学术英语(管理)含课后答案_Unit 4

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1、学术英语学术英语 管理管理Leadership14LeadershipLeadership is the art and science of getting things done throughpeople. A great leader helps others see pattern, meaning, anddirection in data and events They see constellations whereothers see stars. In this unit, you will read about the keyingredients of great le

2、adership, a case study of a company withgreat leadership, and the introduction to a psychologist whosetheories shifted leadership thinking from workers as machines toworkers as motivated human beings. 2Unit 4LeadershipUnit ContentsLead-inText A Text BText C Writing3Unit 4LeadershipLead-inActivity4Un

3、it 4LeadershipLead-inActivity Group discussionMake a list of great leaders. They may be business, political, military leaders or leaders from any other field you can think of. Divide into groups of 4-5 and discuss the following questions:What makes each leader great? Write down their major character

4、istics.Read through the major characteristics of each great leader. Do you see any common themes? 5Text A Critical reading and thinkingBackground informationSupplementary informationOverview Language building-upSpecialized vocabularySignpost languageFormal EnglishPeter Drucker and LeadershipUnit 4Le

5、adership6Unit 4LeadershipText ABackground information Video: Lead like Great ConductorsCritical reading and thinkingPoints: Leadership is getting things done through people. An orchestra conductor faces the ultimate leadership challenge: creating perfect harmony without saying a word. 7Unit 4Leaders

6、hipText ABackground information Tasks:Critical reading and thinking Take notes as you listen Focus on the following issues: - What is each conductors attitude towards control (by conductor) and autonomy (of musicians)? - Which style do you prefer as a musician? Why?8Unit 4LeadershipText ABackground

7、information Critical reading and thinkingWhere would you put them?highlowlowhighautonomycontrol9Unit 4LeadershipText ABackground information The five conductors are:Critical reading and thinking Carlos Kleiber (I) Ricardo Mutti Richard Strauss Herbert von Karajan Carlos Kleiber (II) Lenny Bernstein1

8、0Unit 4LeadershipText ABackground information Critical reading and thinkingWhere would you put them?highlowlowhighautonomycontrolRicardo MuttiHerbert von KarajanCarlos KeiberRichard Strauss/Lenny Bernstein11Unit 4LeadershipText ABackground information Followers decide leadership styleCritical readin

9、g and thinking knowledge workers want more autonomy and less control (leadership) labors, esp. unskilled or semi-skilled workers need less autonomy and more control (management)12Unit 4LeadershipText ABackground information How does leadership differ from management? (Warren Bennis, On Becoming a Le

10、ader) Critical reading and thinking13Unit 4LeadershipText ABackground information Critical reading and thinking14Unit 4LeadershipText ASupplementary information Critical reading and thinkingPeter F. Drucker (1909 2005): an influential writer, management consultant, and self-described “social ecologi

11、st”. He was born in Austria, worked in Germany (thus his first-hand experience of Hitlers charismatic leadership) and England, and then became a naturalized US citizen in 1943. His writings explored how humans are organized across the business, government and the nonprofit sectors of society. He pre

12、dicted many of the major developments of the late twentieth century, including privatization and decentralization; the decisive importance of marketing; and the emergence of the information society. He coined the term “knowledge worker”.15Unit 4LeadershipText ASupplementary information Critical read

13、ing and thinkingHis writings explored how humans are organized across the business, government and the nonprofit sectors of society. He predicted many of the major developments of the late twentieth century, including privatization and decentralization; the decisive importance of marketing; and the

14、emergence of the information society. He coined the term “knowledge worker”.16Unit 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading and thinkingSubheadings: Scan the subheadings in Text A and try to get the main idea of each part.17Unit 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading

15、and thinkingPart I: Peter Druckers evolving attitudes toward leadershipPart II: Peter Druckers model of effective leadershipScan the subtitles in Text A and decide where Part II starts.18Unit 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading and thinkingPart I follows a chronological order. Fi

16、nd out all references to time in this part, and write down Druckers attitude toward leadership at each period.19Unit 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading and thinking1947Seven years later1973the 1970s the late 1980s Management is leadership. Leadership is of utmost importance. Ind

