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1、Practical WritingPractical Writing便条: Noteso请假条o留言条o借条o收条Notes Asking for Leave 请假条请假条oAsking for Sick LeaveoAsking for Business Leaveback格式o日期写在右上角o称呼可以随便些o正文的用词可以通俗口语化,简单扼要o署名部分写上留条人的姓名(或名)Example 1 September 18Mrs. Susan SmithOffice SecretaryDear Mrs. Smith, Owing to a severe headache, I shall be

2、 unable to attend classes today. I enclose a medical certificatefrom the doctor and ask for a sick leave of two days. Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. Yours respectfully David YoungExample 2 March 3, 2008To Department OfficeDear Mr. Arnold Green, I beg to apply for three days leave of absen

3、ce fromthe 4th to the 6th instant, both days inclusive, in order toreturn home to see my mother, who is now dangerouslyill. I should be very much obliged if you will grant me myapplication. As regards the lessons to be missed during myabsence, I will do my best to make them up as soon as I getback f

4、rom leave. Yours respectfully, Wendy Ford请假条常用开头语:nI am awfully/terribly sorry that I cannot come to.nI beg to apply for two days leave fromtotonOwing to a bad cold/fever/cough/headache, I shall be unable to come tonPlease excuse my absence fromnBecause ofI should very much like to have a leave ofnO

5、n account of an attack of the flu, I want to ask for leave tomorrow.请假条常用结尾语:nI shall be much obliged(不胜感激)不胜感激) if I can get your permission.nI should be very much obliged if you will grant(同意)(同意) me my application.nI hope my request will be given due consideration(适当的考虑)适当的考虑).nTo support my appl

6、ication, I submit/enclose the doctors certificate.nI will resume my study/work if I feel better.Exercise Write a note asking for sick leave. 今天,你因发烧不能上英语课,给今天,你因发烧不能上英语课,给Dr. Coleman写一写一 张英文请假条,并附上医生张英文请假条,并附上医生的证明。的证明。 November 18, 2013Dear Dr. Coleman, Im terribly sorry that I wont be able to atte

7、nd the classtoday. I have a fever and have to stay in bed. I enclose amedical certificate from the doctor and ask for a sick leave of one day. Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. Yours respectfully Wang Tongxie 王童鞋王童鞋 Messages n亲自去找人没有找到而留言n打电话找人没有找到,请接电话的人记下留言n电话留言由于是接电话的人转交留言,因此要写清楚打电话人的姓名、电

8、话号码、留言内容及打电话来的时间等backExample 1 9:00 a.m.Lee, I arrived in Shanghai this morning by plane. I am staying at Room 1201, Jin Jiang Hotel. Please come over and have a chat. Jim Example 2 Friday, March 10Dear Li Ping, I have done all my things here. I really thank you for the trouble you have taken during

9、 my stay. Im leaving for Beijing this evening by train. Please remember me to your parents. Yours, Wang Yan Example 3 4:30 pm, April 5Linda, Jack called you when you were out. He had booked two tickets for Titanic this evening. Hes like to meet you at the gate of the cinema at 6:30. Wendy Example 4D

10、ate: May 21st, 2008Time: 11:30To: Wang LingFrom: Li MingTaken by: Xu LiMessage: Li Ming called you to tell you something about tomorrows meeting, but you happened to be out. Please call him back at 13819654321.Exercise Write a message according to the information given in the following outline in Ch

11、inese.n你有两张音乐会的票。当你去朋友小陈的寝室时,你有两张音乐会的票。当你去朋友小陈的寝室时,他碰巧不在。给小陈写一张留言条,约他晚上六他碰巧不在。给小陈写一张留言条,约他晚上六点在汽车站站点碰头。点在汽车站站点碰头。Chen, I have got two tickets for the Saturday concert. Lets meet at the bus stop at 6:00 p.m. Dont be late! LiNote / Form of I.O.UnI.O.U/IOU: I owe you (今借到)(今借到)n借款性质的借条一般分为定期和不定期偿还两种。借款

