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1、Unit One OrganizationAfter studying this unit, you should be able to:ask about and describe a companydescribe and explain a company structureask about and describe a job and its responsibilitiesunderstand and explain a companys operationTeaching PlanIn ClassPeriod 1: Listening 1 Speaking 1 (Task 1-2

2、) Period 2: Watching 1 Speaking 1 (Task 3-4) Period 3: Listening 2 Speaking 2 (Task 1-2) Period 4: Watching 2 Speaking 2 (Task 3-4)After ClassUnit File + Supplementary Listening + ProjectLearning FocusKnowledge: To build up the vocabulary about company; To learn about a company description, a compan

3、y structure, a job & its responsibilities and a companys operation.Skills: To be able to understand a company description, a company structure, a job & its responsibilities and a companys operation; To learn the skills of describing a company and explaining a company structure, a job & its responsib

4、ilities and a companys operation.OutlineUNIT 1OrganizationFun TimeSpeakingWatchingListening121212Further ListeningFurther WatchingLead-inWork in pairs. 1. Watch the video and talk about what you know about the company.2. The following are logos of eight famous companies. What do you know about these

5、 companies? Talk about the ones that you know.Listening 1-Task 11.Warming-up Fill in the blanks with relevant information. Business _Headquarters_online games and online communicationShenzhen, ChinaListening 1-Task 11.Warming-up Fill in the blanks with relevant information. Business _Headquarters_dr

6、inksAtlanta, USA1. producer n. 生产者,制造者生产者,制造者Australia is one of the worlds leading producers of farm commodities. 澳大利亚是世界领先的农产品生产者之一。2. exporter n. 出口商出口商Switzerland is a big exporter of watches. 瑞士是手表出口大国。3. electronics n. 电子器件;电子学电子器件;电子学The prognosis for the future of the electronics industry is

7、 encouraging. 市场预测电子工业前途一片大好。4. reputation n. 名声,声誉名声,声誉He can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputation intact. 他经此丑闻名誉很难不受损。New Words & ExpressionsListening 1-Task 15. employee n. 受雇者受雇者After a certain period of employment the employee qualifies for a pension. 职工在工作一定时间后就有资格领取养老金。 6. rsum

8、n. 个人简历个人简历Focus your rsum just as much as you focus your letter. 简历要有的放矢,就像你的信要有的放矢一样。7. interview n. 采访;面谈采访;面谈She tried to cover up her nervousness as she waited for the interview. 等待面试时,她竭力掩盖自己紧张的情绪。 8. line of business 行业;业务范围行业;业务范围That firm, I suppose, is in the same line of business as ours.

9、 我想那家公司应该是和我们同一行业的。 Listening 1-Task 1New Words & ExpressionsListening 1-Task 12. Extensive Listening Listen to a conversation at a job fair and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.1. Benjamin Yang comes to the job fair to

10、recruit new staff. _2. Anna Brooks is introducing Nova to Benjamin Yang. _ Here is my rsum. Id appreciate it if you could arrange me an interview.Could you give me a brief introduction to your business?FalseTrueScriptListening 1-Task 1 3. Intensive Listening Listen to the conversation again and tick

11、 () the correct answer to each question. Script1. What are Novas products famous for? A. Price and design. B. Price and quality. C. Design and quality.2. When was Nova established? A. In 2000. B. In 1990. C. In 1919.3. Which of the following statements is true? A. There are over 1,000 employees in N

12、ova. B. Nova covers an area of 8,000 square meters. C. Nova can produce 75,000 units every month.Listening 1-Task 14. Language Summary Read aloud the following questions concerning company description.1. What line of business are you in?2. How long have you been in this line of business?3. How large

13、 is your company?4. Our company has more than 1,000 employees and our production and office space covers 75,000 square meters.Listening 1-Task 2Complete the crossword puzzle toform words that relate to departments in acompany.a k tar souionn1. Warming-up1. newcomer n. 新来的人新来的人The newcomer is not use

14、d to the heavy traffic in big cities. 新来者对大都市拥挤的交通不习惯。2. domestic a. 国内的,家庭的国内的,家庭的The meeting concerns both foreign and domestic policies. 会议关系到国内外政策。3. annual a. 一年一次的,年度的一年一次的,年度的All the department reports should be integrated into one annual statement. 各部门的报告应结合在一起成为一份年度报告。 New Words & Expressio

