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1、 Unit 9 Sportsmanship and ChampionshipPart I Getting readyPart II Yoga exercisesPart III Match of the dayPart IV More about the topic: SportsmanshipPart V Memory test: Which Sport?Part VI Watch and enjoyListen This Way Book 2Part I Getting readySports mean competitions of physical strength, skill, o

2、r endurance against opponents or against an objective standard such as time, height, or distance. Sports can be divided into professional sports and amateur sports, or team sports and individual sports.*endurance 耐力耐力*opponents 对手对手A.The following words will appear in this unit. Listen carefully and

3、 study the definitions. 1. sports fan: 体育迷2. championship: 锦标赛3. dynamic: 动态的4. quarter final: 四分之一决赛5. referee: 裁判6. coach: 教练7. cheerleader: 拉拉队8. penalize: 处罚(犯规者)9. applaud: 鼓掌喝彩,欢呼10. deuce: (网球)终局前的平分B. You are going to hear a news item about a basketball tournament. Write the scores in the ci

4、rcles. Which team wins each game? Which is the champion team? Write the teams names in the squares. *basketball championship 篮球锦标赛*things were closer 比分更为接近*real action 艰苦的战斗,此处指很激烈的比赛*bowling 保龄球94 6899 10387 7372 65Lions HawksTigers EaglesRockets CometsPanthers BearsLions Eagles Panthers Rockets 8

5、6 107 92 80 Lions Rockets 98 109 Rockets AudioscriptC. Listen to two colleagues discussing their interests. Do they like or dislike 13? Tick () the boxes. And then answer the questions that follow.*World Cup Final 世界杯决赛*my cup of tea 我喜欢的*polo 马球*have a go 尝试(某事)*aquarium 玻璃鱼缸*tropical fish 热带鱼*pira

6、nha (南美)比拉鱼Questions:1. Why doesnt the man watch football on TV?_2. Why does he talk about polo?_3. Whats he interested in, apart from golf?_Because he cant play football, and if hes not very good at a sport, he doesnt like watching it.Because its half horse riding, half golf. And the woman loves ho

7、rse riding and her husband plays golf.Tropical fish.AudioscriptHomepagePart II Yoga exercisesClassical yoga is a doctrine that is theistic and emphasizes purification through meditation. A yogi, or practitioner of yoga, meditates in order to achieve true bliss, which involves a complete withdrawal f

8、rom the world. Yogis assume the bodily posture that affords them the most stability and the least effort. The yogi strives to transcend body and matter through consistent meditation.*doctrine (宗教)教义(宗教)教义 *theistic 有神论的有神论的*purification 涤罪,洁身涤罪,洁身 *meditation/meditates 冥想,沉思冥想,沉思*yogi 瑜伽信奉者瑜伽信奉者 *bl

9、iss 无上幸福无上幸福*bodily posture 体态,身体姿势体态,身体姿势 *stability 稳定性稳定性*transcend 超越超越A. You are going to hear a conversation between two students Paul and Lisa about some yoga exercises. Listen carefully. Match the names of the yoga postures with the proper pictures.( ) candle/shoulder-stand( ) plough( ) fish

10、( ) forward bend( ) cobra( ) locust( ) bow( ) headstand86214573*肩倒立*犁*鱼*前趋*眼镜蛇*蝗虫*弓*头手倒立B. Listen to the conversation again. While you listen, add more key words in the left-hand column. After listening, complete the descriptions for each yoga posture.NotesDescriptionsback stomachleg knee foot toesh

11、oulder arm handbrain headcrown of head trunklift, raisestretch, arch touch, catchbend, straighten blood circulation 1CandleStart by _ on your _ and then _ your_ up till all the weights _ on your_ and your _ are straight up in the air.2. PloughStart by _ on your _ and then _ your _ over till your _ t

12、he floor behind you.3. FishStart by _ on your _ and then _your _ and _ the weight on the _of your _.lyingtoes touchstretchshouldersrestinglegsliftbacklegslyingbacklegslyingbackheadcrowntakearchback*头顶*成弓形*拉直*血液循环*躯干NotesDescriptionsdigestive systemlose weight4. Forward BendStart by _ straight and th