17、eed there is no substitute for it. Leadership cannot be taught or learned. There is no substitute for leadership. But management cannot create leaders. Intellectual struggle with the notion of leadership: he knew leadership was important, but he was uncomfortable with charismatic leadership Xenophon

18、s ideas on military leadership should be adapted by executives to modern management practice.Time Attitude20Unit 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading and thinkingTime Attitude1988 19962004career endHe gave the word leadership prominence.A complete reversal of attitude.Leadership m

19、ust be learned and can be learned.Abandoned his earlier position. Charismatic leadership as neither good nor bad but rather like the force in Star Wars, with a dark side that right-minded leaders needed to avoid.Leadership could be learned, and it should be presented as a topic separate and distinct

20、 from management. 21Unit 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading and thinkingPeter Drucker did not think management differed from leadership until his career end.22Unit 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading and thinkingPeter Drucker had doubts about charismatic lead

21、ership (魅力型领导)23Unit 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading and thinkingGerman sociologist Max Weber distinguished back in the 1920s three ideal types of leadership- charismatic domination (魅力型权威)- feudal/traditional domination(封建/传统型权威)- bureaucratic/legal domination (官僚/法理型权威)24Un

22、it 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading and thinkingStrength of charismatic leadershipresults in relatively strong, unchallenged levels of obedienceuseful in a difficult time, e.g. crisisit can be very effective if the leaders vision is correctrhetorical abilityenergetic, unconven

23、tional, examplary25Unit 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading and thinkingLimitations of charismatic leadershipgathering weak yes-man around the leadercharismatic leaders are raretendency to narcissismfreedom from moral(inner) conflicts: e.g. Hitlerunpredictable, potentially danger

24、ous26Unit 4LeadershipText AOverview Text analysisCritical reading and thinkingPart IIThere are five basic aspects in the effective leadership model. Please summarize the main idea of each aspect.27Unit 4LeadershipText ACritical reading and thinkingStrategic planning: Leaders must be personally invol

25、ved in developing the strategy. They set up the goals before any action is taken. The means towards achieving the goals could change as situation changes. 28Unit 4LeadershipText ACritical reading and thinkingBusiness ethics & personal integrity: There is a difference between the two. Both are necess

26、ary for effective leadership.Modeling military leadership:Battlefields put leadership to extreme tests. A lot is to be learned from great military leaders.29Unit 4LeadershipText ACritical reading and thinkingBusiness ethics & personal integrity: There is a difference between the two. Both are necess

27、ary for effective leadership.Modeling military leadership:Battlefields put leadership to extreme tests. A lot is to be learned from great military leaders.30Unit 4LeadershipText ASupplementary information Critical reading and thinkingXenophon (c. 430 354 BC): a Greek historian, soldier, and philosop

28、her. While a young man, Xenophon participated in the expedition led by Cyrus the Younger (小居鲁士). Cyrus was killed in the battle. The Greek soldiers found themselves without leadership far from the sea, deep in hostile territory. They elected new leaders, including Xenophon, and fought their way back

29、 to Greece. 31Unit 4LeadershipText ASupplementary information Critical reading and thinkingXenophon wrote Kyropaidaia (also spelled as Cyropaedia居鲁士的教育), a historical romance on the education of the ideal ruler, trained to rule as a benevolent despot over his admiring and willing subjects. 32Unit 4L

30、eadershipText ASupplementary information Critical reading and thinkingFrances Hesselbein (1915- ): CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA for 15 years (1976-1990) before Peter Drucker invited her to serve as President and CEO of the Leader to Leader Institute (previously known as as the Peter F. Drucker

31、Foundation for Nonprofit Management). She is credited with leading a turnaround for the Girl Scouts. During her tenure, the Girl Scouts was rescued from the danger of dissolution and attained a membership of 2.25 million girls with a workforce of 780,000, mainly volunteers. In 1998, Hesselbein was a