12、性质的借条一般分为定期和不定期偿还两种。n没有偿还日期的,在抬头下一行写明借款数量,没有偿还日期的,在抬头下一行写明借款数量,开头写上开头写上 I.O.U。n定期偿还的借条定期偿还的借条(Promissory Note),文中可以不,文中可以不写写 I.O.U,但要将偿还日期写清楚,末尾即款项,但要将偿还日期写清楚,末尾即款项后往往加上后往往加上 “for value received”,意思是,意思是“整整”,这样写以表示慎重。,这样写以表示慎重。n如想说明借款用途,可在钱数或物品后面加如想说明借款用途,可在钱数或物品后面加 “for”。back格式n借条一般包括时间、正文、署名等。n时间须

13、写在右上角,包括年、月、日。n正文应具体写明向谁借了什么东西、数量多少等。n文字要简明扼要。Examples June 23, 2008 Borrowed from the Computer Department a computer. Peter Young May 10, 2008To Mr. Chang Yuan, I.O.U. eight hundred yuan (RMB) for buying a color TV. David Smith July 7, 2008To Mrs. Lisa Green, I.O.U. one thousand dollars (USD) to be

14、 paid back within six months from this date with interest at six percent (6%) per annum. John Brown October 16, 2008To the Finance Section of the College, I.O.U. ten thousand yuan (RMB), to be paid back within one year from this date twelve thousand yuan (RMB) for value received. Henry White Foreign

15、 Languages Department Exercises n向外语学院资料室借一本简爱,上英语课备用。n向本部门借5000元买手提电脑,从借款日起以年利率2%一年内归还。Note / Form of Receiptn写法与借条大致相同。n不必写抬头,可直接写明收到的具体内容。n常以 “Received from”或 “Received of开头,相当于中文的“今收到”backExamples April 10, 2008 Received from Miss Helen White one thousand dollars for tuition. Robin Taylor Financ

16、e Section August 20, 2008 Received from Foreign Language Bookstore two copies of English-Chinese Dictionary. Bill JonesExercises n收到财务处1200元作为本人本月的工资。n收到复旦大学出版社21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第二册教材5本。Letters (Chapter 10)n书信可分为私人信函(Private Letters)和业务信函(Business Letters)两大类。n业务信函又称为公函(Official Correspondence)。n英文书信和信封

17、的书写格式和中文的书写格式有很大区别。信封的写法n并列式(Block Form):姓名、地址在左边从上至下成一条直线,后面不带标点符号。Jenny Wang (sender/addresser)123 Fengpu Avenue stampShanghai Business SchoolShanghai 201400P.R.China Mr. Robert Taylor 411 Pacific Avenue NSW Sydney Australia 斜列式(Indented Form):姓名、地址在左边从上至下依次缩进两个字母,后面可(不)带标点符号。Harry Johnson stamp F

18、lat 12 50 Walter Street New York, NY 102011 USA Prof. John Smith 101 Fleet Street London UK 信封左下角可标注:n航空信 Air Mail, Via Airmail, Par Avionn挂号信 Registeredn托某人转交 Kindness of, Be courtesy of, By favor of, Care of(c/o)n亲启 Personaln绝密、密函 Confidentialn私函 Privaten急件 Immediate, Urgent, Rushn请某人拆阅、处理 Attenti

19、on of信封中上方可标注:n印刷品 Printed Mattern样品 Samplen无价值样品 Sample of No Valuen赠品 With Complimentsn内有照片,请勿折叠 Photo Onlyn易碎易碎 Fragile书信的格式书信的格式n私人信函信头称呼正文结束语签名附笔(P.S.)n业务信函信头信内地址称呼正文结束语签名附件(Encl:Enclosed please find)私人信件并列式(1)Your NameYour AddressYour City, State, Zip CodeYour Phone NumberYour E-mailDate(2)Dea

