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1、 完型填空完型填空 考查综合运用语言的能力考查综合运用语言的能力:1)词语辨析能力词语辨析能力2)语法结构分析能力语法结构分析能力3)语篇理解能力语篇理解能力4)逻辑推理能力逻辑推理能力5)文化背景透析能力文化背景透析能力6)作者意图剖析能力作者意图剖析能力7)生活常识综合运用能力生活常识综合运用能力 近几年高考的完形填空题在命题设计上出现了重大突近几年高考的完形填空题在命题设计上出现了重大突破,一改过去对语法,句式关系及固定句型的考查,而侧破,一改过去对语法,句式关系及固定句型的考查,而侧重于考查学生的逻辑思维能力和对具体语境的把握,尤其重于考查学生的逻辑思维能力和对具体语境的把握,尤其是对

2、整体语义的理解能力。它要求考生不但要有比较扎实是对整体语义的理解能力。它要求考生不但要有比较扎实的语言知识,较大的词汇量,而且要具有一定的语篇分析的语言知识,较大的词汇量,而且要具有一定的语篇分析能力及逻辑思维能力。要做好这种题型,考生除了必备的能力及逻辑思维能力。要做好这种题型,考生除了必备的语言基础知识和基本技能之外,还应了解其命题特点,掌语言基础知识和基本技能之外,还应了解其命题特点,掌握一定的解题技巧。握一定的解题技巧。 做完形填空时要注意文章开头提示句的点题作用做完形填空时要注意文章开头提示句的点题作用和短文中完整句的启示作用。首先要快速浏览全文,弄清和短文中完整句的启示作用。首先要

































35、就题论题,不管前后联系,互不照应,前后矛盾。不照应,前后矛盾。一、语法一、语法This autumn was the wettest since records began in the U.K. Floods _ large parts of the country.A. covered B. covered by C. covered with D. rushed awayA. covered二、语法二、语法 + 常识常识More and more factories pump CO2 into the air, and atmosphere across the world_.A. bu

36、rns B. hot C. warm D. heats upD. heats up三、四个答案对比三、四个答案对比In Australia folds(羊栏羊栏) have covered an area the_ of the whole of the Britain.A. width B. large C. length D. size D. size四、翻译四、翻译:The village of Yaluma 1 in the mountains of Chipas, a province of Southern Mexico. 2 people are many Indians.1.

37、A. lies B. place C. lays D. soon2. A. Their B. Its C. Its D. ItsA. liesC. ItsRock stars admirers (崇拜者崇拜者)who love rock music 1 about a billion dollars a year for records. They pay 150 million to 2 rock stars in person (亲自亲自).1. A. take B. cost C. waste D. spend2. A. meet B. interview C. call D. seeD

38、. spendD. see五、连接词五、连接词They are some of the poorest people in a poverty stricken country. _ now they have an extra source of income (收入收入). A. But B. And C. However D. Therefore A. But Rock stars admirers who love rock music spend about a billion dollars a year for records. In 1956, Mclean , 1 wrote

39、 and sang “American Pie” , 2 he earns an additional two cents on every single 3 of the song.1. A. who B. he C. that D. as 2. A. and B. but C. so D. yet3. A. copy B. record C. singing D. performanceA. whoC. soB. record Many rock stars 1 like Grace Slick and Jefferson. Those performers return from a t

40、our, pay their bills, and buy new toys. 2 when they need money again ,they do another 3 . They save 4_ money and live from hand to mouth.1. A. play B. live C. perform D. behave2. A. But B. Then C. And D. So3. trip B. tour C. travel D. journey3. A. no B. much C. some D. plentyB. liveB. ThenB. tourA.