13、en _ forward.5. CobraStart by _ on your _and then _.6. LocustStart by _ flat on your _ with your_ by your sides and then _ your _.7. BowStart by _ on your _ and then _your _ and your _ till you can _ your _ with your _.8. Headstand_ on your _.*lie on ones back 仰卧*straight up 笔直向上*lie on ones stomach

14、 俯卧legsraisearmsstomachlyinghandsfeetcatchtrunklegsraisestomachlyingStandlyingbendsittingraiselyinglyingYoga PosturesTimeBenefitsCandlePloughFishForward BendCobraLocustBowHeadstand1 minute1-10 minutegood for circulation of blood to the braingood for the whole bodylose weightgood for blood circulatio

15、n and backstraighten backgood for stomach and whole digestive system2 minute1 minute2 minute*dynamic stage 保持用力状态*hold on to ones feet 抓住脚不放*hypnotize 施催眠术*a very high opinion of 器重,评价很高C. Listen to the conversation once more. Complete the following chart with the help of the above notes.1 minute1 m

16、inute1 minuteAudioscriptHomepagePart III Match of the dayGood sportsmanship means not having a win at any cost attitude. Most athletes who dont have a win at any cost attitude are more likely to talk about how much they love their sport and how much personal satisfaction and enjoyment they get from

17、participation.*sportsmanship 体育道德,运动员风范体育道德,运动员风范A. You are going to hear three sports commentaries. Decide which sport is being played. *Mount Fuji (日本)富士山*a false start 抢跑*follow through 坚持到底*thrown the chance away 错失良机*Scotland 苏格兰1._2._3._SumoFootballRunning*相扑B. Now try this: listen to a more a

18、uthentic version of the commentaries and complete the following summaries.The names in the box will help you do the exercise.Onokuni / Fujino shinHignita / Roger MillaGlenda Walsh / Kostic / Anne Murray1. Onokuni, also known as _, is fighting against _, whose nickname is _. Fujino shin weighs _, but

19、 Onokuni is _ heavier. _ wins the fight.2. The match is being played in _. The two teams are _ and _. Hignita _ from the goal to try to get the ball, but thisallows _ to _. So the score is _, and _ are almost certain to win. This means they will play in the _. 3. With _ to go, Glenda Walsh is _. But

20、 _ overtakes her and _. Her time is _, which is a good win because its only her _ this summer.2:0scoreRoger Millacomes outColombiaCameroonNaplesOnokuni60 kilos150 kilosThe TruthFujino shinThe Pandasecond serious outdoor race14496hits the frontAnne Murrayin first place80 metersquarter finalthe Camero

21、on*hit the front 冲线*overtake 超过*score 进球得分*Colombia (拉丁美洲)哥伦比亚*Cameroon (非洲)喀麦隆*Naples (意大利)那不勒斯AudioscriptHomepagePart IV More about the topic: SportsmanshipEveryone feels great when they win, but it can be just as hard to be a good sport when youve won a game as when youve lost one. Good sportsman

22、ship takes maturity and courage when you work really hard at a sport, its not easy to admit you made a bad play or that someone has more skills than you. In competition as in life you may not always win but you can learn something from losing, too.*maturity 成熟成熟The following passage is about sportsm

23、anship. Supply the missing words while listening. If youre into sports, youve _ it happen. Youve probably even _ it. Football players _ hands after _ quarters of _ each other around. Tennis players _ over the net to shake hands with their _ after a _ match. Soccer players _ jerseys after an intense

24、_ minutes. Even boxers _ gloves at the beginning of each round, then _ each other after _ each other into a pulp for _ rounds. It seems like _ in every event, from spelling bees to hockey, _ this way. Whats going on? Its all part of _, a great tradition in _ and _ that means playing _ and handling b

25、oth _ and _ with _, style, and _.*quarter (橄榄球赛)1/4场*jersey 球衫*hug 拥抱*spelling bee 拼字比赛*hockey 曲棍球dignitygracedefeatbehavecompetitors12beatinghuggingtouching90exchangingopponentshard-foughtleapingknockingshakingexperiencedseenvictorycleancompetitionsportssportsmanshipfour*play clean 公平竞争*dignity 尊严