20、r Tom, (3)(para. 1:the beginning of your letter)(para. 2:the main points of your letter)(para.3:the ending of your letter)(4)(Complimentary Close)(5)(Your Signature)(Your Typed Name)(6)P.S.私人信件缩进式(1) Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your E-mail Date(2)Dear Tom, n(3

21、)n(para. 1:the beginning of your letter)n(para. 2:the main points of your letter)n(para.3:the ending of your letter)n(4)n(Complimentary Close)n(5)n(Your Signature)n(Your Typed Name)n(6)nP.S.Assignments: Letter Writing1.In no more than 100 words write a letter of three paragraphs inviting a friend to

22、 spend a weekend with your family at your home in the country.2.For several years you have been writing to a penfriend whom you have never met in person. Write him a letter of about 100 words telling him that you will be visiting his country/city soon and expressing pleasure that you will be able to

23、 meet each other for the first time.3. Write a letter of about 100 words to a former teacher telling him briefly what you have been doing since you left middle school. further studies(college study) since leaving middle schoolhow you get along with classmates/roommateswhether you like your college l

24、ife and whywhat you hope to do in the future after graduation商业信函并列式(1)Your NameYour AddressYour City, State, Zip CodeYour Phone NumberYour E-mailDate(2)Addressees NameAddressees TitleName of the CompanyCompanys Address(3)Dear Sir / Madam, (4)(para. 1:the beginning of your letter)(para. 2:the main p

25、oints of your letter)(para.3:the ending of your letter)(5)(Complimentary Close)(6)(Your Signature)(Your Typed Name)(Your Title)(7)Enc.商业信函缩进式(1)Your NameYour AddressYour City, State, Zip CodeYour Phone NumberYour E-mailDate(2)Addressees NameAddressees TitleName of the CompanyCompanys Address(3)Dear

26、Sir / Madam, (4)(para. 1:the beginning of your letter)(para. 2:the main points of your letter)(para.3:the ending of your letter)(5)(Complimentary Close)(6).(Your Signature).(Your Typed Name).(Your Title)(7)Enc.信函常用开头语:nI am writing to ask if you can do me a favor.nI hear that you are seeking a tutor

27、.nI am writing to you to ask about the meeting to be held next month.nYour letter came to me this morning.nI have received your letter of the 11th instant.nIn reply to your letter about the college entrance examinations, let me tell you thatnThank you very much for your letter dated 8th.nI feel very

28、 much complimentd by your kind letter which arrived yesterday.nI am very excited and delighted over your good news.nI am in receipt of your kind note.nI was delighted to receive your letter.nWith great delight I learn thatnI have the pleasure to tell you that I got home safe and sound last night.nI

29、was shocked to learn thatnPlease forgive me for not having replied to you earlier.nIts already a week since you left here.nNot having heard of you for long, I feel anxious about you.nI am deeply sorry for neglecting to reply more promptly to your favor of June 1st.nI am greatly indebted for your let

30、ter which reached me the day before yesterday.nYour letter which arrived yesterday gave me great comfort.信函常用结束语:nWith best wishes to your family.nWith kindest loving regards.nWith very many thanks.nWith fondest love.nGive my compliments / best wishes to your wife.nMuch love to you and your family.n

31、With kindest wishes from my husband and myself.nThank you once again for your kind letter.nPlease remember me to your family.nAll my best wishes for the future.nWish you every success in your future career.nWish you the best of health and success.nKindly favor us with a reply at your earliest conven

32、ience.nPlease let me have your answer within this week as to your own views on this matter.nThank you for an early reply.nYour early reply will be highly appreciated.nThank you in advance for your reply.nLooking forward to the pleasure of meeting you.nI am looking forward to your early reply.nI am l

33、ooking forward to your coming.nPlease notify me of the details soon.nThe favor of an early answer will be appreciated.nI hope to seeyou as soon as possible and talk the matter over.nExpecting to hear from you as soon as possible.nYour favorable consideration of this matter will be greatly appreciate

