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1、2013,ICU成人患者疼痛,躁动, 谵妄处理临床实践指南解读 2013,Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Pain, Agitation, and Delirium in Adult Patients in the Intensive Care Unit ICU镇痛镇静的临床意义解除患者的焦虑,恐慌;解除患者的焦虑,恐慌;减轻生理应激反应;减轻生理应激反应;解除疼痛;解除疼痛;使机械通气容易进行;使机械通气容易进行;顺利完成床边护理、诊断与治疗;顺利完成床边护理、诊断与治疗;恢复患者昼夜生理节律;恢复患者昼夜生理节律;. 。

2、减少并发症及死亡率减少ICU入住日及住院日减少医疗费用 Pain, Agitation, Delirium 2013,PAD guidelinesCrit Care Med 2002,30:119141Crit Care Med 2013,41:2633062013,PAD guidelines该指南由美国重症医学院(The American College of Critical Care Medicine ACCM),美国重症医学会(Society of Critical Care Medicine SCCM) 美国健康体系药学家协会(American Society of Health-

3、System Pharmacists ASHP)支持完成。该指南得到美国胸科医师学院( the American College of Chest Physicians ACCP)的认可;得到美国呼吸治疗学会( the American Association for Respiratory Care AARC)的支持;美国重症医学(CCM)发表:2013;41(1):263-306ACCM组成了来自于多专业、多机构的20人特别工作组,密切合作6年共同制定此指南。通过全球8个临床收索引擎数据库,收评 ICU相关的疼痛与止痛,躁动与镇静,谵妄与相关结果的19,000篇文献。2013,PAD gu

4、idelines指南以陈述(statements) and 与推荐意见(recommendations)的方式表达: - 53个“陈述与推荐意见”(2013 PAD Guidelines) -28个“推荐意见”(2002 ASG Guidelines)每一项陈述的证据质量分为: 高 (A) 中 (B) 低/很低 (C)推荐意见的强度分为: 强 (1) 弱 (2)支持与反对意见分为:支持与反对意见分为: 支持支持 (+) 反对反对 (-)对推荐意见强烈的使用对推荐意见强烈的使用“We recommend ” (推荐.)对推荐意见较弱的使用对推荐意见较弱的使用“We suggest ” (建议.)

5、对无任何证据或无专家共识的使用对无任何证据或无专家共识的使用“no recommendation” (0) What do the 2013,PAD Guidelines Say?疼痛与镇痛Pain and AnalgesiaICU疼痛的发病率Incidence of Pain in ICU Patients成年内科、外科、创伤ICU患者常经历疼痛折磨,包括休息与常规ICU治疗的时间(B) Adult medical, surgical, and trauma ICU patients routinely experience pain, both at rest and with routi

6、ne ICU care (B). 在心外科病人疼痛普遍并且没有得到治疗;女性比男性经历的疼痛更严重(B) Pain in adult cardiac surgery patients is common and poorly treated; women experience more pain than men after cardiac surgery (B). ICU操作性疼痛普遍存在(B) Procedural pain is common in adult ICU patients (B).77%77%的病人在的病人在ICUICU经历着中度经历着中度/ /重度疼痛,重度疼痛, 38%

7、 38%存在慢性疼痛存在慢性疼痛 ICU疼痛评估Pain Assessment in ICU Patients推荐对所有ICU患者应常规进行疼痛监测(+1B) We recommend that pain be routinely monitored in all adult ICU patients (+1B).解读说明: ICU患者的日常疼痛评估和改善他们临床预后相关。疼痛评估和减少镇痛药用量,ICU住院时间缩短(LOS),以及机械通气时间减少有显著相关性。疼痛评估对于恰当的治疗很有必要,因此对所有ICU患者执行常规疼痛评估的强烈建议是适当的,因为这样做利远远大于弊(as the bene

8、fits strongly outweigh the risks. )。患者对疼痛的自我描述被认为是“金标准”,临床医生应该尝试首先让患者自己评价他们自己的疼痛。(B) A patients self-report of pain is considered the “gold standard,” and clinicians should always attempt to have a patient rate his or her own pain first(B). ICU疼痛评估Pain Assessment in ICU Patients指南反对单纯根据生命体征(或包括生命体征在

