商务英语综合教程上册Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations AreYou Preparing for

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《商务英语综合教程上册Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations AreYou Preparing for》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语综合教程上册Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations AreYou Preparing for(48页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit Fifteen What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing for?Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?Introduction No matter what business you do, you are involved in negotiations every day. Negotiations vary widely in their importance and significance. A negotiated agreement is the

2、outcome of concession trading and compromise. People enter a negotiation because they believe that there is something in it for them. Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? Text Exercises Related Technical Terms GrammarUnit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 1 For

3、starters you want to determine what sort of negotiations you are preparing for. The main questions to ask yourself are: Win/lose or win/win? Text Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 2 First of all, you have to decide whether you are about to enter what are commonly called win/lo

4、se negotiations or win/win negotiations, whether the emphasis of the negotiations will be on confrontation or on co-operation. In win/lose negotiations, parties strive for victory, they want to beat their opponent. In win/win Negotiations,they strive for consensus. They not only have no desire to be

5、at their opponent but, on the contrary, they want him to be satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations. In fact, they dont view him as just an opponent. Text Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 3 Some negotiators take the attitude that negotiation is, by its very nature, pri

6、marily a win/lose process. Other negotiators are convinced that all negotiations should be carried out in a win/win spirit. Neither of them is right. It all depends on the nature of the particular negotiations. Are you negotiating a long-term relationship? Is there a possibility that you may have to

7、 deal with the other party again? Are you dependent on him for smooth compliance with the agreement? Negotiate with a win/win attitude, and do not go for the last drop of blood. See to it that your opponent too , isText Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? satisfied with the resu

8、lt. At the very least, leave him self-respect intact. Examples: joint-venture contracts, business partnerships, franchise agreements, fee arrangements between a lawyer and his client. In all these situations, parties discuss and solve some conflicting ones, too. It would harm the one if the other do

9、es not end up feeling good about the agreement. Text Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 4 But do not tell me that you are concerned about the well-being of the salesman from whom you buy a second-hand car. All you want is the best car for the least money. And do you care in the

10、 least about the feelings of the loss adjuster of the insurance company representing the road-hog, who injured you in a traffic accident? Not at all. The larger the settlement the better you feel and thats all there is to it. One-shot deals, short-term relationships, situations in which your opponen

11、t cannot frustrate the implementation of the agreement, all those lend themselves well to win/lose negotiation. Text Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 5 Keep four things in mind. First, win/win negotiation should not be viewed as a soft, boy scout-like, altruistic approach. Yo

12、u negotiate a win/win outcome for purely selfish reasons. You want the other part to be satisfied with the outcome because his satisfaction works to your advantage. He will love to do business with you again and he will gladly implement the agreement faithfully and on time. Text Unit 15 What Kind of

13、 Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 6 Furthermore, win/win negotiation should be a two-way street. You might prefer to negotiate in a win/win spirit, but if your opponent does not - even after you have tried to make him understand that he will gain by co-operation and lose by confrontation - you ca

14、nnot afford to continue on the win/win road. Whether you want to or not, you are largely forced to follow suit. However, if you are negotiating a relationship which obviously requires a win/win approach and you notice that your opponent does not seem to think so , that in itself might prompt you to

15、stop and wonder whether you should embark on a venture with that opponent at all. From the fact that you cannot negotiate with him in the spirit you think is suitable, you might deduce that you will not be able to do business with him later in the right spirit. In that case, you might seriously cons

16、ider calling the whole thing off. Text Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 7 Another important but often misunderstood matter to remember is that the question whether or not you are sitting in the drivers seat at the negotiating table has hardly any bearing on the decision wheth

17、er to negotiate in a win/win or win/lose spirit. Even if your position is very strong, even if you could almost dictate your terms, it might be better for you, in the long run, not to fully use your power. Everything depends on the duration of relationship and how dependent you are on the other part

18、y for compliance. The only criterion continues to be how you view the negotiation in the context of the larger relationship. Text Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? In negotiations that old pearl of wisdom applies: “Be nice to the people whom you meet on your way up, they are t

19、he same people you meet on your way down.” There are frequently situations in which you have the opportunity to walk over an opponent. But he will never forget it. Certainly not when the roles are reversed, as they so often are. Neither will he forget when you voluntarily take less than you could an

20、d give more than you have to. Thats not generosity on your part, just long-term thinking. Text Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 8 “You build long-term resentment and bitterness if one side kicks the other one while its down. The owner might win today, but if they extract too

21、much blood, the players will win tomorrow.” That was how one of the national Football League owners lawyers commented (Business Week, 2 November 1987) on their inflexibility during the players strike in the autumn of 1987. Quite correctly, he blamed them for negotiating in a win/lose spirit when a w

22、in/win spirit was called for. Text Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 9 In his autobiography, Reflect on Things Past. Lord Carrigngton, a former British foreign Secretary, blames Mrs.Thatcher for making the same mistake in negotiations with her EC (European Community) partners.

