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1、Lesson 6Module 1 Unit 3 语法:反义疑问句语法:反义疑问句通州区姜灶中学通州区姜灶中学 刘霞刘霞南通市通州区教育局研发1. We have been working all day. Wed better have a rest, _?2. Lets go out for a walk, _?hadnt we shall we 一、完成下列反义疑问句:一、完成下列反义疑问句:【解析解析】: 1.1.反意疑问句的构成:反意疑问句的构成:肯定的陈述句肯定的陈述句+ +否定的反意疑问句否定的反意疑问句否定的陈述句否定的陈述句+ +肯定的反意疑问句肯定的反意疑问句2.2.疑问部分

2、用疑问部分用“助动词、情态动词、助动词、情态动词、bebe动词动词+ +主语(代词)主语(代词)”;要注意前后要一致。;要注意前后要一致。3. There are some apples in the basket, _?4. I dont believe that he can translate this book, _?arent there can he 【解析解析】:如果主句主语是第一人称如果主句主语是第一人称I/We而而谓语是谓语是 think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine 等引导的宾语从句,反意疑问句部等引导的宾语从句,反意疑问句部分与宾语

3、从句相一致,而且需要注意否定转分与宾语从句相一致,而且需要注意否定转移。移。5. She doesnt expect that we are coming so soon, _?does she 【解析解析】:当陈述句部分是主从复合句时,当陈述句部分是主从复合句时,反意疑问句中的动词与主语代词通常和主反意疑问句中的动词与主语代词通常和主句保持一致。句保持一致。1.One manager seldom comes to work late, doesnt he?二、单句改错:二、单句改错: One manager seldom comes to work late, does he?_ _【解析

4、解析】:当陈述句部分含有当陈述句部分含有seldom, hardly, never, few, little等否定词或半否定等否定词或半否定词时,反意疑问句部分应使用肯定形式。词时,反意疑问句部分应使用肯定形式。2. You had one of your teeth pulled out yesterday, hadnt you?You had one of your teeth pulled out yesterday, didnt you?_ 使役动词使役动词1. I had my bike repaired yesterday, _?2. He has lots of money, _

5、?3. He has gone abroad, _?didnt Idoesnt hehasnt hehasnt he此处此处had为使役动词。为使役动词。此处此处has 表示表示“有有”。此处此处has为助动词。为助动词。3. The women carrying babies, come in first, will they?The women carrying babies, come in first, will you? _【解析解析】:当陈述句部分为祈使句时,当陈述句部分为祈使句时,反意疑问句一般使用反意疑问句一般使用will you .祈使句祈使句4. Eating green

6、vegetables wont make you fat, will you? Eating green vegetables wont make you fat, will it?_ _( )【解析解析】:陈述部分的主语为从句、动名词:陈述部分的主语为从句、动名词或不定式时,附加疑问句的主语用或不定式时,附加疑问句的主语用it.5. Everything has been done on how to prevent the pollution, hasnt they?Everything has been done on how to prevent the pollution, hasn

7、t it?_ _【解析解析】:当陈述句的主语为当陈述句的主语为everything, anything, nothing, something等表物的不定等表物的不定代词时,代词时, 反意疑问句用反意疑问句用it。1. If one wants to stay healthy, he should do exercise instead of taking certain pills, which actually affects peoples health. If one wants to keep _, he should _ _ instead of taking certain pi

8、lls, which actually has a bad _ on peoples health. fitwork out 三、句型转换:三、句型转换:effect/ influence / impact 2. Id like to tell you the news that Tony will take charge of the company after the manager retires. Id like to _ you _ the news that the manager will leave Tony _ _ of the company after he retire

9、s. informof in charge 3. You can never imagine how difficult it was for the British students to get used to the school life in China. But now when they think back to the experience, they are very proud of it. You can never imagine what _ the British students had _ used to the school life in China. B

10、ut now when they look _ _ the experience, they take pride in it.difficulty / trouble gettingback on 4. It attracts the students that they may visit the museum without paying this week and they want to visit it in no time. It is _ to the students that they may visit the museum _ _ this week and they

11、cant _ to visit it. attractivefor free/nothing wait 5. Though you like to surf the Internet, you should prepare for the coming mid-term examination now. Though you feel _ _ the Internet, you are _ to make _ for the coming mid-term examination now. like surfingsupposed preparations 四、句子翻译:四、句子翻译:1.什么

12、也阻止不了他去那里,对吗?什么也阻止不了他去那里,对吗?2. 我相信你们以前彼此见过面,对吗?我相信你们以前彼此见过面,对吗?Nothing could prevent him from going there, could it?I believe you have met each other before, havent you? 3.她很少把钱借给别人,是吗?她很少把钱借给别人,是吗?4. 他们的父亲有一辆新车,他们经常帮他洗他们的父亲有一辆新车,他们经常帮他洗车,是吗?车,是吗?She seldom lends her money to others, dose she? Their

13、 father has a new car, and they often clean it for him, dont they?5. 一定是轮到他了,是吗?一定是轮到他了,是吗?6. 你愿意跟我一起去,是吗?你愿意跟我一起去,是吗?It must be his turn, isnt it?Youd like to go with me, wouldnt you?7. 人类是自己命运的主宰,是吗?人类是自己命运的主宰,是吗?8. 关于如何预防污染已经采取了一切措施,关于如何预防污染已经采取了一切措施,是吗?是吗?Man is the master of his own fate, isnt