34、d.nFor any other details please be sure to write to us again.nIf you want further information, please feel free to write to me again.nIf other details are needed, I will be only too glad to supply them.nHoping that our goods and prices will prove attractive to you.nHoping that you will be satisfied

35、with our goods.Exercise 1nWrite an English envelope according to the given information.写信人:钱爱丽写信人:钱爱丽写信人地址:河北省保定市青年路写信人地址:河北省保定市青年路12号号 071003收信人:收信人:Mr. Arthur Murry收信人地址:收信人地址:200 Washington Avenue, Cambridge, M.A. 02140, U.S.A.Exercise 2nWrite a Heading and an Inside Address according to the give

36、n information.写信人信息:陈祥,富康公司销售部经理。写信人信息:陈祥,富康公司销售部经理。收信人信息:收信人信息:George Green, Manager, Pacific Shipment Company, 215 6th Street, California, CA 201503, USALetters of Congratulations April 24 Dear Jane, I must send you a line to tell you how glad I am to learn of your engagement to Bill. My husband a

37、nd I have known Bill for many years and we both know him very well. We all like him so much. And we believe that he will be a good husband. Please accept my sincere congratulations! Give my love to your parents. God bless you, my dear, and with fondest love. Yours ever, Kate June 5 Dear Charles, I a

38、m very glad to hear that you have been appointed Marketing Manager of your accompany. I know how hard you have worked, and you certainly deserve it. It is a great pity we cant get together soon. Im going to London for one week but Ill give you a ring when I get back. Meanwhile, all the very best for

39、 the future. Yours, JohnBrent Office(发信人)发信人)Machinery plc8 Regent StreetLondon, UKTelephone 39485Fax 37848Telex 49485 BROFI 9 September, 2008Managing Director(收信人)(收信人)Ruby Insurance SA8 Place de LondresBrusselsBelgium Dear Sirs, It has just come to our attention that you have lately opened your ne

40、w European headquarters in Brussels. Congratulations on your bold venture. As you know, our companies have had a long business association in the UK. We look forward to collaborating with you in your European venture. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you. We will be delighted to

41、help. We wish you the very best of luck and a prosperous future. Yours faithfully, (handwritten signature) J.P. Howell Managing Director 祝贺信常用语:nI have just heard the splendid newsnI was pleased/glad/delighted/thrilled to hear that/How wonderful to hear thatnYour promotion/appointment togives me gre

42、at pleasure.nIm so happy for younIm not surprised at the good news at allyou deserve every bit of it.nI know that your enthusiasm and experience are the very qualities that are needed for this position.nI am delighted that your talent and hard work have been rewarded.nWith my wholehearted congratula

43、tions and best wishes for many happy returns of your birthday!nWish you many happy returns of your birthday!nSincere congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your marriage.nAccept my heartiest congratulations on the happiest event of your life.nWith best wishes for your auspicious wedding.Exer

44、cises nWrite a letter of congratulation according to the given information.n你叫陈林,你的朋友王丽在高考中以优异的成绩被哈工你叫陈林,你的朋友王丽在高考中以优异的成绩被哈工大威海录取,写一封信向她表示祝贺。大威海录取,写一封信向她表示祝贺。n你的同事你的同事Chris刚乔迁新居。写一封信向他表示祝贺,刚乔迁新居。写一封信向他表示祝贺,并将以下内容写入信中:并将以下内容写入信中:新居是他自己设计的,坐落在风景秀丽的山边。新居是他自己设计的,坐落在风景秀丽的山边。为了表示祝贺,你在盆景市场买了一盆盆景,明天送为了表示祝贺,

