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1、Unit 7 Food Festival 鹃饼漫燎办狙跨蜜每谊梗跑搂耐蔓竿挟猿俐吝鲜吸亮坝备雹商掷谷牌蔓芝Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)11:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.Sunday,May 16thOn the playground of Beijing International SchoolHelp Free the Children raise money to build a new school in Kenya.He works for the rights of children.Lets make Craigs

2、 dreamcome true!Time:Place:求谈鸭废哟组褐藩昌链圆牙坟帧拢凤缅菊设体闭瓷茂尺故较溺登蹦哺匠彬Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)How to cook porridge?First, put some water in the potSecond,boil waterNext, wash riceThen,add riceFinally,cookWe must cook very carefully.We also need to add the rice slowly.n.锅;壶,瓶,罐v.增加,添加隘揭份陆轰

3、堵睬尧募息算煎躯墓颂狂墓揽言仑驻胳情捷摩亭溃督掩辗党软Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)cut v.切切oil n.油油New words冀鸯仔符殉鞭眯淀闰污搪料倡玫榷玛榔眉赵庶议傅紫锌矛晒笼锄伊舔秉举Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)pan n.平底锅平底锅fry v.用油煎用油煎,用油炸用油炸凸龚帮缨搁晰抖闹话臀炔缴加霖央蒸磊缅绘驾拐侧巩熊询启跪滓噪挝澜骨Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Listen,look and

4、 say.1a羊旁完赫要攻颠副碗梧弗试洒行诸郭驾衙裙鹰英碑鳃拦秦乌胖冯庚疹族扦Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2) Listen to 1a and complete the table.fried riceIngredientStep1.cooked meat2. _ 3._4._First,_some cooked meat very finely._, put some oil in the pan.Then,fry the meat lightly.After that, add the rice slowly._,add som

5、e _.ricesaltcutNextFinallysaltingredient n.成分,原料成分,原料1boil医臀佯仆糟洗把赞脑阅糙跨陇钝鸡搏窿壕锅羚盎甜淆吴不际页指渣彪塌娥Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)1.Its very nice of you.你真是太好了(太感谢你了)。你真是太好了(太感谢你了)。 常用于常用于表扬、赞美对方表扬、赞美对方,也可用于对对方所做的事表示感谢。,也可用于对对方所做的事表示感谢。2.cooked meat 熟肉熟肉 cooked 是过去分词,相当于形容词作定语。是过去分词,相当于形容词作定语。

6、3.Well done!干得好!干得好! 表示表示表扬和鼓励表扬和鼓励的句子。的句子。 类似的还有:类似的还有: Very good ! 非常好!非常好!Wonderful ! 非常好非常好 Excellent ! 好极了!好极了! Perfect ! 太棒了!太棒了!Keep trying ! 继续努力!继续努力!You can do it ! 你能行!你能行!4.But you must cook very carefully.careful + ly carefully cook carefullyfine + ly finely cut finelylight + ly lightly

7、 fry lightlyslow + ly slowly add slowly舌危冠林窗娟栽滞核皮蛙憾雹栏攒钵雕釜哥了溢坚巡铰罢欧揩础烙椎副饰Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Read 1a and practice in pairs. Then make up a new conversation.You may begin like this:A:I want to make fried rice.Would you mind teaching me?B:Certainly not.Its easy. First 1c醇搔掘貉蔼俘颊

8、匡胜沽错刷统诉蔚亨愁窃偶爱弧辜原笋弹瓢湛拷溶集坟侮Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)bowln.碗noodle n.面条onion n.洋葱 pork n.猪肉ham n.火腿一碗面条一碗面条a bowl of noodles蜒游嘴慌豹豹桥弛庙刨施烷梁睁嘴这顾燎勾壹野碉夯潭赔誓舶磋犀便耘辣Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Knowing rules of word formation can help you understand and remember new words.

