to a henpecked husband.in truth, belongs to a henpecked husband. ( ()The underlined words )The underlined words “ henpeckedhenpecked_ _ husband.husband.” probably mean a man who_. probably mean a man who_. A Alikes huntinglikes huntingB Bis afraid of hensis afra

94、id of hens C Cloves his wife Dloves his wife Dis afraid of his wifeis afraid of his wife模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析】【解析】 D D依据标点符号猜测词义。破折号依据标点符号猜测词义。破折号“ ” 起进一步解释说明的作用。由句前信息起进一步解释说明的作用。由句前信息 “他为逃避妻子的唠叨而逃到屋外他为逃避妻子的唠叨而逃到屋外”可知可知“他是一他是一个怕老婆的人个怕老婆的人”,因此选择,因此选择 D D 项。项。 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例2 2They were no longe

95、r They were no longer passivelypassively_ _waitingwaiting_ _forfor the bell, but actively took part in the lesson.the bell, but actively took part in the lesson. ( ()The underlined words )The underlined words “passively passively _ _waitingwaiting_ _forfor ” probably mean_. probably mean_. A Alongin

96、g for a phone calllonging for a phone call B Bhoping to have a bellhoping to have a bell C Cexpecting the end of the classexpecting the end of the class D Dwanting to speak in class wanting to speak in class 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 C C依据反义词和对比关系猜测词义。依据反义词和对比关系猜测词义。but but 分句分句 actively took part in

97、 the lesson(actively took part in the lesson(学学生们积极上课生们积极上课) ) 与前句与前句 They were no longer They were no longer passively waiting for the bell passively waiting for the bell 形成鲜明的对比,形成鲜明的对比,不难猜出答案不难猜出答案 C (C (学生们不再被动地等待下课学生们不再被动地等待下课) )是正是正确选项。确选项。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例3 3 Early human beings used very f

98、ragile Early human beings used very fragile houses and boats. Often strong winds would tear houses and boats. Often strong winds would tear roofs from houses or cause high waves that roofs from houses or cause high waves that endangered travelers. Peopleendangered travelers. Peoples food suppliers s

99、 food suppliers were similarly were similarly vulnerablevulnerable. . ( ()The underlined word )The underlined word “vulnerablevulnerable” means_. means_. A Aimpossible to make sure ofimpossible to make sure of B Blikely to be protectedlikely to be protected C Ceasy to damageeasy to damage D Ddifficu

100、lt to find difficult to find 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解解析析】 C C运运用用逻逻辑辑上上的的类类比比关关系系猜猜测测词词义义。在在这这段段描描写写中中,作作者者把把 houseshouses,boats boats 和和 food food suppliers suppliers 放放在在一一起起比比,说说明明它它们们的的共共同同特特点点 easy easy to damageto damage,故选,故选 C C 项。项。 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例4 4I had first known she was wrong, that I

101、 had first known she was wrong, that her anxiety had her anxiety had cloudedclouded_ _herher_ _judgmentjudgment. . ( () )问题:问题:The underlined words The underlined words “ cloudedclouded_ _herher_ _judgmentjudgment” probably mean _. probably mean _. A Amade her less trustful toward the doctormade her

102、 less trustful toward the doctor B Bput her in control of her own feelings put her in control of her own feelings C Cmade her less able to think clearlymade her less able to think clearly D Dput her in a dangerous situation put her in a dangerous situation 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 B B运用名词动化猜测词义。此处运用

103、名词动化猜测词义。此处 cloud cloud 名词动化为名词动化为“把把遮盖住,使遮盖住,使模糊不模糊不清清”,对于思维而言,就是,对于思维而言,就是“不能清楚地思考不能清楚地思考”,因此选因此选 B B 项。项。 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例5 5(2010(2010江西江西D D篇篇节选自文章第三段节选自文章第三段) ) (Paragraph 3)However, what do we do with (Paragraph 3)However, what do we do with the time we have saved? Certainly not relax, or

104、 the time we have saved? Certainly not relax, or so it seems. We are so accustomed to constant so it seems. We are so accustomed to constant activity that we find it difficult to sit and activity that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing, or even just one thing at a time. do nothing, or even j

105、ust one thing at a time. Perhaps Perhaps thethe_ _daysdays are long gone when we might are long gone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radio, letting listen quietly to a story on the radio, letting imagination take us into another world. imagination take us into another world. 模块模块 3 3

106、题型分类题型分类 ( ()1.What does )1.What does “the daysthe days” in Paragraph 3 in Paragraph 3 refer to?refer to? A AImaginary life.Imaginary life. B BSimple life in the past. Simple life in the past. C CTimes of inventions.Times of inventions. D DTime for constant activity. Time for constant activity. 模块模块

107、 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 B B词义猜测题。本题是根据前后逻辑推词义猜测题。本题是根据前后逻辑推理猜测词义。原句意义:也许,理猜测词义。原句意义:也许, 我们静静聆听广播里我们静静聆听广播里的故事节目,的故事节目, 任想象插上翅膀肆意翱翔的日子,任想象插上翅膀肆意翱翔的日子, 已经已经一去不复返了。根据前后句可得知,一去不复返了。根据前后句可得知, 文章重点是说高文章重点是说高速生活和简单生活的对比。故速生活和简单生活的对比。故B B项是对原文的正确解读。项是对原文的正确解读。而而A A选项的理解有偏差,选项的理解有偏差, 重点转移了。重点转移了。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型

108、分类 四、推理判断型四、推理判断型 推理判断题属于高层次阅读理解题。这种题型包括推理判断题属于高层次阅读理解题。这种题型包括判断题和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了判断题和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。做好该题型要从整体上把握语篇内容,在语篇的表面意做好该题型要从整体上把握语篇内容,在语篇的表面意义与隐含意义、已知信息与未知信息间架起桥梁,透过义与隐含意义、已知信息与未知信息间架起桥梁,透过字里行间,去体会作者的字里行间,去体会作者的“弦外之音弦外之音”。推理判断题常。推理判断

109、题常常可以分为如下几类:常可以分为如下几类:(1)(1)细节推断。如时间、地点、细节推断。如时间、地点、人物关系等;人物关系等;(2)(2)逻辑推断。根据已知的结果推断导致逻辑推断。根据已知的结果推断导致结果产生的可能原因;结果产生的可能原因; (3)(3)目的、意图、态度推断。目的、意图、态度推断。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类根据文章的论述,推断作者的写作目的以及作者的情感态根据文章的论述,推断作者的写作目的以及作者的情感态度;度;(4)(4)预测想象推断。文章没有明确说明,要求根据语预测想象推断。文章没有明确说明,要求根据语篇对文章可能涉及的内容进行预测判断。篇对文章可能涉及的内容进

110、行预测判断。 A A推理判断主要的设题方式有:推理判断主要的设题方式有: (1)It can be inferred from the passage (or the (1)It can be inferred from the passage (or the last paragraph) thatlast paragraph) that (2)It can be learned from the passage (or the (2)It can be learned from the passage (or the last paragraph) thatlast paragraph)

111、that模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (3)It can be concluded from the passage (or (3)It can be concluded from the passage (or the last paragraph) thatthe last paragraph) that (4)It implies that (4)It implies that (5)Where would you most probably find this (5)Where would you most probably find this passage?passage?

112、(6)What would the author most likely (6)What would the author most likely continue to talk about in the next continue to talk about in the next paragraph(sparagraph(s)?)?模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 B B推理判断主要的解题策略有:推理判断主要的解题策略有: (1) (1)根据不同文体,推断目的意图。高考阅读试题涉根据不同文体,推断目的意图。高考阅读试题涉及到各类文章,而以议论文为主,文章的主题句、核心及到各类文章,而以

113、议论文为主,文章的主题句、核心句往往会直接或间接地表明作者的态度立场;也有说明句往往会直接或间接地表明作者的态度立场;也有说明文、叙述文。前者因为其体裁的客观性,作者的态度也文、叙述文。前者因为其体裁的客观性,作者的态度也往往采取中立。而后者因为其文章观点往往不直接提出,往往采取中立。而后者因为其文章观点往往不直接提出,而且作者写作时也常带有某种倾向性,所以,阅读时要而且作者写作时也常带有某种倾向性,所以,阅读时要善于根据文章的文体来学会推断作者的情感态度和目的。善于根据文章的文体来学会推断作者的情感态度和目的。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (2)(2)根据用词风格,推断情感态度。一篇好


115、的模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类词词语语:positivepositive赞赞成成的的;supportingsupporting支支持持的的;praisingpraising赞赞扬扬 的的 ; optimisticoptimistic乐乐 观观 的的 ; admiringadmiring羡羡 慕慕 的的 ;enthusiasticenthusiastic热热 情情 的的 等等 。 2)2)表表 示示 中中 性性 的的 词词 语语 :uninteresteduninterested无无兴兴趣趣的的,不不感感兴兴趣趣的的; neutralneutral中中立立的的;impersonalimpe

116、rsonal不不 带带 个个 人人 感感 情情 的的 ; subjectivesubjective主主 观观 的的 ;objectiveobjective客客观观的的等等。3)3)表表示示贬贬义义的的词词语语:disgusteddisgusted感感到到恶恶心心的的,厌厌恶恶的的;criticalcritical批批评评的的;negative negative 否否定定的的,反反对对的的;suspicioussuspicious怀怀疑疑的的;toleranttolerant容容忍忍的的,忍忍让让的的;worried worried 担忧的等。担忧的等。 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (3


118、模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (4)(4)根据事实细节,推断合理信息。推理题要求在根据事实细节,推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,作出一定判断和推理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,作出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多

119、步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据,文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据,推论有理,忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的推论有理,忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例 20102010浙江浙江D D篇篇 My family and I lived across the street My family and I lived across the street from from SouthwaySouthway Park since I was four years Park s

120、ince I was four years old.Thenold.Then just last year the city put a chain just last year the city put a chain link fence around the park and started link fence around the park and started bulldozing (bulldozing (用推土机推平用推土机推平) the trees and grass ) the trees and grass to make way for a new apartment

121、 complex. When I to make way for a new apartment complex. When I saw the fence and bulldozerssaw the fence and bulldozers,I asked myselfI asked myself,“Why donWhy dont they just leave it alonet they just leave it alone?”模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 Looking Looking backback,I I think think what what sentenced s

122、entenced the the park park to to oblivion oblivion ( (被被遗遗忘忘) ) was was the the drought drought ( (旱旱灾灾) ) we we had had about about four four years years ago.Upago.Up until until thenthen,SouthwaySouthway Park Park was was a a nice nice green green park park with with plenty plenty of of trees tree

123、s and and a a public public swimming swimming pool.Mypool.My friends friends and and I I rollerskatedrollerskated on on the the sidewalkssidewalks,climbed climbed the the treestrees,and and swam swam in in the the pool pool all all the the years years I I was was growing growing up.Theup.The park pa

124、rk was was almost almost like like my my own own yard.Thenyard.Then the the summer summer I I was was fifteen fifteen the the drought drought came and things changed.came and things changed.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 There There had had been been almost almost no no rain rain at at all all that that year. ye

125、ar. The The city city stopped stopped watering watering the the park park grass. grass. Within Within a a few few weeks weeks I I found found myself myself living living across across the the street street from from a a huge huge brown brown desert. desert. Leaves Leaves fell fell off off the the pa

126、rk park treestrees,and and pretty pretty soon soon the the trees trees started started dyingdying,too. too. NextNext,the the park park swimming swimming pool pool was was closed. closed. The The city city cut cut down down on on the the work work force force that that kept kept the the parkpark,and

127、and pretty pretty soon soon it it just just got got too too ugly ugly and and dirty dirty to enjoy anymore.to enjoy anymore.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 As the drought lasted into the fallAs the drought lasted into the fall,the park the park got worse every month. The rubbish piled up or got worse every month.

128、 The rubbish piled up or blew across the brown grass. Soon the only people blew across the brown grass. Soon the only people in the park were beggars and other people down on in the park were beggars and other people down on their luck. People said drugs were being sold or their luck. People said dr

129、ugs were being sold or traded there now. The park had gotten scarytraded there now. The park had gotten scary,and and my mother told us kids not to go there anymore.my mother told us kids not to go there anymore.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 The drought finally ended and things seemed The drought finally ended

130、and things seemed to get back to normalto get back to normal,that isthat is,everything but everything but the park. It had gotten into such bad shape that the park. It had gotten into such bad shape that the city just let it stay that way. Then about the city just let it stay that way. Then about si

131、x months ago I heard that the city was going to six months ago I heard that the city was going to “redevelopredevelop” certain certain wornworn outout areas of the city. areas of the city. It turned out that the city had planned to get It turned out that the city had planned to get rid of the parkri

132、d of the park,sell the land and let someone sell the land and let someone build rows of apartment buildings on it.build rows of apartment buildings on it.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 The The chainchain linklink fencing and the bulldozers did fencing and the bulldozers did their work. Now we live across the str

133、eet from six their work. Now we live across the street from six rows of apartment buildings. Each of them is three rows of apartment buildings. Each of them is three units high and stretches a block in each direction. units high and stretches a block in each direction. The neighborhood has changed w

134、ithout the park. The The neighborhood has changed without the park. The streets I used to play in are jammed with cars now. streets I used to play in are jammed with cars now. Things will never be the same again. Things will never be the same again. Sometimes_Sometimes_I_wonderI_wonder,thoughthough,

135、what_changes_another_droughtwhat_changes_another_drought_ _would_make_in_the_way_things_are_todaywould_make_in_the_way_things_are_today. .模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()1.How did the writer feel when he saw )1.How did the writer feel when he saw the fence and bulldozers?the fence and bulldozers? A AScared.Sc

136、ared. B BConfused.Confused. C CUpset. DUpset. DCurious.Curious. 【解析解析】 C C推理判断题。根据文章第一段的最后推理判断题。根据文章第一段的最后一句:一句:Why donWhy dont they just leave it alonet they just leave it alone?以及?以及第二段的美好回顾,可以推断出,作者对现在的变化很第二段的美好回顾,可以推断出,作者对现在的变化很难过。难过。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()2.Why was the writer told not to go to )

137、2.Why was the writer told not to go to the park by his mother?the park by his mother? A AIt was being rebuilt.It was being rebuilt. B BIt was dangerous.It was dangerous. C CIt became crowded.It became crowded. D DIt had turned into a desert.It had turned into a desert. 【解析解析】 B B推理判断题。根据文章第四段推理判断题。根

138、据文章第四段The park The park had gotten scaryhad gotten scary可知答案。可知答案。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()3.According to the writer)3.According to the writer,what what eventually brought about the disappearance of eventually brought about the disappearance of the park?the park? A AThe drought.The drought. B BThe crim

139、e.The crime. C CThe beggars and the rubbish.The beggars and the rubbish. D DThe decisions of the city.The decisions of the city. 【解析解析】 D D推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段It It turned out that the city had planned to get rid turned out that the city had planned to get rid of the parkof the park可知答案。可知

140、答案。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()4.The last sentence of the passage )4.The last sentence of the passage implies that if another drought cameimplies that if another drought came,_._. A Athe situation would be much worsethe situation would be much worse B Bpeople would have to desert their homespeople would h

141、ave to desert their homes C Cthe city would be fully prepared in the city would be fully prepared in advance advance D Dthe city would have to redevelop thethe city would have to redevelop the neighborhood neighborhood 【解析解析】 A A推理判断题。根据文章第三段的整体理推理判断题。根据文章第三段的整体理解,可知旱情使事情变得很糟糕,由此可以推断出:再解,可知旱情使事情变得很糟

142、糕,由此可以推断出:再来一场旱灾的话,事情会更加的糟糕。故答案选来一场旱灾的话,事情会更加的糟糕。故答案选A A。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 五、篇章结构型五、篇章结构型 最近两年,篇章结构题频繁地出现在各地高考英语最近两年,篇章结构题频繁地出现在各地高考英语阅读理解题中,已经成为了一种新颖而独立的阅读题型。阅读理解题中,已经成为了一种新颖而独立的阅读题型。从其考查内容而言,可分为三种:考查考生对整个文章从其考查内容而言,可分为三种:考查考生对整个文章结构的组织能力;考查考生对后文内容的预测能力;考结构的组织能力;考查考生对后文内容的预测能力;考查考生对文章写作手法、修辞手段的赏析能力

143、。查考生对文章写作手法、修辞手段的赏析能力。 A A篇章结构主要的设题方式常有:篇章结构主要的设题方式常有: (1)How is the passage organized? (1)How is the passage organized? (2)Which of the following best shows the (2)Which of the following best shows the structure/organization of the passage? structure/organization of the passage? (3)What will the au

144、thor most probably talk (3)What will the author most probably talk about next?about next?模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (4)The author develops the passage mainly by (4)The author develops the passage mainly by _._. (5)The first paragraph serves as (5)The first paragraph serves as a(na(n)_)_ (6)The example of (6)

145、The example ofis given to show/illustrate is given to show/illustrate that_.that_. B B篇章结构主要的解题策略常有:篇章结构主要的解题策略常有: (1) (1)了解文章结构的组织形式。从段落组织方式上讲,了解文章结构的组织形式。从段落组织方式上讲,常见的文章结构有三种:总分式结构常见的文章结构有三种:总分式结构( (总总分;总分;总分分总;总;分分总总) )、并列式结构、并列式结构( (段落之间是平行关系,并且相对独段落之间是平行关系,并且相对独立立) )、对照式结构、对照式结构( (结构形式上是一正一反结构形

146、式上是一正一反) )。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (2)(2)了解文章的论证方法。从论证方法上讲,常见了解文章的论证方法。从论证方法上讲,常见的议论文结构有以下两类:的议论文结构有以下两类: Put forward a Put forward a questionAnalyzequestionAnalyze the the questionSolvequestionSolve the the question question 即即“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的过的过程;程;Argument/Argument/ideaEvidenceConclusion

147、ideaEvidenceConclusion/Restating the idea /Restating the idea 即即“由论点到论据到结论或者由论点到论据到结论或者强调论点强调论点”的过程。的过程。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 (3)(3)了解文章的修辞手法。从修辞手法上讲,在高考了解文章的修辞手法。从修辞手法上讲,在高考阅读中主要考查下定义、分类说明、列举例证和对比等阅读中主要考查下定义、分类说明、列举例证和对比等写作手法。其中,写作手法。其中,“引用引用”和和“例证例证”是议论文和说明是议论文和说明文中最常用的写作手法之一。是历年高考阅读试题中必文中最常用的写作手法之一。是

148、历年高考阅读试题中必不可缺的命题方向。不可缺的命题方向。“引用引用”和和“例证例证”的共同目的就的共同目的就是增强说服力,来更好地达到说理、说明的目的。是增强说服力,来更好地达到说理、说明的目的。“引引用用”和和“例证例证”的共同功能是服务于段落或篇章的主题。的共同功能是服务于段落或篇章的主题。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例1 120102010北京北京D D篇篇节选自文章第五段节选自文章第五段 Many people believe that higher education should Many people believe that higher education shou

149、ld be free because it is good for the economy (be free because it is good for the economy (经济经济). ). Many graduates clearly do contribute to national Many graduates clearly do contribute to national wealth, but so do all the businesses that invest (wealth, but so do all the businesses that invest (投

150、投资资) and create jobs. If you believe that the ) and create jobs. If you believe that the government should pay for higher education because government should pay for higher education because graduates are economically productive, you should graduates are economically productive, you should also beli

151、eve that the government should pay part of also believe that the government should pay part of business costs. Anyone promising to create jobs business costs. Anyone promising to create jobs should receive a gift of capital from the government should receive a gift of capital from the government to

152、invest. to invest. 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()1.The author mentions businesses in )1.The author mentions businesses in Paragraph 5 in order to_.Paragraph 5 in order to_. A Aargue against free university educationargue against free university education B Bcall on them to finance studentscall on them to fi

153、nance students studiesstudies C Cencourage graduates to go into businessencourage graduates to go into business D Dshow their contribution to higher show their contribution to higher educationeducation模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 A A结构推断题。本题考查例证的功能。结构推断题。本题考查例证的功能。题目问:此处谈到题目问:此处谈到businessbusiness有什么目的,就

154、等于问议论有什么目的,就等于问议论文中的论据有什么用,支持什么论点。马上从本段段首文中的论据有什么用,支持什么论点。马上从本段段首找论点:找论点:Many people believe that higher Many people believe that higher education should be freeeducation should be free从全文也可以看出作者就从全文也可以看出作者就是要反对是要反对free higher educationfree higher education。 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例2 220102010重庆重庆C C篇篇

155、It is hardly surprising that clothing It is hardly surprising that clothing manufacturers (manufacturers (生产商生产商)follow certain uniform )follow certain uniform standards for various features(standards for various features(特征特征)of clothes. )of clothes. What seems strangeWhat seems strange,howeverhowe

156、ver,is that the is that the standard adopted for women is the opposite of standard adopted for women is the opposite of the one for men. Take a look at the way your the one for men. Take a look at the way your clothes button. Menclothes button. Mens clothes tend to button s clothes tend to button fr

157、om the rightfrom the right,and womenand womens from the left. s from the left. 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 Considering most of the worldConsidering most of the worlds s populationpopulationmen and womenmen and womenare are rightright handedhanded,the menthe mens standard would appear to make more s standard w

158、ould appear to make more sense for women. So why do womensense for women. So why do womens clothes s clothes button from the left?button from the left?模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 History really seems to matter here. Buttons History really seems to matter here. Buttons first appeared only on the clothes of the

159、 rich first appeared only on the clothes of the rich in the 17th centuryin the 17th century,when rich women were when rich women were dressed by servants. For the mostly dressed by servants. For the mostly rightright handedhanded servantsservants,having womenhaving womens shirts button from the s sh

160、irts button from the left would be easier. On the other handleft would be easier. On the other hand,having having menmens shirts button from the right made senses shirts button from the right made sense,too. Most men dressed themselvestoo. Most men dressed themselves,and a sword and a sword drawn fr

161、om the left with the right hand would be drawn from the left with the right hand would be less likely to get caught in the shirt.less likely to get caught in the shirt.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 Today women are seldom dressed by servantsToday women are seldom dressed by servants,but but buttoning from the le

162、ft is still the standard for buttoning from the left is still the standard for them. Is it interesting? Actuallythem. Is it interesting? Actually,a standarda standard,once once setset,resists change. At a time when all womenresists change. At a time when all womens s shirts buttoned from the leftshi

163、rts buttoned from the left,it would have been it would have been risky for any single manufacturer to offer womenrisky for any single manufacturer to offer womens s shirts that buttoned from the right. After allshirts that buttoned from the right. After all,women had grown so used to shirts which bu

164、ttoned women had grown so used to shirts which buttoned from the left and would have to develop new habits from the left and would have to develop new habits and skills to switch. and skills to switch. 模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 BesidesBesides,some women might have found some women might have found it social

165、ly awkward to appear in public it socially awkward to appear in public wearing shirts that buttoned from the wearing shirts that buttoned from the rightright,since anyone who noticed that since anyone who noticed that would believe they were wearing menwould believe they were wearing mens s shirts.s

166、hirts.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()1.The passage is mainly developed )1.The passage is mainly developed by_. by_. A Aanalyzing causesanalyzing causes B Bmaking comparisonsmaking comparisons C Cexamining differencesexamining differences D Dfollowing the time orderfollowing the time order 【解析解析】 A A篇章结构题。本题考

167、查文章的论证方篇章结构题。本题考查文章的论证方法。通观整篇文章可以看出,作者在开始提到一个现象法。通观整篇文章可以看出,作者在开始提到一个现象男女衣服的标准相反,然后分析这种现象产生的历男女衣服的标准相反,然后分析这种现象产生的历史原因。由此判断选史原因。由此判断选A A项。项。模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 例例3 320092009北京北京 How Room Designs Affect Our Work and FeelingsHow Room Designs Affect Our Work and Feelings Architects have long had the feel

168、ing that the Architects have long had the feeling that the places we live in can affect our thoughts, feelings places we live in can affect our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. But now scientists are giving this and behaviors. But now scientists are giving this feeling an empirical(feeling an empir

169、ical(经验的,实证的经验的,实证的) basis. They ) basis. They are discovering how to design spaces that promote are discovering how to design spaces that promote creativity, keep people focused, and lead to creativity, keep people focused, and lead to relaxation.relaxation.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 Researches show that as

170、pects of the physical Researches show that aspects of the physical environment can influence creativity. In 2007, environment can influence creativity. In 2007, Joan Joan MeyersMeyers LevyLevy at the University of Minnesota, at the University of Minnesota, reported that the height of a roomreported

171、that the height of a rooms ceiling s ceiling affects how people think. Her research indicates affects how people think. Her research indicates that higher ceilings encourage people to think that higher ceilings encourage people to think more freely, which may lead them to make more more freely, whic

172、h may lead them to make more abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other hand, may inspire a more detailed outlook.hand, may inspire a more detailed outlook.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 In additions to ceiling height, the view In additions to ceiling height

173、, the view afforded by a building may influence an afforded by a building may influence an occupantoccupants ability to concentrate. Nancy Wells s ability to concentrate. Nancy Wells and her colleagues at Cornell University found in and her colleagues at Cornell University found in their study that

174、kids who experienced the their study that kids who experienced the greatest increase in greenness as a result of a greatest increase in greenness as a result of a family move made the most gains on a standard family move made the most gains on a standard test of attention.test of attention.模块模块 3 3

175、题型分类题型分类 Using nature to improve focus of attention Using nature to improve focus of attention ought to pay off academically, and it seems to, ought to pay off academically, and it seems to, according to a study led by Caccording to a study led by CKenneth Tanner, head Kenneth Tanner, head of the Sc

176、hool Design & Planning Laboratory at the of the School Design & Planning Laboratory at the University of Georgia. Tanner and his team found University of Georgia. Tanner and his team found that students in classrooms with unblocked views of that students in classrooms with unblocked views of at leas

177、t 50 feet outside the window had higher at least 50 feet outside the window had higher scores on tests of vocabulary, language arts and scores on tests of vocabulary, language arts and mathsmaths than did students whose classrooms primarily than did students whose classrooms primarily overlooked roa

