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1、A Revision: Writings.英语贺卡的写法:英语贺卡的写法:1)称呼: 指祝贺人对受贺人的称呼,称呼一般写在卡片的左上方。前面可加to,也可不加,如 To Mr. Smith或Mr. Smith。2)贺词:通常写一些固定的贺节用语,也可根据实际情况写一些简短的表示感谢和良好祝愿的话。3)祝贺人签名:写在卡片的右下方。姓名前通常加from,也可不加。A.What can we write on New Year Card ?Happy New Year !Happy New Year to you !Wish you a happy New Year !Best wishes fo

2、r a happy New Year!B.What can write on Christmas Card ?Merry Christmas !Wish you a Merry Christmas !Best wishes for a Merry Christmas !C. What can we write on Teachers Day Card ? Happy Teachers Day !Best wishes for a happy Teachers Day !We wish you a happy Teachers Day !Thank you for teaching us so

3、well .Thank you for your help.Thank you for your hard work !D. What can we write on Birthday Card ?Happy Birthday !Happy Birthday to you !Best wishes for a happy birthday !Best wishes for many happy returns of the day ! Mr. and Mrs. Green , Best wishes for a Merry Christmas ! Kate To Uncle Tony, Wis

4、h you a happy New Year ! Enjoy everyday ! From Sam Dear Mr. Wu, Thank you for making English fun ! Class 3 , Grade 3 To Peter, Best wishes for a happy birthday ! From JimExx:1.A New Year Card for Uncle Wang , from Li Fen .2.A Christmas Card for Mr.King , from Mrs.King . 3.A Teachers Day Card for you

5、r English teacher .4.A Birthday Card for your classmate Big Bear .II. 英文信封的写法:1.一般把收信人的地址写在信封的中央或右下角。第一行写姓名,下面写地址,地址写法顺序与汉语相反。2.发信人的姓名和地址写在信封的左上角,也可写在信封的背面。英文信封的写法与汉语不同Exx:1.寄信人:王薇 邮编:310012 地址:中国浙江省杭州市文三路15号 收信人:Helen Hill 邮编:57632 地址:加拿大多伦多国王(King)街316号2.寄信人:林迪 邮编:365000 地址:中国福建省三明市第八中学初三(5)班 收信人:

6、Dr.Green 邮编:90024 地址:美国纽约和平(Peace)街225号纽约大学 Wang Wei15 Wensan RoadHangzhou , Zhejiang310012ChinaStampAIR MAILHelen Hill316 King StreetToronto,57632CanadaAIR MAILStampLin DiClass 5 , Grade 3No.8 Middle SchoolSanming , Fujian365000P.R.C.Dr.GreenUniversity of New York225 Peace StreetNew York , 90024U.S

7、.A.英语电话留言的写法英语电话留言的写法1.需记录电话是谁打的(From whom), 打给谁的(To whom)。2.注明日期、时间(Date/Time), 有时可省略。3.转述电话的主要内容(Telephone message)。4.记录人签名,有时可省略。MS KLIP: Hello.MISS ZHANG:Oh, hello. Could I speak to Edward Bell,please?MS KLIP: Im afraid he is out at the moment. Can I take a message?MISS ZHANG:Yes, Could you ask

8、him to call me, please?MS KLIP: Sure! may I ask your name,please?MISS ZHANG:Zhang Yujun. Im from TCL.MS KLIP: How do you spell your name?MISS ZHANG:Z-H-A-N-G, Zhang, Y-U-J-U-N,Yujun.My phone number is 6-5-7-8-8-3-4-1. MS KLIP: 6-5-7-double 8-3-4-1. Right?MISS ZHANG:Right. Thanks a lot. Bye.MS KLIP:

9、ByeTELEPHONE MESSAGEFrom:_ To:_ Tel: _Message:_ _ _ Zhang YujunMr. Edward Bell65788341Shes from TCL. Please give her a call.Ms KlipLily : Hello! May I speak to Jim?Bob: Sorry! He isnt in at the moment. Hes at the cinema. Could I take a message?Lily: Yes. Its very kind of you. My name is Lily. Ill go

10、 to Shanghai next Monday. Im afraid I have no time to see him before I leave . Please tell him to give me a call before next Monday morning. And my telephone number is 3025577.Bob: OK! Ill leave a message on his desk.Lily: Thank you very much. Goodbye!Bob: My pleasure! Bye!TELEPHONE MESSAGEFrom: _ T

11、o:_ DATE: Dec.21 TIME: 4:20Message:_ _ _ LilyJimPlease give Lily a ring before next Monday morning. And the telephone number is 3025577BobMR GREEN: Could I speak to Mr. Song Jia, the headmaster, please?TEACHER: Im sorry he isnt here right now. May I help you?MR GREEN: Thats very kind of you, but I w

12、ant to speak to him about my son, Jim Green. We are going to Mount Emei on Friday. I hope to see him as soon as possible.TEACHER: Are you free later today, Mr. Green? MR GREEN: Sorry. Im free every day except today.TEACHER: Can you come tomorrow?MR GREEN: I think so. What time?TEACHER: Between 8:00

13、and 9:00.MR GREEN: Yes, that would be fine. TEACHER: Ill leave a message on his desk.MR GREEN: Many thanks. Goodbye!TELEPHONE MESSAGEFrom: _ To:_ DATE: Sept. 27 TIME:9:12Message:_ _ _ Mr. GreenMr. Song JiaHe wants to see you between 8:00 and 9:00tomorrow.病假条的写法病假条的写法1.病假条属于便条(Note)格式,应包括日期、称呼、正文、署名。

14、2.日期部分写在右上角,不必写出年份。3.称呼,即向谁请假,写在左上角。4.正文应说明请假的原因及时间的长短。5.署名,通常在右下角写上请假人的姓名即可。1.以王明的名义给李老师写一张请假条。假条内容:得了重感冒,医生建议休息两天。因此明、后天不到校上课,希望老师准假两天。日期是3月20日。2.Suppose you are Li Lei, you hurt your right leg in a traffic accident and the doctor asked you to stay in bed for a week .Your have to write to your tea

15、cher, Mr. Hu, to ask for a weeks sick leave. The Date is May 21st.EXX: March 20thDear Mr.Li, I am sorry to tell you that I have got a bad cold. The doctor told me to stay at home for two days and have a good rest. So I cant go to school tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I hope I can be all right soon. Thank you! yours, Wang Ming May 21stDear Mr.Hu, Im sorry that I cant go to school today. I had a traffic accident and hurt my right leg. The doctor said that I had to stay in bed for a week. Now Im writing to you to ask for a weeks sick leave. Li Lei



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