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1、PresentationK E E N T E C D E S I G N E DPCB Cleaning machine manufacture:1TDC离线水清洗机电子档In line Aqueous Cleaners/在线水清洗机Batch Aqueous Cleaners/离线水清洗机Wave Soldering machines/波峰焊锡机In line Aquesous CleanersAbout TDC:/关于关于TDCBatch Aquesous CleanersWave solder from DEKTEC2TDC离线水清洗机电子档Complete Demonstration

2、 Facility/美国制造工厂与展示厅Applications Lab for Soldering and Cleaning/提供各种焊接或清洗方案的实验Custom engineering and manufacturing/滿足客户定制化的设计与制造Service Center/服务中心Global Sales & Service Locations 全球销售与服务区域全球销售与服务区域 Asia Europe Mexico3TDC离线水清洗机电子档Manufacturing Facility :Technical Devices has a 300,000 sq. ft. manufa

3、cturing plant equipped with a Thermwood Router and Fadal Machining Center制造条件制造条件: TDC拥有拥有30万平方英尺的工厂面积万平方英尺的工厂面积,配有顶级的配有顶级的Thermwood Router及及Fadal 加工中心加工中心.4TDC离线水清洗机电子档Technical Devices Customers/TDC部份荣誉客户部份荣誉客户5TDC离线水清洗机电子档离线清洗机Nu/Clean AquaBatch JR离线清洗机离线清洗机Nu/Clean AquaBatch JR离线清洗机离线清洗机Nu/Clean

4、 AquaBatch XL6TDC离线水清洗机电子档离线清洗流程概述离线清洗流程概述7TDC离线水清洗机电子档Chemistry 溶剂溶剂Water DI水水Waste 废水废水Chemical Wash: Fill StageWater is pumped into the system from facilities source. At the same time chemistry is metered (0-30%) in from the semi-aqueous chemistry container housed in the lower compartment. 补液阶段:

5、DI水被 泵到槽内, 同时一定比例的化学清洗剂也添加到槽内111Chemical Wash: Run StageThe mixed chemistry is pumped through the spray wands until the recipe defined wash temperature is met. At which point, the cycle time is started. 运行阶段: DI水与溶剂的混合体在温度达到设定值后被泵到清洗槽, 通过喷管及嘴开始清洗.22Chemical Wash: Drain StageThe spent wash solution i

6、s pumped into the facility waste through a pump assisted drain port. 排液: 把清洗完的清洗液排出33Rinse AidDefoamerDryerTDC AquaBatch Series: AquaBatch JR Process Diagram: Chemical WashJR离线机离线机-溶剂清洗步骤溶剂清洗步骤8TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series: AquaBatch XL Process Diagram: Chemical WashXL离线机离线机-溶剂清洗步骤溶剂清洗步骤Heated H

7、olding TankRinse AidDefoamerWaterWasteDryerChemical Wash: Fill StageThe chemistry is pumped into the process chamber from the chemical holding tank located in the lower compartment. 补液阶段: 溶剂被从下方的容积槽内泵到清洗槽11Chemical Wash: Run StageThe mixed chemistry is pumped through the spray wands until the recipe

8、 defined wash temperature is met. At which point, the cycle time is started. 运行阶段: 温度到达后开始清洗22Chemical Wash: Drain StageThe spent wash solution is pumped back into the Sump Tank located in the lower compartment of the machine. 排液阶段: 清洗后的溶剂排到下方的槽内339TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series: AquaBatch JR/XL P

9、rocess Diagram: AquaWashJR/XL离线机离线机-水清洗步骤水清洗步骤Rinse AidDryerDefoamerChemistryWaterWaste1231Aqua wash: Fill stageWater is pumped into the process chamber from an external facility source. Optionally a de-foamer may be metered into the process chamber in order to prevent foaming补液阶段: DI水被从机器外部泵入到槽内, 根

10、据实际情况可以选择是否加防泡剂进行混合以防止泡沫产生.1Aqua wash: Run stageThe water is pumped through the spray wands until the recipe defined wash temperature is met. At which point, the cycle time is started.运行阶段: 温度达到后, 水被泵入到喷管及喷嘴, 清洗开始.2Aqua wash: Drain stageThe spent wash solution is pumped into the facility waste throu

