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1、Unit 6 I like music that I candance toSection A1 a- 4Go for it J9They are famous hosts in CCTV. Do you know who they are? Which one do you like best? Why?Make up a conversation with your partners.A: Which host do you like best in CCTV?B: I think Li Yong is my favorite host.A: Why do you like him?B:

2、Because he is so humor.A: What about you ,C?C: I like Wang Xiaoya best because she is so smart.B likes the host who is humor.C likes the host who is smart.Do you like watching TV? What program do you like best? Why?Make up a conversation with your partners.A: Which program do you like best in CCTV?B

3、: I think Lucky 52 is my favorite program.A: Why do you like it?B: Because it is so interesting.A: What about you ,C?C: I like CCTV News best because it has lots of news in the world.B likes the program that is interesting.C likes the program that has news in the world.preferPrefer = likebetterI pre

4、fer T-shirt. = I like T-shirt better.He prefers staying at home. = He likes staying at home.I prefer Li Yong who is so humor.She prefers Wang Xiaoya who is smart.We prefer the program that is interesting.They prefer the program that has news in it.I like the music that _.I prefer the music that _.Wh

5、at music do you like ? Write your own sentences.What kind of singers do you like? Write your own sentences.I like singers who _.I prefer singers who _.Listen to the tapes and complete the sentences.About the modern About Dan DervishXu Fei says1. I prefer _ _.3. I like musicians _.Carmen says 2. I lo

6、ve music_ _.4. I like musicians _.Grammar FocusWhat kind of music do you like?Rosa likes music thats quiet and gentle.I love singers who write their own music.We prefer music that has great lyrics.Read and match the sentence parts.Task One如果你是学校广播站的广播员如果你是学校广播站的广播员,学校委派你去购买学校委派你去购买一些学生们喜欢的歌曲光碟一些学生们喜

7、欢的歌曲光碟. 请你先做一个调查请你先做一个调查. 看看学生们喜欢什么样的歌曲看看学生们喜欢什么样的歌曲,什么样的歌手以及什么样的歌手以及什么样的乐队什么样的乐队.A: What kind of songs do you like?B: I like the songs that _.A: What kind of singers do you like?B: I like the singers who _.A: What kind of groups do you like?B: I like the groups that _.用定语从句完成下列句子用定语从句完成下列句子.1.The m

8、an is my brother. He is standing under the tree. _.2.I like music. I can sing with them. _.3.He missed the train. He usually catches this train. _.4.Do you know the girl? She is talking with the teacher. _.5.Liu Li likes the singers. They can write their own lyrics. _.Section B1-4Why do you look unh

9、appy?My mother bought me a T-shirt that I dont like.discussion What clothes do you like ? Talk with your partners.A: What clothes do you like ?B: I like clothes that are comfortable. How about you?A: I like clothes _.Listen ! And write what Michaellikes and why he likes each thing.Read the reviews a

10、nd then use the information from the reviews to complete this chart.ProsConsMovieThe fishermans wife was funnyExhibitionBandWrite a review of a book you have read, a CD you have listened to, or a movie you have seen.用所给的词的适当形式填空用所给的词的适当形式填空.stand make suit prefer suggest interest look wear remind ta

11、ke1. I like traditional music, so the concert yesterday _my just fine. 2. - what kind of movie _ children? -May be they are action movies and comedies.3. These are musicians who _ us happy every weekend.4. We had many photos _ on the Great Wall.5. The music _ me of Brazilian dance music.6. I _ to th

12、em that Hong Kong should be a great place to visit.7. He _ pop music to classical music.8. I cant _ pizzas! They make me feel terrible.9. If youre _ for entertainment, stay at home and watch TV.10. Michael likes _ unusual clothes.readingWhat food would you like to eat? Why? Discuss this question wit

13、h your partners.I only eat food that tastes goodAfter reading the dialog , write each type of food or drink from the reading in the correct column.THINGS THAT ARE GOOD FOR US THINGS THAT ARE BAD FOR USTask TwoDo a class survey to find out of diets. Check ( ) each persons answer under the YES or NO c

14、olumn. Discuss the results of the survey.YESNOAre you a vegetarian?Do you care how much fried food you eat?Do you prefer to drink water when you are thirsty?Do you only eat food that you like?Write a report of what was said in the discussion by Laura, Peter and Kim. Use words like “agree “ and “disagree”.Peter wants to stay healthy but he thinks food that tastes good is bad for you. Kim agrees _.



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