15、nsListening 1-Task 24. turnover n. 营业额,成交量营业额,成交量The store greatly reduced the prices to make a quick turnover. 这家商店实行大减价以迅速周转资金。5. finance n. 财政;金融;财务财政;金融;财务He got the position on the strength of his skill in finance. 他凭着自己的理财本领得到了这个职位。 6. maintenance n. 维护;维修维护;维修A lot of the cost of maintenance

16、went into renewing brakes. 很多的维修费用都花在了更换刹车方面。New Words & ExpressionsListening 1-Task 27. take charge of 负责负责John will take charge of the next meeting. 约翰将主持下次会议。 8. a variety of 各种各样的各种各样的This is poor design for a variety of reasons, as we will see. 这种设计很糟糕有多方面的原因,我们后面会看到这种情况。 9. at present 目前,现在目前,

17、现在At present, China is still on the initial stage of socialism. 现在, 中国仍然处在社会主义初级阶段。 Listening 1-Task 2New Words & Expressions2. Extensive Listening Listen to a speech by Anna Brooks and tick() the correct answer to each question.1. Whom is the speech possibly for? A. Visitors to the company. B. New

18、clients of the company. C. New staff of the company.2. Which of the following is NOT covered in the speech? A. A brief introduction to the company. B. A detailed introduction to the company structure. C. A bright future of the company.Listening 1-Task 2Script Listen to the speech again and complete

19、the organizational structure of the company. ScriptR&DMarketingSalesProductionFinanceHuman ResourcesPurchasingQuality ControlMaintenanceTransportListening 1-Task 23. Intensive ListeningListening 1-Task 24. Language SummaryTranslate the following department names into Chinese.4. Customer Service Depa

20、rtment _5. Public Relations Department_1. Construction Department _2. Engineering Department_3. Strategic Planning Department _建筑部建筑部工程部工程部战略规划部战略规划部客户服务部客户服务部公共关系部公共关系部Watching 1-Task 11. Warming-upSuppose you come across an old friend youve not seen for some time. How do you greet each other? List

21、 as many expressions as you can. _How is everything going?Whats going on with you?How are you these days?How are you doing? Watching 1-Task 11. manufacturer n. 制造商,生产者制造商,生产者They bought the machine directly from the manufacturer. 他们直接从厂商那里购买了这台机器。2. anniversary n. 周年纪念日;周年纪念周年纪念日;周年纪念The foreign fri

22、ends hope that they can join in the celebrations for the universitys 80th anniversary. 外国朋友们希望能参加80周年校庆活动。 3. marvelous a. 令人惊叹的,不可思议的令人惊叹的,不可思议的The marvelous acting compensated for the plays weak script. 这部戏剧的精彩表演弥补了剧本的不足。 New Words & Expressions4. fantastic a. 极好的;了不起的极好的;了不起的That sounds fantastic

23、. Where do I go to sign up for that tour? 那听起来好极了。我到哪里去报名参加这次旅行呢?5. start up 开始;(使)启动,发动开始;(使)启动,发动Its very enterprising of them to start up a business like that. 他们那样去开创业务是很有魄力的。 6. keep in touch 保持联络保持联络I try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers. 我尽量通过读报来了解时事。 Watching 1-

24、Task 1New Words & Expressions2. Extensive WatchingWatch a video clip of Bob and Alice, and match the names with the related information. Watching 1-Task 1ScriptWatch the video clip again and complete the following form.TAFBobs CompanyHistoryAlmost _ yearsMain BusinessManufacturing _SizeOver _ employ

25、eesHistory_ year(s)Main BusinessImporting and exporting _20skincare and haircare products6,0001chemical products Watching 1-Task 13. Intensive WatchingScript4. Language SummaryReview the following sentences describing a company.1. It is one of the leading manufacturers of skincare and hair care prod

26、ucts.2. I specialize in importing and exporting chemical products.3. Our company was set up in the early 1990s.4. There might be chances for us to do business together. Watching 1-Task 1Watching 1-Task 21. Warming-upSuppose youve got a part-time job. How would you greet your manager on your first da