178、ds and parking lots.overlooked roads and parking lots.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 Recent study on room lighting design Recent study on room lighting design suggests that dim(suggests that dim(暗淡的暗淡的) light helps people to ) light helps people to loosen up. If that is true generally, keeping loosen up. If that

179、 is true generally, keeping the light low during dinner or at parties could the light low during dinner or at parties could increase relaxation. Researchers of Harvard increase relaxation. Researchers of Harvard Medical School also discovered that furniture Medical School also discovered that furnit

180、ure with rounded edges could help visitors relax.with rounded edges could help visitors relax.模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 So far scientists have focused mainly on So far scientists have focused mainly on public buildings. public buildings. “We have a very limited We have a very limited number of studies, so n

181、umber of studies, so wewerere_ _almostalmost_ _lookinglooking_ _atat_ _thethe_ _problemproblem_ _throughthrough_ _a a_ _strawstraw( (吸管吸管) ),” architect David Allison says. architect David Allison says. “How do you How do you take answers to very specific questions and take answers to very specific

182、questions and make broad, generalized use of them? Thatmake broad, generalized use of them? Thats s what wewhat were all struggling with.re all struggling with.”模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 ( ()1.Which of the following shows the )1.Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?organization of th

183、e passage?模块模块 3 3 题型分类题型分类 CP: Central Point P: point? Sp: SubCP: Central Point P: point? Sp: Subpoint(point(次要点次要点)C: Conclusion )C: Conclusion 【解析解析】 C C篇章结构题。本题考查段落的组织形篇章结构题。本题考查段落的组织形式。本文第一段为总要点,最后一段为结论,要点式。本文第一段为总要点,最后一段为结论,要点1 1、2 2、3 3共同服务于结论,重要的是要点二又包含了两个共同服务于结论,重要的是要点二又包含了两个次要点。综上分析可知答案为次要

184、点。综上分析可知答案为C C。应试点睛模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 要想顺利通过高考英语阅读理解部分,学生必须具要想顺利通过高考英语阅读理解部分,学生必须具备备高中英语新课程标准高中英语新课程标准规定要达到的词汇量和固定规定要达到的词汇量和固定短语量、熟悉语法结构,拓宽知识面,熟悉各种体裁和短语量、熟悉语法结构,拓宽知识面,熟悉各种体裁和题材的文章,提高阅读速度,提高通过阅读获取信息的题材的文章,提高阅读速度,提高通过阅读获取信息的能力。此外,在复习中,应该注意以下几点:能力。此外,在复习中,应该注意以下几点:模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 一、一、 速读全文,了解大意知主题速读全文

185、,了解大意知主题 阅读的目的是获取信息。阅读能力一般指阅读速度阅读的目的是获取信息。阅读能力一般指阅读速度和理解能力两个方面。高考要求的阅读速度大约是每分和理解能力两个方面。高考要求的阅读速度大约是每分钟钟6060个词。考生必须在十分有限的时间内运用略读、扫个词。考生必须在十分有限的时间内运用略读、扫读、跳读等技巧快速阅读,搜寻关键词、主题句,捕捉读、跳读等技巧快速阅读,搜寻关键词、主题句,捕捉时空、顺序、情节、人物、观点,并且理清文章脉络,时空、顺序、情节、人物、观点,并且理清文章脉络,把握语篇实质,掌握文章大意。阅读时读者没有必要研把握语篇实质,掌握文章大意。阅读时读者没有必要研读全文,速

186、读的诀窍在于浏览文章的内容提要、前言、读全文,速读的诀窍在于浏览文章的内容提要、前言、标题、副标题、插图、表格、开头和结尾等部分,这样标题、副标题、插图、表格、开头和结尾等部分,这样模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 就可以把握文章大意了。许多文章在第一段提出问就可以把握文章大意了。许多文章在第一段提出问题,中间段落进行分析、例证,最后一段是归纳结题,中间段落进行分析、例证,最后一段是归纳结论,每段第一句话往往是主题句。抓主题句,是快论,每段第一句话往往是主题句。抓主题句,是快速掌握文章大意的主要方法。速掌握文章大意的主要方法。模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 二、详读细节,理顺思路与脉络二

187、、详读细节,理顺思路与脉络 文章绝不是互不相干的句子杂乱无章的堆砌。作者为文章绝不是互不相干的句子杂乱无章的堆砌。作者为文,有脉可循。如记叙文多以人物为中心,以时间或空间文,有脉可循。如记叙文多以人物为中心,以时间或空间为线索,按事件的发生、发展、结局展开故事;论述文则为线索,按事件的发生、发展、结局展开故事;论述文则包含论点、论据、结论三大要素,通过解释、举例来阐述包含论点、论据、结论三大要素,通过解释、举例来阐述观点。你可根据文章的特点,详读细节,以动词、时间、观点。你可根据文章的特点,详读细节,以动词、时间、地点、事件、因果等为线索,找出关键词语,运用地点、事件、因果等为线索,找出关键词

188、语,运用“画图画图列表法列表法”,勾画出一幅完整清晰的文章主题和细节的认知,勾画出一幅完整清晰的文章主题和细节的认知图。图。模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 三、抓住主干,化解难句捕信息三、抓住主干,化解难句捕信息 要实现快速准确理解文章大意,就要学会抓句子的关要实现快速准确理解文章大意,就要学会抓句子的关键成分,即句子的主干成分,如主语、谓语和宾语,因为键成分,即句子的主干成分,如主语、谓语和宾语,因为它们是传达信息的主要载体,其他成分,不论它有多么长,它们是传达信息的主要载体,其他成分,不论它有多么长,多么复杂它都是辅助成分。要说明的核心问题是,我们阅多么复杂它都是辅助成分。要说明的核心

189、问题是,我们阅读英语文章时,一定要有一个全局观念,从宏观上来把握读英语文章时,一定要有一个全局观念,从宏观上来把握文章,做到了这一点,我们面对各类文章的各类题型文章,做到了这一点,我们面对各类文章的各类题型模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 都能够从容应对。都能够从容应对。 比如:比如:Another element in the Another element in the emergence of prodigies(emergence of prodigies(神童神童) ),I found , is a I found , is a society that values excell

190、ence in a certain society that values excellence in a certain field and is able nurture talent. field and is able nurture talent. 只要我们抓住只要我们抓住了了element is societyelement is society就可以得知,社会是神童出现就可以得知,社会是神童出现的一个因素。的一个因素。 模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 四、利用规律技巧,轻松应考走捷径四、利用规律技巧,轻松应考走捷径 分析研究阅读理解历届考题,可以发现命题者命制的分析研究阅读理

191、解历届考题,可以发现命题者命制的考点是有一定规律的,且考点规律常与某种题型考点是有一定规律的,且考点规律常与某种题型( (主旨题、主旨题、细节题、逻辑题、观点态度题、词义题细节题、逻辑题、观点态度题、词义题) )相对应。如果考相对应。如果考生掌握了这些规律,就能在第一遍快速阅读短文时,敏锐生掌握了这些规律,就能在第一遍快速阅读短文时,敏锐地捕捉到考点并能预测可能会出的题型。下面,将这些考地捕捉到考点并能预测可能会出的题型。下面,将这些考点规律及对应题型归纳如下:点规律及对应题型归纳如下: 模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 常考点规律:常考点规律:(1)(1)举例子、打比喻举例子、打比喻 为了

192、使自己的观点更有说服力、更加明确,作者经常为了使自己的观点更有说服力、更加明确,作者经常用具体的例子打比方,句中常由用具体的例子打比方,句中常由as, such as, for as, such as, for example, for instanceexample, for instance等引导的短语或句子作为举例句,等引导的短语或句子作为举例句,这些例句或比喻成为命题者提问的焦点。考生需注意的是这些例句或比喻成为命题者提问的焦点。考生需注意的是例子或比喻一般是和文章或段落中心紧密相关的,常以例子或比喻一般是和文章或段落中心紧密相关的,常以“细节事实性细节事实性”题型和题型和“推断性推断

193、性”题型出现,但偏倾于题型出现,但偏倾于“推推断性断性”题型。题型。 模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 (2)(2)引用人物论断引用人物论断 作者为了正确表达出自己的观点或使论点更有依作者为了正确表达出自己的观点或使论点更有依据,常常引用某名人的论断或重要发现等。命题者常据,常常引用某名人的论断或重要发现等。命题者常在此做文章。多以在此做文章。多以“推理性推理性”题为主,有时也出题为主,有时也出“细细节事实性节事实性”题型。题型。模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 (3)(3)转折处与强对比转折处与强对比 一般而言,转折后的内容常常是语义的重点,命题一般而言,转折后的内容常常是语义的重点,命

194、题者常对转折处的内容进行提问。转折一般通过者常对转折处的内容进行提问。转折一般通过however, however, but, yet, in factbut, yet, in fact等词或短语来引导。强对比常由等词或短语来引导。强对比常由unlike, until, not so muchunlike, until, not so muchasas等词或短语引导。命等词或短语引导。命题者常对用来对比的双方属性进行考查。题者常对用来对比的双方属性进行考查。 比如文章中说比如文章中说甲具有甲具有X X属性,但乙与甲不同,问乙有何属性?答曰:非属性,但乙与甲不同,问乙有何属性?答曰:非X X属性

195、。此类考点常出现在逻辑推理型题中,少数出现于属性。此类考点常出现在逻辑推理型题中,少数出现于其他题型中。其他题型中。 模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 (4)(4)复杂句复杂句 复杂句常是命题者出题之处,包括同位语、插入复杂句常是命题者出题之处,包括同位语、插入语、定语、长句后半句、从句、不定式等,命题者主语、定语、长句后半句、从句、不定式等,命题者主要考查考生对句子之间指代关系、文章段落之间关系要考查考生对句子之间指代关系、文章段落之间关系的理解,常以逻辑推理题型出现,包括少量其他题型。的理解,常以逻辑推理题型出现,包括少量其他题型。模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 (5)(5)因果句因

196、果句 命题者常以文中因果句命制一些考查文中两个事件命题者常以文中因果句命制一些考查文中两个事件内在的因果关系的试题,或出些概括文意、段意试题。内在的因果关系的试题,或出些概括文意、段意试题。一般以一般以“推理性推理性”题型和主旨大意题型出现,兼顾少量题型和主旨大意题型出现,兼顾少量其他题型。表示因果关系的词有:其他题型。表示因果关系的词有:because, since, forbecause, since, for,as, therefore, consequently, result in, as, therefore, consequently, result in, originate

197、from originate from 等。等。模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 (6)(6)特殊标点符号特殊标点符号 由于特殊标点符号后内容是对前面内容的进一步解由于特殊标点符号后内容是对前面内容的进一步解释和说明,因此命题者常以标点符号后的内容进行提问。释和说明,因此命题者常以标点符号后的内容进行提问。具体说,特殊标点符号包括:具体说,特殊标点符号包括:(1)(1)破折号破折号( (表解释表解释) );(2)(2)括号括号( (表解释表解释) );(3)(3)冒号冒号( (表解释表解释) );(4)(4)引号引号( (表引用表引用) )。题型一般有推理题,主旨大意题,细节事实题等。题型一

198、般有推理题,主旨大意题,细节事实题等。 模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 (7)(7)段首,段尾句段首,段尾句 在短文中第一段首句或末段末句往往是文章中心思在短文中第一段首句或末段末句往往是文章中心思想的表达处;有时某一段的段首,段尾句是该段的主题想的表达处;有时某一段的段首,段尾句是该段的主题句。因此,命题者常在这些地方出题。题型基本上属主句。因此,命题者常在这些地方出题。题型基本上属主旨大意型。旨大意型。 (8) (8)最高级与绝对性词汇最高级与绝对性词汇 文中若出现文中若出现mustmust,allall,onlyonly,anyoneanyone,alwaysalways,never

199、never等绝对性词汇,或形容词副词的最高级形式,往往等绝对性词汇,或形容词副词的最高级形式,往往是考点,一般出是考点,一般出“细节性问题细节性问题”。因为这些地方概念绝。因为这些地方概念绝对,答案唯一,无论是命题还是答题,都不会产生歧义。对,答案唯一,无论是命题还是答题,都不会产生歧义。命题人员以此为考点,可保证命题绝对正确。命题人员以此为考点,可保证命题绝对正确。 模块模块 3 3 应试点睛应试点睛 以以上上分分析析,基基本本上上概概括括了了历历届届考考试试阅阅读读理理解解题题考考点点常常考考处处及及其其对对应应题题型型。考考生生掌掌握握了了这这些些规规律律,在在读读文文章章时时,就就要要

200、在在这这些些考考点点常常出出现现地地方方作作些些记记号号。阅阅读读完完毕毕,这这些些作作记记号号的的地地方方基基本本上上就就是是出出题题的的地地方方。然然后后再再对对照照后后面面的的题题目目,一一一一找找到到相相对对应应的的考考点点,再再细细细细分分析析做做题题。这这样样就就避避免免做做一一题题,看看一一下下整整个个段段落落,甚甚至至全全文文,从从而而节省了时间。节省了时间。 专题一人物传记类专题一人物传记类专题专题 一一 人物传记类人物传记类专题导读专题专题 一一 专题导读专题导读 人物传记阅读理解是高考英语常考材料之一。人物人物传记阅读理解是高考英语常考材料之一。人物传记主要涉及某人的生平


202、个性特点;(3)(3)把握记叙的顺序,是顺叙、把握记叙的顺序,是顺叙、倒叙还是插叙?倒叙还是插叙?真题再现专题专题 一一 真题再现真题再现 2010 2010福建福建 F. Scott Fitzgerald F. Scott Fitzgerald,born on September 24,1896born on September 24,1896,an American novelistan American novelist,was once a was once a student of student of St.PaulSt.Paul Academy Academy,the Newma

203、nthe Newman School and attended Princeton University School and attended Princeton University for a short for a short while.Inwhile.In 1917 he joined the army 1917 he joined the army and was posted in Alabama and was posted in Alabama,where he met his where he met his future wife Zelda future wife Z

204、elda Sayre.ThenSayre.Then he had to make some he had to make some money to impress her.money to impress her. 专题专题 一一 真题再现真题再现 His life with her was full of great His life with her was full of great happinesshappiness,as he wrote in his diaryas he wrote in his diary:“My own My own happiness in the pa

205、st often approached such joy happiness in the past often approached such joy that I could not share it even with the person that I could not share it even with the person dearest to me but had to walk it away in quiet dearest to me but had to walk it away in quiet streets and take down parts of it i

206、n my streets and take down parts of it in my diary.diary.”专题专题 一一 真题再现真题再现 ThisThis SideSide ofof ParadiseParadise,his first novelhis first novel,was was published in 1920.Encouraged by its successpublished in 1920.Encouraged by its success,Fitzgerald began to devote more time to his Fitzgerald bega

207、n to devote more time to his writing. Then he continued with the novel writing. Then he continued with the novel TheThe BeautifulBeautiful andand DamnedDamned(1922)(1922),a collection of short a collection of short stories stories TalesTales ofof thethe JazzJazz AgeAge(1922)(1922),and a play and a p

208、lay TheThe VegetableVegetable(1923)(1923)But his greatest success was But his greatest success was TheThe GreatGreat GatsbyGatsby,published in 1925published in 1925,which quickly which quickly brought him praise from the literary world. Yet it brought him praise from the literary world. Yet it faile

209、d to give him the needed financial security. failed to give him the needed financial security. ThenThen,in 1926in 1926,he published another collection of he published another collection of short stories short stories AllAll thethe SadSad YoungYoung MenMen. .专题专题 一一 真题再现真题再现 HoweverHowever,Fitzgerald

210、Fitzgeralds problems with his wife s problems with his wife Zelda affected his writing. During the 1920s he Zelda affected his writing. During the 1920s he tried to reorder his lifetried to reorder his life,but failed. By 1930but failed. By 1930,his wife had her first breakdown and went to a his wif

211、e had her first breakdown and went to a Swiss clinic. During this period he completed Swiss clinic. During this period he completed novels novels TenderTender IsIs thethe NightNight in 1934 and in 1934 and TheThe LoveLove ofof thethe LastLast TycoonTycoon in 1940.While his wife was in in 1940.While

212、his wife was in hospital in the United Stateshospital in the United States,he got totally he got totally addicted to alcohol. Sheila Grahamaddicted to alcohol. Sheila Graham,his dear his dear friendfriend,helped him fight his alcoholism.helped him fight his alcoholism.专题专题 一一 真题再现真题再现( ()1. How many

213、 novels written by Fitzgerald )1. How many novels written by Fitzgerald are mentioned in the passage? are mentioned in the passage? A. 5. A. 5.B. 6.B. 6.C. 7.C. 7.D. D. 8.8.( ()2. Which of the following is the correct)2. Which of the following is the correct order to describe Fitzgerald order to des

214、cribe Fitzgeralds life s life according to the passage? according to the passage? a. He became addicted to drinking. a. He became addicted to drinking. b. He studied at St. Paul Academy. b. He studied at St. Paul Academy.专题专题 一一 真题再现真题再现c. He published his first novel c. He published his first novel

215、 ThisThis SideSide ofof ParadiseParadise. .d. d. TheThe GreatGreat GatsbyGatsby won high praise. won high praise.e. He failed to reorder his life.e. He failed to reorder his life.f. He joined the army and met Zelda.f. He joined the army and met Zelda.A. A. f f c c e e a a b b d d B. B. b b e e a a f

216、 f c c d dC. C. f f d d e e c c b b a a D. D. b b f f c c d d e e a a专题专题 一一 真题再现真题再现( ()3. We can infer from the passage that)3. We can infer from the passage that Fitzgerald _. Fitzgerald _. A. had made some money when he met Zelda A. had made some money when he met Zelda in Alabama in Alabama B.

217、was well educated and well off before B. was well educated and well off before he served in the army he served in the army C. would have completed more works if his C. would have completed more works if his wife hadn wife hadnt broken downt broken down D. helped his friend get rid of drinking D. hel

218、ped his friend get rid of drinking while his wife was in hospital while his wife was in hospital专题专题 一一 真题再现真题再现( ()4. The passage is probably followed by a )4. The passage is probably followed by a concluding paragraph about _. concluding paragraph about _. A. Zelda A. Zeldas personal lifes persona

219、l life B. Zelda B. Zeldas illness and treatments illness and treatment C. Fitzgerald C. Fitzgeralds friendship with Grahams friendship with Graham D. Fitzgerald D. Fitzgeralds contributions to thes contributions to the literary world literary world专题专题 一一 真题再现真题再现 【文章大意文章大意】 本文讲述了美国著名文学家弗兰西斯本文讲述了美国著

220、名文学家弗兰西斯司各特司各特菲茨杰拉德的生平、生活极其重要作品。菲茨杰拉德的生平、生活极其重要作品。 1. A 1. A细节理解题。根据题意,由文章中关键词细节理解题。根据题意,由文章中关键词novelnovel可知,文章中提到的可知,文章中提到的FitzgeraldFitzgerald的小说有:的小说有:ThisThis SideSide ofof Paradise, TheParadise, The BeautifulBeautiful andand Damned, TheDamned, The GreatGreat Gatsby, TenderGatsby, Tender IsIs th

221、ethe NightNight , , TheThe LoveLove ofof thethe LastLast TycoonTycoon共计共计5 5篇。篇。 专题专题 一一 真题再现真题再现 2. D2. D事件排序题。根据第一段中事件排序题。根据第一段中“was once a was once a student of St. Paul Academystudent of St. Paul AcademyIn 1917 he joined In 1917 he joined the armythe army”可知可知FitzgeraldFitzgerald最先在圣保罗学院学习,最先在圣保

222、罗学院学习,然后参加的军队然后参加的军队 3. C 3. C推理判断题。由第四段第一句推理判断题。由第四段第一句“However, However, Fitzgeralds problems with his wife Zelda Fitzgeralds problems with his wife Zelda affected his writing.affected his writing.”可知。可知。 4. D 4. D推理判断题。根据人物传记的特点和本段推理判断题。根据人物传记的特点和本段对对FitzgeraldFitzgerald生活、作品的描述,说明了生活、作品的描述,说明了Fi

223、tzgeraldFitzgerald的作品对文学界的意义,因此随后一段应该是关于的作品对文学界的意义,因此随后一段应该是关于FitzgeraldFitzgerald对文学界的贡献的。对文学界的贡献的。 专题预测专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( (一一) ) Would you believe that the first outstanding Would you believe that the first outstanding deaf teacher in America was a Frenchman? His deaf teacher in America was a Fren

224、chman? His name was Laurent name was Laurent ClercClerc. He became a friend of . He became a friend of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and together they Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and together they founded Americafounded Americas first school for the deaf.s first school for the deaf.专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 Laurent

225、Laurent ClercClerc was born in a small was born in a small village near Lyons, France, on December 26, village near Lyons, France, on December 26, 1785.When he was one year old, he fell into 1785.When he was one year old, he fell into a fire, losing both his hearing and his a fire, losing both his h

226、earing and his sense of smell. sense of smell. At 12, Laurent entered the Royal At 12, Laurent entered the Royal Institution for the Deaf in Paris where he Institution for the Deaf in Paris where he excelled in his studies. After he graduated, excelled in his studies. After he graduated, the school

227、asked him to stay on as an the school asked him to stay on as an assistant teacher. assistant teacher. 专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 Meanwhile, in America, Thomas Hopkins Meanwhile, in America, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet was studying to be a minister. He was Gallaudet was studying to be a minister. He was very con

228、cerned about the lack of educational very concerned about the lack of educational opportunities for the deaf. Therefore, in 1815, opportunities for the deaf. Therefore, in 1815, Gallaudet sailed to London, England to seek Gallaudet sailed to London, England to seek ideas on how to teach deaf people.

229、 While he was ideas on how to teach deaf people. While he was there, he met a French educator of the deaf who there, he met a French educator of the deaf who invited him to go to Paris to spend three months invited him to go to Paris to spend three months learning at the Royal Institution for the De

230、af, learning at the Royal Institution for the Deaf, the school where Laurent the school where Laurent ClercClerc was was专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测teaching. Gallaudet accepted the offer. The teaching. Gallaudet accepted the offer. The two worked and studied well together. When two worked and studied well toget

231、her. When the time came for Gallaudet to return, he the time came for Gallaudet to return, he asked asked ClercClerc to come with him. to come with him. ClercClerc accepted accepted on one condition: that he would stay in on one condition: that he would stay in America only a short time.America only

232、 a short time.专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 The two men set sail on June 18, 1816.The The two men set sail on June 18, 1816.The voyage across the Atlantic Ocean took 52 days; voyage across the Atlantic Ocean took 52 days; however, however, ClercClerc and Gallaudet put the time to and Gallaudet put the time to go

233、od use. good use. ClercClerc studied English, and Gallaudet studied English, and Gallaudet studied sign language. They discussed the school studied sign language. They discussed the school for the deaf which they planned to open. On the for the deaf which they planned to open. On the long trip, they

234、 had many conversations about long trip, they had many conversations about education and deafness. The year after they education and deafness. The year after they arrived, they founded a school for the deaf in arrived, they founded a school for the deaf in Harford, Connecticut.Harford, Connecticut.专

235、题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 At the school, At the school, ClercClerc led a busy life. He led a busy life. He taught signs to Principal Gallaudet; he taught the taught signs to Principal Gallaudet; he taught the pupils; and he taught hearing men who came to the pupils; and he taught hearing men who came to the s

236、chool to study deaf education. school to study deaf education. In 1819, In 1819, ClercClerc married Eliza Crocker Boardman, married Eliza Crocker Boardman, one of his pupils. They had six children. He one of his pupils. They had six children. He retired from teaching in 1858.Although he had retired

237、from teaching in 1858.Although he had intended to return to France, he never did. He intended to return to France, he never did. He died on July 18, 1869 in the United States.died on July 18, 1869 in the United States.专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.Why did Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet )1.Why did Thomas Hopkins

238、Gallaudet sail to London? sail to London? A AHe needed to finish his studies to He needed to finish his studies to become a minister.become a minister. B BIt was the easiest way to get to France. It was the easiest way to get to France. C CHe wanted to study their system of deaf He wanted to study t

239、heir system of deaf education.education. D DHe wanted to marry Alice He wanted to marry Alice CogswellCogswell. . 专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.From the information in this passage )2.From the information in this passage we can infer that_. we can infer that_. A ALaurent Laurent ClercClerc was an intellige

240、nt man was an intelligent man B BClercClerc had difficulties learning language had difficulties learning language C CClercClerc married Eliza in order to get his married Eliza in order to get his Green Card Green Card D DClercClerc was paid well because he made such was paid well because he made suc

241、h important contributions to society important contributions to society 专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.On their trip from Paris to America, )3.On their trip from Paris to America, ClercClerc and Gallaudet _. and Gallaudet _. A Aplayed cards and socializedplayed cards and socialized B Bstudied and discussed

242、their plans for a studied and discussed their plans for a deaf school deaf school C Cfounded a school for the deaffounded a school for the deaf D DGallaudet studied English and Gallaudet studied English and ClercClerc studied sign language studied sign language 专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.Which is the ri

243、ght order of the )4.Which is the right order of the things things ClercClerc did? did? A AMet Gallaudet, moved to America, got Met Gallaudet, moved to America, got married, went to school in Paris. married, went to school in Paris. B BMet Gallaudet, went to school in Paris, Met Gallaudet, went to sc

244、hool in Paris, moved to America, got married. moved to America, got married. C CWent to school in Paris, met Gallaudet, Went to school in Paris, met Gallaudet, moved to America, got married. moved to America, got married. D DGot married, went to school in Paris, met Got married, went to school in Pa

245、ris, met Gallaudet, moved to America. Gallaudet, moved to America. 专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()5.The main idea of this passage could )5.The main idea of this passage could best be stated as_. best be stated as_. A AClercClerc managed his time well, and was able managed his time well, and was able to teach

246、a lot of information in a short period to teach a lot of information in a short period of time of time B BThomas Gallaudet was indebted to Thomas Gallaudet was indebted to ClercClerc for all that he taught him for all that he taught him C CClercClerc preferred teaching deaf students to preferred tea

247、ching deaf students to hearing students hearing students D DClercClerc, an educated Frenchman, had a great , an educated Frenchman, had a great impact on American Deaf Education impact on American Deaf Education 专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 1 1C C细节理解题。第四段细节理解题。第四段“He was very He was very concerned about the la

