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1、Translate the phrases.(2)l据说据说l人们认为人们认为l如此伟大的一项发明如此伟大的一项发明l在我们的日常生活中在我们的日常生活中l被广泛运用被广泛运用l偶然的,意外的偶然的,意外的l最有用的发明之一最有用的发明之一l的普及的普及l把某物传播到把某物传播到l毫无疑问,的确毫无疑问,的确Its said that Its believed that such a great inventionin our daily lifebe used widelyby accident/chanceone of the most useful inventionsthe popul

2、arity ofspread sth to without doubtl被某人发明被某人发明l被用来干什么被用来干什么l把把分成分成l备受喜爱的备受喜爱的l阻止某人干某事阻止某人干某事l梦想干某事梦想干某事l不仅不仅而且而且l钦佩,仰慕钦佩,仰慕l鼓励某人干某事鼓励某人干某事l实现实现l的总数或总量的总数或总量be invented by sbbe used for/ be used to dodivide sth intomuch-lovedstop/prevent/protect/keep sb from doing sthdream of doing sthnot onlybut als

3、olook up toencourage sb to do sthsb achieve/ sth come trurethe number of被动语态被动语态 (Passive Voice)be + V-p.p.am / is /are +动词的过去分词动词的过去分词was / were +动词的过去分词动词的过去分词 一般现在时的被动语态一般现在时的被动语态:一般过去时的被动语态一般过去时的被动语态:Grammar结构:结构: Many people speak English. (Active Voice)English is spoken by many peopleThis boy

4、broke the window yesterday. (Active Voice)The window was broken ( by this boy) yesterday. We bought some books. How to change?Some books were bought ( by us ). 主语主语 谓语动词谓语动词主动语态主动语态的过去式的过去式 宾语宾语主语主语 谓语动词谓语动词被动语态被动语态的过去分词的过去分词 介词介词+ 宾语宾语SVOPrep+OVSA: When was the TV invented?B: It was invented in 192

5、7.A: Who was it invented by?B: It was invented by Baird.1927 BairdpracticeT: When was the telephone invented?S: It was invented in 1876.T: Who was it invented by?S: It was invented by Bell.1876 BellWhat is it used for? calculatorIt is used for counting.countWhat are they used for? light bulbsThey ar

6、e used for giving light.give lightWhats this?Could you tell me something about it?1.When was it invented?2.Where was it invented ? 3.What did look like before? How about now? 4.What was it used for ?5. What do you think of it?Discuss the following questions in groups and take notes.(8)1.When was it

7、invented?in 19642.Where was it invented ? in America3.What did look like before? How about now? was huge, as large as a big house ,weighed about 30 tons; is smaller and cheaper4.What was it used for ?is very useful in our life, send some messages to our friends, read news on it, listen to music or p

8、lay games on it, make us relaxed 5. What do you think of it?will become more convenient, be going to change our life in the future, using it too much is bad for us, use it wiselyDiscuss the following questions and take notes.电脑在我们日常生活中变得越来越重要。请根据下电脑在我们日常生活中变得越来越重要。请根据下面的内容,介绍电脑的发展变化及你对未来电脑的面的内容,介绍电脑

9、的发展变化及你对未来电脑的想法。想法。 时间时间: 1946年年 地点:美国地点:美国早期的电脑早期的电脑: 1. 大小:和一间房子差不多。大小:和一间房子差不多。 2. 重量:大约重量:大约30吨。吨。 3. 价格:非常昂贵。价格:非常昂贵。Introduce the computer according to the given information现在的电脑现在的电脑: 外观:又小外观:又小又便宜,又便宜,很容易携带。很容易携带。 用途:用途:1. 可以学习、工作。可以学习、工作。 2. 可以查找大量信息、看新闻等。可以查找大量信息、看新闻等。 3. 可以通过电子邮件给亲友发信息。可以

10、通过电子邮件给亲友发信息。 4. 可以听歌、玩游戏来放松。可以听歌、玩游戏来放松。 看法看法: 将变得更便利并将改变我们的生活。但使用电脑太多对将变得更便利并将改变我们的生活。但使用电脑太多对我们不利,所以我们应该明智地使用电脑。我们不利,所以我们应该明智地使用电脑。 要求:要求:(1)字数:)字数:80100词。词。(2)内容完整,语言流畅,不要逐句翻译,可以适当发挥。)内容完整,语言流畅,不要逐句翻译,可以适当发挥。一、审题:一、审题:要仔细审内容、时态、人称和文体等要仔细审内容、时态、人称和文体等二、列提纲二、列提纲:开头要点题开头要点题; 分述要有条理;分述要有条理; 结尾要总结,与首

11、呼应结尾要总结,与首呼应三、打草稿:三、打草稿: 抓要点,配动词抓要点,配动词; 时态直达,时态直达, 语态到位,介词紧随语态到位,介词紧随 扩展成句,把要点变成完整的句子,扩展成句,把要点变成完整的句子, 注意使用介、副词注意使用介、副词 连句成文,词与词搭配,连句成文,词与词搭配, 句与句相连,呼应首尾句与句相连,呼应首尾 查错改错,主谓要一致,时态、查错改错,主谓要一致,时态、 人称等是否正确,是否有人称等是否正确,是否有“半截话半截话”四、誊写:四、誊写:卷面整洁不一定加分,卷面潦草会扣分卷面整洁不一定加分,卷面潦草会扣分Writing skills步骤步骤构思构思关键点关键点1引出话题become more and more important in our daily life.2介绍发明简单介绍计算机的发明及特点:was invented in, at that time,.重点介绍计算机的变化及用途:but now .,3表达看法I think computers will .列提纲列提纲



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