23、 He praises her “firmness and intransigence” as key factors in settling a serious EC budget dispute in Britains favor, but he adds: “I cannot pretend that the resultant atmosphere made all our foreign relations easier to conduct.” Text Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 10 Fina

24、lly, be consistent. It too often happens that negotiators rationally conclude that they should negotiate in a win/win spirit but in the heat of the negotiations they apply all kinds of tricks which are only suitable for a win/lose negotiation. Or they are led astray by their bad mood, the poor quali

25、ty of the coffee or the ugly face of the opponent, all irrelevant factors in this respect. Text Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 1. First of all, you have to decide whether you are about to enter what are commonly called win/lose negotiations or win/win negotiations, whether

26、the emphasis of the negotiations will be on confrontation or on co-operation.Notes 首先,你得决定你想采取一方输、一方赢的谈判方式还是想采取双赢的谈判首先,你得决定你想采取一方输、一方赢的谈判方式还是想采取双赢的谈判方式。这两种谈判最重要的差别是看它强调方式。这两种谈判最重要的差别是看它强调“对抗对抗”还是注重还是注重“合作合作”。 negotiation : COM. The act or process of negotiating, of bargaining over business deals. (商

27、商)(就商业交易而进行的)协商,谈判(就商业交易而进行的)协商,谈判 what are commonly called win/lose negotiations or win/win negotiations: 此部分是此部分是what 所引导的名词性从句,在句子中作所引导的名词性从句,在句子中作enter的宾语。的宾语。 whether 引导的是引导的是decide 这个动词的两个并列宾语从句这个动词的两个并列宾语从句Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 2. Some negotiators take the a

28、ttitude that negotiating is, by its very nature, primarily a win/lose process. Notes 有些谈判人员认为谈判都是一方赢、一方输模式的有些谈判人员认为谈判都是一方赢、一方输模式的 。 take the attitude that. :持有:持有观点;认为观点;认为 e.g. The importer takes the attitude that they will reserve the right to lodge a claim against the seller if the quality of the

29、 goods is poor. 进口方认为如果商品质量差,他们将保留向出口方索赔的权进口方认为如果商品质量差,他们将保留向出口方索赔的权利。利。Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 3. Negotiate with a win/win attitude, and do not go for the last drop of blood. Notes (如果答案是肯定的话)那就采用双赢的谈判方式,不要搞得(如果答案是肯定的话)那就采用双赢的谈判方式,不要搞得 双方都面红耳赤的。双方都面红耳赤的。 Unit 15 Wha

30、t Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?4.See to it that your opponent, too, is satisfied with the result. Notes see to it that 务必做到务必做到 e.g. See to it that the goods are packed in cartons of 50 pieces each. 请务必做到将货物装进纸板箱内,每箱装请务必做到将货物装进纸板箱内,每箱装50件。件。Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Pre

31、paring For? 比如在交通事故中你被撞伤了,当要求索赔的时候,你会不比如在交通事故中你被撞伤了,当要求索赔的时候,你会不 会在乎那个肇事者的保险公司派来的毁损估算员的感受呢?会在乎那个肇事者的保险公司派来的毁损估算员的感受呢? 句子中连词句子中连词who所引导的是非限定性的定语从句,修饰前面所引导的是非限定性的定语从句,修饰前面 的的the road-hog,注意非限定性定语从句前用逗号隔开。,注意非限定性定语从句前用逗号隔开。 Notes 5. And do you care in the least about the feelings of the loss adjuster o

32、f the insurance company representing the road-hog, who injured you in a traffic accident? Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 6. However, if you are negotiating a relationship which obviously requires a win/win approach and you notice that your opponent does not seem to think so

