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1、American LiteratureMandy ZhangThe Outline of American LiteratureI Colonial Period (16071765)II Revolutionary Period (17651800)III The Age of Romanticism (18001865)IV The Age of Realism (18651918)V American Modernism (19181945)VI Contemporary Literature (1945- ) Revolutionary Period (1765-1800)vGener

2、al Backgrounds: The Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards The Enlightenment Benjamin Franklin The War of Independence (1775-1783)vMajor Writers: Roger Williams John Woolman Thomas Paine Philip Freneau Charles Brockden Brown Thomas Jefferson Other eminent 18th-century novelists of transitionvThe Great Awa

3、kening (1730s1740s) series of religious revivals, which began with the evangelicalism of Jonathan Edwardsv Enlightenment An 18th-century movement that focused on the ideals of good sense, benevolence, and a belief in liberty, justice, and equality as the natural rights of man.v Revolutionary War The

4、 War of Independence (1775-1783), fought by the American colonies against Great Britain. Enlightenment (detailed information)vEnlightenment is an intellectual revolution originated in the European Continent, and then its impact found expression in America. The Enlighteners advocated publicly to stud

5、y “man instead of “God, and pointed out that the “evils in human civilization stemmed from the social injustice, not from “original sin. The Enlightenment emphasized on “reason, required people to pay attention to the social reality, advocated education and scientific research, believed man could de

6、cide his own destiny. Meanwhile, they promote the views of the social progress, humanism and the ideas of equality.Jonathan Edwards (17031785) 乔纳森乔纳森.爱德华兹爱德华兹Outstanding representative of Puritanism His Life His Works His PositionHis LifevBorn into a very religious familyvEntered Yale at 13vStayed a

7、t Yale for a couple of yearsvWent to a New York Scotch Presbyterian churchvReturned to Yale, took his M.A and became a tutorvAssistant to minister of the church of Northampton, MassachusettsvBe the minister of that church himselfvAdvocated the Great AwakeningvLeft for Stockbridge, Mass. as a pastor

8、vMeditated and wrote his greatest worksHis WorksvPersonal Narrative ?自述? vFreedom of the Will ?意志的自由?vThe Doctrine of Original Sin Defend?原罪说辩?vThe Nature of True Virtue ?真正美德的本质?vSinners in the Hands of an Angry God v ?发怒的上帝手中的罪人?vImages or Shadows of Divine Things v ?神灵的形影?His Position1 He was the

9、 last great voice that was ever heard in America to reassert the Calvinist stance so as to bring the people back to its fold.2 He was in part instrumental in bringing about the Great Awakening3 He was the first modern American and the countrys last medieval man.Benjamin Franklin (17061790) 本杰明本杰明.富兰

10、克林富兰克林vHis Lifev His positionHis Life1 Born into a poor candle-makers family in 1706 (poor and obscure)2 Had little formal education3 Voracious reader and made up for the deficiency of formal education4 Apprentice of printer at 125 began to publish essays at 166 Went to Philadelphia to make his own

11、fortune at 177 set up himself up an independent printer and publisher8 became financially independent at 42 and retired to do what liked (read, make scientific experiments and do good to his fellow men)His Position 1) social reformer2) scientist3) politician4) writerSocial Reformer1 Junto Club2 subs

12、cription library3 Pennsylvania Hospital University of Pennsylvania4 American Philosophical Society5 volunteer fire departmentsScientistveffective street lightingvefficient heating devicesvFranklin StovevBifocal glassesvLightning-rodPoliticianvA member of Pennsylvania AssemblyvDeputy Postmaster-Gener

13、al for the coloniesvRepresentative of the colonies in London for 18 yearsvA delegate to the Continental Congress vA member of the committee to write Declaration of IndependencevInstrumental in bringing France into an alliance with America against EnglandvPlayed a decisive role at the Constitutional

14、ConventionvThe only American to sign the four documents that create the United Statesthe four documentsvThe Declaration of IndependencevThe Treaty of Alliance with FrancevThe Treaty of Peace with England vThe ConstitutionwriterPoor Richards Almanac ?格言历书?Popular for a quarter of a centuryExpand its

15、literary part to readersThe Autobiography ?自传?Poor Richards Almanac ?格言历书?vContent: 1 poems 2 essays 3 adages and commonsense witticismsvSources 1 borrow from other writers 2 write himself 3 rewritevExamples (see P35)The Autobiography ?自传?vIts WritingvIts StylevIts SignificancevComments on itvThirte

16、en VirtuesIts Writingvfour parts written at four different times 1st part: 1771; seemingly a letter to his son; about 80 pages; his life before the age of 252nd part: 1784; his life between the age of 25 and 42;3rd part: 1788; his social and scientific life;4th part: 1790; his life between his retir

