英语(新课标人教版)高中必修一 Unit2 Using language 课件

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1、Unit 2English around the worldUsing language高一人教新课标版必修一高一人教新课标版必修一expression midwesternAfricanSpanisheasternn. 语言语言; 表达表达; 表示表示adj. 中西部的中西部的adj. 非洲的非洲的; 非洲人的;非洲人的;非洲语言的非洲语言的adj./n. 西班牙西班牙; 西班牙语的西班牙语的adj. 东方的东方的;东部的东部的Words & Expressionssoutheasternnorthwesternrecognizedialect adj. 东南方的东南方的; 来自东南的来自东

2、南的adj. 西北方的西北方的; 来自西北的来自西北的vt. 辨认出辨认出; 承认承认n. 方言方言play a part (in)Believe it or not扮演一个角色;扮演一个角色;参与参与不管你信不信不管你信不信; 信不信由你信不信由你? ?How many dialects are there in China?ReadingStandard English and dialects Dialects family in China 北方方言北方方言吴语吴语闽南语闽南语客家话客家话湘语湘语赣语赣语粤语粤语Chinese汉语方言分布图汉语方言分布图Dialects in Guan

3、gdong province粤粤粤粤方方方方言言言言客方言客方言客方言客方言闽方言闽方言闽方言闽方言代表地区代表地区梅州梅州代表地区代表地区广州广州代表地区代表地区潮汕潮汕Do you think there are some dialects in English?English dialects in different countriesBritainCanadaAustraliaIndiaNew ZealandPara.1 There is no such thing as standard English.Para.2 When people use words and expres

4、sions different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect.Para.3 Geography also plays a part in making dialects.Fast reading: Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph.1. Read para 1 and answer.2.Q: In the writers opinion, is there 3. standard English?4. Believe it or not, there is n

5、o such thing as standard English.2. Read para 2-3 and complete the chart below:Detailed ReadingWhat is a dialect?American English dialects mentioned_, southern, _ American and _ dialectsWhy does the US have so many dialects?Can Americans understand each other?midwesternAfrican Spanish Words and expr

6、essions different from the “standard language”1) People have come from all over the world.2) Geography plays a part inAlthough many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and understand each others dialects.Answer the following question.1. How many dialects of American English have been listed i

7、n the text?Mid-western, southern, African American, Spanish dialects.2. Why do people from both Northwestern and Southeastern of U.S. speak with almost the same dialect? Because when Americans moved from one place to anther, they took their dialects with them.3.Why are there so many dialect in Ameri

8、can English? Thats because people have come from all over the world. And geography plays a part in making dialects.4. According to the whole passage, which doesnt play a part in making dialects? A. History B. Tradition C. Age D. GeographyC 1.Whats standard English? 什么是标准英语什么是标准英语? standard n. 标准标准,

9、规格规格 adj. 标准的标准的 meet standard 符合标准符合标准 standard of living 生活水平生活水平 on a standard 根据某一标准根据某一标准The mountains are not high _ world standard. A. by B. at C. to D. onD 2. Believe it or not, theres no such a thing as standard English.信不信由你信不信由你, 世界上没有所谓的标准英语世界上没有所谓的标准英语。1)believe it or not 信不信由你信不信由你2)通常

10、在句子中作插入语通常在句子中作插入语, 有逗号和句子有逗号和句子3)分开。如分开。如:4)Believe it or not, all the people present have agreed to the plan.2)句型句型: Theres no such person/ thing as sb./sth. 没有没有这样的人这样的人/物等物等, 用于用于表示某人或某物并不存在。如表示某人或某物并不存在。如:世上没有免费的午餐之类的好事。世上没有免费的午餐之类的好事。There is no such thing as a free lunch.Such 用法点拨当当such与与a/an

11、连用时连用时, such要放要放 在在a/an前面前面. John is such a clever boy.当当such与与all, no, one, some, any 等词连用时等词连用时, such应放在这些词的应放在这些词的 后面后面. One such dictionary is enough.当名词前有当名词前有few, little, much, many 修饰时修饰时, 只能用只能用so 来修饰来修饰, 不能用不能用such. e.g. There are so many good books.3. expect vt. (理所当然理所当然)期望期望, 预料预料, 认为认为,