9、内的观察性疼痛量表)评估成年ICU患者的疼痛(-2C)。但指南同时建议生命体征可以作为患者需要接受进一步评估疼痛的线索(+2C)。 We do not suggest that vital signs (or observational pain scales that include vital signs) be used alone for pain assessment in adult ICU patients (2C). We suggest that vital signs may be used as a cue to begin further assessment of p

10、ain in these patients, however (+2C). ICU疼痛评估Pain Assessment in ICU Patients 如何对不能自述表达疼痛的患者进行疼痛的评估?对于不能自行描述疼痛但运动功能正常,且表情行为可以被观察的ICU患者(不包括颅脑外伤),“行为疼痛评分表(BPS)”和“重症疼痛观察工具(CPOT)是监测这类ICU患者疼痛的最有效和可靠的疼痛量表。(B) The Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) and the Critical- Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) are the most v

11、alid and reliable behavioral pain scales for monitoring pain (B) ICU疼痛评估Pain Assessment in ICU PatientsThe Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) & the Critical- Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) The Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS): 面部表情 上肢运动 呼吸机耐受性 每项指标评分范围: 14分 1分没有疼痛 4分极度疼痛 总分312分 The Critical- Care Pain Observ

12、ation Tool (CPOT): 面部表情 肢体动作 呼吸机耐受性 肌肉紧张度 每项指标评分范围: 02分 0分没有疼痛 2分极度疼痛The Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS)The Critical- Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT)疼痛的治疗Treatment of Pain in ICU Patients指南推荐在成人ICU拔出胸管之前预先使用止痛药或非药物干预(如:放松),以减轻患者疼痛(+1C)。 We recommend that preemptive analgesia and/or nonpharmacologic in

13、terventions (e.g., relaxation)be administered to alleviate pain in adult ICU patients prior to chest tube removal (+1C).指南建议在实施其他介入的或可能导致疼痛的操作时,应预先使用止痛药或非药物干预,以减轻疼痛(+2C) We suggest that for other types of invasive and potentially painful procedures in adult ICU patients, preemptive analgesic therapy

14、 and/or nonpharmacologic interventions may also be administered to alleviate pain (+2C).指南建议所有行机械通气的ICU患者应采用镇痛优先的镇静方法(+2B)。 We suggest that analgesiafirst sedation be used in adult ICU patients who are mechanically ventilated (+2B).指南推荐静脉应用阿片类药物作为一线首选用药治疗非神经病理性疼痛(+1C)。 We recommend that IV opioids b

15、e considered as the firstline drug class of choice to treat nonneuropathic pain in critically ill patients (+1C).所有可应用的静脉阿片类药物,在滴定至相似的疼痛强度终点时,均具有同等效应(C)。 All available IV opioids, when titrated to similar painintensity endpoints, are equally effective (C).疼痛的治疗Treatment of Pain in ICU Patients解读说明:解

16、读说明:指南不再优先推荐芬太尼,认为所有阿片类药物疗效相似指南建议应用非阿片类药物来减少阿片类药物的用量(或彻底解除静脉应用阿片类药物的需求),以减少阿片类药物相关的副作用(+2C)。 We suggest that nonopioid analgesics be considered to decrease the amount of opioids administered (or to eliminate the need for intravenous opioids altogether), and to decrease opioidrelated side effects (+2

17、C).指南推荐对于神经病理性疼痛肠道内应用加巴喷丁,或卡马西平,来辅助静脉应用阿片类药物(+1A) We recommend that either enterally administered gabapentin or carbamazepine, in addition to intravenous opioids, should be considered for treatment of neuropathic pain (+1A).疼痛的治疗Treatment of Pain in ICU Patients躁动与镇静Agitation and SedationAgitation是一

18、种伴有不停动作的易激惹状态,或者说是一种伴随着挣扎动作的极度焦虑状态。在ICU中,70%以上的患者发生过躁动。引起焦虑的原因均可以导致躁动。另外,某些药物的不良反应、休克、低氧血症,低血糖、酒精及其他药物的戒断反应、机械通气不同步等也是引起躁动的常见原因。研究显示最易使重症患者焦虑、躁动的原因依次为:疼痛、失眠、经鼻或经口腔的各种插管、失去支配自身能力的恐惧感以及身体其他部位的各种管道限制等。ICU镇静的意义与原则 由于躁动和焦虑在ICU常见并可导致严重后果,因此ICU患者镇静显得尤为重要。 镇静实施前应消除可能导致患者躁动的原因,如疾病本身,谵妄,低氧血症,低血糖或者酒精等药物戒断症状等。指

