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1、54 50+ 50 90 100 4+ 5 9 ? Can you count from 1 to 20 in English? (你能用英语数出(你能用英语数出1到到20吗?)吗?)one two three four five six 1 2 3 4 5 6seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 7 8 9 10 11 12thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen 13 14 15 16 seventeen eighteen nineteen 17 18 19 twenty 20火眼金睛火眼金睛找规律找规律 two 2 twelve

2、12 twenty 20 three 3 thirteen 13 thirty 30 four 4 fourteen 14 forty 40 five 5 fifteen 15 fifty 50 six 6 sixteen 16 sixty 60 seven 7 seventeen 17 seventy 70 eight 8 eighteen 18 eighty 80 nine 9 nineteen 19 ninety 90表示表示表示表示十几的数字一般以十几的数字一般以十几的数字一般以十几的数字一般以teenteen结尾,读结尾,读结尾,读结尾,读/ / / / ti:nti:nti:nti

3、:n/ / / / 表示几十的数字都以表示几十的数字都以表示几十的数字都以表示几十的数字都以ty结尾,读结尾,读结尾,读结尾,读/ / / / titititi/ / / / twenty 20 sixty 60 thirty 30 seventy 70 forty 40 eighty 80 fifty 50 ninety 90 Lets read21twenty-one32thirty-two435465forty-threefifty-foursixty-five76879899100 one hundredninety-nineninety-eightseventy-sixeighty-

4、sevenI can read 我会读我会读 homework 家庭作业家庭作业Linglings homework5(and)+ 611 right正确的Mingmings homework6(and)+49 ? wrong 错误的21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six 32 thirty-two 87 eighty-seven 43 forty-three 98 ninety-eight 54 fifty-four 99 ninety-nine 65 sixty-five 100 one hundredPartB Lets learn homework right wro

5、ng游戏一游戏一:埋地雷埋地雷 homework right wrong 21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six 32 thirty-two 87 eighty-seven 43 forty-three 98 ninety-eight 54 fifty-four 99 ninety-nine 65 sixty-five 100 one hundred Is this right? 40+ 24 64A:40 and 24 is 64.B: Is this right?C: Yes,its right.游戏二游戏二: Is this right? 46+ 54 90A:46 and 54 is 90.B: Is this right?C: No,its wrong. Its one hundred.?Group work 小组合作运用今天所学句型,扮演一名小小法官。PartA Lets listen and say小组讨论,完成以下任务:1、圈出课文中出现的数字单词2、试读课文并翻译3、看图,猜一猜Please think again.的含义1. 1.过关过关A A、B B,读流利。,读流利。2.2.抄写抄写PartBPartB 单词。单词。



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