17、ement and death;the style of the AutobiographyvIt is the pattern of Puritan simplicity, directness, and concision. The plainness of its style, the homeliness of imagery, the simplicity of diction, syntax and expression are some of the salient features.why is his Autobiography important? v1) It is th

18、e first of its kind in American literature.v2) It is a puritan document.v3) It is the illustration of American dream.v4) It is the best example of plain style.Comments on Autobiography1) Autobiography realistically described the life of Franklin whose rags-to-riches experiences became the prototype

19、of many Americans dream of success.2) The prototype characterized by self-culture, self-improvement, self-reliance, self-cultivation, faith in the progress of society and the ideals of the future, practical and optimistic attitude toward life, and final success have been inspiring generations of Ame

20、ricans.3) It shows that Franklin was spokesman for the new order of 18-century Enlightenment that man is basically good and free by nature, endowed with certain inalienable rights of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It celebrates the fulfillment of the American dream.“Thirteen Virtues 13条美德in T

21、he Autobiography (1)1 Temperance: 节制 eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation;2 Silence: 缄言 speak not but what may benefit other or yourself; avoid trifling conversation;3 Order: 秩序 let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.4 Resolution: 决心 resolve to per

22、form what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.5 Frugality: 俭朴 make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e. waste nothing.6 Industry: 勤奋 lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.7 Sincerity: 真诚 use no hurtful deceit; think accord

23、ingly and justly; and if you speak, speak accordingly.“Thirteen Virtues 13条美德in The Autobiography (2)8 Justice: 公正 wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.9 Moderation: 适度 avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.10 Cleanliness: 清

24、洁 tolerate no uncleannliess in body, clothes, or habitation.11 Tranquility: 安静 be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.12 Chastity: 节欲 rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or anothers peace or reputation.13 H

25、umility: 谦虚 imitate Jesus and Socrates.Roger Williams (1603-1683) 罗杰罗杰.威廉斯威廉斯vreligious leader and one of the founders of Rhode Island vpreached for civil and religious libertyvHe questioned the right of the colonists to take the Indians land vWorks: The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of

26、Conscience John Woolman (1720-1772) 约翰约翰.乌尔曼乌尔曼va preacher traveling far and wide in America; teaching goodness and piety; speaking against total depravity, original sin and limited atonement; attacking all forms of iniquity; vWorks: Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes A Plea for the Poor

27、- plead for the rights of all men and for the abolition of the slavery system The Journal recording his spiritual experiences Thomas Paine (17371809) 托马斯托马斯.潘恩潘恩vFight for the rights of manvHelp to spur and inspire two greatest revolutions of his agevWorks:v Common Sense ?常识? (1776) vThe American Cr

28、isis ?美国危机?(1776.12 1783.4) vThe Rights of Man ?人的权利?(1791- 92) vThe Age of Reason ?理智时代?(1794 - 95)v“Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one - Common Sensev“These are the times that try mens souls,v “The harder the conflict, the more glorio

29、us the triumph. - The American CrisisPhilip Freneau (17521832) 菲利普菲利普.弗瑞诺弗瑞诺vUse his poetic talents to serve his nationv writing verses for the righteous cause of his people exposing British colonial savageriesvRepresentative of dawning nationalismv pointed forward to the intellectual and liberty in

30、dependencevWorks:v The British Prison ship ?英国囚船?v The Rising Glory of America ?美洲光辉的兴起?蒸蒸日上的美国?v The Indian Burying Ground ?印地安人墓地?v The Wild Honey suckle ?野金银花?v The Dying Indian: Tomo Chequi ?将死之印第安人图默.凯奎? Charles Brockden Brown (1771-1810) 查尔斯查尔斯.布罗克丹布罗克丹.布朗布朗vfather of American novelvWorks: Wie

31、land (or The Transformation: An American Tale) regarded as the first American novel Edgar Huntly Ormond Arthur MervynThings he did for which he has been remembered:v1 his awareness that his inspiration was rooted in his own land;v2 his employment of new narrative techniques hitherto unheeded by his

32、predecessorsv3 his description of his characters inner worldThomas Jefferson (17431862) 托马斯托马斯.杰斐逊杰斐逊v3rd President of the U. S.vMain drafter of v Declaration of Independence v ?独立宣言?1776) Other eminent 18th-century novelists of transitionv1 Francis Hopkinson: A Pretty Storyv2 William Hill Brown: The Power of Sympathy (or The Triumph of Nature)v3 Hugh Henry Brackenridge: Modern Chivalryv4 Gilbert Imlay: The Emigrantsv5 Mrs. Susanna Haswell Rowson: Charlotte Temple



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