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1、unit-1-college-life12unit-1-college-life12In todays class, you willI.listen and talk about college life II.read about how much there is to learn in collegeI. Talk About Your College LifeQuestions for group 1 and 2:1.Have you made any friends since you came to this university?2.Do you have to make ad

2、justment to university life? Questions for group 3 and 4: 3. How do you make use of the class hours and spare time?4. What do you think of the facilities in this university?Lead-inBOOK 1- UNIT 1BOOK 1- UNIT 1Talk About Your College LifeQuestions for group 5, 6 and 7: 5. What impresses you most on ca

3、mpus up till now? Why?military training; classmates; campus environment; facilities; teachers; diet Talk About Your College Life6. What do you expect to learn in college?major/subject knowledge, communicative skills, EnglishDiscussion:1.Have you made any friends since you came to this 2. university?

4、2. Do you have to make adjustment to university life?3. How do you make use of the class hours and spare time?4. What do you think of the facilities in this university?5. What impresses you most on campus up till now? Why?6. What do you expect to learn in college?Listen and talkDirections: 1) Listen

5、ing to the passage without looking at it.2) Go over the passage quickly and pay much attention to the blanks, then fill in the missing words while listening to the recording for the second time.2) Listen again and completeHi, welcome to our college. You will spend at least four years here. College d

6、ays will be the golden time in your life. There are many opportunities for you to the unknown and you can a lot. You can make lifelong friends; you can enjoy kinds of activities; you can your personal interests; and you will meet some outstanding . Keep a good balance and a solid foundation. There a

7、re many doors to your dreams. You decide how many you can open.develop exploreexperiencevarious layscholarsPASSAGE A: TOO MUCH TO LEARNRead and Explore:Related information;Global understdanding;(questions, structure, appreciating a narrative)Language learning;SummaryRelated InformationnTypes of Exam

8、ination Question in the US and UKnEssay-Type QuestionsRelated Information1 . Types of Examination Question in the US and UK The two main types Other typesMultiple choice EssayBlank-fillingMatchingThese are also called discussion questions, because the student is expected to discuss a topic and provi

9、de facts, reasons, examples, etc. to support the answer, with the grade depending mainly on how well the answer is supported not just on the students opinion.2. Essay-Type QuestionsRelated Information您所在位置: Unit 1 College Life / Passage A /Related Information Understanding questions:Read about it: R

10、ead through the text in 4 to 5 minutes and answer the questions in exercise 2.1. What exam were the students going to take?The students were going to take their last exam at college.2. How did the students feel about this exam before they took it?They were confident and felt ready for the exam.3. Di

11、d the questions turn out to be easy or difficult? How do you know?They turned out to be difficult, because none of the questions could be answered by the students.4. What did the professor say about the result of the exam? Were the students able to pass the course?The professor said the result was w

12、hat she had expected, but the students would be allowed to pass the course.5. Why did the professor set such a test paper?Because she wanted to make her students realize that even though they had completed four years of college study, there was still much to learn and their education had just begun.

13、Key points for reading a narrative:Five factors: when, where, who, what, howOrganizations: beginning, climax, endingPurpose/theme: any effect, impressionAppreciation: details and description Structure: Divide the paragraphs into several parts according to the time sequence.Part ParaMain Idea11425143

14、15The students were very confident before The students were very confident before the final examinationthe final examinationThe examination was much more difficult The examination was much more difficult than the student had thought and the than the student had thought and the professor wanted them

15、to be aware that professor wanted them to be aware that there was still much for them to learn even if there was still much for them to learn even if they graduated from the college.they graduated from the college.What the professor did has taught What the professor did has taught the students a goo

16、d lesson.the students a good lesson.Writing StyleComparison比较比较Examples:1. Before the examination On their faces was confidence. . they felt ready and able to conquer the world. The approaching exam , they know, would be a snap. And their smiles broadened as 2. After the examination The students no

17、longer looked confident. On their face was a frightened expression. The students shifted restlessly in their seats The classroom remained silent.Retell the storyPlease review the passage quickly and retell the story briefly.Language Study1. On the steps of one building, a group of On the steps of on

18、e building, a group of engineering seniors huddled, discussing the engineering seniors huddled, discussing the exam due to begin in a few minutesexam due to begin in a few minutes:A group of engineering seniors gathered together on the steps of one building. They were discussing the exam which was g

