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1、Unit 5 International charitiesWelcometotheunitCan you remember these charities?Spring Bud Project ( 春蕾工程春蕾工程 )Save Chinas Tigers拯救中国虎行拯救中国虎行动组织动组织 Project Hope (希望工程希望工程)Project Green Hope(绿色希望工程绿色希望工程)奥比斯奥比斯ORBIShelptheblindpeopleinpoorareas1.performoperations2.teachlocaldoctorsandnursesnewskillsan

2、dknowledgeWWF:WorldWideFundforNatureHowdoesthischaritywork?Itworkstoprotecttheenvironmentandanimalshelter.Howdoesthischaritywork?Itworkstofunddevelopmentprojectsinpoorareasaroundtheworld.Oxfame-News!Get the latest update on Oxfams work and activities.Your Name :Your Email Address:GOTOMENU(hotkey:Alt

3、-M)Showtheleftsidemenu The Make Trade Fair Big Box TourOn 17th April (Sunday) 2:30pm - 5:30pm, Oxfam Hong Kong will launch the Make Trade Fair Big Box Tour at the Hong Kong Museum of Arts in Tsim Sha Tsui. We will have an opening ceremony and performances including Indonesian and Filipino dancers, a

4、s well as local artists rendering farmers songs. We hope to see you there! FAQ on Use of Donations Annual Review 2003/2004 Volunteering Opportunities FeaturesWTO Trade Rules Bring Poverty and Hardship to the poor Rich countries are forcing poor ones to open their markets and then dumping excess agri

5、cultural produce on them, undermining poor farmers livelihoods, according to a new report released today by international agency Oxfam. The report shows how the present rice trade regime poses a grave risk to poor farmers, for whom rice represents both life and livelihoods. Press ReleaseOxfams views

6、 on the new World Bank chiefIn response to the World Banks directors decision to confirm Paul Wolfowitz as the next president, Oxfam calls on the new World Bank chief to ensure the Bank is clearly focused on reducing poverty. In particular it is crucial that the momentum on increasing health and edu

7、cation spending and the open door to diverse organizations is not lost. Details Oxfam scales up operations in Nias earthquakeAs the extent of the damage on the Indonesian island of Nias becomes clearer, Oxfam is scaling up its operations. The Oxfam teams have succeeded in setting up emergency water

8、supplies for much of the islands major town, Gunungsitoli. We are now working with the local water authority to restore the towns shattered mains system. More details The Tsunamis impact on womenThree months after the earthquake hit, new research from Oxfam shows that up to four times as many female

9、s as males may have been killed in the tsunami. The report looks at the impact of the tsunami in Indonesia, India, and Sri Lanka, and offers recommendations to address the problems raised. DetailsOxfam Musical Marathon 2005Sponsored by Tom Lee Music, the 15th Oxfam Musical Marathon will take place o

10、n 23 and 24 April 2005. More than 2,000 music lovers have registered with the event to display their music talent on stage. You are most welcome to come and enjoy the lovely music. For donation to support Oxfams long-term poverty alleviation works in poor countries or any enquiries, please call Tamm

11、y Kwan at 3120 5225. Download sponsorship form (for participants only)The story of Gong YushanIn the past, 69-year-old Gong Yushan had to carry heavy loads of pears and other crops on their back to market, going up and down the hills. Much of the fruit was rotten by the time it could be lugged to to

12、wn, so potential cash was lost. But the situation has improved since Oxfam worked with the villagers to build a road in 2001. For detailsG20 trade meetingInternational agency Oxfam welcomed a meeting of the G20 group of developing countries in New Delhi as a timely show of unity and an opportunity t

13、o address important trade reform issues ahead of the WTO ministerial in Hong Kong at the end of the year. Press releasePreviousPressReleasesPreviousFocusFeature Whats New| About Oxfam| OxfamProjects | CampaignsUseful Resources | Join Oxfam| JobsOxfam| Useful Links Partners Corner | Subscribe to e-Ne

14、ws | Message Board | Radio OxfamSite Map | Contact Oxfam| SearchHKPoverty Web | OxfamTrailwalker | Cyber School | Make Trade FairCopyright OxfamHong KongLast modified: Wednesday, 13-Apr-2005 16:13:00 HKTHowdoesthischaritywork?Itworkstohelppeopleinpoorcountries.Howdoesthischaritywork?Itworkstoprovide

15、childrenwithbasicfood,healthandeducationalneeds.MatchthelogoswiththecharitiesUNICEFOxfamORBISWorldVisionWorldWideFundforNatureWhatdoyouthinkpeopleneedmost?Whatdoyouthinkpeopleneedmost?Whatdoyouthinkpeopleneedmost?Work in pairs: Ask and answer Whatdoyouthinkpeopleinpoorcountriesneedmost?Why?A:booksB:

16、carsC:clothesD:educationE:FoodF:healthcareG:homesH:jobsI:moneyJ:shoesK:TVsL:waterDiscussion :Have you ever done anything for charities? What did you do?Were you happy to help with the charity?Listen to the comic strip and discuss the question. Are Eddie and Hobo ready to help with the charity? What

17、did they do?Listentothecomicstripagainandanswerthequestions1. What does Oxfam need?Oxfam needs donations.2. What does Hobo want Eddie to do?He wants Eddie to donate his pocket money.3. What does Eddie want to do first? Why?He wants to have lunch first because they always have at twelve oclock.Actout

18、thedialogue Work in pairs:知识点讲解知识点讲解A:be/getusedtosth./doingsth.对某事物对某事物/做某事已适应做某事已适应/习惯习惯Heisusedtohardwork.Iamnotusedtodrinking.知识点讲解知识点讲解B:used(adj.)二手的,旧的,用过的。二手的,旧的,用过的。C:usedto过去常常过去常常,后接动词原形。后接动词原形。Iusedtogotoschoolonfoot,butIgotoschoolbybusnow.PS:used的否定形式可以是的否定形式可以是usednt或或didntuse,但反意疑问句用但

19、反意疑问句用didnt e.g.1 1、我不习惯和别人聊天。、我不习惯和别人聊天。Iamnotusedtochattingwithothers.2、他过去常常和老朋友下中国象棋。、他过去常常和老朋友下中国象棋。HeusedtoplayChinesechesswithhisoldfriends.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.Jimhassomep_moneythathisparentsgave,sohewantstobuyanewCD.2.Chinaisoneofthei_(国际的国际的)countriesintheworld.3.Hefeelssow_that

20、hecantstandup.4.Wewillbegoodfriendsa_(以后以后) ocketnternationaleakfterwards用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.“Remember_(close)thedoorafterschool,”ourteachertoldus.2.Wehavealittletime_(leave).LetsreadtheEnglish.3.Areyouusedto_(do)yourhomeworkatnight?4.Heusedto_(visit)theGreatWall.tocloseleftdoingvisitHomework: Recite the dialogs of the comic strip.



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