27、y at work?Good morning, Mr. Smith. Im Annie Hall. Im new here. How do you do?My name is Annie Hall. Ive been lookingforward to meeting you. You must be Mr. Smith.Im Annie Hall, a newcomer. Nice tomeet you.1. confused adj. 困惑的,糊涂的困惑的,糊涂的Confused as Catherine was, her wits were alert at applying our c

28、onversation. 凯瑟琳虽然心乱,她的头脑还是很灵敏地注意我们的谈话。 2. complicated adj. 复杂的,难懂的复杂的,难懂的The shift in the atmosphere has complicated roots. 这种氛围的转变有着复杂的根源。 3. strategy n. 策略;谋略策略;谋略That sounds like a really clever marketing strategy. 这个营销策略听起来真的很不错。 Watching 1-Task 2New Words & Expressions4. appoint v. 任命,委派任命,委派W

29、e hope that you will appoint our company as the sole distributor in Japan. 我们希望贵方能指定我公司为日本的独家经销商。 5. accordingly adv. 相应地;因此相应地;因此Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly. 请将你的合同副本做相应的修正。 6. regional adj. 区域的;地方的区域的;地方的Several regional airports were shut due to the weather. 一些地区的机场也因为恶劣天气关

30、闭了。Watching 1-Task 2New Words & Expressions2. Extensive WatchingAlice is greeted by her manager on her first day at work. Watch the video clip and tick () those that are covered in their talk. 1. Greetings 2. Company history 3. Company structure 4. Alices salaryWatching 1-Task 2Script3. Intensive Wa

31、tching Watch the video clip again and answer the following questions.1. Which department has Alice reported to? _2. What did the CEO do before he joined the company? _3. How many departments does the company have? _4. What is the biggest department in the company? _5. What does the Sales & Marketing

32、 Department consist of? _The Human Resources Department.He was a business professor at a famous college.Five.The Production Department.Two regional branches.Watching 1-Task 2Script4. Language SummaryCompare the meaning of the italicized words in each of the sentence pairs. They looked him over from

33、head to foot. The sales director heads a team of 20 representatives. Put this coat over your shoulders in case you get cold. The local residents are being asked to shoulder the costs of the repairs. He hit me on the nose. The ship nosed its way into the harbor. Watching 1-Task 2Speaking 11. Work in

34、pairs. Complete and practice the conversation with your partner in turn.A: Good morning, Miss! Im _ from _. I was wondering if we could do business together.B: Good morning, Sir. What line of business are you in?A: We specialize in _.B: How long have you been in this line of business?A: _.B: How lar

35、ge is your company?A: _.B: _?A: Our company is based in Nanjing.B: That sounds great. Its possible that we could do business together. May I have _ so that I know how to contact you?A: Sure. Here you are.Lilly Wangthe LED companymaking energy efficient lighting productsAbout six yearsOur company has

36、 more than two thousand employeesWhere is your company basedyour business cardSpeaking 12. Work in pairs. Role-play a conversation between representatives from two companies looking to establish business relationships. The conversation should involve the following aspects. Greeting. Self-introductio

37、n. Information exchange of each others company (business, history, size, structure, etc.). A wish to establish business relationships.Sample A: Good morning! Im Anna Yang from Everlighting Electronics Company in China.B: Good morning, Miss Yang. Im George Harrison from Pattern Electronics in the UK.

38、 I was wondering if we could do business together.A: Well, how long has your company been in this line of business?B: For about 30 years since 1980.A: how large is your company then?B: Our company has more than 3,000 employees. We have six departments, R&D, Marketing, Sales, Production, Finance, and

39、 Human Resources. A: Well, Everlighting has about 2,000 employments working in four departments. I work in the Sales Department.B: That sounds great.A: Its possible that we could do business together. May I have your telephone number so that I know how to contact you?B: Sure. Here is my name card.Sp

40、eaking 13. Work in pairs. Make sentences with the help of the tips given below. Words ExpressionsBoard of Directors, Chairman of the Board,CEO, manager, company, department, section, branchbe headed by, be responsible for, take charge of, be divided into, be subdivided into, consist ofSample 1. The