11、gh a pump assisted drain port.排液阶段: 用完的水在水泵的作用下排出310TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series: AquaBatch JR/XL Process Diagram: RINSEJR/XL离线机离线机-漂洗步骤漂洗步骤Rinse AidDryerChemistryWaterWaste123Defoamer1Rinse: Fill stageWater is pumped into the process chamber from an external facility source. Optionally a rinse

12、aid may be pumped in in order to clean additional components. (ex. glass optics).补液阶段: 水被从机器外部泵入到槽内, 根据实际情况可以选择是否加清洁剂以洁净附加的元件(比如光学镜片)1Rinse: Run stageThe water is pumped through the spray wands until the recipe defined wash temperature is met. At which point, the cycle time is started.运行阶段运行阶段: 水温达到

13、设定值后被泵入喷管水温达到设定值后被泵入喷管, 清洗开始清洗开始2Rinse: Drain stageThe spent rinse solution is pumped into the facility waste through a pump assisted drain port.排液阶段: 完成清洗后的水在泵的作用下被排出311TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series: AquaBatch JR/XL Process Diagram: DryJR/XL离线溶剂清洗离线溶剂清洗: 烘干烘干DryerChemistry1Rinse AidDefoamerWater

14、WasteDry: Run stageThe dry air is forced through a HEPPA filter located in an assembly in the left cabinet. The air is forced into the process chamber where the chamber heater is used to heat up the chamber up to 73C.干燥阶段干燥阶段加热的空气通过加热的空气通过HEPPA过滤器后进入到清洗腔内进行干燥过滤器后进入到清洗腔内进行干燥, 温度可达温度可达73度度.112TDC离线水清洗

15、机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series:Facilities Preparation Options: Incoming Water外部配置选项外部配置选项: 进水进水WaterWaterWaterIACHeaterRinse AidDryerChemistryDefoamerWASHTAPRINSEIACWaterTAPIncoming Water Configuration 2:The wash water (“HOT”) is routed through an external IAC column and than through a water heater. This

16、will increase the initial temperature of the wash fluid, providing shorter cycle times. The rinse water (“PURE”) is routed solely through an IAC in order to maintain high resistance value.RINSEIncoming Water Configuration 3:The wash water (“HOT”) and rinse water (“PURE”) is routed through an IAC and

17、 followed by a water heater. This model will provide the shortest cycle time and will insure high resistance readings throughout the cycle.Incoming Water Configuration:It is possible to meet IPC specifications without the use of DI water through the cleaning process. This strongly depends on the con

18、dition of the facility water.进水进水:建议选择建议选择DI水发生器进行过滤水发生器进行过滤13TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series:Facilities Preparation Options: outgoing waste treatment外部配置选项外部配置选项: 排水处理排水处理EvaporatorWasteP.F.Rinse AidDryerChemistryDefoamerWASTEWasteCarbonWASTEOutgoing Waste Configuration 1: No TreatmentIn most muni

19、cipalities it is possible to discharge the waste from a cleaning machine directly into the sewer system. However this varies from state to state, and in most areas from municipality to municipality. If discharge is limited either by corporate or state mandate there are options available to treat or

20、to even negate sewer discharge from the equipment.方案方案1: 直排无处理直排无处理. 在不与当地法律法规相冲突的情况下在不与当地法律法规相冲突的情况下Outgoing Waste Configuration 2: Particle Filter & Carbon BedThe first option is to treat the waste through a particle filter (P.F.) in order to remove solids followed by a carbon bed to reduce the fl

21、ux content in the waste stream.方案方案2: 颗粒过滤与碳床颗粒过滤与碳床 通过颗粒过滤通过颗粒过滤(P.F.)以除去废水中的固体以除去废水中的固体, 碳床以吸收废水中的助焊剂残留物碳床以吸收废水中的助焊剂残留物.Outgoing Waste Configuration 3: EvaporatorThe third and final option is to move the waste affluent to an evaporator. This will reduce the waste to a solid, which than may be disp

22、osed of through waste disposal.方案方案3: 蒸发器蒸发器 通过蒸发器蒸走所有的水份通过蒸发器蒸走所有的水份, 最终残留少量最终残留少量固体当垃圾处理即可固体当垃圾处理即可14TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch JR Series:Control Interface JR离线机操作界面离线机操作界面 No More IT Troubleshooting, No more No More IT Troubleshooting, No more Crashes.Crashes.EEPROM based control interface, allows