26、What Is Sportsmanship? Sportsmanship is defined as:_ fair_ the rules of the game_ the judgment of referees and _ opponents with _ Some people define good sportsmanship as the “_ rule” of sports in other words, _the people you play _ and against as youd like to be _ yourself. You _ good sportsmanship

27、 when you show respect for _, your _, and your _, for the _ on both sides, and for the _, _, and other officials. But sportsmanship isnt just _ for the people on the _. Cheerleaders, fans, and _ also need to be _ of how they behave during _. Sportsmanship is a _ and an _, and it can have a _ influen

28、ce on everyone around you.awareparentsfansreservedjudgesrefereescoachesopponentsteammatesyourselfdemonstratetreatedwithtreatinggoldenrespecttreatingofficialsrespectingfollowingplayingpositive attitudestylecompetition*referee 裁判*teammate 队友*coach 教练*cheerleader 拉拉队 Practicing Good Sportsmanship So wh

29、at does it take to demonstrate good sportsmanship in _? Here are some examples of things you can do:l_ as much as you can about your sport. _ by its rules. _ up for practice, _ hard, and _ that on a team, everyone _ a chance to play.lTalk _ and act _ toward everyone _, during, and _ games and events

30、.lStay _. Even if others are losing their _, it doesnt mean you have to. _ yourself that no matter how _ youve _ and _, it is, after all, just a _.l_ settling disputes with _. If youre in a difficult situation or someones _ you, seek _ immediately from your coach or from an official. Remember, too,

31、that if you _ with violence you could get _, which could _ your chances of winning.coolafterbeforecourteouslypolitelydeservesrealizeworkShowPlayLearnreal-life situationshurtpenalizedrespondhelpthreateningviolenceAvoidgameplayedpracticedhardRemindtempers*courteously 有礼貌地*settle disputes 解决争端*penalize

32、 处罚(犯规)l_ your teammates on with positive _ and avoid _ the other team.l_ and _ good plays, even when someone on the other team makes them.lWhen officials make a _, accept it _ even if it goes against you. Remember that referees may not be _ every time but theyre _ who are doing their _, just as you

33、 are.lWhether you _ or _, _ your opponents on a game well played.losecongratulatewinbestpeoplerightgracefullycallapplaudAcknowledgetrash-talkingstatementsCheer*cheer your teammates on 为队友加油*trash-talking 废话*acknowledge 向.致意*applaud 欢呼*call 判定,裁决HomepagePart V Memory test: Which Sport?Historically, a

34、 rigid distinction has been made, between amateur athletics and professional sports. This distinction has become less rigid with time. Major league baseball, basketball, and football are the chief professional games. Skiing, swimming, and the various forms of tennis and running rank as the most impo

35、rtant individual amateur sports.*rigid distinction 严格的区分严格的区分*amateur athletics 业余运动业余运动*league 联盟,联赛联盟,联赛A. Below is a list of popular sports and a set of sports pictures. Listen carefully. Match the sports with their pictures.sumobowlingcricketgolfrugbysquash*相扑相扑*保龄球保龄球*板球板球*高尔夫球高尔夫球 *橄榄球橄榄球*壁球壁球

36、tennisbaseballhockeyskiingsnookerswimming*棒球棒球*曲棍球曲棍球*滑雪滑雪*斯诺克台球斯诺克台球hurdling basketball footballboxingrunningtable-tennis*跨栏跨栏*乒乓球乒乓球_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cricketbowlingskiingtable tennis swimminggolftennishockeyrunningboxingbaseballsquashbasketballrugbysnookerhurdlingfootballsumoB. L

37、isten to some extracts of sports commentaries. Decide which sport is being reported in each extract you hear. You may find the above list helpful.*bring up the rear 处在最后的位置*at full stretch 竭尽全力,全力以赴*stagger back 摇晃着向后退*lethal 杀伤力极强的*Scot 苏格兰人*unmarked 未被注意到的*make for 跑向*gain on 逼近*close the gap 缩短差距