19、南指出保持患者轻度(浅)镇静水平与临床结局改善有关(如:缩短机械通气时间,缩短ICU住院天数LOS)(B) Maintaining light levels of sedation in adult ICU patients is associated with improved clinical outcomes (e.g., shorter duration of mechanical ventilation and a shorter ICU length of stay LOS) (B). 保持轻度(浅)镇静水平可能增加患者生理应激反应,但同时并不增加心肌缺血的发生率(B) Maint

20、aining light levels of sedation increases the physiologic stress response, but is not associated with an increased incidence of myocardial ischemia (B).ICU患者维持轻度镇静的受益大于风险。患者维持轻度镇静的受益大于风险。指南推荐患者镇静用药应该滴定式镇静方式以维持轻度镇静水平,而不是深度镇静水平,除非存在临床反指征(+1B) We recommend that sedative medications be titrated to maint

21、ain a light rather than a deep level of sedation in adult ICU patients, unless clinically contraindicated (+1B). 镇静深度与临床结局Depth of sedation vs. clinical outcomes 怎样评估镇静?How do we assess sedation?镇静深度监测Monitoring depth of sedation“Richmond躁动-镇静评分(RASS)”与“镇静-躁动评分(SAS)”是ICU患者测量镇静质量与镇静深度的最真实与可靠的镇静评估工具(B

22、)。 The Richmond AgitationSedation Scale (RASS) and SedationAgitation Scale (SAS) are the most valid and reliable sedation assessment tools for measuring quality and depth of sedation in adult ICU patients (B).指南不推荐客观脑功能检测客观脑功能检测方法(如:听觉诱发电位AEPs, 脑电双频指数BIS, 麻醉趋势指数NI, 病人状态指数PSI, 状态熵SE)用于非昏迷、非肌松的重症患者作为基

23、本的镇静深度监测方法,因为这些监测方法不能替代患者主观镇静系统的评分结果(-1B) We do not recommend that objective measures of brain function (e.g., auditory evoked potentials AEPs, Bispectral Index BIS, Narcotrend Index NI, Patient State Index PSI, or state entropy SE) be used as the primary method to monitor depth of sedation in nonco

24、matose, nonparalyzed critically ill adult patients, as these monitors are inadequate substitutes for subjective sedation scoring systems (1B).指南建议在应用肌松药物的ICU患者使用客观脑功能的监测(如:AEPs, BIS, NI, PSI, 或SE)作为补充,因为在这些患者,主观镇静监测无法取得(+2B) We suggest that objective measures of brain function (e.g., auditory evoked

25、 potentials AEP, Bispectral Index BIS, Narcotrend Index NI, Patient State Index PSI, or state entropy SE) be used as an adjunct to subjective sedation assessments in adult ICU patients who are receiving neuromuscular blocking agents, as subjective sedation assessments may be unobtainable in these pa

26、tients (+2B).镇静深度监测Monitoring depth of sedationRichmond躁动-镇静评分(RASS)Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale RASS+4有攻击性有暴力行为+3非常躁动试着拔出呼吸管,胃管或静脉点滴+2躁动焦虑 身体激烈移动,无法配合呼吸机+1不安焦虑焦虑紧张但身体只有轻微的移动0清醒平静清醒自然状态-1昏昏欲睡没有完全清醒,但可保持清醒超过十秒-2轻度镇静无法维持清醒超过十秒-3中度镇静对声音有反应-4重度镇静对身体刺激有反应-5昏迷对声音及身体刺激都无反应 RASS RASS镇静程度评估表镇静程度评估表