248、ck of educational concerned about the lack of educational opportunities for the deafopportunities for the deaf和和to seek ideas on how to seek ideas on how to teach deaf people.to teach deaf people.”与与C C项表达虽然不同,但意思项表达虽然不同,但意思基本一致。基本一致。 2 2A A推理判断题。可以用排除法解答此题,推理判断题。可以用排除法解答此题,B B项项没想到;没想到;C C项文中既没有说明为

249、什么与项文中既没有说明为什么与ElizaEliza结婚,更谈结婚,更谈不上当时是否有不上当时是否有“绿卡绿卡”。D D项没有足够的信息推断挣项没有足够的信息推断挣钱多少。钱多少。专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 3 3B B细节理解题。根据第五段中细节理解题。根据第五段中“They and They and discussed the school for the deaf which they discussed the school for the deaf which they planned to open.planned to open.”可以确定答案是可以确定答案是B B。 4 4

250、C C逻辑顺序题。根据第三段、第五段、第六段逻辑顺序题。根据第三段、第五段、第六段和最后一段和最后一段in 1819, in 1819, ClercClerc got married. got married.可确定可确定C C项正项正确。确。 5 5D D主旨大意题。全文围绕主旨大意题。全文围绕ClercClerc和他对美国聋和他对美国聋儿教育的影响,所以儿教育的影响,所以D D项正确,而项正确,而A A项面太窄,项面太窄,B B项偏离项偏离主题,本文针对的不是主题,本文针对的不是Thomas GallaudetThomas Gallaudet,C C项文中根项文中根本没提到。本没提到。专题

251、专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( (二二) ) Powerful, blonde and over six feet tall, Powerful, blonde and over six feet tall, Maria Maria SharapovaSharapova is the most brilliant tennis is the most brilliant tennis player who has ever stepped on tennis court. In player who has ever stepped on tennis court. In the summe

252、r of 2004, the summer of 2004, seventeenseventeen yearyear oldold SharapovaSharapova shocked the tennis world by defeating defending shocked the tennis world by defeating defending champion Serena Williams in the singles finals at champion Serena Williams in the singles finals at Wimbledon, becoming

253、 the first Russian player to Wimbledon, becoming the first Russian player to win the prestigious tennis event, and the third win the prestigious tennis event, and the third youngest winner in the history of the tournament.youngest winner in the history of the tournament.专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 Born Born on

254、 on April April 19, 19, 1987, 1987, in in NyaganNyagan, , a a town town in in western western Siberia, Siberia, Russia, Russia, Maria Maria SharapovaSharapova was was encouraged encouraged by by her her parents parents to to try try everything, everything, from from dancing dancing and and music mus

255、ic to to athletics. athletics. She She discovered discovered tennis tennis after after her her fourth fourth birthday. birthday. Her Her parents parents liked liked to to play play tennis, tennis, too, too, so so they they began began teaching teaching her her how how to to hit hit the the ball. bal

256、l. She She proved proved to to be be a a quick quick learner, learner, and and when when she she was was six six years years old old they they traveled traveled to to Moscow Moscow for for a a youth tennis youth tennis clinicclinic. .专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 SharapovaSharapova and her father moved from Russ

257、ia to and her father moved from Russia to Florida when she was nine so that she could study Florida when she was nine so that she could study at the tennis academy of Nick at the tennis academy of Nick BollettieriBollettieri. She won . She won her first junior championship title at the age of her fi

258、rst junior championship title at the age of thirteen, and turned professional in 2001.Then thirteen, and turned professional in 2001.Then SharapovaSharapova steadily worked her way up through the steadily worked her way up through the professional ranks, claiming her first WTA victory professional r

259、anks, claiming her first WTA victory in Japan in 2003.Her crowning moment came the next in Japan in 2003.Her crowning moment came the next year, when she won year, when she won WinbledonWinbledon, at a young age of , at a young age of 17, solidifying a consistent spot in the top five. 17, solidifyin

260、g a consistent spot in the top five. SheShe专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测gained gained her her second second and and third third major major titles titles by by beating beating Justine Justine HeninHenin at at the the 2006 2006 US US Open Open and and Ana Ana IvanovicIvanovic at at the the 2008 2008 Australian Au

261、stralian Open. Open. SharapovaSharapova has has earned earned a a spot spot on on Forbes Forbes magazinemagazines s “Celebrity Celebrity 100100” list list as as the the highest paid female athlete in the world.highest paid female athlete in the world.专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 SharapovaSharapova hopes hopes t

262、o to win win Wimbledon, Wimbledon, the the Australian, Australian, French, French, and and US US Opens Opens in in the the same same year. year. No No other other female female player player has has done done so so since since German German champion champion Steffi Steffi Graf Graf in in 1988.Sharap

263、ova 1988.Sharapova also also looks looks forward forward to to a a career career beyond beyond tennis. tennis. She She has has done done some some modeling, modeling, is is a a devoted devoted reader reader of of fashion fashion magazines, magazines, and and has has even even helped helped design de

264、sign some some of of her her court court outfits outfits with with Nike. Nike. Fashion Fashion design might be a career option when she retiresdesign might be a career option when she retires专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测from from tennis. tennis. Acting Acting would would be be another another choice. choice. “No

265、thing Nothing scares scares meme,” she she said, said, “because because I Im m not not worried worried about about failure. failure. You You never never know know until until you you try. try. So So if if you you dondont t try, try, youyouve ve failed. failed. All All I I know know is, is, I Im m st

266、arving starving to to be be the the best.best.”专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.Which of the following is not TRUE?)1.Which of the following is not TRUE? A ASharapovaSharapova became the champion of the became the champion of the Wimbledon tournament at the age of 17.Wimbledon tournament at the age of 17. B B

267、SharapovaSharapova is the third Russian player in is the third Russian player in the history of Wimbledon to win the champion.the history of Wimbledon to win the champion. C CSharapovaSharapova began to play tennis at the age began to play tennis at the age of four.of four. D DThe Wimbledon Tourname

268、nt is an important The Wimbledon Tournament is an important event.event.专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.Sharapova won her first junior )2.Sharapova won her first junior championship title at_.championship title at_. A Asixsix B Bfourfour C Cseventeen Dseventeen Dthirteenthirteen ( ()3.According to the story,

269、 the Forbes )3.According to the story, the Forbes magazine_.magazine_. A Ais a youth tennis training centeris a youth tennis training center B Bholds the Wimbledon tournamentholds the Wimbledon tournament C Cranks the famous people worldwide every yearranks the famous people worldwide every year D D

270、introduces fashionintroduces fashion专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.What does the underlined word )4.What does the underlined word “clinicclinic”inin the second paragraph mean? the second paragraph mean? A AAn office providing medical service.An office providing medical service. B BSports training center.Spo

271、rts training center. C CStadium holding competitions.Stadium holding competitions. D DA person offering medical service.A person offering medical service.专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()5.The best title of the story )5.The best title of the story is_.is_. A AAn Outstanding Tennis StarAn Outstanding Tennis Star

272、 B BHistory of The Wimbledon TournamentHistory of The Wimbledon Tournament C CSuccess from YouthSuccess from Youth D DChampionships Championships SharapovaSharapova Has Got Has Got专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 莎拉波娃以青春秀丽的外表及不俗莎拉波娃以青春秀丽的外表及不俗的球技成为新一代球员中的球技成为新一代球员中“美女兼实力派美女兼实力派”的代表。的代表。毕竟毕竟“ 天才少女成名记天才少女成

273、名记”的故事发生过太多次,而后的故事发生过太多次,而后如流星般如流星般“陨落陨落”的更是不在少数,若是莎拉波娃在的更是不在少数,若是莎拉波娃在荣誉与掌声背后能够一如既往地努力进步,才可能有荣誉与掌声背后能够一如既往地努力进步,才可能有希望成为明日网坛真正的天后。希望成为明日网坛真正的天后。专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 1 1B B细节理解题。文章第一段末句说细节理解题。文章第一段末句说the the first Russian player to win the prestigious first Russian player to win the prestigious tennis e

274、vent, and the third youngest winner in tennis event, and the third youngest winner in the history of the tournament the history of the tournament 而非第三位获得温而非第三位获得温布尔登网球公开赛冠军的俄罗斯选手。布尔登网球公开赛冠军的俄罗斯选手。 2 2D D细节理解题。文章第三段说细节理解题。文章第三段说She won her She won her first junior championship title at the age of fir

275、st junior championship title at the age of thirteenthirteen。专题专题 一一 专题预测专题预测 3 3C C推理判断题。从文章的介绍来看,推理判断题。从文章的介绍来看,福布福布斯斯是一本定期公布名人排行榜的杂志。是一本定期公布名人排行榜的杂志。 4 4B B词义理解题。词义理解题。clinic clinic 在此意为在此意为“培训中培训中心,培训学校心,培训学校”。 5 5A A主旨大意题。综合全文可知,本文主题为主旨大意题。综合全文可知,本文主题为杰出的网球明星杰出的网球明星比较合理。其他答案过于片面。比较合理。其他答案过于片面。专题

276、二故事类专题二故事类专题专题 二二 故事类故事类专题导读专题专题 二二 专题导读专题导读 故事类文章描述的是一件具体事情的发生、发展和结故事类文章描述的是一件具体事情的发生、发展和结局,通常有时间、地点、人物、事件等。有些故事是按事局,通常有时间、地点、人物、事件等。有些故事是按事件发展的经过为主线叙述的,在叙述的过程中有详有略;件发展的经过为主线叙述的,在叙述的过程中有详有略;有些故事是按时间的顺序叙述的,有顺叙、倒叙等。从总有些故事是按时间的顺序叙述的,有顺叙、倒叙等。从总体上来讲,故事类文章的难度通常不大,在阅读过程中,体上来讲,故事类文章的难度通常不大,在阅读过程中,我们一直在某个线索

277、的引导下,随着作者的思路去了解一我们一直在某个线索的引导下,随着作者的思路去了解一个故事或一件事情的始末,因此会感到比较轻松。命题往个故事或一件事情的始末,因此会感到比较轻松。命题往专题专题 二二 专题导读专题导读往从故事的情节、人物或事件之间的关系、作者的意图和往从故事的情节、人物或事件之间的关系、作者的意图和态度、故事的前因和后果等方面入手,考查学生对细节的态度、故事的前因和后果等方面入手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力。阅读此类文章应特别注意:辨认能力以及推理判断能力。阅读此类文章应特别注意:(1)(1)若是一般故事性文章,应读懂故事的发生、发展、高潮若是一般故事性文章,应读懂

278、故事的发生、发展、高潮和结局;和结局;(2)(2)若是若是“哲理故事哲理故事”,要理解故事所蕴含的哲理,要理解故事所蕴含的哲理意义;意义;(3)(3)若是若是 “逸闻趣事逸闻趣事”,应体会对话的风趣性,进,应体会对话的风趣性,进而才能感受幽默的精髓。而才能感受幽默的精髓。真题再现专题专题 二二 真题再现真题再现 20102010四川四川 I grew up in a house where the TV was seldom I grew up in a house where the TV was seldom turned on and with one wall in my bedroo

279、m entirely turned on and with one wall in my bedroom entirely lined with bookshelves, most of my childhood was lined with bookshelves, most of my childhood was spent on books I could get hold of. In fact, I grew spent on books I could get hold of. In fact, I grew up thinking of reading as natural as

280、 breathing and up thinking of reading as natural as breathing and books unbelievably powerful in shaping perspectives books unbelievably powerful in shaping perspectives ( (观点观点) by creating worlds we could step into, take ) by creating worlds we could step into, take part in and live in. part in an

281、d live in. 专题专题 二二 真题再现真题再现 With this unshakable belief, I, at fourteen, With this unshakable belief, I, at fourteen, decided to become a writer. Here too, reading decided to become a writer. Here too, reading became useful. Every writer starts off knowing became useful. Every writer starts off know

282、ing that he has something to say, but being unable to that he has something to say, but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own own voicevoice by reading widely and discovering which by reading widely and discovering whi

283、ch parts of the writers he agrees or disagrees with, parts of the writers he agrees or disagrees with, or agrees with so strongly that it reshapes his or agrees with so strongly that it reshapes his own world. He cannot write own world. He cannot write 专题专题 二二 真题再现真题再现without loving to read, because

284、 only through without loving to read, because only through reading other peoplereading other peoples writing can one discover s writing can one discover what works, what doesnwhat works, what doesnt and, in the end, t and, in the end, together with lots of practice, what voice he has. together with

285、lots of practice, what voice he has. Now I am in college, and have come to realize Now I am in college, and have come to realize how important it is to read fiction (how important it is to read fiction (文学作品文学作品) )As a law student, my reading is in fact limited As a law student, my reading is in fac

286、t limited to subject matterto subject matterthe volume (the volume (量量) of what I have ) of what I have to read for classes every week means there is to read for classes every week means there is little time to read anything else. Suchlittle time to read anything else. Such专题专题 二二 真题再现真题再现reading ma

287、de it all the clearer to me that I reading made it all the clearer to me that I live in a very small part in this great place live in a very small part in this great place called life. Reading fiction reminds me that called life. Reading fiction reminds me that there is life beyond my own. It allows

288、 me to there is life beyond my own. It allows me to travel across the high seas and along the Silk travel across the high seas and along the Silk Road, all from the comfort of my own armchair, Road, all from the comfort of my own armchair, to experience, though secondhand, exciting to experience, th

289、ough secondhand, exciting experiences that I wouldnexperiences that I wouldnt necessarily be able t necessarily be able to have in my lifetime. to have in my lifetime. 专题专题 二二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1.What can be inferred about the )1.What can be inferred about the author as a child? author as a child? A AHe

290、never watched TV.He never watched TV. B BHe read what he had to. He read what he had to. C CHe found reading unbelievable.He found reading unbelievable. D DHe considered reading part of his life.He considered reading part of his life.专题专题 二二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2.The underlined word )2.The underlined word

291、“voicevoice” in in the second paragraph most probably means the second paragraph most probably means “_”. . A Aan ideaan idea B Ba sound qualitya sound quality C Ca way of writinga way of writing D Da world to write about a world to write about 专题专题 二二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3.What effect does reading have on

292、 )3.What effect does reading have on the authorthe author? A AIt helps him to realize his dream.It helps him to realize his dream. B BIt opens up a wider world for him. It opens up a wider world for him. C CIt makes his college life moreIt makes his college life more interesting. interesting. D DIt

293、increases his interest in worldwideIt increases his interest in worldwide travel. travel. 专题专题 二二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()4.Which of the following can )4.Which of the following can be the best title of this text? be the best title of this text? A AWhy do I read?Why do I read? B BHow do I read?How do I read? C

294、CWhat do I read?What do I read? D DWhen do I read?When do I read?专题专题 二二 真题再现真题再现 【文章大意文章大意】 本文是记叙文。作者通过自己的亲本文是记叙文。作者通过自己的亲身体验,讲述读书使人形成自己的独立观点,读书使人身体验,讲述读书使人形成自己的独立观点,读书使人开扩视野的重要作用。开扩视野的重要作用。 1 1D D细节理解题。根据首段第一二句,细节理解题。根据首段第一二句, “I I grew up in a housegrew up in a housewith one wall in my bedroom wi

295、th one wall in my bedroom entirely lined with bookshelvesentirely lined with bookshelves . I grew up . I grew up thinking of reading as natural as breathingthinking of reading as natural as breathing”可可知作者是在一个以书为伴的环境中长大的,读书像呼吸知作者是在一个以书为伴的环境中长大的,读书像呼吸那样已经成为生活必需。那样已经成为生活必需。专题专题 二二 真题再现真题再现 2 2C C词义推测题

296、。根据文中词义推测题。根据文中 “but being but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his ownfind his own”可以推断出可以推断出voicevoice所表达的意思是所表达的意思是“写写作方式作方式”。 3 3B B细节理解题。由文章的最后一句可得出答案细节理解题。由文章的最后一句可得出答案 4 4A A主旨大意题。文章作者主要以自己的亲身体验主旨大意题。文章作者主要以自己的亲身体

297、验讲述读书的重要性。因此讲述读书的重要性。因此Why do I readWhy do I read?“我为什么读我为什么读书?书?”作题目最佳。作题目最佳。专题预测专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( (一一) ) “I Ive changed my mind. I wanted to have a ve changed my mind. I wanted to have a telescope, but now I want my daddy back.telescope, but now I want my daddy back.” Lucien Lucien LawrenceLawren

298、ces letter to Father Christmas written s letter to Father Christmas written after his schoolteacher father had been knifed to after his schoolteacher father had been knifed to death outside his school gate must have touched death outside his school gate must have touched every heart. Lucien went on

299、to say that without his every heart. Lucien went on to say that without his father he couldnfather he couldnt see the stars in the sky. When t see the stars in the sky. When those whom we love depart from us, we cannot see those whom we love depart from us, we cannot see the stars for a while.the st

300、ars for a while.专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 But Lucien, the stars are still there, and But Lucien, the stars are still there, and one day, when you are older and your tears have one day, when you are older and your tears have gone, you will see them again. And, in a strange gone, you will see them again. And,

301、in a strange way, I expect that you will find your father is way, I expect that you will find your father is there, too, in your mind and in your heart. I there, too, in your mind and in your heart. I find that my parents, long dead now, still find that my parents, long dead now, still figure in man

302、y of my dreams and that I think of figure in many of my dreams and that I think of them perhaps more than I ever did when they were them perhaps more than I ever did when they were alive. I still live to please them and Ialive. I still live to please them and Im m专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测still surprised by t

303、heir reactions. I remember still surprised by their reactions. I remember that when I became a professor, I was so proud, that when I became a professor, I was so proud, or rather so pleased with myself, that I or rather so pleased with myself, that I couldncouldnt wait to cable my parents. The repl

304、y t wait to cable my parents. The reply was a long time in coming, but when it did, all was a long time in coming, but when it did, all Mother said was Mother said was “I hope this means that now you I hope this means that now you will have more time for the childrenwill have more time for the child

305、ren!” I I havenhavent forgotten. The value of my parents t forgotten. The value of my parents still live on.still live on.专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 It makes me pause and think about how I will It makes me pause and think about how I will live on in the hearts and minds of my children live on in the hearts an

306、d minds of my children and of those for whom I care. Would I have been and of those for whom I care. Would I have been as ready as Philip Lawrence has been to face the as ready as Philip Lawrence has been to face the aggressors (aggressors (挑衅者挑衅者), and to lay down my life for ), and to lay down my

307、life for those in my care? How many people would want me those in my care? How many people would want me back for Christmas? Itback for Christmas? Its a serious thought, one s a serious thought, one to give me pause.to give me pause.专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 I pray silently, sometimes, in the dead of night,

308、I pray silently, sometimes, in the dead of night, that ancient cry of a poet that ancient cry of a poet “Deliver my soul from the Deliver my soul from the sword, and my darling from the power of the god.sword, and my darling from the power of the god.” Yet Yet I know the death comes to us all, and s

309、ometimes comes I know the death comes to us all, and sometimes comes suddenly. We must therefore plan to live forever, but suddenly. We must therefore plan to live forever, but live as if we will die tomorrow. We live on, Ilive as if we will die tomorrow. We live on, Im m sure, in the lives of those

310、 we loved, and therefore we sure, in the lives of those we loved, and therefore we ought to have a care for what they will remember and ought to have a care for what they will remember and what they will treasure. If more parents knew this in what they will treasure. If more parents knew this in the

311、ir hearts to be true, there might be fewer knives their hearts to be true, there might be fewer knives on our streets today.on our streets today.专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.According to the whole text we can )1.According to the whole text we can see that the first paragraph _.see that the first paragraph

312、 _. A Aputs forward the subject of the textputs forward the subject of the text B Bshows the authorshows the authors pity on the kids pity on the kid C Cacts as an introduction to the discussionacts as an introduction to the discussion D Dmakes a clear statement of the authormakes a clear statement

313、of the authors s viewsviews专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.In the second paragraph the author )2.In the second paragraph the author mainly wants to explain to us_.mainly wants to explain to us_. A Ahow much he misses his parents nowhow much he misses his parents now B Bwhy his parents often appear in his dre

314、amwhy his parents often appear in his dream C Cwhen Lucien will get over all his sadnesswhen Lucien will get over all his sadness D Dhow proud he was when he succeeded in lifehow proud he was when he succeeded in life专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.What feeling did the author)3.What feeling did the authors s

315、 mother express in her reply?mother express in her reply? A AProud.Proud.B BHappy.Happy. C CDisappointed. DDisappointed. DWorried.Worried. 专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.In the author)4.In the authors opinion, the value s opinion, the value of a personof a persons life is_.s life is_. A Ato leave behind a p

316、recious memory to theto leave behind a precious memory to thepeople related people related B Bto have a high sense of duty to the to have a high sense of duty to the wholewhole C Cto care what others will remember andto care what others will remember andtreasuretreasure D Dto share happiness and sad

317、ness with his to share happiness and sadness with his familyfamily专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()5.What does the writer mean by the )5.What does the writer mean by the sentence taken from an old poem?sentence taken from an old poem? A ACall on criminals and murderers to lay Call on criminals and murderers to

318、lay down their guns.down their guns. B BAdvise parents stay with their children Advise parents stay with their children safely at home.safely at home. C CSpend every day meaningfully in memory of Spend every day meaningfully in memory of the death.the death. D DTry to keep violence and murder far aw

319、ay Try to keep violence and murder far away from society.from society.专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 该篇是夹叙夹议的文章。从一个孩该篇是夹叙夹议的文章。从一个孩子给圣诞老人写的一封信引出了父母应该为孩子留下子给圣诞老人写的一封信引出了父母应该为孩子留下什么这一主题。什么这一主题。 1 1C C结构功能题。第一段是作为话题的引子,结构功能题。第一段是作为话题的引子,即从孩子的书信引出作者对问题的思考。所以本段的即从孩子的书信引出作者对问题的思考。所以本段的功能是引出话题。故功能是引出话题。故C C正确

320、。正确。专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 2 2B B段落主题题。从第二段内容可知,作者的段落主题题。从第二段内容可知,作者的父母虽然去世多年,但他们在作者心目中的地位甚至父母虽然去世多年,但他们在作者心目中的地位甚至比他们活的时候还要高。尤其是最后一句比他们活的时候还要高。尤其是最后一句The value The value of my parents still live onof my parents still live on更是对本段做了高度的更是对本段做了高度的总结。与之符合的意思应该选总结。与之符合的意思应该选B B。 3 3D D判断推理题。第二段讲述了作者成为教授判断推理题。

321、第二段讲述了作者成为教授后非常兴奋,急于把这一消息告之父母。但他们的反后非常兴奋,急于把这一消息告之父母。但他们的反映却出乎作者意料。母亲只是说:映却出乎作者意料。母亲只是说:“这下你该有空陪这下你该有空陪陪孩子了吧!陪孩子了吧!”由转折连词由转折连词butbut可知,母亲为作者只顾可知,母亲为作者只顾自己的前程,不关心孩子而担心,故自己的前程,不关心孩子而担心,故D D项正确。项正确。专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 2 2A A细节理解题。由倒数第二段细节理解题。由倒数第二段“He opened He opened his his programmeprogramme and sure e

322、nough under the heading and sure enough under the heading “eventsevents” he saw the three words( he saw the three words(就是上文提到的,就是上文提到的,Javelin, Pole Vault, Shot Putt) the men had said.Javelin, Pole Vault, Shot Putt) the men had said.可知答案,关键词为可知答案,关键词为“eventsevents”。 3 3B B细节理解题。由第二段的细节理解题。由第二段的“Exc

323、ited by the Excited by the studentstudents s colourfulcolourful description of Spain and description of Spain and the Games, Angus decided to attend the event in the Games, Angus decided to attend the event in person and two months later arrived in Barcelona. person and two months later arrived in B

324、arcelona. ”可以看出,这位西班牙学生的描述使可以看出,这位西班牙学生的描述使AngusAngus很兴奋。很兴奋。专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 4 4A A推理判断题。第一段告诉我们,推理判断题。第一段告诉我们,1515岁的岁的Angus MacLeod Angus MacLeod 生活在大山里,消息比较闭塞,没有收生活在大山里,消息比较闭塞,没有收音机也没出过远门,只能从父亲以及来爬山的人那里了音机也没出过远门,只能从父亲以及来爬山的人那里了解一些情况。下文他对听到的消息兴奋的表现解一些情况。下文他对听到的消息兴奋的表现( (看到运看到运动员带着装备进去他也拿了铁丝网要进场动员带

325、着装备进去他也拿了铁丝网要进场) )也证明了这也证明了这一点。故选一点。故选A A。 5 5B B推理判断题。文章告诉我们,那些拿着装备推理判断题。文章告诉我们,那些拿着装备的人都是参赛者的人都是参赛者(competitors)(competitors),而他不是参赛者,肩,而他不是参赛者,肩上扛着上扛着“a roll of barbed wire (a roll of barbed wire (铁丝网铁丝网) )”,并且,并且“as casually as he could, shoutedas casually as he could, shouted”,肯定会被拒,肯定会被拒之门外的。之

326、门外的。专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 4 4A A目的意图题。根据第三段目的意图题。根据第三段It makes me pause It makes me pause and think about how I will live on in the hearts and think about how I will live on in the hearts and minds of my children and of those for whom I and minds of my children and of those for whom I care.care.可知,母亲的话使我

327、思考我死后如何还能活在我的可知,母亲的话使我思考我死后如何还能活在我的孩子以及我关心的人心中的问题,符合孩子以及我关心的人心中的问题,符合 A A项表达。项表达。 5 5D D句意理解题。这句话的字面意义是:从剑中抽句意理解题。这句话的字面意义是:从剑中抽出我的灵魂,从上帝的权威下拯救我的爱人。结合第一段出我的灵魂,从上帝的权威下拯救我的爱人。结合第一段所涉及的校园暴力事件来看,这句话表达了作者的愿望:所涉及的校园暴力事件来看,这句话表达了作者的愿望:远离暴力。远离暴力。 所以所以D D项正确。项正确。DeliverDeliverfromfrom意为意为“把把从从中挽救出来中挽救出来”。专题专

