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1、书信复习之 建议信 1常用短语复习常用短语复习1给某人在某方面建议给某人在某方面建议2 向某人请求建议向某人请求建议3 在做某事时遇到困难在做某事时遇到困难4利用利用5制定计划制定计划6 认为。有用认为。有用 7 积极参加活动积极参加活动8 考虑考虑.9得到改善得到改善10 有所好转有所好转11 定目标定目标12 一步步实施你的计划一步步实施你的计划1 give sb some advice on sth2 ask sb for advice on sth follow ones advice 3 have difficulty / trouble in doing sth.4 make (f

2、ull) use of/ take advantage of5 make a plan 6 find. helpful / useful / beneficial find it helpful to do 7 take an active part in activities/ participate in activities actively8 take sth into account / consideration9 get improved10 change for the better 11 set a goal 12 carry out your plan step by st

3、ep2常用短语复习常用短语复习13对考试持积极的态度对考试持积极的态度14 一种检查学习的手段一种检查学习的手段15 避免遭受考试的压力避免遭受考试的压力16 去散步去散步17 做户外运动做户外运动18 对对有好处有好处19 丰富我们的生活丰富我们的生活20 给某人提供机会做某事给某人提供机会做某事21与某人交流与某人交流22 帮助你的学业帮助你的学业 13 have / hold a positive attitude towards exams14 a means of checking study15 avoid suffering from the pressure of exams1

4、6 go out for a walk 17 do some outdoor exercises18 be good for / do good to / be beneficial to / gain benefit from / benefit from 19 enrich ones life20 provide sb a chance to do 21 have a talk with sb / communicate with sb 22 help your academic development3Beginning: 很高兴收到你的来信,询问我如何养成良好的学习习惯。很高兴收到你的

5、来信,询问我如何养成良好的学习习惯。I am glad to receive your letter asking for my suggestions about how to develop good learning habits. 我很高兴得知你将进入大学并且很荣幸能就专业选择方面给我很高兴得知你将进入大学并且很荣幸能就专业选择方面给你提一些建议。你提一些建议。I am glad to know that you are going to enter college and it is my great pleasure to give you some suggestions of

6、choosing your major. 对于你的请求,我想就如何保持健康提出我的建议。对于你的请求,我想就如何保持健康提出我的建议。Concerning / As to / Regarding your request, I would like to offer my advice on how to keep fit. 以下是我给你的建议。以下是我给你的建议。Here are my suggestions for you. 4Ending: 我希望你会觉得这些建议有用。我希望你会觉得这些建议有用。I hope you will find these suggestions / propo

7、sals / recommendations helpful./useful / practical.我希望我的建议将证明有些价值。我希望我的建议将证明有些价值。I hope that my suggestions will prove of some value. 5Dear Mr. Wang, I am Li Hua, a student from Class 3, Grade 3. Ive heard that our school library is planning to buy a number of new books. so I am writing to offer som

8、e suggestions. Personally, I think our school library should buy some popular science books and literary books. Francis Bacon once said, “ Knowledge is power.” Popular science books are good for us students to learn more about the secret of nature and the world. Literary books not only enrich our li

9、fe, but also provide us a chance to exchange ideas with people of all times. As we all know, books are the ladder of human progress. I believe we can benefit a lot from reading books. I hope you will find these suggestions helpful. yours sincerely, Li Hua6 Form of an Application Letter 建议信模板建议信模板: 简

10、要陈述事由,写信目的,简要陈述事由,写信目的,如果写给某个组织或机构,如果写给某个组织或机构,要进行简单地自我介绍,注要进行简单地自我介绍,注意语气礼貌意语气礼貌提出几点建议并说明建议的提出几点建议并说明建议的理由理由对事件稍作总结对事件稍作总结/ 希望建议希望建议得到采纳得到采纳7练习1假如你是大学一年级新生李华。开学之初,假如你是大学一年级新生李华。开学之初,你的英语老师你的英语老师Ms Li 希望了解每位同学的英语希望了解每位同学的英语学习情况,并征求教学建议。请按以下要点学习情况,并征求教学建议。请按以下要点用英语给她写一封信。用英语给她写一封信。1 对英语学习的认识。对英语学习的认识

11、。2 自己目前的英语水平。自己目前的英语水平。3自己英语学习存在的主要问题。自己英语学习存在的主要问题。4对英语教学的亮点建议。对英语教学的亮点建议。8Dear Ms Li, I am very happy to have you as our English teacher. As the world is becoming a global village, English is getting more and more important, so mastering English means we can see the world through a new window. Tho

12、ugh I am aware of its importance, I dont have a good command of it. And Ive found that my problem lies chiefly in two aspects. For one thing, I find it difficult to keep English words in mind. For another thing, I also have difficulty with my English composition and even make some foolish mistakes w

13、hen I write. Therefore, its my hope that you can give us some practical tips on how to memorize English words. Besides, it would be better if you could instruct us on how to write good English compositions.Thank you! Yours sincerely Li Hua 9练习2假如你是李华,你的两位朋友Anna 和Mary 几天前发生了争吵。11月11日是 Anna 的生日,Mary想送

14、她一个礼物来缓和关系,修复友情。因此特地发来邮件征求你的建议。请你根据以下要点给Mary 回一封邮件:1 送礼物的目的 2 礼物的选择 3 选择的理由 4 其他和解建议 5 你的愿望。要求:词数:120;可适当增加细节Dear Mary, Best wishes! Li Hua 10Dear Mary, I am glad to hear that you are considering making up with Anna. If I were you, I would consider a bike as a birthday present for her. As far as I k

15、now, Anna likes taking exercise by riding a bike. In the meanwhile, you can often go on an outgoing by bike together, which is helpful in rebuilding your friendship. Besides, taking a bike is an environmentally friendly means of transport. Its convenient for her to get around as well. Apart from giving her a gift, you can also adopt other means, such as travelling, seeing a movie, having dinner or going shopping together. No matter what you do, being sincere is the most important. I really hope that you can be good friends forever. Best wishes! Li Hua 11



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