27、(Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale)(Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale)镇静-躁动评分Sedation-Agitation scale, SAS 分值 描述 定义 7危险躁动 拉拽气管内插管,试图拔除各种导管,翻越床栏,攻击医护人员,在床上辗转挣扎 6非常躁动 需要保护性束缚并反复语言提示劝阻,咬气管插管 5躁动 焦虑或身体躁动,经言语提示劝阻可安静 4安静合作 安静,容易唤醒,服从指令 3镇静 嗜睡,语言刺激或轻轻摇动可唤醒并能服从简单指令,但又迅即入睡 2非常镇静 对躯体刺激有反应,不能交流及服从指令,有自主运动 1不能唤

28、醒 对恶性刺激无或仅有轻微反应,不能交流及服从指令 恶性刺激:指吸痰或用力按压眼眶、胸骨或甲床5秒钟镇静-躁动评分Sedation-Agitation scale, SAS简单可行的方法简单可行的方法open eyesmaintain eye contact squeeze handstick out tongue wiggle toes建议:护理床旁实时评估,调整用药;(每日唤醒)建议:护理床旁实时评估,调整用药;(每日唤醒) 每日查房就以上每日查房就以上5 5条进行评估,满足条进行评估,满足3 3条条镇静药物的选择Choice of Sedatives in ICU Patients指南建

29、议机械通气的患者采用非苯二氮卓类的镇静药物方案(丙泊酚、右美托咪啶均可),可能优于苯二氮卓类药物(咪达唑仑、或劳拉西泮),并改善临床结局(+2B)。 We suggest that sedation strategies using nonbenzodiazepine sedatives (either propofol or dexmedetomidine) may be preferred over sedation with benzodiazepines (either midazolam or lorazepam) to improve clinical outcomes in me

30、chanically ventilated adult ICU patients (+2B).解读说明:新指南不再建议首先使用苯二氮卓类药物,无论镇静时间长短,推荐异丙酚或右美托咪啶。DELIRIUM谵谵 妄妄ICU谵妄的流行病学 Epidemiology of Delirium in ICU Patients.谵妄的主要特点是: 1、意识水平的紊乱(如,对环境意识清晰度的降低),注意力的集中、维持和转移的能力下降。 2、认知功能的改变(如,记忆功能障碍、神志不清、语言障碍),或知觉受损的进展(如,幻觉、妄想)。Delirium highly prevalent in ICUIncreased

31、 incidence in ventilated patientsIncidence in critically ill patients range from 35-60%.Up to 81.7% of mechanically ventilated pts developed delirium at some point during Vanderbilt study.Underdiagnosed conditionDelirium goes undiagnosed in 66% of patients- Ely EW et al. Delirium as a predictor of m

32、ortality in mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU. JAMA 2004; 291: 1753-62- Ely EW et al. The impact of delirium in the intensive care unit on hospital length of stay. Intensive Care Med 2001; 27: 1892-1900- Inouye SK et al. Nurses recognition of delirium and its symptoms. Arch Intern Med. 200

33、1; 161: 2467-2473.Subtypes of DeliriumHyperactive - paranoid, agitatedReadily recognized, best prognosisPurely hyperactive: 1.6% of delirium episodesHypoactive withdrawn, quiet, paranoid“Quiet delirium”Often not well recognized, misdiagnosedPurely hypoactive episodes 43.5%Mixed - combinationMost com

34、mon in ICU patients 54.9%Worst prognosisPeterson JF, et al. Delirium and Its Motoric Subtypes: A Study of 614 Critically Ill Patients. J Am Geriatr Soc 54: 479-484, 2006.Subtypes of DeliriumHyperactive“agitated”, “aggressive”continual movement (fidgeting, pulling at clothes, lines, tubes, moving sid

35、e to side)disorientated to person or placecomplex commands followed less than simple oneslanguage unintelligible or inappropriate responsescall out or shoutpain exaggeratedabnormal vital signtsparanoidHypoactive“pleasantly confused”peacefulsmile, nod, say yes to all questionsflatlethargicwithdrawnqu

36、ietparanoidBorthwick et al. (UKCPA) 2006Pun and Ely. Chest 2007; 132: 624 36 Peterson et al. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006; 54: 479 84Subtypes of DeliriumMixedfluctuate hyperactive + hypoactiveSubtypes of DeliriumBorthwick et al. (UKCPA) 2006Pun and Ely. Chest 2007; 132: 624 36 Peterson et al. J Am Geriatr

