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1、 “阅读短文回答问题阅读短文回答问题”解题技巧解题技巧 课标课标初中生要达到的五级初中生要达到的五级 阅读目标要求:阅读目标要求:l能理解段落中个句子之间的逻辑关系l能读懂相应水平的常见体裁的读物l能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息 考试说明考试说明要求:要求:1. 能获取文章的具体信息2. 能理解归纳文章的主旨要义题型介绍题型介绍 根据短文内容回答问题是阅读理解的根据短文内容回答问题是阅读理解的一道重要题型。此题一道重要题型。此题为为5个问题个问题,问题设,问题设计一般比较简单,多数考题针对文章中计一般比较简单,多数考题针对文章中的的事实事实细节,答案都能在原文中找到出细节,答案

2、都能在原文中找到出处。最后一个问题通常为开放性题目,处。最后一个问题通常为开放性题目,往往需要概括文章主旨要义。往往需要概括文章主旨要义。 09-109-12 2年北京中考卷中此题型五道题分析年北京中考卷中此题型五道题分析文章文章字数字数一般一般疑问疑问句句选择选择疑问疑问句句特殊疑特殊疑问句问句事实事实细节细节概括概括主旨主旨201324875题题无无76-7975-7879201422665题题66题题67-6965-686920158365题题无无66-6965-68692016186无无无无64-6864-6768历史回顾历史回顾 近几年的中考题中,特殊疑问句的近几年的中考题中,特殊疑

3、问句的比例比例在增大,在增大,2012年达到了年达到了100%;选择疑问句选择疑问句近五年中考只在近五年中考只在2010年考了年考了1题;一般疑问句由原来的必考题;一般疑问句由原来的必考1题在题在2012年也宣告了它的终结。年也宣告了它的终结。未来预测未来预测 命题难度将有所上升,突出能力考查命题难度将有所上升,突出能力考查与选拔功能,这主要表现在命题从不同与选拔功能,这主要表现在命题从不同角度,不同思维方式出发,除了考查准角度,不同思维方式出发,除了考查准确获得信息的能力外更多的是测试综合确获得信息的能力外更多的是测试综合运用英语的能力。运用英语的能力。提问类型提问类型1.由一般疑问句引出的

4、判断题由一般疑问句引出的判断题(Yes或或No回答)回答)2.由选择疑问句(由选择疑问句( A or B)来提问文章的细节。)来提问文章的细节。(选择选择A或者或者B来回答来回答)3.由特殊疑问词由特殊疑问词Who(人物人物)、Where(地点地点)、 When(时间时间)、What(事件事件)、Why(原因原因)、 How(方式方式)引导的特殊疑问句来提问文章引导的特殊疑问句来提问文章 的细节。(的细节。(根据文章细节回答根据文章细节回答)4.用一句话概括文章大意,提问形式如下:用一句话概括文章大意,提问形式如下:Whats the main idea of the passage?What

5、 are the purposes of celebrating the Earth Day?What are the main points about . in this passage?(概括文章大意概括文章大意)解题技巧解题技巧答题时,要了解不同问题的回答方式。答题时,要了解不同问题的回答方式。1. 一般疑问句用一般疑问句用Yes/No回答,相对简单回答,相对简单些,只要理解文章含义,能判断出是或不些,只要理解文章含义,能判断出是或不是就可以了。是就可以了。2. 选择疑问句回答时不用选择疑问句回答时不用Yes/No,需选,需选择其中正确的一部分来做答。择其中正确的一部分来做答。66Wa

6、s the area rich or poor in the 1950s? It was poor. 真题链接真题链接2010年中考题66. Is playing in water a good choice or a bad one?A good choice. 模拟链接模拟链接2011海淀二模题解题解题技巧技巧3. 3. 回答特殊疑问句较为复杂,要注意问题与回回答特殊疑问句较为复杂,要注意问题与回回答特殊疑问句较为复杂,要注意问题与回回答特殊疑问句较为复杂,要注意问题与回答在形式上的对应。答在形式上的对应。答在形式上的对应。答在形式上的对应。(1)(1)问目的,就应当用问目的,就应当用问目

7、的,就应当用问目的,就应当用 for for短语,不定式短语等短语,不定式短语等短语,不定式短语等短语,不定式短语等来回答;来回答;来回答;来回答;(2)(2)问原因,就应当用问原因,就应当用问原因,就应当用问原因,就应当用 because of because of 短语或短语或短语或短语或because because 从句来回答;从句来回答;从句来回答;从句来回答;(3)(3)问问问问方式方式方式方式,就应当用,就应当用,就应当用,就应当用 By doingBy doing来回答;来回答;来回答;来回答;(4)(4)问时间、地点时,问时间、地点时,问时间、地点时,问时间、地点时,答语中不