41、company is headed by the Board of Directors.2. CEO is responsible for the companys daily operation.3. The company is divided into four departments, the Production Department, the Sales & Marketing Department, the Finance Department, and the Human Resources Department.4. As the biggest department, th

42、e Production Department is subdivided into three sections, the Purchasing Section, the Quality Control Section, and the Maintenance Section.Speaking 14. Work in pairs. Suppose you work in the HR Department of a company. Practice introducing your company organization to a new staff member.Sample A: G

43、ood morning, Miss Witt. Im Jane Baker, secretary of the HR Department. Welcome to join ABC company.B: Nice to meet you, Miss Baker. Im glad to work for ABC company.A: Come on over This is your desk, and this is your time card. Be sure to clock in and out before and after you work.B: I will.A: ABC Co

44、mpany is a large company. It is headed by the Board of Directors. And the CEO appointed by the Board takes responsibility for the companys daily operation.B: I see. And before I applied for this position, I learned our company is divided into four departments.A: Yes. Theyre the Production Department

45、, the Sales & Marketing Department, the Accounting Department, and the HR Department.Sample B: Which one is the biggest?A: The Production Department. It is subdivided into three sections: Purchasing, Quality Control and Research & Development.B: I get it.A: OK, now Ill show you around and introduce

46、to you the department managers.B: Thank you, Miss Baker.1. Warming-upBelow are abbreviations for some positions. Discuss with your partner and fill in the blanks with proper words.CEOCFOCTOCOOChief Executive OfficerChief Financial OfficerChief Technical OfficerChief Operative OfficerListening 2-Task

47、 11. financial a. 财务的;财政的,金融的财务的;财政的,金融的You have a good chance of getting merit-based financial aid. 你很有希望得到奖励性的经济资助。 2. representative n. 代表;典型代表;典型Beijing is a representative of northern Chinese city. 北京是典型的中国北方城市。3. unbiased a. 无偏见的,公正的无偏见的,公正的The witness is unbiased and therefore reliable. 那个证人没

48、有偏见, 因而是可靠的。4. monthly adv. 每月一次的每月一次的Smiths monthly salary is paid into the bank by the cashier. 史密斯每月的工资由出纳员存入银行。 5. quarterly adv. 按季度;一季一次地按季度;一季一次地This magazine is published quarterly. 这本杂志是季刊。Listening 2-Task 1New Words & Expressions6. annually ad. 每年地;一年一次地每年地;一年一次地They celebrate their weddin

49、g anniversary annually. 他们每年都庆祝结婚纪念日。 7. long-term a. 长期的长期的A long-term equilibrium rate of foreign exchange was sought by all countries. 所有国家都谋求一个长期稳定的汇率。 8. vision n. 远见远见Graff was not so amenable to vision and ideals as usual. 格拉夫不像往常那样顾及远见和理想。9. moral a. 道义上的;道德上的道义上的;道德上的Ethics deals with moral

50、 conduct. 伦理学研讨道德行为。 Listening 2-Task 1New Words & Expressions10. watchdog n. 监察人,监察团体监察人,监察团体She was still the watchdog on pensions. 她仍然是年金监察人。 11. be responsible to/for 对对负责负责The shipping company and the insurance company should be responsible for this loss. 我认为,船运公司和保险公司应该对此负责。 12. act as 担当;担当;

51、起起作用作用A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person. 经过训练的狗能担任盲人的向导。 13. in line 协调,有秩序协调,有秩序My plan is in line with your suggestions. 我的计划是按照你的指示制定的。Listening 2-Task 1New Words & Expressions2. Extensive ListeningMatch the responsibilities in the right column with the persons in the left column

52、 according to the conversation you hear.Listening 2-Task 1Script3. Intensive Listening Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks with proper words. Directors, CEO and shareholders are confusing concepts to some people. Actually, they have different responsibilities in a company. 1 _ ow

53、n the company. They form the 2 _ system. The CEO runs the company. If there is only one person with absolute power in a company, everyone knows the power will go to the CEO. Thats too 3 _. Thats the reason for having a 4 _, which is made up of people who are independent and 5 _.The shareholdersfinan