37、Soc 2006; 54: 479 84Subtypes of DeliriumHypoactive, mixed more common than hyperactiveDelirium in ventilated patientsIndependent predictor of mortality (3-fold increase) and increased length of stay in ventilated pts.After adjusting for confounders, delirium was also associated with a 39% increase i

38、n ICU costs.Eli EW et al. Delirium as a predictor of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU. JAMA 2004; 291: 1753-62Milbrandt EB et al. Costs Associated with Delirium in Mechanically Ventilated Patients. Crit Care Med 2004; 32: 955-962, 2004Delirium duration and 30-day mortality 20

39、10 Shehabi et al. (SEDCOM group) Crit Care Med 2010; 38: 2311 - 2318 Prospective cohort analysis of SEDCOM, 68 ICUs in 5 countries, 354 ventilated medical & surgical ptsDelirium 64.4%Mortality with delirium 30.3% vs 11.9% (p 0.001)1 day delirium HR 1.7 1.27 2.292 days delirium HR 2.69 1.58 4.573 day

40、s delirium HR 3.37 1.92 7.23When compared to patients with no delirium:Graph from: Riker 2011 update on ICU sedation, analgesia and delirium 2011. associated with delirium3 times more likely to die3 times higher re-intubation rate29% more likely to remain in ICU, 41% in hospital1 extra day in delir

41、ium = over 10 extra days in hospital1 extra day in delirium = 10% higher risk of death39% higher ICU $, 31% higher hospital $5 times lower MMSE score at 1 year简单智能量表(minimental state examination,MMSE), 认知功能评价量表与谵妄相关的结局Outcomes associated with delirium 谵妄与ICU患者死亡率增加有关(A)。 Delirium is associated with

42、increased mortality in adult ICU patients (A). 谵妄与ICU患者住ICU时间与住院时间延长有关(A)。 Delirium is associated with prolonged ICU and hospital LOS in adult ICU patients (A). 谵妄与ICU患者住ICU后认知功能障碍有关(B)。 Delirium is associated with the development of postICU cognitive impairment in adult ICU patients (B). 谵妄的危险因素Del

43、irium risk factors 4项基线危险因素与ICU发生谵妄有显著正相关: (B) 已经存在的痴呆 (preexisting dementia) 高血压 (history of hypertension) 酗酒病史 (alcoholism) 入院时病情高度危重(a high severity of illness at admission )。昏迷是ICU患者发生谵妄的独立危险因素(B)。 Coma is an independent risk factor for the development of delirium in ICU patients (B)苯二氮卓类药物应用可能是

44、成人ICU患者发生谵妄的危险因素(B)。 Benzodiazepine use may be a risk factor for the development of delirium in adult ICU patients (B). 谵妄的危险因素Delirium risk factors 关于丙泊酚应用于成人ICU发生谵妄的相关性目前依据不充分(C) There are insufficient data to determine the relationship between propofol use and the development of delirium in adult

45、 ICU patients (C). 对于有风险发生谵妄的成人ICU机械通气患者,应用经脉输注右美托咪定与输注苯二氮卓类药物相比,可能与谵妄发生率较低有关(B)。 In mechanically ventilated adult ICU patients at risk of developing delirium, dexmedetomidine infusions administered for sedation may be associated with a lower prevalence of delirium compared to benzodiazepine infusio

46、ns (B).谵妄的检测与监测Detecting and monitoring delirium 指南推荐对ICU患者进行常规谵妄监测(+1B) We recommend routine monitoring of delirium in adult ICU patients (+1B). “ICU精神错乱评估法”(CAM-ICU)和“重症监护谵妄筛查表”(ICUSC)在成人ICU是最真实和可靠的的谵妄监测工具(A) The Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAMICU) and the Intensive Care Delirium Scre

47、ening Checklist (ICDSC) are the most valid and reliable delirium monitoring tools in adult ICU patients (A). 谵妄诊断:精神错乱评估法(CAM-ICU)谵妄诊断:精神错乱评估法(CAM-)临床特征临床特征 评价指标评价指标.精神状态突然改变或起伏不定患者是否出现精神状态的突然改变在过去h 行为反常起伏。如:时有时无或者时而加重时而减轻,过去24h镇静评分如(SAS或MAAS) 或昏迷评分(G) 是否有波动.注意力散漫患者是否有注意力集中困难?患者是否出现保持或转移注意力的能力下降患者在注

