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2、育、歌唱、跳舞事迹:她各科成绩都很好,但刚进校时,在英语事迹:她各科成绩都很好,但刚进校时,在英语学习方面有困难,经过努力,成绩提高了。不学习方面有困难,经过努力,成绩提高了。不久前参加了英语演讲比赛并获得一等奖。久前参加了英语演讲比赛并获得一等奖。1 卢燕是高二(卢燕是高二(2)班班长,严于律己,乐于助)班班长,严于律己,乐于助人。人。5 不久前参加了不久前参加了英语演讲比英语演讲比赛并获得一等奖。赛并获得一等奖。2 她健康,活泼,爱好体育、唱歌和跳舞。她健康,活泼,爱好体育、唱歌和跳舞。3 她各科成绩都很好。她各科成绩都很好。4 进校时,在英语学习方面有困难,经过努力,进校时,在英语学习方

3、面有困难,经过努力,成绩提高了。成绩提高了。信息排列参考信息排列参考:按照题目内容顺序按照题目内容顺序人物介绍的一般步骤:人物介绍的一般步骤:1、概况、概况 age, sex, birth-place, background2、 外貌外貌性格性格 character appearance3、教育、教育 education4、生平事迹、生平事迹 big events in his her life (in order of time)5、评估、评估价价 evaluationbe born in.Born into a family, . writer, athlete, professor, j

4、ournalist, physicist, scientist1 概况概况:attractive active brave caring careful easygoing humorous lovely lively optimistic outgoing2、性格、特征、性格、特征frank honest modest patient popular responsible straightforward selfless talented tolerant warm-hearted gentle smart clever courageous ambitious generous hard

5、working diligent learned educated knowledgeablebright intelligent independent confident curious considerate positive devoted determined energetic painfulreceive little education receive further education in go abroad for further education major in graduate from be admitted to. win the first prize re

6、ceive a doctors degree3、教育、教育 be interested in be fond of Her hobbies are.do well in all ones subjects be good at have a gift in be gifted in perform well in behave oneself 4. 生平事迹生平事迹 devote oneself to sth. be strict with sb. in sth. have difficulty in (doing) sth. manage to do sth. make (good/grea

7、t/significant) progress overcome the difficulties be capable of (doing) sth. be bent on (doing) sth. make up ones mind to do sth. be determined to do sth. take up sth. be enthusiastic about (doing) sth. be active in doing sth.be determined to do sth.be absorbed in (doing) sth.make contributions tobe

8、 ready to do sth. be willing to help others take delight in doing sth. (in) doing sth. complain about sth.take an active part in (doing) sth.on sth.spend ones spare timebe thought highly ofbe famous/known for sth. be admired respected byOne of the best most famousSet an example to有用短语有用短语, 熟读背诵:熟读背诵

9、: be admitted into a key university 考上重点大学考上重点大学 major in law主修法律主修法律 get a masters degree 获得硕士学位获得硕士学位 graduate from Harvard University毕业于哈佛大学毕业于哈佛大学 win the first prize获得一等奖获得一等奖 win a gold medal赢得一枚金牌赢得一枚金牌 win the Nobel Prize 获得诺贝尔奖获得诺贝尔奖 become a world champion 成为世界冠军成为世界冠军 set a good example t

10、o us 给我们树立了良好的榜样给我们树立了良好的榜样(10) be highly thought of受到好评受到好评(11) be awarded a medal for因因而获得奖章而获得奖章(12) be awarded the title of获得获得称号称号(13) devote .to . 把把专用于专用于/奉献给奉献给 Lu Yan, the monitress of Class2, Grade 2, is very strict with herself in her study and daily life, and is always ready to help othe

11、rs. She is healthy and lively and is fond of sports, singing and dancing. Not only is she very kind and active, but she also does well in all her subjects. Although she had quite a lot of difficulty in learning English when she first came to school, she managed to make significant progress with grea