38、*stamina 持久力,体力1._2._3._4._5._6._7._HurdlingTennisBoxingSnookerBasketballRugbySwimming跨栏:*half-way mark 半程标记运动术语运动术语拳击:*jab 短促有力的截击*rope 围栏索斯诺克台球:*the red/pink 红色/粉色球*center pocket 中袋*far pocket 底袋*cue ball 母球,白色球*take the frame 清杆游泳:*stroke 手脚的一次划动篮球:*All Stars 全明星队*quarter 1/4场*a shot goes wide 投篮

39、球未进*loose ball 失球*long shot 远投网球:*backhand 反手击球*forehand 正手打*lob 吊高球*smash the ball into the net 将球 扣杀在网内*deuce (终局前的)平分*serve 发球*passing shot 超身球(打到场地一侧使对方无法接的硬球)橄榄球:*take the throw 掷球*clear run前面无人拦截*far corner 远角*post 球门柱*fullback 后卫*touch 触地得分*lineout 列队争球*goal line 球门线AudioscriptHomepagePart VI

40、 Watch and enjoy*tournament 锦标赛*host team 主队*panic 恐慌,惊慌*be in ones ass 成为某人的眼中钉*suffocate the pass 截住传球*D up 盯住对方的队员*charge 截住对方攻球,阻住对方前进*block 阻挡*tight (比赛)势均力敌的1. defense2. timeout3. fourth quarter4. hit the three5. set a screen6. inbound pass7. one shot8. foul9. basket counts10. tie the game11.

41、sub, for five12. backboardB. 防守E. 暂停J. 比赛的第四节H. 投3分球L. 做掩护C. 掷界外球F. 罚球一次I. 犯规A. 进球有效K. 追平比分D. 换下5号G. 篮板AudioscriptHomepage Hello, sports fans, and welcome to “This Weeks Sports”. The big news this week, of course, is the basketball championship. It started on Friday. The Lions beat the Hawks, ninety

42、-four to sixty-eight. That score again: The Lions won. Lions ninety-four, Hawks sixty-eight. Things were closer with the Tigers and the Eagles. The Eagles won. They won by just four points. The score: one hundred and three to ninety-nine. Again, the Eagles one-o-three, the Tigers ninety-nine. Next,

43、the Panthers played the Bears. The Panthers won over the Bears, eighty-seven to seventy-three. The Panthers eighty-seven, the Bears seventy-three.And in the last game, the Rockets beat the Comets. The Rockets won, seventy-two to sixty-five. Rockets seventy-two, Comets sixty-five. Then on Saturday, w

44、e saw some real action. It was the Lions against the Eagles. And the Lions won, with ninety-two points. The Eagles had eighty points. The score: Lions ninety-two, Eagles eighty. And in the other big game on Saturday, the Rockets beat the Panthers one hundred and seven to eighty-six. The Rockets won.

45、 Rockets one-oh-seven, Panthers eighty-six.That brings us to the championship game on Sunday. It was the Lions against the Rockets. It was a good game. And in the end, the Rockets won; they had one hundred and nine points. The Lions had ninety-eight. So the new champions are the Rockets. Rockets one

46、-o-nine, Lions ninety-eight. Thats it for basketball action. Turning now to the excitement of professional bowlingAudioscriptWoman:So, are you watching the cup final this weekend?Man: Um no, I dont think so.Woman:Dont you like football?Man: No. I cant stand it. Sorry to sound so miserable!Woman:Mmm,

47、 I hate it too, but I watch the World Cup Final.Man: I cant play, thats my problem. Im hopeless at it! If Im not very good at a sport, I dont like watching it.Woman:So what do you like, then?Man: I play golf.Woman:Oh right. My husband plays. Im not interested in it, though. Its not my cup of tea. He

48、 plays golf, I go horse riding.Man: Oh right. Well you could play polo both of you. Thats half horse riding, half golf! Id love to have a go at riding, actually. I bet its good fun.Woman:Oh, its great fun.Man: So, do you have your own horse?Woman:No. Id love to have one, but, um its expensive.Man: Y

