高一英语模块3Unit3 Grammar Subjectverb agreement 牛津英语

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1、Subject-verb AgreementI am a teacher. You are students. He is very handsome.12years is a long time.Not only you but also I like Zhengji Middle School.Politics is very difficult to learn .To teach you is my pleasure.There is a computer , many books on the table.The police are very brave.Water and air

2、 are important to us.60% of the students are girls.The young are full of energy and hope.1.表示重量、距离、金钱、一段时间的名词表示重量、距离、金钱、一段时间的名词作主语表示一个整体概念时,谓语动词用单作主语表示一个整体概念时,谓语动词用单数形式。数形式。A 1,000,000-pound noteSingular form:2.一些以一些以s结尾的单数名词,如结尾的单数名词,如:news, physics, mathematics, politics, 谓语用谓语用单数形式。单数形式。The news

3、is important. 表示国家、机构、作品等专有名词作主语表示国家、机构、作品等专有名词作主语时,也被看作一个整体。时,也被看作一个整体。 The 365 Nights are very popular with children. is3.动名词及其短语、不定式、从句动名词及其短语、不定式、从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。Traveling to- is -Sailing is-1.下列名词总是复数,无单数形式,下列名词总是复数,无单数形式,作主语,谓语用复数形式,作主语,谓语用复数形式,如:如:police, cattle, people, clothes,

4、shorts, trousers, goods, scissors等。等。Cattle _ (feed) on grass.Plural form2.2.并列结构作主语,谓语用复数并列结构作主语,谓语用复数Translate:Reading and writing are very important .3.the + adj./ 分词分词(blind, deaf, poor, young, dead, wounded, living),表示一表示一类人时。类人时。I think the poor are not always poor and the rich are not always

5、happy.The sick have been cured and the lost have been found. 当主语后面跟有当主语后面跟有as well as, along with, with ,like, rather than, together with , but ,except, besides, ,including等引导的词组时,等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单、复数由主语的单、复数而定。其谓语动词的单、复数由主语的单、复数而定。1.就远原则就远原则Other forms:1)由由or, eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut also,not

6、but,连接两个主语,谓语动词通常和邻近的连接两个主语,谓语动词通常和邻近的主语一致。主语一致。2.就近原则就近原则Make up your own interesting sentences2) 由由there或或here引起的句子,主语引起的句子,主语又不止一个,谓语通常与邻近的主语又不止一个,谓语通常与邻近的主语一致。一致。3.all , some, a lot, plenty, any, part, the rest, most, percent, 分数,分数,half+ of+ 名词,名词,谓语动词根据谓语动词根据of后面的名词决定,如果后面的名词决定,如果of后面后面是可数名词单数

7、或不可数名词,谓语用单数;是可数名词单数或不可数名词,谓语用单数;如果如果of后面是名词复数,谓语用复数形式后面是名词复数,谓语用复数形式 4.集合名词作主语,如:集合名词作主语,如:band, crowd, class, dozen, family, public, team, audience, crew等,若强调整体,则用单数,若强调个体则用等,若强调整体,则用单数,若强调个体则用复数。复数。This family _ a four-person happy one.The family _ playing with sand on the beach. (is /are)isare1.

8、Time and tide waits for no man.2.Bad news has wings.3.He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.4.All that glitters is not gold.5.To say is one thing, to do is another.6.Seeing is believing.1.The number of people invited _ fifty, but a 1.The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number

9、of them_ absent for different number of them_ absent for different reasons. reasons. (was / were)(was / were)2. The police _ (are/is) looking for the lost 2. The police _ (are/is) looking for the lost boy.boy.3.It is I who _ (am/are)on duty today.3.It is I who _ (am/are)on duty today.4_ either you o

10、r he going there?(are/is)4_ either you or he going there?(are/is)5. Some of us _(like/likes) sports.5. Some of us _(like/likes) sports.Some of the money _ (is/are) missing.Some of the money _ (is/are) missing.非此即彼非此即彼waswereareamArelikeis6. Each student in our class _(has/have) a dictionary.=We each

11、 _ (have/has) one.7.There _ a desk, a table and three chairs in the room. (is / are )8.The writer and musician _ our school today.( visit / visits)9.Nodding the head _ _ agreement. (means/mean)hashaveisvisitsmeans1.She was the only one of the girls who were late.2.The number of students have gone ho

12、me.3.Lots of damage were caused by fire.4.Either you or he are to go.5. The teacher as well as the students are reading in the library now.6.The manager and secretary are as busy as a bee all day.(was)A A(was)(is)(is)(is)1.All but one _ here just now. (94)A. is B. was C. has been D. were2.Not only I

13、 but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one examination after another. (95)A. is B. are C. am D .be3.A library with five thousand books _ to the nation as a gift. (90)A.is offered B. have offered C. are offered D.has offered 4.The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for

14、 different reasons. (96)A. were , was B. was , was C. was , were D. were , were5._ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass. (2000) A.Two fifth , is B. Two fifth , are C. Two fifths , is D. Two fifths , are 精挑精挑细选1.是你而不是她可爱。是你而不是她可爱。2.警察正在抓小偷。警察正在抓小偷。3.三分之一的土地被树覆盖。三分之一的土地被树覆盖。4.到北

15、京旅游是非常有趣的。到北京旅游是非常有趣的。5.你们都做的不错。你们都做的不错。“译”味深味深长You rather than she are lovely.The police are catching the thief. One third of the land is covered with trees. Traveling to Beijing is very interesting.All of you have done well.WritingWriting(Describe the following pictures about spring, using Subject

16、-verb Agreement.) Spring Spring has come.Spring has come. Flowers come up; grass turns green; Flowers come up; grass turns green; The birds are flying in the sky freely. The birds are flying in the sky freely. They are singing a song. They are singing a song. This is spring. This is spring. It is fu

17、ll of dreams and hopes. It is full of dreams and hopes.9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2024/8/312024/8/31Saturday, August 31, 202410、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/318/31/2024 10:49:00 PM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/31Aug-2431-Aug-2412、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/31Saturday, August 31, 20241

18、3、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/312024/8/318/31/202414、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。31 八月 20242024/8/312024/8/312024/8/3115、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。八月 242024/8/312024/8/312024/8/318/31/202416、行动出成果,工作出财富。2024/8/312024/8/3131 August 202417、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/312024/8/319、没有失败,只有暂

19、时停止成功!。2024/8/312024/8/31Saturday, August 31, 202410、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/318/31/2024 10:49:00 PM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/31Aug-2431-Aug-2412、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/31Saturday, August 31, 202413、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2024/8/3120

20、24/8/312024/8/312024/8/318/31/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。31 八月 20242024/8/312024/8/312024/8/3115、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。八月 242024/8/312024/8/312024/8/318/31/202416、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2024/8/312024/8/3131 August 202417、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/312024/8/319、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。2024/8/312024/8/31Saturday, Au

21、gust 31, 202410、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/318/31/2024 10:49:00 PM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/31Aug-2431-Aug-2412、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/31Saturday, August 31, 202413、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/312024/8/318/31/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在

22、手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。31 八月 20242024/8/312024/8/312024/8/3115、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。八月 242024/8/312024/8/312024/8/318/31/202416、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2024/8/312024/8/3131 August 202417、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2024/8/312024/8/312024/8/312024/8/31MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id urna blandit, eleifend nulla ac, fringilla purus. Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus. 感感 谢谢 您您 的的 下下 载载 观观 看看专家告诉



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