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1、The different traffic rules The different traffic rules in China and the UKin China and the UK(适用于六年级学生(适用于六年级学生) )Amy is welcoming Annie from the UK AnnieBig BenThe London BridgeThe London EyeHave a look at the buses and tell the differences Bus in ChinaBus in the UKthe doorIn China, the doors are

2、on the _. In the UK, the doors are on the _. rightleftLearning tips ( (学习方法小提示学习方法小提示) )在寻找答案时可以根据自己的所需快速浏览,获取关键信息。在寻找答案时可以根据自己的所需快速浏览,获取关键信息。Amy: Its good to see you, Annie.Annie: You too, Amy. I missed you.Amy: Lets take a bus home. We must cross the road. In the UK you drive on the left side. In

3、China, people drive on the right side.Annie: I see we must look right before we crossing the road. Amy: No, first left and then right!Amy: Look, the bus is over there! Annie: Wow, its a double-decker! The same as in London.Annie: Where is the door? Amy, there is no door on the bus! Amy: Haha, youre

4、looking at the wrong side again. Annie: You too, Amy. I missed you. Read and try to find more differences. (读并找出更多的不同)In the UKyou drive on the left side. In China, people drive on the right side.we must look right before we crossing the road.first left and then right!Youre looking at the wrong side

5、 again.Where is the door? Amy, there is no door on the bus!Read again, then fill in the blanks. (读一读,完成表格) Amy: In the UK you drive on the left side. In China, people drive on the right side. Annie: I see we must look right before we crossing the road. Amy: first left and then right! Annie: Where is

6、 the door? Amy, there is no door on the bus! Amy: Haha, youre looking at the wrong side again. countriesthings In the UKIn Chinadriverspassengers(行人)doorson the right sideon the left sidelook left first look right first on the lefton the righton the left sideon the right sidelook rightleftTry to und

7、erstand the connections among the three traffic rules in China(尝试理解一下三条交通规则之间的联系) 1. In China, people drive on the right side. 2. The doors are on the right side 3. People look left first before crossing the road.Try to understand the connections among the three traffic rules in the UK(尝试理解一下三条交通规则之

8、间的联系) 1. In the UK, people drive on the left side. 2. The doors are on the left side 3. People look right first before crossing the road. Choose the right pictures for the blanks.In China, the doors of the buses are _. In the UK, the doors of the buses are _.ABAB Choose the right pictures for the bl

9、anks.AB In China, people drive on _. In the UK. people drive on _.AB Choose the right pictures for the blanks.BA In China, people look _ first before crossing the road. In the UK, people look _ first before crossing the road. BA Do you know the traffic rules in China and the UK. Today let me tell yo

10、u something about that. In China , the doors of the buses are on the _. In the UK, the doors of the buses are on the _. In China, people drive on the _ side. In the UK, people drive on the _ side. Whats more, people in China look _ first before crossing the road. But in the UK, people look _ first b

11、efore crossing the road. Its very interesting, isnt it. Try to know more about the traffic rules in other countries. Can you fill in the blanks?rightleftrightleftrightleftleftrightTraffic rules in Japan countriesthings In Japandriverspassengers(行人)doors on the left sidelook right first on the leftDo in Rome as the Romans do.入乡随俗入乡随俗 Thank you !



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