49、eah. Im quite interested in tropical fish. Id like to have an aquarium, but its a problem if you travel a lotWoman:Tropical fish?Man: Yeah. Id like to have some piranhas.Woman:Piranhas?Man: Well, they say a hundred piranhas can eat a horse in less than five minutes!Woman:Oh!Man: Im not sure if that

50、includes the rider or notAudioscriptPaul: Hey, Lisa! Lisa. Lisa: Phew! Take it easy!Paul: Oh, its, well, I just realized, after the yoga session, that the only notes Id taken were the names of the yoga postures, and now I dont remember which was whichLisa: You are a dream, arent you. Youll forget yo

51、ur head one day.Paul: You couldnt just run through the list with me and tell me what Lisa: OK, OK. But I havent got long.Paul: Thanks a lot. I wrote down number one as the “Candle”.Lisa: The “Candle”? Oh. thats the shoulder-stand where you start by lying on your back and then lift your legs up till

52、all your weights resting on your shoulders, and your legs are straight up in the air.Paul: Shoulder-stand.Lisa: Yes, and you do it for a minute. The second one was the “Plough”, which you start by lying on your back and thenPaul: Hold on a minute this is the “Plough” youre talking about?Lisa: Number

53、 two on your list, and mine. Start on your back and then stretch your legs over till your toes touch the floor behind you. And that takes two minutes including the dynamic stage.Paul: Two minutes including the dynamic stage. Right. And the “Fish”?Lisa: The “Fish” is the one where you start by lying

54、on your back and then you arch your back and take the weight on the crown of your head.Paul: How long for? Lisa: She said one minute.Paul: And what are the “Plough” and the “Fish” good for?Lisa: Lots of things. Everything. Well, she said the “Plough” was especially good for the circulation of blood

55、to the brain, so that would do you a lot of good. Might even make you less absent-minded.Paul: Thank you very much. Lisa: Youre welcome. Paul: The “Forward Bend”?Lisa: In the “Forward Bend”, you start by sitting straight and then you bend forward. What else did you think it was?Paul: And how long do

56、 you do it for?Lisa: Two minutes, including the dynamic bit where you hold on to your feet and use your hands to pull yourself down till your head touches your knees.Paul: Right. Got that. What about the “Cobra”? Lisa: What does a real cobra do?Paul: Lies on its stomach and then raises its head into

57、 the air. And looks at you, trying to hypnotize you.Lisa: Correct. One minute, including the dynamic bit. Paul: And whats it good for?Lisa: For you? Well, as you live on hamburgers and Coke, the “Forward Bend” would do your stomach and your whole digestive system a lot of good, and the “Cobra” might

58、 do a miracle and straighten your back.Paul: What about the, er, “Locust”?Lisa: Lie flat on your stomach with your arms by your sides and then raise your legs. One minute, including the half-locust. Good for your Coke circulation I mean your blood circulation, and for your back, since you seem to sp

59、end most of the day sitting down in a chair.Paul: I get the impression that you dont have a very high opinion of me. Lisa: I get the impression that youre not really interested in yoga at all. Paul: But I am, I am. What about the “Bow”?Lisa: The “Bow” is the one where you lie on your stomach and the

60、n raise your legs and your trunk till you can catch your feet with your hands and look like a bow. One minute of that is enough.Paul: Whats it good for?Lisa: In your case, losing weight, losing all that fat you get from eating hamburgers. Now can we finish please because Ive got another class to go

61、to?Paul: And the “Headstand”?Lisa: In the “Headstand”, Paul, you stand on your head, and you can do it for anything from one to ten minutes, and it does everything good. Now I must go, so good-bye.Paul: Thank you Lisa thank you. She looks so lovely when shes angry!Audioscript1. Today ends with a fig

62、ht featuring Onokuni, also known as The Panda. He has quite an easy fight today in a match against Fujino shin. Fujino shin is heavy at 150 kilos, rather close to the ground. Hes nicknamed The Truth, which comes from a fighting name which means “The True Mount Fuji”. The fight is delayed by a false

