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1、备考2025内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市集宁区小学教师公开招聘题库检测试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共100题)1、 下列关于教师职业道德表述不正确的观点是A.教师职业道德由教书育人的基本素质和履行教师职业的特殊素质构成B.教师职业建设的目标是提升教师个人的道德水平C.教师发展的途径是团结协作、互勉共进D.师德的核心内容是由教师的劳动特点来决定的【答案】 B2、It is none of your business?other people think about you. Believe yourself.A.howB.whatC.whichD.when【答案】 B3、Consider these si

2、tuations: You have just read an excellent book and want to tell a friend about it. You have seen an exciting movie and want to _11_ your instructor to go to see it. You have heard an inspiring lecture, and want to _12_ your newly found knowledge with a roommate who didnt attend the lecture.A.leading

3、B.impressiveC.chiefD.major【答案】 D4、在天真的孩子们眼里,教师有着某种权威性和可模仿性,他们甚至认为教师说的就是对的,这体现教师劳动特点的()A.示范性B.创造性C.长期性D.系统性【答案】 A5、气质与性格的区别主要体现在 方面。A.特性与共性B.包含与被包含的关系C.能力与人格D.生理与社会【答案】 D6、“动之以情”体观了情绪情感的( )功能。A.信号B.感染C.替代D.调节【答案】 B7、人类学习的中介是( )。A.知识B.技能C.想象D.语言【答案】 D8、 当代学制发展的特征不包括_。A.重视学前教育,注重早期智力开发B.初等教育入学年龄提前C.改革初

4、等教育,重点发展中等职业教育D.终身教育迅速发展【答案】 C9、北京奥运会场馆“鸟巢”的设计者主要运用的是_。A.常规思维B.创新思维C.动作思维D.逻辑思维【答案】 B10、学生慢跑时的动脉血压较安静时()A.下降B.上升C.不变D.上下波动【答案】 B11、下列词语中加点字的注意,正确的一项是()(3分)A.溯(shu)游 空旷(kung) 伫(ch) 立 拾(sh)级而上B.挟(xi)持 诓(kung)骗 畸(j)形 棱(lng)角分明C.字帖(ti) 揩(ki)油 缄(jin)默 言简意赅(gi)D.可(k)汗 船舷(xun) 愤懑(mn) 吹毛求疵(z)【答案】 C12、布鲁纳认为,

5、在未经学生自己探索尝试之际,即将答案告诉学生的教学方式,不是囫囵吞枣半知半解,就是因知之不详而迅速遗忘。因此,他倡导( )。A.发现学习B.接受学习C.合作学习D.掌握学习【答案】 A13、根据说文解字对“六书”的归纳,对下列汉字的造字法解说正确的是()。A.“末”是象形字,象树梢之形B.“寐”是会意字,“宀”表示房屋,“爿”表示卧具C.“本”是指事字,表示树木的根部D.“奴”是形声字,“女”是形旁,“又”是变异的声旁【答案】 C14、认知心理学起源于对( )心理学的反对。A.格式塔B.机能主义C.行为主义D.构造主义【答案】 C15、It was the afternoon of Decem

6、ber 24, but I had to work. The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and a gifta dozen long-stemmed red _21_. As I was cleaning my office,a lady urgently needed to talk to me. I noticed a young,_22_ woman with a baby in her arms nervously,she explained that h

7、er husband, a prisoner,was my next patient. She told me she wasnt _23_to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son. She wished to let the boys father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible _24_ I called him for his appointment. Since my timetable wasnt full,I agree

8、d. _25_ , it was Christmas Eve. A short time later, her husband arrived. The womans tired face _26_ like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her. I kept peeling(偷看) out to watch them laugh, cry, and share their child.A.AtB.ByC.OnD.Through【答案】 C16、维持人体直立的下肢肌主要包括()。A.臀大肌、内收肌群

9、、小腿三头肌B.缝匠肌、内收肌群、阔筋膜张肌C.臀大肌、股四头肌、小腿三头肌D.耻骨肌、股四头肌、阔筋膜张肌【答案】 C17、元杂剧中的“四大南戏”指的是( )。A.牡丹亭桃花扇窦娥冤西厢记B.单刀会梧桐雨赵氏孤儿汉宫秋C.西厢记墙头马上拜月亭倩女离魂D.荆钗记白兔记拜月亭杀狗记【答案】 D18、智力是指人们的认识能力,其核心是指( )。A.注意力B.观察力C.思维力D.想象力【答案】 C19、The men and women of Anglo-Saxon England normally bore one name only. Distinguishing epithets were ra

10、rely added. These might be patronymic, descriptive or occupational. They were, however, hardly surnames. Heritable names gradually became general in the three centuries following the Norman Conquest in 1066. It was not until the 13th and 14th centuries that surnames became fixed, although for many y

11、ears after that, the degree of stability in family names varied considerably in different parts of the country. A.a name shared by all the members of a familyB.a word in front of a person s name to show their rank or professionC.an offensive word or phrase that is used about a person or group of peo

12、pleD.an adjective or phrase that is used to describe somebody/somethings character or most important quality【答案】 D20、Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldnt agree. Were the birds on the ice ducks or geese? There was only one way to find out. So on a chilly January evening, the two friends w

13、ent to the frozen pond near their house in Frankfort, Illinois, to get a better look. First they tossed a rock onto the ice to test it . Cruz told NBC 5 Chicago ,“ Then we stepped on it” Convinced the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, then.FooMP. He crashed through the seemingly

14、 frozen surface.” There was no sound, no sound, no crack,” he told NBC 5 Chicago.” I just fell through instantly.”A.Their necks were frozenB.They had a high feverC.They lost their consciousnessD.Their body temperature dropped【答案】 D21、初步认识形、色与肌理等美术语言属于()学习领域第二学段的目标。A.设计.应用B.综合.探索C.造型.表现D.欣赏.评述【答案】 C22、下



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