19、oing to begin in a few minutes.一幢教学楼的台阶上围着一群大四的工科生,都一幢教学楼的台阶上围着一群大四的工科生,都在谈论即刻就要开始的考试。在谈论即刻就要开始的考试。v. to (cause to ) crowd together, in a group (使)挤作一团,(使)聚成一堆Example: He lay huddled amongst his blankets in bed, his knees almost touching his chin.Tr. 那一天晚上灾民冷得挤在一起取暖。 The flood victims were cold so t

20、hey huddled together for warmth that night. huddle:huddle:您所在位置: Passage A / Read About It / Read and Simulate Ex. 8Read And SimulateChoice Sentences:Simulated Reproduction: On the steps of one building, a group of engineering seniors huddled, discussing the exam due to begin in a few minutes. Outsi

21、de the grand theatre, a group of fans huddled, talking about the movie stars due to arrive in a few minutes. 您所在位置: Passage A / Read About It / Read and Simulate Ex. 8Read And SimulateReference:Simulated Translation:在接待室外面,一群求职者围着接待人员询问几分钟在接待室外面,一群求职者围着接待人员询问几分钟后就要开始的面试情况。后就要开始的面试情况。 Outside the rec

22、eption room, a group of job hunters huddled around the receptionist, asking about the interview due to begin in a few minutes. 2.2.On their faces was confidence.On their faces was confidence. = “Confidence was on their faces”. Tr. 她眼里只有对他的爱。In her eyes is only love to him.3. Some talked of jobs they

23、 already had; others of Some talked of jobs they already had; others of jobs they would get.jobs they would get. Some talked about jobs they had already had; others talked about the jobs they would get. some ., others., still others. some ., others., still others. Tr. 大学生周末有各种各样的活动。有的去做兼职工作。有的去电影 院;

24、还有的去体育馆锻炼。 On weekends, college students have various kinds of activities. Some go to their part-time jobs; others to cinemas and theaters; and still others to the gymnasium to exercise themselves.4. With all this assurance of four years of With all this assurance of four years of college study, the

25、y felt ready and able to college study, they felt ready and able to conquer the world:conquer the world: Four years of study at college had given them the confidence in their ability and power. They thought they were ready and able to gain control over whatever they would do after graduating from co

26、llege. 4年的大学学习给了他们自信,使他们觉得自己足以征服世界。 Word-building: assurance assure sure e.g. Despite repeated assurance he failed to repay the money he had borrowed.Tr. 他有把握地回答了所有问题。 He answered all the questions with assurance. 您所在位置: Passage A / Read About It / Read and Simulate Ex. 8Read And SimulateChoice Sent

27、ences:Simulated Reproduction: With all this assurance of four years of college study, they felt ready and able to conquer the world. With all this assurance of a large sum of money in hand, they felt ready and able to travelanywhere in the world.您所在位置: Passage A / Read About It / Read and Simulate E

28、x. 8Read And SimulateReference:Simulated Translation:她的工作经历给了她自信,她感到已准备好,能在这她的工作经历给了她自信,她感到已准备好,能在这家大公司找到一份工作。家大公司找到一份工作。 With all this assurance of her working experiences she felt ready and able to find ajob in the big company.5. The approaching exam, they knew, would be a snap: They knew the appr

29、oaching exam would be very easy.You can use each of the following expressions to say that something is easy.It is easy / a snap /a piece of cake / no sweat. 这是一件很容易的事。approach: v. to come near or nearer, as in space or timee.g. The time is approaching when we must be on board. We approached the muse

30、um.6. file into: to march or walk in a single line in the specified direction Tr. 观众们涌进运动场时,发现流行乐团已经到了。 As the audience filed into the stadium, they found the pop group was already there. 8. And their smiles broadened as the And their smiles broadened as the students noted there were only five essay

31、-students noted there were only five essay-type questionstype questions:When they found there were only five essay-type questions,their smiles broadened.当看到只有五道论述题时,他们的笑容更灿烂。 broaden:broaden: v. to make or become broad or broadere.g. The road broadens out at this point.Tr. 旅行使人心胸开阔。Traveling broaden

32、s the mind.您所在位置: Passage A / Read About It / Read and Simulate Ex. 8Read And SimulateChoice Sentences:Simulated Reproduction: And their smiles broadened as the students noted there were only five essay-type questions. The mothers smile broadened as she noted that her daughter was studying attentive

33、ly when she entered the room. 您所在位置: Passage A / Read About It / Read and Simulate Ex. 8Read And SimulateReference:Simulated Translation:当看到子女们在入口处出现时,家长们脸上的笑容当看到子女们在入口处出现时,家长们脸上的笑容更加灿烂了。更加灿烂了。 The parents smiles broadened as they noted that their sons and daughters appeared at the entrance.9. surve