328、题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( (二二) ) As Joe and Michael were heading towards the As Joe and Michael were heading towards the Drivers License place, Michael, who was behind the Drivers License place, Michael, who was behind the wheel, froze as he heard the voice on the radio wheel, froze as he heard the voice on t

329、he radio saying that a man had been murdered by a bullet saying that a man had been murdered by a bullet that had came from the sky. He immediately drove that had came from the sky. He immediately drove off and went to a secret place. Later on that day, off and went to a secret place. Later on that

330、day, after thinking that the shot they had fired after thinking that the shot they had fired possibly wasnpossibly wasnt the shot that killed t the shot that killed MrMr Ward, they Ward, they headed back to the Drivers License place where headed back to the Drivers License place where Michael failed

331、 the driverMichael failed the drivers test because he coulds test because he could专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测not think straight. For the next two months, not think straight. For the next two months, Michael and Joe hid the secret that the bullet Michael and Joe hid the secret that the bullet had actually shot

332、had actually shot MrMr Ward. Ward. During this time, Jenna Ward started to During this time, Jenna Ward started to realize life without her father. While Jenna realize life without her father. While Jenna mourned the death of her father, a strange boy mourned the death of her father, a strange boy s

333、tarted to appear at the front steps of the started to appear at the front steps of the church across the street from her house. After church across the street from her house. After many nights of watching this boy, she finally many nights of watching this boy, she finally recognized that it was Mich

334、ael who was sitting recognized that it was Michael who was sitting on the steps every night.on the steps every night.专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 After months of finding out where the shot After months of finding out where the shot came, the police were able to narrow the search came, the police were able to na

335、rrow the search area down to within a area down to within a fourfour blockblock area. Among area. Among these four blocks were Michaelthese four blocks were Michaels house and s house and JoeJoes house. When the police arrived ats house. When the police arrived atMichaelMichaels house, his dad menti

336、oned the gun that s house, his dad mentioned the gun that Michael had received from his grandpa at hisMichael had received from his grandpa at his专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测birthday party. Michael, trying to be sly(birthday party. Michael, trying to be sly(狡猾狡猾的的), told the cops that Joe had borrowed the ), to

337、ld the cops that Joe had borrowed the gun. Upon this, Joe said that the gun had been gun. Upon this, Joe said that the gun had been stolen out of his car along with his CD player. stolen out of his car along with his CD player. After the police were gone, Michael met Joe at After the police were gon

338、e, Michael met Joe at a special spot and told Joe the gun was under a special spot and told Joe the gun was under the wood pile in his backyard.the wood pile in his backyard.专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 One One day, day, when when Michael Michael thought thought the the police police would would not not come co

339、me back, back, he he came came home home to to find find the the police police searching searching his his backyard backyard with with metal metal detectors. detectors. When When the the Sergeant(Sergeant(警警官官) ) went went into into the the woods woods behind behind the the house, house, he he came

340、came out out with with a a bullet bullet that that Joe Joe and and he he had had shot shot off off on on his his birthday. birthday. The The bullet bullet matched matched the the one one that that they they had had recovered recovered from from Mr. Mr. Ward, Ward, but but without without the the gun

341、, gun, the the police police could could not not place place Michael Michael as as the the killer.killer.专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 With With the the pressure pressure mounting, mounting, Michael Michael finally finally broke broke down down and and realized realized he he had had to to give give up. up. On O

342、n a a Saturday Saturday morning, morning, he he went went to to JennaJennas s house house to to confess confess to to her her and and her her mother mother and and then then turnedturned_ _himselfhimself_ _inin. .专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.It can be inferred from the story )1.It can be inferred from the

343、 story that Michael and Joe_.that Michael and Joe_. A Ashot and killed shot and killed MrMr Ward by accident Ward by accident B Bshot and killed shot and killed MrMr Ward deliberately Ward deliberately C Cfired a bullet that killed Ward from the fired a bullet that killed Ward from the skysky D Dwer

344、e experienced professional murderswere experienced professional murders专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.Michael and Joe drove to the )2.Michael and Joe drove to the Drivers License place_.Drivers License place_. A Ato find out whether to find out whether MrMr Ward was dead Ward was dead B Bto find a secret pl

345、ace to hide to find a secret place to hide themselvesthemselves C Cto take the driverto take the drivers license tests license test D Dto have their car wheel repaired to have their car wheel repaired 专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.Why did Michael sit on the steps of )3.Why did Michael sit on the steps of t

346、he church every night?the church every night? A AHe was monitoring JennaHe was monitoring Jennas whereabouts s whereabouts ( (行踪行踪) ) B BHe was probably feeling upset and guilty.He was probably feeling upset and guilty. C CHe wanted to make sure that Ward was dead.He wanted to make sure that Ward wa

347、s dead. D DHe wanted to show sympathy for the He wanted to show sympathy for the WardWards.s.专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.From the passage we can learn )4.From the passage we can learn that_.that_. A AMichael lent the gun to Joe at his Michael lent the gun to Joe at his birthday partybirthday party B Bthe

348、 gun together with a CD player was the gun together with a CD player was stolen from Joestolen from Joes cars car C CMichael hid the gun under the wood pile Michael hid the gun under the wood pile in his backyardin his backyard D Dthe Sergeant discovered the bullet in the the Sergeant discovered the

349、 bullet in the wood pilewood pile专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()5.The underlined phrase )5.The underlined phrase “turned turned himself inhimself in” in the last paragraph in the last paragraph means_.means_. A Areturned homereturned home B Bwent into the roomwent into the room C Cfled into the woodsfled into

350、 the woods D Ddelivered himself to the policedelivered himself to the police专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 本文是著名小说本文是著名小说Swallowing the Swallowing the Stones Stones 的故事缩写。的故事缩写。 1 1A A推理判断题。从全文特别是第一段的推理判断题。从全文特别是第一段的“Later on that day, after thinking that the Later on that day, after thinking that the

351、shot they had fired possibly wasnshot they had fired possibly wasnt the shot t the shot that killed that killed MrMr Ward, they headed back to the Ward, they headed back to the Drivers License placeDrivers License place”可知他们不是故意枪杀可知他们不是故意枪杀MrMr WardWard的。的。专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 2 2C C细节理解题。第一段中细节理解题。第一段中

352、“they headed back they headed back to the Drivers License place where Michael to the Drivers License place where Michael failed the driverfailed the drivers test because he could not s test because he could not think straightthink straight”可知可知MichaelMichael是去考驾照,但因思想是去考驾照,但因思想不集中而未考过。不集中而未考过。 3 3B

353、B推理判断题。从全文看推理判断题。从全文看MichaelMichael并非故意杀并非故意杀人,因生日玩枪走火打死了无辜的沃德先生,事后十分人,因生日玩枪走火打死了无辜的沃德先生,事后十分害怕不安,当然也会有负罪感,故每天晚上到沃德家对害怕不安,当然也会有负罪感,故每天晚上到沃德家对面的教堂台阶上坐着观察沃德家,面的教堂台阶上坐着观察沃德家, 故选故选B B。专题专题 二二 专题预测专题预测 4 4C C细节理解题。由第三段最后一句细节理解题。由第三段最后一句After the After the police were gone, Michael met Joe at a special po

354、lice were gone, Michael met Joe at a special spot and told Joe the gun was under the wood spot and told Joe the gun was under the wood pile in his backyard.pile in his backyard.可知。可知。 5 5D D词义猜测题。从文章最后一段可知,随着精词义猜测题。从文章最后一段可知,随着精神上的压力不断上升,神上的压力不断上升,MichaelMichael终于崩溃了,他到詹娜终于崩溃了,他到詹娜家向她和她妈妈认错说了实话,然后就去

355、警察局自首了家向她和她妈妈认错说了实话,然后就去警察局自首了(turned himself in)(turned himself in)。专题三新闻报道类专题三新闻报道类专题专题 三三 新闻报道类新闻报道类专题导读专题专题 三三 专题导读专题导读 时事新闻类阅读材料在近年高考中屡屡涉及。这时事新闻类阅读材料在近年高考中屡屡涉及。这类材料往往语言地道、内容时新。阅读材料的组成有类材料往往语言地道、内容时新。阅读材料的组成有一个共同的特点,即都是由标题一个共同的特点,即都是由标题(Headlines)(Headlines)、导语、导语(Introductions)(Introductions)、背

356、景、背景(Background)(Background)、主体、主体(Main (Main body)body)和结尾和结尾(Ends)(Ends)五部分构成。此类文章主题突出,五部分构成。此类文章主题突出,文章的第一句话或第一自然段往往就是对整篇文章的文章的第一句话或第一自然段往往就是对整篇文章的高度概括,因此读懂首句或首段至关重要。此类阅读高度概括,因此读懂首句或首段至关重要。此类阅读专题专题 三三 专题导读专题导读材料的命题在新闻背景和主体部分设题较多,有时可材料的命题在新闻背景和主体部分设题较多,有时可能会省去一两个部分,要求考生依据五个部分之间的能会省去一两个部分,要求考生依据五个部

357、分之间的必然联系去推知未知的要素。要想做好时事新闻类阅必然联系去推知未知的要素。要想做好时事新闻类阅读理解题,考生必须要善于捕捉新闻细节,根据问题读理解题,考生必须要善于捕捉新闻细节,根据问题善于找到相关句并能分析理解长难句,善于根据上下善于找到相关句并能分析理解长难句,善于根据上下文猜测单词、短语的含义,善于归纳、概括、推理、文猜测单词、短语的含义,善于归纳、概括、推理、判断及简单计算,才能做好这部分试题。判断及简单计算,才能做好这部分试题。真题再现专题专题 三三 真题再现真题再现 2010 2010四川四川 Somali pirates( Somali pirates(海盗海盗) robb

358、ed three Thai fishing ) robbed three Thai fishing ships with 77 sailors on board nearly l,200 Miles off ships with 77 sailors on board nearly l,200 Miles off the Somali coast, the the Somali coast, the farthestfarthest offoff shoreshore attack to attack to datedate,an officer said Tuesday. an office

359、r said Tuesday. Pirates have gone farther south and east in Pirates have gone farther south and east in answer to increased patrols(answer to increased patrols(巡逻巡逻)by warships off the )by warships off the Somali shore. The robbing of the three ships Sunday Somali shore. The robbing of the three shi

360、ps Sunday was about 600 miles outside the normal operation area was about 600 miles outside the normal operation area for the international force, said a spokesman.for the international force, said a spokesman.专题专题 三三 真题再现真题再现 The spokesman said the attack so far out at The spokesman said the attack

361、 so far out at sea was a clear sign that the international sea was a clear sign that the international patrols against pirates were having a patrols against pirates were having a “marked marked effect on pirate activity in the areaeffect on pirate activity in the area” “Once they start attacking tha

362、t far out, Once they start attacking that far out, youyoure not even really talking about the Somali re not even really talking about the Somali basin or areas of water that have any connection basin or areas of water that have any connection with Somaliawith Somalia,” said an officersaid an officer

363、,Roger Roger Middleton.Middleton.“OnceOnce you youre that far out, itre that far out, its just s just the Indian Ocean, and it means youthe Indian Ocean, and it means youre looking at re looking at trade going from the Gulf to Asia, from Asia to trade going from the Gulf to Asia, from Asia to South

364、Africa. South Africa. ”专题专题 三三 真题再现真题再现 “This is the farthest robbing to This is the farthest robbing to date.Theydate.They are now operating near the Maldives and Indiaare now operating near the Maldives and India,” said another officer.said another officer. The three ships The three shipsthe MV th

365、e MV PrantalayPrantalay 11,12 11,12,and and 1414had 77 members on board in had 77 members on board in total.Alltotal.All of them of them are Thai, the spokesman are Thai, the spokesman said.Beforesaid.Before the Sunday the Sunday robbing, pirates held l l ships and 228 sailors.robbing, pirates held

366、l l ships and 228 sailors.专题专题 三三 真题再现真题再现 Pirates have increased attacks over the Pirates have increased attacks over the past year in hopes of catching more dollar past year in hopes of catching more dollar payments. Because of increased patrols and payments. Because of increased patrols and defen

367、ses on board shipsdefenses on board ships,the successthe successrate(rate(率率)has gone down)has gone down,though the number of though the number of successful attacks has stayed the same year successful attacks has stayed the same year over year. over year. 专题专题 三三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1.The pirate attack re

368、ported in the )1.The pirate attack reported in the text happened _.text happened _. A Afar out in the Indian Oceanfar out in the Indian Ocean B Bin the normal patrol areain the normal patrol area C Cnear the Somali, coastnear the Somali, coast D Din the south of Africain the south of Africa专题专题 三三 真

369、题再现真题再现 ( ()2.According to the text, which can )2.According to the text, which can best describe the situation of the pirate best describe the situation of the pirate problems?problems? A AMore goods on board are lost. More goods on board are lost. B BPirate attacks happen in a larger area Pirate at

370、tacks happen in a larger area now. now. C CThe number of attacks has stayed the same The number of attacks has stayed the same these years. these years. D DPirate attacks are as serious as before Pirate attacks are as serious as before along the Somali coast. along the Somali coast. 专题专题 三三 真题再现真题再现

371、 ( ()3.Which is TRUE about the warship )3.Which is TRUE about the warship patrols according to the text? patrols according to the text? A AThe patrols are of little effect.The patrols are of little effect. B BThe patrols are more difficult. The patrols are more difficult. C CMore patrols are quite n

372、ecessary even in More patrols are quite necessary even in Asia.Asia. D DThe patrols only drive the pirates to The patrols only drive the pirates to other areas. other areas. ( ()4.How many sailors were held by the )4.How many sailors were held by the pirates up to the time of the report?pirates up t

373、o the time of the report? A A228.228.B B77.77.C C383.383.D D305.305.专题专题 三三 真题再现真题再现 【文章大意文章大意】 本文是一篇新闻报道。报道索马里海本文是一篇新闻报道。报道索马里海盗周日抢劫三艘泰国渔船,并引用部分官员的话,让读盗周日抢劫三艘泰国渔船,并引用部分官员的话,让读者了解当前的索马里海盗的形势。者了解当前的索马里海盗的形势。 1 1A A细节理解题。由细节理解题。由Once youOnce youre that far re that far outout,itits just the Indian Ocea

374、ns just the Indian Ocean“一旦你到了那么一旦你到了那么远,那就是印度洋了远,那就是印度洋了”可得出答案。可得出答案。专题专题 三三 真题再现真题再现 2 2B B主旨大意题。文章由发生在周末的海盗对泰主旨大意题。文章由发生在周末的海盗对泰国渔船的袭击,引出索马里海盗的袭击已经超越国际保国渔船的袭击,引出索马里海盗的袭击已经超越国际保护队的正常护卫范围,而进入更深的海域。护队的正常护卫范围,而进入更深的海域。 3 3B B细节理解题。依据第四段可知巡逻明显见效,细节理解题。依据第四段可知巡逻明显见效,又有一旦再超过那么远,那就是印度洋,那就意味着你又有一旦再超过那么远,那

375、就是印度洋,那就意味着你在看管从波斯湾到亚洲,从亚洲到南美洲的所有行线。在看管从波斯湾到亚洲,从亚洲到南美洲的所有行线。可知应是巡逻难度加大了。可知应是巡逻难度加大了。专题专题 三三 真题再现真题再现 4 4D D推推理理计计算算题题。由由文文章章首首句句Somali Somali pirates pirates robbed robbed three three Thai Thai fishing fishing ships ships with with 77 77 sailors sailors on on boardboard及及Before Before the the Sunday

376、 Sunday robbing, robbing, pirates pirates held 11 ships and 228 sailors. held 11 ships and 228 sailors. 可知。可知。专题预测专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 ( (一一) ) SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO As skies are filled with As skies are filled with millions of migrating birds, European scientists say millions of migrating birds,

377、European scientists say the seasonal miracle appears to depend on a seeming the seasonal miracle appears to depend on a seeming contradiction: The fatter the bird, the more contradiction: The fatter the bird, the more efficiently it flies.efficiently it flies. The result of their study contradicts a

378、 central The result of their study contradicts a central theory of aerodynamics(theory of aerodynamics(空气动力学空气动力学), which predicts ), which predicts that the power needed to fly increases with weight.that the power needed to fly increases with weight.专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 For birds, apparently, the cost

379、of flying For birds, apparently, the cost of flying with heavy fuel loads is considerably smaller with heavy fuel loads is considerably smaller than previously thought.than previously thought. Researchers found that red knot wading Researchers found that red knot wading birds double their normal bod

380、y weight of 100 birds double their normal body weight of 100 grams before making their grams before making their twicetwice a a yearyear, , nonnon stop commute(stop commute(路程路程) between the British ) between the British Isles and the Russian Arctic. Distance: 5,000 Isles and the Russian Arctic. Dis

381、tance: 5,000 kilometers.kilometers.专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 Another study in the journal Nature measured Another study in the journal Nature measured the benefits of flying in an aerodynamic V the benefits of flying in an aerodynamic V formation, which allows bird to save energy by formation, which allows b

382、ird to save energy by gliding in the lead birdgliding in the lead birds air stream.s air stream. Flying in formation, their heart rates were Flying in formation, their heart rates were as much as 14.5 percent lower than flying solo, as much as 14.5 percent lower than flying solo, according to Henri

383、according to Henri WeimerskirchWeimerskirch, a French , a French scientist. The findings help explain how birds scientist. The findings help explain how birds complete difficult plete difficult migrations.专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 Researchers had assumed that thinner, more Researchers had assumed that thinne

384、r, more athletic birds would have the best chance of survival.athletic birds would have the best chance of survival. The first study suggests that building up fat The first study suggests that building up fat deposits(deposits(存放存放) to be burned as fuel during the ) to be burned as fuel during the m

385、igrating is worth more than the energy it takes to migrating is worth more than the energy it takes to carry the additional weight. In the study, researchers carry the additional weight. In the study, researchers said their team studied the birds flown at different said their team studied the birds

386、flown at different body masses during 28 simulated(body masses during 28 simulated(模拟模拟) flights. They ) flights. They were injected with a small amount of water containing were injected with a small amount of water containing a radioactive element that enabled the team to measure a radioactive elem

387、ent that enabled the team to measure the amount of energy burned.the amount of energy burned.专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.Researchers used to believe_.)1.Researchers used to believe_. A Athe thinner a bird is, the less energy the thinner a bird is, the less energy it needs to flyit needs to fly B Bmigrato

388、ry birds make a journey from the migratory birds make a journey from the British Isles to the Russian ArcticBritish Isles to the Russian Arctic C Caerodynamics makes no senseaerodynamics makes no sense D Dbirds eat more before they begin their birds eat more before they begin their migrationsmigrati

389、ons专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.According to the passage, birds )2.According to the passage, birds prefer to fly in the V formation rather than fly prefer to fly in the V formation rather than fly solo because_.solo because_. A Ait is against aerodynamic to fly in the V it is against aerodynamic to fly in

390、 the V formationformation B Bthey can save energy while migratingthey can save energy while migrating C Cthey wonthey wont get lost with a bird leading t get lost with a bird leading the waythe way D Din this way their heart beat faster so in this way their heart beat faster so that they can fly fas

391、terthat they can fly faster专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.The researchers didn)3.The researchers didnt _ in t _ in the study.the study. A Ainject the birds with water containing inject the birds with water containing a radioactive elementa radioactive element B Bwatch birds of different body masses in watch

392、 birds of different body masses in simulated flightssimulated flights C Ctake the birdstake the birds heart rates heart rates D Dfeed the birds to fatten themfeed the birds to fatten them专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.The best title of the passage )4.The best title of the passage should be_.should be_. A AB

393、irds Fatten up for JourneyBirds Fatten up for Journey B BMigratory Birds in EuropeMigratory Birds in Europe C CNew FindingsNew Findings D DMigrating in V formationMigrating in V formation专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 短文报道了对鸟迁徙的研究。研究短文报道了对鸟迁徙的研究。研究结果出乎人们的意料:因为鸟在迁徙过程中要消耗大量结果出乎人们的意料:因为鸟在迁徙过程中要消耗大量能量,所以越肥

394、胖的鸟越有可能在迁徙过程中存活。能量,所以越肥胖的鸟越有可能在迁徙过程中存活。 1 1A A推理判断题。由第一段中的推理判断题。由第一段中的“seeming seeming contradictioncontradiction:The fatter the birdThe fatter the bird,the more the more efficiently it flies.efficiently it flies.”可知,科学家们通过研究发可知,科学家们通过研究发现一个似乎有些矛盾的事实:鸟的体重越重,飞行越有现一个似乎有些矛盾的事实:鸟的体重越重,飞行越有效。再结合第七段效。再结合第

395、七段Researchers had assumed that Researchers had assumed that thinnerthinner,more athletic birds would have the best more athletic birds would have the best chance of survivalchance of survival可知,研究者原以为越瘦越强壮的可知,研究者原以为越瘦越强壮的鸟,在迁徙飞行中越占优势,耗费的能量也越小。鸟,在迁徙飞行中越占优势,耗费的能量也越小。专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 2 2B B细节理解题。根据文章第五

396、、六段的内容细节理解题。根据文章第五、六段的内容可知,与单独飞行相比,鸟群排成可知,与单独飞行相比,鸟群排成V V字形飞行时能够字形飞行时能够节省能量。节省能量。 3 3D D细节理解题。由最后一段的细节理解题。由最后一段的“They were They were injected with a small amount water containing injected with a small amount water containing a radioactive element.a radioactive element.”可知可知A A是科学家们在试验是科学家们在试验中有过的举措,

397、故排除;从中有过的举措,故排除;从“their team studied their team studied the birds flying at different bodythe birds flying at different body mass mass 专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测during 28 simulated(during 28 simulated(模拟的模拟的)flights)flights”可知,可知,B B也是也是做过的;从第六段中的做过的;从第六段中的Flying in formationFlying in formation,their their he

398、art rates were as much as 14.5 percent lower heart rates were as much as 14.5 percent lower than flying solothan flying solo可以排除可以排除C C;而科学家们并没有给鸟;而科学家们并没有给鸟儿喂食,使它们更肥,故答案为儿喂食,使它们更肥,故答案为D D。 4 4A A最佳标题题。这篇短文报道了对鸟迁徙的研最佳标题题。这篇短文报道了对鸟迁徙的研究,研究表明因为鸟在迁徙过程中要消耗大量能量,所究,研究表明因为鸟在迁徙过程中要消耗大量能量,所以越肥胖的鸟越有可能在迁徙的过程中存

399、活,因此这篇以越肥胖的鸟越有可能在迁徙的过程中存活,因此这篇短文的标题应该是短文的标题应该是A A项。项。专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 ( (二二) ) Young adult filmmakers all hope to show Young adult filmmakers all hope to show their works in international festivals like their works in international festivals like Sundance and Toronto. But what about really Sundance

400、and Toronto. But what about really young filmmakers who arenyoung filmmakers who arent in film school yet t in film school yet and arenand arent, strictly speaking, even adults?t, strictly speaking, even adults?专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 They are at the heart of Wingspan Arts Kids They are at the heart of Win

401、gspan Arts Kids Films Festival, tomorrow, in a setting any Films Festival, tomorrow, in a setting any director might envy: Lincoln Center. Complete director might envy: Lincoln Center. Complete with with “red carpetred carpet” interviews and various interviews and various awards, the festival has mu

402、ch in common with awards, the festival has much in common with events for more experienced moviemakers, except events for more experienced moviemakers, except for the age of the participants: about 8 to 18.for the age of the participants: about 8 to 18.专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 “WhatWhats really exciting is

403、that theys really exciting is that theyre re films for kids by kidsfilms for kids by kids,” said Cori Gardner, said Cori Gardner, managing director of Wingspan Arts, a nonprofit managing director of Wingspan Arts, a nonprofit organization offering youth arts programs in organization offering youth a

404、rts programs in the New York area. This year the festival will the New York area. This year the festival will include films not only from Wingspan but also include films not only from Wingspan but also from other city organizations and one from a from other city organizations and one from a middle s

405、chool in Arlington, Virginia. middle school in Arlington, Virginia. “We want We want to make this a national eventto make this a national event,” Ms. Gardner Ms. Gardner added.added.专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 The nine The nine shortsshorts to be shown range from a to be shown range from a ClaymationClaymation

406、 biography of B biography of BB.KingB.King to a science to a science fiction adventure set in the year 3005.fiction adventure set in the year 3005.“A lot A lot of the material is really matureof the material is really mature,” Ms. Gardner Ms. Gardner said, talking about films by the New York City sa

407、id, talking about films by the New York City branch of Global Action Project, a media arts branch of Global Action Project, a media arts and and leadershipleadership trainingtraining group. group. “The Choice is The Choice is about the history of a family and Master Antiabout the history of a family

408、 and Master Anti Smoker is about the dangers of secondhand Smoker is about the dangers of secondhand smoke.smoke.” Dream of the Invisibles describes young Dream of the Invisibles describes young immigrantsimmigrants feelings of both belonging and not feelings of both belonging and not belonging in t

409、heir adopted country.belonging in their adopted country.专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 The festival will end with an open reception The festival will end with an open reception at which other films will be shown. These include at which other films will be shown. These include a music video and a music video and f

410、ullfull lengthlength film whose title is film whose title is Pressures.Pressures. ( ()1.Wingspan Arts Kids Film )1.Wingspan Arts Kids Film Festival_.Festival_. A Ais organized by a middle schoolis organized by a middle school B Bis as famous as the Toronto Festivalis as famous as the Toronto Festiva

411、l C Cshows films made by childrenshows films made by children D Doffers awards to film school studentsoffers awards to film school students专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.Which of the following is true of )2.Which of the following is true of Wingspan Arts?Wingspan Arts? A AIt helps young filmmakers to make m

412、oney.It helps young filmmakers to make money. B BIt provides arts projects for young It provides arts projects for young people.people. C CItIts a media arts and leaderships a media arts and leadership training group.training group. D DItIts a national organization for young s a national organizatio

413、n for young people.people.专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.The underlined word )3.The underlined word “shortsshorts” in in Paragraph 4 refers to_.Paragraph 4 refers to_. A Ashort trousers Bshort trousers Bshort kidsshort kids C Cshort films Dshort films Dshort storiesshort stories ( ()4.Movies to be shown in

414、the festival)4.Movies to be shown in the festival_. _. A Acover different subjectscover different subjects B Bfocus on kidsfocus on kids life life C Care produced by Global Action Projectare produced by Global Action Project D Dare directed by Ms. Gardnerare directed by Ms. Gardner专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 (

415、 ()5.At the end of this film festival, )5.At the end of this film festival, there will be_.there will be_. A Avarious awardsvarious awards B B“red carpetred carpet” interviews interviews C Can open receptionan open reception D Da concert at Lincoln Centera concert at Lincoln Center专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 【

416、文章大意文章大意】 本文是一篇娱乐报道类的文章。文本文是一篇娱乐报道类的文章。文章讲述了章讲述了Wingspan Arts Kids Film FestivalWingspan Arts Kids Film Festival是针对孩是针对孩子们作为制片人而设置一些令成人都羡慕的奖项。子们作为制片人而设置一些令成人都羡慕的奖项。 1 1C C细节理解题。由第二段最后一句话和第三段细节理解题。由第二段最后一句话和第三段第一句话可知第一句话可知Wingspan Arts Kids Films FestivalWingspan Arts Kids Films Festival播播放由孩子制片人制作的电

417、影。放由孩子制片人制作的电影。 2 2B B细节理解题。由第三段第一句话可知细节理解题。由第三段第一句话可知Wingspan ArtsWingspan Arts是一个非盈利为目的的为青少年提供艺是一个非盈利为目的的为青少年提供艺术项目的纽约的组织。术项目的纽约的组织。专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 3 3C C 词词义义猜猜测测题题。由由第第三三段段“This This year year the the festival festival will will include include films films not not only only from from Wingspan W

418、ingspan but but also also from from other other city city organizations organizations and and one one from from a a middle middle school school in in Arlington, Arlington, VirginiaVirginia”和和shortsshorts后后面面的的关关键键词词“to to be be shownshown”,可可判判断断出出有有很很多多部部各各种种题题材材的的电电影影将将在在此此次次电电影影节节上上上上映,其中的九个映,其中的

419、九个shortsshorts,应该是九个短片电影。,应该是九个短片电影。专题专题 三三 专题预测专题预测 4 4A A总结归纳题。由倒数第二段的内容描述,特总结归纳题。由倒数第二段的内容描述,特别是关键句别是关键句“The nine shorts to be shown range The nine shorts to be shown range from a from a ClaymationClaymation biography of B biography of BB.KingB.King to a to a science fiction adventure set in the

420、year science fiction adventure set in the year 3005.3005.”可总结归纳出此次电影节的电影主题内容涉及可总结归纳出此次电影节的电影主题内容涉及面非常广。面非常广。 5 5C C细节理解题。由最后一段的细节理解题。由最后一段的“The festival The festival will end with an open reception at which other will end with an open reception at which other films will be shown.films will be shown.

