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1、姓名 :_编号 :_地区 :_省市 :_密封线密封线 全国软件水平考试考试重点试题精编注意事项:1.全卷采用机器阅卷,请考生注意书写规范;考试时间为120分钟。2.在作答前,考生请将自己的学校、姓名、班级、准考证号涂写在试卷和答题卡规定位置。 3.部分必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题部分必须使用黑色签字笔书写,字体工整,笔迹清楚。 4.请按照题号在答题卡上与题目对应的答题区域内规范作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效:在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。(参考答案和详细解析均在试卷末尾)一、选择题1、使用Windows操作系统,在“我的电脑”中选择磁盘中的文件,再选择“查看”菜单中的“ ()”,可查看该文件建

2、立(或最近修改)的时间和文件大小。 A.大图标 B.排列图标 C.列表 D.详细信息 2、在IPv6地址无状态自动配置过程中,主机将其( ) 附加在地址前缀1111 1110 10之后,产生一个链路本地地址。 A.IPv4地址 B.MAC地址 C.主机名 D.任意字符串 3、FTP 使用的传输层协议为();FTP 有 2 个端口,用作控制连接的默认端口号为(),用作数据传输的默认端口号为()。 A.HTTP B.IP C.TCP D.UDP 4、要刷新Windows2008 系统的 DNS 解析器缓存,以下命令正确的是( )。 A.ipconfig/cleardns B.fconfig/cle

3、ardns C.ipconfig/flushdns D.fconfig/flushdns 5、We have already covered the topic of network addresses. The first() in a block (in classes A,B,and C) defines the network address. In classes A,B,and C,if the hostid is all ls, the address is called a direct broadcast address. It is used by a.(72) to se

4、nd a packet to all hosts in a specific network. All hosts will accept a packet having this type of destination address. Note that this address can be used only as a (73)address in an lP packet. Note also that this special address also reduces the number of available hostid for each netid in classes

5、A,B,and C.In classes A,B,and C,an address with all Is for the netid and hostid (32 bits) defines a(74) address in the current network.A host that wants to send a message to every other host can use this address as a destination address in an IP packet. However,a router will block a packet having thi

6、s type ofaddress to confine the broadcasting to the (75) network. Note that this address belongs to class E. A.datagram B.function C.address D.service 6、在下列应用层协议中,利用UDP实现无连接传输的是( ),利用TCP实现面向连接传输的是( )。 A.SMTP B.FTP C.TELNET D.SNMP 7、Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for ( ) remot

7、e login and other secure network services over an( )network.The standard( )port for SSH is 22. The best known example application is for remote login to computer systems by users.SSH provides a secure channel over an insecured network in a(请作答此空) architecture, connecting an SSH client application wi

8、th an SSH server. Common applications include remote command-line login and remote command execution, but any network service can be secured with SSH. The protocol specification distinguishes between two major versions, referred to as SSH-1 and SSH-2.The most visible application of the protocol is f

9、or access to shell accounts on( )operating systems, but it sees some limited use on Windows as well. In 2015, Microsoft announced that they would include native support for SSH in a future release. A.client-server B.browser-server C.connectionless D.P2P 8、交换机配置命令sysname Switch1的作用是( ) A.进入系统视图 B.修改设

10、备名称 C.创建管理 VLAN D.配置认证方式 9、TFTP封装在( )报文中进行传输,其作用是( )。 A.HTTP B.TCP C.UDP D.SMTP 10、某校园网的楼层接入交换机全部为智能交换机,但是经常会有用户在自己办公室由于接线错误导致该办公室的内部网段产生环路而无法访问互联网,并影响同网段的其他用户访问互联网,以下解决方法合适的是( )。 A.通过减少VLAN来减少广播域 B.为接入交换机的每一个接口分配一个VLAN C.开启交换机的生成树协议来防止环路的产生 D.开启交换机的环路检测功能,并把检测到环路的接口执行shutdown操作 11、ISO定义了网络管理的五大功能,包

11、括:故障管理、安全管理、计费管理、性能管理和_(5)_。SNMP是一个_(6)_的协议,其网络管理模型由_(7)_三部分构成。 A.异步的请求/响应和无连接 B.同步的请求/响应和五连接 C.异步的请求/响应和面向连接 D.同步的请求/响应和面向连接 12、Both bus and tree topologies are characterized by the use of multipoint( ). For the bus, all stations attach, through appropriate hardware( )known as a tap, directly to a

12、linear transmission medium, or bus. Full-duplex operation between the station and the tap allows data to be transmitted onto the bus and received from the( ). A transmission from anystation propagates the length of the medium in both directions and can be received by all other( ). At each end of the

13、 bus is a( ), which absorbs any signal, removing it from the bus. A.routers B.stations C.servers D.switches 13、在下列网络服务中,()是远程登陆服务,默认端口号为()。 A.21 B.23 C.25 D.80 14、在Excel中,设A1单元格的值为23,A2单元格中的值为36,在A3单元格中输入A1-A2,则A3单元格中的值为()。 A.-13 B.13 C.# D.A1-A2 15、使用Windows提供的网络管理命令( )可以查看本机的路由表,(请作答此空)可以修改本机的路由表。

14、 A.ping B.route C.netsh D.netstaT 16、在生成树协议(STP)IEEE 802.1d中,默认的桥ID的优先级是多少( )。 A.32768 B.4096 C.8192 D.0 17、电子政务应用模式有3种,不包括() A.G2G B.B2B C.G2B D.G2C 18、关于Windows SNMP服务,下面的论述中不正确的是()。如果在windows2000中安装SNMP服务,要在控制面板中选择“网络和拨号连接”,在“网络组件”中选择()。 A.管理和监视工具 B.网络服务 C.其它网络文件 D.打印服务 19、交换机使能STP时,缺省情况下交换机的优先级为

15、( )。 A.4096 B.8192 C.16384 D.32768 20、在交换机连接的局域网中设置VLAN,可以()。 A.把局域网组成一个冲突域 B.把局域网组成一个广播域 C.把局域网划分成多个广播域 D.在广播域中划分出冲突域 21、100BASE-T的传输介质是( )。 A.3类双绞线 B.5类双绞线 C.光纤 D.同轴电缆 22、()采用不同频率的信号在同一信道上传输数据。 A.空分多路复用 B.时分多路复用 C.频分多路复用 D.码分多址 23、We have already covered the topic of network addresses. The first ( ) in a block (in classes A,B,and C



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