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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?Section B 1a1e1.能正确使用下列单词或短语: radio, clock, tape, player, tape player, model, plane, model plane.2.能够熟练使用 介词 in, on, under描述物品所在的位置。3. 能够熟练使用下列句型: Wheres ?Its on/under/in Where are ?Theyre on /under/in4.理解寻求帮助的句型:Could you bring some things to school for me? Learning aims(

2、学习目标学习目标)A: Wheres the?B: Its PairworkA: Where are the?B: Theyre Warming uptape playerradiomodel planeclock tape hatWhat can you see in my room ?Match the words with the things in the picture. 将下列将下列单词与与图中物品匹配。中物品匹配。1a个体预习生成个体预习生成(Do it by yourself)1.radio _ 2. clock _3. tape player _ 4. model plane

3、 _5. tape _ 6. hat _acdfbeLook at the picture in 1a for three minutes. Then close your books and write down all the things you remember. 看看1a中的中的图片片 3 分分钟。然后合上。然后合上书,写,写出你出你记住的所有物品。住的所有物品。1bMemory Challenge(记忆力挑战记忆力挑战)走组互助形成走组互助形成Check with each other in groups (小组内互相检查小组内互相检查)小提示小提示How many words c

4、an you remember?(记住了住了哪些物品的名些物品的名称?)Are there any spelling mistakes?(是否有是否有拼写错误)hat, ID card, clock, tape, notebook, schoolbag, pencils, bookcase, books, radio, door, ruler, tape player, chair, bed Tom wants ? from his room? Listen and circle : English books tape player clock ruler notebook tape mod

5、el plane radio1cListening skills1.听前注意观察图片并听前注意观察图片并猜测活动内容猜测活动内容 2.听前熟悉单词发音和意听前熟悉单词发音和意思思Listen again and complete the chart.1don the bedunder the model planein the tape player Things(物品) Position(位置) the English books under the radiothe ruler the notebookthe tape Write a complete sentence according

6、 to the chart.The notebook is under the model plane. The English books are under the radio.The ruler is on the bed.The tape is in the tape player .Listen and imitate(模仿)Mom:Hello.Tom: Hi, Mom.Could you bring some things to school for me?Mom: OK.Tom: I need my English booksMom: English books? Wherere

7、 your English books ?Tom: Hmm, theyre on the chairOh, no, theyre under the radio.Mom: OK. Tom: And I need my ruler. Its on the bed. And my notebook.Mom: Wheres your notebook?Tom: Uh, I dont know. Ohits under the modal plane in the bookcase. And Franks tape. He needs it.Mom: Wheres his tape?Tom: Oh,

8、its in the tape player.Mom: OK. Meet you at one at your school. Tom: Thanks, Mom!带来带来需要需要PairworkAsk and answer questions about the things in Toms room. Where are the English books?Theyre under the radio.1e展示质疑合成展示质疑合成Toms roomA :Where is/ are? B : Its /Theyre Things Where The English booksunder the

9、 radioThe rulerThe notebookFranks tapePairwork on the bed.under the model plane in the bookcase.in the tape playerA :Where is/ are?B : Its /Theyre Group work 早晨你到校后,你发现很多学习用品忘在了家中,在小组内表演怎样打电话早晨你到校后,你发现很多学习用品忘在了家中,在小组内表演怎样打电话请家人把物品送到学校。请家人把物品送到学校。A: Hello!B: Hi,mum/dad/Lily/Peter/could you bring some

10、 things to school for me?A: OK.B: I need my A: Where is /are yourB: 检测反馈达成检测反馈达成( ) 1. _ your hat? A. Where B. Wherere C. Wheres( ) 2. Is his pencil box _ the bookcase? A. in B. at C. for( ) 3. The tape _ in the tape player. A. am B. is C. areChoose the correct answer.C A C 1.words and phrases(单词和短和短语) 2.sentence patterns(句型句型) 3.listening skills(听力技巧听力技巧) Write down your notebook. Summary(你学到了什么你学到了什么) Homework1.Review(复习复习) the new words we learn today.2.Draw a picture about your room. Describe(描述描述) your room.



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