421、”可知电影节结束时会举办一次可知电影节结束时会举办一次开放的招待会,届时将会有其他的电影上映。开放的招待会,届时将会有其他的电影上映。专题四广告应用类专题四广告应用类专题专题 四四 广告应用类广告应用类专题导读专题专题 四四 专题导读专题导读 广告作为信息的载体,与人们的生活密切相关。广广告作为信息的载体,与人们的生活密切相关。广告英语具有浓郁的生活气息和强大的感染力和表现力,告英语具有浓郁的生活气息和强大的感染力和表现力,成为日常生活中一道亮丽的风景。广告英语与普通英语成为日常生活中一道亮丽的风景。广告英语与普通英语存在许多差异,广告具有鲜明的目的性,即说服顾客进存在许多差异,广告具有鲜明的

422、目的性,即说服顾客进行购买,这种目的性决定了其语言的特色和风格,使其行购买,这种目的性决定了其语言的特色和风格,使其独立于其他文体。广告的题材包括旅游广告、招聘广告、独立于其他文体。广告的题材包括旅游广告、招聘广告、生活指南、通知告示、使用规则、注意事项、商品说明生活指南、通知告示、使用规则、注意事项、商品说明专题专题 四四 专题导读专题导读等等。广广告告的的语语言言特特点点是是人人名名、地地名名、专专有有名名词词多多;生生词词多多;缩缩略略词词、独独词词句句、祈祈使使句句、省省略略句句多多;词词汇汇较较偏偏僻僻,语语言言不不规规范范,结结构构不不完完整整。此此类类文文章章主主要要考考查查考考

423、生生提提取取信信息息和和处处理理信信息息的的能能力力,既既注注重重特特定定细细节节的的筛筛选选、类类比比、综综合合,又又注注重重推推理理判判断断题题的的考考查查,题题目目设设置置较较容容易易。答答题题时时要要耐耐心心细细致致,当当问问题题与与材材料料相相同同时时,要要学学会会“对对号号入入座座”;当当问问题题与与原原文文不不同同时时,要要学学会会同同义义变变换换、解解析析概念、归纳事实。概念、归纳事实。真题再现专题专题 四四 真题再现真题再现 20102010四川四川 Alex London Research Laboratory (ALRL) is Alex London Research

424、Laboratory (ALRL) is part of Alex Co., Ltd., a major Australian part of Alex Co., Ltd., a major Australian medicinemedicine makingmaking company. Opened in 1992, ALRL company. Opened in 1992, ALRL specialisesspecialises in the development of new medicines in the development of new medicines for the

425、treatment of heart diseases.for the treatment of heart diseases. A position is now open for a Research A position is now open for a Research Operations Operations Manager(ROMManager(ROM) to support our growing ) to support our growing research team at the new laboratories in Hatfieldresearch team at

426、 the new laboratories in Hatfield,due to open in the autumn of 2010.due to open in the autumn of 2010.专题专题 四四 真题再现真题再现 Reporting to the Director, you will help Reporting to the Director, you will help set up and run the technical and scientific set up and run the technical and scientific support ser

427、vices of our new laboratories now support services of our new laboratories now under under construction.Youconstruction.You will be expected to will be expected to provide expert knowledge about and be in provide expert knowledge about and be in charge of all areas of ALRLcharge of all areas of ALRL

428、S Health and S Health and Safety, and to communicate (Safety, and to communicate (沟通沟通)with support )with support employees at ALRLemployees at ALRLS laboratories based atS laboratories based at专题专题 四四 真题再现真题再现 University College London. Working closely University College London. Working closely wit

429、h scientists and other operations and with scientists and other operations and technical employees, you will manage a small technical employees, you will manage a small number of research support employees providing number of research support employees providing services to help with the research ac

430、tivities services to help with the research activities to be carried out at the new laboratories.to be carried out at the new laboratories.专题专题 四四 真题再现真题再现 Candidates( Candidates(申请人申请人) will have experience of both ) will have experience of both management and research support/technical management

431、and research support/technical services.Knowledgeservices.Knowledge of research operations and of research operations and excellent communication skills are necessary. excellent communication skills are necessary. Education to degree level is also desirable.Education to degree level is also desirabl

432、e. If you are interested in this position, please If you are interested in this position, please send your CV(send your CV(简历简历)to Alex London Research )to Alex London Research Laboratory, University College London, Hatfield, Laboratory, University College London, Hatfield, LondonLondon,W1E 6B7 or b

433、y email to W1E 6B7 or by email to ALRLalexALRLalex. co. . co. ukuk. . For more Information, please visit www. For more Information, please visit www. alexalex. co. . co. ukuk. .专题专题 四四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1.What can be learnt about the new )1.What can be learnt about the new laboratories from the text?labo

434、ratories from the text? A AThey have not yet been set up.They have not yet been set up. B BThey are in Hatfield, Australia. They are in Hatfield, Australia. C CThey belong to University College London.They belong to University College London. D DThey are new workplaces for Australian They are new wo

435、rkplaces for Australian researchers only.researchers only.专题专题 四四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2.What are the duties of a ROM, )2.What are the duties of a ROM, according to the text? according to the text? a aTo carry out research activities.To carry out research activities. b bTo be in charge of To be in charge of

436、 ALRLALRLs s Health and Health and Safety.Safety. c cTo help run the technical and scientific To help run the technical and scientific support services.support services. d dTo manage a small number of research To manage a small number of research support employees.support employees. A Aa a,b b,c.c.B

437、 Ba a,b b,d.d. C Cb b,c c,d. Dd. Da a,c c,d.d.专题专题 四四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3.What does the fourth paragraph mainly )3.What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about? talk about? A AThe technical skills of a The technical skills of a wouldwould bebe ROM. ROM. B BThe practical experience of a The practical

438、experience of a wouldwould bebe ROM. ROM. C CThe personal information of a The personal information of a wouldwould bebe ROM. ROM. D DThe necessary requirements for a The necessary requirements for a wouldwould bebe ROM.ROM.专题专题 四四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()4.What is the purpose of the text?)4.What is the purpos

439、e of the text? A ATo describe the job of a ROM.To describe the job of a ROM. B BTo provide information about ALRL.To provide information about ALRL. C CTo announce an open position at ALRL.To announce an open position at ALRL. D DTo make known the opening of the new To make known the opening of the

440、new laboratories.laboratories.专题专题 四四 真题再现真题再现 【文章大意文章大意】 本文为应用性文体。提供了本文为应用性文体。提供了Alex Co., Alex Co., LtdLtd招聘一名招聘一名ROMROM的信息,并对要招聘的职位提出了具体的的信息,并对要招聘的职位提出了具体的要求。要求。 1 1A A细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知新的实验室细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知新的实验室还未建立。还未建立。 2 2C C细节理解题。依据文章第三自然段:细节理解题。依据文章第三自然段:you will you will help set up and run th

441、e technical and scientific help set up and run the technical and scientific support servicessupport services You will be expected to You will be expected tobe in be in charge of all areas of charge of all areas of ALRLALRLs s Health and Health and SafetySafetyyou will manage a small number of resear

442、ch you will manage a small number of research support employeessupport employees可得答案。可得答案。专题专题 四四 真题再现真题再现 3 3D D主旨大意题。依据第四段提供的信息,申主旨大意题。依据第四段提供的信息,申请人要有管理和技术服务的经验、研究操作的知识及请人要有管理和技术服务的经验、研究操作的知识及极好的交际技能等可知本段主要谈及对应聘职位者的极好的交际技能等可知本段主要谈及对应聘职位者的具体能力要求。具体能力要求。 4 4C C写作目的题。本篇文章为广告招聘。目的写作目的题。本篇文章为广告招聘。目的自然

443、是让大家了解自然是让大家了解ALRLALRL公司有一公开招聘的职位。公司有一公开招聘的职位。专题预测专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( (一一) ) LiveLive_ _thethe_ _“AmericanAmerican_ _DreamDream What is it: Work & Travel USA What is it: Work & Travel USA Who are qualified: Full Who are qualified: Full time college students, time college students, above 18 years olda

444、bove 18 years old About the program: Application for the 2009 Work & About the program: Application for the 2009 Work & Travel USA program has just started. ItTravel USA program has just started. Its an 8s an 816 16 weeksweeks summer program for college students to work summer program for college st

445、udents to work专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测and travel in the US. Employers include Boeing, and travel in the US. Employers include Boeing, Hilton Hotel and 7Hilton Hotel and 7 Eleven. For next summer, about Eleven. For next summer, about 3,500 positions are open to Chinese students. 3,500 positions are open to C

446、hinese students. Applicants must pass a language test and sometimes Applicants must pass a language test and sometimes an interview, and pay a registration fee to join the an interview, and pay a registration fee to join the program.program. (source: www. (source: www. CultureexchangeCultureexchange

447、. org). org) HundredsHundreds_ _neededneeded_ _byby_ _VolkswagenVolkswagen What is it: Shanghai Volkswagen jobs What is it: Shanghai Volkswagen jobs Who are qualified: College students graduating Who are qualified: College students graduating in 2009in 2009专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 About it: Shanghai VW offe

448、rs over 300 positions About it: Shanghai VW offers over 300 positions from engineering to marketing to college students from engineering to marketing to college students graduating in 2009.Applicants should have an graduating in 2009.Applicants should have an excellent academic record, CETexcellent

449、academic record, CET6 or the same level 6 or the same level language certificate in German, and good computer language certificate in German, and good computer skills. skills. CampustalksCampustalks will take place in Shanghai, will take place in Shanghai, Changchun, Harbin, Wuhan, Changsha, Nanjing

450、, Changchun, Harbin, Wuhan, Changsha, Nanjing, Beijing and XiBeijing and Xi an from October. an from October. (source: campus, (source: campus, chinahrchinahr. com/2009/pages/csvw). com/2009/pages/csvw)专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 XiaoneiXiaonei_ _lookinglooking_ _forfor_ _graduatesgraduates What is it: Oak Pac

451、ific Interactive (OPI) What is it: Oak Pacific Interactive (OPI) internships(internships(实习实习) ) Who are qualified: College juniors and Who are qualified: College juniors and firstfirst yearyear post graduate students post graduate students About it: OPI is now offering internship About it: OPI is n

452、ow offering internship positions for positions for testtest engineerengineer, , developmentdevelopment engineerengineer and assistant to the and assistant to the director of corporate culture. director of corporate culture. 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 For engineering positions, candidates For engineering posit

453、ions, candidates should major in computer science or a related should major in computer science or a related field, have communication ability and be field, have communication ability and be familiar with various development languages. familiar with various development languages. For assistant to th

454、e director positions, For assistant to the director positions, candidates should be adept in document writing, candidates should be adept in document writing, activities organizing and office software.activities organizing and office software. (source: campus. (source: campus. xiaoneixiaonei. com).

455、com)专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.These advertisements are most probably )1.These advertisements are most probably advertisements _.advertisements _. A Aon the Internet intended for the general on the Internet intended for the general public to readpublic to read B Bin a newspaper intended for large compan

456、ies in a newspaper intended for large companies to readto read C Con the Internet intended for college on the Internet intended for college students to readstudents to read D Din a newspaper intended for college in a newspaper intended for college students to readstudents to read专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( (

457、)2.The opportunity of _ is )2.The opportunity of _ is offered only to college students graduating in offered only to college students graduating in 2009.2009. A Aworking in America working in America B Btraveling in Americatraveling in America C Cpositions in VW positions in VW D DOPI internshipOPI

458、internship专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.If you want to apply for assistant )3.If you want to apply for assistant to the director positions, you must _.to the director positions, you must _. A Abe good at document writingbe good at document writing B Bstudy computer sciencestudy computer science C Chave com

459、munication abilityhave communication ability D Dbe familiar with various languagesbe familiar with various languages专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 本文是网上的三则招聘广告。本文是网上的三则招聘广告。 1 1C C细节理解题。三则广告在细节理解题。三则广告在Who are qualifiedWho are qualified栏里谈到的招聘对象都是大学生,且三则广告的栏里谈到的招聘对象都是大学生,且三则广告的sourcesource栏中都是网址,可知消息来自

460、因特网,故选栏中都是网址,可知消息来自因特网,故选C C。 2 2C C细节理解题。由第二则广告中的细节理解题。由第二则广告中的“Who are Who are qualifiedqualified:College students graduating in 2009College students graduating in 2009”可知答案为可知答案为C C。 3 3A A细节理解题。从第三则广告中的细节理解题。从第三则广告中的“For For assistant to the director positionsassistant to the director positions,

461、candidates candidates should be adept in document writingshould be adept in document writing,activities activities organizing and office software.organizing and office software.”可知可知A A项符合题意。项符合题意。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( (二二) ) Is a loved one missing some body parts? Is Is a loved one missing some body p

462、arts? Is everyone at your dinner table of the same everyone at your dinner table of the same species? Humans and chimps(species? Humans and chimps(黑猩猩黑猩猩)differ in only )differ in only 400 genes. And should that worry us400 genes. And should that worry us?Is it Is it horrible for you thinking one fi

463、fth of all our horrible for you thinking one fifth of all our genes are owned by someone else, or a person and genes are owned by someone else, or a person and his family may be hunted his family may be hunted crosscross countrycountry because because they happen to have certain valuable genes? We t

464、hey happen to have certain valuable genes? We live in a time of great scientific leaps!live in a time of great scientific leaps!专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 Next challenge our sense of reality, Next challenge our sense of reality, blendingblending fact and fiction into a breathless fact and fiction into a breat

465、hless tale of a new world where nothing is what it tale of a new world where nothing is what it seems. seems. 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 The son of a zookeeper, 16The son of a zookeeper, 16 yearyear old Pi Patel old Pi Patel is raised in Pondicherry, India. Planning a move is raised in Pondicherry, India. Pla

466、nning a move to Canada, his family takes a ride on an enormous to Canada, his family takes a ride on an enormous ship. After a shipwreck, Pi finds himself in the ship. After a shipwreck, Pi finds himself in the Pacific Ocean, trapped on a 26Pacific Ocean, trapped on a 26 foot lifeboat with foot life

467、boat with a wounded zebra, a hyena(a wounded zebra, a hyena(鬣狗鬣狗), an orangutan(), an orangutan(猩猩猩猩), and a tiger named Richard Parker. It sounds ), and a tiger named Richard Parker. It sounds like a colorful setup. But these wild animals like a colorful setup. But these wild animals dondont burst

468、into song as in the Disney cartoons. t burst into song as in the Disney cartoons. 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测All want to survive, however Pi finds himself All want to survive, however Pi finds himself the weakest one of all. After much infighting, the weakest one of all. After much infighting, Pi and Richard P

469、arker remain the boatPi and Richard Parker remain the boats only s only passengers. Pi is left to survive for 227 days passengers. Pi is left to survive for 227 days through waters with his large dangerous through waters with his large dangerous companion, using all his knowledge, wits and companion

470、, using all his knowledge, wits and faith. faith. 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 Five people you meet in heavenFive people you meet in heaven When a lonely and elderly man dies in an When a lonely and elderly man dies in an accident, he awakens in an unfamiliar place called accident, he awakens in an unfamiliar p

471、lace called Heaven where five people, some strangers, some Heaven where five people, some strangers, some loved ones, take him on a clear journey through his loved ones, take him on a clear journey through his life. Each soul has a story to tell, a secret to life. Each soul has a story to tell, a se

472、cret to reveal(reveal(揭示揭示), and a lesson to share. Through them ), and a lesson to share. Through them Eddie learns Eddie learns “lessonslessons”, finds out why certain finds out why certain events happened in his physical life, and events happened in his physical life, and understands the meaning

473、of his own life. The book understands the meaning of his own life. The book explores the unexpected mysteries of the afterlife explores the unexpected mysteries of the afterlife by reminding us what really matters here on earth. by reminding us what really matters here on earth. 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 Mar

474、ley & MeMarley & Me:life and love with the worldlife and love with the worlds s worst dogworst dog Job and Jenny were just beginning their life Job and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They brought home Marley, a yellow together. They brought home Marley, a yellow furfur ballball of a

475、dog. Life would never be the same. of a dog. Life would never be the same. Marley crashed through doors, and ate nearly Marley crashed through doors, and ate nearly everything he could get his mouth around. everything he could get his mouth around. However, just as he refused any limits on his Howev

476、er, just as he refused any limits on his behavior, his love and loyalty were boundless, behavior, his love and loyalty were boundless, too. He shared the coupletoo. He shared the couples joy and heartbreak. s joy and heartbreak. He was there whenever the couple needed help. He was there whenever the

477、 couple needed help. 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测Marley & Me is so much more than the story of Marley & Me is so much more than the story of a lovable dog; ita lovable dog; its the story of a family. s the story of a family. Toward the end of the book, Grogan speaks of Toward the end of the book, Grogan speaks

478、of the life lessonsthe life lessonsloyalty, courage, devotion, loyalty, courage, devotion, simplicity, joysimplicity, joythat Marley taught him. that Marley taught him. 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.What does the underlined word )1.What does the underlined word “blendingblending” in the first book introduc

479、tion in the first book introduction mean?mean? A ARuin.Ruin. B BBreak.Break. C CCombine. DCombine. DAttempt.Attempt.专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.What happened to the survivors on )2.What happened to the survivors on the life boat according to the introduction?the life boat according to the introduction? A

480、 APi managed to kill those animals and Pi managed to kill those animals and finally survived.finally survived. B BThey worked hand in hand to get through They worked hand in hand to get through the sea.the sea. C CThey had to fight against one another in They had to fight against one another in orde

481、r to survive.order to survive. D DRichard Parker killed other animals but Richard Parker killed other animals but was killed by Pi.was killed by Pi.专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.Five People You Meet in Heaven )3.Five People You Meet in Heaven tells an old mantells an old mans experience in Heaven in s expe

482、rience in Heaven in order to reveal_.order to reveal_. A Athe existence of Heaventhe existence of Heaven B Bthe mystery of deaththe mystery of death C Chumanhumans future lifes future life D Dthe true meaning of lifethe true meaning of life专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.Who is Grogan most probably )4.Who is

483、 Grogan most probably according to the introduction?according to the introduction? A AThe author of Marley & Me.The author of Marley & Me. B BA friend of John and Jenny.A friend of John and Jenny. C CAn expert taming dogs.An expert taming dogs. D DThe previous owner of the dog.The previous owner of

484、the dog.专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 本文是一则广告,介绍几本书的内本文是一则广告,介绍几本书的内容。容。 1 1C C词义猜测题。画线词的语境说,该书挑战词义猜测题。画线词的语境说,该书挑战我们的现实感,将事实与科幻我们的现实感,将事实与科幻blendblend成一个新世界,由成一个新世界,由此判断其含义是此判断其含义是C C,“联合,结合联合,结合”。 2 2C C细节理解题。这是第二本书的内容,主人细节理解题。这是第二本书的内容,主人公为了生存,与其他动物展开殊死搏斗。公为了生存,与其他动物展开殊死搏斗。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 3 3D D推理

485、判断题。该书的介绍说,这本书探索推理判断题。该书的介绍说,这本书探索“来生来生”的神秘,提醒我们,重要的是今天,由此判断该的神秘,提醒我们,重要的是今天,由此判断该书的主题是书的主题是D D,了解生活的真谛。,了解生活的真谛。 4 4A A推理判断题。最后一句说,在小说的结尾,推理判断题。最后一句说,在小说的结尾,GroganGrogan谈到谈到MarleyMarley给他的启迪,由此判断,给他的启迪,由此判断,GroganGrogan是该是该书的作者。书的作者。专题五文化教育类专题五文化教育类专题专题 五五 文化教育类文化教育类专题导读专题专题 五五 专题导读专题导读 文化教育类阅读理解文章

486、属高考常选材料之一。这文化教育类阅读理解文章属高考常选材料之一。这类文章常涉及文化、教育、法制、宗教等方面的文学艺类文章常涉及文化、教育、法制、宗教等方面的文学艺术、发明创造、文化遗产保护、宗教与文化、风俗与习术、发明创造、文化遗产保护、宗教与文化、风俗与习惯、道德与法制、中外文学名著节选、各国学校教育、惯、道德与法制、中外文学名著节选、各国学校教育、家庭教育等等。这类材料的命题点往往落在主旨大意题、家庭教育等等。这类材料的命题点往往落在主旨大意题、事实细节题上。在做这类阅读理解题时,应注意以下几事实细节题上。在做这类阅读理解题时,应注意以下几专题专题 五五 专题导读专题导读个方面:个方面:(


488、ideaMain idea型;一类是型;一类是TopicTopic或或TitleTitle型。型。真题再现专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 20102010全国全国I I EDGEWOOD EDGEWOODEvery morning at Dixie Heights High Every morning at Dixie Heights High School, customers pour into a special experiment: School, customers pour into a special experiment: the districtthe districts

489、 first coffee shop run mostly by s first coffee shop run mostly by students with special learning needs. students with special learning needs. Well before classes start, students and Well before classes start, students and teachers order Lattes, Cappuccinos and Hot teachers order Lattes, Cappuccinos

490、 and Hot Chocolates. Then, during the first period, Chocolates. Then, during the first period, teachers call in orders on their room phones, and teachers call in orders on their room phones, and students make deliveries. students make deliveries. 专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 By closing time at 9By closing time

491、at 9:20 am, the shop usually 20 am, the shop usually sells 90 drinks. sells 90 drinks. “Whoever made the chi tea, Ms. Whoever made the chi tea, Ms. SchatzmanSchatzman says says it was goodit was good,” Christy McKinley, a second year Christy McKinley, a second year student, announced recently, after

492、 hanging up with student, announced recently, after hanging up with the teacher. the teacher. The shop is called the Dixie PIT, which stands The shop is called the Dixie PIT, which stands for Power in Transition. Although some of the for Power in Transition. Although some of the students are not dis

493、abled, many are, and the PIT students are not disabled, many are, and the PIT helps them prepare for life after high school. helps them prepare for life after high school. 专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 They learn not only how to run a coffee shop They learn not only how to run a coffee shop but also how to deal

494、with their affairs. They but also how to deal with their affairs. They keep a timecard and receive paychecks, which they keep a timecard and receive paychecks, which they keep in check registers. keep in check registers. SpecialSpecial educationeducation teachers Kim Chevalier and teachers Kim Cheva

495、lier and Sue Casey introduced the Dixie PIT from a similar Sue Casey introduced the Dixie PIT from a similar program at Kennesaw Mountain High School in program at Kennesaw Mountain High School in Georgia. Georgia. Not that it was easy. Chevalier Not that it was easy. Chevaliers first s first proble

496、m to overcome was problem to overcome was productproduct relatedrelated. Should . Should schools be selling coffee? What about sugar schools be selling coffee? What about sugar content?content?专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 Kenton County Food Service Director Ginger Kenton County Food Service Director Ginger Gray

497、 helped. She made sure all the drinks, which Gray helped. She made sure all the drinks, which use nonuse non fat milk, fell within nutrition(fat milk, fell within nutrition(营养营养) ) guidelines. guidelines. The whole school has joined in to help. The whole school has joined in to help. Teachers agreed

498、 to give up their lounge( Teachers agreed to give up their lounge(休息室休息室)in the mornings. Art students painted the name of )in the mornings. Art students painted the name of the shop on the wall. Business students designed the shop on the wall. Business students designed the paychecks. The basketbal

499、l team helped pay for the paychecks. The basketball team helped pay for cups. cups. 专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1.What is the text mainly about?)1.What is the text mainly about? A AA bestA best selling coffee.selling coffee. B BA special educational program. A special educational program. C CGovernment sup

500、port for schools.Government support for schools. D DA new type of A new type of teacherteacher studentstudent relationship. relationship. 专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2.The Dixie PIT program was introduced )2.The Dixie PIT program was introduced in order to_. in order to_. A Araise money for school affairsr

501、aise money for school affairs B Bdo some research on nutritiondo some research on nutrition C Cdevelop studentsdevelop students practical skills practical skills D Dsupply teachers with drinkssupply teachers with drinks专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3.How did Christy McKinley know Ms. )3.How did Christy McKin

502、ley know Ms. SchatzmanSchatzmans s opinion of the chi tea? opinion of the chi tea? A AShe met her in the shop.She met her in the shop. B BShe heard her telling others. She heard her telling others. C CShe talked to her on the phone.She talked to her on the phone. D DShe went to her office to deliver

503、 the tea. She went to her office to deliver the tea. 专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()4.We know from the text that Ginger )4.We know from the text that Ginger Gray_. Gray_. A Amanages the Dixie PIT program in Kenton manages the Dixie PIT program in Kenton CountyCounty B Bsees that the drinks meet health sees th

504、at the drinks meet health standardsstandards C Cteaches at Dixie Heights High Schoolteaches at Dixie Heights High School D Downs the schoolowns the schools coffee shops coffee shop专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 【文章大意文章大意】 本文主要介绍本文主要介绍Dixie Heights High Dixie Heights High SchoolSchool实施的一项帮助自己学生就业的特殊教育项目。实施的一项帮助自己

505、学生就业的特殊教育项目。 1 1B B主旨概括题。本文主要介绍主旨概括题。本文主要介绍Dixie Heights Dixie Heights High SchoolHigh School实施的一项帮助自己学生就业的特殊教育项目。实施的一项帮助自己学生就业的特殊教育项目。 2 2C C推理判断题。依据第五段推理判断题。依据第五段the PIT helps them the PIT helps them prepare for life after high schoolprepare for life after high school得知该项目有助于得知该项目有助于孩子们掌握实用技能,便于将来

506、就业。孩子们掌握实用技能,便于将来就业。专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 3 3C C细节理解题。依据第四段细节理解题。依据第四段Ms. Ms. SchatzmanSchatzman says it was good says it was good 和和after hanging up with the after hanging up with the teacherteacher推断,二者是通过电话了解信息的。推断,二者是通过电话了解信息的。hang uphang up挂挂断电话。断电话。 4 4B B推理判断题。依据倒数第三段推理判断题。依据倒数第三段She made She made

507、 sure all the drinks, which use nonsure all the drinks, which use non fat milk, fat milk, fell within nutrition (fell within nutrition (营养营养) guidelines) guidelines推断,推断,Ginger GrayGinger Gray要确保这里制做的咖啡符合健康标准。要确保这里制做的咖啡符合健康标准。专题预测专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( (一一) ) Have you ever thought about what determines

508、the Have you ever thought about what determines the way we are when we grow up? Remember the TV program way we are when we grow up? Remember the TV program Seven Up? It started following the lives of a group Seven Up? It started following the lives of a group of children in 1973.We first meet them a

509、s of children in 1973.We first meet them as widewide eyedeyed sevenseven yearyear oldsolds and catch up with them at and catch up with them at sevenseven yearyear intervals: nervous 14intervals: nervous 14 yearyear olds, serious olds, serious 2121 yearyear olds and then grownolds and then grown ups.