32、warded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work with the Girl Scouts of America. 33Unit 4LeadershipText ASupplementary information Critical reading and thinkingThe psychological principle of motivation:Workers, especially knowledge workers, are not to be managed, but to be led, to be motivated

33、 to do things. The marketing modelLeaders must treat workers as partners. The latter cant be ordered around. They must be persuaded. 34Unit 4LeadershipSpecialized vocabularyText A Language building-upSearch the Internet and find equivalents of the following English words or phrases inChinese busines

34、s literature.effective leadershipmanagement practicestrategic planningmissionvisiongoalobjectivefunctionexpense resourceperformance insight高效能劳动力管理实践战略规划使命愿景(长期)目标(中短期)目标职能费用,支出资源绩效洞察35Unit 4LeadershipText A Language building-upSignpost language Parenthetical statements36Unit 4LeadershipText A Langu

35、age building-upSignpost language Examples from Text A1. However, despite these clear early statements, Drucker did at times seem to equivocate about leadership. Only a few short sentences after the statement about the importance of leadership, for example, he added, Leadership cannot be taught or le

36、arned.2. Clearly, Drucker was ambivalent about leadershipor at least the idea that it could be taughtand he remained so for much of his career.3. In his foreword to The Leader of the Future, he wrote, Leadership must be learned and can be learned. (Italics added.) 37Unit 4LeadershipText A Language b

37、uilding-upSignpost language Examples from Text A4. While Drucker did not leave us with a unified model of his concepts about effective leadership, I was able to derive the essence of his beliefs from a variety of sources, including his published workbooks and articles, oral presentations, and tapesa

38、s well as my own class notes and personal conversations both during my schooling and after my graduation. 5. He called them partners, and wrote that partners couldnt be ordered they had to be persuaded, and leadership was therefore a marketing job. 6. However, to market correctly, the needs of each

39、group or customer segment, including their values and behaviors, had to be understood.7. In this way, a company would develop products and promote them in the way that the customernot the marketerconsidered important.38Unit 4LeadershipFormal EnglishText A Language building-upOn informal occasions, w

40、e tend to begin a sentence with a pronoun like I, you, we, one or just people. However, in formal settings, sentences are more likely to begin with it or there. Passive voices are employed more often. Nouns are more favored over adjectives indicating the same meaning.39Unit 4LeadershipFormal English

41、Text A Language building-upWhich of the two is more formal?You cannot predict the future, but you can create it.The best way to predict the future is to create it.40Unit 4LeadershipFormal EnglishText A Language building-upMake the following quotes from Drucker less formal:There is no substitute for

42、leadership. Leadership must be learned and can be learned. Leadership is of utmost importance. We/You cant find any substitute for leadership. We must learn leadership and we can learn it. Leadership is very important.41Unit 4LeadershipText B NandosCritical thinking and readingSpeaking42Unit 4Leader

43、shipText B Critical reading and thinkingBrief introduction to Nandos History of NandosCurrent developmentAwardsNandos leadership style43Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingBrief introduction to Nandos Nandos leadership styleNandos has an interesting approach to leadership. Instead of

44、 making all decisions from the top, local management is allowed quite some flexibility. 44Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText analysisWhat is behind this remarkable set of achievements? a unique culture a set of fundamental values Ways of doing things45Unit 4LeadershipText B Cri

45、tical reading and thinkingText analysisWhich of the following are central decisions?1. the five core values of pride, passion, courage, integrity, and family 2. menu3. interior decoration of stores and music selection4. quality control5. recruitment and selection6. forms of local community involveme

46、nt7. branding8. corporate social responsibility 9. employee training and motivation10. store profitabilityKey: 1 2 4 7 846Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText analysisFind out specifics of Nandos people management policiesIn-house training programsTitles used to address peoplePro

47、motion policiesTraining and development evaluation systemsDiversityEmployee engagement and involvementFun at work47Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText analysisNandos people managementIn-house training programs: buddy systems new restaurants opening training team building Nandos

48、inductions coaching programs48Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText analysisTitles used to address people: the board of directors: the Full Monty restaurant managers: Patrao (“head of the family” in Portuguese) waiter: Nandoca chef: Grillers the head office in Putney: Central Supp