54、cial controldangerousBoard of Directorsnon-biasedListening 2-Task 1Scriptonce a daydailyonce a weekonce a monthonce every two monthsonce every three monthsonce a yeartwice a year4. Language Summary: Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the expressions in the left column.weeklymonthlybim

55、onthlytrimonthlyannuallybiannuallyListening 2-Task 1Further ListeningListen to a short conversation between Tony and Cherry and fill in the following blanks. Cherry: What do you do, Tony?Tony: Im the _ editor of our company _.Cherry: Hey, thats great. So what does your job involve?Tony: I mainly _ t

56、he other editors, offering ongoing _ on their work.Cherry: So what are your working hours like?Tony: I dont have a (n) _ schedule. I must be available to work _ hours including early mornings, nights and weekends. And what do you do, Cherry?Cherry: Im a(n) _ manager. Its a(n) _ nine-to-five job.chie

57、fmagazinemanagefeedbackdefiniteflexibleofficeregular1. Warming-upSuppose you are the CEO of a company. Which department will you forward each of the following problems to?Problem 1The new product is not well received by the market._Problem 2The public image of thecompany is declining._R&D Department

58、PR (Public Relations) DepartmentListening 2-Task 21. colleague n. 同事,同僚同事,同僚You could defer the matter to your colleague. 你可把这件事委托给同事去办。 2. keyword n. 关键词关键词The keyword here is “careful”. 此处的关键字眼是“小心”。 3. phase n. 阶段,时期阶段,时期“The U.S. should take a leadership position in the next phase of Kyoto proto

59、col,” he says. 他表示,美国应在下一阶段的京都议定书中占据主导地位。4. innovation n. 创新;改革创新;改革Continuous innovation is also necessary for success. 持续的技术革新也是成功的必要条件。 New Words & ExpressionsListening 2-Task 25. feasible adj. 可行的;行得通的可行的;行得通的It was not feasible to build a bridge at that point. 在那个地点造桥是不可行的。 6. random adj. 随便的,随

60、意的随便的,随意的This random approach is not as dubious as one might expect. 这种随意的途径并不像人们所预期的那样无把握。7. sample n. 样品;样本样品;样本A hermetic seal is used at the top of this sample box. 这个样品盒的口用密封条封着。8. cooperation n. 合作,协作合作,协作By conciliation, cooperation is established. 通过调解,友好合作关系得以确立。 New Words & ExpressionsList

61、ening 2-Task 29. cooperate with 与与合作合作I think itd be a great idea to cooperate with them. 我想和他们合作是个很棒的主意。 10. come in 在在中参与;起作用;进入中参与;起作用;进入I dont think its wise for the government to come in at this particular time. 我认为政府在此时此刻介入是不明智的。 11. assembly line 装配线,流水线装配线,流水线A new assembly line will go on-s

62、tream next week. 一条新流水线下星期将投入生产。 12. collaborate with 与与协作协作The two countries collaborate with each other. 这两个国家相互协作。 New Words & ExpressionsListening 2-Task 22. Extensive Listening Listen to a conversation between Benjamin and Daphne and tick () the correct answer to each question.1. What are they

63、talking about? A. A new product. B. A new project. C. A newcomer.2.Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. At the office. B. In a lab. C. At home.Listening 2-Task 2Script3. Intensive Listening Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.1. What is most important for d

64、esigning new products?_2. When does the Production Department start the assembly line?_3. How does the QC Department collaborate with the other two?_Innovation is most important for designing new products.As soon as the design proves feasible, the Production Department starts the assembly line.Manuf

65、acturing problems are reported to the Production Department and design problems go to the R&D Department.Listening 2-Task 2Script4. Language SummaryReview the following sentences, paying special attention to the italicized parts.1. First, the R&D Department takes the responsibility for designing new

66、 products.2. Then the Production Department comes in.3. As soon as the design proves feasible, the Production Department starts the assembly line.Listening 2-Task 21. Warming-upWork in pairs. Write down proper department names according to the descriptions.Sales & Marketing DepartmentWatching 2-Task

