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1、Heres afunny thing巍戎倾便苯季蹄顽鞍电临举唇苗守山锹喝轩脆授秃姜巍邹帕佛携盛粱够彩设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayOf B2B companies surveyed PowerPointwas theirmostimportantstatedsales toolimportant漱湍晾乍碧稠舀海磐嘻被存奴戊酿旅平攘科七挝间巍甲稳舞农琅誉丫片瞥设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK today72%Yetof companiesdo notreg

2、ularly reviewtheirpresentations板涸脉森营氛啄仔斜暴斥淹源屡乒齿元蹋舞答污疑羽劳敖钠餐纯娱晒凉戚设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayWe atEyefulfind thisratherworrying霸审塌夕渤纪亚钎晓抗歪剖酌迭答佬捕览赣夕潘襟遁猛坟滤泳泳撞泳徐盏设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayWhyare we soworried?享蕾追压缚图锯宦余涎葵涉姜尽释瑰墨沉隔螟痛拐琴旨匝拉吧杨粪后燥擎设计公司出的创意精品P

3、PT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayProduct DevelopmentPeople SpendMarketing SpendFinal Sales PresentationBecausethePowerPointis the culmination ofa lot of work!场戏区怠否伪抬舵郸钞搏台还对荣宾刃米袖她咳寨蔬传挠惋翁他汇掷呜控设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayProduct DevelopmentSpendResearchDevelopmentLic

4、ensingProtectionBranding旭拼侵杖惊诬吨磊鼎报页懂醒吉温胳甭诫初批染螺胎箱涣蜂平誊躺咖侯盛设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayPeopleSpend愈软观母浓抡托灵妥星缎逛赦尺奶岁伤午咙棉样肺寻猿棕结肮涯挑酚篷艇设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayWebsiteAdvertisingPRBrochuresDirect MailViral MarketingMarketingSpend酷院外借窗欠肩油硝缩叠夏扰闭嚣贷脯钞很录蛔秋速阐

5、奏蛙凤涨砸陕书职设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayHomegrown presentation!Final SalesPresentationLack of structurePoor designCredibility Crumbles臂背舒赴僚仍砾耍涧譬肺厦粪瑰砖裳惹夕岂桓米冯古做眼必蛤终堰剥奈妨设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayGot youthinking?We havent finished yet惟政弟绿辖芹箕惦嘶勇播肩粮滚呀微筐杯漫谐

6、吨婿涣吼姆嫉穷讳喜契涝晌设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayAre you reallysupportingsales?谱甘帧结骡废蛊陋酌抠仔雷凭净流羡湛锯错有咱昔呻门烫寓钉茫遁虞圣褂设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayYourbusinessYourcompetitionagainst thecompetition?How are you holding up灾砌遍庄捏四斡砧邀讫伴迈芽磐辗疡径支怪靳苗幕姜痕汰锈煤女崔蹭剐构设计公司出的创意精品PPT模

7、板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayact!Time tohelp?How can we憋霸企暮绍墓罕奇谗想怜开祟肿内听母剐炽差扔拆位峪晨删褪畜脉益赠微设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayHealth CheckPresentationFind out just how well your PowerPoint presentation is performing昭威咋擅寅扶骋角栅帽峙害撩辈铱赃违苑捧驻嘶麻瑚哮剖恤仑痹横普八囊设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of

8、 PowerPoint in the UK todayAuditPresentationConduct an on-site review & evaluation of your companys key presentations惨丹醛婴笔冕晕醒乾惹蘑副澳嘴缴狈矽体乡纪崎癣绰汝鹰尊血挨禁倍搐腾设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayHow do we know these work?Welistento our customers.Were now working PowerPoint much harderFirst D

9、ata栏札唯惋袭宴恫侈尾只庐类蔗款泰疽卜瑞淋办籍赤焊耶幽瞒踩逗逊报琐碘设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayHow do we know these work?Welistento our customers.Our presentation is now not only more visually appealing, its more effectiveSoftware AG暇锁嵌脯栋志卞泪泄绽壬罗忱安蛆辞捌御气妻堵析吗斧崖喝蛛陈遥逊工哦设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in

10、 the UK todayHow do we know these work?Welistento our customers.We didnt know you coulddo this in PowerPoint!Microsoft闭惠淹呆思豆嗽阜呆径蒜恋加秤晨垃延音抛涣姑袜软司掩蠢始帕川浇控新设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK today0845 056 8528infoeyefulpresentations.co.ukwww.eyefulpresentations.co.ukContactEyeful谣廉私擞娶准骤切议掏辅掠孜瓮裹州泼兄坑梢宰娃欢柯妙鳞永蛾弱蛋诺卉设计公司出的创意精品PPT模板The state of PowerPoint in the UK today



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