48、意力筛选检查()中的分值是多少?(如)的视觉测试患者注意力:对个画面的回忆准确度; 的听觉测试患者注意力:通过患者听一连串随机字母读音当出现“ ”时点头或做手势。谵妄诊断:精神错乱评估法(CAM-)临床特征临床特征 评价指标评价指标.思维无序若患者已脱机拔管,其思维无序或不连贯表现为对话散漫离题,思维逻辑不清,或主题变化无常。若患者是在带呼吸机状态下,能否正确回答以下问题:():石头会浮在水面上吗?():海里有鱼吗?() :一磅比两磅重吗?():你能用锤子砸烂一颗钉子吗?在整个评估过程中,患者能否跟得上问题和指令?():你是否有一些不太清楚的想法?() :举这几个手指头(检查者在患者面前举两个

49、手指头)() :现在换只手做同样的动作(检查者不用再重复动作)。谵妄诊断:精神错乱评估法(CAM-)临床特征临床特征 评价指标评价指标.意识变化程度(完全清醒以外的任何意识状态,如:警醒、嗜睡、昏睡或昏迷)。清醒:正常自主的感知周围环境,反应适度警醒:过于兴奋。嗜睡:瞌睡但易于唤醒,对某些事物没有意识,对来访者无自主应答、予轻微刺激就变得完全觉醒并应答适当。昏睡:难以唤醒,对外界部分或完全无感知,或对来访者无自主应答,当子强刺激时,变成完全无意识或反应异常,需要强烈或反复刺激才能唤醒,当刺激停止时又重新进入无反应状态。昏迷:不可唤醒,对外界完全无意识,对来访者无自主应答,因而即使使用强刺激,交

50、流也无法进行。注:若患者有特征和,或者特征,或者特征,就诊断为谵妄。重症监护谵妄筛查表重症监护谵妄筛查表苯二氮卓类药物的戒断症状: 表现为焦虑、情绪激动、震颤、头痛、出汗、失眠、恶心、呕吐、痉挛、肌肉痉挛、多动谵妄以及偶尔发作。接受右美托咪定7天输液治疗的患者,在停药后2448小时内,发生戒断症状,最常见的临床表现为恶心、呕吐和兴奋 。一项前瞻性研究表明:停药后戒断症状发生率右美托咪定为4.9%和咪唑安定为8.2% 。重视ICU药物戒断性谵妄JAMA 2009; 301:489499 重视ICU药物戒断性谵妄因此,对于阿片和/或其他镇静药物的治疗中,给药治疗时间较长(如数天)的患者,为了减少戒

51、断谵妄的危险,应花数天时间逐渐减量停药。 Opioids and/or sedatives administered for prolonged periods (i.e., days) should be weaned over several days in order to reduce the risk of drug withdrawal. 关于酒精戒断性谵妄酒精(ETOH)依赖性在所有住院患者中有15%20%。外科手术和创伤患者约大8%-31%的酒精依赖。并且在住院期间会发展为酒精戒断综合征(Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome AWS),出现神经和植物神经功能障

52、碍的症状。AWS的症状可从轻微到致命 ! 15%有AWS的住院患者表现全身强直阵挛发作,5%发生震颤性谵妄(delirium tremens DTs)。DTs为一种危及生命的合并中枢神经系统兴奋(激动、谵妄、癫痫发作)和交感神经兴奋(高血压、心动过速、心律失常)的临床症状与表现。 尽管苯二氮卓类药物的真实性和安全性仍不确定,但苯二氮卓类药物仍被认为是酒精戒断治疗的主要用药物。 Drug Alcohol Rev 1995; 14:4954 Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1996; 40:649656 J Gen Intern Med 1989; 4:432444 Crit Ca

53、re Med 2010; 38:23112318 指南不推荐在ICU患者使用预防性谵妄药物治疗方案,因为没有明确的证据显示能够减少谵妄的发生率与持续时间。(0,C) We provide no recommendation for using a pharmacologic delirium prevention protocol in adult ICU patients, as no compelling data demonstrate that this reduces the incidence or duration of delirium in these patients (0