67、 1ProductionDepartmentPurchasing Departmentresponsible for manufacturing productsinvolved in promoting and selling productsin charge of buying items1. promotion n. 提升,晋级提升,晋级Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as disincentives to employees. 工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性。 2. overseas adj. 国外的,海外的国外的,海外的Our o

68、verseas commerce has increased a great deal. 我们的海外贸易已大大增加。 3. work on 努力做;致力于努力做;致力于Johnson is currently working on a book and film documentary called The Parthenon Code. 约翰逊目前致力于完成一本书及其相应的电影纪录片:帕特农密码。New Words & ExpressionsWatching 2-Task 1Watching 2-Task 12. Extensive WatchingBill Smith is shootin

69、g a video for his company. Watch the clip and match the people with their titles.ScriptWatching 2-Task 13. Intensive WatchingWatch the video clip again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words tosupport your answers.1.Bill Smith is shooting the vid

70、eo for a very important competition._2. Victoria is responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with overseas partners._Oh, is this for next weeks trade fair?I establish and maintain relationships with our overseas partners.ScriptWatching 2-Task 13. Intensive Watching3. Dave is respon

71、sible for promoting new products. _4. Victoria and Dave actually belong to the same department. _We are responsible for developing and manufacturing products.My name is Victoria Song. Im an assistant manager for International PR. Hello, I am Dave from the Production Department.Watching 2-Task 1Write

72、 a sentence describing responsibilities of a certain job following the examples given below.4. Language Summary1.Im responsible for sales and promotion of the companys products.2. My responsibility is to establish and maintain relationships with our overseas partners.3. Dave is in charge of the Prod

73、uction Department.Talking About Responsibilities1. Warming-upWork in pairs and brainstorm as many words or phrases as possible that can be used to describe positions.Watching 2-Task 2on the right side ofon the top ofin the front ofin the back ofto the left ofat the right-hand corner of1. confusing a

74、dj. 令人迷惑的令人迷惑的A few confusing questions tripped up the suspect. 几个棘手的问题使嫌疑犯露了马脚。2. photocopy n. 复印件复印件The original reproduces clearly in a photocopy. 原件复印得十分清晰。 3. concerning prep. 关于关于We read stories concerning visitors from outer space. 我们读了关于关于天外来客的故事。4. payment n. 报酬;支付报酬;支付What is your regular

75、practice concerning the terms of payment? 你们一般采用什么付款方式? New Words & ExpressionsWatching 2-Task 25. statistics n. 统计数字;统计学统计数字;统计学Get me a printout of the statistics. 给我一份打印的统计资料。 6. performance n. 表现;业绩表现;业绩His performance gripped the audience. 他的表演深深吸引了观众。7. client n. 顾客顾客Ive got a client with me a

76、t the moment. 我现在有个顾客。 8. complaint n. 抱怨,不满抱怨,不满Letters of complaint flooded in. 投诉的信件潮涌般寄来。9. forward v. 发送;转寄发送;转寄The civic leaders helped to forward the project. 市政领导帮助推动工程的进展。 New Words & ExpressionsWatching 2-Task 210. except that 除了除了He is very clever except that he is a poor speaker. 除了不善辞令外

77、他是很聪明的。11. in person 亲自,亲身亲自,亲身You may apply for tickets in person or by letter. 需票者可亲自申请亦可来信索取。12. have trouble with 有烦恼;有麻烦有烦恼;有麻烦Whenever we have trouble with our studies, our teachers help us patiently. 每逢我们在学习上遇到困难, 老师总是耐心辅导。 13. turn to 求助于求助于Dont hesitate to turn to us if you are in difficult

78、y. 你要有困难的话,尽管来找我们好了。New Words & ExpressionsWatching 2-Task 2Watching 2-Task 22. Extensive WatchingBill is showing Alice around the company. Watch the video clip and tick those departments that theyve mentioned. Accounting Department Finance Department R&D Department Production Department After-sales

79、 DepartmentScriptWatching 2-Task 23. Intensive WatchingWatch the video clip again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write down the key words to support your answers.1. Alice can get help from Mr. Bruce Anderson if she has trouble with her work._2. If Alices pay does