510、ups.专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 Some of the stories are inspiring, others sad, Some of the stories are inspiring, others sad, but what is interesting in almost all the cases is but what is interesting in almost all the cases is the way in which the childrenthe way in which the childrens early hopes and s early

511、 hopes and dreams are shown in their future dreams are shown in their future lives.Forlives.For example, example, at seven, Tony is a lively child who says he wants at seven, Tony is a lively child who says he wants to become a sportsman or a taxi to become a sportsman or a taxi driver.Whendriver.Wh

512、en he grows he grows up, he goes on to do up, he goes on to do both.Howboth.How about about NikiNiki? She says, ? She says, “I would like to find out about the moon.I would like to find out about the moon.” And she And she goes on to become a space goes on to become a space scientist.Asscientist.As

513、a child, a child, softsoft spokenspoken Bruce says he wants to help Bruce says he wants to help “poor poor childrenchildren” and ends up teaching in India. and ends up teaching in India.专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 But if the lives of all the children had But if the lives of all the children had followed this p

514、attern, the program would be far followed this pattern, the program would be far less interesting than it actually less interesting than it actually was.Itwas.It was the was the children whose childhood did not prepare them children whose childhood did not prepare them for what was to come that made

515、 the program so for what was to come that made the program so interesting.Whereinteresting.Where did their ideas come from did their ideas come from about what they wanted to do when they grew up? about what they wanted to do when they grew up? Are children Are children influencedinfluenced by what

516、their parents by what their parents do, by what they see on television or by what do, by what they see on television or by what theirtheir专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测teachers say? How great is the effect of a single teachers say? How great is the effect of a single important event? Many film directors, includin

517、g important event? Many film directors, including Steven Spielberg, say that an early visit to the Steven Spielberg, say that an early visit to the cinema was the turning point in their lives.cinema was the turning point in their lives.Dr.MargaretDr.Margaret McAllister, who has done a lot of McAllis

518、ter, who has done a lot of research in this area, thinks that the major research in this area, thinks that the major factors are parents, friends and their wider factors are parents, friends and their wider society.society.专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.What does the text mainly discuss?)1.What does the tex

519、t mainly discuss? A ANew ways to make a TV program interesting.New ways to make a TV program interesting. B BThe importance of TV programs to children.The importance of TV programs to children. C CDifferent ways to make childhood dreams Different ways to make childhood dreams come e true. D DThe inf

520、luence of childhood experience on The influence of childhood experience on future lives.future lives.专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.What does the underlined word )2.What does the underlined word “influencedinfluenced” mean in the last paragraph? mean in the last paragraph? A AImpressed.Impressed.B BImproved

521、.Improved. C CAffected. DAffected. DAttracted.Attracted.专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.What are the examples in Paragraph 2 )3.What are the examples in Paragraph 2 meant to show?meant to show? A AMany peopleMany peoples childhood hopes are s childhood hopes are related to their future jobs.related to their

522、future jobs. B BThere are many poor children in India who There are many poor children in India who need help.need help. C CChildren have different dreams about Children have different dreams about their future.their future. D DA lot of people are very sad in their A lot of people are very sad in th

523、eir childhood.childhood.专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.Spielberg)4.Spielbergs story is meant to show s story is meant to show that _.that _. A Agoing to a movie at an early age helps a going to a movie at an early age helps a child learn about societychild learn about society B Ba single childhood event may

524、 decide what a single childhood event may decide what one does as a grownone does as a grown upup C Cparents and friends can help a child grow parents and friends can help a child grow up properlyup properly D Dfilms have more influence on a child than films have more influence on a child than teach

525、ers doteachers do专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 幼年时,父母、朋友和较广泛的社交幼年时,父母、朋友和较广泛的社交圈子将影响孩子日后的生活。圈子将影响孩子日后的生活。 1 1D D主旨大意题。从文中所举的电视节目主旨大意题。从文中所举的电视节目Seven Seven UpUp及斯皮尔伯格的小时候去影院后来终成导演的例子来及斯皮尔伯格的小时候去影院后来终成导演的例子来看,文章全是围绕着看,文章全是围绕着“童年经历对未来生活有很大影响童年经历对未来生活有很大影响”来展开的,故可知本文的主旨是来展开的,故可知本文的主旨是D D项。项。 2 2C C词义猜测题。

526、根据画线词所在句的语义词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句的语义“孩孩子们会受到父母做事的方式、所看到的电视节目及老师子们会受到父母做事的方式、所看到的电视节目及老师所讲的话的影响吗?所讲的话的影响吗?”可知选可知选C C。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 3 3A A推理判断题。第二段第一句讲到所有事例推理判断题。第二段第一句讲到所有事例中最有趣的就是孩子们的希望和梦想在未来得到了实中最有趣的就是孩子们的希望和梦想在未来得到了实现,可见童年的希望和未来的工作是有关联的,故本现,可见童年的希望和未来的工作是有关联的,故本题选题选A A。 4 4B B推理判断题。包括斯皮尔伯格在内的许多推理判断题。包括

527、斯皮尔伯格在内的许多导演都说,早期到电影院去是他们人生的转折点,由导演都说,早期到电影院去是他们人生的转折点,由此可见特定的儿童时期的经历会决定孩子未来从事的此可见特定的儿童时期的经历会决定孩子未来从事的职业。职业。 专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( (二二) ) Why is it that students in less popular Why is it that students in less popular majors sometimes find it easier to get a job? majors sometimes find it easier to get

528、a job? Simple. ItSimple. Its because they are out there in the s because they are out there in the “blue oceanblue ocean”, a relatively untouched area. a relatively untouched area. 专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 The term was created by Chan Kim and Renee The term was created by Chan Kim and Renee ManborgneManborg

529、ne, two professors who use it to describe , two professors who use it to describe less crowded parts of business and industry with less crowded parts of business and industry with little or no competition. It contrasts with the little or no competition. It contrasts with the “red oceanred ocean”, wh

530、ich is already which is already saturated,saturated,_ _ competitive, and crowded with people or companies competitive, and crowded with people or companies providing the same services or producing the same providing the same services or producing the same goods. goods. 专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 According to

531、these two authorsAccording to these two authors,the primary the primary goal of business is to enter the goal of business is to enter the “blue oceanblue ocean” or create a new market. This is done by creating or create a new market. This is done by creating what no one else has. Business must come

532、up with what no one else has. Business must come up with creative things that are useful and affordable creative things that are useful and affordable and reduce unnecessary costs. So customers get and reduce unnecessary costs. So customers get what they want for less and sellers get a higher what t

533、hey want for less and sellers get a higher return on their investment. When these two are return on their investment. When these two are combined, itcombined, its a catalyst(s a catalyst(催化剂催化剂)for the blue )for the blue ocean market. ocean market. 专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 McDonaldMcDonalds is a popular exa

534、mple. Traditional s is a popular example. Traditional restaurants have waiters, table settings, menusrestaurants have waiters, table settings, menus,and a certain type of service. McDonaldand a certain type of service. McDonalds, s, however, was different. It did away entirely with however, was diff

535、erent. It did away entirely with waiters and table servicewaiters and table service,and kept the menu and kept the menu limited. limited. But in its number of locations But in its number of locations,speedspeed,overall overall quality and child friendliness. McDonaldquality and child friendliness. M

536、cDonalds did s did far better than traditional restaurants. In this far better than traditional restaurants. In this sensesense,one can say that McDonaldone can say that McDonalds was a totally s was a totally different concept in eating out. It met the blue different concept in eating out. It met t

537、he blue ocean demand. ocean demand. 专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.According to Chan Kim and Renee )1.According to Chan Kim and Renee MauborgneMauborgne,“blue oceanblue ocean” means _. means _. A Acrowded parts of business and industry crowded parts of business and industry with little competitionwith littl

538、e competition B Bnew markets which are full of competition new markets which are full of competition C Cnew companies offering different services new companies offering different services from old onesfrom old ones D Dcertain untouched markets with few certain untouched markets with few competitorsc

539、ompetitors专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.The underlined word )2.The underlined word “saturatedsaturated” in in Para. 2 probably means Para. 2 probably means “_”. . A Acarry out according to an unusual methodcarry out according to an unusual method B Barrange in advancearrange in advance C Cbe unable to take

540、 any morebe unable to take any more D Dbe different from the old marketbe different from the old market专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.McDonald)3.McDonalds success lies in_. s success lies in_. A Aits being different from traditional its being different from traditional restaurantsrestaurants B Binventing a

541、unique business with few inventing a unique business with few competitorscompetitors C Cits advanced operation and managementits advanced operation and management D Dits best overall quality and servicesits best overall quality and services专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.For a website providing information )

542、4.For a website providing information and services for new mothers, finding the and services for new mothers, finding the “blue blue oceanocean” means_. means_. A Aoffering something other websites donoffering something other websites dont t havehave B Boffering the best information and servicesoffe

543、ring the best information and services C Ccreating a new market to help the website creating a new market to help the website stand outstand out D Dlooking for a unique position in the looking for a unique position in the marketplacemarketplace专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 本文介绍了由两位教授创造的名词本文介绍了由两位教授创造的

544、名词blue oceanblue ocean那些较为冷门的、与众不同的、竞争者那些较为冷门的、与众不同的、竞争者不多的生意或产业。不多的生意或产业。 1 1D D推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句话对推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句话对blue blue oceanocean的解释的解释(a relatively untouched area)(a relatively untouched area)以及第二以及第二段第一句话对段第一句话对blue oceanblue ocean的解释的解释(less crowded parts (less crowded parts of business and

545、 industry with little or no of business and industry with little or no competition)competition)可知答案。可知答案。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 2 2C C推理判断题。结合第二段对推理判断题。结合第二段对blue oceanblue ocean和和red oceanred ocean的比较可知,的比较可知,red oceanred ocean是指竞争比较激烈,是指竞争比较激烈,人满为患,已经饱和,产品和服务雷同的产业,由此可人满为患,已经饱和,产品和服务雷同的产业,由此可知知C C项与项与sat

546、uratedsaturated意思最接近。意思最接近。 3 3B B推理判断题。根据第四、五段中对麦当劳的推理判断题。根据第四、五段中对麦当劳的描述可知,它与传统的餐馆有很大的不同,即很独特,描述可知,它与传统的餐馆有很大的不同,即很独特,因此很成功。另外,根据文中最后一句话因此很成功。另外,根据文中最后一句话(It met the (It met the blue ocean demand)blue ocean demand),再结合前面对,再结合前面对blue oceanblue ocean的解释的解释可知它的竞争者很少。由此可知可知它的竞争者很少。由此可知B B项正确。项正确。 4 4C

547、 C推理判断题。根据文章中对推理判断题。根据文章中对blue oceanblue ocean的解的解释特别是第三段第一、二句话可知释特别是第三段第一、二句话可知C C项正确。即通过开项正确。即通过开创一个新的市场使该网站胜出。创一个新的市场使该网站胜出。专题六历史地理类专题六历史地理类专题专题 六六 历史地理类历史地理类专题导读专题专题 六六 专题导读专题导读 历史地理类文章一般涉及某个国家、地区、河流、山历史地理类文章一般涉及某个国家、地区、河流、山脉、海洋、城镇等的地理位置以及与之相关的社会生活、脉、海洋、城镇等的地理位置以及与之相关的社会生活、社会风情、政治经济、人文历史、自然资源、文化

548、习俗、社会风情、政治经济、人文历史、自然资源、文化习俗、文化遗产等方面的情况,相当一部分文章还附有图表供理文化遗产等方面的情况,相当一部分文章还附有图表供理解或选择。文章选材来源于英语国家的主要名胜或历史事解或选择。文章选材来源于英语国家的主要名胜或历史事件、历史年代;命题以细节题为主,有一些主观推断题;件、历史年代;命题以细节题为主,有一些主观推断题;专题专题 六六 专题导读专题导读涉及一定的地理常识或历史知识。阅读史地类文章时,涉及一定的地理常识或历史知识。阅读史地类文章时,要重点弄清楚各个地名、人名之间的相互关系和各个国要重点弄清楚各个地名、人名之间的相互关系和各个国家、地区或城镇之间的

549、地理方位。如果文章或试题有附家、地区或城镇之间的地理方位。如果文章或试题有附图或附表,一定要把附图或附表看懂、看明白。附图或图或附表,一定要把附图或附表看懂、看明白。附图或附表的存在就是帮助我们更好地读懂和理解文章,辅助附表的存在就是帮助我们更好地读懂和理解文章,辅助我们做好有关试题。我们做好有关试题。真题再现专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 20102010重庆重庆 Sitting on the peaceful coast of Galapagos Sitting on the peaceful coast of Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, watching t

550、he sun move quietly into Islands, Ecuador, watching the sun move quietly into the sea, you shouldnthe sea, you shouldnt forget that Charles Darwin t forget that Charles Darwin (1809(18091882) arrived here in 1835.He stayed on the 1882) arrived here in 1835.He stayed on the islands for five weeks, ob

551、serving various animals. islands for five weeks, observing various animals. This finally inspired (This finally inspired (启发启发) his famous work, On the ) his famous work, On the Origin of Species. You can certainly follow Origin of Species. You can certainly follow DarwinDarwins footsteps and enjoy

552、a trip from four to s footsteps and enjoy a trip from four to seven days to the islands. seven days to the islands. 专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 The islands are certainly a paradise (The islands are certainly a paradise (天堂天堂) ) for wildlife, as there are no natural killers on for wildlife, as there are no natu

553、ral killers on the islands and the number of boats and visitors the islands and the number of boats and visitors is under government control. Though you cannot is under government control. Though you cannot walk freely as Darwin did about 200 years ago, walk freely as Darwin did about 200 years ago,

554、 each day is as impressive as it could be. each day is as impressive as it could be. 专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 The most The most wellwell knownknown animals of the animals of the Galapagos is the giant tortoise(Galapagos is the giant tortoise(巨型陆龟巨型陆龟), ), which can be seen moving slowly around the which can

555、 be seen moving slowly around the highlands of highlands of SanraSanra Cruz, the second largest Cruz, the second largest island in the archipelago(island in the archipelago(群岛群岛). Some of these ). Some of these creatures are so old that they might have been creatures are so old that they might have

556、been seen in their youth by Darwin himself. seen in their youth by Darwin himself. 专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 Despite strict control over activities and Despite strict control over activities and timing, your stay on the Galapagos will be timing, your stay on the Galapagos will be remembered as a chain of inc

557、omparable pictures: remembered as a chain of incomparable pictures: diving with sea lions that swim and play within diving with sea lions that swim and play within inches of you; feeling small sharks touch your inches of you; feeling small sharks touch your feet as you swim; and, most magically, see

558、ing a feet as you swim; and, most magically, seeing a whale and her baby surface with a great breath of whale and her baby surface with a great breath of air. air. 专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 Traveling between the islands and observing Traveling between the islands and observing the wildlife that so inspired D

559、arwinthe wildlife that so inspired Darwin,you will you will feel as though you are getting a special view of feel as though you are getting a special view of an untouched an untouched world.Atworld.At night you will sleep on night you will sleep on board the shipboard the ship,leaving the wildlife i

560、n complete leaving the wildlife in complete occupation of the islandsoccupation of the islands,which are as which are as undisturbed now as they have been since the undisturbed now as they have been since the beginning of time.beginning of time.专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1. What do we know about Darwin)1.

561、 What do we know about Darwins visit s visit to the islands?to the islands? A. He studied different creatures on the A. He studied different creatures on theislands.islands. B. He completed his famous book on the B. He completed his famous book on the islands.islands. C. He was touched by the geogra

562、phy of the C. He was touched by the geography of theislands.islands. D. He was attracted by D. He was attracted by wellwell knownknown animals animalsof the islands.of the islands.专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2. Which of the following plays a role )2. Which of the following plays a role in making the island

563、s in making the islands “a paradise for a paradise for wildlifewildlife”? A. Animals on the islands feed on grass. A. Animals on the islands feed on grass. B. Local government forbids killing B. Local government forbids killingwildlife.wildlife. C. People cannot visit the islands as they C. People c

564、annot visit the islands as they wish.wish. D. Tourists are not allowed to touch the D. Tourists are not allowed to touch the animals. animals. 专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3.Your stay on the islands will be )3.Your stay on the islands will be most impressive mainly because of_. most impressive mainly becaus

565、e of_. A Athe beautiful sea viewsthe beautiful sea views B BDarwinDarwins inspiring trips inspiring trip C Ca closer view of animalsa closer view of animals D Dvarious daring activitiesvarious daring activities专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 ( ()4.Which of the following would be the )4.Which of the following would

566、 be the best title for the passage?best title for the passage? A AA Unique Attraction for Wildlife LoversA Unique Attraction for Wildlife Lovers B BCalapagosCalapagos as a Paradise for Adventures as a Paradise for Adventures C CCharles Darwin as a Symbol of GalapagosCharles Darwin as a Symbol of Gal

567、apagos D DA Successful Example of Wildlife A Successful Example of Wildlife ProtectionProtection专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 【文章大意文章大意】 本文介绍了一个冒险家的乐园本文介绍了一个冒险家的乐园Galapagos IslandsGalapagos Islands,达尔文曾在这儿受到启发写出了,达尔文曾在这儿受到启发写出了物物种起源种起源一书,同时,由于这儿保护得很好,直到现在依一书,同时,由于这儿保护得很好,直到现在依然是旅游的好去处。然是旅游的好去处。 1 1A A细节理解题。由文中的细

568、节理解题。由文中的He stayed on the He stayed on the islands for five weeks, observing various animals. islands for five weeks, observing various animals. 可知达尔文在这儿观察了各种各样的动物。可知达尔文在这儿观察了各种各样的动物。 2 2C C细节理解题。根据文中细节理解题。根据文中strict control over strict control over activities and timingactivities and timing可知,当地对游客

569、的活动和参观可知,当地对游客的活动和参观时间都是有严格限制的,所以选时间都是有严格限制的,所以选C C项。项。专题专题 六六 真题再现真题再现 3 3C C推理判断题。从文章最后三段的描写中知道,推理判断题。从文章最后三段的描写中知道,在岛上能够给人印象深刻的就是和动物近距离的接触,在岛上能够给人印象深刻的就是和动物近距离的接触,例如:在海里小鲨鱼的顽皮,海边海龟的悠闲等等。例如:在海里小鲨鱼的顽皮,海边海龟的悠闲等等。 4 4A A主旨大意题。纵观整篇文章,作者描写了岛主旨大意题。纵观整篇文章,作者描写了岛屿的美丽风景、丰富的生物、较好的自然保护,旨在向屿的美丽风景、丰富的生物、较好的自然保

570、护,旨在向我们推荐我们推荐Galapagos IslandsGalapagos Islands,A A项符合作者的意图,标项符合作者的意图,标题也具有醒目的特点。题也具有醒目的特点。专题预测专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ( (一一) ) Kiribati covers a massive 3.5 million square Kiribati covers a massive 3.5 million square kilometers stretch of the Pacific Ocean, but in kilometers stretch of the Pacific Ocean,

571、but in population terms it is one of the smallest countries population terms it is one of the smallest countries in the world, with only 100,000 people. More than in the world, with only 100,000 people. More than half of them live in the capital Tarawahalf of them live in the capital Tarawastrip of

572、strip of coral which measures just 450 meters at its widest coral which measures just 450 meters at its widest point. As well as being narrow, Kiribati is extremely point. As well as being narrow, Kiribati is extremely low lying, which makes it one of the most easily low lying, which makes it one of

573、 the most easily influenced countries in the world when it comes to influenced countries in the world when it comes to climate change.climate change.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 “We are counting the days rather than the We are counting the days rather than the decadesdecadesWe donWe dont have the time that we t

574、hought we t have the time that we thought we had previouslyhad previously,” Kiribati President Kiribati President AnoteAnote Tong said. Tong said. PelenisePelenise AlofaAlofa returned to Kiribati six years ago. returned to Kiribati six years ago. The changes she saw led to her becoming one of the Th

575、e changes she saw led to her becoming one of the islands principal climate change campaigners. islands principal climate change campaigners. “Things Things began to change when I came here. I realized the king began to change when I came here. I realized the king tides were big, and I told them tide

576、s were big, and I told them have you heard of have you heard of climate change, have you heard of global warming, this climate change, have you heard of global warming, this is part of it, youis part of it, youre in itre in it,” Ms Ms AlofaAlofa told SBS. told SBS.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 Linda Linda UanUan

577、 and and her her New New Zealand Zealand born born husband husband John John have have been been documenting documenting the the changing changing climate climate in in Kiribati Kiribati for for nearly nearly 20 20 years. years. They They didndidnt t have have to to travel travel far far to to film

578、film the the effects effects of of a a storm storm three three years years ago ago when when the the first first time time it it washed washed through through their their home. home. “ThereTheres s been been a a lot lot of of changeschanges,” Linda Linda said, said, “When When we we were were little

579、 little there there was was a a definite definite dry dry season season and and a a definite definite wet wet season, season, now now you canyou cant feel the difference anymore.t feel the difference anymore.”专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 Kiribati Kiribati is is not not just just facing facing one one knockknock

580、 out out punch punch but but a a whole whole round round of of killer killer blows. blows. Because Because of of its its sensibility sensibility to to the the El El Nino Nino and and La La Nina Nina weather weather patterns, patterns, climate climate scientists scientists say say droughts droughts a

581、nd and floods floods will will be be more more severe severe than than in in the the past. past. Warmer Warmer seas seas could could affect affect the the migration migration patterns patterns of of fish, fish, taking taking away away vast vast taxes taxes it it gains gains from from selling selling

582、 fishing fishing licenses licenses to to foreign foreign trawlers, trawlers, while while increased increased storms storms are are expected expected to to destroy destroy crops crops and and make make the the limited limited supply supply of of water water in in the the shallow shallow water water p

583、ools pools undrinkable.undrinkable.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ItIts a claim the country will take to s a claim the country will take to Copenhagen as it seeks to get the worldCopenhagen as it seeks to get the worlds big s big emitters (emitters (排放者排放者) to face up to the consequences ) to face up to the conse

584、quences of their actions. of their actions. “ItIts a whole world issues a whole world issue,” President Tong said. President Tong said. “ItIts a moral s a moral issueissueitits almost criminal.s almost criminal.”专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.According to the passage, we can infer )1.According to the passag

585、e, we can infer that_.that_. A AKiribati covers a land area of 3,500,000 km2Kiribati covers a land area of 3,500,000 km2 B Bthe countrythe countrys average altitude is 450 s average altitude is 450 meters in Kiribatimeters in Kiribati C CKiribati is one of the countries facing the Kiribati is one of

586、 the countries facing the climate change calmlyclimate change calmly D DOver fifty thousand people live in TarawaOver fifty thousand people live in Tarawa专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.President )2.President AnoteAnotes s words are quoted words are quoted in order to show_.in order to show_. A Athe high pre

587、ssure from timethe high pressure from time B Bthe importance of measuring timethe importance of measuring time C Cthe different timing unitsthe different timing units D Dthe personal attitude towards timethe personal attitude towards time专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.Which of the following statements does