8、要忘记介词。答语中不要忘记介词。答语中不要忘记介词。答语中不要忘记介词。(5)(5)提问词是提问词是提问词是提问词是what what 只能用完整句子、名词或名只能用完整句子、名词或名只能用完整句子、名词或名只能用完整句子、名词或名词性短语、名词性从句词性短语、名词性从句词性短语、名词性从句词性短语、名词性从句( (多为宾语从句多为宾语从句多为宾语从句多为宾语从句) )来回答来回答来回答来回答; ;79. What are the purposes of celebrating the Earth Day? 真题链接真题链接2009年中考题To help more people realize

9、 the importance of protecting the earth and encourage people to take action. 69. What is the writers purpose of writing this passage? To give suggestions about whatto do to feel good and have fun onhot days. 模拟链接模拟链接2011海淀二模题67. Why should they have proper weight? 真题链接真题链接2012年中考题Because they wont g

10、et hurt when they land ,or get blown by strong winds.67Why did the restaurant workers have no time to learn English? 真题链接真题链接2010年中考题Because they often worked 17 hours a day.78. Why did Chinese people have “ByeBye Throwaway Culture Week”? 真题链接真题链接2009年中考题Because they wanted everyone to stop throwing

11、 away plastic bags.18. How did young Chico get money? 真题链接真题链接2008年中考题 By taking a little rubber66. How do we make our mother feel close to us? 模拟链接模拟链接2012 海淀一模题By respecting her point of view. 20. When was Chico murdered? 真题链接真题链接2008年中考题 On December 22,198865. Where do they jump from? 真题链接真题链接201

12、2年中考题 They jump from planes.64. What are Smokejumpers? 真题链接真题链接2012年中考题 Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefighter. 65. What can help us understand our mother better? 模拟链接模拟链接2012年海淀一题Remembering / Knowing our mothers age.解题步骤解题步骤1. 初读文章,标好段。初读文章,标好段。2. 根据问题中的根据问题中的 key words 在文章中定位在文章中定位 信息信息。-

13、稳、准、快稳、准、快3. 表述信息表述信息 精(炼)精(炼) 准准 (确确) 变变人称人称时态时态阅读回答问题第阅读回答问题第5题的解题的解法法1.要点通常包括要点通常包括两个两个或或多于两个多于两个。2.抓住文章的抓住文章的结构结构,通过,通过语篇语篇结构分析文章的结构分析文章的主旨大意。主旨大意。3.记住下列单词的拼写及中文意思:记住下列单词的拼写及中文意思:development (n.), history (n.) ,(dis)advantage (n.) , Importance (n.) , suggestion (n.) value (n.) information (n.),

14、Introduction (n.), feature (n.),responsible (adj.) , creative (adj.) successful (adj.) confident, (adj.) achieve (v.), encourage (v.)4.最后一题通常是用陈述句。记最后一题通常是用陈述句。记住这些有用的句型:住这些有用的句型:Its( about)Whatis and howTo helpand encourage2012年中考题 Para4. Although most smokejumpers are men, more women are joining.

15、Most important are your weight and height. Smokejumpers in the U.S. for example ,must be 54 to 91 kilograms, so they dont get hurt when they land, or get blown by strong winds. Para5. Smokejumpers must be able to live in the wilderness. in Russia ,many smokejumpers know how to find food in the fores

16、t and even make simple furniture from trees. Para6. They work is dangerous, the hours are long. But for these firefighters, smokejumpers isnt just a job. They love being able to jump out of planes, fight fires, and live in the forest. As 28-year-old Russian smokejumpers Alexi Tishin says,“This is th

17、e best job for the strong and brave.” 真题链接真题链接68. Whats needed to be a smokejumpers? 此题答案应在此题答案应在4、5、6段中找,划线部分为答题段中找,划线部分为答题依据。表述时要把它们归纳成一句。依据。表述时要把它们归纳成一句。To be a smokejumper,one needs to have proper height and weight, be able to live in the wilderness and love his/her job.2011年中考题 We need to be re

18、sponsible for our environment. Being a frugal consumer(节俭的消费者节俭的消费者) is one way to help. But, what exactly does that mean? Use It Up You can use things up instead of wasting them. Squeeze that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube. Use the last little piece of soap. . Wear It Out You do not always

19、need to have new things. Suppose your sneakers anymore. Then you can get a new one. 真题链接真题链接68. What does the writer want to tell us?此题语篇结构是解题关键,文中有小标题此题语篇结构是解题关键,文中有小标题,文章为总文章为总-分分结构。总结构。总-分结构的主旨大意应该在分结构的主旨大意应该在“总总”-也就是第也就是第一段中找。作者在第一段就开门见山说明要对环境负一段中找。作者在第一段就开门见山说明要对环境负责,下面每一个小标题都在说责,下面每一个小标题都在说wha