80、nt come on time, she should go to the Finance Department. _Im the first person you can turn to for help.If you have any questions concerning your payment, you can come here.ScriptWatching 2-Task 23. Intensive Watching3. The R&D Department is next to the photocopy room._4. The Transport Section and t

81、he After-sales Section are responsible for dispatching and maintenance._Next to the photocopy room is the Finance Department.The transport Section and the After-sales Section handle those responsibilities.Watching 2-Task 2Review the following sentences, paying special attention to the italicized par

82、ts.1. Right there at the far end of the corridor on the right is the CEOs office.2. Next to the photocopy room is the Finance Department.3. Opposite the Finance Department is the R&D Department.4. Language SummaryFurther WatchingYou are going to see Bibury Systems is a British company. It manufactur

83、es and sells electronic toys. It has its offices in London.Edward GreenA newcomer Edward Green starts a new job at Bibury Systems. He is introduced to Further WatchingFurther WatchingWatch and complete the following table.Edward Green meets in/at1. Geraldine Scott3. Derek Jones4. Kate McKenna6. Jenn

84、y Ross7. Clive Harriss secretarythe receptionthe R&D workshopthe Marketing Departmentthe receptionthe receptionSpeaking 21. Work in pairs. Complete and practice the conversation with your partner.Eric: Good morning! My name is Eric. Im new here.Robert: _, Eric. Im Robert.Eric: Robert, _?Robert: I wo

85、rk in the Sales & Marketing Department.Eric: Then you have to deal with people a lot.Robert: Exactly! Our responsibility is to _. Which department do you work for?Eric: _ the R&D Department. I studied industrial design when I was a college student.Robert: Very creative job!Eric: Yes. We are responsi

86、ble for _ _.Robert: And, we take the responsibility to sell the products you design!Eric: Right. So, well often cooperate in the future.Good MorningWhat department do you work inI work forcreating new products, systems or ideas that enablepeople to lead better livesfocus on customers, find and direc

87、t outside vendors, etcSpeaking 22. Work in groups. Make up a conversation according to the following instructions. Student A: manager of the Human Resources DepartmentStudent B: a new staff member in the companyStudent C: manager of the Production DepartmentStudent D: manager of the Sales and Market

88、ing Department Student A shows Student B around the company, introducing Student C and Student D to him/her. When being introduced, Student C or Student D should have a brief chat with Student B, describing the responsibilities of Student C or Student Ds department.Sample A: Let me show you around t

89、he company and get to know everybody. B: Thanks. Thats very kind of you. A: This is Henry, manager of the Production Department. And this Alice, our new colleague.B: Its a pleasure to meet you, Henry. C: Nice to meet you, Alice. Welcome aboard. B: Thanks, Henry. I guess developing and manufacturing

90、products must be very tough, right? C: Yes, you are right. There three sections in our department. Purchasing, Quality Control and R&D. Our job is to ensure that our products are well received by our customers. As you said, its a tough job.SampleB: But its rewarding, isnt it?C: Yes, thats right. A:

91、Alice, this Leo. B: Nice to meet you, sir! D: Nice to meet you, Alice. Im in the Sales and Marketing Department. We do a lot of promotions to sell our products. We deal with people a lot.Speaking 23. Work in pairs. Put each step of the production process into the correct place on the flowchart and d

92、escribe the whole process to your partner in full sentences.1. the design proves feasible2. designs the new product3. problems are reported to4. starts the assembly line5. design problems go to6. takes samples to the lab for testing453216125634Speaking 24. Work in groups. Work out a flowchart for a

93、company and show its ordering, manufacturing and dispatch system. Show the flowchart to your classmates and explain the system.Sample The process of ordering making an ordering plan, confirming the ordering plan, choosing a supplier, negotiating the prices, placing the order, making the payment, and

94、 receiving goodsThe process of manufacturing the R&D Department designs the new product, the design proves feasible, the Production Department starts the assembly line, the QC Department takes samples to the lab for testing, problems are reported to the Production Department, design problems go to the R&D Department, new products Fun TimeInsurance CompanyListening ScriptListening 1-Task 1Listening 1-Task 2Listening 2-Task 1Listening 2-Task 2Watching ScriptWatching 1-Task 1Watching 1-Task 2Watching 2-Task 1Watching 2-Task 2



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