588、)3.Which of the following statements does Ms Ms AlofaAlofa probably agree with? probably agree with? A AThe tides hitting Kiribati used to be bigger The tides hitting Kiribati used to be bigger than they are now.than they are now. B BMost people in the world have never heard of Most people in the wo

589、rld have never heard of global warming.global warming. C CNobody can keep away from the effects caused Nobody can keep away from the effects caused by climate changes.by climate changes. D DChanges in this country will make you a Changes in this country will make you a climate change campaigner.clim

590、ate change campaigner.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.Climate changes have brought about )4.Climate changes have brought about the consequences EXCEPT_.the consequences EXCEPT_. A Asevere droughts and floodssevere droughts and floods B Babundant fresh waterabundant fresh water C Cfiercer storm and tidefierce

591、r storm and tide D Dchanged living patterns of fishchanged living patterns of fish专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 基里巴斯是太平洋上的一个岛国,由基里巴斯是太平洋上的一个岛国,由于地势极低,这个国家对气候变化最敏感,全球性气候于地势极低,这个国家对气候变化最敏感,全球性气候变暖直接威胁到这个国家。人们将在哥本哈根国际减排变暖直接威胁到这个国家。人们将在哥本哈根国际减排会议上呼吁那些排放大国面对他们的行为带来的后果。会议上呼吁那些排放大国面对他们的行为带来的后果。 1 1D D细节理解题。从

592、文章开头可知细节理解题。从文章开头可知A A项错,这是基项错,这是基里巴斯包括海洋在内的面积;它的首都最宽的地方为里巴斯包括海洋在内的面积;它的首都最宽的地方为450450米,米,B B项错误;从文章的叙述判断项错误;从文章的叙述判断C C项不对,因为该国的项不对,因为该国的人们对环境变化带来的生存危机很担忧。第一段说该国人们对环境变化带来的生存危机很担忧。第一段说该国的人口只有十万,其中大半住在首都,由此判断的人口只有十万,其中大半住在首都,由此判断D D项正确。项正确。专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 2 2A A推理判断题。第二段中该国总统说,我们是推理判断题。第二段中该国总统说,我们是

593、以以“天天”而不是以而不是以“十年十年”为计算单位为计算单位( (而生活而生活) ),我们,我们没有原先以为的那么长的时间。从语境看,这些话反映没有原先以为的那么长的时间。从语境看,这些话反映出总统的忧患意识。出总统的忧患意识。 3 3C C推理判断题。在第三段推理判断题。在第三段AlofaAlofa对周围的人说,对周围的人说,“你听说过全球性气候变暖吗?这就是其中一部分,你听说过全球性气候变暖吗?这就是其中一部分,你就身居其中。你就身居其中。”显然其含义是显然其含义是C C,谁也逃不掉气候变化,谁也逃不掉气候变化带来的影响。带来的影响。 4 4B B细节理解题。关于气候变化带来的影响,第五细

594、节理解题。关于气候变化带来的影响,第五段提到旱灾、洪灾和鱼的生活方式的改变,第三、四段段提到旱灾、洪灾和鱼的生活方式的改变,第三、四段提到潮汐与风暴,没有提到提到潮汐与风暴,没有提到B(B(充足的淡水充足的淡水) )。专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ( (二二) ) In Yemen, you always see one type of vehicle In Yemen, you always see one type of vehicle on the road: the water truck. They travel on the road: the water truck. The

595、y travel mountain roads and cross deserts to bring mountain roads and cross deserts to bring Yemenis a good more valuable than oil. It is Yemenis a good more valuable than oil. It is one that only the rich can afford, with the one that only the rich can afford, with the supply regularly being cut of

596、f. Others must supply regularly being cut off. Others must rely on scarce rain or charity to fight thirst.rely on scarce rain or charity to fight thirst.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 Experts say Yemen is going to be the first Experts say Yemen is going to be the first country in the world to run out of water. Th

597、e country in the world to run out of water. The capital, capital, SanaaSanaa, will run out of drinking water , will run out of drinking water as early as 2025, says a report by the World as early as 2025, says a report by the World Bank.Bank. HannanHannan, an 18, an 18 yearyear old from old from Lah

598、ejLahej, said that , said that only the rich could prepare for cuts in supply. only the rich could prepare for cuts in supply. “In a good week weIn a good week well have a water supply all ll have a water supply all week but then the following week there will be week but then the following week ther

599、e will be water only for a day or twowater only for a day or two,” she said.she said.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 She and her husband, a factory worker, pay She and her husband, a factory worker, pay 3,000 riyals (99 3,000 riyals (99 yuanyuan) for a week) for a weeks supply of s supply of water from a touring w

600、ater truck when the taps water from a touring water truck when the taps run dry. With an income of only 20,000 riyals run dry. With an income of only 20,000 riyals (660 (660 yuanyuan) a month, this means the family often ) a month, this means the family often spend half their money on water.spend ha

601、lf their money on water. “There are a lot of people who canThere are a lot of people who cant afford t afford it and they have to rely on their neighbors to it and they have to rely on their neighbors to helphelp,” she said.she said.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 The average person in Yemen survives on The averag

602、e person in Yemen survives on oneone fifthfifth of what the World Health Organization of what the World Health Organization considers to be enough water.considers to be enough water. In In TaizTaiz, in the south, tap water is available , in the south, tap water is available only once every 45 days.

603、In the mountainous only once every 45 days. In the mountainous MalhanMalhan district in the north, women and children district in the north, women and children climb a 1,500climb a 1,500 m mountain to collect water from a m mountain to collect water from a spring, often in the small hours to avoid l

604、ong spring, often in the small hours to avoid long queues.queues.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 Yemen Yemen is is located located in in Southwest Southwest Asia, Asia, bordering bordering the the Arabian Arabian and and Red Red seas. seas. Yemeni Yemeni people people have have lived lived on on scarce scarce wate

605、r water supplies supplies for for thousands thousands of of years years but but that that problem problem has has been been made made serious serious by by conflict conflict in in the the area, area, the the fastfast growinggrowing population population and and the the use use of of water water to t

606、o grow grow a a drug drug called called qatqat. . With With one one of of the the worldworlds s highest highest rates rates of of population population growth growth 3.46 3.46 percent, Yemen is the poorest Arab country.percent, Yemen is the poorest Arab country.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 The The government go

607、vernment is is considering considering desalinating desalinating ( (淡淡化化) ) seawater, seawater, but but this this would would be be expensive expensive and and it it may may now now be be too too late. late. The The only only other other solution solution is is to to cut cut down down on on farming,

608、 farming, but but that that means importing even more food.means importing even more food.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.The passage aims to _.)1.The passage aims to _. A Aanalyze the reasons why Yemen lacks analyze the reasons why Yemen lacks waterwater B Bsuggest some solutions for the water suggest some

609、solutions for the water issue in Yemenissue in Yemen C Cpresent how serious the water problem is present how serious the water problem is in Yemenin Yemen D Dencourage the world to help Yemenis who encourage the world to help Yemenis who are suffering from water shortageare suffering from water shor

610、tage专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.When )2.When HannanHannan said that only the rich said that only the rich could prepare for cuts in supply, she meant that could prepare for cuts in supply, she meant that _._. A Arich people drank more water than the rich people drank more water than the poorpoor B Brich

611、people could buy water from the rich people could buy water from the water trucks if there was a water supply cutwater trucks if there was a water supply cut C Cshe had a rich neighbor who often helped she had a rich neighbor who often helped her during water supply cuther during water supply cut D

612、Dthe rich were not affected by water the rich were not affected by water supply cutsupply cut专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.Which of the following may be a )3.Which of the following may be a reason why Yemen is short of water?reason why Yemen is short of water? A AThe country has had no rain for a long The

613、country has had no rain for a long time.time. B BThe population of Yemen is growing fast.The population of Yemen is growing fast. C CThe government has failed to reduce The government has failed to reduce farming. farming. D DPeople canPeople cant afford the water from t afford the water from govern

614、ment water trucks.government water trucks.专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.The best title for the passage )4.The best title for the passage is_.is_. A ANever take water for grantedNever take water for granted B BThe water truckThe water truckthe commonest sight in the commonest sight in YemenYemen C CThe firs

615、t country to run out of water in The first country to run out of water in the worldthe world D DNo water for YemenNo water for Yemen专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 由于西南亚的也门是一个水资源特别由于西南亚的也门是一个水资源特别匮乏的国家,在这里,水资源的匮乏已经延续了几千年,匮乏的国家,在这里,水资源的匮乏已经延续了几千年,而地区冲突、人口的快速增长等问题使这个地区的饮水而地区冲突、人口的快速增长等问题使这个地区的饮水问题特别突出。也门也

616、是最贫穷的阿拉伯国家。问题特别突出。也门也是最贫穷的阿拉伯国家。 1 1C C推理判断题。从全文内容可知,本文的中心推理判断题。从全文内容可知,本文的中心话题是介绍也门这个国家的饮水困难。话题是介绍也门这个国家的饮水困难。专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 2 2B B细节理解题。第一段说只有富人才能买得起细节理解题。第一段说只有富人才能买得起水,第三段水,第三段HannanHannan说,只有富人能为水供应减少做好准说,只有富人能为水供应减少做好准备,即,假如减少了饮用水的供应,富人能花钱买水用,备,即,假如减少了饮用水的供应,富人能花钱买水用,而穷人则只能依靠降雨或慈善机构的施舍。而穷人则只

617、能依靠降雨或慈善机构的施舍。 3 3B B细节理解题。从倒数第二段可知,也门的饮细节理解题。从倒数第二段可知,也门的饮用水短缺是长期存在的问题,而这个国家人口的快速增用水短缺是长期存在的问题,而这个国家人口的快速增长使这个问题更突出。长使这个问题更突出。专题专题 六六 专题预测专题预测 4 4D D主旨大意题。从所给四个选项看,主旨大意题。从所给四个选项看,A A项项“不不要以为水是理所当然的要以为水是理所当然的”与本文的核心话题无关,与本文的核心话题无关,B B“水车,也门街头最常见的风景水车,也门街头最常见的风景”只是也门缺水的结果,只是也门缺水的结果,只是文章内容的一部分,只是文章内容的

618、一部分,C C“世界上第一个用完水的国世界上第一个用完水的国家家”不全面,而不全面,而D D项项“也门没有水也门没有水”最能形象地表达全最能形象地表达全文的内容。文的内容。专题七社会生活类专题七社会生活类专题专题 七七 社会生活类社会生活类专题导读专题专题 七七 专题导读专题导读 社社会会生生活活类类阅阅读读文文章章在在高高考考中中的的出出现现频频率率较较高高。它它涉涉及及人人们们衣衣、食食、住住、行行等等方方面面的的社社会会万万象象、生生活活经经历历、饮饮食食、饮饮食食与与健健康康、休休闲闲与与娱娱乐乐、旅旅游游、生生态态旅旅游游、服服装装、住住房房等等等等内内容容。这这类类文文章章同同学学


620、案。在准确理解了细节的前提下,最终确定最佳答案。真题再现专题专题 七七 真题再现真题再现 20102010陕西陕西 Stop Spam!Stop Spam! When I first got an e When I first got an e mail account ten years mail account ten years ago, I received communications only from family, ago, I received communications only from family, friends, and colleagues. Now it s

621、eems that every friends, and colleagues. Now it seems that every time I check my etime I check my e mail, I have an endless series of mail, I have an endless series of advertisements and other advertisements and other correspondencecorrespondence that do not that do not interest me at all. If we wan

622、t einterest me at all. If we want e mail to continue to mail to continue to be useful, we need specific laws that make spammingbe useful, we need specific laws that make spamming( (发送垃圾邮件发送垃圾邮件) a crime. ) a crime. 专题专题 七七 真题再现真题再现 If lawmakers do not do something soon to If lawmakers do not do some

623、thing soon to prohibit spam, the problem will certainly get prohibit spam, the problem will certainly get much worse. Computer programs allow spammers to much worse. Computer programs allow spammers to send hundreds of millions of esend hundreds of millions of e mails almost mails almost instantly.

624、As more and more advertisers turn to instantly. As more and more advertisers turn to spam to sell their products, individual(spam to sell their products, individual(个人的个人的) ) e e mail boxes are often flooded with spam email boxes are often flooded with spam e mails. mails. Would people continue to u

625、se eWould people continue to use e mail if they had mail if they had to deal with an annoying amount of spam each to deal with an annoying amount of spam each time?time?专题专题 七七 真题再现真题再现 This problem is troubling for individuals This problem is troubling for individuals and companies as well. Many sp

626、am eand companies as well. Many spam e mails contain mails contain computer viruses that can shut down the entire computer viruses that can shut down the entire network of a company. Companies rely on enetwork of a company. Companies rely on e mail mail for their employees to communicate with each f

627、or their employees to communicate with each other. Spam frequently causes failures in their other. Spam frequently causes failures in their local communications networks, and their local communications networks, and their employees are thus unable to communicateemployees are thus unable to communica

628、te专题专题 七七 真题再现真题再现effectively. Such a situation results in a effectively. Such a situation results in a loss of productivity and requires companies to loss of productivity and requires companies to repeatedly repair their networks. These repeatedly repair their networks. These computer problems rais

629、e production costs of computer problems raise production costs of companies, which are, in the end, passes on to companies, which are, in the end, passes on to the consumer. the consumer. 专题专题 七七 真题再现真题再现 For these reasons, I believe that lawmakers For these reasons, I believe that lawmakers need to

630、 legislate (need to legislate (立法立法) against spam. Spammers ) against spam. Spammers should be fined, and perhaps sent to prison if should be fined, and perhaps sent to prison if they continue to disturb people. Ethey continue to disturb people. E mail is a mail is a tool which helps people all over

631、 the world to tool which helps people all over the world to communicate conveniently, but spam is destroying communicate conveniently, but spam is destroying this convenience. this convenience. ( ()1.What does the underlined word )1.What does the underlined word “correspondencecorrespondence” in Par

632、agraph 1 probably mean? in Paragraph 1 probably mean? A AMessages.Messages.B BIdeas.Ideas. C CConnections. DConnections. DPrograms.Programs.专题专题 七七 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2.According to the text, what is the )2.According to the text, what is the major cause of the flooding spam? major cause of the flooding sp

633、am? A ACompanies rely on eCompanies rely on e mail for mail for munications. B BMore people in the world communicate by More people in the world communicate by e e mail. mail. C CMany computer viruses contain spam eMany computer viruses contain spam e mail.mail. D DMore advertisers begin to promote

634、sales More advertisers begin to promote sales through spam. through spam. 专题专题 七七 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3.According to Paragraph 3, who is )3.According to Paragraph 3, who is the final victim of spam?the final victim of spam? A AThe business. BThe business. BThe advertiser.The advertiser. C CThe employee. DT

635、he employee. DThe consumer. The consumer. ( ()4.What is the purpose of the text?)4.What is the purpose of the text? A ATo inform. BTo inform. BTo educate.To educate. C CTo persuade. DTo persuade. DTo instruct.To instruct.专题专题 七七 真题再现真题再现 【文章大意文章大意】 随着网络信息技术的发展,越来越多随着网络信息技术的发展,越来越多的人们使用网络邮箱来传递信息,但现在垃

636、圾邮件的泛的人们使用网络邮箱来传递信息,但现在垃圾邮件的泛滥已经成为网络用户们深恶痛绝的事情,人们呼吁立法滥已经成为网络用户们深恶痛绝的事情,人们呼吁立法来阻止垃圾邮件的泛滥。来阻止垃圾邮件的泛滥。 1 1A A词义猜测题。根据本文中的词义猜测题。根据本文中的e e mailmail一词以及一词以及endless series of advertisementsendless series of advertisements可以推断出可以推断出correspondencecorrespondence在此处意思是:信件,垃圾邮件,由此在此处意思是:信件,垃圾邮件,由此可知本题选可知本题选A A。

637、专题专题 七七 真题再现真题再现 2 2D D推理判断题。由第二自然段中的推理判断题。由第二自然段中的As more As more and more advertisers turn to spam to sell their and more advertisers turn to spam to sell their products, products, individuaindividua( (个人的个人的)l e)l e mail boxes are mail boxes are often flooded with spam eoften flooded with spam e

638、mails. mails. 一句可知本题选一句可知本题选D D。 3 3D D推理判断题。根据本段的最后一句可知本题推理判断题。根据本段的最后一句可知本题选选D D。 4 4C C推理判断题。通读全文可知本文作者摆出了推理判断题。通读全文可知本文作者摆出了垃圾邮件的危害,其目的是说服立法人员尽快出台法律垃圾邮件的危害,其目的是说服立法人员尽快出台法律阻止垃圾邮件的蔓延,故本题选阻止垃圾邮件的蔓延,故本题选C C。 专题预测专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 ( (一一) ) I told my friend Graham that I often cycle I told my friend G

639、raham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to the town center the two miles from my house to the town center but unfortunately there is a big hill on the but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route. He replied, route. He replied, “You mean fortunately.You mean fortunately.” He He ex

640、plained that I should be glad of the extra explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided.exercise that the hill provided.专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to grumble as I approached it but n

641、ow I tell myself to grumble as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to lose weight and get fit. lungs. It will help me to lose weight and get fit. It will mean that I live

642、longer. This hill is my It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend. Finally as I went my way up the incline I friend. Finally as I went my way up the incline I console myself with the thought of all those silly console myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to g

643、o to a gym and sit on people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on stationery exercise bicycles when I can get the stationery exercise bicycles when I can get the same value for free. I have a smug smile of same value for free. I have a smug smile of satisfaction as I reach the top of the hill. sa

644、tisfaction as I reach the top of the hill. 专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 Problems are there to be faced and overcome. Problems are there to be faced and overcome. We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person Helen Kel

645、ler was the first deaf and blind person to gain a University degree. Her activism and to gain a University degree. Her activism and writing proved inspirational. She wrote, writing proved inspirational. She wrote, “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Character cannot be developed in eas

646、e and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.ambition inspired and success achieved.”专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 One

647、 of the main determinants of success One of the main determinants of success in life is our attitude towards adversity. in life is our attitude towards adversity. From time to time we all face hardships, From time to time we all face hardships, problems, accidents, afflictions and problems, accident

648、s, afflictions and difficulties. Some are of our making but difficulties. Some are of our making but many confront us through no fault of our many confront us through no fault of our own. Whilst we cannot choose the adversity own. Whilst we cannot choose the adversity we can choose our attitude towa

649、rds it.we can choose our attitude towards it.专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs amputated following a flying accident. both legs amputated following a flying accident. He was determined to fly again and went on to He was deter

650、mined to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces in the become one of the leading flying aces in the Battle of Britain with 22 aerial victories over Battle of Britain with 22 aerial victories over the Germans. He was an inspiration to others the Germans. He was an inspiration

651、to others during the war. He said, during the war. He said, “DonDont listen to t listen to anyone who tells you that you cananyone who tells you that you cant do this ort do this or专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测that. Thatthat. Thats nonsense. Make up your mind, s nonsense. Make up your mind, youyoull never use cr

652、utches or a stick, then ll never use crutches or a stick, then have a go at everything. Go to school, join in have a go at everything. Go to school, join in all the games you can. Go anywhere you want all the games you can. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them persuade you to. But neve

653、r, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible.that things are too difficult or impossible.”专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 The The biographies biographies of of great great people people are are littered littered with with examples examples of of how how they they took took these these

654、 kinds kinds of of steps steps to to overcome overcome the the difficulties difficulties they they faced. faced. The The common common thread thread is is that that they they did did not not become become defeatist defeatist or or depressed. depressed. They They chose chose their their attitude. att

655、itude. They They chose chose to to be be positive. positive. They They took took on on the challenge. They won. the challenge. They won. 专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.The writer has a smug smile of )1.The writer has a smug smile of satisfaction as he reaches the top of the hill satisfaction as he reaches t

656、he top of the hill because_.because_. A Ahe was actually killing two birds with a he was actually killing two birds with a stonestone B Bcompared with those silly people, he was compared with those silly people, he was smartersmarter C Che lost weight by cycling to the town he lost weight by cycling

657、 to the town center every daycenter every day D Dhe was informed of a short route from his he was informed of a short route from his house to the townhouse to the town专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.The writer quoted Helen Keller and her )2.The writer quoted Helen Keller and her saying as an example to demon

658、strate_.saying as an example to demonstrate_. A Aone cannot achieve anything with an easy one cannot achieve anything with an easy lifelife B Bonly disabled persons can experience only disabled persons can experience hardship deeplyhardship deeply C Coneones success is determined by nothing but s su

659、ccess is determined by nothing but his / her attitudehis / her attitude D Ditits rare for a deaf and blind person to s rare for a deaf and blind person to gain a University degree.gain a University degree.专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.From this passage we know that )3.From this passage we know that Douglas

660、 Bader was a person of_.Douglas Bader was a person of_. A Aindividual and creative characterindividual and creative character B Bstubborn yet charming personalitystubborn yet charming personality C Cgreat bravery and strong willgreat bravery and strong will D Dexcellent speaker with great influencee

661、xcellent speaker with great influence ( ()4.In writing style, the last paragraph )4.In writing style, the last paragraph serves as_.serves as_. A Aan explanation Ban explanation Ba demonstrationa demonstration C Can introduction Dan introduction Da summarizationa summarization专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文

662、章大意】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者骑自这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者骑自行车到市中心要经过一段山路,作者对此颇有微词,但行车到市中心要经过一段山路,作者对此颇有微词,但友人的一番话使他改变了对此的态度,并由此对人生的友人的一番话使他改变了对此的态度,并由此对人生的逆境有了新的感悟。逆境有了新的感悟。 1 1A A推理判断题。从第二段的叙述看,作者改变推理判断题。从第二段的叙述看,作者改变了对这段山路的态度,因为这段山路锻炼了他的心和肺,了对这段山路的态度,因为这段山路锻炼了他的心和肺,文中的文中的heartheart暗示锻炼了他的意志,而暗示锻炼了他的意志,而lungslungs只对身体的只

663、对身体的锻炼,因此可谓一石二鸟,起到了双重作用。锻炼,因此可谓一石二鸟,起到了双重作用。专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 2 2A A推理判断题。第三段开头说,问题是要去面推理判断题。第三段开头说,问题是要去面对并克服的。如果总是过着悠闲的日子,我们就不能获对并克服的。如果总是过着悠闲的日子,我们就不能获得任何成就。然后作者以海伦得任何成就。然后作者以海伦凯勒为例子阐述了这个凯勒为例子阐述了这个观点。观点。 3 3C C推理判断题。从文章对他的叙述可知,他在推理判断题。从文章对他的叙述可知,他在19311931年的一次飞行事故中失去了双腿,但靠着顽强的毅年的一次飞行事故中失去了双腿,但靠着顽强

664、的毅力,他重上蓝天,获得了力,他重上蓝天,获得了2222次对德国空战的胜利。从他次对德国空战的胜利。从他的行动以及他的话判断,他是一个有毅力的勇敢的人。的行动以及他的话判断,他是一个有毅力的勇敢的人。专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 4 4D D篇章结构题。从文章的篇章结构看,最后篇章结构题。从文章的篇章结构看,最后一段作者根据前面的叙述下结论:伟人的传记都有不一段作者根据前面的叙述下结论:伟人的传记都有不少这样的例子,面对厄运,他们没有被打败,而是积少这样的例子,面对厄运,他们没有被打败,而是积极面对,迎接挑战并且战胜了困难。极面对,迎接挑战并且战胜了困难。专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测

665、( (二二) ) Being a good parent is harder now than it Being a good parent is harder now than it has ever been before. In pressurized modern has ever been before. In pressurized modern lives, demands to be a fulfilled individual, a lives, demands to be a fulfilled individual, a good partner and a good w

666、orker, take no account good partner and a good worker, take no account of being a good parent. We havenof being a good parent. We havent left space t left space for the nurturing parents who are expected to for the nurturing parents who are expected to provide what children need. As a result, many p

667、rovide what children need. As a result, many families in the western world just donfamilies in the western world just dont work.t work.专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 Something will have to change. With luck, Something will have to change. With luck, people in the future will only have children if people in the fu

668、ture will only have children if they really want them. That should mean they really want them. That should mean parenthood is seen as a much more positive parenthood is seen as a much more positive promise than it is now, that parents are promise than it is now, that parents are socially supported,

669、and are admired for doing a socially supported, and are admired for doing a good job.good job.专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 The problem is that in the last generation or The problem is that in the last generation or so weso weve come to assume that women should want ve come to assume that women should want and b

670、e able to do everything that by tradition and be able to do everything that by tradition men have done at the same time as pretty well men have done at the same time as pretty well everything that by tradition women have done. And everything that by tradition women have done. And itits just not poss

671、ible. Since adopting a male s just not possible. Since adopting a male life style is demonstrably only another form of life style is demonstrably only another form of submission(submission(顺从顺从), quite a number of highly ), quite a number of highly educated and economically privileged(educated and e

672、conomically privileged(优越的优越的)women )women are now choosing to take career breaks so as to are now choosing to take career breaks so as to be at home with their children for longer than be at home with their children for longer than that poor 18 weeks.that poor 18 weeks.专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 The most wel

673、coming trend in parenting is The most welcoming trend in parenting is that men are participating more and more, even that men are participating more and more, even that is not free of conflict, however. that is not free of conflict, however. Intellectually(Intellectually(理智上理智上), women want men to b

674、e ), women want men to be equal parents and do their share. But thereequal parents and do their share. But theres s often a contradictory(often a contradictory(矛盾的矛盾的)emotion because )emotion because children are the last fort of the female power children are the last fort of the female power in the

675、 family. in the family. “I want him to help me but this I want him to help me but this is my region and being better at it is one of is my region and being better at it is one of the new things Ithe new things Ive got as a female.ve got as a female.” In In truth, truth, 专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测although they

676、 havenalthough they havent had generations of t had generations of practice, therepractice, theres no reason why men cans no reason why men cant t raise children as well as women. Men left to raise children as well as women. Men left to cope after cope after bereavementbereavement or divorce, as wel

677、l as or divorce, as well as some who take on the role of principal career some who take on the role of principal career within a partnership, are already doing it.within a partnership, are already doing it.专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.Why is it more difficult today to be )1.Why is it more difficult today

678、to be good parents?good parents? A ABecause parents donBecause parents dont want to face the t want to face the pressure of rearing children.pressure of rearing children. B BBecause children are independent and Because children are independent and dondont need to be taken care of.t need to be taken

679、care of. C CBecause husbands and wives have little Because husbands and wives have little time to talk to each other.time to talk to each other. D DBecause people want to fulfill their own Because people want to fulfill their own dreams, leaving no time to look after children.dreams, leaving no time

680、 to look after children.专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.We can learn from the passage that )2.We can learn from the passage that _._. A Apeople in future will not be as people in future will not be as interested in children as people at presentinterested in children as people at present B Bparenthood will be

681、 considered as a parenthood will be considered as a positive commitment as it is nowpositive commitment as it is now C Cwomen do better in rearing children than women do better in rearing children than menmen D Dparents will receive admiration for parents will receive admiration for taking good care

682、 of childrentaking good care of children专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.Nowadays, a lot of highly educated )3.Nowadays, a lot of highly educated and economically privileged women_.and economically privileged women_. A Atend to stay at home for more than 18 tend to stay at home for more than 18 weeksweeks B B

683、tend to adopt a male life styletend to adopt a male life style C Ctend to quit their jobs and stay at hometend to quit their jobs and stay at home D Dtend to be submissive wivestend to be submissive wives专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.It seems that in parenting, women )4.It seems that in parenting, women _.

