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1、Word study1.Politicians are supposed to have a silver tongue so as to win public support.2.The Japanese gentleman with elaborate courtesy were ordering a fresh fruit salad.3.In an apparent slip of the tongue, Ms. Bianchi referred to Richard as Robert.2021/5/231Word study4.The pilot took an/a evasive

2、 action to avoid hitting the other plane.5.The movie star gave an/a evasive answer, skillfully dodging the reporters questions.2021/5/232Word study6.The Greens are friendly and agreeable persons. Neighbors paid a courtesy visit to newcomers to welcome them.7.My mother says that writing blogs is a go

3、od crutch because it can enrich my life after work.2021/5/233Word study8.As the years pass, writing will not become easier and those powers of observation will become enfeebled.9.“Sometimes you are so evasive. I think you dont want to marry me at all.” The girl complained.2021/5/234Word study10. Mar

4、tin broke his leg in a football match and has been on crutch for the past six weeks.11.I could imagine the blurb he would have already written about her abrasive powers of observation.2021/5/235Word study12.A person who has an/a abrasive manner behaves or talks rudely.13.After her husband died, her

5、son became an emotional crutch for her.2021/5/236Word study14.Youd better not use an/a abrasive cleanser to clean the bath, for it will leave scratches.15.When her father became enfeebled by age and illness, she gave up her job to care for him.2021/5/237Work with sentences 1.You will be judged, when

6、 you reach your forties, by performance and not by promise. When you get mature over the age of 40, you are supposed to be a mature person. By then, people will not be so lenient when they make judgement on you. They will judge you by the quality of your writing. 2021/5/238Work with sentences 2.The

7、same type of prettiness could contain weakness and strength. Although the young couple resembled physically, both pretty, they have very different personalities. The young girl is forceful and ambitious while the young man is weak and practical.2021/5/239Work with sentences 3.The girl looked at them

8、, and then she looked at me, but I think she saw only the future. The girl seemed to look at the Japanese gentleman and then at me, but she was actually indulged in fancying her future life as a writer.2021/5/2310Work with sentences 4.He submitted just as two of the Japanese gentleman gave tongue si

9、multaneously. He didnt insist and allowed the young lady to pay for the dinner. Meanwhile, two Japanese happened to speak at the same time. The writer adds a little more conspicuous behavior of the Japanese guests to strengthen his purpose.2021/5/2311Read more: Lifting the Veil fume 对对十分恼火十分恼火clutte

10、r 凌乱地塞满;乱堆放凌乱地塞满;乱堆放stack 一叠,一堆;大量,许多一叠,一堆;大量,许多backlog 积压的工作积压的工作Belgian 比利时人;比利时的比利时人;比利时的 Belgium 比利时比利时2021/5/2312Read more: Lifting the Veil cane 藤条;拐杖藤条;拐杖contour 轮廓轮廓unfalteringly formal 坚决地,坚定地坚决地,坚定地prelude 前奏;序幕前奏;序幕baggy 袋状的,膨胀的;宽松而下垂的袋状的,膨胀的;宽松而下垂的pluck 摘,拔;弹,拨摘,拔;弹,拨2021/5/2313Read more

11、: Lifting the Veil rapt 全神贯注的,入迷的全神贯注的,入迷的sarong 莎笼(马来西亚人和印度尼西亚人裹在莎笼(马来西亚人和印度尼西亚人裹在 腰或胸以下的长条布,男女均穿)腰或胸以下的长条布,男女均穿)timidly 羞怯地羞怯地awe n. 敬畏;敬畏;vt. 使敬畏,使畏怯使敬畏,使畏怯 be/stand in of sb./sth. 对对敬畏敬畏2021/5/2314Read more: Lifting the Veil texture 质地,纹理质地,纹理retrieve formal 取回,索回;找回,挽回取回,索回;找回,挽回hectic 繁忙的繁忙的20

12、21/5/2315Read more: Lifting the Veil I remember feeling disdain for this collection of ogling humanity.对于许多人痴迷的收集,我感到不屑一顾。disdain n.&v. 鄙视,蔑视鄙视,蔑视ogle (色眯眯地)盯着看(色眯眯地)盯着看2021/5/2316Read more: Lifting the Veil I wondered why he held his head motionless at an odd angle, as though he were in meditation.

13、我想弄明白,为什么他的头固定在一个奇怪的角度上纹丝不动,摆出沉思的模样。motionless 一动不动的一动不动的meditation n. 冥想,沉思冥想,沉思2021/5/2317Read more: Lifting the Veil I could see his luxuriant silvery hair and strong, craggy face.我能看清他那银色的头发和健壮、多棱的脸孔。luxuriant 繁茂的;丰富的;奢华的;肥沃的繁茂的;丰富的;奢华的;肥沃的 luxury a. 奢侈的;奢侈的;n. 奢侈品奢侈品craggy 崎岖的;多峭壁的崎岖的;多峭壁的 crag

14、 峭壁峭壁2021/5/2318Read more: Lifting the Veil My hand cupped his elbow to steer him.我的手托着他的胳膊引导着他。cup 托托elbow 手肘手肘steer 行驶;引导行驶;引导2021/5/2319Read more: Lifting the Veil The music seems out of tune to our Western ears.这曲子我们西方人听起来不太悦耳。be out of tune (与(与)不协调,不融洽)不协调,不融洽2021/5/2320Read more: Lifting the

15、Veil The spherical sound box is fashioned out of a whole coconut shell.球形的音盒是用整个椰子壳做的。spherical 球形的球形的fashioned 塑成塑成2021/5/2321Read more: Lifting the Veil suppressing my surprise强压着自己的惊奇suppress (武力)镇压;封锁(消息);抑制(武力)镇压;封锁(消息);抑制2021/5/2322Read more: Lifting the Veil The nails accentuate each elegant

16、movement of their hands. Its a delightful effect.她们的指甲更加显示了她们优雅的手势,实在使人感到赏心悦目。accentuate 强调,突出强调,突出2021/5/2323Read more: Lifting the Veil His hands, four times as large, reached out slowly and clasped them as though they were cradling two tiny exotic birds.他的手有她四倍那么大,慢慢地伸出来握住这双小手,这双小手好像是躺在摇篮中两只奇异的小鸟

17、。exotic 异国的,外来的;异国情调的异国的,外来的;异国情调的cradle 摇篮摇篮2021/5/2324Read more: Lifting the Veil A lump formed in my throat.我感动得要哭了。lump (不定形的)块(不定形的)块 a in/to sbs throat 某人梗咽欲泣某人梗咽欲泣2021/5/2325Read more: Lifting the Veil Heads turned in surprise as the cane fell with a clatter to the marble floor.盲杖咔哒一声掉在大理石的地上,大家都吃惊地转过头来。clatter n.&vi.&vt. 哗啦,咔哒哗啦,咔哒2021/5/2326Read more: Lifting the Veil I was not able to tell him that the magic had been done to me.我没法告诉他我到底有怎样的奇遇。2021/5/2327部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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