12、 预期预期expect sb to do sthexpect +that-clauseexpect sthexpect to do sthI expect so. 我想是这样。我想是这样。I expect not. I dont expect so.我想不是这样。我想不是这样。4. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.然而然而, 甚至在电视上或收音机里都会听甚至在电视上或收音机里都会听到人们在说话时的差异。到人们在说话时的差异。the way后面接定语从句时后面接定语从句时

13、, 关系代词用关系代词用that/in which或不用关系代词。如或不用关系代词。如:I did it in the way that/in which/不填不填you taught me.I dont like _ you speak to her.A. the wayB. the way in thatC. the way whichD. the way of whichA 5. America English has many dialects, especially the midwestern, southern, African American and Spanish dial

14、ects.美国英语有很多方言美国英语有很多方言, 尤其是在尤其是在中西部中西部, 南部南部, 黑人和西班牙方言。黑人和西班牙方言。 especially 尤其尤其, 表达事物不寻常或表达事物不寻常或 特别重要特别重要specially 专门专门(指专为某一目的指专为某一目的)Our garden is beautiful, especially in autumn.I came here specially to see you. African a. 非洲的非洲的In the new African countries the governments are trying to provid

15、e education for adults.n. 非洲人非洲人 Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans.Spanish a.西班牙的西班牙的 a Spanish dancen. 西班牙语西班牙语 Do you speak Spanish?6. Geography also plays a part in making dialects. 地理位置对方言的产生也有影响。地理位置对方言的产生也有影响。 play a/an +adj.+ part 扮演扮演角色角色, 起起作用作用 take (on) /perform a role 扮演角色扮演角

16、色 hand out roles 分派任务分派任务(角色角色) a leading/starring role 主角主角e.g. She play a leading part in the play.His parents played a part in his success.他的成功有他父母的因素在内。他的成功有他父母的因素在内。Her suggestions play a very important part in our decision-making. 她的建议她的建议在我们的决定中起了很重要的作用。在我们的决定中起了很重要的作用。He has played all kinds

17、 of roles in his life. 他一生中扮演了各种各样的角色。他一生中扮演了各种各样的角色。7. eastern 东方的东方的, 东部的东部的eastern一类的词与一类的词与east一类的词辨析一类的词辨析:专有名词专有名词, 尤其是所表示的地方具有尤其是所表示的地方具有明确的固定范围的专有名词明确的固定范围的专有名词, 特别是特别是政治区分政治区分, 一般用一般用east。普通名词和所指的地方没有明确的普通名词和所指的地方没有明确的固定范围的专有名词多用固定范围的专有名词多用eastern。east 重点在形容方位或从哪个方向来的;重点在形容方位或从哪个方向来的;而而east

18、ern则指从某一固定的地方看则指从某一固定的地方看某一个方向某一个方向, 或指某物来自何方或或指某物来自何方或某地朝哪个方向。某地朝哪个方向。He is interested in Eastern philosophy. 他对东方哲学感兴趣。他对东方哲学感兴趣。 Eastern regions will have heavy rain today. 东部区域今天将有大雨。东部区域今天将有大雨。China faces the Pacific on the east. 中国东临太平洋。中国东临太平洋。 China is in the east of Asia. 8. Although many A

19、merica move a lot,they still recognize each others dialects.虽然许多美国人经常搬家虽然许多美国人经常搬家, 但他们但他们仍然能够辨认彼此的方言。仍然能够辨认彼此的方言。recognize vt. 辨认辨认, 认出认出 (pick out)recognize sth./sb. as sth./sb. 把把认作认作recognize sb./sth. to be 承认某人承认某人recognize thate.g. Drugs were not recognized as a problem then.注意注意: recognize是一个

20、终止性动词是一个终止性动词, 是指原来很熟悉是指原来很熟悉, 经过一段时间的经过一段时间的间隔或别的原因后又重新认出来。间隔或别的原因后又重新认出来。e.g. I recognized her by her long hair. They recognized him to be a great leader.I recognize him as a clever man.We recognized that the task was not easy.1. Little girl: Hi, Id like some sweets, please. Store owner: No proble

21、m. All the candy we sell is sweet. Little girl: I see, so you sell sweet sweets.2. British boy: Shall we move the new bed by lorry. American girl: Not by me, I hope. British boy: Oh, Im sorry, Lori, I mean my truck.3. British boy: What a lovely autumn day! American girl: Yes, its a nice fall day, is

