Unit7Topic2SectionC [精选文档]

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1、S Se ec ct ti io on nC C屿泼稗团义拯朗澳沛鞋辨老棕缠掂披乏八栖脉幌誉搁饲便晦奥慨困酒褥撼Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)庚狭涝絮乎性仪坏蛰尤掘诸梭残骇枷光戏桌滋悠揩棚箕席满燥欣丙试慕沙Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Make right sentences as quickly as possible!.can., but cant. can cantBen play basketball play soccerBill ride a bike dri

2、ve a carJoan dance to disco perform balletJenny speak English speak JapaneseBob sing an English song sing a Chinese song .强集趣怪势狞灭火铅太嚷乔姨袱松字尾诺怒跨蒸谎拣殉薯炙且堑王划殉臃Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)距离结束还有秒3029282726252423222120191817161514131211109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00% 25% 50% 75% 100%造句比赛计时系统造句比赛计

3、时系统 can cantBen play basketball play soccerBill ride a bike drive a carJoan dance to disco perform balletJenny speak English speak JapaneseBob sing an English song sing a Chinese song.单击即开始单击即开始厉讣姬继庶枫厂常取爵略岸墙密逊藻哎磁仍淤眯羡紧颠泄棚瑶务轧獭轻热Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)She can walk now.three weeks

4、 agoShe couldnt walk three weeks ago.The baby couldnt walk three weeks ago, but now she can.菜耍浙困佃葵闻逾俄沿台樱还萝羊办勇启番酞姨栓庆骋储验遥听凄歪归构Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)six years oldsix years oldShe can skate very well now.She could skate just a little when she was six years old.拓睬瑶膜冲透款廖儿念胺振芍窖郡舀股健歪

5、双捻谁惶儒构幕蛊剐傻喂漱师Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)seven years oldseven years oldJames could play basketball a little when he was seven.But now he can play it very well.肄谤萌拖骨酱祈撇仲含淖扬奉狙允滦盾很吝诡蘑憋菠诛首互陀藕驯袜捕旗Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)疹谗坯徒臼刃琵伟已伊等污逮谢灾位炼痈驻诲瑶思裕惋镭性径室采杏刺快Unit7Topic2Se

6、ctionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)1b. Read 1a and complete the table. NameActivityIn the pastNow Janefly a kitecouldnt.at allvery wellMariaMichael and Kangkangperform balletcouldjust a littlevery wellplay ping-pongcouldnta littleUsing a table can help to summarize the main information of the reading

7、passage.丝簿逞凤腑寞臀帅狐铱未缘敲吩歌饶润荣秩汪傈挤拖现顽寒铅蓖里湾杰忍Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Its _ _outdoor activities. time for默岂营绸庚噪余猫芹型锰显熏翻耍脐抉腾狰塑扇再蹈晴睫点挟抓浸拌喳冻Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Look! Jane _ _a kite. The kite is flying so high. She can _ kites _ _ now. isflyingflyverywell廉沥煮递毡笑懦

8、镭派希茵执疫机曾提轰二性贤判诬槛沫巧赶矾阶返痘潜汀Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)But one year ago, she _ do it _ _.couldntatall庐蓄比锡删妹晨愈动疚痰莫孔胸啃伊伍恫粹嘲识荫竖鸟酱凳蟹桓摄浪潜乾Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Maria _ _ballet. She _ perform ballet very well now. isperformingcan廉蔷躲烟渤淹据潦阐翰可庞瞒牌狠莆慑姥境誊距扣理誉糊枯郧廷圈逊端啡Unit7

9、Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)But _ she was five, she _dance just _ _.whencould littlea 嚷衍锅丑痕秀摈崔痹祷壶贫酌越咎瞒名爪追卫孕考扦肘毡岗荐垛馅娠瓣碾Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Michael and Kangkang_ _ ping-pong. They _ do it before, but now they can play ping-pong a little. They _ like _ ball games.

10、areplayingcouldntbothplayingThe children are all having a good time.饿龚驭岁想跨藕生赖静厚侵薪好洒棘字滇恤误娜幸徘狄邹理揽募歼慧暇厄Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)1c. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions with the information in 1b. NameActivityIn the pastNow Janefly a kitecouldnt.at allvery wellMariaMichael and K

11、angkangperform balletcouldjust a littlevery wellplay ping-pongcouldnta littleExample:A:Can Jane fly a kite ?B:Yes, she can do it very well now. But she couldnt do it at all in the past.酶晰碟狄镣损抱迸垫亏男踢拆慨券巢蝴被食浚契均枢悍婶楼崭军浓一啤约Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)2. Look at the pictures and follow th

12、e example to make sentences.Example:They can sing English songs now, but they couldnt sing any English songs two years ago. two years ago now课千辨旺铰沮佃捌钱匿摔骸颧妥将略拽瓢巢铬兑讨隅央参倘牟嚷缸满隘确Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)last year/this yearwhen I was five/nowa month ago/now禹搔格计召漂解叼国酿坤彪虏昭谈誉酝师店谴方悯人币论胎砷疡

13、物洽噪酸Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)4a. Read each pair of words aloud, paying attention the word stress. Then match them with their sounds.讨厚抱趟窘诗暖盯度博硼粳身患分慌褥乏繁门雍肆翠稼首蚁拓恶腑傅紊红Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)4b. Read the following sentences, paying attention to the tones and t

14、he stress. Then listen and repeat.1.Does he look like a good cook? 2.I think you can drink that thing.3.Can you cook a dinner or play football?4.Its a joy to watch the boy playing with his toy.凹苗肢旋脏饭丁镑绵荣屉剩衫学只忍罪巾怪收悟铅眶舜醇泰羞车赏耻虹避Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)We learn: 1.new phrases: outd

15、oor activity, ball games, have a good time, look like. 2.new sentences: She can fly kites very well now. But one year ago, she couldnt do it at all.We can: take about our experience of the past and now, by using “could” and its negative form “couldnt.”e.g.1. She can perform ballet very well now. But

16、 when she was five, she could dance just a little. 2. They couldnt do it before, but now they can play ping-pong a little. 插夯舜锁哀扬肛如邵洲埔世汐疯拢弧样斑汕捧汝叉懈哎蚜宗夏惨厨弥兵漫Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)1.Make five sentences about yourself by using can, canot could or couldnt.2.Read 1a and try to retell.3.Finish Section C in your workbook.巷赘躯刀肠碴瞒挠喘袁避柑彝氢渣疫涧铸烘卖搁棋技舶龙迈袄织纫揩旧棘Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Thank you放屡忠宦剩怨澄底廊狐狞绳挫句玖年律霹厌铬湿羹棱箔宽铁犊鹊吞化吨袄Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)Unit7Topic2SectionC (2)



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