49、ort.49Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText analysisPromotion policies: 45% of appointments filled through career succession within the businesses;upper-level management responsible for coaching and spotting talents; comprehensive development process to support career paths; 50Uni

50、t 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText analysisPromotion policies: 45% of appointments filled through career succession within the businesses;upper-level management responsible for coaching and spotting talents; comprehensive development process to support career paths; speed of caree

51、r progression ( approximately 12 to 18 months to get to first assistant position and a further similar period to get to be Patrao)Training budget: approximately 75 per cent of the human resources budget51Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText analysisImproving the training and deve

52、lopment evaluation systemsIdeally like stronger, more specific assessments52Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText analysis Diversity: staff are hired regardless of their level of English; staff are trained in ways that work best for each of them and provided with development oppor

53、tunities. 53Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText analysis Employee engagement and involvement: conferences and formal get-togethers where staff are consulted and included in introducing new working practices and processes54Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText

54、analysis Fun at work: fun language; enjoy work; they know how to party55Unit 4LeadershipText B Critical reading and thinkingText analysis Fun at work: fun language; enjoy work; they know how to party56Unit 4LeadershipText B SpeakingPresentationLeadership (choice 1)海底捞 , a hot-pot restaurant chain in

55、 China, could be said to be the Nandos (Text B, Unit 4) in China in many aspects, especially in its HR policies.Please give a brief review of the companys history.Who is the founder? What is he like? How is this restaurant chain different from other hot-pot restaurants?The founder believes that cust

56、omer satisfaction depends on service, and that to deliver the best service, the company has to show respect for and trust in its waiters and waitresses. What measures does the company take in this regard?Why do some researchers claim that this companys success cant be copied?Do you see any challenge

57、 to this company?57Unit 4LeadershipText B SpeakingPresentationLeadership (choice 2)According to management scholars Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, there are in general four styles of leadership: selling, telling, participating and delegating. What does each of these four leadership styles mean?Effec

58、tive leaders change their leadership depending on their followers. For each of the four leadership styles, define which works the best for what kind of followers (think of their skills, ability, willingness to work, etc. )Effective leaders lead differently when situation changes. For each of the fou

59、r leadership styles, define which works the best in what kind of situation (e.g. a crisis, a change, day-to-day operation, etc.). Give real-life examples to illustrate your points.58Unit 4LeadershipSuggested answersText B Critical reading and thinkingNandos has an interesting approach to leadership.

60、 Instead of making all decisions from the top, local management is allowed quite some flexibility. Check () the items that are central decisions.Key: 1 2 4 7 859Unit 4LeadershipText C Maslows Hierarchy of Needs60Unit 4LeadershipSuggested answersText C Find different groups of people who might fulfil

61、l the different levels of needs in Maslows famous hierarchy shown in Text C, and then complete the following table.People who want to reach their full potential as a personTo have peak experiencesPeople who work hard to earn respect from others and to develop self-esteemTo feel importantTo develop r

62、elationshipsTo feel one is not in harms wayTo survive People who actively interact with othersPeople who work in order tobe free from the threat of physical and emotional harm People who work in order tobe free from the threat of physical and emotional harm People who work in order tobe free from th

63、e threat of physical and emotional harmPeople who work in order to sustain life61Unit 4LeadershipSuggested answersText C Take notes as you listen to a speech about leadership, using some of the symbols above or your own note-taking symbols. Then complete the sentences with the help of your notes.col

64、laborationcharacterexperiencesask the right questionstake riskskeep learningmost intelligentadaptive62Unit 4LeadershipSuggested answersText C Listen to the speech again and then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).FTTF63Unit 4LeadershipWriting 64Unit 4LeadershipWriting

65、taskAvoiding plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as the use of somebody elses words or ideas without acknowledging the source. To avoid plagiarism, you need to quote, paraphrase and reference correctly. (see pages 91-92)65Unit 4Leadership Get ready for Unit 5Assign Ss the following tasks: Find out the main points of Text A; Mark the specialized vocabulary and explain them. Underline the collocations you think important. 66



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