20、t exactly a frugal consumer means,也就是,也就是how to be a frugal consumer。Why and how to be a responsible consumer. 2012年朝阳一模题 模拟链接模拟链接68. What does the writer want to tell us?此题语篇结构是解题关键,文中有小标题此题语篇结构是解题关键,文中有小标题,文章为文章为总总-分结构。总分结构。总-分结构的主旨大意应该在分结构的主旨大意应该在“总总”-也也就是第一段中找。就是第一段中找。the road rules是关键词,下面是关键词,下

21、面的小标题都是在说的小标题都是在说road rules,最后的小标题在说最后的小标题在说more information,也需要总结。,也需要总结。Some road rules and the ways to get more information on road safety in New Zealand. 2010年中考题 真题链接真题链接69.What are the main points about Chinatown in this passage?归纳第一段大意为归纳第一段大意为Where it is,其余段落作者,其余段落作者是按照时间顺序写的可总结为是按照时间顺序写的可总

22、结为how it has developed。Where it is and how it has developed. Chinatown is the name given to an area in the middle of LondonIt is just between Leicester Square and Shaftsbury AvenueGerrard Street is at the center and is the most important street in the areaThere is a large Chinese community(社区)(社区)wi

23、th a lot of Chinese restaurants, Chinese supermarkets and shops in this street In the 1950s, it was a poor area and everything was very cheap.In the 1970s and 1980s, British-born Chinese started to have a better education and this brought .Now everyone knows about Londons ChinatownDuring the Chinese

24、 New Year, .2011年海淀一模题 模拟链接模拟链接69.What are the main points about the Twins Day Festival in this passage? 归纳第一段大意为归纳第一段大意为What the Twins Day Festival is,其余段落作者是按照时间顺序写的,其余段落作者是按照时间顺序写的可总结为可总结为how it has developed。What the Twins Day Festival is and how it has developed. 2009年中考题 真题链接真题链接79. What are t

25、he purposes of celebrating the Earth Day?To help more people realize the importanceof protecting the earth and encouragepeople to take action. 2009年中考题 真题链接真题链接 One cool April 22 morning, people started the day as usual. Yet it was not a normal day. Whats so special about April 22? The answer is sim

26、ple. It is Earth Day. People all over the world celebrate this important day. The idea of having a special day to celebrate Earth began in the 1960s. Life was very different then. Few people talked or even thought about the environment. Most people had no idea how dirty our air and water were. On Ap

27、ril 22, 1970, twenty million (百万百万) Americans joined the first Earth Day activities. They showed that people really did want to do something about the environment. Since then laws have been passed to protect the air, water, land, and animals. The vehicles such as cars and buses you ride in must pass

28、 tests to make sure they dont cause too much pollution. Thanks to this law, cars today release (排放排放) about half as many bad chemicals as cars did back in 1970. As a result, the air we breathe is cleaner than it once was. Rivers and lakes are also cleaner today than they were in the 1970s. Its a goo

29、d thing because they needed a lot of help. The Cuyahoga River in Ohio was so polluted that rubbish and oil on the river even caught fire! Today, the river is cleaner. It no longer burns. Its healthy enough for birds, fish, and other animals. Now the celebration has spread to other countries. More th

30、an 175 countries take part each year. 2009年中考题 真题链接真题链接 In 2007, people in China paid much attention to a big problem. People were throwing away 27 million plastic bags a day! People had “Bye-Bye Throwaway Culture Week.” They wanted everyone to see how wasteful it was to use so many plastic bags. In

31、 2008, China passed new laws against them. Every April 22, millions get together to clean and protect Earth. They also celebrate how far we have come. Our job is to put this knowledge to work. You can help keep our planet healthy too! 此题关键问的是此题关键问的是the purposes of celebrating the Earth Day,找到关键句再加以归

32、纳总结。,找到关键句再加以归纳总结。To help more people realize the importanceof protecting the earth and encouragepeople to take action. 解题技巧解题技巧1. 在组织答语时要看清问题,不要答非所问,同时在组织答语时要看清问题,不要答非所问,同时表述的句子内容要简洁明了、语法正确、语句通顺、表述的句子内容要简洁明了、语法正确、语句通顺、书写规范,不要照搬照抄原文的句子。书写规范,不要照搬照抄原文的句子。2. 最后一题要关注语篇结构(总最后一题要关注语篇结构(总-分、分分、分-总、总总、总-分分-总),组织语言时要避免使用不熟悉的句型、总),组织语言时要避免使用不熟悉的句型、词汇或短语,尽可能用原文中的关键词语回答问题,词汇或短语,尽可能用原文中的关键词语回答问题,但不能照抄原句,要对原文进行总结归纳。答案通但不能照抄原句,要对原文进行总结归纳。答案通常是两个要点。常是两个要点。2012年最后一题答案为三个要点。年最后一题答案为三个要点。总之,阅读短文回答问题基于理解,重在表达,要总之,阅读短文回答问题基于理解,重在表达,要精炼概括,言简意赅,体现精炼概括,言简意赅,体现“简简”与与“准准”二字。二字。Thanks for listening!



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