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1、BorninYorkshireinnorthernEngland,shehadfoursistersandabrother.HersistersAnneandEmily,arealsowell-knownwriters.SointhehistoryofEnglishliterature,peopleoftencalltheythethree Bronte sisters.WhenCharlottewas14yearsold,shehadwrittenanumberofnovels,poetryandplays.Thiswasoneoftworeasonswhyshecouldwritesuch

2、agoodnovelJane Eyre.TheotherreasonwasthatJaneEyresplotsandcharactersweremostlyfromherlifeexperience.ThenovelwassosuccessfulthatitshockedtheBritishliteraryworld.Present characters1. Jane Eyre2. Sarah Reed 3. John Reed 4. Eliza Reed 5. Georgiana Reed 6. Bessie Lee 7. Mr. Lloyd 8.Mr. Brocklehurst 9. He

3、len Burns 10. Maria Temple 11. Miss Miller Jane EyreThe protagonist prutgnist主角of the story. She was an orphan who lookedvery ordinary.And we could see from the novel that she was bookish,even though she would get abused or beaten when she secretly read the books. She was mistreated by her aunt and

4、cousins,but she was still very frank , enthusiastic.SarahReedJanesunpleasantaunt,whoraisedheruntilshewastenyearsold.Shesmotheredherchildrenwithtoomuchlove,whichmadetheynotonlyselfishbutugly.AndnomatterwhatJanehaddone,shealwaysabusedJanewithoutanyreason.Inaword,shedidntcareaboutJane.JohnReedvJanesnas


6、nosympathyforherdyingmotheranddecidedtobreakoffallcontactwithGeorgianaaftertheirmothersdeath.Usefulnessishermantra.颂歌Georgiana Reed Elizas and Johns sister, Georgiana was the beauty of the family. Shes also shallow and self-centered. She accused her sister, Eliza, of breaking her plans to marry Lord

7、 Edwin Vere. Like Eliza, she showed no emotion in their mothers death. Bessie Lee The maid at Gateshead who sometimes consoled Jane by telling her entertaining stories and singing her songs. Bessie visited Jane at Lowood, impressed by Janes intellectual attainments and ladylike behavior. Mr. Lloyd T

8、he kind pharmercist who suggested that Jane be sent to school because of her terrible experience in the red-room. His letter to Miss Temple cleared Jane of the accusations Mrs. Reed has made against her. Mr. Brocklehurst The mean manager of Lowood. He fed the girls in the school at starvation-level

9、rations定量, while his wife and daughters lived comfortably. As the minister of Brocklebridge Church, he lacked sympathy and kindness. HelenBurnslJanesspiritualandintellectualfriendatLowood.AlthoughunfairlypunishedbytheteacheratLowood,Helenmaintainedhercalmandconfidence.FromHelen,Janelearnedtolerance

10、andpeace,butJanecouldnotacceptHelensrejection of the material world.MariaTemplelThewarm-heartedsuperintendent.sju:printendnt督学atLowoodwhoofferedthegirlsbreadandcheesewhentheirbreakfastswereinedible.Asaimpressivescholar,amodelofladylikebehaviorandacompassionateperson,MissTemplewasapositiverolemodelforJane.MissMillerTeacherfortheyoungeststudentsatLowoodwhogreetedJaneonherfirstnightattheschool.



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