54、,C). ICU谵妄的预防Delirium prevention in ICU 指南不建议在成人ICU患者中使用氟哌啶醇或非典型抗精神病药物预防谵妄。(-2C) We do not suggest that either haloperidol or atypical antipsychotics be administered to prevent delirium in adult ICU patients (2C). 关于ICU患者使用右美托咪定预防谵妄,指南没有推荐意见,因为没有较强的证据证实该药预防性治疗的有效性。(0,C) We provide no recommendation

55、for the use of dexmedetomidine to prevent delirium in adult ICU patients, as there is no compelling evidence regarding its effectiveness in these patients (0,C). ICU谵妄的预防Delirium prevention in ICU 指南推荐ICU患者在病情允许时实行早期活动以减少谵妄的发生率与持续时间(+1B) We recommend performing early mobilization of adult ICU patien

56、ts whenever feasible to reduce the incidence and duration of delirium (+1B). ICU谵妄的治疗Delirium Treatment in ICU Patients在ICU患者使用氟哌啶醇治疗中,没有发表的证据显示氟哌啶醇能够缩短谵妄的持续时间。(No Evidence) There is no published evidence that treatment with haloperidol reduces the duration of delirium in adult ICU patients (No Evid

57、ence).指南不推荐ICU患者使用卡巴拉汀缩短谵妄的持续时间。(-1B) We do not recommend administering rivastigmine to reduce the duration of delirium in ICU patients (1B).非典型抗精神病药物(奥氮平/ 奎硫平/利培酮等)可能缩短ICU患者谵妄的持续时间。(C) Atypical antipsychotics may reduce the duration of delirium in adult ICU patients (C).解读说明 此类药物的疗效优于氟哌啶醇,但致命副作用(Q-

58、T间期延长的心律失常)大于氟哌啶醇。ICU谵妄的治疗Delirium Treatment in ICU Patients指南不建议在有显著尖端扭转性室速风险的患者(即:基线QT间期延长,患者同时应用已知延长QT间期的药物,或有心律失常病史的患者)使用抗精神病药物。(-2C) We do not suggest using antipsychotics in patients at significant risk for torsades de pointes (i.e., patients with baseline prolongation of QTc interval, patient

59、s receiving concomitant medications known to prolong the QTc interval, or patients with a history of this arrhythmia) (2C).ICU谵妄的治疗Delirium Treatment in ICU Patients指南建议与酒精或苯二氮卓类药物戒断有关的ICU谵妄患者持续输注右美托咪定,而不是苯二氮卓类药物进行镇静,以缩短此类患者谵妄的持续时间(+2B) We suggest that in adult ICU patients with delirium unrelated t

60、o alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal, continuous IV infusions of dexmedetomidine rather than benzodiazepine infusions be administered for sedation to reduce the duration of delirium in these patients (+2B).解读说明: 换言之,对于酒精所致的戒断性谵妄可以使用苯二氮卓类药物治疗。镇静策略改善临床结果Sedation Strategies to Improve Clinical Outcom

61、es 指南建议在机械通气的ICU患者采取以镇痛优先的镇静的原则。(+2b) We suggest that analgesia-first sedation be used in mechanically ventilated adult ICU patients (+2B). 指南建议可以使用通过改善患者环境来促进患者睡眠:控制灯光噪音,集中治疗护理活动,减少灯光对患者睡眠周期的刺激。(+1C ) We recommend promoting sleep in adult ICU patients by optimizing patients environments, using stra

62、tegies to control light and noise, clustering patient care activities, and decreasing stimuli at night to protect patients sleep cycles (+1C). 2013,ICU PAD Care Bundle阿片类静脉麻醉药吗啡(morphine)度冷丁/哌替啶(dolantin/pethidine)芬太尼(fentanyl)舒芬太尼(sufentanil)阿芬太尼(alfentanil)瑞芬太尼(remifentnail)Anesthesiology 1992,76:

63、334-341 Clin Pharmacokinet 1996,31:286舒芬太尼的时量相关半衰期仅为芬太尼的1/7即持续8h输注后芬太尼的C-SHT为280min舒芬太尼的C-SHT为40min舒芬太尼适合TCI或长时间持续输注瑞芬太尼?舒芬太尼的特点舒芬太尼的特点舒芬太尼的镇静催眠效应 舒芬太尼的催眠效应强与芬太尼,当舒芬太尼用量为1.3g/kg时,10例病人中仅1例需用硫喷妥钠,而芬太尼13g/kg时,硫喷妥钠的需求仍在60mg以上。关于呼吸抑制问题Differences in Magnitude and Duration of Opioid-Induced Respiratory D

64、epression and Analgesia with Fentanyl and SufentanilANESTH ANALG 1990;70:8-15二氧化碳通气反应(呼吸抑制)Ventilatory Respone to CO2(VE/PETCO2)Results:After drug administration, the magnitude of ventilatory depression was greater with fentanyl than sufentanil.The duration of ventilatory depression was also greater

65、 with fentanyl than with sufentail.Anesth Analg 1990,70:8-15痛阈反应电流(镇痛效果)pain threshold current (analgesia)Results:After drug administration, the magnitude of increase in pain threshold current (analgesia) was greater with sufentanil than fentany.The duration of effect (increased pain threshold) was

66、also greater with sufentanil than with fentanyl.Anesth Analg 1990,70:8-15Anesth Analg 1990,70:8-15结论:结论: 舒芬太尼呼吸抑制轻于芬太尼,舒芬太尼呼吸抑制轻于芬太尼,而镇痛作用强于芬太尼,镇痛持续时间而镇痛作用强于芬太尼,镇痛持续时间长于芬太尼。长于芬太尼。舒芬太尼与循环问题目的:评价舒芬太尼单次大剂量对IHD患者血流动力学及左室功能的影响 30例IHD患者,男27,女3,年龄4580岁,拟行冠脉搭桥术。 利用Swan_Ganz导管检测血流动力学情况;超声心动图检测心室功能。 患者入室后,全程常

67、规监测,局麻下行放置S-G漂浮导管检测记录参数, 行彩超检测心室功能。 舒芬太尼1.52.0g/kg(100g200g) iv 。2min后重复上述检测并记录。 在此期间,患者面罩供氧维持通气。 3min后上述检测结束,患者继续实施完成常规麻醉程序,手术开始。Results:Conclusion: 舒芬太尼大剂量应用对IHD患者的血流动力学非常稳定(The very stable hemodynamics),心脏左室收缩/舒张功能均不受影响。No reduction in the sufentanil requirement of elderly patients undergoing ven

68、tilatory support in the medical intensive care unitHofbauer, R.*; Tesinsky, P.; Hammerschmidt, V.*; Kofler, J.*; Staudinger, T.*; Kordova, H.; Vrastiolova, M.; Frass, M.; Freye, E.European Journal of Anaesthesiology Volume 16(10), October 1999, pp 702-707two groups of patients requiring mechanical v

69、entilation for more than 96 h; group 1 age 70 years (n = 150 or 32%) In all patients sufentanil and midazolam were administered continuously in order to facilitate ventilatory support.initial intravenous bolus injection of sufentanil 3.0-8.0 g kg-1, the dosage was adjusted to the patients needs (0.7

70、5-1.0 g-1 kg-1 h) using a modified Ramsey score by accepting between 3b and 4a as the end point.关于舒芬太尼与年龄问题European Journal of Anaesthesiology Volume 16(10), October 1999, pp 702-707Sufentanil requirement (mean SD) in patients in group 1 (age 70 years) undergoing mechanical ventilation in a medical

71、intensive care unit.Demographic data of patients in the intensive care unit undergoing ventilatory support (mean SD) Results: conclusion: the present study has demonstrated no age-related difference in the dose requirements for sufentanil during prolonged administration in a medical intensive care unit. 舒芬太尼的使用剂量舒芬太尼的麻醉剂量: 小剂量:0.5-2 g/kg 中等剂量:2-8 g/kg 大剂量: 8-50 g/kg ICU常用剂量负荷剂量:0.25-2 g/kg单次追加剂量:0.03-0.15 g/kg输注速率:0.2-1.5ug/kg/h2013.12.6.



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