12、t efforts. Whats more, she took part in an English speech contest not long ago and won the first prize.任务型写作任务型写作改变自我改变自我 第二节第二节 读写任务读写任务阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。词左右的英语短文。 There is a story telling of a religious master who is said to be capable of moving mountains. A man came to him

13、 and asked him to show how to do it. The master sat in front of a mountain for a moment, then went to the other side of it and declared that he succeeded. All the audience were greatly puzzled and begged him for an explanation. He said, “ There has never been a way of moving mountains. What you can

14、do is to go to the mountain if it doesnt come.” One of my friends, though having the qualities needed to become a businessman, was bent on being a painter. He resigned from office and devoted himself entirely to painting at home. Several years, however, saw no progress in this regard. A painful refl

15、ection over the past brought him to his senses. He made up his mind to take up business in place of painting. It took him only a few years to become a rich businessman. Meanwhile, he spent his spare time exchanging experience and skills in painting and calligraphy. His works finally won approval of

16、expert painters and were on sale in art galleries and grand hotels. He had his collections published and his dream of becoming a painter came true at last.写作内容:请就以上的文章写一篇读后感,内容包括:请就以上的文章写一篇读后感,内容包括:以约以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;个词概括这段短文的内容;然后以约然后以约120个词就个词就“改变自我改变自我”为主题为主题发表你的看法,内容包括:发表你的看法,内容包括:(1)当所面对的事实无法改变时

17、,是否应该改当所面对的事实无法改变时,是否应该改变自己?变自己?(2)举例说明你的观点;举例说明你的观点;(3)总结你的看法。总结你的看法。存在问题1.概括:信息不全;语言不够简练概括:信息不全;语言不够简练2.过渡:概括与主体部分过渡生硬或无过渡过渡:概括与主体部分过渡生硬或无过渡句,过渡词。句,过渡词。3.例子不当,无法体现例子不当,无法体现“改变自我改变自我”4.时态时态5.总结看法,点题不到位。总结看法,点题不到位。6.对主题的理解不充分;对主题的理解不充分;7.中式表达中式表达概括概括记叙文记叙文:1)单独讲述一件事)单独讲述一件事一个故事一个故事 2)讲述一件事)讲述一件事一个故事

18、一个故事+ 写作目的写作目的 故事寓意故事寓意 主题主题1)The passage tells us the a story of., sbs experience , 主题句(大意)主题句(大意)+ 细节(时、地、人、事)细节(时、地、人、事)2)The passage tells us + 主题主题 寓意寓意目的目的+ by showing the example of + 故事大意。故事大意。 The passage tells us the story experience ofIt points out that + 寓意寓意 写作目的写作目的The story tells us e

19、mphasizes focuses on the importanceadvantagesdisadvantagesreasonsways/ ideasthatBy telling us the story of., the passage tells us .The passage tells us the story of in order to The passage points out that.by showing the example of The passage tells two stories about a religious master and a painter

20、respectively, both of whom changed themselves when facing something unchangeable and eventually achieved their goals. 概括部分参考答案概括部分参考答案(1): The passage tells us two stories, one of which is a religious master, who moved the mountain by going to the other side of it. Another one is a painter who reali

21、zed his dream by changing his career.1.By telling two stories about a master who went to the mountain when it didnt come and a man succeeded by changing himself, the passage tells us that we should change ourselves if something else cant be changed.2.The author mainly shows us a story of a master an

22、d his friends experience in order to make us understand that if we cant change the situation, we can change ourselves to achieve our goals. 概括部分参考答案概括部分参考答案(2):当所面对的事实无法改变时,是否应该改变自己当所面对的事实无法改变时,是否应该改变自己?观点观点+论述论述 (范文)(范文) I cant agree with story more. There are so many difficulties for us to overcom

