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1、初中英语人教版八上Unit6 Im going to study computer science.单元总复习课件词汇训练营一、快速说出下列单词或短语。1.厨师(n.) _2.工程师 (n.) _3.教育 (n.) _4.承诺(v.&n.) _5.关系 (n.) _cookengineereducationpromiserelationship6.violin(n.) _ (n.)小提琴手7.piano(n.) _ (n.)钢琴家8.drive(v.) _ (n.)司机9.science(n.) _ (n.)科学家10.begin(v.) _ (n.)开头;开端11.week(n.) _ (a

2、dj.& adv.)每周的(地)词汇训练营violinistpianistdriverscientistbeginningweekly12.成长;长大 grow _13.对有把握 be sure _14.确保;查明 _ sure15.写下;记下 write _16.上表演课 _ _ lessons17.与有关系 _ to do _词汇训练营upaboutmakedowntake actinghavewith18.同意;赞成 agree _19.take up _20.at the beginning of _21.promise sb. _22.improve ones life _23.se

3、nd.to. _词汇训练营with学着做;开始做在的开端向某人承诺 改善某人的生活把发送到二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.My brother practices _ (send) messages by fax every day.2. What are you going to do this evening?Im going to take _ (act) lessons.sending词汇训练营acting词汇训练营三、单项选择。1.This is a good _ for cold.medicineB. medicalC. medicallyD. medicament2. Let

4、me _ your phone number and Ill call you when Im free.A.cut downB. turn downC. look downD. write down词汇训练营3. It _ to be warm this afternoon.A. hopesB. wishesC. promisesD. wants4. After twomonth treatment, her health is _.A. improvingB. improvedC. increasingD. proving5. I dont think Yao Ming is the ta

5、llest man in the world.Do you _ me?A.catch up withB. agree withC. laugh atD. go on with句型大闯关1What do you want to be when you grow up?本句是含有时间状语从句的复合句。grow up 长大;成熟;成长例:She grew up in China.她是在中国长大的。句型大闯关2. Well,Im going to keep on writing stories,of course.本句是含有be going to 结构的简单句。be going tov.用来表示将要发

6、生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事。例:Were going to buy something online.keep on 继续,其后接动词ing形式,表示“继续做某事,不断做某事”。The children kept on playing computer games.孩子们不断地玩电脑游戏。句型大闯关3. My parents want me to be a doctor, but Im not sure about that.be sure about 确信;对有把握,相当于be sure of。I think I can win the match. I am sure of/abou

7、t it.我认为我能赢这场比赛。我对此有把握。句型大闯关4. Sounds like a good plan.本句是个省略句。完整的句子应是:That sounds like a good plan. sound like听起来像,后跟名词或代词。The voice doesnt sound like Lily.这嗓音听起来不像莉莉。句型大闯关5. When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year,we hope that we are going to improve our lives.1)when引导的是时间状语从句,hope t

8、hat, that 引导的是宾语从句,做hope一词的宾语。2)at the beginning of “开始;开头”。When we come back to school at the beginning of the term,we hope that we can get good grades.翻译下列句子。1.你长大后打算干什么? _ _ you going to _ when you _ _? 我要当老师。Im _ _ _ a teacher.你打算怎么实现?_ are you _ _ _ that?我要取得好成绩。Im _ _ _ good grades.What arebeg

9、row upgoing to beHowgoing to dogoing to get句型大闯关2.我叔叔打算写故事并发给杂志社。My uncle is going to write stories and _ them _ magazines.3.我承诺放学回家后我先做作业。I _ Im going to do homework first when I _ back home from school.sendtopromiseget句型大闯关1.be going to 结构的含义。(1)“be going to +_”主要表示打算、计划、决定要做的事情;(2)“be going to +动

10、词原形”也可以表示根据某种迹象判断客观上将要发生的事情。be going to 表一般将来时的用法动词原形语法加油站2.be going to 结构的各种句式。在“be going to + 动词原形”结构中,助动词be _人称和数的变化。(1)肯定句式:主语+ be+ going to + _+其他。有动词原形(2)否定句式:主语+ be _ + going to + 动词原形+ 其他。not语法加油站(3)疑问句式:_ + 主语+ going to + 动词原形+其他?(4)there be 句式: _+ 主语+其他。BeThere be going to be【注意】 There be

11、going to be.结构中,靠近there的be随主语变化,而后面的be是动词原形,不变化。例如:There is going to be an English film this evening.语法加油站语法加油站.单项选择1.Why are you in such a hurry, John?There _ a basketball match between Class Three and our class in ten minutes.A.is going to be B.is going to haveC. will have D. will hold语法加油站2. He _

12、 very busy this week, and he _free next week.A.will be; isB. is; isC. will be; will beD. is; will be3. _ you _ free tomorrow?No. I _ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; willC. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be语法加油站4. _ a concert next Saturday?A.Th

13、ere will beB. Will there beC. There can beD. There are5. If it _ tomorrow, well go rollerskating.A. isnt rain B. wont rainC. doesnt rainD. doesnt fine语法加油站.句型转换。1.The Browns are going to move to China.(改为否定句)The Browns _ _ _ _ to China.arent going to move2.They are going to visit the Great Wall next summer vacation.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ _ _ the Great Wall next summer vacation?Aregoing to visit语法加油站4.She is going to work with Jim.(对画线部分提问)_ _ she going to _?5.We are going to have a party in our classroom.(改为there be结构的句子)_ _ _ _ _ a party in our classroom. What isdoThere is going to be



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