34、y:survey: vt. to look at, examine or consider ( a person, place or condition ) as a whole 纵览,审视,全面的观察 Example: You can survey the countryside from the top of the hill.Tr. 战士审视着敌人,以发现其弱点。 The fighter surveyed his enemy for any weakness. 10. The students shifted restlessly in their The students shifte

35、d restlessly in their seats:seats: The students were feeling very uneasy and they were changing their body positions all the time. shift:shift: to change position or direction; to move from one place to another e.g. When Paul found that the teacher was reading his composition to the class, he began

36、to shift uncomfortably in his seat.Tr. 原来刮的南风已转成北风了。 The wind which was blowing from the south has shifted to the north. 11. I just want to impress upon you that , even I just want to impress upon you that , even though you have completed four years of though you have completed four years of enginee

37、ring, there are still many things about engineering, there are still many things about the subject you dont knowthe subject you dont know:I just want to make you remember that, even if I just want to make you remember that, even if you have finished four years of engineering, you have finished four

38、years of engineering, there are still many things about the subject you there are still many things about the subject you dont know.dont know.我只是想让你们牢牢记住,即使你们已经完成了4年工科学习,这个领域你们还有很多东西不懂。impress upon: to make the importance of (sth.) clear to somebody else铭刻;使铭记e.g.The professor impressed upon his stu

39、dents the importance of learning how to learn at college.Tr. 他的歌声使我难以忘怀。 His songs are strongly impressed on my memory. 您所在位置: Passage A / Read About It / Read and Simulate Ex. 8Read And SimulateChoice Sentences:Simulated Reproduction:4I just want to impress upon you that, even though you have compl

40、eted four years of engineering, there are still many things about the subject you dont know. I just want to impress upon you that, even though this article is well written, there is still much room for improvement. 您所在位置: Passage A / Read About It / Read and Simulate Ex. 8Read And SimulateReference:

41、Simulated Translation:我总是想让你记住,尽管你的论文可能通过了,但我总是想让你记住,尽管你的论文可能通过了,但还有一些语法错误要修改。还有一些语法错误要修改。 I just want to impress upon you that even though your thesis may pass, there are still some grammatical mistakes to be corrected. 13. The years have obscured the name of this The years have obscured the name o

42、f this professor, but not the lesson she taughtprofessor, but not the lesson she taught:After all these years, I dont remember clearly the name of the professor, but I do remember clearly the lesson she taught.多年后,我已忘了这位老师的姓名,但牢牢记住了她的教诲。 obscure:obscure: to hide; to make difficult to see or understa

43、nd遮蔽;隐藏;使朦胧;使难理解 e.g. The moon was obscured by clouds. Tr. 妻子的声望使他暗淡失色。 His fame was obscured by the fame of his wife. 您所在位置: Passage A / Read About It / Read and Simulate Ex. 8Read And SimulateChoice Sentences:Simulated Reproduction: The years have obscured the name of this professor, but not the l

44、esson she taught. The years have obscured the location of the mountains, but not its splendor. 您所在位置: Passage A / Read About It / Read and Simulate Ex. 8Read And SimulateReference:Simulated Translation:岁月已经模糊了那位医生的面貌,但却冲淡不了她对病岁月已经模糊了那位医生的面貌,但却冲淡不了她对病人的关爱。人的关爱。 The years have obscured the face of the

45、 doctor, but not her kindness towards the patients.Summary of Passage AWhen students finish college, they 1)_, but not as much as they may think they have. Furthermore, they 2)_. When they move forward to their careers, they will quickly 3)_. College can only set the stage for their future learning.

46、 There is no way it can give them all the information they need, because there is too much of it and it is expanding too rapidly. A good teacher like the one in the story should 4)_ in a memorable way that they can take with them after graduation. This is why 5)_. A. graduation is sometimes called “

47、commencement” B. make this clear to the students C. have mastered quite a lot of information D. discover how much they still have to learn E. have little experience in using the information Key to the summary: 1=C 2=E 3=D 4=B 5=1Key to the summary: 1=C 2=E 3=D 4=B 5=1Key to the summary: 1=C 2=E 3=D

48、4=B 5=1Key to the summary: 1=C 2=E 3=D 4=B 5=1Talk About ItWork in pairs and discuss the following topics.1. Before an examination, students may feel different.Tips:A: How do you feel before an examination?B: I usually feel. if Im interested in it. But I feel.if I.A: How about the coming exam? Are y