33、, that in itself might prompt you to stop and wonder whether you should embark on a venture with that opponent at all. Notes 然而,如果在一场谈判中,你认为很显然应该采取双赢策略时,然而,如果在一场谈判中,你认为很显然应该采取双赢策略时,对手却不以为然,那你得想想要不要跟他再同舟共济了。对手却不以为然,那你得想想要不要跟他再同舟共济了。 however 为转折连词,在句中起到转折的作用,用于言及既为转折连词,在句中起到转折的作用,用于言及既 成事实是表示的转折。成事实是表

34、示的转折。 Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?Notes e.g. I thought those figures were correct, however, I have recently heard they were not. 我原以为那些数字正确无误,不过我最近听说并不正确。我原以为那些数字正确无误,不过我最近听说并不正确。 embark on : to start a new project or activity, usually one that will be difficult and take

35、time 开始或从事(尤指新的或开始或从事(尤指新的或 难的事)难的事) e.g. They embark on the design of their new products. 他们开始研究新产品的包装。他们开始研究新产品的包装。Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 7. Another important but often misunderstood matter to remember is that the question whether or not you are sitting in the dri

36、vers seat at the negotiating table has hardly any bearing on the decision whether to negotiate in a win/win or win/lose spirit. Notes 第三:一个至关重要但又被常常忽略的问题是:无论你是第三:一个至关重要但又被常常忽略的问题是:无论你是否在谈判中占了上风,都与谈判采取一方赢、一方输或是否在谈判中占了上风,都与谈判采取一方赢、一方输或是双赢的模式进行谈判没什么关系。双赢的模式进行谈判没什么关系。Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Ar

37、e You Preparing For?8. You build long-term resentment and bitterness if one side kicks the other one while its down.Notes 你要是落井下石的话,那就得长期承担别人的怨恨。你要是落井下石的话,那就得长期承担别人的怨恨。Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 9. It too often happens that negotiators rationally conclude that they shou

38、ld negotiate in a win/win spirit but in the heat of the negotiations they apply all kinds of tricks which are only suitable for a win/lose negotiation. Notes 谈判人员经常理性地得出结论,即应该采取双赢的模式来进谈判人员经常理性地得出结论,即应该采取双赢的模式来进行谈判,但实际上他们在谈判高峰时却换用了一方赢、一方行谈判,但实际上他们在谈判高峰时却换用了一方赢、一方输模式的策略和技巧。输模式的策略和技巧。Unit 15 What Kind

39、of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? I. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. In win/lose negotiations, what does the parties strive for? 2. What kind of attitude should you take in the negotiation in order to keep a long-term relationship with the opponent? 3. Is it necessary f

40、or you to want the other part to be satisfied with the outcome of the negotiation? Why? 4. When is it proper for you to seriously consider calling the whole thing off? 5. What is the final point you should keep in mind in negotiation?Exercises Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?

41、II. Word Study. Exercises 1.The suffixes able and -ic are used to form adjectives, e.g. agree agreeable. Now complete the following table.Noun/AdjectiveAntonymNoun/AdjectiveAntonymlegalityremediablemanneredrelevanceliberalrecoverablelogicalrationalUnit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing

42、For?Exercises KeyNoun/AdjectiveAntonymNoun/AdjectiveAntonymlegalityillegalityremediableirremediablemanneredill-manneredrelevanceirrelevanceliberalilliberalrecoverableirrecoverablelogicalillogicalrationalirrationalUnit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?2. Fill in the blanks. 1.If a c

43、ountry is exporting more than it is importing, we say that this countrys trade is in _.2. The expansive fiscal policy was introduced in 1998 to _ the negative impact of the Asian financial crisis. 3. The manager is not _ now; he is talking some investment plans with the president. 4. Since we didnt

44、have any _ with this company before, wed better investigate its credibility first. 5. The government loan will _ in the course of economic recovery. dealing available be conductive in advance minimize obtain play a key role offer surplus application Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparin

45、g For?6. Both sides agreed that the traditional friendly relations between the two countries conform to the common aspiration and fundamental interests of the two peoples and _to regional and world peace and development. 7. After the _of the new technology, we have greatly improved our productivity.

