新概念青少版2B Unit23

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1、 1. How far is it from here to your house? 2. How do you get here? By bus,by car or on foot? 3. How tall are you?striking straiki 引人注引人注目的目的 sendsend送送facefeis脸 filefail文件文件messenger mesind 信信使使 How far?.有多有多远?anyoneeniwn任何人任何人 height hait 高度高度 footfut英尺英尺 have a look看一看看一看laterleit稍后稍后 centimetrese

2、ntimi:t厘厘米米buildingbildi建筑建筑 Building 建筑物建筑物 mountainmauntin 山山high hai 高的高的 widewaid宽的的widthwid 宽度度 deepdi:p深的深的depthdep 深度深度 ladderld梯子梯子length le长度度 parcelp:sl包裹包裹kilo kilu公斤公斤 endend终点点游戏规那么:两组各派一个代表,进行猜拳,游戏规那么:两组各派一个代表,进行猜拳,老师挑选出一个单词进行猜拳,其他组员连老师挑选出一个单词进行猜拳,其他组员连读该单词三遍,读完三遍后,两名代表出拳,读该单词三遍,读完三遍后,

3、两名代表出拳,哪组猜赢哪组加分。哪组猜赢哪组加分。 规那么:教师说中文,学生说英文或老师说英文,学生说中文。小组PK: 看那组读的好,标准,声音大,小组加分striking: She is striking.face: This is my face.height: What height is that?messenger: Ill send a messenger.news:新闻kli:uOf course: 当然How far:多长about: 大约thats=that isby:与时间词连用,意为“不迟于,在.之前。quite:非常,相当get the picture:了解情况spel

4、 sndi mi:t(r)稍等 mmnthave a look:看一看1.A:How tall is that building? B: Its 320 metres. Thats quite tall.2. A: Whats the height of that building? It looks quite tall. B: It is quite tall! Its 320 metres. 3. A: That buildings 320 metres tall. B:Really?/Is it? Thats quite tall!4. A: How far is the airport from here? B: The airport is five miles from here.5. A: How far is it from here to the airport? B: Its five miles.6. A: Is it far from here to the airport? B: No, its quite near/ Yes, its a long way. Its .miles.



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