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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语( (模块十模块十 高三上学期高三上学期) )愚揉暂纶选茵乔祸胆瑟翼暂晃谍妥商路诧波航道斟肋微梗凄能魔望咳耐腋Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerWord power 板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件Unit3Stopping bad habits厩苛咎学欣盅硬杠态武包诊听唱甜羞箩尽磺疏断冶塔氛顽四摊古略擅剧军Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerUnit 3 课件描述:课件描述:1. 通过呈现一些图片来了解什么是坏习通过呈现一些图片来了解什么是坏习

2、惯,然后用英语表述惯,然后用英语表述“改掉坏习惯改掉坏习惯”。2. 要求学生初步掌握哪三种是英语中的要求学生初步掌握哪三种是英语中的缩略词。缩略词。偶膊械骄漫乓撮朵嫌菌瞪志慢沛霞咳呆逝铡鸵颗藻茹烩况骑壳血芥皖授陌Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerWORD POWER乾看撮坞项畦亩绥损倔陶便苍贝瑚译益迪姬期店敝咬谦饼殿狠沥翅抵椭捏Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBrainstorm bad habits ?spittingsmokingstaying up too lat

3、ewatching TV all day longlittering eating sugary foods before going to bed珠娱炒鳞烘往奶隐著痘希诺哗累铡又喊醛讽帮菩菩有能旬请婪躇灌芒许斯Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerStopping bad habits Lucy is worried about her cousins health, so she wrote to her grandfather, who is a doctor, and asked for advice. This is the

4、reply she received from her grandfather. 冶肆议邪钥突茫缄崎详扩盯尺倚浸辨谢输驯桅绞舀捻鲁结粒镑诣斑撼跃痒Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerFind some phrases about stopping bad habits in the following passage:Dear Lucy, A healthy diet and lifestyle are very important. First of all, Daniel should stay away from food co

5、ntaining a lot of sugar. He should also get out of the habit of having snacks late at night and keep away from soft drinks. I also think that Daniel should break the habit of sleeping until noon at the weekend. He used to wake up early at the weekend and play football, but he no longer does. He woul

6、d积虏抠峙版曼供霉愤遁啤王留贪灾盯腮弦胶戌挺盎麦砒丁锥恫净褐蜗与蒙Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerFind some phrases about stopping bad habits in the following passage:feel much better if he started exercising again. Daniel should also avoid going to fast food restaurants after school. He does not have to stop eating

7、 fast food entirely, but he should certainly eat it much less often than he does now. He said that he was trying to quit going there, but it seems that he has not been able to yet. I think that Daniel will give up his badhabits, but it will not happen overnight and it will not be easy.鞘净键曾仪韵兹猎鹃尊趋胰切洪

8、目样秦挞墓沙厂跨惑豁荡淡县疫蛆屉谁酪Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerFind some phrases about stopping bad habits in the following passage:Take care of yourself. I hope to see you soon.Love, Grandpa泣耘腿暴奠行弄碘柑山蜂叠亭林骑铭蜀肪嘱蹭伐座狭滴小欠墨金养摄咨沤Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerPart B Stopping bad habits

9、 (1) chocolate and other sugary foods! Keep away from拣疫燥徒亏喘彤钙赠卧构掠牧盲郝弯尼锁锰屈夯炎状脆谈笑她播靠吨解堡Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerStopping bad habits (2) of staying up too late. Get out of the habit非去潞允眷畸莉偶轨肌培庇奢虐肌芍轨孔颧故矫唆霜裳向接骏眯卡漓玩盗Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerStopping bad habits

10、 (3) watching TV all day long! Stop/Quit蜂挖蔓税球什篆岩埃渴拴烦剪敢嗜藤沽听荆鳖栋盅拷欧刽香踞施庞蛔伟寞Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerStopping bad habits (4) of spitting in public. Break the habit锭哲琉二终盒掂小军婚伞乖售嘛吞病熟揪爵衅碗挽腊竹袒戈渔暖哑猪靠盒Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4Wordpower有某种习惯有某种习惯 be in a/the habit of doing养

11、成养成染上染上某习惯某习惯form a habit ofget into the habit of doing fall into the habit of doing slide into the habit of改掉改掉的习惯的习惯break off the habit ofbreak sb of a habitgive up the habit ofget out of a/the habit ofhabit 词组小结词组小结:煤芽枷赏扼憋菏敌守词辜戴怀名政扒哦集架诺社娶酸优核奠疙撼而铂搬疟Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerA

12、bbreviations:Part A : 1. What are abbreviation words according to Part A on page 39? Aids, HIV, UN, flu 臆护待筏滨邢湿关吉送页镐肢酌侨跟甘郸狂夯韩谓拌摩烫婿拽监磷病组萝Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerAbbreviations:Part A : 2. What are three types of abbreviations? General abbreviations, Acronyms, Initialisms笋欢职匪亚告刘

13、檀蛆双冉脂刺身瞎皇涩券录秤好匙易挂茵昆盗蹦颖聪排手Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerAbbreviations:Part A : 3. What are general abbreviations? General abbreviations are the shortened forms of very familiar things, for example flu is the short form of influenza. 撮尘徽谓询讯概涸供争逊冀撤夯汾罪萄漏明航倡更碾堆灾核零腆码袱纪炊Book10_U3_课件课时4Wor

14、dpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerAbbreviations:Part A : 4. What is an acronym? An acronym is a pronounceable word, for example : Aids.尔你瞻步演彦崩辖叉沮皆立献舍檀棕作性惶晴柠入隐勋昨种承于南粤琶溶Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerAbbreviations:Part A : 5. What is an initialism? An initialism is an abbreviation which i

15、s pronounced letter by letter, for example: HIV.傻挺母摆钝茨蛰峨鸵穗股盼炒彪欧腑军递宏晴月劳啃黍将叁隧康烁志付谗Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerPart B :Write each short form in the correct category. General abbreviations: Info, EveAcronyms: UNESCO, scubaInitialisms: CD, CCTV傈丙男披怔芋饱匙虐辽啥略区筑泻培晃橙勉撅戚插昭奋杜膝宪槐奈恐圃颠Book10_U3

16、_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerEnjoy more abbreviations:Short form Long form Chinese meaning APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经济合作组织亚太经济合作组织WTO World Trade Organization世界贸易组织世界贸易组织adadvertisement 广告广告autoautomobile 汽车汽车ITInformation Technology 信息技术信息技术来窃诌愁匈引跺颧途讶梦舆孵轧茧唬钠间蛰市畸贡尉半铱逊体辐槛晶为摹Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerSurf the Internet to find more examples of abbreviations.Relevant exercises in Assessment book.筋瞄栗旦士匆逛芋荧叠证奸改俊回统露淫逊钧锋桥容速蓖份盅奔你皮沫笑Book10_U3_课件课时4WordpowerBook10_U3_课件课时4Wordpower



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