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1、新新闻报道道 本本单元元要要求求写写一一篇篇新新闻报道道。它它是是阅读理理解解中中经常常遇遇到到的的题材材内内容容,有有时也也是是书面面表表达达使使用用的的文文体体形形式式。它它对所所使使用用的的句句式式没没有有严格格要要求求,可可以以灵灵活活多多变,但但对文文体体结构构有有较严格格的的要要求求。新新闻报道道是是记叙叙文文的的一一种种,其其特特点点是是以以事事实为依依据据,对人人的的经历或或事事件件发生生的的过程程给予明确的、予明确的、实事求是的事求是的报道。道。EarthquakesEarthquakes听力课件听力课件消阅迂化涛夯灶歼拿壮约冠氨方嫌头跃捂东氰袄纸倔拂烁诌蜗敌叹俱俐景3.-听

2、力课件3.-听力课件Listen to the tape and then tell whether they are true or false.1. The writer was sleeping downstairs when the earthquake broke out.2. The writer threw away his clothes and rushed out.3. Many huge buildings were shaking rocks and bricks were falling.F FF FT Tpage30廷矩仓闷隙缸贱弓坠扔僻蒙饭瘪万劲朱屏馁勋沃佑辉疯卜

3、同宽沁砒理跑树3.-听力课件3.-听力课件4. A lot of people were buried under the ruins.5. Some cows were killed in the fire.6. The writer remembers clearly how he got into the boat.T TF FF F也妊旷饶料稀氟递澈闲捣莎隔胸筏乾喳湿者景嚷梭弊秘翔秃询羡潘幌常放3.-听力课件3.-听力课件Listen to the tape again and then complete the following questions.1 When did the m

4、an talk about the earthquake? How do you know?2 Is the man clam as he talks about the earthquake? Why or why not?After the earthquake had happed, the last sentence gives information about the next day. Yes, the man is clam because he is writing about something a long time after it happened.赞扯护倘榆雨盆摧赖

5、仙季荤伐莆倔操方峙梅艰步敬箕酬睫臭圭迟玖倍玫并3.-听力课件3.-听力课件4 Where was the man going?5 Have you got any ideas to help this man during the earthquake?3 What was the biggest danger for the man: fires, sows or falling buildings? Why?The falling buildings were his biggest danger and he didnt know when one might fall on him.

6、He could at least see the fires and cows coming towards him.He was going to the bay to get on a boat. Answers will vary but should demonstrate an understanding of the listening text.苹确绣侗裕尽乍贸珠点喜旧孤碍法火孤绳匡鬃闽壮晶始荫轰猜古员八蹋钻3.-听力课件3.-听力课件 I awoke as I was thrown from my bed. When I tried to walk, the floor _

7、so that I fell. I grabbed my clothing and hurried downstairs. Suddenly the lights went out, and everyone _ for the door. Outside I saw things I never want to see again. It was daytime. The air _ falling rocks. People around me were getting _under buildings that were crashing down. Other huge buildin

8、gs were shaking. Every moment there were _ sounds. I asked a man standing next to me rushedwas filled withburiedshookterribleListen and fill in the blanks.鸵呜廖协嫌阁樊帛虽毫兄昔倒泊幸酝瞻吗绩遗杯沼读逢瘩锡诬氨悟卤蕾脊3.-听力课件3.-听力课件what happened. Before he could answer, hundreds of bricks _him and he was killed. All around me wer

9、e great fires. As I ran people everywhere were crying and_. I thought the end of the world had come! Then I met a man who knew the way to a boat, and we ran in its direction. Men, women and children were trying to dig themselves out of the _. Thousands of people,crazy with worry, were running down t

10、he street and every minute someone was hit by falling bricks.In some places,the streets had _and opened.Huge holes were all around me.I saw many fell oncalling for helpruinscracks慑栅说掩殷监啥完布滁西探导呈柔浊堰陨喇歹隘刁嚼乓掂倡睦你败优灯庄3.-听力课件3.-听力课件_cows rush up Market Street and drop into a great crack in the earth. How I

11、 _the boat I cannot say. Some people even tore the clothes from the backs of others as they tried to get into the boat.Later,the survivors _water they could drink.People slept on the streets and hills away from the fires,which made the night bright as day.Soldiers kept water from the crowds to give

12、to the _workers. The next day the soldiers found more water and some bread to give to those still alive.frightenedreachedsearched for rescue 域妖冀绝凡众橡组握践球韵冻灵轰钨尔咨谜割急湛爵辕失芍肠牵章鞋淤释3.-听力课件3.-听力课件Listening on Page 62Listen to the tape and tell whether they are true of false.1 Inside the earth there are a num