46、 8.The possibility of investment failure should be reduced as much as possible _.9. Qualified investors with prospective profitability may _loans from the bank. 10.The market economy could _ the most effective supervision with least cost. Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 1. s

47、urplus 2. minimize 3. available 4. dealings 5. play a key role in 6.be conductive 7. application 8. in advance 9. obtain 10. offerKey Exercises Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?3. Multiple Choice. 1. Before trying to solve the puzzle, let us consider the best way to _it. a. an

48、alyze b. understand c. approach d. study2. Its impossible for us to work out that kind of product _ existing conditions. a. at b. on c. among d. under3. Our company just _computers but not other officer appliances. a. deals in b. deals withc. deals out d. is dealing4. Maybe you are right only _ this

49、 point. a. on b. at c. in d. for5.This factory produced footwear_, but later it specialized in manufacturing sports shoes. a. lately b. early c. originally d. originatelyExercises Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?Exercises 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. c 9. c 10. a 6.B

50、oth two parties think that this is the most_ solution to the dispute. a. equitable b. equity c. equivalent d. equivocal.7. The situation couldnt be modified, so the only thing that you can do is to _the loss. a. minimal b. minimum c. minimize d. minima8. _means a reduction in the amount of money in

51、a countrys economy, so that prices fall or stop rising. a. Inflation b. Inflationary c. Deflation d. Deflationary9. Through the further enquiry of the eyewitness, the police have _ two suspects. a. reduced b. minus c. eliminated d. decreased10. The two parties have reached a _ on this issue. a. cons

52、ensus b. consent c. census d. consortUnit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.1.你同意这一观点吗?即谈判的准备要投入大量的时间和金钱。你同意这一观点吗?即谈判的准备要投入大量的时间和金钱。 (involve; a considerable investment of time and money) (involve; a considerable investment of time

53、 and money) 2.2.这位出口商的过失就在于制定了错误的付款条件。这位出口商的过失就在于制定了错误的付款条件。 (terms of paymentterms of payment)3.3.用站在买方的立场来看待问题的方法是极为有效的。用站在买方的立场来看待问题的方法是极为有效的。 (approach; from the buyer(approach; from the buyers point of view )s point of view )4.4.当谈判人员在国外从事谈判工作时,与自己的公司保持联系当谈判人员在国外从事谈判工作时,与自己的公司保持联系 是最重要的事情之一。是最重

54、要的事情之一。(to keep track of) (to keep track of) 5.5.对于一位参与谈判的卖方来说,根据买方已研究并充分了解了对于一位参与谈判的卖方来说,根据买方已研究并充分了解了 你的提议的假设去做,肯定是错的。(你的提议的假设去做,肯定是错的。(on the premiseon the premise)Exercises Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? Exercises Key 1. Do you agree with this viewpoint, that is, prepar

55、ation for negotiation involves a considerable investment of time and money? 2. The mistake of this exporter was simply in quoting the wrong terms of payment. 3. The approach to examine the problem from the buyers point of view is a most effective way. 4. To keep track of ones company is one of the m

56、ost important issues when a negotiator is working abroad. 5. It would be quite wrong for any seller entering a negotiation to work on the premise that the buyer has studied its proposal and understands it fully. Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?V. Translate the following sente

57、nces in the text into Chinese. 1. For starters you want to determine what sort of negotiations you are preparing for. 2. They not only have no desire to beat their opponent but, on the contrary, they want him to be satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations, too. 3. See to it that your opponent,

58、 too, is satisfied with the result. At the very least, leave him self-respect intact. 4. He will love to do business with you again and he will gladly implement the agreement faithfully and on time. 5. Even if your position is very strong, even if you could almost dictate your terms, it might be bet

59、ter for you, in the long run, not to fully use your power. Exercises Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?Key Exercises 1. 1. 你必须先决定你要选择哪一种谈判方式。你必须先决定你要选择哪一种谈判方式。2. 2. 谈判双方不但不把对方当作对手,反而却希望对方都能对谈判双方不但不把对方当作对手,反而却希望对方都能对 谈判的结果满意。谈判的结果满意。3. 3. 同时也要保证对手对谈判的结果感到满意,至少也得给对同时也要保证对手对谈判的结果感

60、到满意,至少也得给对 手留点面子。手留点面子。4. 4. 他也会乐意与你合作,并很愉快地如期履行合同。他也会乐意与你合作,并很愉快地如期履行合同。5. 5. 即使你处于强势,即使你可以支配你的团队,从长远方面即使你处于强势,即使你可以支配你的团队,从长远方面 考虑,也不要独断专行。考虑,也不要独断专行。Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? VI. Write a summary of the text in about 120 words.Exercises Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiati

61、ons Are You Preparing For? VII. Write a one-paragraph composition entitled “Personal Qualities of a Negotiator”. The first sentence is given: “Not everyone is cut out to be a negotiator. ” Complete the paragraph with five to seven sentences, using the words or phrases given below.Exercises necessary

62、 qualifications, a variety of technical , social, communication and ethical skills, preparations, patience, to the point Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? VIII. Discuss with your partner the role of negotiators in international trade. Exercises Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiation

63、s Are You Preparing For? 1. EC (European Community) 欧洲共同体欧洲共同体 是欧洲经济共同体、欧洲煤钢联营和欧洲原子是欧洲经济共同体、欧洲煤钢联营和欧洲原子能联合三个共同体的合称。能联合三个共同体的合称。1967年年7月月1日这三个组织实行合日这三个组织实行合并,把原来各自的执行机构合成一个机构。目前欧洲共同体并,把原来各自的执行机构合成一个机构。目前欧洲共同体设有四个主要机构,即部长理事会、委员会、欧洲议会和法设有四个主要机构,即部长理事会、委员会、欧洲议会和法院。总部设在布鲁塞尔。院。总部设在布鲁塞尔。Related Technical T

64、erms Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 2. budget 1) An account of probable future income (money coming in) and expenditure (money going out ) during a stated period, usu. a year, used as a guide in making financial arrangements. 预算预算 关于未来一个规定的时间内(通常是一年)收入关于未来一个规定的时间内(通常是一年)收入

65、和支出的账户,用作财务安排的指导。和支出的账户,用作财务安排的指导。 Related Technical Terms Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 2) The budget, the British Governments formal plan for future national revenue and expenditure which is put before Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer usu. Once each year, ma

66、king proposals for changes in taxation which later become law in the yearly Finance Act. 预算案预算案 英国政府关于未来国家岁入和支出的正式计划,通常英国政府关于未来国家岁入和支出的正式计划,通常 每年一次由财政大臣递交给议会,该计划可提出税收改革的每年一次由财政大臣递交给议会,该计划可提出税收改革的建议,然后此建议在年度财政法案中就成为法律。建议,然后此建议在年度财政法案中就成为法律。Related Technical Terms Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are

67、 You Preparing For? 3) An account of the probable cost of carrying out a plan or programme for a special purpose. 预算预算 为了某个专门目的而实行一项计划或项目可能需要为了某个专门目的而实行一项计划或项目可能需要的费用的账目。的费用的账目。Related Technical Terms Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 1. Complete the following sentences, using

68、 attributive clauses. 1. This is the hotel _(我我们们去去年年夏天住的旅馆夏天住的旅馆). 2. She didnt tell me the reason _(她拒绝她拒绝这份工作的原因这份工作的原因). 3.There are times _(这样的事是必要的这样的事是必要的). 4. Well put off the picnic until next week, _ (那时天气可能会好一点那时天气可能会好一点). 5. I am off to St. James Park, _(在那里我得在那里我得做一个关于戏剧的报告做一个关于戏剧的报告).

69、Grammar Exercises for Attributive Clause Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For?1. where we were staying last summer2.why she refused the job offer3. when such things are necessary4. when the weather will be better5.where I have to give a lecture on the theatreKey Grammar Exercises

70、for Attributive Clause Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 2. Combine the sentences in each group by using the connectives given. Model: A. 1994 was the year. B. She was born in 1994. (when). 1994 was the year when she was born. 1. A. He took me aboard the boat. B. We had a tiny

71、 cabin aboard the boat( where). 2. A. Give me one reason. B. Why should we help you? (why) 3. A. Ill never forget the days. B. In the days I stayed in your beautiful country. (when) 4. A. The reason is to tell you a party on Saturday. B. Why am I writing to you ? (why) 5. A. September 18, 1931 was t

72、he day. B. They first met each other on the day. (when)Grammar Exercises for Attributive Clause Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing For? 1. He took me aboard the boat where we had a tiny cabin. 2. Give me one reason why we should help you. 3. Ill never forget the days when I stayed in your beautiful country. 4. The reason why Im writing to you is to tell you a party on Saturday. 5. September 18, 1931 was the day when they first met each other. Key Grammar Exercises for Attributive Clause



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