41、noEnglish people seem very quiet _ reserved (缄默的缄默的), usually.A. though B. and C. even D. butIt was just getting dark; there was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road. _ I was going along cheerfully. A. But B. And C. Otherwise D. SoB. andA. ButOne evening Jackie was on his way home fr

42、om the railway station. When he turned round a 1 he heard footsteps behind him and he thought 2 was coming near. He began to walk 3 . The footsteps became faster, too. He slowed down. The footsteps also 4 down.1. A. corner B. park C. street D. way 2. A. no one B. someone C. anyone D. everyone3. A. s

43、lowly B. more slowly C. fast D. faster 4. A. put B. slowed C. became D. turned六、词组与翻译六、词组与翻译In 1990 , leader of all big nations metin Japan and agreed to reduce 1 CO2 they put into the atmosphere. Ten years 2 , in Nov. 2000, they met again in Holland to assess ( 评估评估 ) the situation and decided what

44、 to do next.1, A. many B. a number of C. the amount of D. a good many 2. A. after B. late C. later D. soon. But I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I 36 to Salisbury.36. A. reached B. arrived C. got D. led七、比较四个答案七、比较四个答案,翻译文章翻译文章Projects (工程工程) 1 this go over un

45、der the name of “ Carbon Trading”. The basic 2 is that governments and companies can buy the 3 to pump CO2 into the air by investing( 投资投资)in green 4 that take it out again.1. A. as B. like C. the same as D. except2. A. fact B. meanings C. idea D. things3. A. forests B. projects C. right D. debt 4.

46、A. projects B. plants C. materials D. trees八、前提示八、前提示Young people are spending unbelievable sums of money to listen to rock music. At least fifty _ stars have incomesbetween two million and six million dollars per year.A. film B. rock C. jazz D. movieNeil Young who performs 1 torn blue jeans, someti

47、mes sings to an audience of 10,000,each of whom has paid five dollars for a ticket. 2 payingexpenses, Young leaves with about $18,000 in his blue 3 at the end of an evening.1. A. in B. with C. for D. on2. A. Before B.Beside C. After D. Except3. A. shirt B. trousers C. coat D. jeans九、抓住主要信息词九、抓住主要信息词

48、(主体主体-核心核心) ,比较四个答案比较四个答案,最后排除不可能的选项。最后排除不可能的选项。“It doesnt make 1 ,” said one of he older music millionaires, who made a milliondollars a year when he was popular , in the 1950s. “performers arent worth this kind of money. In fact, 2 is.” 1. A. efforts B. progress C. sense D. money2. A. everybody B.

49、 nobody C. somebody D. anybody十、形容词的选择(并列连词的作用)十、形容词的选择(并列连词的作用)If we make a noise on the bus they look _ and uncomfortable . A. untouched B. worried C. moved D. excitedHellen was an old teacher with a warm smile and _eyes. A. bursting B. freezing C. friendly D. lively十一、后暗示十一、后暗示In this _1_, profes

50、sors always takeevery opportunity to push textbooks aside and expose students to real _2_.1. A. classroom B. means C. university D. hall2. A. facts B. lessons C. adventures D. experiencesHe was sure that he was being followed. He tried to hide, 1 the steps followed him. He didnt know 2 to save himse

51、lf.6. A. Still B. Sometimes C. Often D. Seldom7. A. when B. where C. why D. how.I raised the pistol and fired. The animal fell backwards with an angry cry. Father took the _ smoking pistol from my hand , and fired another shot, which killed the gorilla.A. still B. yet C. even D. alreadyHe certainly

52、looked the part all right, he thought as he admired himself in the mirror. He _ thought of going out into the street to see whether he could pass as a policeman out there. A. just B. even C. still D. alreadyThe shop had to agree. They knew that no fire on earth can _ damage a perfect diamond.A. almo

53、st B. even C. just D. ever.At times, he would turn, sit down , and _ go on his knees. A. almost B. even C. often D. rather.After a hard day in the laboratory, she goes home. There she plays with her toys.She _ enjoys watching television before going to bed. A. quite B. already C. even D. still.Thirt

54、y years after being introduced to Macaulays words, they _ seem to me the best yardstick (码尺码尺), because they give us a way to measure ourselves rather than others . A. even B. still C. always D. almost.First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to break at least six window

55、s. He _ lost his jobas a postman because he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to peoples houses.A. thus B. even C. once D. only.Finally I turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, with Dad _complaining (抱怨抱怨 ) about a hurting knee or something.A. yet B. only C. even

56、D. stillThe native people said they knew of this animal and called it the “ Yeti” , and they said that they had _ caught Yeti on two occasions (场面场面 )though none has ever been produced as evidence (证据证据 ). A. even B. hardly C. certainly D. probablyStudents generally appreciate ( 认可认可 ) these special

