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1、Name:LiQianClass:4621.Understandthemainpointsofanarticle.2.Beabletousetheinformationandlanguageyoulearntowriteafilmreview.learningaims Romantic filmComedythrillerSci-fi filmMartial arts filmFilmsRomanticfilmsComedyThrillerSci-fiMartialartsfilms爱情片爱情片喜剧片喜剧片恐怖片恐怖片科幻片科幻片功夫片功夫片Module6Answer the question

2、s:1). Have you seen the film?2). Whats the name of the film? Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 3). Do you know who directs the film? Ang Lee4). What type of the film is it? Martial arts filmsFast readingListen to the tape and choose the best summary of the film.A. It takes place on Peking rooftops and

3、in the desert of western China.B. It is a martial arts film that tells the story of a stolen sword, and the fight to get it back.C. It tells the story of two people who love each other.Match the main idea with each paragraph Para. 1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5A.The plot of the film.B.The writers opinion

4、C.Setting of the film.D.Introduction of Ang Lee .E.The characters of the film . Read the film review again and tell the following statements true or false. 1.Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a masterpiece of martial arts films.masterpiece of martial arts films.2.

5、Now Now wuxia films are well received only in China.3.The story is mainly about how Li The story is mainly about how Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian tried to get back a stolen sword.4.Chow Chow Yun-Fat played wonderfully in the film and the part Li Mubai interests the audience most.5.Crouching Tiger, Hidden

6、 Dragon is really an Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is really an excellent film.excellent film.T TF FT TF FT TCareful readingPara1 Introduction of Ang Leemain idea: Ang Lee is a director. He directed a number of excellent films. What is Ang Lee?Readthetextcarefullyandthenanalyzeeachparagraph.Discuss

7、theanswersinpairs.Para2setting of the film.main idea:What do you know about Chinese story called wuxia? The story tells of nineteenth century martial arts masters with unusually abilities in China.Para3The plot of the film.main idea:Fill in the blanks according to the text1800sPeking rooftops In lov

8、e desertsleapgracefulin surprisewithThe story takes place in the early in China. A man and a woman are each other. The action takes place on , and in places as far away as the of western China. As in the old wuxia stories, characters through the air, with beautiful, Movements, audiences shout . Para

9、4the characters of this film. main idea:Unusually ,what interest us most?It is the female characters that interest us most.Who is the character we care about most?Brave ,good and strong, Xiulian is the character we care about most.Para4Translate this sentence into Chinese But one cannot forget the w

10、onderful Chou Yun-fat,who is as good with a sword as he is with a gun. 但是,谁也不会注意不到周润发,他真是了不起,他使剑和使枪一样厉害。 Why are Li Mubairomantic scenes with Yu Xiulian very moving? As their eyes show all the love that they must not express in words.Para5the writeropinionmain idea: What the writer want us to do aft

11、er reading this film review?Go and see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.summaryThenameoffilmThetypeofthefilmThesettingThecharactersTheplotTheopinion Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Martial arts film In the early 1800s, peking rooftops, the deserts of western ChinaLi Mubi(played by chow yun-fat)Yu Xiuli

12、an(played by michelle yeoh)Fall in love ,a good friend , get the stolen sword backA masterpiece of martial arts film s Fill in the form with the information you have got from the film reviewretelling Group in four, try your best to retell the film review according to the summary . Choose a film that you like and write a review of it. Homework For example:DespicableMeTheManFromMacauWherearewegoing,DadForrestGumpOliverTwistHarryPotterTitanicAChineseOdysseyTheKingofComedy神偷奶爸神偷奶爸澳门风云澳门风云爸爸去哪儿爸爸去哪儿阿甘正传阿甘正传雾都孤儿雾都孤儿哈利波特哈利波特泰坦尼克号泰坦尼克号大话西游大话西游喜剧之王喜剧之王



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