49、ou.?B: Yeah, Im.How about you?您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / Talk About It confident, assured, certain, at easenervous, uneasy, excited, restless, anxiousindifferent, scared, upsetOther key words:您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / Talk About It 您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / Talk

50、 About It 1. A: Hi! Li, why are you reading notes here? B: Oh, John. Im very nervous. I wonder if I can remember these terms on the exam. A: Calm down! I wish you good luck! B: How do you feel before an examination?Reference:您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / Talk About It Talk About ItA: It dep

51、ends. I usually feel at ease if its just a quiz. But for an important examination, I may feel a little nervous. And if Im good at the subject, Im usually confident. For example, Im always ready for any math examination. Those boring mathematical questions for others is just a piece of cake for me. B

52、ut when it comes to English, Ill feel quite uneasy. I never know where to begin my preparation. Im confused about grammar and feel at a loss when Im to write an Englishcomposition.2. Students reaction to the examination may vary during the examination.A: Did you find the exam easy or difficult?B: Di

53、fficult. I was at a loss at the sight of. I had to . during the exam. How about you?A: Fortunately, I happened to.It was easier than I had expected.Tips:您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / Talk About It think hard, rack ones brains, at a loss easy, a piece of cake, smiling, calm, expected,difficu

54、lt, frightened, dead silence, sweating, trembling, unexpectedOther key words:您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / Talk About It 您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / Talk About It Talk About It2. A: What do you think of the final chemistry B: Oh, terrible. I didnt expect it to be that difficult.

55、I was at a complete loss when I received the test. I had seen many of the questions during my preparation, but I didnt think they would appear on the test. I just put them aside. Oh, Im always the unlucky dog. I could hardly finish it when the bell rang. exam?您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / T

56、alk About It Talk About It Fortunately the first part was not that difficult, but I still had to rack my brain when I was doing the test. How I wish I had studied harder last term! I wont talk about that. By the way, h o w w a s y o u r p l a c e m e n t t e s t ?A: It was easier than I had expected

57、. Some of my classmates even thought it was a piece of cake. 3. After the examination, the students attitudes towards the examination may vary.A: How about you final.examination?B: I was worried that I might.A: Cheer up. I am sure you will do better next time.Tips:您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage

58、A / Talk About It content, pleased, satisfied, pass, relief of anxiety,disappointed, depressed, fail, hopeless, regret, sad, sorry, unhappy, worried, calm downcheer up, take it easy, do better next time, the world wont endOther key words:您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / Talk About It 您所在位置:Uni

59、t 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / Talk About It Talk About It3 A: Nick! I was told you got an A in your midterm B: Thanks! I did my best. I should say I was lucky this time because I happened to have reviewed those chapters two days ago. In fact Im not very good at memorizing things. I cant remember eve

60、ry fact in the book. Im glad that I passed the test. Now I feel completely relaxed. But, you know, I cant expect such g o o d lu ck ev ery t im e. I v e g o thistory exam. Well done!to work harder next time.您所在位置:Unit 1 C0llege Life /Passage A / Talk About It Talk About ItA: Hows your preparation fo

61、r next weeks exam?B: Im worried that I might fail this time.A: Cheer up! The world wont end if you did not do well in one exam. I am sure you will do better nextB: Thank you. I think I will work harder from now on.time.Write About It 您所在位置:Unit 1 College Life/ Passage A / Write About It Write a shor

62、t passage of at least 80 words to describe the most unforgettable examination youve ever experienced. (It might be a college entrance examination, placement examination, mid-term examination, final examination, orremedial examination, etc.)Sample :Write About It 您所在位置:Unit 1 College Life/ Passage A

63、/ Write About It Ill tell you a true story. When I was a sophomore I had a very hard organic chemistry class. I studied all night before the final examination, hoping to memorize all formulas for the chemicals and all the difficult terms. Soon after I started to do the paper I fell fast asleep at my

64、 desk. The teacher did not wake me up until the end of the examination. Of course, I had to repeat the class the next semester. My Most Memorable ExaminationWrite About It 您所在位置:Unit 1 College Life/ Passage A / Write About It Write your paragraph below: _ Open!Homework: Prepare to tell your own stories of the exams you have experienced. Useful words and expressions:confident, assurance, conquer the world, a snap, impressed opon, college graduates, pass this course, obscureSee See You You Next Next Time!Time!



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