23、 EEPROM based control interface, allows for high reliability, low failure rate, and for high reliability, low failure rate, and allows for simple cost effective in-field allows for simple cost effective in-field repair/replacement. repair/replacement. 基于基于EEPROMEEPROM的控制界的控制界面面, , 高稳定性高稳定性, ,低故障率低故障

24、率. . Simple, Straightforward, and Powerful.Simple, Straightforward, and Powerful.The system is designed to provide all of the The system is designed to provide all of the data points required in a modern data points required in a modern ISO9001 ISO9001 compliant compliant institution. With RS-232 da

25、ta-institution. With RS-232 data-feed providing all process data points. feed providing all process data points. Further the reduced graphical clutter Further the reduced graphical clutter provides for easier interface, with lower provides for easier interface, with lower training and staffing costs

26、, and most training and staffing costs, and most importantly lower purchase price. importantly lower purchase price. 操作简单操作简单实用实用, , 对操作人员无高要求对操作人员无高要求15TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series:Screen shots: Main screen XL离线机离线机-主操作界面主操作界面16TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series: Set Points Screen XL离线机离线机-流程设定界面

27、流程设定界面17TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series:Diagnostics Screen XL离线机离线机-诊断界面诊断界面18TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series:Alarms Screen XL离线机离线机-报警界面报警界面19TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series:Recipes Directory XL离线机离线机-菜单界面菜单界面20TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series: JR/XL离线机离线机- Process ChamberProcess Chamber 清洗槽清洗槽1

28、9 in. X 19 in. X 19 in.Stainless SteelProcess Chamber 19英寸的立方体内槽Two (2) Stainless Steel Adjustable Board Racks2可调节不锈钢板架21TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series:Coherent Jet SprayCoherent Jet Spray JR/XL离线机离线机-连贯喷射式清洗连贯喷射式清洗连贯喷射式清洗连贯喷射式清洗Total of 3 spray bars: Top, Bottom and Middle.上,中,下 3处喷管, 确保全方位的清洗Ran

29、domized Vector Technology minimizes component shadowing按流体力学及概率学设计分布的喷口位置,最大程度的减少阴影效应22TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series: Viewing Window and RacksViewing Window and RacksJR/XL离线机离线机-观察窗与物料架观察窗与物料架观察窗与物料架观察窗与物料架23TDC离线水清洗机电子档TDC AquaBatch Series: Chemistry/Saponifier TankChemistry/Saponifier Tank JR/X

30、L离线机离线机-溶剂槽溶剂槽溶剂槽溶剂槽24TDC离线水清洗机电子档 An automatic cleanliness tester is a standard feature that regulates rinsing to a programmable cleanliness level through the use of a built-in DI water resistivity monitor. The cleanliness monitor checks DI rinse resistivity and continues to rinse until desired cle

31、anliness is met.机器标配有洁净度测试仪, 机器的清洗为闭环控制, 洁净度测试仪会确认DI水的电阻率并持续清洗直到达到设定的清洗度.仅仅TDC清洗机提供清洗机提供Programmable IONIC LevelProgrammable IONIC Level 可设定清洁程度可设定清洁程度可设定清洁程度可设定清洁程度 TDC AquaBatch Series: Advantagous与同类国外原产机器相比较与同类国外原产机器相比较:25TDC离线水清洗机电子档Steam CycleSteam Cycle 蒸汽循环蒸汽循环蒸汽循环蒸汽循环 The innovative AquaBat

32、ch supports process temperature ranges from ambient to 200F and adds the power of STEAM. When selected, the onboard steam generator produces hot water vapor to penetrate and soften tough, baked-on flux and paste residue so the standard wash cycle can effectively complete the cleaning process. Aquabatch支持的温度范围可到93摄氏度并可选择汽相效果, 高温的水蒸汽会渗入并软化助焊剂或锡膏的残留物,从而使清洗更加有效.TDC AquaBatch Series: Advantagous与同类国外原产机器相比较与同类国外原产机器相比较:26TDC离线水清洗机电子档27TDC离线水清洗机电子档



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