63、start from Fujino shin. That worries Onokuni a little hes a man who doesnt like to start too soon. Its The Panda who wins in the end. Fujino shin starts well, and he pushes the Panda backwards, but he doesnt seem to be able to follow through. Onokuni is just too big to move and in the end he pushes

64、his way through, using the advantage of 60 extra kilos and he carries Fujino shin away. A good win for Onokuni.2. Now then, Hignitas come about 40 meters out of the goal there to take the ball. And he must be a worried man. Well, the atmosphere is really alight now here in Naples. Roger Milla, for C

65、ameroon, hoping to get them through to the quarter final. No African country has ever gone that far. But its not over yet. Can they do it again? Hignita comes out from the goal he seems to want to get involved. I do not believe it, a goal, hes thrown the chance away. Roger Milla scores. Thats it, 20

66、. Roger Milla makes this World Cup belong to Cameroon. They now know that theyre on the way, Im sure to the quarter finals. Hignita looks upset, the Colombians cant believe it.3. And in first place is Glenda Walsh from the United States, then Kostic and then comes Murray. But Murray is looking very

67、comfortable indeed; and only 80 meters to go now, here comes Murray, coming up past Kostic now. Its Walsh leading, Murray in second place. And Murray responds to the cheers of the crowd with 80 meters to go, here she comes. Anne Murray hits the front, Walsh is beaten, and Anne Murray is going to win

68、 for Scotland. Here she is, shes over the line in one minute 44.96 seconds, and second was Glenda Walsh, but that was a good win for Anne Murray, under one minute 45 seconds, and this is only her second serious outdoor race this summer. She is looking very good.AudioscriptFirst commentator: and McAl

69、ister bringing up the rear. And Brown is a good 4 yards ahead at the half-way mark and hes still jumping smoothly and confidently. Smith is moving up steadily, though I think hes tiring. And Brown glances back over his shoulder, hes still got a good lead. Oh, my goodness me! Hes fallen, what a trage

70、dy, hes on the ground and Smiths going past him with a smile on his face. Oh this really is a terrible disappointment for young Leroy Brown from Croydon, who had such high hopes of making the finalSecond commentator: backhand across court to Bradford, return across the net, Davis just reaches it at

71、full stretch with a forehand low across the net, Bradford lobs and Davis smashes the ball into the net. Oh, what a bad mistake at this stage of the match by this 22-year-old New ZealanderUmpire: Deuce.Commentator: And Bradford serves from the left-hand court, quick passing shot from Davis who smashe

72、s that one downThird commentator: and with sixty seconds left in this final round, Robson is still very much on the attack. A left-hand jab to the shoulder has Leonard staggering back onto the ropes and Leonard is really in trouble now as Robson moves in with that lethal right hand of his, hes reall

73、y punishing this 18-year-old Scot. And the referees moving forward pushing Robson away hes having a word with him, I think he may be going to warn him,no hes not, hes having a word with Leonard now. Leonard is shaking his head and looking terribly tired and the referee hes stopped the fight its all

74、over and so Robson is now the newFourth commentator: a fine shot puts the red into the center pocket and leaves him in a good position to take the pink and hes going to try to put it into the far pocket he may be making a big mistake here, but Thompson is a very experienced player and he doesnt usua

75、lly make mistakes Oh dear, hes pocketed the cue ball a very bad error there and that really does leave it wide open for Donovan to take the frameFifth commentator: so its the All Stars in the lead at the beginning of the third quarter and its still anyones match. Anderson with a high ball to Sampson

76、 who takes it up towards the Rochester net and passes to Green for a shot but it goes wide and the loose ball is picked up by Thomas for Rochester, across to Hunter, the 21-year-old Welsh international, who tries a long shot and its in! 23 all now and everything to play forSixth commentator: William

77、s takes the throw and St Marys get the ball, it goes back to Murphy and out to Green and then to Jones, whos unmarked. Hes got a clear run to the far corner if Oh, hes making for the post. This could be dangerous because the Richmond fullback is gaining on him now. He looks back but hes not going to