22、nt it?3 Read & ImitatingAnswer keys for Exercise 3Br EAm E糖果糖果卡车卡车秋天秋天sweetscandylorrytruckfallautumnT e x a s Listening 1 Look at the picture and predict the content.Hey, yall, this here is Buford. I come from a big oil town in Texas. Now, yall need to understand that we aint really a state, but a

23、whole nother country. Now let me tell ya a story bout when I was just a pup. One hot summers day I was swimmin with my cousins Little Lester and Big Billy Bob. We was jumpin in the water and feelin good. 2 Listen Then along comes this catfish bout the size of a house. Well, alright, maybe a little s

24、maller than that. Little Lester starts to thinkin its goin to eat him sure nough. Man, you shoulda seen him! He got outta the water fast as lightning and climbed up a tree. Big Billy Bob and I just laughed and laughed. To this day, Lester wont go near that place. 3Listen and put these sentences 4 in

25、 the right sequence. _ Lester climbed a tree. _ Buford, Billy Bob and Lester went swimming._ Lester thought the catfish would eat him. _ Buford and Billy Bob laughed. _ Lester saw a catfish. _ Now Lester is too afraid to visit the place. 1234564Answer the following questions 1)What does Buford think

26、 of Texas? 2) How do you know? He believes its almost a different country from the USA. The listening text tells us.2) How large was the catfish? The boys thought that the catfish was almost the size of a house.3) Why did Lester get out of the water so quickly? He thought the catfish would eat him.4

27、) Why did Buford and Big Billy Bob laugh? They laughed because Lester believed the catfish would hurt him.1 Read and recognize. Amy: Excuse me, madam. Could you please tell me where the nearest subway is?Lady: Erthe underground? Well, go round the corner on your left-hand side, straight on and cross

28、 two streets. Itll be onyour right-hand side.Reading and speakingAmy: Thanks so much!Friends: What did she say, Amy?Amy: She told us to go round the corner on the left and keep going straight for two blocks. The subway will be on our right. Amy (American)Lady (British)subwayleftkeep going straighttw

29、o blocksrightTry to write down the words from the dialogue.undergroundleft-hand sidego straight ontwo streetsright-hand side2 Work in pairs. Pardon? I beg your pardon? I dont understand. How do you spell that? Could you say that again please? Could you speak more slowly please? Sorry, I cant follow

30、you! Could you repeat that please? 1. You and your friend are American. You have arrived in a strange city in England to watch a football match. You need to find a cab/taxi to take you to the football ground. 2. You and your friend are British. You are visiting America. Your car needs some more petr

31、ol but you cannot find a petrol station. Ask directions to the nearest one. Sample dialogue for situation 2:S1: Excuse me sir. Could you tell me where the nearest petrol station is?S2: You mean gas station? Yes, of course. Its straight ahead till you reach the traffic lights. Then turn left and cros

32、s one street. Then youll see it on your left.S1: Whats that again? I dont understand. How many blocks is that?S2: Blocks? There is no blocks! You just go along this road till you reach the traffic lights.S1: I see for one block? Can you speak more slowly please? I want to write this down.S2: See tho

33、se traffic lights? Go straight ahead until you reach them and turn left. S1: Yes, I see. Thats two blocks. Then do I take a left?S2: Yes and then cross one road and it is on your left-hand side.S1: Thanks. I go one block and itll be on my left. Thanks so much.Writing: Brainstorm with a partner on th

34、e following topic:Why should we learn English?to read English books to talk to native speakers to use in schoolto write to pen friendsto talk to native speakersto listen to Englishmusic and moviesWhat is it important to learn English?Reasons for learning English:1. World trade is done in English;2.

35、International organizations (such as the UN) use English;3. We need contact with the developed Western world to build our country;4. Many developing countries also use English in their dealings;5. Most businessmen do not have time to learn new languages every time they enter a new international mark

36、et. So Chinas future lies in learning English to a certain extent.the present situations (water, air, noise, light)the serious resultthe method to stop pollutionthe cause of pollutionWhy should we stop pollution? Make your own posterHomework1. Review all the new words 2. and expressions.3.2. Finish exercises 1-2 on Page 4. 53 on your workbooks.



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