13、ber of plates.2 These plates move all the time.3 If they stop moving there is an earthquake.4 If they jump there is an earthquake.F FF FF FT T缆骂已匠轿扇肇春缓床吵莫窥沫桐肘乃寓俩划褪冠蜡陈褂奄梦看崖瘤俺鹿3.-听力课件3.-听力课件5 China is in an earthquake area.6 The Pacific plate is pushing on China from the east.7 The Himalayan mountains

14、 were caused by the movement of plates.8 Human beings have the power to stoop earthquakes. T TT TT TF F霹晕双驯做淋瞩硕爷猿沽罚层锭誓翟作惩官爽诉扔辩国实瘪桓安汪傈臻炮3.-听力课件3.-听力课件Cause of earthquakesMoving speed of the Pacific plateIn 1906 the Pacific plate suddenly jumpedThe Pacific plate pushes onThe Indian plate pushed on Way

15、s of reducing losses from earthquakeEarth plates jump and produce shock waves.Moving at 5.3 cm a year5-6 meters to the north.China from the east to the west.China from the southwest to the northwest.Not building where plates meet; building on rock; building strong houses.絮伞写赘玛闹娃准碌渴郊规挣吐枫拂怠坍炊堤龟垦褪篓垣腻咯挥

16、肾谗蜜宠3.-听力课件3.-听力课件Why do earthquakes happen? Scientists explain that the outside of the earth _a number of different plates. At San Francisco ,the Pacific plate which is _towards the northeast meets the North American plate. The Pacific plate is moving very slowly-at_ centimeters a year. Then sudden

17、ly ,they jump and an earthquake is felt. _the movement of these plates .California has always had a lot of earthquakes. When the 1906 earthquake happened, the Pacific plate jumped 5-6metres to the_.China also has an unlucky place on the earth. The Pacific plate moves west. 34moving 5.3As a result of

18、northis made of亲龄震贩躇刚藻淄凛搂柑纽筒么反鬃粟园版郸怨墒愉洒栽骂叮骗蹦卒峻搀3.-听力课件3.-听力课件Likewise ,the Indian plate is pushing on China from the _as that plat moves northwest. The same power that produced the great Himalayan Mountains now causes earthquakes in China.We cannot stop earthquake ,but we can do things to make sure

19、they do not _whole cities .First ,it is not a good idea to build the houses _the lines where two of the earths plates join together. Second, if you think there may be an earthquake, it is better to build houses _than on sand. Third, you must make the houses as strong as possible. Weak buildings will

20、 _in an earthquake ,but strong ones may_.southwestdestroyalongon rockfall downstay up仲壹蓄勉钠爹蝎贰浦慧童逻碴弟团眺歌没铱穿茶借于鉴庚逢躺惦党耿笋肢3.-听力课件3.-听力课件Listening test PRACTISE AND PREPARESince the San Francisco earthquake, all children in California have been taught what to do during an earthquake.Teachers:Now,students,

21、do you remember what you have to do before the earthquake comes?S1: Yes. We must make an _plan.T: Good and Whats that?S2: Its a list of things you should do if an earthquake comes.It should tell us what to do ,where to be safe and who to_.earthquakecontactpage66硕挺弱斗鲁泣厌纤鲁灵各搁柔缔唱看械厕腋冀漾窖野炙狸畔莱蚤胞六蜗堵3.-听力课

22、件3.-听力课件T: Right. So what are these things?S1: What we must do when the earthquake comes is “_”T: What dose that mean?S2: We must drop to the floor and protect our head and neck with our arms. Then we must _ ourselves by hiding under some furniture like a table. That will protect us from things fall

23、ing on top of us. Finally we must hold onto the furniture so it doesnt _us during the earthquake. drop,cover and holdcovermove away from下囤森堑蝇崭氢蕴锑菇砌馅技肾忻爬宵萄桌鸦缚燃恨肪昌辅吼恤普剂眠酪3.-听力课件3.-听力课件T: Well done.Thats fine. Youll be safe in the classroom but what if youre outside?S1:To be safe,you must move to_.Keep

24、 away from power lines, trees,_ and buildings.T : Excellent. Youve remembered well.Now where can you be safe if you are in the living room where books and the television are kept?S2: If you are careful youll already _ the bookcases to the wall.You should also have toed the television to a table so i

25、t cant move .Nobody wants to be killed by their own furniture.an open spacesigns, carshave fastened琴论峙侣饮车枷巨纯翌短躇讹稚参显渊剔氛竭鸟辜巫千篙拱凶粳难颅粒济3.-听力课件3.-听力课件T: Quite right. What must we remember to do if we are in the house alone when the earthquake starts?S2: I know. We must _to tell them where we are .We must also _our personal earthquake bag and go to the _if there is one near our house.T: Ok . So for your homework I want you to think about what you might put into the bag .Well discuss tomorrow.ring a family friendcollectemergency shelter吩嫉镶抡撞技闺坟后盖痕屠特掂炒刮乞创幻谎粪汾酣愉津诱恤凑宣某抨玛3.-听力课件3.-听力课件



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