684、_. A Aare contradictory in their thoughtsare contradictory in their thoughts B Bdemand equality between sexesdemand equality between sexes C Ctend to leave children to their husbandstend to leave children to their husbands D Doften quarrel with their husbandsoften quarrel with their husbands专题专题 七七

685、专题预测专题预测 ( ()5.The underlined word )5.The underlined word “bereavementbereavement” in the in the parapara 4 probably means _. 4 probably means _. A Adeparture of his wifedeparture of his wife B Bdeath of his wifedeath of his wife C Creturn of his wifereturn of his wife D Dannoyance of his wifeannoya

686、nce of his wife专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 本文讲述了为人父母的问题,当今社本文讲述了为人父母的问题,当今社会为人父母越来越不容易,现在社会人们对做父母有何会为人父母越来越不容易,现在社会人们对做父母有何种倾向呢?种倾向呢? 1 1D D细节理解题。根据文章第一段,作者提到了细节理解题。根据文章第一段,作者提到了“压力重重的现代社会压力重重的现代社会”、“做个实现自己抱负的人做个实现自己抱负的人”和和“我们没有为父母留下教育孩子的空间我们没有为父母留下教育孩子的空间”,这些都解,这些都解释了为什么现在做个好父母比以往任何时候都要艰难。释了为什么现在做个

687、好父母比以往任何时候都要艰难。专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 2 2D D细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“that that parents are socially supported, and are admired parents are socially supported, and are admired for doing a good job.for doing a good job.”,可知答案为,可知答案为D D。第二段第二。第二段第二句句“With luck, people in the future will only With luck,

688、 people in the future will only have children if they really want them.have children if they really want them.”,但不能,但不能由此推出由此推出A A;B B与本段第三句与本段第三句“That should mean That should mean parenthood is seen as a much more positive parenthood is seen as a much more positive promisepromise”不符;由最后一段倒数第二句不符;由最

689、后一段倒数第二句“In truth, In truth, although they havenalthough they havent had generations of t had generations of practicepractice,”可看出可看出C C错。错。专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 3 3A A细节理解题。第三段第三句细节理解题。第三段第三句“事实上,由事实上,由于选择男性的生存方式可以说是另一形式的男尊女卑,于选择男性的生存方式可以说是另一形式的男尊女卑,许多受过高等教育以及经济地位优越的妇女都情愿有许多受过高等教育以及经济地位优越的妇女都情愿有一段职业间隙,这

690、样和孩子一起呆的时间就能长一点,一段职业间隙,这样和孩子一起呆的时间就能长一点,而不仅是那可怜的而不仅是那可怜的1818周产假。周产假。”B B和原文和原文“由于选择男由于选择男性的生存方式可以说是另性的生存方式可以说是另”相反;相反;C C错在错在quitquit上,上,注意文中注意文中breaks(breaks(间歇间歇) )的意思。职业女性正是不愿意的意思。职业女性正是不愿意男尊女卑才情愿在家呆段时间,所以男尊女卑才情愿在家呆段时间,所以D D也错。也错。专题专题 七七 专题预测专题预测 4 4A A推理判断题。根据第四段推理判断题。根据第四段 “Intellectually(Intel

691、lectually(理智上理智上), women want men to be ), women want men to be equal parents and do their share. But thereequal parents and do their share. But theres s often a contradictory(often a contradictory(矛盾的矛盾的)emotion)emotion”可看出答可看出答案。案。B B只是原文的部分内容;只是原文的部分内容;C C、D D文中未提及。文中未提及。 5 5B B词义猜测题。最后一段最后一句提到两种

692、需词义猜测题。最后一段最后一句提到两种需要男人独立承担照顾孩子的情况,一是离婚,那么根据要男人独立承担照顾孩子的情况,一是离婚,那么根据常识另一种应该是丧偶。常识另一种应该是丧偶。专题八科普知识类专题八科普知识类专题专题 八八 科普知识类科普知识类专题导读专题专题 八八 专题导读专题导读 科科普普类类文文章章是是高高考考阅阅读读理理解解中中的的难难点点题题材材,其其取取材材密密切切联联系系当当前前经经济济和和科科技技等等方方面面的的变变化化,以以介介绍绍某某一一科科学学现现象象居居多多。科科普普类类文文章章具具有有结结构构严严谨谨,逻逻辑辑性性强强等等特特点点。其其主主要要命命题题形形式式有有

693、事事实实细细节节题题、词词义义猜猜测测题题、推推理理判判断断题题以以及及主主旨旨概概括括题题等等,其其中中推推理理判判断断题题居居多多。从从词词汇汇角角度度来来看看,在在科科普普类类文文章章中中,词词汇汇的的意意义义比比较较专专一一、稳稳定定、简简明明、不不带带感感情情色色彩彩,具具有有单单一一性性和和准准确确性性的的特特点点。从从语语法法和和句句子子结结构构方方面面看看,句句子子结结构构较较复复杂杂,长长难难句较多,语法分析较困难。文章中常用被动语态、定语句较多,语法分析较困难。文章中常用被动语态、定语专题专题 八八 专题导读专题导读从从句句等等。科科普普文文常常用用的的修修辞辞手手段段有有


695、适当运用比喻,能够增强说明的形象性专题专题 八八 专题导读专题导读和生动性。科普说明文在结构上常采用写作方法有:和生动性。科普说明文在结构上常采用写作方法有:(1)(1)总分式。在说明事物或事理时,段落总分式。在说明事物或事理时,段落( (层次层次) )之间有一个总之间有一个总分关系,表现为由总到分、由分到总。分关系,表现为由总到分、由分到总。(2)(2)承接式。各层承接式。各层之间按照事物的发展过程,或者按时间、因果、条件等关之间按照事物的发展过程,或者按时间、因果、条件等关系安排,前后相互承接。系安排,前后相互承接。(3)(3)递进式。后边在前边的基础递进式。后边在前边的基础上进一步说明,

696、各层之间的关系是由浅入深。文章的命题上进一步说明,各层之间的关系是由浅入深。文章的命题除了遵循科普阅读的命题方式外,还经常考查文章的篇章除了遵循科普阅读的命题方式外,还经常考查文章的篇章结构和修辞手法。结构和修辞手法。真题再现专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 2010 2010山东山东 Batteries can power anything from small Batteries can power anything from small sensors to large systems. While scientists are sensors to large systems. Whi

697、le scientists are finding ways to make them smaller but even more finding ways to make them smaller but even more powerful, problems can arise when these powerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices them

698、selves. University of devices themselves. University of Missouri(MUMissouri(MU) ) researchers are developing a nuclear energy researchers are developing a nuclear energy source that is smaller, lighter and more source that is smaller, lighter and more efficient. efficient. 专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 “To provi

699、de enough powerTo provide enough power,we need certain we need certain methods with high energy density (methods with high energy density (密度密度) ),”said Jae said Jae KwonKwon,assistant professor of electrical and computer assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at MU. engineering

700、at MU. “The radioisotope (The radioisotope (放射性同位素放射性同位素)battery can provide power density that is much )battery can provide power density that is much higher than chemical batteries.higher than chemical batteries.” Kwon and his research team have been working on Kwon and his research team have been

701、 working on building a small nuclear batterybuilding a small nuclear battery,presently the size presently the size and thickness of a pennyand thickness of a penny,intended to power various intended to power various micro/micro/nanoelectromechanicalnanoelectromechanical systems systems(M/NEMS)(M/NEM

702、S)Although nuclear batteries can cause Although nuclear batteries can cause concernsconcerns,Kwon said they are safe.Kwon said they are safe.专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 “People hear the word People hear the word nuclearnuclearandand think think of something very dangerousof something very dangerous,”he said. h

703、e said. “HoweverHowever,nuclear power sources have already nuclear power sources have already been safely powering a variety of devicesbeen safely powering a variety of devices,such such as paceas pace makersmakers,space satellites and underwater space satellites and underwater systems.systems.” His

704、 new idea is not only in the battery His new idea is not only in the batterys s sizesize,but also in its semiconductor(but also in its semiconductor(半导体半导体) )KwonKwons battery uses a liquid semiconductor s battery uses a liquid semiconductor rather than a solid semiconductor.rather than a solid semi

705、conductor.专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 “The key part of using a radioactive battery The key part of using a radioactive battery is that when you harvest the energyis that when you harvest the energy,part of the part of the radiation energy can damage the lattice radiation energy can damage the lattice structure

706、(structure(晶格结构晶格结构) of the solid semiconductor) of the solid semiconductor,”Kwon Kwon said.said.“ByBy using a liquid semiconductor using a liquid semiconductor,we we believe we can minimize that problem.believe we can minimize that problem.”专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 Together with J. David RobertsonTogether

707、with J. David Robertson,chemistry chemistry professor and associate director of the MU professor and associate director of the MU Research ReactorResearch Reactor,Kwon is working to build and Kwon is working to build and test the battery. In the futuretest the battery. In the future,they hope to the

708、y hope to increase the batteryincrease the batterys powers power,shrink its size and shrink its size and try with various other materials. Kwon said that try with various other materials. Kwon said that the battery could be thinner than the thickness of the battery could be thinner than the thicknes

709、s of human hair.human hair.专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1.Which of the following is true of Jae )1.Which of the following is true of Jae Kwon?Kwon? A AHe teaches chemistry at MU.He teaches chemistry at MU. B BHe developed a chemical battery. He developed a chemical battery. C CHe is working on a nuclear ene

710、rgy source.He is working on a nuclear energy source. D DHe made a breakthrough in computer He made a breakthrough in computer engineering. engineering. 专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2.Jae Kwon gave examples in Paragraph 4 )2.Jae Kwon gave examples in Paragraph 4 _. _. A Ato show chemical batteries are widely

711、 appliedto show chemical batteries are widely applied B Bto introduce nuclear batteries can be safely to introduce nuclear batteries can be safely usedused C Cto describe a to describe a nuclearnuclear poweredpowered system system D Dto introduce various energy sourcesto introduce various energy sou

712、rces专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3.Liquid semiconductor is used )3.Liquid semiconductor is used to_. to_. A Aget rid of the radioactive wasteget rid of the radioactive waste B Btest the power of nuclear batteriestest the power of nuclear batteries C Cdecrease the size of nuclear batteriesdecrease the size o

713、f nuclear batteries D Dreduce the damage to lattice structurereduce the damage to lattice structure专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 ( ()4.According to Jae Kwon, his nuclear )4.According to Jae Kwon, his nuclear battery_. battery_. A Auses a solid semiconductoruses a solid semiconductor B Bwill soon replace the pres

714、ent oneswill soon replace the present ones C Ccould be extremely thincould be extremely thin D Dhas passed the final testhas passed the final test专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 ( ()5.The text is most probably a_. )5.The text is most probably a_. A Ascience news reportscience news report B Bbook reviewbook review

715、C Cnewspaper adnewspaper ad D Dscience fiction storyscience fiction story专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 【文章大意文章大意】 本文属于科普类文章。主要介绍一种本文属于科普类文章。主要介绍一种体积更小、能量更大、优点更多的新能源电池的开发。体积更小、能量更大、优点更多的新能源电池的开发。 1 1C C细节理解题。根据文章第二段细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Jae Kwon, Jae Kwon, assistant professor of electrical and computer assistant professo

716、r of electrical and computer engineering at MU.engineering at MU.”排除排除A A项;参照第二段项;参照第二段“The The radioisotope(radioisotope(放射性同位素放射性同位素) battery can provide ) battery can provide power density that is much higher than chemical power density that is much higher than chemical batteries.batteries.”排除排除B

717、 B项;文章无项;文章无D D项内容。参照第三段内容项内容。参照第三段内容可推测可推测C C项正确。项正确。专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 2 2B B推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知,推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知,KwonKwon举例的目的是为了说明核电池是安全的,所以举例的目的是为了说明核电池是安全的,所以B B项正确。项正确。 3 3D D细节理解题。判断参照第六段细节理解题。判断参照第六段“The key The key partpartdamagedamageBy using a liquid semiconductor, By using a liquid semiconduct

718、or, we believe we can minimize that problem.we believe we can minimize that problem.” 可知可知D D项正确。项正确。专题专题 八八 真题再现真题再现 4 4C C推理判断题、根据文章最后一句话推理判断题、根据文章最后一句话“Kwon Kwon said that the battery could be thinner than the said that the battery could be thinner than the thickness of human hair.thickness of hu

719、man hair.”可以判断可以判断 C C项正确。项正确。 5 5A A推理判断题。本文讲述了核电池的有关情况,推理判断题。本文讲述了核电池的有关情况,文章体裁应属于科普文章,所以文章体裁应属于科普文章,所以A A项正确。项正确。专题预测专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 ( (一一) ) It Its hardly surprising that weather is a s hardly surprising that weather is a favorite topic for so many people around the world favorite topic for so

720、many people around the world it affects where we choose to live, what we wear, it affects where we choose to live, what we wear, our moods, and perhaps even our national features. A our moods, and perhaps even our national features. A sunny day can lessen the deepest sadness, while very sunny day ca

721、n lessen the deepest sadness, while very bad weather can destroy homes and threaten lives.bad weather can destroy homes and threaten lives.专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 The human race has always tried to guess the The human race has always tried to guess the weather, especially in areas of the world where weathe

722、r, especially in areas of the world where there are many changes. Two popular traditional ways there are many changes. Two popular traditional ways of predicting weather use pine cones (of predicting weather use pine cones (松果松果) and ) and seaweed. When the air has a high level of humidity seaweed.

723、When the air has a high level of humidity ( (湿度湿度) there is a higher chance of rain. When the ) there is a higher chance of rain. When the humidity is low, there is more chance of fine humidity is low, there is more chance of fine weather. Pine cones and seaweed react to changes in weather. Pine con

724、es and seaweed react to changes in humidityhumiditypine cones open and seaweed feels dry when pine cones open and seaweed feels dry when the humidity is low, while high humidity has the the humidity is low, while high humidity has the opposite effect.opposite effect.专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 TodayTodays meth

725、ods of prediction increasingly s methods of prediction increasingly depend on technology. Satellites, balloons, ships, depend on technology. Satellites, balloons, ships, aircraft and weather centers with monitoring aircraft and weather centers with monitoring equipment, send data to computers. The d

726、ata is equipment, send data to computers. The data is then processed, and the weather is predicted. then processed, and the weather is predicted. However, even this system cannot predict weather However, even this system cannot predict weather for longer than about a week.for longer than about a wee

727、k.专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 A recent study by an Australian scientist A recent study by an Australian scientist suggests that certain people may have a special suggests that certain people may have a special gift for predicting weather. However, it is gift for predicting weather. However, it is possible that

728、 these people could use their talent possible that these people could use their talent in another way, since the same group had a lot of in another way, since the same group had a lot of success in predicting changes in another systemsuccess in predicting changes in another systemthe stock market (t

729、he stock market (股市股市) )专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 It It appears appears that that a a study study of of weather weather may may also also enable enable scientists scientists to to predict predict the the sudden sudden start start of of a a disease. disease. An An Ebola Ebola epidemic epidemic (a (a kind kind

730、 of of disease) disease) in in Uganda Uganda in in the the year year 2000 2000 came came after after the the same same rare rare weather weather conditions conditions that that had had been been present present before before a a sudden sudden spread spread of of the the disease disease 6 6 years yea

731、rs earlier. earlier. Efforts Efforts to to limit limit the the spread spread of of airborne airborne diseases diseases such such as as foot foot and and mouth mouth are are also also strongly strongly dependent dependent on favorable wind conditions.on favorable wind conditions.专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 ( ()

732、1.Paragraph 1 is written mainly to tell )1.Paragraph 1 is written mainly to tell us_.us_. A Awhy weather is many peoplewhy weather is many peoples favorite s favorite topictopic B Bthe relationship between weather and moodsthe relationship between weather and moods C Cdifferent weather conditions ar

733、ound the different weather conditions around the worldworld D Dthe effect of very bad weatherthe effect of very bad weather专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.We can conclude from the passage )2.We can conclude from the passage that _.that _. A Amany people donmany people dont think weather has t think weather h

734、as anything to do with moodsanything to do with moods B Bit is easier to predict good weather than it is easier to predict good weather than bad weatherbad weather C Cmeasuring humidity is a new technique to measuring humidity is a new technique to predict weather changespredict weather changes D Dw

735、hen pine cones close, it means that when pine cones close, it means that itits likely to rains likely to rain专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.Which of the following is a traditional )3.Which of the following is a traditional way of predicting weather?way of predicting weather? A AUsing satellites and balloons

736、.Using satellites and balloons. B BUsing seaweed.Using seaweed. C CUsing ships and aircraft.Using ships and aircraft. D DUsing monitoring equipment.Using monitoring equipment.专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.It is implied in the passage )4.It is implied in the passage that_.that_. A Asome diseases can be dead

737、ly in bad some diseases can be deadly in bad weatherweather B Bthe Ebola epidemic happened more than the Ebola epidemic happened more than twice in Ugandatwice in Uganda C Citits possible to predict the outbreak of s possible to predict the outbreak of some diseases by studying the weathersome disea

738、ses by studying the weather D Dthe Ebola epidemic wonthe Ebola epidemic wont spread again t spread again with the development of sciencewith the development of science专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 天气对人类的影响巨大,它是人们最天气对人类的影响巨大,它是人们最喜欢的一个话题。随着科技的发展,人类能够越来越准喜欢的一个话题。随着科技的发展,人类能够越来越准确地预测天气。确地预测天气。 1 1A A作者意图

739、题。第一段第一句为本段的主题句,作者意图题。第一段第一句为本段的主题句,下文用来解释天气是人们最喜欢的话题的原因,故答案下文用来解释天气是人们最喜欢的话题的原因,故答案为为A A。 2 2D D推理判断题。根据第二段推理判断题。根据第二段When the air has When the air has a high level of humidity(a high level of humidity(湿度湿度) )和和pine cones pine cones open and seaweed feels dry when the humidity is open and seaweed f

740、eels dry when the humidity is lowlow可推断,松果关闭时,空气湿度高,可能会下雨,可推断,松果关闭时,空气湿度高,可能会下雨,故答案为故答案为D D。专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 3 3B B细节理解题。根据第三段细节理解题。根据第三段TodayTodays methods s methods of prediction increasingly depend on of prediction increasingly depend on technologytechnology可知,可知,A A、C C、D D三项均为现在预测天气的三项均为现在预测天气的

741、科技设备;根据第二段内容可知,观察科技设备;根据第二段内容可知,观察seaweedseaweed属于传属于传统的预测天气的方法,故答案为统的预测天气的方法,故答案为B B。 4 4C C推理判断题。根据末段推理判断题。根据末段It appears that a It appears that a study of weather may also enable scientists to study of weather may also enable scientists to predict the sudden start of a disease.predict the sudden

742、start of a disease.可推断,答可推断,答案为案为C C。专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 ( (二二) ) “Get your hands off me, I have been stolenGet your hands off me, I have been stolen,” the laptop, a portable computer, shouted. That is a the laptop, a portable computer, shouted. That is a new solution to laptop computer theft: a progra

743、m new solution to laptop computer theft: a program that lets owners give their property a voice when that lets owners give their property a voice when it has been taken.it has been taken. The program allows users to display alerts on The program allows users to display alerts on the missing computer

744、the missing computers screen and even to set a s screen and even to set a spoken message. Tracking software for stolen spoken message. Tracking software for stolen laptops has been on the market for some time, but laptops has been on the market for some time, but this is thought to be the first that

745、 allows owners this is thought to be the first that allows owners to give the thief a piece of their mind.to give the thief a piece of their mind.专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 Owners must report their laptop missing by Owners must report their laptop missing by visiting a website, which sends a message to the vi

746、siting a website, which sends a message to the model: a red and yellow model: a red and yellow “lost or stolenlost or stolen” sign sign appears on its screen when it is started. Under the appears on its screen when it is started. Under the latest version(latest version(版本版本)of the software, users ca

747、n also )of the software, users can also send a spoken message.send a spoken message. “The message can be set to reappear every 30 The message can be set to reappear every 30 seconds, no matter how many times the thief closes seconds, no matter how many times the thief closes it. One customer sent a

748、message saying, it. One customer sent a message saying, You are You are being tracked. I am right at your doorbeing tracked. I am right at your door,” said said Carrie Carrie HafemanHafeman, chief executive of the company which , chief executive of the company which produces the program, Retriever.p

749、roduces the program, Retriever.专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 In the latest version, people can add a In the latest version, people can add a spoken message. For example, the laptopspoken message. For example, the laptops s speakers will say: speakers will say: “Help, this laptop is Help, this laptop is reported

750、lost or stolen. If you are not my reported lost or stolen. If you are not my owner, report me now.owner, report me now.” The Retriever software package, which costs The Retriever software package, which costs $29.95 but has a free trial period, has the $29.95 but has a free trial period, has the fun

751、ctions of many security software programs. functions of many security software programs. Owners can remotely switch to an alternative Owners can remotely switch to an alternative password if they fear that the thief has also password if they fear that the thief has also got hold of the access detail

752、s.got hold of the access details.专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 If a thief accesses the internet with the If a thief accesses the internet with the stolen laptop, Retriever will collect stolen laptop, Retriever will collect information on the internet service provider in information on the internet service provid

753、er in use, so that the police can be alerted to its use, so that the police can be alerted to its location.location. Thousands of laptops are stolen every year Thousands of laptops are stolen every year from homes and offices, but with the use of from homes and offices, but with the use of laptops i

754、ncreasing, the number stolen while laptops increasing, the number stolen while their owners are out has been rising sharply.their owners are out has been rising sharply. Other security software allows users to Other security software allows users to erase data remotely or lock down the computer.eras

755、e data remotely or lock down the computer.专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.The expression )1.The expression “toto_ _givegive_ _thethe_ _thiefthief_ _a a_ _piecepiece_ _ofof_ _theirtheir_ _mindmind” can be understood as can be understood as “_” A Ato give the thief an alert mindto give the thief an alert mind

756、B Bto express the ownersto express the owners anger to the anger to the thiefthief C Cto remind the thief of this conscienceto remind the thief of this conscience D Dto make the thief give up his mindto make the thief give up his mind专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.Different from other security )2.Different

757、from other security software, Retriever can_.software, Retriever can_. A Arecord the stealing processrecord the stealing process B Bhelp recognize the lost laptophelp recognize the lost laptop C Clock down the computer remotelylock down the computer remotely D Dsend a spoken messagesend a spoken mes

758、sage专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.One function of the program is that )3.One function of the program is that it allows the owner to _ at a distance.it allows the owner to _ at a distance. A Achange some access details for switching change some access details for switching on the laptopon the laptop B Bturn

759、 on the laptop by using the original turn on the laptop by using the original passwordpassword C Coperate the laptop by means of an operate the laptop by means of an alternative passwordalternative password D Derase the information kept in the stolen erase the information kept in the stolen laptopla

760、ptop专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.Which of the following can best )4.Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?summarize the main idea of the passage? A AWith no Retriever, thousands of laptops With no Retriever, thousands of laptops are stolen every year.are stolen every year.

761、 B BA new software provides a means to reduce A new software provides a means to reduce laptop theft.laptop theft. C CRetriever has helped to find thieves and Retriever has helped to find thieves and lost computers.lost computers. D DA new program offers a communication A new program offers a commun

762、ication platform with the thief.platform with the thief.专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 【文章大意文章大意】 介绍了一种新开发的程序,可以用介绍了一种新开发的程序,可以用来追踪自己丢失的笔记本电脑,而且介绍了程序的使用来追踪自己丢失的笔记本电脑,而且介绍了程序的使用方法。方法。 1 1B B句意理解题。抓住短语中的句意理解题。抓住短语中的their(theirtheir(their指指的是电脑被偷的人的是电脑被偷的人) ),再结合文中前面的描述我们可以,再结合文中前面的描述我们可以断定该短语的意思是断定该短语的意思是to express

763、 the ownersto express the owners anger anger to the thiefto the thief。 2 2D D细节理解题。由第三段最后一句:细节理解题。由第三段最后一句:Under Under the latest version(the latest version(版本版本)of the software, users )of the software, users can also send a spoken message.can also send a spoken message.可知。可知。专题专题 八八 专题预测专题预测 3 3A A

764、推理判断题。第六段第二句话:推理判断题。第六段第二句话:Owners can Owners can remotely switch to an alternative password if remotely switch to an alternative password if they fear that the thief has also got hold of they fear that the thief has also got hold of the access details.the access details.告诉我们失主可以远程改变一些告诉我们失主可以远程改变一些登陆电脑的信息,如密码等。登陆电脑的信息,如密码等。 4 4B B主旨大意题。文章主要给读者介绍了一种新主旨大意题。文章主要给读者介绍了一种新型的程序,改程序可以降低电脑的失窃率。同时还介绍型的程序,改程序可以降低电脑的失窃率。同时还介绍了该程序的工作原理。了该程序的工作原理。



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