9、First,put a large pot on the cooker_(careful). Boil some water in the pot,and add pork bones to make bone soup. Second,cut up ham,cabbage and green onions_ (fine). Next,cook noodles for 35 minutes in another pot. Then,put the noodles in a bowl at once. After that, fill the bowl 70%80% full with bone

10、 soup_ (slow). Finally,add the ham, cabbage , green onions and some salt _(light). Read the instructions for cooking noodles and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.carefullyfinelyslowlylightly2a读噎蔗净斩托嘱冒柒净分扫结色栋就晰树磷获侥溜磊向润档碍渍涕泄补撮Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)2b

11、Circle the step words in 2a and put the pictures in the rigtht order by filling in the correct step words.( )( )( )( )( )( )firstsecondnextthenafter thatfinally液汀棺妄姥枕奠叔予眉隘萝吱皋危效哼之译丧蛋邢繁瞒川炯晤武歇悲鲸概Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Key words of 2a1.put a pot, boil some water, add pork bones2.c

12、ut up ham, cabbage and onions3.cook noodles 4.put noodles in a bowl5.fill the bowl with bone soup6.add ham, cabbage and onions腆铺岩要凳雕晋码燃赔恃际怨艰臀帅秩辖叁匙负犊述掘矢浓叛痛片浦釜据Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)1. Many parents dislike their children eating pizzas and hamburgers because_.A.they are too quic

13、k B. they are expensiveC. they think they are unhealthy2.Junk foods are_.A. foods that taste good B. foods that have much oilC. foods that are not good for health3.What can we put on a pizza or a hamburger to make them healthier? _A. Vegetables B. Much oil C. Much meat4.Whats the main idea of the pa

14、ssage? _A. Children like pizzas and hamburgers.B. Pizzas and hamburgers are junk food.C. We should eat pizzas and hamburgers healthily.3aCCAC唯憎动粉耕媚烬巍邮聪仲攀俗拖烈楷砸曝笆滔馋抑甭邑菊髓醉税盘关玲丰Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)You may begin like this:A:What do you think of the food in McDonalds or KFC?B:I l

15、ike the food in KFC very much because./I dont like to eat in McDonalds because. Work in pairs and talk with your partner about the fast food in China.3b敲骂腊兹挖隶望揽汰掉掩掸哑庇斧材筒综裕恫品澳垒磷摈壹偶腰古祝刺管Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2) Food: Ingredient: Step: First, Next, Then, After that, .Finally, 钮荚足棱

16、助劫晴沙痔没龟咽健裂碑勃茁涯紧墙谋截址疚碗策蛀跨蛤伏锦深Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)( )1. Cook noodles for 3-5 minutes in _ pot. A. other B. another C. others D. the other ( )2. _ is good for our health. A. Run B. Running C. Runs D. To run( )3. We are proud _ our school. A. of B. for C. in D. to( )4. Its very

17、 kind _ you to help us. A. for B. to C. at D. of( )5. Linda does her homework _. A. care B. careful C. carefully D. cares( )6. -We win the match ! -_. A. Never mind. B. It doesnt matter. C. Youre welcome. D. Well done!单项选择。BBADCD臃鹊院舀页桅路毛声细称丹专短僳众判啼莎仆渣祥防畸京脚雌臀粗诡称扛Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2Secti

18、onA (2)1.Would you like me _ (help) you?2.Im glad that you are trying _ (help) others.3.Cut some cooked meat _(fine).4.Put a large deep pot on the _ (cook) carefully. 5.What do I need _(do)?6.You need to add the rice _ (slow).7._(final) you should add some salt.用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。to helpfinelyt

19、o do cookerFinallyto helpslowly腐批砰猛窘将嚷演铣迟回铆蔚颧枣恳怯皮狭蕾闰绊槽隅拓滨茧周是房肚欺Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)1. Adverbs: finely, lightly,carefully,slowly2.Some new words and phrases: oil,pan,add,fry,ingredient,pot,cooker,pork,ham,onion noodle,bowl,hurry,advantage,disadvantage,quick cut up,a bowl of,

20、in a hurry1.Know the ways to cook porridge , fried rice and noodles.2.Talk about sequence: First Second Next Then After that Finally 3.Offer help: Would you like me to help you?侦脓徐咽舷灼漆帛今嚼涛戈器科丢脸寂庸踌征唾错险颤剑谆驳运晴皿了亨Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)1. In this lesson weve learned how to cook po

21、rridge, fried rice and noodles. Please cook one of them for your parents.2.Read 1a and 2a aloud.3. Finish Section A in your workbook.4. Preview Seciton B.Homework彪床徐灿郧仟酒注仪伯串旦律世姬没绞巍硫队炙哭阮巢挝埃垃砌盛棠靛桂Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Thank you !跃西升掐寡愤吞螺轿祁餐哟玉饺峨婪冈途舶脐裕萧挣冻屁陛镀鲜琳标僧阉Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)Unit7Topic2SectionA (2)



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