78、 make it. He tries a kick and hes just managed to make touch. Lucky there. And now theres a lineout on the far side, 20 yards from the Richmond goal lineSeventh commentator: not a good start for the British girl but shes managing to make it up and the Russian girl is now only about five strokes ahea

79、d. And at the turn, Debbie is closing the gap, the Russian girl is visibly tiring, this is where stamina really counts and at 24 Ludmilla may well be less fit than 15-year-old Debbie Woods. And its between the two of them, theyre side by side now and with 10 yards to go what a finish! Come on Debbie

80、, you can do it Come on DebbieAudioscriptCommentator: The third and final day of the 22nd Bayhill Tournament finds the host team, Bayhill, trying to win the championship against the surprising Richmond Olilers.Audience: Defense! Defense!Player: Get your hands up!Player: Get that ball!Commentator: An

81、d Richmond uses their last timeout with 1:20 remaining in the fourth quarter, and Bayhill up by six.Referee: Time out.Carter: Come on, man. We still in the game. Come on. Dont panic. Were six down with 1:20 left, right? Weve been in these guys ass the whole game. We can do this. This is our time, ri

82、ght?Richmond: Yeah, yeah.Carter: All right, set up the 14. Run Candy. Damiens gonna hit the three. Kenyon, Lyle, set a hard screen down here. When he hits the three, go right into Diane. Pressure the inbound pass. Suffocate that pass. I want the ball back!Player: Come on, baby, lock up.Carter: Hands

83、 in.Richmond: Lets go.Carter: “Our time” on three! One, two, three!Richmond: Our time.Carter: Come on, lets go.Bayhill: One, two, three, Cougars! Lets go, guys!Player: 14! 14! Candy!Player: Hands up! Hands up!Player: Ball, ball, ball, ball!Player: Watch him.Player: Watch your back! Come in!Player: W

84、atch the screen!Audience: Make the shot, Damien!Carter: Diane! Diane!Audience: Defense!Player: Go, go, go. Ball, ball, ball.Player: Right there, right there. I got him.Player: Off him, man. Off him.Referee: Richmonds ball! Richmonds ball!Audience: Yeah!Carter: Kenyon! Kenyon! Hattie Jean! Hattie Jea

85、n!Player: Hattie Jean, Hattie Jean, Hattie Jean.Player: D up!Player: Check! Check!Player: Get there!Carter: Right there! Get back! Get back! Get back! Move your feet! Move your feet.Bayhill coach: A foul, ref!Carter: Right wing, Kenyon, wing!Commentator: Richmond takes the lead for the first time in

86、 the game, 78 to 76.Bayhill coach: Slow the ball down! Slow the ball down!Audience: Lets go, Cougars, lets go!Audience: Defense! Defense!Carter: Thats a charge! Driving!Referee: Baskets good!Commentator: Oh the basket counts, and the Cougars have tied the game.Player: That was a bad call, ref!Refere

87、e: Basket counts! One shot!Carter: Thats a charge!Referee: Fouls on red five. On the block.Dont tie me like that.Referee: Coach! Please get back in the box.Carter: Please get in the box? Please get your hand in the game! Give me a break! Cruz. In for Lyle. Kenyon! Damien!Referee: Sub, for five.Playe

88、r: Lets go.Carter: Listen, we got nine seconds left. Get the ball, push it hard. The balls coming to you, Kenyon. Run Linda. Run Linda. You be open, all right? Lets go. You can do this. Do it. Lets go. Come on sirs. Hurry. Lets go, guys! Lets go! Lets go! Lets go!Referee: One shot.Player: Backboard

89、D! Backboard D!Commentator: And the Bayhill Cougars take the lead with nine seconds left. Go to war, Miss Margaret, this is a tight one.Carter: Lets go, lets go!Player: Linda! Linda!Player: Watch the pick! Watch the pick!Player: Stop the ball! Stop the ball!Carter: Its not there! Its not there! To the hole! To the hole! Watch it!Player: D up, man!Richmond: Yeah!Audioscript



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