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1、There is a Chinese saying: A storm may arise from a clear sky. That is, something unexpected may happen any time. ( 天有不测风云天有不测风云, , 人有旦夕祸福人有旦夕祸福。)FIRST AID first aid firm injury infection ray radiation sprain skin stove swell scissors squeeze symptom sleeve stab scheme temporary tissue tight throat

2、treat aid ankle apply ambulance in place infection dampWhat is first aid? First aid is a temporary form of _ given to someone who suddenly _ or gets _ before a doctor can be found. Giving first aid_ can save lives. helpfalls illinjuredquicklyThe person got _ by a snake. The little girl got _ by food

3、. bittenchokedWhat happened to them?The footballers ankle got _. The old ladys arm got _.sprainedbrokenThe little girl _.got burnt by boiling water get bitten get choked get sprained get broken get burnt get injured get wounded get drowned get done ( (遭遇意外遭遇意外) ) _ cool, clean cloths on the burned a

4、rea. If possible, _ it under the gently running water. _ _ clothing and jewellery if necessary. _ the burned area gently with a clean cloth. _ the burned area with a dry, clean bandage. _ legs or arms higher than the heart. _ the victim to the doctor or hospital, if the injuries are serious. placeco

5、oltake off dry coverkeep get How should we perform first aid?DOSDONTS not _ burns with icy water. not _ clothing if it is stuck to the burn. not _ the blisters, or it may get infected. not _ butter, oil or ointment on burns. not _ third degree burns under cool water. coolremoverub/breakputplace In c

6、onclusion, it is of vital importance for us to learn some knowledge of first aid in case of emergency.= All in all, it is vitally important for us to = In short, it makes a real difference to While ironing clothes, Miss Jane accidentally touched the iron. Her wrist blistered and bcame watery. It hur

7、ts a lot. What could she do? First, she could _ her wrist under the cold water. Dont _ the blisters and never _ ointment on it. And then she could keep _ cool, clean, damp cloths on it until it was less painful. Finally, she should go to _ a doctor. coolrubputplacingseeWhat could she do?Chinese or E

8、nglish?1.Tom不小心打翻了一壶滚烫的水,手烫伤了不小心打翻了一壶滚烫的水,手烫伤了。2. Tom accidentally knocked over a kettle full of boiling water, which made his hand got burned.3.2. 据说在烫伤的部位涂上黄油可以缓解据说在烫伤的部位涂上黄油可以缓解(ease)疼疼痛痛。4. It is said that covering the burned area with butter can help to ease the pain. 5.3. 他把手放进一盆冷水中直到疼痛减轻他把手放进

9、一盆冷水中直到疼痛减轻。6. He placed his hand in a basin of cold water until the pain was less painful.7.4. 懂得急救知识真的很管用懂得急救知识真的很管用。8. It makes a real difference to have a knowledge of first aid. Lucky or Unlucky?My First Aid Experience 我永远都不会忘记上个星期天我成功进行了急救。我永远都不会忘记上个星期天我成功进行了急救。 妈妈在厨房做饭的时候不小心打翻了一壶滚烫的水。妈妈在厨房做饭的

10、时候不小心打翻了一壶滚烫的水。她不是把烫伤的手放在流动的自来水下冲凉,却想要在她不是把烫伤的手放在流动的自来水下冲凉,却想要在烫伤处涂上黄油。据说这能够帮助缓解疼痛。我立刻阻烫伤处涂上黄油。据说这能够帮助缓解疼痛。我立刻阻止了她。帮她把手放在冷水盆中直到疼痛减轻,轻轻地止了她。帮她把手放在冷水盆中直到疼痛减轻,轻轻地擦干烧伤面,然后用一块干而清洁的绷带盖住。擦干烧伤面,然后用一块干而清洁的绷带盖住。 几天后,妈妈的手就完全复原了。我很高兴我的急几天后,妈妈的手就完全复原了。我很高兴我的急救知识真的管用。救知识真的管用。 My First Aid Experience I will never

11、forget last Sunday when I succeeded in giving first aid in my life. While cookig in the kitchen, my mother accidentally knocked over a kettle of boiling water, which made her hand get burned. Instead of cooling the burn under the cold running water, she decided to cover it with butter, which is said

12、 to help to ease the pain. I stopped her at once and helped to place her hand in a basin of cold water untill the pain was less paiful, dried it gently and covered it with a dry, clean bandage. A few days later, she was fully recovered. Im delighted that my knowledge of first aid can make a real difference. Try our best to give them effective firstaid if they are in danger.Keep in mind that seconds count. Life is preciousLife is preciousWe should care about others , and help people in an emergency.



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