14、he?Everything has been done on how to prevent the pollution, hasnt it?9. 他从来没说过要来,是吗?他从来没说过要来,是吗?10. 驾驶考试失败的消息使他们很泄气,是驾驶考试失败的消息使他们很泄气,是吗?吗?He never said he would come, did he?The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, didnt it? ( )1. Jack is still working in the classroom. 2.I don

15、t believe he has finished his homework, _? A. has he B. hasnt he C. do I D. dont I 六、单项选择:六、单项选择: 2. His parents told him that there wouldnt be any time for him to spend on computer games, _? A. will there B. wouldnt there C. didnt they D. did they 3. -You havent been introduced to Miss Wang yet, ha

16、ve you? - _. It will be my honor to know her. A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I havent C. No, I have D. No, I havent 本题考查反意疑问句的回答。本题考查反意疑问句的回答。是的,还没被介绍认识。是的,还没被介绍认识。4. You must have mistaken her for her sister yesterday, _? A. didnt you B. did you C. havent you D. have you 【解析解析】:陈述部分谓语是陈述部分谓语是“must have don

17、e”表示推测时的情况:表示推测时的情况:1.如有明显的过去时间状语,强调对过去情如有明显的过去时间状语,强调对过去情况的推测,疑问部分通常用况的推测,疑问部分通常用“didnt +主语主语”。2.如强调动作的完成,疑问部分用如强调动作的完成,疑问部分用“havent/ hasnt +主语主语”。请比较:请比较:1. You must have studied English for three years, _?2. He must have finished it yesterday, _?havent youdidnt he请比较:请比较:1.You must have been tire

18、d 2.yesterday, _?2. You must have been tired , _?werent youhavent you5. Few of them knew what an unpleasant person he really was, _? A. dont they B. didnt they C. did they D. do they 6. -He doesnt love her, does he? -_. He is very tired of her. A. Yes, he doesnt B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, he does D. N

19、o, he does 7. I dont think its too difficult to master a foreign language, _? A. is it B. isnt it C. do I D. dont I 8. Nothing could prevent him from going there, _? A. could they B. could nothing C. couldnt it D. could it 9. When you have finished reading that book, dont forget to put it back on th

20、e shelf, _? A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. wont you 10. What he said at the meeting is very important, _? A. isnt it B. isnt he C. didnt he D. didnt it 11. She is good at singing, but as a dancer, she is unsuccessful, _? A. is she B. isnt she C. did she D. didnt she 【解析解析】:当:当陈述部分含有陈述部分含有im, i

21、n, dis, un等等否定前缀,或否定前缀,或less等否定后缀时,应把陈述等否定后缀时,应把陈述部分看成是肯定的,反意疑问部分要用否定部分看成是肯定的,反意疑问部分要用否定式。式。12. -Why does she always ask you for help? -There is no one else she can turn to, _? A. is there B. is it C. can she D. does she 13. There is no light in the dormitory. They must have gone to the lecture, _?

22、A. didnt they B. dont they C. mustnt they D. havent they 14. He has his hair cut every month,_? A. has he B. hasnt he C. does he D. doesnt he 使役动词使役动词15. I wish to visit America, _? A. dont I B. can I C. may I D. may you 【解析解析】:当陈述部分是:当陈述部分是 I wish, 附加疑附加疑问句问句使用:使用:may I。16. Shes been a worker here

23、for many years,_? A. isnt she B. is she C. hasnt she D. has she 17. What beautiful flowers, _? A. arent they B. are they C. isnt it D. is it 【解析解析】:感叹句中,疑问部分用感叹句中,疑问部分用: : be /助动词助动词+主语主语。What nice colors( they are), arent they?How smelly ( it is), isnt it? 18. Mother used to live in a poor village,

24、 _? A. used she B. usednt she C. didnt he D. did he 【解析解析】:陈述部分用陈述部分用used to时,附加时,附加疑问句中用疑问句中用usednt 或或didnt. .19. Youd better go at once, _? A. wouldnt you B. had you C. hadnt you D. should you 1. 陈述部分有陈述部分有 had better + v. ,疑问句部分,疑问句部分用用hadnt +主语。主语。3. 陈述部分有陈述部分有would rather +v.,疑问部分,疑问部分多用多用 woul

25、dnt +主语。主语。2. 陈述部分有陈述部分有would like to +v. ,疑问部分,疑问部分用用wouldnt +主语。主语。20. I am very interested in Mark Twains novels, _? A. arent I B. am not I C. arent you D. are you【解析解析】:如果陈述部分是如果陈述部分是I am结构结构, ,附加附加问句一般用问句一般用arent I . . Lesson 5 五五. . 单项选择。单项选择。16. -Mike, have you ever heard of the latest water

26、heater using solar energy? - Yes, of course. But I havent decided whether to buy _. A. it B. one C. this D. that 17. Would you like to _ the cause of the fire? A. explain to us B. tell us what C. talk us why D. say us how18. I am supposed _ you a valuable present for your birthday, but all my money

27、_. A. to give; was ran out B. to have given; ran out C. given; ran out D. have given; was ran out 19. Its up to the government to _ measures to deal with the current economic crisis. A. set up B. work out C. filled up D. begin with 20. -I cant go with you and have to stay at home this Sunday? -_? I should turn down my radio at first.A. Beg your pardon B. Speak out, will you C. Why not D. Will you speak a word with meThank you!



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