23、e in life. Once we can not change the situation, try to change ourselves instead. Things will turn out to be fine, and we may even get unexpected reward. (2)There is no denying that everyone will face some facts and even difficulties which are unpleasant to us but cant be changed. In this case, it i

24、s necessary for us to change ourselves instead of being negative. Those who can succeed at last are good at making some changes to overcome the difficulties. 试举例说明。试举例说明。 (1)For example, I disliked studying in school at first, for it was too boring and dull. But when I found that lots of people coul

25、dnt find jobs or even making a living because of their poor education, I realized that life is cruel, and without great education, I will not have a good future and all things will be hard. So I changed my mind and studied hard. Surprisingly, I found learning enjoyable and my grades were improved. 试

26、举例说明。试举例说明。 (2)For example, I once failed in the final exams, which made me sad and upset at first. But after thinking a lot, I realized that this was the fact I must accept and it was no use crying any more. Therefore, I made up my mind to work harder and became more confident about myself. As a re

27、sult, I got good marks in the exams the next term with my great effort. 试举例说明。(范文)试举例说明。(范文) As one of top students in the class, I used to think English was just a piece of cake and thus I ignored it totally. Consequently, I failed in several exams. My English was so poor that it seemed there was n

28、o way out. It was not until then that I realized English was not so easy and there was no gain without pain. Then I developed the right attitude. I took an active part in English classes. In the meantime, I kept an English diary, which helped me think in English. Much to my delight, one year later,

29、I became one of the top ten students in the class again. 你的看法你的看法1 Life is tough, and there are too many things we can not change. The only thing we can change is ourselves. People who are stubborn and always complain about life wont be the winners. What we should do is to take a positive attitude a

30、nd create happiness ourselves rather than depending on the God.你的看法你的看法2 In my opinion, it is easier for us to succeed if we change ourselves if necessary. Since it is hard to change the fact, we can change ourselves. It will really make a difference in our life. So, keep the saying in your mind, “w

31、hat you can do is to go to the mountain if it doesnt come.”你的看法(范文)你的看法(范文) In the face of difficulties that cannot be changed, only by changing ourselves and trying hard can we overcome them and achieve what we want.Sample writing The passage tells two stories about a religious master and a painter

32、 respectively, both of whom changed themselves when facing something unchangeable and eventually achieved their goals. I cant agree with story more. There are so many difficulties for us to overcome in life. Once we can not change the situation, try to change ourselves instead. Things will turn out

33、to be fine, and we may even get unexpected reward. Sample writing As one of top students in the class, I used to think English was just a piece of cake and thus I ignored it totally. Consequently, I failed in several exams. My English was so poor that it seemed there was no way out. It was not until

34、 then that I realized English was not so easy and there was no gain without pain. Then I developed the right attitude. I took an active part in English classes. In the meantime, I kept an English diary, which helped me think in English. Much to my delight, one year later, I became one of the top ten

35、 students in the class again. In my opinion, nothing is hard to a willing heart. In the face of difficulties that cannot be changed, only by changing ourselves and trying hard can we overcome them and achieve what we want. As the master said, if the mountain doesnt come, what we should do is to go t

36、o the mountain. I cant agree more with him. When we cant change the situation, what we should do is to change ourselves to adapt to it instead of complaining or stopping our steps. Because its known to all that only when we adapt to the environment can we succeed. Otherwise, we wont achieve our goal

37、s. Take me for example. I used to be upset to study in such a noisy surroundings. Since I never thought of how to improve the case, I became crazy and led a terrible life at that time. Finally, it was my parents who advised me to change my study timetable and now I get on well with my study and lead

38、 a happy life. Briefly speaking, I hold the view that its important for us to learn how to change ourselves to improve the situation. And its also a good idea to ask others for help when we cant deal with the matter ourselves. 学生习作学生习作山不过来,我就过去山不过来,我就过去有这样一则故事:一天,有人找到一位会移山大法的大师,有这样一则故事:一天,有人找到一位会移山大







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