45、你在盆景市场买了一盆盆景,明天送到。到。n你的生意伙伴你的生意伙伴Anthony Carr 刚刚升职为刚刚升职为Leather Products Inc.的助理经理,写一封信向他表示祝贺。最的助理经理,写一封信向他表示祝贺。最后祝他在处理公司事物方面一切顺利。后祝他在处理公司事物方面一切顺利。nI wish to congratulate you on your graduation from high school and successfully enteringcollege. nHearty congratulations on your completiong the postgra

46、duate course and acquiring the degree of Master of Science.nI am much delighted to hear you have passedexamination. Letters of Thanksn在感谢信的正文应提到为什么感谢对方。n在英文中有一种感谢信被称为Bread-and-Butter Letter (面包和黄油信)。客人向主人表示感谢款待的信当你在朋友家愉快地度过了一个周末、一个星期或更长时间,他们热情地为你提供食宿,在你回家后两三天内应该给他们写一封感谢信。写这种信是为了感谢他们对你的关心和照顾。Example

47、1Example 1 December 26, 2007 Dear Aunt Rose, What a simply gorgeous Christmas gift! A fitted bag is something Ive wanted for a long time, but could never get for myself. Thank you so much, Aunt Rose. Ill have the bag for years and years, and Ill think of you with gratitude and affection every time I

48、 use it. Lovingly yours, GraceExample 2Example 2 March 3, 2008 Dear Elaine, Many thanks for your help in the office during my absence last week. Without your assistance in organizing and monitoring the weekly promotional mailing, we would surely have missed our deadline. Yours, WendyExample 3-1Examp

49、le 3-1 Montres Pagaille 6 rue de Leman, Geneva, Switzerland Tel 38476 Fax 46354 Telex 64787 MONPAOctober 1, 2006Mr. J. DakinHead BuyerStar Jewellers77 Regent StreetLondonU.K. Example 3-2Example 3-2 Dear Mr. Dakin, Thank you for your order No. 464 of 22 September. The models you selected from our sho

50、wroom went out today under my personal supervision. The package is being airfreighted to you on Swissair. The relevant documentation is enclosed. I enjoyed meeting you and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship between our companies. The next time you vis

51、it us, please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for you with our directors. Yours sincerely, (Handwritten Name) Jean-Pierre Prost Sales Manager感谢信常用语nThanks / Many thanks for your help.nMany thanks for the trouble you have taken.nA thousand thanks for your frequent letters of enco

52、uraging advice.nThank you very much for helping me with my project.nI must thank you for all your past kindness.nI am extremely / most grateful for your showing me around Shanghai.nThank you in advance for your favorable consideration of my application.nIts very nice of you to help me.nIt was so tho

53、ughtful and kind of you to give me some of your valuable time.nPlease accept my sincerest thanks for all that you did for me during my stay in New York.nI cant tell you how much I appreciate what you have done for us.nTheres no way to thank you enough for your courteous attention.ExercisesnWrite a l

54、etter of thanks according to the given information.给你的朋友给你的朋友 Li Yuan Li Yuan 写一封信,感谢他在暑假里热情写一封信,感谢他在暑假里热情招待你,并带你玩了上海很多地方。招待你,并带你玩了上海很多地方。给给 Mr. G. Bean (Manager, Able Building Supplies Plc, Mr. G. Bean (Manager, Able Building Supplies Plc, 66 North Way, Northampton, UK) 66 North Way, Northampton, U

55、K) 写一封信:写一封信:n由于你在该领域是新手,缺乏经验。由于你在该领域是新手,缺乏经验。nMr. G. Bean Mr. G. Bean 给了你很多帮助,增加了你的信心。给了你很多帮助,增加了你的信心。n感谢他在业务上对你的关照。感谢他在业务上对你的关照。n最后期望在业务上继续合作。最后期望在业务上继续合作。Letters of Apology Thursday, February 9, 2007Dear Tom, I am terribly sorry for having broken your ruler yesterday. It was really due to my carelessness. I have bought a new ruler as a compensation to you. Please accept it. Sorry again. Yours, Jackie



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