57、 50 opportunities (机会机会) . They are almost always fun and interesting , and professors 51 them too because students learn so much in just a few short months.50. A. working B, living C. teaching D. learning51. A. hold B. like C. dislike D. discover十二、逻辑推理十二、逻辑推理十三、关连词的重要性十三、关连词的重要性No one denies the 1

58、 of classroom learning. But it can only take the students this 2 . Slides and textbooks may do a good job of carrying facts and details, but creativity of thought cannot be 3 . They can only be developed through 4 experience.1. A. deed B. value C. effect D. success2. A. far B. long C. way D. directi

59、on 3. A. got B, found C. taught D. practiced4. A. self-educated B. self -service C. first-hand D. up -to -date十四、抓住中心意思十四、抓住中心意思- 围绕什么话题围绕什么话题 (在文章中出现频率最多的词在文章中出现频率最多的词)Every Thursday afternoon, my art history class meets not in our usual lecture hall but in our university Art Museum. We spend our o

60、ne-hour class discussing two or three of the 1 , many of which are by artists that we have already studied in class. 1. A. subjects B. paintings C. speeches D. lecturesThe professor begins by selecting one 2 of art. After giving us a quick background on the artist , he will open up for class 3 . 2.

61、A. book B. passage C. text D. work3. A. discussion B. activity C. argument D. considerationEveryone is encouraged to give 4 on the work. Not every piece we study is 5 famous or striking in appearance and subject matter, yet we always manage to make some interesting observations.4. A. questions B. id

62、eas C. comments D. thoughts5. A. necessarily B. rather C. nearly D. tooHe develops a friendship with an _ friend -a volleyball called Wilson. A. unusual B. good He realizes that he hasnt been a very good friend _he has always been thinking about himself. A. because B. so He understand that _ is abou

63、t feelings. A. friendship B. manA volleyball is certainly a(n) _ friend. A. real B. unusual B. importantMy friend is _. He never tells lies. A. honest B. happy C. glad D. kind )_ father and I often argue with each other, we are good friends. A. If B. Although C. When D. As ifThere will be many peopl

64、e at the theatre, so we will go there early in order to get _ seats. A. good B. happy C. sad D. worriedI surf the internet all the time and I like playing _ games. A. computer B. TV C. musical D. machineI am fond of singing. I sing a lot, _ when I am not singing, I listen to rock music. A. and B. bu

65、t C. so D. or 中档题中档题Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has_ time for his friends.A. many B. much C. little D. few He is a _manager in a company that sends mail all over the world.A. successful B. exciting C. happy D. foolishHe is on a _ across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his pl

66、ane crashes. A. ship B flight C. boat D. carHe learn to survive all alone. He has to learn how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire. 1 the most difficult challenge is how to live 2 fiends.1. A. Perhaps B. Surely C. Certainly D. But 2. A. with B. instead of C. without D. andE-mail is faster

67、 and cheaper than letters, _ you can write to your e-pals every day. A. so B. and C. but D. therefore- Could I use your bathroom ? - You dont need to ask , _ make yourself at home. A. just B. only C. already D. evenI found the bathroom, _ I didnt find what I was looking for! A. but B. and C. so D. a

68、nd yetEnglish is a language spoken all _ the world. A. around B. of C. among D. between There are more than 42 countries where the 1 of the people speak English. Most 2 speakers of English are found in the United States of America, Canada , Australian ,South Africa, Ireland ,United Kingdom, New Zeal

69、and.1. A. majority B. few C. mostly 2. A. foreign B. native C. English高档高档 题题More than 375 million people English is their mother tongue. An equal number of people learn English as a _ language.A. foreign B. native C. second D. first_ in the world children go to school to learn English . A. Everywhe

70、re B. Somewhere C. Anywhere D. Where In China students learn English at school as a 1 language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a 2 or a 3 language.1. A. foreign B. native 2. A. first B. foreign 3. A. native B. second English has developed into the language most _ s

71、poken and used in the world. A. widely B. quickly C. highly D. well Businessmen and tourists often come to China _ being able to speak Chinese. A. without B. with C. of D. fromMake something clear or 1 to understand by describing or 2 information about it.1. A. easy B. difficult C. sound 2. A. taking B. giving C. tellingThank you



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