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1、ReadingUnit1Stand-upforyourhealth!Laughter is good for you Laughtercanhelpusforgetaboutworries.Laughtercankeepusinagoodmood.Wecanhavepositiveattitudestowardsourlife.Wecanenjoylifebetterandlivelonger.Laughteristhebestmedicine.Peopleallovertheworldlovetolaugh.Doyoulovelaughing?Doyouthinklaughterisgood

2、forus?Why?comediesfunny moviesjokescircusstand-upfunny bookscrosstalkWhat makes people laugh?Step1Lead-in1. Whenyouareinlowspirits,whatwillyoudotostopunpleasantfeeling?listeningtomusicorwatchingfilmsseeingfriendssurfingtheInternetdosomereadingwatchingacomedy2.Canyounamesomecomedians?Whoisyourfavorit

3、ecomedian?Why?Mr. Bean Mr. Bean is funny because he makes funny faces, he acts stupidly, he seems to be quite silly, and the things he does are strange. To gain some knowledge about stand-up comedyTo master some basic skills of how to guess the meanings of new wordsEnable students to know the import

4、ance of laughter to our health and our life.Learning aims:Letslearnmoreaboutthecomedians.Step2ReadingReading strategyWhat would you do when you come across a new word?_.B. guess the meanings of the new words from the context (上下文上下文)A. look up the dictionary at onceBReading Strategy:Read Paragraph 1

5、 and guess the meaning of “stand-up” .Stand-up _ a kind of _that is done on a stage by _ talking straight to _ members.What is stand-up?comedya comedian audienceStand-up 单口喜剧单口喜剧 isHowtoguessthemeaning?1. The writer will give the meaning of difficult or technical vocabulary in _2._ may also give you

6、 some idea of the meaning.Reading Strategythe sentences around it.The way a word is usedGuessingthemeaningofanewword1.Standupforyourhealth.Stand-upisakindofcomedythatisdoneonastagebyacomediantalkingstraighttoaudiencemembersA.onetypeofcomedyB.standingC.fightD.disagreementGuessingthemeaningofanewword2


8、ns.Task11.Whatisthearticleabout?2.Afterstartingasastand-upcomedian,whatdidBillyCrystalgoontodolaterinlife?3.Whatislaughtergoodfor?Stand-upcomedy.Hewentontoactinfilms.Ourhealth.Pre-readingChoose which is the best structure concerning the passage.ABCDAStand up for your health!Types of stand-upA famous

9、 comedianLaughter is good for your health!Four typesBilly CrystalThe reason whyA brief introductionabout stand-up comedyStructureof the article: Task2Typesofstand-upHowmanytypesofstand-uparementioned?Whatarethey?Detailed-readingtell jokes about the way people behave or about daily life. visual humou

10、r-inspired by objects absurd humour do impressions-act or speak like a well-known person1234Typesofstand-up(para2)A comedian says : “My grandmother started walking 1 km a day when she turned 60. She is 89 years old now, and we dont know where she is!”Choose the correct type of stand-up comedy.1.tell

11、 jokes2.visual humor 3.absurd humour impressions1.tell jokesA comedian walks on stage. As she introduces herself, she falls down.1.tell jokes2.visual humor 3.absurd humour impressions3.absurd humourA comedian stands on stage and hold a banana to his ear. He says:“hello? Hello? I cant hear

12、you. Something must be wrong with my phone. ”1.tell jokes2.visual humor 3.absurd humour impressions2.visual humorA comedian puts on glasses, change his or her voices, and pretended to be someone else. 1.tell jokes2.visual humor 3.absurd humour impressionsBilly Crystal, a fa

13、mous stand-up comedianDo you know who he is?Nationality:_Profession:_Timesofhostingthe Academy Awards:_Reasonforbecomingfamous:SpecialhabitinAcademyAwards:_Idols(偶像偶像):_Americancomedian,host,filmactor9times_abilitytoamusepeople.quickthinkingBobHope&GeorgeBurnskeepingatoothbrushinhispocketforluck(简介)

14、(简介)(para3-5)(para3-5)(para3-5)(para3-5)BobHopeAfamousAmericancomedian,borninLondon.Heisgoodatimprovisingandfamousforspeakingatafastspeedandenjoyalonglifeofacting.GeorgeburnsA famous American stand-up comedian. He often acted with his wife. He once was given the Academy Awards in 1975.Who were Bob H

15、ope and George Burns ? They were two comedians who lived to be _and_Bob Hope George Burns Careful reading: read part 3 and answer:Careful reading: read part 3 and answer:100 years oldkept working until nearly the end of their lives. 1.Why is laughter good for your health? _ _ _ _2. Which English say

16、ing proves to be true in the last paragraph? _Careful reading: read part 4 and answer Careful reading: read part 4 and answer the following questions:the following questions: Laughter is the best medicine.When you laugh, your brain sends chemicals around your body that are good for you.Step3 Reading

17、 Comprehension IIRead the sentences and decide T or F.1.Visual homour can be boring when you cannot see what the comedian is doing.2.One comedian did not lose any weight even though he had been doing a lot of physical exercise for a month.TF3. People usually laugh at comedians doing impressions beca

18、use they do not like the person being made fun of.4. The old actors speech at the Academy Awards was like a silent film because there was no sound.5. Bob Hope and George Burns lived for a long time probably because they laughed a lot.FTTMore questions (Part C2)1.How might a stand-up comedian decide

19、what jokes to tell?2.WhatisonereasonBillyGrystalhasbecomesofamous?3. WhendidBillyCrystalbeginpractisingstand-up?4. What does your brain do when you laugh?5. What is the English idiom about laughter mentioned in the text?More questions (Part C2)1.How might a stand-up comedian decide what jokes to tel

20、l? 2.WhatisonereasonBillyGrystalhasbecomesofamous?Becauseheisveryquickthinkingandisoftenabletocomeupwithnewjokesaboutthepeopleandthingsaroundhim.A stand-up comedian might decide what jokes to tell depending upon the audience reacted to his or her previous jokes.Itsendschemicalsthataregoodforyouintoy

21、ourbody.Laughteristhebestmedicine.4. What does your brain do when you laugh?5. What is the English idiom about laughter mentioned in the text?3. WhendidBillyCrystalbeginpractisingstand-up?When he was a child.Oneofthemostwell-knownandwell-lovedtypesof1._iscalledstandup.Thereare2._different3._ofstand-


23、meClozeClozeupwithTask3 Doctorshavediscoveredthatpeoplewholaughalotlive12._afterresearchingwhat13._stand-upandotherformsofcomedyhaveonus.Whenwelaugh,ourbrainsends14._aroundthebodythataregoodforus.Laughinghelpsthebodystayhealthy,asthe15._goes,laughteristhebest16._.Soweshouldtrytomakesomeonelaugh,whic

24、hmighthelpthemlivelonger.longereffectchemicalssayingmedicineClozeClozeWhatspecialqualitiesshouldacomedianhave?asenseofhumorquickthinkingactingskillsabilitytoreadpeoplepassion,diligence,beingknowledgeableStep4Discussion Discussion Step5ConclusionLaughter is a bridge that can lead people to health, happiness and peace. It is a good therapy to help people get rid of bitterness and forget all the problems.Step6Homework 1. Finish Part A1 and Part A2 on page96 in the textbook. 2.Try to retell the whole passage in your own words.



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